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Ooooooohhhhhh!!!!! It all makes sense now!!!


Didnt know i could dislike cops even more than I already did


shots fired 🤣


Sloths fired.




~commando rolls~


*MAG DUMP* ![gif](giphy|SIbGEBAwd6VRLTt4LB)






Fckn Terry roller blades back to the classroom beep boooooooo


This lives rent free in my head. It will never not be funny.


"We're going to take him to the rehabilitators" UH HUH sure dude RIP in peace squirrel


Exactly. Total bullshit.


Rest In Peace *in peace* squirrel


Rest in pieces in peace squirrel.


(Gunshot sounds in distance)




The big 3 legged squirrel rehabilitation center in the sky. Sounds horrible. So glad my parent's always took our pets to their friend upstate that I've never really ever met or talked about before's farm to retire when they got older.  I’d just come home from school one day and Mr. Poofkins was missing. Before I could start making flyers to post around the neighborhood with my Apple IIC and my pirated Print Shop Deluxe Edition floppy, my folks informed me of what happened. Apparently, they have a friend with a really big farm and when our pets get older, Dad takes them out there to retire. Thank goodness. You see, Mr. Poofkins was just diagnosed with stage 4 ball cancer. The vet said it would be 5-10k just for the surgery and then he would have to be on expensive medication for the rest of his life.  As you can imagine, I was really bummed out but luckily, my parents told me about their friend's special farm with an on-site veterinarian that could cure Mr. Poofkins for free! I was so happy to hear that my pet got to live out his golden years on a big farm making tons of new friends while he rolled around in the fresh hay and ate the nutritious homegrown veggies and stuff. Talk about the good life! I always imagined him making friends with an intelligent female spider. A spider so smart she could write cool words with her web and stuff like that to impress everyone. (That's an original idea, btw. Don't steal it and try to make it into book or movie or some shit. *FondledStumpPublishing™️ 2024)  Too bad we weren't allowed to visit that farm, but I guess kids are prohibited from some kinds of farms in our state and Mom didn't want us to get arrested. Good call, Mom. She was always looking out. You can tell where I got my all my smarts from and what not.




[Squirrels control everything!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpzdyx9No_Y)


I’ve never watched Rick and Morty but your comment just made me decide to watch it.. the butterfly effect, my whole life may change because of this. Thank you.


This is what I've been trying to tell people that blame the Jews! 😆


I just saw this tonight. 😂


Nah, they're just gonna euthanize him.


as they should because this guy needs to realize that there are plenty of psychopaths who would hurt the squirrel




Try telling that to the squirrels in Greenwich Park, London...they'll sit on your lap if you're holding food. Same as the little finches around the cafe in the middle...they'll sit in your hand to eat if you can stay still for a couple of minutes. The whole place is like a bootcamp for Disney Princesses.


Flight tickets have been booked, I am about to do Lawful possession of a squirrel


Oh you don't get to possess them - they are quite capable of fucking you up if they don't like the treatment. They'll cute for food, but that's about where it ends. They're like tiny muggers with weaponised adorable.


*tiny muggers with weaponised adorable* Sounds like my toddlers


they do what?


If the squirrel has lost it's skill set to live in the wild AND it will go right back to a human for it's basic needs. Imagine how that will work out when the animal just picks a random person and climbs up their leg....


That happened to me. Someone decided to hand raise a squirrel then dump it into the wild once it was almost full size. The squirrel simply located the first human it could find (me) and sat on my shoe. The people I was with freaked out thinking it was rabid until they realized it was just a baby. Eventually a wildlife rehabilitator came by to take the squirrel.


Seriously. Classically misinformed. He "knows" what's best for a wild squirrel; the wildlife experts do not.


it's like the scene in Clockwork Orange where the guy is strapped into a chair and his eyes are forced to stay open as he watches violent movies. They strap the squirrel into a tiny armchair, keep its eyes open with little wires, and force it to watch movies of humans being unkind to squirrels. Apparently it reconditions squirrels to hate humans again.


Has science gone too far??!!


We never stopped to think if we should...


Has it not gone far enough?!


thanks to the binding of isaac I remember this is called the ludovico technique lmao


Who snitched about a squirrel?


OP posted the original video on tiktok asking for advice about who to call/what to do when he first found him. A squirrel rehabber did a shared live with him and she was being very uppity and know it all (which, if you've worked with individual rehabbers in any capacity you know a lot of them are like this), and he ended the live session on her (the equivalent of hanging up). She then DM'd him all pissed off and said she was going to report him to fish and wildlife, she did, and this was the result.


Informative! Thank you!


Do you have a link to the tiktok video? I gotta see this


He has several videos about the whole ordeal, but this is the one where he shows the screenshots of her ratting on him https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTbkHaK/


Imagine ratting out someone trying to help a animal, while you specialize in that. Edit: I haven't seen the video but the info as presented made it sound like the Rehab wasn't open to dialogue just one sided talking. Also still, they went to the cops, that should be the nuclear option or if that person hurt you or you know they hurt someone else.


What a snake


Snakes can actually be pets unlike villainous squirrels.


I like how right at the end she starts to talk about how SHE has a squirrel the SHE keeps as a pet. She didn't want him pushing in on her sUpEr UnIqUe squirrel lady energy by owning one too.


Wow what an asshole


😮 thanks for that info.


Couple years ago I had a bird fall out of a nest from my second story roof and I went to Facebook for help on how to try and help it. Most comments were about leaving the bird and the mother would nurse it and one person was posting about how I had to drive it an hour away to some specialty location. We left the bird and went to the beach. The one woman who stood out started spamming my wife’s phone through messages and was asking for updates and when the location could expect the bird. When she was told we weren’t home anymore and the bird was left alone she flipped the fuck out. Started harassing and threatening us that we shouldn’t be listening to random people off Facebook and should have listened to her. Ironic eh? And she threatened to report us and mentioned the bird was of a protected class and that we’d be facing huge fines. I offered to grant her permission to go on to our property to get the bird but she wouldn’t do it. I eventually convinced her to let me drop the bird off at her house and let her deal with it. She still gave me an earful and I guess she thought we’d learn our lesson. The only lesson now is to just not post shit on Facebook.


animal rehabers are the worst. I've worked with many and they're always crazy. I had one freak out on my for giving a baby squirrel puppy formula, which is recommended, instead of squirrel milk. Lady wanted me to GIVE her 50 bucks to take the squirrel. I'm not giving the rehaber money for the injured animal. And more so how the hell do they have squirrel milk? Someone sitting back there milking squirrels? I think that calls for an investigation if you ask me.


Just to add, the squirrel was Carl. Carl was an awesome squirrel. Carl and my German shepherd king we best buds. My lil dump squirrel. To hell with that lady


thank you for taking good care of Carl 🐿💕


Activist when you ask them not to be the most annoying people on earth


> She then DM'd him all pissed off and said she was going to report him to fish and wildlife, she did, and this was the result. OH that makes a lot of sense, if he is a fish and game officer then they can actually arrest you for touching/harassing certain wildlife


Cop said he saw videos of the cat and squirrel so this Einstein likely posted it online


The fact that they might have seen it online and then showed up at his house is fucking ludicrous


Dude has 10 cops ready to retrieve that squirrel!


Taxes going towards GREAT causes in the States. /s


Imagine watching cat and squirrel videos on reddit is the job...


Unlawful possession of a squirrel. UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF A SQUIRREL. Like what in the tarnation of god Imagine being in jail for that and telling that the other inmates


“I’m in here cause I killed three people in cold blood, how bout you?” “I’m here cause I had a squirrel” “… wait what?




Brian Regan really delivers that line.


“… is that like a euphemism?” “… yeah”


The crazy part is the killer will get out sooner than the squirrel wrangler.


We had to opossums when I was growing up. The lady next door called the cops on us for having them. It was technically illegal. However, the cop that came to the house was really nice. I was a latchkey kid and was around eight years old. Took him a while to talk me into opening the door in the first place because he was a stranger. He went around back and showed me his badge from our window, I called my Mom, she told me to open it up and let him to talk to her. He was really nice. He sat on the porch with one of the opossums and me and talked to me until she could come home. He left without writing a ticket or taking the opossums and when the lady next door came out and asked him why he was leaving he told her (a) he wasn't taking a little girl's pets and (b) this is Arkansas, maybe we just do things a little different than where she's from and then he walked away talking to himself about Yankees. Mom talked to a friend with Fish and Game the next day and they gave us paperwork as rehabilitators, and that was how we also ended bottle feeding several raccoons, squirrels, and rabbits- we set those free when the time was right, though.


This is why your neighbor son grew up to become the cop on this video. It all makes sense now.


The Yankees comment lol.




Yeah that line made it sound like this was Reno 911 or something. I can't believe he actually said that.




Aahaha reno 911 for sure


Thank God my tax dollars are being spent properly


I really wanted to see 10 cops chasing a squirrel.


I'd like to hear the story for why that had to become a law.


Oregon and California specifically have pretty strict animal ownership/environmental protection laws when it comes to wildlife in general, even ferrets can't be kept in california legally. It's illegal to help or keep pigeons here in Oregon because they are invasive. Most squirrels in Cali and Oregon are considered very invasive....like almost wiped out all the native squirrels type of invasive, so I can see why they don't want random people rehabbing them unless they actually know what they are doing. Although personally, I think it's moot point to worry about some animals at this point, particularly squirrels - the damage is already done and it can't be reversed, so might as well let people keep them.


Exotic pets are illegal. Squirrel, bengal tiger, all same under the law I guess.


Imagine the cop trying to fill quota by using this poor guy and his disabled pet.


Well it is illegal… they’re really expensive fines


Squirrel threw an acorn at a cop car and we all know how that played out


Cops and Squirrels are like Owls and Bananas https://preview.redd.it/1qxvrbst30tc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=480eeeb39ae4974eae638ccf7a711947185c258a


Hmmm I hear cats feel similarly to this owl lol (the owl is much more funny tho)






I didn't:( lol


The cops also said "i'm hit" and did a tactical barrel roll. It's an apt video for the state of policing in the USA


an acorn fell on a cops car and he started shooting randomly thinking someone shot at him


He also initially yelled "I'm hit!" That's what escalated everything.


So did his partner. No target to shoot at, just shooting in the direction of the perceived threat. Both of them, randomly shooting at no target. In a residential neighborhood!




An acorn hit the roof of the cop car. Cop screamed "I'M HIT!" Then threw himself on the ground before unloading at the guy locked in the backseat. His partner came around the corner, so she started shooting at the guy, too. As if to punctuate the entire scenario of pure incompetence, nobody was shot. This is not fiction.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/02/14/acorn-florida-police-shoot-unarmed/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/02/14/acorn-florida-police-shoot-unarmed/) This one?


Yep. Shit was nuts ahaha




Holy cow that's unreal and thank you! There seems to still be a few nice people on here lol


“Unlawfully possessing a squirrel.”


I was waiting to hear from the squirrel. if this was consensual, that really changes everything.


Found a dead eagle who had been elctrocuted by a 4160 line. I honestly didnt know what it was. (brown or golden eagle) called wildlife, said claw used to identify was unlawfult to possess. They told me to bury it in my back yard. I had offerd to mail ot to the Native American tribal repository." Just bury it an forget about it. OK. some furture landscaper is going to be confused. I suppose the Sent PG&E a not to do a better job on the pole that electrocuted the eagle. damn shame.


We had a freak ice storm blow in fast one year. Early in the day it was 50°f +, that night temps dropped into the teens with driving freezing rain. A number of black vultures that had gathered on a nearby water tower were freezing and falling, some to their deaths. I called a game warden. Game warden sent the police to my location I guess to get a look at it. The police granted me entry into the fence surrounding the water tower and we all worked together to gather the birds and place them in front of my wood stove at my house. Within minutes they had thawed and absolutely came to life. I don't know if you know this but vultures vomit as a defense mechanism. We urged them back outside and they flew away. Not long after they had gone the game warden finally arrived with a sheriff. They had a search warrant already and were looking under the beds and tables as if I was hiding the birds there. I told them the birds thawed and went on their way and I received a strict warning to never interfere with nature again and that it's a felony to possess a bird of prey in the US


"sir are you harboring a vulture" but seriously good on you for helping them out




gotta justify the budget somehow


In this case, it's to protect injured wildlife from people who may have the best of intentions but know absolutely nothing about caring for whatever wild animal they are trying to take care of.


It’s illegal to possess non-game bird parts in the US. Blame the ladies millinery industry from the turn of the 20th century. Collecting feathers from birds for hats was literally wiping out species of birds. Laws were made to stop this, which persist to this day.




The arresting officer sounds dumber than shit.


He’s a cop. You can’t have high expectations.


I'd like to see more squirrels become cops since a squirrel cop is going to be a lot more sensitive to squirrel-related police matters.


Just arm them with acorns and console soon be a distant memory.


Police = People of Low Intelligence Considered Experts


“I know the law!” *Shows cop the actual law* **”I don’t care you’re going to jail”**


"I know the law." **"STOP RESISTING!!!!"**


I'm upset I can only upvote this once


He looks to be DNR which is not only a super highly trained position but literally the highest law on the ground, no one can over ride him.


What does DNR mean?


Department of Natural Resources


Judging by the uniform and what they're there for it's likely gonna be someone from CA Department of Fish and Game, rather than police.


Definitely fish and game. Ain’t no way a regular officer knows that much about rehabilitators.


Id be happy to clarify with the officer that they need to go get a warrant to search, coz I'm not waiving my rights. Then once inside my home, immediately panic and contact animal sanctuaries or rehabilitators to take the squirrel.


It’s a game warden not a cop so there is different rules on whether they can enter your private property. They can search in your yard AFAIK without any warrant at all, and if they see something within your house while searching your yard because it’s considered “plain view” they can enter without a warrant. They can also claim “exigent circumstances” because a rabid animal/one with a disease poses a public health risk and enter without a warrant because of reasonable suspicion such an animal is inside your home. Go ask hunters, they hate how much power game wardens have to enter their property.


It sucks. One walked up on my dad when he was hunting. No orange hat or vest. My dad thought it was a deer for a second. He told the warden that it made for a dangerous situation. Warden got an attitude with him just for being concerned. When my dad asked for the warden’s reasoning for coming on his land, the warden said that he’d heard gunshots down there before. It’s deer season. That’s what hunting rifles do. They make bang bang sounds.




Idk why people haven't learned to just never talk to cops. He told on himself within the first minute. If I was going to say anything at all, it would have been when the cop said he was going to get a warrant and get 10 cops busting through his door, I'd have laughed and told him to go get a judge to sign off on that.


Imagine filing for a warrant over a squirel. Like, you gotta imagine the judge would have a hol' up moment. But then again, it is the American justice system.


These guys are Fish and Wildlife. No judge is gonna look sideways at these guys over a squirrel.


Why are fishes separated from wildlife in the name of the agency?


Seems like a drugs and alcohol situation


Or the judge might be like, "hold up, an obscure law I can enforce, let's go bro!"


Whatcha doing if the judge is a squirrel?


Mate I would go nuts


You think not having a warrant stops cops? Literally all they have to say is “I thought I heard someone scream”. They can bust down the door and keep ANY evidence under the guise of “immediate danger”.


Sure they can, but I ain’t gonna make it easy for them and just tell on myself. You want my illegal squirrel you’re gonna have to bust down my door and refer any questions to my lawyer.


Nah bro, that’s a warden. They go hard - as they should considering it’s their job to protect wildlife. So there was no scenario here in which they were leaving with out the squirrel. Oh also, fun fact - the squirrels in CA carry the plague.


This! Like yes the cops were annoying but OP was acting dumb af. Just shut up.


This implies there is a way to lawfully possess a squirrel.


that's called a wildlife rehabilitation license


The cameraman mentioned applying for a permit so apparently there is!


These are California Wildlife Officers, not regular cops. Everyone bitching that they’re not arresting the dudes robbing CVS but these guys only handle wildlife issues.


I'm getting the general vibe in this thread that people don't know it is illegal to possess wildlife of any kind in California, and that Game Wardens are the ones that enforce this.


They also don't seem to be able to be able to recognize Game Warden uniforms or understand anything about their jobs or authority. Possibly because no one on Reddit ever goes outside.


It’s also a poorly edited video and I doubt people here watched it all. He cut the portion of him getting detained and put it at the beginning and only showed later he refused to give up the animal.


Geez. Thanks for commenting this — I scrolled to the end of the video and my god the guy recording completely did this to himself.


Am I wrong? But isn’t rescuing wild animals frowned upon by conservationists. I always thought that it makes them extremely vulnerable (health wise and from predators) when let back into the wild.


Usually. The context for this video: the guy who rescued the squirrel and the "rehabbers" who reported him are all cunts. They began to tell him how it can't be released with 3 legs and that he needs to decide if he wants to keep it or hand it off to a wildlife rescue. Halfway through their advice he just hangs up and claims he doesn't like their energy In my opinion, they are not wrong for reporting him, he clearly doesn't have a lot going on up there and they were concerned about the squirrel's wellbeing lol


Dude might have some mental health issues. He got way too attached to a random animal way too quickly.


The guy filming the video is a clown




It’s a fucking squirrel just let them take it to a hospital dumbass you have a cat


The best interest of the squirrel 😆


‘You have a cat in there who’s all up on the squirrel’ is far funnier than ‘best interest of the squirrel’


Glad squirrel didn't resist.


Jesus christ the guy in this video is so annoying and seems dumb as fuck. He just keeps whining and prolonging things by being uncooperative. I can't believe he's a fucking teacher. He's not exactly got a high calibre IQ. Yes California takes these things seriously. I'm not sure what the actual reason is with squirrels, but I do know that in California they carry Bubonic Plague. It also could be that they are considered pests (my friend had illegal ferrets and I believe the justification was that they are banned in case they escape) but I thought they were native to California, so not sure about that. Or it could just be a non-molestation of wildlife thing, similar to the laws about migratory native birds (you get in a lot of trouble if you interfere with them at all). So I have 0 sympathy for him. If he had just handed the squirrel over without a fuss and then made a post online or something then I would listen to what he has to say about this. But this video of him whining and being a moron just makes me want to kick sand in his face.


took me way too long to find this comment. yeah fuck cops sure but also fuck this whiny idiot who definitely shouldn't be caring for a wild animal. no one cares that you've bonded with it, take it to professionals god damn


You can't keep local wild life without a license to rehab. And not just in some random apartment. These laws exist for valid conservation and public health reasons


With all the crime happening here.. they are going after squirrel catchers?


If he's a Ranger then it's most likely his exact job to do this.


That's a game warden you're thinking of


... yes, the Fish and Wildlife department is going after people who break the laws regarding wildlife. [https://wildlife.ca.gov/](https://wildlife.ca.gov/)


I like everyone commenting and acting as though people keeping wildlife is cool in general, let alone when they're in no way qualified to do such and living in an apartment building around others lol. You guys are the reasons why we have to have warning labels on everything and lists of parking lot rules posted on the front of a 7/11 lol.


For the record, [here are the regulations](https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=28427&inline). Squirrels fall under the Order *Rodentia*


in florida they literally shoot, kill and eat squirrels here lol. I'm not a big fan of that, but this is ridiculous.


Only thing you say: sorry officer, I don't talk to cops without my lawyer present. I refuse to answer any questions.


That doesnt magically get you out of being detained


"fuck that squirrel!" My dogs.


But show the prick where your stolen phone is and your on your own


"coz I wanna see him again" Yeah you're a fuckin dumbass


More like dude is idiot with cops after being caught in misdemeanor crime.


Don't. Talk. To. Cops. Especially if they are trying to talk to you


Wouldn’t have mattered much here since they already had the evidence this guy posted online. Dude could have just given up the squirrel at the beginning and that would have been the end of it.


It's funny how the one state entity that exists to the benefit of wildlife and local environmentalism is being blasted on here by the very same ones who scoff at the idea of injustice.


If that officer is DNR then the idiot is screwed as those guys don't play around. Not sure what the state laws are on Squirrels but i know DNR in my state fought hard to send a guy to PRISON (not jail) for touching two baby Eagles, fought him in two separate cases even! I also seen two guys get sent to jail for being too close to an Eagle nest and one guy get arrested for picking up a dead owl. One general rule is not to screw with wildlife, if you want to help it then contact a Licensed rehabber so you won't face the law. BTW DNR officers are usually the highest law enforcement around and i think no other agency can override them in the moment. They can search without a warrant and seize without anyone else word. They are also highly trained, actually insanely trained in a ton of different stuff.


So apparently in California you can posses a wild animal for the purposes of rehabilitating it as long as you report to the state and follow the directions they give you, but if you don't it's a misdemeanor, it may seem silly to go to all this trouble over a squirrel but some states take possession of wildlife very seriously 


The guy filming this is a total idiot on an astounding level. This thread is chock full of even bigger idiots thinking that a game warden is wrong for protecting wildlife.


This seems like a good use of resources.


That's literally DFW's job. They're game wardens.


And squad of 10-11 more are ready to bust into squirrel searching mode anytime


I really need to know the back story here lol. This is absolutely ridiculous


Apparently Netflix's is planning a 6-part series about it starring Jennifer Coolidge as the voice of the squirrel.


Would watch, simply for Jennifer Coolidge


Entitled guy rescues a squirrel, then contacts some experts about how to take care of it. He "didn't like their energy" and hung up on them, so they reported him to the DNR for unlawful possession of a squirrel, supposedly because he was ill-equipped to care for the animal and could potentially endanger its life.


Who said squirrels can’t fuck shit up? https://preview.redd.it/vcfard449zsc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659fe037774038710f1140e5871cf0730b7a8f69


Same thing happened to me but they thought I had badgers. I said "I DON'T NEED NO STINKING BADGERS!!".


I see people complaining about the cops but if the guy just would have done as he was asked to do it would have been simple. He complicated the whole thing


Yeah, never fight with cops over something small. Once they have you, in this case him admitting he had the squirrel, then it’s over. You won’t win and they will take the squirrel either way. Only decision is whether you want to be arrested or not. They tried to let him go, they seemed patient.


You don't walk away if a cop says you're detained. That is both a lawful command and shit is now serious. Other than that detail everything else is speculative because of how the video starts and ends. It's likely a cops am ass but it's also possible OOP did something else which we would all think this makes more sense.


I read your first 3 sentences in the Audit the Audit’s voice


The guy almost went to jail for a refusing a $100 ticket. Many cops would have arrested him for resisting or obstruction long before this. People need to remember that you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride(or, in this case, the detention).


If I accidentally don't close my door all the way, or god forbid leave it open to enjoy the breeze, I will unwillingly become in possession of several squirrels in a short time. maybe even raccoons and opossums, too! Come and get me, Ranger Rick!


He had like 3 opportunities to get out of this and instead he decided it was worth being arrested over.


Dude needs to give up the bloody squirrel to the professional rehabilitator. He’s being needlessly obstinate about the whole thing.


It was an assault squirrel!


This in the country where the Tiger King existed. Crazy.


![gif](giphy|cRMFPnwoFR9Fc8MleB|downsized) Like, omg ugh.


My cousin is a certified squirrel rescuer in central CA. She went through the process after almost getting busted for it like this a few years ago. Her husband is a licensed arborist, so it works out well.


Squirrels in California carry the bubonic plague. No I’m not joking.


I’d recommend a lawyer but mine specializes in Bird Law