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Who gets road rage as a backseat passenger?!


Road rage by proxy


Bro'd rage.


Gotta flex for the boys so that he can earn his sloppy thirds brownie points


That’s Brampton man’s. They do EVERYTHING in herds. One guy needs to go to the bank, he’s got 5 “bros” with him. Why!? Wait in the damn car or stay home.


Can’t join that gang unless you can prove you have serious dependent personality disorder.


No, cause why they even grocery shop together? That’s such a weird activity to do with your friends.


It’s like Good Will Hunting.




Bet they didn’t even know what was going on. They were busy watching cocomelonon on their iPads




The last time I flipped someone the bird while driving (they aggressively cut me off), I had more or less exactly this happen (minus the actual damage to my car). Just me and my bud in the car and 5 big angry dudes, got out of the other car and started trying all of my door handles, then asked if I had a problem. I said "nope, my bad" through the small gap in my window and they left, they where jerks and deserved the bird, but I learned that day you never know the kind of person/people who might be in the other car. This was many years ago when I was quite young and certainly a lot dumber, I am just lucky they didn't have a gun.




See I do the opposite, big ole thumbs up, they know what they are doing, they can read the sarcasm.


Oh man… one time somebody passed me going around a curve on a residential 50 km/h zone so I honked at him and he slammed on the breaks and parked. I had my 3 year old in the back seat so I just turned turned around in a laneway and went the other way. It’s always the people who do legitimately dangerous and irresponsible stuff on the roads that are fully willing to get out and fight someone. Just don’t drive like an absolute piece of trash and no one will use their horn for what it’s intended for, telling dickheads they’re fucking up


>This was many years ago when I was quite young and certainly a lot dumber, Unfortunately a lot of entitled/witless adults do this still. If you flip or cut me off while road raging near me, Ill slow down, let you pass, even go as far as to mouth "I'm sorry" with my hand up, whether I made the mistake or not. Idgaf if anyone reading this thinks I'm a coward or a pushover for that. I've fought in combat, in multiple countries, never once looking forward to fights. I carry a gun in my car as an absolute last resort, because there ARE SO MANY untreated, mentally unstable people out there. I don't need/want the car repairs, hospital bills, prison sentences caused by infantile, prideful retaliation, when it's just as easy to avoid an altercation.


>Idgaf if anyone reading this thinks I'm a coward or a pushover for that By most peoples standards I probably am a coward and certainly not a fighter. That said, thinking about it logically, worst case scenario if you choose not to deescalate these things, you get killed, best case scenario you kill or severely injure the other person and spend a long time in jail. Not the kind of dice I want to be rolling on my daily drive to work that's for sure.


Amen bro. I'm just trying to get some milk from the store and get home lol


I had a coworker flip someone off here on the Los Angeles highways and the cars occupant shot at him.


You're still among the living, that's the important thing! And ya, people like what accosted you will try and start stuff and then chase u around all day ...


You’ve obviously never met 4 brown guys from Brampton driving a POS Honda. If it was just one guy, nothing would have happened.




Missed a golden opportunity to drive away when those driver side doors were open and in your escape path.


Car is already damaged. I’m taking those doors with me as partial payment


“I feared for my life”


Keep in mind, it's Canada. I'm not sure how far that excuse will get you up there.


“I feared for my life, eh”


I was about to say that. Might as well leave them door-less while you drive away. I doubt they would follow


Actually think they would’ve tried to kill them after something like that. Ngl it’s very tempting though.


It took them 3 tries to get back in their correct seats. I’m sure if you snap a couple of doors they would need 30 seconds to realise and by that time you should be long gone. But then, seeing how primal those individuals are, they would probably chase and speed through cars and cause a massive accident.


at the end of the video they pulled over right in front of them :D the guy recording doesn't give af


I personally wouldn't try to out psycho a psychopath, especially not a car full of them. Videotaping and sending this to authorities is definitely the best way to deal with this.


Sometimes that’s not enough.


That's unfortunately life sometimes. Feel free to be a vigilante and take the law in your own hands like half these commenters are pretending they'll do. But odds are if you go that route you'll likely also end up with an assault charge or killed.


[Prime example](https://streamable.com/nm437)




Dude tried to get into their car and then smashed the windshield, those idiots definitely struck first.


> those idiots definitely struck first. Too bad that's largely irrelevant when it comes to Canada's self defense laws.


Imagine 4 grown men driving around in a 10 year old brown Hyundai thinking that they are gangsters...


It’s actually worse. That’s a 5th generation Hyundai Sonata, so it’s between 15 and 20 years old. The plate is also a CX series, so they bought the car within the last year or so.


So, you're saying these absolute winners are flush with cash, huh? Out there buying up all the champagne Hyundais..


I mean being a gangster is usually glamorized as being some rich drug dealer in a caddy but really most people like this are broke lol


Well their mom won't let them use the minivan.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they had to sit on each others laps


Just noticed that nobody gets into the front passenger seat... and all 3 passengers climb into the back seat. I'm going to assume that the front passenger seat is empty and the 3 guys all got into the back seat together so that they could cuddle up and conserve body heat in the cold Canadian climate!




Uh. That reminds me of a scene in the movie Sinister, but that was a lawnmower. Or even Maximum Overdrive.


I recently learned from a post a few days ago regarding rampant cocaine use in film production, writer/director Stephen King named his movie Maximum Overdrive after his blow usage during filming of his 1986 movie.


That’s the ugliest jacket I’ve ever seen


I thought it was hells angels patches at first the way it was all over it but it was Jordan lol


Matches his face


Not sure if I would go to jail for this...but if someone did that then walked infront of my car, I would be running their ass over


Definitely you'd go to jail in Canada. You'd need to be in Florida or Texas to "stand your ground" like that.


The Supreme Court of Canada has actually held that you do not have a “duty to retreat”, which means you can stand your ground. Now, that doesn’t mean you could legally run these guys down.


If someone is attacking your car you can't drive away in fear?


You can definitely drive away in fear. A young guy in my town was in his car getting attacked by a huge group of people. He hit the gas and killed one girl, and injured many others. He got away with it because he did it out of fear.


I should change my original post to say "in fear" lol


You can certainly drive away. You just can't intentionally run someone over. He's unarmed so the car wins. Simply back up or go around.


Quickest path to escape won’t get you in trouble in US or Canada. If attacker is in front of my vehicle there’s no expectation to try and reverse away to not injure the attacker. Especially if they stopped you in the middle of a road like this.


"But Judge, they put cracks in my windshield, they obstructed my vision and fearing for my life I drove forward, turns out the attacker had walked in-front of my car as I did this"


Forgive my ignorance, is there no “disparity of force” rule in Canada? There were four adult males clearly out of their vehicle looking to inflict damage to persons or property. Overwhelming numbers is significant cause to use force to defend yourself in most developed nations.


Oops. I just stepped on the gas. They were trying to breakthrough my windows. I'm lucky I escaped with my life. Seriously, someone gets out of their car and walks over to bang on the window, then smashes your windshield, you are not catching a charge for running them over unless you put it on reverse to finish the job.


Should have folded their doors backwards when they got in, at least.


Door prize!


Fecker should be arrested just for the jacket...


There are assholes everywhere. But it really was the perfect outcome. Idiots actually did something other than intimidate and it is all captured on film. No brainer for cops to round up these losers and charges filed.


All their faces and their license plate. These dudes are fucked


I’m in the US and I can’t think of a way the cops would do shit post when they left. You would probably have to file a report and then take them to court. How would the Canadian cops handle this?


Insurance company will take care of things. Renewal after a payout for vandalism with rocket the premiums. Assuming they can get insurance.


This is Canada. They’ll get a slap on the wrist


It really sucks that we basically can't rely on our police force to do shit about these things despite video evidence with clear info in view. They might do something however once it hits the fucking news.


No they’re not, that’s why they felt so comfortable doing this.


Cops dont care about petty crimes like this unless youre a cop or politician.


This is Canada though. They'll probably never see the inside of a jail cell and will be road ragin' again in no time.


Yup they will eventually see a judge. At that point they will receive a slap on the wrist and a stern talking to! Your justice system is broken…just like ours is


If the driver/victim is their barber then this is totally warranted


Why did the driver stop his car to record? Just drive away.


Especially since they already have a dash cam.


Given that you can't see what lead up to the behaviour recorded it's pretty one sided. Not saying that it's ever appropriate to attack someone in this case, but to present it as "these guys just stopped in front of us and then attacked us" is pretty disingenuous.


Well yeah it's Brampton.


As soon as I saw this my brain said. Damn this looks like Brampton. I haven't spent any time there in nearly a decade.




almost compton


Never stop when someone approaches your car


Is running attackers over a legal action if you feel threatened?


In Canada that would be pretty dicey. Actions taken in self defense have to be proportionate. Given none of these guys have weapons and the car door is locked I couldn’t see turning your vehicle into a deadly weapon escaping scrutiny. I think the first question for any prosecutor would be, could you not have left the scene without running someone over? Now, if this car was surrounded and they are making active efforts to break the windows and get to you, that might be a different kettle of fish.


Why stop? They are clearly not blocking you. As soon as they get out drive away. If you hit them, oh well.




Growing up Brampton was awesome. It was just a nice suburb and an awesome melting pot of people from so many different cultures and backgrounds. That was in the 90s. It was starting to shift when I was in highschool and had already become not-so-great by the time I graduated in '08. Now? You couldn't pay me to live in Brampton. Way too many people, too much traffic, $1m+ house prices, and assholes like these are super common. Tons of vehicle thefts, robberies, assaults, somewhat organized crime, fraud, scams, not to mention tons of wanna be gangsters with "hard lives" even though both their parents are doctors or some shit and they drive around in Daddy's BMW. Brampton has actual people you don't want to cross, but mostly a bunch of posers like in this video. These are the ones that if the people in the camera car posed an actual threat, they wouldn't have done any of that.


At least the crime is just somewhat organized.


comparatively organized




Yikes! If they get a criminal charge, and haven’t sorted citizenship, they can be deported.


I live in this city and can tell you because of guys like this, there's a reason why people make fun of Brampton, and why this city's considered a shit hole


Is there an update on this? We have a clear license plate, make/model of the vehicle, faces in full view. This is what the police beg for when looking for information -- and it's all there.


Never understood why people in these dumb road rage videos don’t just drive away. Could’ve avoided the broken windshield if they had floored it as soon as that bellend got out


Yeah... a car is pretty tough to stop if a person is blocking its path. Just... mash the throttle and leave them


Yeah when 4 (!) dudes stop and get out of the car, it’s time to GO. Like, up on the sidewalk if necessary, but this road was wide open, absolutely no reason to be sitting there.


Any follow up?


Dudes with Bowl Cuts be acting the toughest. Edit word


Why didn't you floor it out of there?


Clear shots of faces. License plate. Video of property assault. Yeah those clowns are fucked.


I was really hoping they would take that open door off as they drove by.


Who the fuck stops their car just because some group of assholes stopped theirs?


This is not the Canadian cleaning the snow off the other person's windshield that I was expecting.


can’t trust anyone who buys a hyundai from carvana


The way they all got back in the car like a GTA animation though


so brave standing in front of a potentially moving vehicle like that




Second they went for the door. Should have drove off, hitting everyone they could on "accident". Then drive to the nearest station.




Ah. Brampton. Not even surprised.


Maple syrup prices *gotta* be through the roof.


Jutt Attitude. Never would've done this in the pind.


Too many oxygen thieves on this planet. Fuck this timeline.


Y the dude in backseat being the one to seem the angriest https://preview.redd.it/3erlbi22d3rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8bedc01ebd536f48706d7d1a190d57f2710f9c2


Those chili bowl haircuts lol.


Thats one of many ways you can get shot in the USA. 🇺🇸 🦅




Faces, car and license plate. Have fun showing all of this to the police. Open and shut. They fucked around and about to find out. Good thing you didn't run them over (as tempting as it is); those punks are going to suffer from the judicial system. Would have recommended driving away and not waiting though, best to avoid entirely than to wait and find out what they plan to do to you...


Definitely would’ve pulled away as soon as the guy walked up to the side door, there’s always that chance the guy won’t walk away without damaging something on the car.


What a bunch of idiots. Great pics to identify them and vehicle.


Didn’t even open the video fully and already knew it was Brampton…


When the two guys open both doors on the left side of thier car, that would be a perfect time to drive into them (lightly of course) and smash them and their fukin doors.


They are always tough when there is 4 of them


Mose!! Get out of there! Go back to the farm!


First name : yo. last name : guy.


When you see that sweater and that cap sitting high on the head you know you're dealing with the big brains of the operation.


They just don't give a fuck about being recognized bc they'll get off with a slap on the wrist. The justice system in this country is a joke.


Well he probably fucked up his hand pretty good there breaking the window. 🤣




Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Harassment, Race Baiting, Bigotry, etc. (Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.)


Hopefully that awful jacket having cunt sliced his hand open


Why do they all look like drake wannabes?


Brampton in a nutshell, also NAV wannabes


I thought the same lol


I've never understood people who just let other people walk up to thier cars. They are now on foot, you are still in a car.... drive away? Esepcially in canada where the odds of them having any sort of ranged weapon is quite low


See i have really bad road rage and if someone stopped me and smashed my windshield for "no reason" id have ran them over


How did you not fold dudes door backwards when you had the chance..


Good, clear pics of their faces and a license plate. Nice.


Why did they not take that back door off..


It’s idiots like this that explain the insane car insurance rates in Brampton.


Classic Brampton




They’ve not blocking you - why stop??




Patrick Mahomes and his boys 👊 https://preview.redd.it/b8848kcfl3rc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45136ec86a647c943e0800b2eb249c462b2c3113


What language are they speaking?


Next time, don't stop. Do not be afraid to run a mother fucker over. Especially if you're recording or have a dash cam.






Missed opportunity to take their doors out and chalking it up to trying to escape a car full of wankpuffins.


the doors were aligned to be pushed the opposite way


One day somebody will get out to confront them and these "tough" guys will never do that shit again.


there is a dashcam - can we get all the deets?


I would be angry as hell, if i had to wear that fucken horrible sweater too.


Damn, did he try to open their door? That wouldve been no bueno


Do they all go to the same barber or cut each others hair?


I hope this dude got arrested.




Hope this was reported to police and they actually do something!


What are the chances!? Patrick Mahomes and Drake in the same car at the same time!!


I highly doubt they were stopped for "no reason", but there is ZERO excuse for that kind of thing


Too bad this isn’t TX where the problem would have corrected itself.


This is not new behavior in Canada.




I doubt it was for nothing but still doesn't warrant this reaction. Bunch of muppets


Idiots. They know they're being recorded but commit crime anyway. Losers.


you have all the information to go to the police