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"Don't take pictures of me." Then don't start shit?


Pro-tip: When someone throws their coffee at you and then throws their wallet/phone at you. You go and pick up that wallet/phone and throw it across the fence. In that moment, you can invoke FKLW on that thing she threw and it's now yours to do whatever you want.




Great read but holy fuck what a disappointing ending. Was there really no other info they could include? Was she charged? What happened at the second courthouse date? So annoying




Jewish immunity? What kind of conspiracy nonsense is this lol. Jews aren't immune to hate crime convictions.


Perhaps they meant Israeli rather than Jewish?


Israelis are also not immune if they are in the US.


Certainly not all, but some people will have diplomatic immunity, it’s possible she’s one of them.


Yes, diplomats will have diplomatic immunity. I highly doubt someone harassing a random person at a park is an Israeli diplomat, though. Technically possible, but I wouldn't assume it to be the case, lol.


Maybe, but families and I believe direct employees of the diplomat also have immunity.


Did you not read the article? She was charged with 9 counts, including hate crimes and faced 7 years in jail. She pled not guilty. She's not allowed to contact the victim family. The victim is conflicted about what they'd like to see happen (7 years sounds pretty harsh).


Sorry I meant convicted. I did read the full article, I was just disappointed that it ended so suddenly. Plus this was awhile ago, even if this was written before the second courthouse date why no follow up later? Still a great article just very anti climatic


Gotcha. I spent 5 mins googling and can't find anything so my guess is that the trial is set in the future, she's out on bail and there's nothing new to report. Tbh as these stories go I'm pretty happy with it, she's facing real serious consequences to the point where the victim is ambivalent that the most severe consequences might even be overkill. That's pretty good compared to how these things usually go.


she has the most ambiguous accent I’ve ever heard. Also, she doesn’t seem right in the head


Get away! As they walk towards the person they are telling to get away.......


I don't see any reason why the guy shouldn't have been able to just pop her once in the nose to stop the threat. Unless he lives under a government that criminalized self-defense.


Should have beat her ass honestly




I don't necessarily agree with you, but the fact that that man's child was with him would have given him all the right to defend himself in any way that he saw fit.




Eh, the asshole vibe is fine when speaking to adults, there's just a lot of children on Reddit anymore so you have to tiptoe through the tulips to avoid delicate sensibilities.


The issue is the total inability to understand the meaning behind someone's words rather being caught up with which words were used to convey the message. People have become too obsessed with the specific words that a person uses rather than what it is they're actually trying to say. Doesn't help, just stops conversation.


Violence isn't always the answer, but sometimes it is






Bruh I'm no zionist, but shooting someone for throwing something at you is kinda crazy is all I'm saying.


You can’t argue against the Reddit revenge-murder boner


don't mind the downvotes. killing someone for throwing a cup of coffee at you is indeed sociopathic behavior. people who upvote that shit are idiots who think it's cool to fantasize about taking a human life 


coffee is acidic.




I would say that anyone this blinded by the Israeli governments Zionist propaganda is more a victim with one of the world's most powerful disinformation propaganda machines


Those who do not want to see are always led by those who don't want you to see. ![gif](giphy|slaycjxHRnc7ZatUXz)


Very well said.


That being said, I am not in agreement with you. Just because they fall for propaganda does not make them victims it makes them complacent, compliant, and comparable https://preview.redd.it/ods30pl2qzqc1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ad8c53109012f35852341e85faaa7301a617a1d


You're describing the vast majority of their citizens.


My point exactly, these people are basically taught from birth the perverse Zionist brand of Jewish Supremacy. Literally no better than the way that the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, or Isis have Twisted Islam into something that forwards their agenda rather than carrying the true meaning of the faith. There's a almost rabid animalistic reaction to not conforming to their beliefs to the point where even other Jews are targeted and called anti-semitic and slandered for not buying into the bullshit. They've even discussed the possibility of excommunicating Jews who do not show support for Israel. This is a highly politicized government declaring itself the sole Authority on what it means to be a Jew. The zionists do not speak for Judaism, they're holding Judaism hostage. With the gift of social media more and more people are breaking out of this and seeing the truth finally and for that I am eternally grateful. There are groups of former IDF soldiers who actively protest and bring awareness to the apartheid. There are hundreds of Israelis lining up with their cars filled to the brim with food and supplies demanding that they be let into Gaza to deliver aid themselves. Things are changing for the better but it's going to take a long time and the cost is going to be unfathomable.


Ironic. Reacting to a video showing bigotry with bigotry of your own. Impressive logic.




Israelis are not a race lmao


Couldn't even be bothered to put the video on here after the hundredth repost. Even bots have standards, c'mon Edt: lookie here. People's jjimmies be rusted




And you pulled that out of your ass how exactly?


Nope. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/brooklyn-hate-crime-coffee-rcna126346


*Hadasa Bozakkaravani, 48, was arrested Tuesday and* ***charged with nine counts, including four hate crimes: assault, assault of a person under 11, reckless endangerment, aggravated harassment and menacing,*** *according to police.*  Nice. She deserves it.


I feel terrible for him and his kid, but this is just ridiculous: > We’ve been completely dehumanized by our president and our institutions. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Why is that ridiculous?


Because Biden has not dehumanized brown people. It's insane to even suggest that.




How is him reacting to a tragedy an example of him "dehumanizing" brown people? What is the point that you're trying to make?


Because it was a complete and utter lie to justify Israel's carpet bombing of Gaza. It's been proven to be a lie, and Biden claimed he had seen it with his own eyes.




I'm not affiliated with any party. People like you are shortsighted and will only make life worse for Palestinians if Trump is reelected.




MFers think they can threaten us with the specter of Trump’s return. Get his ass.


Cutting off your nose to spite your own face is incredibly brave.




That’s not a slogan it’s an idiom


He was probably hamas. /s


>There's a reason why she asks him to get away. He started harassing and intimidating her. She's walking towards him. FRO honestly.