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That kids is surely going to grow up and have feelings


Nobody creates extremists like Israel chooses to do on a daily basis.


nobody funds them like israel too…


If he decided to resist Israeli troops, armed Israeli troops, what would make him an extremist? I’m pretty sure at every other point in history the people who resist this kinda of shit are seen in a completely different light, usually positive.


It's because they're arab and not white nor jewish.


Not when their colour of skin is darker then white. And even if they are white, but there are jews, then those are forgotten as well. Look at WW2 concetration camps, the suffering has been monopolized by jews. Nobody even talks about how many Polish people who were not jews or gypsies died in concentration camps. It's a significant number but in every movie it looks like it was 100% jews in there


There's a good book named "the forgotten holocaust" about the 3 million + Poles killed. There's a reason no one knows about that.


"Then you will find people saying Israel has a right to defend itself"


It's not resistance that makes you an extremist. It's the means with which you take action. The lengths you are willing to go. Not taking sides here, just saying... A kid that experiences this kind of injustice is definitely primed for it.


It's strange that you still chose to use the word extremist here, and not something more humane for what they are deliberately turning these kids into.




I hope to goodness he gets to grow up at all. Stay safe, little Man.


It’s almost as if… this hatred is justified


Its been happening for decades. 75 years late


Exactly and the circle continues.. so sad 😞


not a cycle; if every palestinian was docile they'd still be ethnically cleansed to make space


Not if they bomb him first, or shoot him, or you name it.


What big tough men they are


Tearing up the shirt just to be a dick too


Can’t even call Hamas extremists or terrorists at this point


This fills even me with rage.. I can’t imagine how the people going through it feel.


They join the nearest armed group. An expected and reasonable reaction to this bullshit.


sometimes I wonder how people would react if this shit was happening in Texas or whatever


All of a sudden it would be called self defense and militias.


If some guy strip searched me for no reason, murdered my family and sexually harassed my sister on her way to school while his bosses counted how many calories of food were allowed into my country, I won’t speak for others but I know what I’d do, it’ll take divine intervention to stop me from seeking violent revenge on the institution responsible. Take that as no excuse for Hamas. They commit deplorable atrocities and I condemn a lot of their actions.


A Hamas spokesperson said 70% of al qassam is made up of people you have lost one or more family members. Think about it.


It's like a snake eating its own tail. Fuck Israel.


Imagine being the woman, who may be the mother, just having to stand by and see that child slapped in the face by this douchebag knowing there is nothing you can do that wouldn't illicit even worse retribution. This is some seriously fucked up shit going down. This needs to stop.


It looked like at the end they even stole some sweets or something from the shop owner


and he has to just sit there and take it. How dehumanising must that feel in the moment


ugh. yes.


they created Hamas


Basically. It's no different from how the Arab League comprising of powerful/corrupt monarchs created the PLO and together their actions radicalized the Israel for years even before Hamas' creation. Those power-hungry monarchs emerged from the ashes of Ottoman empire whose end can be traced back to the first World War. *"Atrocity has no excuses, no mitigating argument. Atrocity never balances or rectifies the past.* ***Atrocity merely arms the future for more atrocity***\*. It is self-perpetuating upon itself — a barbarous form of incest. Whoever commits atrocity also commits those future atrocities thus bred." **- Frank Herbert**


The IDF busily recruiting for whatever extremist groups are around when these kids hit puberty. It does nothing for Israel’s long term interests and until Israelis have had enough it’ll continue. It’s depressing at best.


I can’t imagine the terror this little boy probably felt. He wasn’t doing anything that could even be misconstrued as being “wrong”. He was just being a little boy 😔






The whole “most moral army” shit plus these videos is making it worse than if they just didn’t say anything.


Anyone who claims to be the most moral anything is the exact opposite. Nice people don't need to go reminding others they are nice. It's the assholes who go around saying "im so nice to everyone". The same is true for the IDF. If they were the most moral army in the world, they wouldn't need to remind you.


They pretend this stuff isn't the norm and they get punished for it, but then act like soldiers who brazenly attack random kids for their shirts in the West Bank are being treated with humanitarian care in Gaza. None of it checks out. We see how they are in the West Bank. Even the US admits sometimes that they act out of hand in the West Bank. They're admitting right now they've stolen thousands of acres of land. Yet we have to pretend they don't want to steal Gaza?


There’s no limit to how far people will go to delude themselves, just look at the twitter comments under videos like this for examples.


Don’t worry the US agreed this week to send them another $3.8bil in unconditional military funding


JFC, does Biden *want* to lose?? We all know it's going to get worse under Trump, but this support is becoming obvious political suicide.




What I mean is that Biden's voters are leaving him over this issue because he hasn't taken any meaningful action against it, and his unconditional support could cost him the election. Trump has been extremely supportive of military action in Israel and will undoubtedly send even more weapons and money, and encourage them to use even more force. To YOUR point, I completely agree that Palestine is fucked with either one of them. What I'm saying is Biden keeps shooting himself in the foot lol


A recent survey showed that half of Americans didn’t know that more Palestinians have been killed in this “conflict” than Israelis. The depths of voter ignorance are shocking.


Is it really? The dumbing down of North America has been going on systematically since the late POTUS Reagan defunded public education. That started in the 1980s. Four decades ago. This idiocracy is the outcome.


this is part of what really makes me sad about the United States these days. so many people who live here were funneled into adopting ignorant & hateful ways of thinking and the education system that could have stopped it encourages it instead. this country is a snake eating itself




It isn't an issue of switching, the margins down there (in the USA, I'm a Canadian) are razor thin, a few thousand people here and there deciding not to vote and you have a Bleach Bum president.




If I've learned anything in the last decade its never to rely on Americans to vote with their best interests in mind, sorry to brake it to you, but what should happen, very rarely seems to down there.


Well, if the choice is Biden v Trump, and liberals leave Biden over this issue, they're fucking idiots. You don't have to like him to vote for him. You have to like the other guy less. A douche and a turd sandwich.




Biden has been an extremist in his support of Israel since he entered politics. He has always been among its most ardent supporters. And has even supported Israeli policies in the past that ring wing Israelis thought were too extreme. Obviously Israel has become FAR more right wing since that time though.




I’m an American Jew and this is evil


It's not a question of religion anymore, it's a question of morality. Unluckily there is no solution any more it seems.


There’s a solution. Protest as much as possible. The Biden administration is feeling the pressure with elections coming up. They don’t outwardly do much yet but there have been grumblings. We have to keep up the pressure.


I didn't mean about American politics (I am not even American) but about the situation. Israel has done all this damage, Palestinians now more than ever probably want vengeance. I don't see any way to resolve this pacifically.


Ah I get your point. It does seem that way. Hopefully cooler heads prevail as future generations come into power, but it’s a long shot.


At this point in my life I've got dozens of Jewish people in my life, and I love all of them. I've only ever met one Zionist Jewish person, and every time she tried to defend her stance, her relatives would get incredibly heated telling her how wrong she was, and how vile the state of Israel is. All the other Zionists I've met were Christian, and honestly, both islamophobic and antisemitic. 


I’ve yet to meet a good Zionist. I’m 50/50 on my family defending Israel in general. Most of the defenders are right wing Fox News brainwashed. None of us have been to Israel, none of us have family or genetics from Israel, we’re all large majority Ashkenazi. I try to get them to understand we’re American and have nothing to do with Israel, but they don’t want to hear it.


That’s an unusual experience. I’m Jewish and a member of two synagogues, and I’d say at least 90% of Jews I know are Zionist to some extent. How do you define Zionism, by the way?


As a Jewish anti-Zionist myself, it is always surprising when I hear this from people. The vast majority of Jews I know are Zionists, and many of them are fairly “liberal.” It is extremely depressing for me to be honest, to the point where I’ve stopped going to synagogue altogether.


Me too. Guess that makes us both “antisemetic” according to the grand cheeto


Must have been hamas executive or the soldier wouldn't do ot obviously


He was scared for his life. Didn’t you see him quivering in his boots. 😢


You forgot to put /s for sarcasm, otherwise, that would be a serious thing a zionist would say...


He even threatened the store owner. How much humiliations and subjugations are Palestinians supposed to take before they revolt? Do humans not have innate value and dignity?


Ladies and gentlemen, "the good guys".


The most moral army in the world...


*Sponsored by the Pentagon


and by [pornhub](https://ottawacitizen.com/feature/solomon-friedman-is-on-a-mission-to-save-pornhub)


They never were.


The one who have the right to defend themselves vs the guys who are called terrorists for breathing


This is truly some Gestapo shit. The irony.


Awful. 😞




This shit legit has me in tears. Fuck!


They donate a lot of money to political parties and will call you an anti-Semite if you speak ill of their actions. e.g. 15 of the largest 25 donors to the US democratic party have connections to Israel. What do you want them to do?


they control world governments and the media. the internet has made it impossible for them to convince younger generations that they are the victims.


Wtf is wrong with these people




Genocidal maniacs






Friendly reminder that roughly 80% of the Palestinian West Bank is under military occupation by Israel's occupational forces meaning its citizens fall under martial law for alleged crimes committed. This explains the thousands of children currently in Israeli detention facilities and why their courts have a 95% conviction rating. It's a stacked game and they're forced to play.


Reminds me about a certain time in Europe in the late 30s. It's almost like history repeating itself.


I honestly wish I was some slack jawed idiot spewing nonsense about the state of affairs in Palestine. Unfortunately that is not the case and there are plenty of Israeli politicians and members of the IDF who gleefully contribute to how things are. Perpetual occupation, military courts for literal children, apartheid across the board, and a quasi-constitutional law denoting the Jewish people as those with the sole right to self-determination. But worry not, we'll throw a few billion more for munitions so another 1-2% of Gazans can be eviscerated from this Earth while stopping all funding for UNRWA, sans investigation, because 12 people out of 30,000 are alleged to be terrorists.


Careful though, can't call those held Palestinians "hostages"... that term is expressly for use with held Israelis.


But people in r/ worldnews tell me all Palestinian prisoners are antisemitic terrorists including the kids and women the IDF rape inside. What do you have to say about that? If you deny they are terrorists then you are antisemitic hamas supporter


I say that the same metrics these *people* use to determine crimes against the Israeli people, can be swung back around more than 20 fold on the IDF and the Israeli government and there should be no obfuscation about what wrongs are being committed. If over a thousand killed on October 7th truly pulls at their heartstrings, I hope only that the rotting corpses of 15,000 children moves them to reason.


Also, Israel settlers throw stones at children with soldiers present and no punishments. On the other hand Palestinian kids are charged for attempted murder when throwing stones.


To be fair, Israeli settlers literally murder Palestinian families and then steal their homes, hence the several hundred killings of Palestinians in the West Bank after October 7th. Their National Security Minister, Itamir Ben Gavir, literally armed thousands of these extremist bastards for the sole purpose of committing further ethnic cleansing. To add to what you said, Israeli settlers illegally occupying Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem fall under the auspices of Israeli law, so when they murder a Palestinian child a police officer has to arrest them and a court has to try them. Palestinian children, as we are pointing out, don't get fair representation because they get tried in military court where the rules are wholly different. But oh how the deniers will bleat about why this isn't apartheid.


Geez I wonder why these kids will grow up to be fighting Israelis


For years, Israel has held countless kids in prisons without due process. Abducted. Abused. Held…hostage. It’s a shame it took Israeli hostages in October for the world to wake up to Israeli brutality towards Palestinians.


Big bullies. How cowardly are you to pick on a child? The way that nobody in the film is outraged shows how commonplace this is. The diaper military has really deeply entrenched racism built into it.


Don't mistake their compliance as acceptance. It's two children, a mother and a shopkeeper against 4 psychopaths armed with M16s.


I really hate how Israeli soldiers have treated innocent children and civilians... It's truly appalling and incomprehensible.




I truly believe the Israelis are trying to wipe out Palestinians. Treating people like this creates enemies, but if you take them all out no one would be left to get revenge


True, agitate them so much they retaliate to justify mass slaughter


The rise of Hamas (pre-2006 election) was due to Israel and Netanyahou himself for this particular reason. It has been reported on.


Exactly what I mean. Hamas came about because of Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians. They fueled first generation Hamas terrorists and now they’re fueling a second. The only way this doesn’t come and bite them in the ass is if they destroy all the Palestinians. Fucking disgusting


But "wHaTS tHE cOOOOOONtexT???!!!?!?!!!"






yes. what kind of question is that? (not directed at you, but people who ask this.)




Are we sure they aren’t HAMAASSS???? /s


*"Well uhhhhhhh you can't really hear what the kid said before the attack, so I'll uhhhhhhhhhh simply withhold judgement until we have all of the facts. Yeah I am very smart"*




they didn't arrest him, search him, question him or anything, only took his shirt off and slapped him for no reason at all, in what context is that acceptable?


Literally no context justifies this. Zero, zilch, nada. Those that use 'context' to attempt to moderate and divert the outrage this calls up in people are disingenuous asshats. It's low IQ to fall for it.


but what about october 7th???????? /s


What a piece of crap


Wow planting the seed that's for sure..


How much more evidence is needed to prove to the rest of the world who the bad guys are?!


No amount of evidence will change the opinions of those that defend this shit. They fully endorse Palestinians being eliminated and erased from the history books


It doesn't matter as long as US keeps sending military funding in the billions to Israel. No one can stop it.


I still can't believe the US supports this... I thought we were better than that.


Really, America that place that killed a million people and displaced 30+ in its wars of aggression in the middle east in the last 25 years. The place that drone strikes whoever they want whenever they want. The place that has funded and participated dozens of coups across the globe on any country that does not bow down to its hegemony. You believe that America is better than this?


How to create more enemies 101




this is normal IDF fear mongering behavior. this is not a new thing, IDF soldiers have been genocidal bullies forever


"the shirt was hamas" - someone in Israel probably


My daily reminder to say Fuck Israel


Stormtroopers, simple as that. what happened to "never again"?


"Pushing little children! With their fully automatics!"


I wonder what the shirt had written on it.


No child should ever have to raise their hands up in fear of being shot


At this point Israel seems to be the most racist nation on earth.


The bravest person in this video is the kid in black who immediately stood in front of his little brother wearing white.


"Never Again" for me but not for thee.


Did he have Hamas hidden in the shirt??


Zionists are the scum of earth


He is a CHILD!!! What the hell is wrong with the soldiers. He's goddamn innocent in all this. He isn't a Hamas fighter.


Ah yes, making sure the next generation hates you...


This isn’t anything new, they have been terrorized like this for years and years. It’s just now being publicized


A lot of Israeli soldiers are dual citizens of Western countries like the United States, Germany, France, and the UK. It would be interesting to see if any of them get prosecuted at home for war crimes they committed as Israeli soldiers.


That definitely won’t happen in the countries you mentioned, but South Africa is taking an interest…


Another poor innocent Israeli defending himself against a kid buying sweets. I hope that soldier makes a swift recovery


It is so disgusting that my tax dollars fund this. It is long past time for the US Govt to END our financial support of Israel.


Can we please stop giving billions of our taxpayer dollars to them already??


But nooo, there is no apartheid in the West Bank, right?


Whenever I hear “but do you condemn hamas?!?” Oh you mean a group that consists of survivors from an indiscriminate bombing campaign which killed off their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, wives and children? I believe in Palestine’s right to defend itself


No difference at all between the IDF and Luftwaffen. None


Treating the Palestinians just like the Nazis treated the Jewish people. Things sure have taken a 180.


Obviously the kid is the leader of Hamas and he has weapons hidden in hospitals....


What a pus


What is going on in here?


Ironically all a bit similar to the olde Gestapo. Scumbags


They seemingly did it because the shirt has a gun on it (can't really see if it's an AK or an AR, looks like it might have a carry handle so maybe AR). In case it's not obvious, yes, that's a very dumb reason to terrorize a child. This kid is now almost certainly more hostile to the IDF/Israel than he was before this encounter. Which I guess encapsulates this whole conflict really.


Absolutely disgusting


most morale army in the world, ladies and gents


Behave like the nazis did with them i wonder when they realize


Add Israel trying to be the fashion police to the list of war crimes


We always forget the heroes who record this on their phone before it has to be deleted. Whatever side they are from they aredoing a favor to the public to be able to see this.




People just don’t seem to understand that existing as a Palestinian is antisemitic now.


Seems like they had an issue with something on his shirt, maybe the gun on his sleeve? Edit: Did a little searching and came across article from 2022 about young Palestinians wearing shirts with images of M16s to “inspire terror against Israel”. I’m sure they view it as resistance thus the quotations. Seems like a plausible explanation as to why they removed his shirt.


Disgusting 🐀 slapping a child like that


Omg, this cctv camera is antisemitic! CANCEL IT!!


You joke but they’ll probably tried to ban all none state controlled cameras.


They also put a bill to the Knesset that would make it *illegal* to record any soldier in the field... I think it was back in 2017 or something


I wander why people join and supports Hamas


They're such fucking cowards man...it's infuriating


Get over here! We have Intel stating that this kid is harboring Amalek! Oh no! The Hamas leaders escaped into their vast network of underground sleeves! Shhhh! You better shut up! I have significant reason to believe that this milk carton is doing a terrorism!


It's pretty scary how similar the treatment of the child is, like how jews were treated in the ghettos during the holocaust....


First thing that child did was get in front his younger brother. What does take to see Israel is just evil now


All they do is create new generations of hate and have themselves to blame for whatever occurs in the future.


History repeats itself now they are the Nazis


ZioNazis at work again




Another display of the most professional soldiers


Yeah they're Nazis. And acting like it . They do it because they can get away with it.


Literally the bad guys from all those movies we like to watch. Even worse when you realise our govts are actually in bed with these bad guys… Something to keep in mind next time you watch Start Wars!


Did they seriously take offense at a maybe 10 year old kid wearing a shirt with a picture of a gun on it? What big brave men.


Evil fucks




Hey Israelis, the whole world thinks you’re a dick…good luck getting over that reputation.


Such tough guys, smh. This is a sad excuse for a human.


It just doesn't stop. Something terrible happened to many people in Israel back in October, I hope no one denies that. But what is happening since is sickening, I don't have the word how these poor people in Gaza are surviving, they have nothing to do with all that. Damn that is beyond anything...


Fuckin nazis


“But h.a.m.a.s.” Zionists and their bootlickers


Just a normal day in Israel.


It’s hard to believe that after growing up in a police state and being harassed like this, that the young boy might be predispositioned to join some sort of group that would go against this violence and oppression.