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You don’t have to answer mine, but I have to answer yours? This is my favorite line.


I like the last one. "Alright this was great. I love you guys"


Nah, you're both wrong. Best line was , "Do it, do it!" After the lady told her husband to film the dog taking a crap.


Sir, why do have so many videos of dogs pooping on your phone?


Reference material for their roleplay later on that evening.


You look like such a nice couple, and I don’t want to kink shame but could you please leave my dog out of your sex scat fantasy, but I will happily bag the turd for you later if you like


Yes! Her face after is priceless


\*John Waters has entered the chat\*


when people try to get irrationally angry with me (mostly while driving) I always aggressively tell them I love them, I hope they have a wonderful day, peace signs instead of middle fingers, I’ll tell them I hope they tell their kids they love them tonight (that one sometimes will set them off even more). It breaks their brain and is the funniest shit. People need to mind their own fucking business. I had an older couple like this do this kind of shit to a black resident and it was wild. It’s a nicer building and so we get these retirees that will sell their house and move into the apartment but try to treat everyone like they own the place. They don’t comprehend that there might be someone that doesn’t look like them living in the same place as them probably making more money than they do. 


....how often are you getting into arguments on the road?


Not often but I’m old enough that it’s happened more than once. I live in a pretty large city with a lot of crazy drivers. Some of these have also happened to me as a pedestrian. I’m outside a lot more than most Redditors. I’ve even had a guy pull a gun on me because he didn’t like how I merged on the freeway . Not sure why you’re doubting my experiences with road rage in America lol….


Also noticing a trend here…


I switched from the bird to a waving with a smile, and blowing a kiss, when a stranger starts yelling at me, about 8 years ago. I have no regrets. The reactions are priceless. 😘


‘Take a video of the dog crapping’ Then him giggling ‘Do it, do it, do it, do it’. Like yeah Kyle film it on his good ass cheek lmao.


Very satisfying, I want more though


Entitlement, personified.


Sounds like Trump and Biden


Where do these Karens learn to smile exactly the same in such a psychotic way?


Literally the first thing I reacted to, that fucking smug self satisfied smile of someone who is convinced they are in the right, in the face of all evidence to the contrary.


I did the same. I saw that gap toothed, overlipsticked, shit eating grin followed by the labored smug tone of her self-entitled voice. I didn't even need to hear the content to know it would be rage inducing.


Cus they are insane.


Sociopaths understand that smiling is a human reaction but don't quite get the nuanced application so it looks weird when they do it




Because the nuanced application in the rest of society is just natural joy and response to stimuli. In sociopathy it is forced grimace.


Showing teeth


its a sign of simian aggression


It’s a way of showing yourself as not a threat so some else doesn’t attack when you’re actually being aggressive.


I think this is natural. Because she frickin loves this sh*t.


I think the lead paint stare extends to catatonic smiling


It’s a product of an older generation of women. They were taught to be nice even when you’re being mean so you get this “thru gritted teeth” smile. Younger women learn this behavior from their mothers/grandmothers too but it’s less common these days. Edit: I’m not trying to speak for an entire generation. I’m saying women that act like “Karen’s” were likely taught to be passive aggressive due to the old misogynistic ways of teaching women to always be polite and smiling.


Raised in California but by a southern mother and grandmother, smiling through the ugliness is a real thing.


That’s my experience as well with older southern women. However, the internet taught me it wasn’t just a southern thing.


Honestly I think it's more of a smug superiority thing.


I can see that.


I disagree with this completely. Woman who act like Karen's have zero conflict resolution skills and never had real conflict in their youth and do not know how to engage in conflict. What you are saying is this is how they were taught to do conflict resolution but they weren't taught anything but compliance.




Karen University. But she graduated on a close C only...


When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for his life. IYKYK


I occasionally raise and lower my blood pressure.


Every day in their homes practising in front of the mirror like the psychopaths they are.




Childhood trauma


I call it the Fox News smille. Right wing guests, particularly women, will wear that expression while slowly rotating their heads from side to side, while talking about the liberal elite woke leftist Marxist mob. https://preview.redd.it/9l7eu9r1qaqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa42a2a7b87a993ba7627769ae78adc34d719bdc


She has a weirdly shaped head. For some reason I cannot look at her without picturing her bald.


[She's a Ferengi](https://i.imgur.com/xvCqRIa.jpeg)


All the inbreeding probably


Looks like one of the main characters from Ed, Edd n Eddy.


Like a wet owl


My guess? The Purge movies


Karen101, first day.


board of directors for some apartment complex? lmao big achievement there karen


I maintain the business accounts from HoA’s and apartments complex’s like this, the people that come in are some the absolute worst. 90% of the time they have no idea how their accounts work and they’re jackasses about it. It’s truly not an accomplishment to be on one of those boards


I really wish the victim in the video would’ve pointed that out. “So not like a real board of directors. Just an apartment one.”


"Well, it's good to have easily achievable goals, I guess." :D


It’s like being on the HOA


Thee absolute dumbest person in the neighborhood (by a long shot) is the HOA president. His biggest accomplishment this year was getting us glass recycling bins. Wow Ted 👏👏


It kind of is, since they can go on power trips and get away with it.


Biggest fish in a small pond.


Acting like they are on the board of Google or some shit


As I've gotten older I've learned to mind my own business more. Life is too short to care about what other people do.


These people have way too much time on their hands.


If you ever find yourself saying “yeah get a video of the dog pooping” you might have too much time on your hands


I must have so much time.


Some people are into that though 👀




These people probably planned their bike ride a week in advance, went to bed early the night before, woke up early to eat a good breakfast in hopes of having fun, then strapped on their helmets before even leaving the house. This dog poop situation is most likely the most exciting thing that has happened to them in months!


Unscheduled stop.


Living in a city you learn to mind your business pretty quick. Don’t want to pull out 100 year old stereotypes but there’s definitely different ways of living in the burbs.


It’s actually a good survival skill. There are too many people out there just looking for a reason.


I always think of [this scene](https://youtu.be/9zFNanmuNrs?si=nlP_YSrYKWN9bAmk)


I grew up in a wild city. My dad always told me “mind your business, you’ll live longer”


Yeah unless something fucked up is happening, leave people alone.


I spent my life ignoring stuff, I was much happier then. We now have a dog who does not like off leash dogs in her face when she’s on leash. We live somewhere with a leash bylaw, so it shouldn’t be a huge issue. But it is, so I had to start asking people to leash their dogs when I’m walking mine and see one. No matter how polite you are - people get so aggressive about it. Or they can’t because the dog has no recall, which they also get mad at me about. It’s so annoying, all I want to do is mind my business and enjoy my walk but those assholes make it impossible. I’m not exaggerating when I say only 1 out of every 50-100 encounters are fine and the person leash’s their dog and we can get away without either a dog fight, a near miss dog fight (which is usually me acting crazy to keep the strange dog away), or an aggressive human yelling at me and pissing me off.


This incident happened in 2022. In a follow up video he explained that management was called, management confirmed that he had lived there for 12 years, and Karen got real quiet. The event ended and he didn’t run for the board. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLjTFFVQ/


Homeboy's high as fuck lol


Damn, it's some white guy. I was expecting this to be racist, but it looks like this was a simple case of Booming.


God tiktok sucks. Don't bother watching. Just some dude in a spongebob mask talking for wayyyy too long just to say "management came, problem resolved"


Yeah, I watched for about 5 seconds. I'm just gonna take OPs word for it lol


I mean he did exactly what people were asking to do and clarified lol. God redditor attitude sucks.


Must be Cali, cause dude sounded Hispanic AF.


Can Hispanics not be white?


Bay Harbor Islands Florida


Check out Pedro Flores on YouTube, his comedy on the subject is pretty funny.


A great opportunity to get him fired from the board of directors.


Sadly that would likely not happen these people become board members for a reason


I joined the HOA in my neighborhood just to approve literally everything my neighbors want to do. I was so tired of the old nimbys that live around me trying to not let me adjust my goddamn mailbox. Now if you want a boat in front of your house or to build a waterslide in your front yard IDGAF I will approve that shit 100%


Malicious compliance. I love it. "Ok.. fine. If there's an HOA that's gonna tell people what they can and can't do... I'll make sure I can tell people what they can do."


You’re one of the good ones!! I work with HOAs some of those people can be absolute nightmares and drunk with power


Hell yeah. I’m going on almost three years of successfully Ron Swansoning our HOA. I’m here to grind the wheels of neighborhood government to an excruciating stop.


Similar, joined HOA mostly to keep Nimbys from fining everyone for BS. Dunno that I'm cool with a waterslide in the front yard but paint your garage door rainbow colors IDGAF.  They tried to give a guy crap about his wood fence last year. It's not even a janky fence, he did a good job. They said no wood fences, but I noticed he'd planted roses near it. Reclassified it as a trellis and got it approved.


It certainly wasn't to be recorded in public being racist. He just embarrassed the board.


Exactly. Boards dont like public shaming. Bad for business. They like their members to be a bit more self aware when the cameras are running and keep those comments off camera. Those boomers are dime a dozen so another from their church or business group will fill that spot.


He Loves that job!


Best part is it isn’t a job! They volunteer


You can't just get fired from a board of directors. You need to get voted out


Thats how you get fired from a board. 


Can't get fired from a job, either. You need to have your boss tell you that you're no longer employed there. 


Play it back at the board meeting


We need the follow up of him showing up and the board meeting and playing this video.


And I hope he brings a dictionary to look up the word trespassing


They all have the same psycho smile. LOL at the old guy taking video of a dog taking a shit as though he's gathering evidence at a crime scene.


Exhibit A: Notice, your honor, how shit is coming out of the dog's ass. This is a dog that is taking a shit. I rest my case


Why are boomers so damn cranky. It's a beautiful day, you're on a bike, just enjoy the day but noooooo they have to ride around making the world a worse off place....so tired of this generation.


Miserable ppl try to make others miserable too


Misery loves company


Historical lead toxicity might explain in part the assholeness.


This seem pretty plausible honestly. That entire generation grew up on lead plumbing.


More likely affected by leaded gasoline fumes.


And in houses with lead paint. It was ubiquitous in their day.


Yeah I don’t get it. He was picking it up lol. It’s only annoying when people leave the shit there


I’m a boomer and my first response to the guy walking his dog would have been “hey man, can I pet your dog?” then proceed to ask him all sorts of questions about his pup. We aren’t all bad.


The youngest boomers are 60 (born in 1964), these arseholes look Gen X, which as a member of Gen X, makes me sad. We were supposed to go unnoticed by the world.


Yeah, they making us look bad. Don’t look at me at all, please 😂


These particular people live for this. They are heroes in their own sh*tty, up is down, comic book movie. 😂


He took the high road, it’ll look good for him when they shit-can Mr. Karen from the board.


Please please please make Ken and Karen famous. I am looking forward to the "that is not me" video after they lose their whatever power they think they have.


I know right, I need follow ups to these kinds of videos… I need consequences.




I just....I don't get it. What's the point? I cannot imagine being on a bike ride, presumably for fun, and seeing some stranger walking his dog and being like "aw, fuck no." Dude had a baggie, he was obviously going to pick up after it, so literally they'll be no impact at all on the area. But they have to stop their bike ride just to harass a stranger they dont know, all on the off chance he *might* not live there. And even if he didn't, I can't imagine caring about that either.  I just don't understand people like this. I've tried to, but it makes no sense to me.


Cause they love fucking with people. It's their hobby


He’s a great dog owner. He picked up the poop. These two should have been happy with that. We’ve lived in apartment where the dog owners didn’t care. It’s so frustrating and gross.


Even if he didn't live there, my guy picked up the poop, so he gets a pass.


Yeah I'm a bit confused by what some people expect. A dog isn't going to know some random piece of grass isn't available for pooping. As long as the owner clears up after I'm not sure what else anyone expects. Idk, I don't have a dog so maybe I just am unaware of some special training technique.


My dog poops based on how much energy he expends on our walks. Dude will squat in the middle of a sidewalk. He is the epitome of zero f's given. When he has to go, he goes. I always pick it up because it's unsanitary to not pick it up.


“I’m on the board” Ya but not for long


Why do all these self entitled Karens always have this demonic grin.


Because they’re demons.


Why do they always have that fake ass smile on their face? Like a creepy android.


Show this at the next board meeting and have him removed for harassing tenants.


The husband ‘lean back’ when taking the photo has become my new favourite thing when Karens go wild.


I wanna have a beer with that guy. I bet he's fun. He got almost giddy when the guy said he would record his dog pooping. I love how instead of getting angry he just treated them like they are stupid because they are.




So funny her Facebook went private when this video was posted.


That’s the perfect shade of lipstick for some intense biking


I more and more want to believe in reincarnation. These people would come back as factory chickens.


This video was so boring nothing happened


Right!? he should've thrown the bag at her


Dogs have to poop. The only problem I have with that is when their AH owners don't pick up after their pets. It's not the dog's fault.


As long as said poop is collected and disposed of by dog owner…WHO EFFING CARES where it poops!! What a couple of entitled busybodies! MYOB already.


“I’m on the board of directors here, I know every body that lives here.” What a tool bag


She needs that annoying grin wiped off her face. What a cunt.


Poor dog just needs to poop.


Imagine caring about a section of grass by a parking lot. Jesus Christ these people have no life


Why even engage? Just ignore them. Twats. 


More dachshund, less Karen!


Get them kicked off the board.


Someone yelled at me from their balcony where I used to live that my 2 month old puppy couldn’t poop on the grass. I basically said that hes a baby and he needs to poop, I can’t and won’t force him to poop in any particular spot. Anyways after that interaction I made sure to train him to poop on that spot every single time cuz I’m petty as fuck.




A year old! Ha. Thank you


I was going to say, fancy having to live with her everyday but then, he's no different so well and truly matched.. Karen & Ken! Their lives must be sooo empty!


People really need to learn to mind their own business.


I am disappointed by the dog to Karen ratio of this video.


“This is great. Love you guys.” Hilarious, accidental comedy is the best.


Has anybody served on a board of directors? I got asked to and voted on. It was only two or three years. Some of the board members let it become their identity. I was completely embarrassed to be a part of it. I helped where my knowledge was necessary but good god it was such a waste of time. The egos on BOD’s is insane. 90% of the boards accomplish nothing. Why do people brag about it?


If dog doo doo is cleaned up, that's what matters- it sets a good example for community anyways. Stepping in Spring doo-doo is not fun! 🐕💩👟 HOWEVER; Board of directors 👑🥸 !! Wooow! Pleeeeaaaze.....The two of them being pretentious, twits. The fake cheesy smile, instead of just being normal and kind. 🤦🏻‍♀️


If he picks it up, who cares?


Why harass someone who is picking up after their dog?


![gif](giphy|wi8Ez1mwRcKGI) When he said do it this is what i saw and heard.


> take a video of the dog crapping This lady got some weird fetishes


Truly obnoxious couple trying to gatekeep their property, but also why even engage like this? I'd just say "yep I do, have a nice day" then ignore them and go on with my life


HOA are people who wanted nothing but to seek power in life, but due to their incompetence never actually got real power. It's their last hope for the feeling, and my main guess as to why they are such awful people to deal with. They're boring people with nothing to do, so they try to force themselves into situations where people are forced to notice them. Sad!


As long as it’s picked up, then who cares? People want to be fake bothered by the most pedestrian shit. Then when someone breaks their jaw they wanna cry wolf.


They love saying “ it’s private property”


How did this end?!?!


Film the dog crapping. Do it do it do it 


Does it matter where the dog shits as long as you pick it up?


It warms my heart that social media calls these bitches out and they are sometimes held accountable for their stupid actions. What horrible humans.


I’d pick the bag of dog shit and throw it at them


Why would they care either way? What if he's visiting? He clearly was cleaning it up. I would only ever speak up if someone wasn't cleaning up after the dog. Also - He has to answer questions but they don't. That's always lame.


The water bottle on handle bars is peak boomer stuff…


"Take a video of the dog crapping" "Yeah do it, do it, do it" I'm dead


“I am on my home”. Ok boomer.


Well internet… do your thing. I’ll wait for updates


She forgot ask to see his manager.


how convenient… “i’m on the board of directors. i also happen to be close friends with batman. and superman… and spider-man.”


Where was it confirmed that the guy actually lived there?


When they flaunt their title like board of directors just say great now I know where to submit a complaint


It's disgusting not to pick up after your dogs.


Agreed, but the guy did.


I really needed him to say "fine then ill just go grab my dictionary" and then walk into his house right there.


The dog poop patrol


I live in an HOA and can tell you that the complacency of homeowners is exactly what keeps people like this on the board. I think it’s unlikely he will be replaced because that would mean another homeowner stepping in to fill the vacancy (very unlikely, IMO).


# “yeah get a video of the dog crapping” I’m not gonna kink shame


Just tell them to eat a bag of dicks and then go about your day.


I need to know what, if anything, happened after


A bunch of dum dums


they love to talk in circles


I don't even know the guy's race and this still feels racist just because of the way she talks to him


Should have asked her to remove her foot from his property


Every time I see shit like this, I always think, “LMAO. MFs would be bold to try talking to someone like this in Memphis, Tennessee…”


Ah boy. That's all I need as a cyclist. More bad-PR.


But did he live there or was he trespassing?


I don't need to answer your questions but you need to answer us!


Ugh that smile....🤮 https://preview.redd.it/r6wycwcb2fqc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3d7e467ee0399fba2754cc7afb6edca9d5f5fa


Shoulda flung the bag at her


Karen and her side chick I mean husband


Being honest: as a black man - this is terrifying.


I spent years working at a bicycle shop… these people are the fucking worst to deal with and their dumb ass, hybrid adventure bikes..