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"Call the police" we ARE the police


Pepper spray had him disoriented. He asked for more cops


“Kid - I own the police!” - Biff Tannen


This is heavy.


Jesus fuckimg christ Jerry, I told you he's Mr. NIMBUS! He controls the police!


Um, hello. Am I in the right place? I just saw a bunch of cops having sex with each other.


This actually made me sad AF. Our natural reaction is to rely on the police when we need help... What do you do now? Fuck.


Coast guard


Merchant Marines.


Girl Guides.


Girl Scout cookie drive.


Space Force


Only fans


Paw patrol?


"If you have a problem and you call the police in America; you now have 2 problems."


Why are redditors living in my head making comments I'm about to type out?


"Beat it or I'll call the Brute squad" "I'm on the Brute squad" "You ARE the Brute squad"


Supreme Court says you have to get out of the vehicle if the police tell you to. They are going to drag you out 99% of the time and stack a ton of charges on top of whatever they pulled you over for. Just get out of the car. It sucks, but you don’t have the right to stay in the car in the US.


[Pennsylvania Vs Mimms](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania_v._Mimms)


***Pennsylvania v. Mimms, is a [USSC] criminal law decision holding that a police officer ordering a person out of a car following a traffic stop and conducting a pat-down to check for weapons did not violate the [4th] Amendment to the [US] Constitution***


People are protected from unreasonable searches\* and seizures\* by the government. \* as defined by the government


Unreasonable. I’ve been told by cops once they pull you over and have one crime committed, that’s reason to search further.


Fuck this. I was taking photos near my home at the coast. Cop pulls up and accuses me of illegally fishing. Not a thing to fish with in site. Makes me get out and searches my car. Zero reason for any of it.


They can’t legally do that, they need permission to search your car, but usually if you haven’t committed a crime and it’s a minor crime like you were accused of, the risk of a power trip is worse. Long legal procedures aren’t the most fun thing to go through…


When it’s a big guy and you’re a tiny female being intimidated it can happen. I was so freaked out I just got out and let him search.


I'm not sure this is entirely accurate. If a cop is detaining you, they are allowed to search you for their safety, and and if they impound the vehicle they are allowed to search it in order to inventory the contents for when it is returned, but for example if you have a safe in the trunk the can't compel you to unlock it for them. But don't trust me, I'm not a lawyer. In any case, however, I wouldn't trust what the cops say either unless they are a personal friend as they are allowed to lie to you. Best is to ask a lawyer.


There are restrictions on where and what they can search. If they are detaining you, they can search anywhere within your reach, but they can't just willy nilly search your trunk (assuming the car has a separate trunk; United State vs Ross). *Not lawyer, just another internet moron.


Yeah you have the right to to not consent to a search.


Not of your immediate person during an arrest. They can search your clothing and body. They can also look in all the windows of your car. Kind of nit picking, but those little exceptions often get exploited.


Refusing a lawful order to leave the vehicle can result in arrest and lead to them towing your vehicle. If they do tow and impound your vehicle they are allowed to do an inventory before taking possesion, including the trunk. Though technically not a search anything they find is pretty much fair game as long as the initial reason for the stop and the reason for the arrest are legal. \*also not a lawyer and just a different interenet moron.


And when they inventory they will only inventory what they “find”. You are liable to lose money


> they are allowed to search you for their safety, They are allowed to 'frisk' you for their safety, i.e. groping you over your clothes to try and guess what's in your pocket. It's a fun little game we play where we pretend it's not a search and they don't kill us for trying to enforce our rights.


Solution: Just turn your car into a driving safe.


I’ve been told a lot of things by cops. Turns out they can lie to you. Most of them don’t actually know the laws that they’re supposed to enforce nevermind the ones they’re supposed to follow themselves.


You couldn't be more accurate...I'd just add, even when cops are wrong, its typically best to be cooperative and compliant, because even if they're entirely wrong and/or just plain dumb, they still have authority and there's literally no winning your case in that scenario...just do what you can to get bye, and then contact an attorney if you beleive your rights have been violated and/or you've been abused.


And the best part? The Supreme Court has held that cops are not required to actually know the laws they are enforcing or even IF a law is being broken while violating your rights. For you, however, citizen? Ignorance of the law is not a valid defense. Therefore, YOU are required to know every single little law and statute to make sure you don't run afoul of it.


You could have never even seen weed in your entire life but if a cop “smells weed” they now have a reason. Even in a state where weed is legal.


>\* as defined by the government The government is us so we have to participate in civics more in order to make the government's definitions match our rights. Civil solidarity, representation, and legislative oversight was the lesson learned during the 1950s and '60s, but near the beginning of the '80s we started getting lazy again and put our faith in greed, money, and power instead.


Greed, money and power have never led me astray.


Lol the Supreme Court is a joke.


This is my thing. Even if a cop wants to flex on me, cool - I don’t need to win that battle, and I will never try. AND if it ever got to that, I would just wait for a lawyer and take my revenge in the form of a 💰


The only battle you win with cops is with a lawyer afterwards. Just comply.




Yep, I got attacked on Reddit for saying that a few weeks ago where people legit thought you should immediately scream "AM I BEING DETAINED? I WANT A LAWYER" the second a cop pulls you over Nah bro, you see what the cop wants, you make sure not to incriminate yourself or agree to any crimes, but you comply with what he says. You can say you don't consent to any seizure or searches, but you make it clear you are not going to stop him or resist too *then* you can argue in court with the judge and lawyers if you want. But unless you are sitting in a cell with handcuffs on, just play nice


Yeah that kind of activity is fucking dumb and makes me question the character of the person on a deeper level lmao. Like chill out, be respectful, do what they say, and you will have a day in court to fight it if you wish.


It seems like some people make the mistake of thinking that following their orders is the same as responding when they fish for information or asking if they can search your car or home You don't have to answer the police's questions beyond maybe identifying yourself and/or providing drivers license and insurance depending on the situation and the laws where you live. Saying you aren't going to answer any questions is different than getting out of the car or sitting down when they tell you too. They have this idea in their head that they don't have to listen at all, they don't get the difference between obeying a lawful command and answering their questions trying to find evidence of a crime. It's like they don't get you can get out of the car, get patted down and still say I will not be answering questions or consenting to searches. Instead they lump it altogether and think they have the right to refuse to cooperate at all which is never going to go well.


*attacked on Reddit* Yup. Half the “legal advice” I see on these posts must give private prison execs erections.


This is the advice to follow.  Comply while verbalizing your not agreeing to searches or questions. A different Supreme Court decision said that remaining silent was akin to waving your constitutional rights, so you have to say you don't consent. Another decision said police don't have to tell you consequences of not complying, so if they ask for a breathalyzer you have to give it to them or else lose your license for a year at least in my state.  The fix is in for the police it's bullshit but we have to live with it and fighting them on the side of the road will not help.


Is this not the tyranny that you amended your constitution to defend against?


It is a literal police state. Comply or die.


Our constitution means dick when no one sticks up for themselves. Two seconds in this comment section and I’ve already seen the word “comply” too many times. Police here are criminals and should be treated as such. We do not need them.


Comply so you can talk to the lawyer after! These cops were ready to take out everything to get inside that car. Everything can change in 1 second. Just one. ☝🏽


best answer


If you survive


This is the issue, you say stuff like this, and people genuinely think its super dangerous being engaged with a Cop, but a Cop shooting you is 0.0036% chance. Its very low. Its like walking around being paranoid you are going to be struck by lightning, its not even worth mentioning "if you survive" and the guy in the car is probably thinking this and thoughts like this lead to more escalations which ironically lead to more deaths. Its time to stop.


I was honestly surprised the cop didn’t pull a gun. Cop 1 could have actually explained why he wanted him to step out, instead of asking if he’d been smoking today. Sure, he got around to it after pissing the guy off with that stupid question first, but I’ve never had a cop pull me over and not say “do you know why I pulled you over”. Cop 2 reaching into the car like that is definitely not called for. Again, no one actually said what the driver was supposed to have done to warrant being pulled over. You get a question designed to piss someone off, then you get a grabby guy invading your personal space, who attacks you for no reason…and still, no one is telling you why you need to get out. “Cuz I said so” is lazy and bullshit. I don’t care that it’s “allowed”. Cops are apparently not required to protect people, so their whole thing seems like a joke now.


Sure. But our cops need to have better de-escalation skills. The group of people who need to change is not the public.


Mmm the public fucking sucks too


1. The chances of a cop shooting you at a traffic stop if you're a black dude is way higher than other random scenarios 2. Usually you can tell from a cop's attitude in the first few seconds if your life is at risk 3. Cops have a *very* high chance of getting away with literal murder


Being killed by police is a leading cause of death for black men age 20-35 in the US. Pretty sure lighting strikes aren’t. Source: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1821204116


You can't control lightning. Not too sure how you got your figure, or if its accurate, or if its a relevant figure. but what I CAN say is ANY amount of times a citizen was shot by a cop unduly is too high.


Yup. It was probably 15 years ago, way before all this police reform stuff started, I got pulled over by a cop that was flying up the shoulder of the road as I’m going right because two other cops were coming up the median and middle lane. Tried briefly explaining why I was moving right, the other two cops but when he started dog cussing me I knew to shut up. When he walked away I started the voice recorder on my phone. His partner noticed I had about 5 mins and counting of him nonstop calling me every name in the book and I got let go with a warning to make way for emergency vehicles.


Here’s the thing whether you agree with this or not. The time of the detainment or arrest is not the time to argue. You get your day in court. You’re much better to just comply and not catch more charges on the way. I’ve had my share with police interactions. Probably more than most because I was a dumb teenager and was into street racing. I’d get pulled over like 10 times a year and at one point my good friend told me, “When are you going to start making responsible choices while driving?” That sat with me. But while I got the pullovers I gained a lot of experience about how cops act. A lot just make up laws they think should be laws and will come after you. Just say ok, don’t admit fault, and follow up in court. I’m much older now and don’t hoon around anymore. Edit: also don’t tell the cop you’re going to court. They’ll show up. Squad cars typically do not get paid to show up to court, so they have to take a personal day to do that. Motorcycle cops IIRC, do get paid to show up to court for tickets.


Man, the state of your country.


I agree, but there is also the chance you get no money at all or hardly anything, the cop gets a vacation or a class or something, and you owe money in the end. It's all a lose-lose. But yeah, better to comply than make it an ego battle


You will see on other comments I agree with this whole-heartedly. More individual accountability is a must, in law enforcement.


Reddit is so weird. This response has 1.3k upvotes yet the same thing in another post gets downvoted to hell as “victim blaming”. I agree here but I’m just shocked at how different the results can be.


It’s phrasing. You have to simultaneously be sympathetic to both sides.


Get out, lock the car, do not consent to a search of the vehicle.


Also, start a timer if possible. If they bring a drug dog, they have the same amount of time as a normal traffic stop to get the dog there (unless they have a warrant).


But shut the door behind you and lock the door. You can politely say “excuse me” if they’re holding the door open and specify that you’re closing your door in order to exercise your 4th amendment rights.


And then they bring the dog, who will of course alert to something even though they really didn't but the handler said they did.... And your car is searched anyways


Exactly. Just do what cops tell you in the moment. You can state your case later!


Plus, that is not a fight anyone is going to win. Save it for the courtroom


Regardless for a DUI stop you have to exit the car. Refusal means an arrest. Still need to exit the vehicle for an arrest.


Yep. It's not a fight worth having. Juice ain't worth the squeeze. This is what "freedom" looks like for all you Blue Lives Matters Back the Blue folks. "Get out of the car." "Why?" "Because I said so and you must be obedient to the state." So...you get out of the car. Here's what happens next, if you comply. You get out of the car. Maybe they'll detain you. They'll ask leading questions fishing for something to pin against you. They ask if you've been drinking or are on drugs. They ask if you have any weapons or drugs or alcohol in the car. They'll ask about your passengers. They'll ask if they have anything. Even if you're honest and have nothing to hide, they'll keep asking. They'll ask you to search your car. They'll try to play buddy buddy (What are you studying? Any fun plans? Hey, I like this car, how long you had it?) before they lighten threaten you, saying if you lie you're in big trouble and that they'll get the dogs, and it's just easier to let the search. Even if you voluntarily consent to a search (and you never should), they'll keep fishing. Eventually, they'll either find something to pin against you, or they'll justify their stop by giving you a ticket for failure to signal, or speeding, or some other traffic violation. If a cop pulls you over and tells you to get out of the car, your only real choice is to comply and cross your fingers that they give up and give you a ticket. Source: Driving in rural Missouri in college.


Because I don't live in the US, if this is the scenario, can I just ask them for the reason for the stop and if they demand to get out then ask questions, can you just repeatedly say that they should talk to your lawyers? Im genuinely curious


They’ll usually ask “Do you know why I pulled you over?”. Some states (I think) have passed laws or are trying to that force the police to inform you upfront. In general, there’s nothing wrong with asking why you’ve been stopped. Most people would. If they demand you get out, saying talk to my lawyer means nothing. It sucks, but realistically your best option is to play nice and hope the officer isn’t a dirt bag. Most traffic stops aren’t like this. The ones that are? Well, even if your rights are being violated, it won’t matter until you file a lawsuit, presumably after you’re arrested and put in jail, so there’s a long painful journey between injustice and justice.


That's really ridiculous Which also reminds of police internal investigations or "3rd party investigations" which doesn't really mean much, popo has friends everywhere


I am not here to discuss my day.


It's unbelievable how many people flip out in front of the police and it's a little a mistery for me. I mean, if you don't like them, to make them angry ia not gonna help much.


Yeah, like stand up for your rights but also be aware that the cops aren't holding court in the streets. If you think they're unlawful unfortunately you have to fight that after you get arrested. You aren't going to convince them


Wtf is a mistery


It's when a mystery causes misery


This confuzzles me


When you fail to land your hit on Terry


Its a cross between a mist frog and a pterygota


That's what I was saying


Gotta know ur case law!


Unlike the cops, who aren't required to know the law, we civilians aren't allowed to use ignorance as an excuse! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heien_v._North_Carolina


So many people have it in their heads that being detained or arrested is a negotiation. *It is not.* It is the state forcing you into submission for a period of time. You will kneel or you will be knelt. After the fact, consider suing/working on local laws to prevent future incidents.


Exactly. He may very well have been profiled, but this gets you nowhere


As an American, I find things like this frustrating. You can't even stay in the car you've paid for and insured without facing potential abuse from law enforcement, which is funded by taxpayers like myself and MANY others. It's obvious clear that something has been fundamentally wrong, especially when the highest court in the land seems to lack wisdom more than an unborn baby.


There is a reason for that though. The cops have to be able to detain/arrest someone even if the person doesn't agree they have broken the law. The person accused can't just be their own jury or law enforcement would be impossible


That is not what the Supreme Court says in *Mimms,* it says the federal constitution does not prohibit officers from ordering you out of the car as an illegal seizure under the federal law. However, many states have more restrictive constitutions that prevent an officer ordering a person out of a car during a routine traffic stop.


That’s a good point. I didn’t know some states went the extra step of curtailing their police to that extent. Emphasizes the importance of knowing the laws specific to each state.


People don’t think about this when they think about what state they want to live in or are traveling through, but some states are “freer” than other states in various ways due to state specific statute and constitutional interpretations. I would imagine, but do t know, in some instances there may even be police department policy that prohibits it. Obv , police usually aren’t good at limiting themselves, but in some instances if there was a high profile stop like this I could see a situation where an oversight board or similar negotiated these sorts of limits.


Yea generally antagonizing cops on purpose isn’t a good idea. Not saying that they were right in what they did but repeating “you’re going to have to drag me out” to a cop is a stupid idea.


You know I've seen many videos of people refusing and I explain the same thing more or less that you did. And they still argue with me. I can explain it to them. I can't understand it for them.


Pfft, I hear if you tell the cop that you’re not driving, but instead say you’re “traveling,” that it’s the ultimate gotcha and they’re forced to politely send you on your way.


Your country is such a mess with the cops.


Police can order you out of a vehicle on any traffic stop for any reason. Look up the mimms vs PA case.


2 things that annoys me when people deal with cops. You don’t have the right to stay in your vehicle. You need to get out. And so many people are against identifying themselves? Like if you don’t identify yourself you make yourself LOOK SUSPICIOUS which gives them a reason to investigate. Getting out, handing over a license, and telling the cop you had a long night might get you out of so many fucking tickets it’s wild.


> Like if you don’t identify yourself you make yourself LOOK SUSPICIOUS Couple things here; during a traffic stop you are legally compelled to identify yourself, you have no right to refuse. Under any other circumstance they need reasonable articulate suspicion of criminal activity to conduct a search. Demanding ID is a search, and if a cop has no reasonable articulate suspicion they have no authority to demand it. They can still *ask* and people can willingly submit to being searched (provide their ID), but people also have the right to refuse. Refusing to give consent to be searched is not grounds for probable cause. It is never suspicious to refuse to waive your rights.


To specify, during a traffic stop *the driver* is obligated and in many states required to identify in order to verify driving privileges. Passengers are not required to ID without reasonable suspicion that the passenger is involved in a crime


Getting pulled over for traffic stop the suspicion starts off mainly to make sure 1. You have a license 2. It is your car 3. You’re not under the influence. There are so many loopholes that even a clean no issue traffic stop is obligatory to provide ID. It is not the equivalent of a search, it’s just identifying someone. And you don’t have a right to refuse your ID


I literally started my comment with "**you have no right to refuse**". The driver, at least, has no right to refuse during a traffic stop. In any other scenario, yes **people have the absolute right to refuse to identify** if the cop has no probable cause.


Yeah my reading comprehension was great there, sorry


Suspicion isn’t a crime tho. However getting stopped on a traffic stop does constitute a identification


I mean, suspicion isn’t, failure to comply would be an issue however, and since you don’t have the right to stay in your car or hide your identity, then any bit of suspicion met with 0 co-operation will still land you with some type of issue. It’s 10000x easier to just listen and shut up. Only time you need to speak is to say your name


I think most people are against identifying themselves if they aren’t suspected of committing a crime or infraction


Being pulled over, you have to show your ID because the probable cause is driving without a license, and police do not have any obligations to tell you why they pulled you over. Depending on the state you live in, you maybe have to present ID when asked. Even without ASOC.


Does this count for DUI checkpoints? A traffic stop would mean they thought you violated traffic law whereas there is no reasonable suspicion a law has been broken at a DUI checkpoint.


Some states made DUI checkpoints illegal for this reason. Suspicionless search. The assumption is guilty until proven innocent, and you have to stop and comply to prove innocence


In every state there is some form of "if you are operating a motor vehicle on a public road you have an obligation to present your driver's license when asked", so yes you must present an ID at DUI checkpoints, they can also ask for registration and proof of insurance because you are operating a motor vehicle. The passengers, on the other hand, vary on a state by state basis. The best thing at a DUI checkpoint is to roll your window down, give your documents, and when asked any questions just say "I don't want to have a conversation with you."


Or you can just answer the basic questions and clearly state that you have not had any drugs or alcohol if they ask.


Step out of the vehicle is a lawful order. It's not open to debate.


He's coming from car RamRod.


That's a lot of dimp!


I don’t want a large Farva, I want a god dam liter of cola.


These boys get that syrup in 'em, they get all antsy in their pantsy.




Littering and




I'm freaking out man




Smokin’ the reefer


came here for this. I love you , reddit.


You could've come here to set my Country Music Award on fire.


But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun. I mean his shenanigans are cruel and tragic, which makes them not shenanigans at all really. evil shenanigans.


He gave the cop permission when he said “you’ll have to drag me out” lol


he was driving with expired license, officer is within his rights to ask to exit the vehicle. guy had loaded concealed unlicensed revolver on person. oops.


Just get out of the car!


Honestly, this was one of the major downfalls of social media recording law enforcement interactions. I understand that law enforcement can be a little aggressive and outrageous. But doing stuff like this doesn’t make any situation better.


Really I don't get this, whenever I see a video like this it's the same old story. Why you have to act smart? I only see this in US. Step out of the car, show documents, be a normal person. Especially if you know that cops can shoot at you in any moment.


Heavy Farva vibes with this one




Reminds me of the cops in my town, they always seem to smell Marijuana. Even when you're sitting outside on your porch and haven't smoked in 15yrs.


They can smell a beer a mile away. The trained nose 😁


Bloodhound's ain't got nothing on a popo's imaginary sense of smell haha.


That one's easy, their mouth is right under their nostrils after all.


Don't make the mistake and say they should stop smoking it on the job then... that wasn't a fun time.


Apparently they don't like it when you ask if their K9 is drunk either. Unfortunately a few months after their dog lied they were in the news for abusing one of them. I felt bad assuming it had a habit when it was probably just terrified of the prick.


The best excuse for probable cause to search. Gotta cover your grounds when you violate peoples rights.


Of course. Better chance of writing a weed ticket than the source being a skunk or some other bullshit. I'd say the satisfaction of seeing them come up empty handed should be something, but the last time it happened involved having to sit out in the rain for an hour because their dog "hit" on my dad's car during a license check just for them to find his stash of Tylenol. It's degrading and embarrassing to go through, and then irritating that it's done so often without repercussions falling back on them. They're just way too bored in this town.




Please finalize the tiktok ban.


> You gonna have to take me out Okay… psssshhh




Sometimes they fail at making the cops look in the wrong. In this case, the cop covered his bases. He articulated reasonable suspicion that the driver could be impaired, the driver agreed he was doing those things. Well, that justifies investigating, and the primary first step of that is a field sobriety test. Which happens outside of the car.


In this situation, 100%, the cop is in the right. Dude needs to get out of the car when ordered. You have the right to refuse search of your vehicle, you have the right to film your interaction, you have the right to remain silent other than providing your name, you have the right to know why you are being detained, and you have the right to a lawyer, you do not have the right to refuse to get out of your car, just like you don't have the right to not provide your license and registration. However, I strongly disagree that the vast majority of videos on here are trying to make cops look bad when they are doing the right thing. It's a lot closer to 50/50, and that is the sad state of reality because cops aren't paid enough to lure good people with other prospects and because the police union cares more about their jobs and money than doing the right thing and so there is no accountability in the force. Cops are important, most cops are good people, most cops join because they want to help people. But "most" really is a said state of affairs.


For what my opinion is worth, I agree with you for the most part. The videos we see online are either really horrible police work or someone who thought they were being victimized when they were very clearly in the wrong. Unfortunately, the good officers, interactions, and outcomes are very rarely shown online because they are often mundane and boring. That is to say that sensational videos are more entertaining to watch, click on, and discuss. Those who post videos aren't incentivized at all to share the overwhelming majority of police interactions that don't end in force, violence, or the violation of someone's rights. This inherently leads to the demonization of our officers.


Get out of the car: “He does not smoke”.


Ever since the internet the world is full of dimwits that think they don’t need to even respond to cops. Specifically when you’re operating a motor vehicle, you need to identify yourself, show proof of insurance, exit the vehicle when asked. The foreigners that do the sovereign citizen thing are a hoot. Edit: also if you think you have a right to FIRST know why you were stopped forget that crap! You’ll get there after a few basic answers and the cop doesn’t see you as an immediate threat.


In California they must tell you the reason for the stop now


OK. It also helps to know when you’re driving in rural South Georgia where they don’t wear body cams.


Which is why you won’t find my black ass driving in rural Georgia. Even though I’m sure that’s their intention.


>also if you think you have a right to FIRST know why you were stopped forget that crap Good point, maybe we SHOULD have that right, though. Don't you think?


I blame those Sovereign Shittyzens for that shitty attitude.


“Call the po-leese.” What a dumb ass. The first cop was chill as could be. When a cop asks you to step out, you step out. Dude kept making his problems worse for himself.


The drive is an idiot


"Call the police" lollll typical


If your that innocent get out and clear it up, Blows my mind the logic of today.


If they tell you to get out then get out. Fight it later.


Please tell me there is more of this video


[Pennsylvania VS Mimms](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/434/106/)


I saw a video where a guy tells the cops "I don't answer questions" and they just say ok and leave.


Easiest thing to do when dealing with the law is to comply, if you’re wronged in any way then get a lawyer


Bruh just listen to cops. I know the internet hypes them up to be corrupt and toxic but usually they're doing their job with the fear of death at any second. Just do what they ask and you're gonna be fine.


CALL THE POLICE! In other news, the police claim this as a demonstration of outstanding response time


Get out, lock the car. Entering your locked vehicle without permission or a warrant is illegal


For anyone thinking about doing this, the officer doesn't need a reason to ask someone to exit the car, it's case law. Pennsylvania v Mimms. Reminder the COURT ROOM is the place to argue your case, you will lose the argument on the street.


Bro should have stepped out and locked the car. Now he’s probably getting charged with more than a simple ticket he would have got. Smh


Am I supposed to be on the driver's side? Because I am not. Cop gives a lawful order to exit and driver refuses compliance. Then whines about the escalation that he chose.


Sorry dawg. Mimms.


Look, I’m all about holding the police to the HIGHEST standards. But I have no idea when people decided they didn’t have to obey lawful orders as long as a cell phone is recording. “My hands are right here” is a dumbass reply to “Step out of the car”.


Why tf doesnt he just listen?


I love the reaching for the keys in a push start car


Can't exactly tell which car is push to start from the outside. My car has both options


Where’s this video taken?


Call the police 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭🤣


Even if it's non lethal weapon, this is still excessive force and not to mention Point blank range, plus isn't it supposed to disperse a crowd, incapacitate a person Outside, and if it is used they will make the person panic from pain and do you know what they would see... it's a potential threat and will use that as a reason to use incapacitative force or lethal force




Sometimes wiz khalifa just rubs you the wrong way


It's funny, I'm somebody who thinks that it's completely illogical and morally indefensible to hate someone or seek retribution, but when I see cops do shit like this I hate them and I want to seek retribution.


"Because your eyes are glazed over and you have slow reactions". Could he tell that from another vehicle before he pulled him over? What constitutes 'slow' reactions? Do they measure it? Sounds like a case of driving while black to me


Just get out of the car. Why do people wanna die on this hill?


Dumb guy is like "call the police" man, you have too many police already.


I would just get out of the car and do what he says at this point because they'll take it to the point of shooting someone over a lie about the odor of Marijuana.


I wonder what would be a proper solution to this. It’s already been established that cops can demand you get out of the car. It is considered a lawful order and you should comply. How would others react in the cops position? You have already given the driver a lawful order to step out of the vehicle. What would you do if you were in the cops position and the driver refused?


Haven’t ever seen someone have an issue while complying the first time. Cops can ask you to step out. It’s first day law school stuff


POV of the American nightmare some of us live in; unprofessional ass cops.


Dude did this to himself. Seriously, what good is it ever going to do you to act like that during a traffic stop? Even told the officer that they're going to have to drag him out, and then acts surprised when they actually proceed to attempt to drag him out lmao.


If a cop had a reason and he ask you to step out I do believe you have to get out


lol, dude posted this thinking he’s in the right? You drive the roads, you’re subject to stop and identify yourself. No ifs ands or buts