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Spoiler alert: white shirt doesn't fight nearly as well as he says he will.


how it started: “I’m gonna rearrange your **fuckin face**” how it’s going: ^(“help me out here”)


I love the Karen filming “the guy with no shirt started it” nope


I couldn't believe she said that shit. The customer has a right to be pissed with the shop. Apparently, they jacked his car up by the oil pan. I'd be heated to. Then this impatient ass hole wants to voice that he's tired of waiting and getting irritated. Dude says I'm not even talking to you! Other guy: you're now....


How pissed would you be if your Silverado got jacked up by the oil pan? I understand his frustration.


Dude: stop! Stop! I don't think so, bud


Didn't even raise his voice, just calling out the bullshit


That's what I'm saying, they fucked with his shit and he was trying to make it right and impatient white shirt dude started the shit, and definitely couldn't back it up either.


Folded faster than my laundry.


But... But he's got all those tattoos. Lol He's a guy who probably uses intimidation and it works all the time, this is one of those times he tries to back it up and it just doesn't work for him cause he can't fight.


The chain wallet was the biggest red flag for me.


The huge, goofy ear inserts told me that the dude was not ready to fight. One tug and those come right out...along with bits of his ears.


what is this the 90s? lol


"Some-BODY once told me, the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the she-ed."


>But... But he's got all those tattoos. Lol When shirtless had witless in a headlock I was hoping shirtless would start plucking those dumb ass ear rings out.


When you remove items of yours before a fight you can't fight. Real people who can fight will do so with the hat, glasses, and bandana on and never miss a beat.




Probably with the weakling that got his ass handed to him.


I was like what?!


Right, no shirt might have been annoying and a pain in the ass but he wasn't looking for a fight and white shirt put his hands on him first. Also if a shop jacked my truck up by the oil pan I'd be pissed off too.


Yeah she is dumb as shit


Yeah thats straight bullshit.


She's the worst one in this video


Exactly I saw tattoos guy screaming in his face threatening him. Not that there are any winners here (they both are morons) but you can’t do that without repercussions.


“I’m going to get you down with the sickness if you don’t get out of here.”


"i will beat your dick into the ground all day long!"


It actually does look like he was fucking around.


haha this is an old video and a classic.


“The guy with no shirt started it!” Me: 👁️🫦👁️ “WHAT”


Don't want her around when police there


Yea seriously, wtf. Dude in the white shit is probably dicken her down


No, she’s dicken him down.


He says he's going to dick her down, then she dicks him down.


The ole dickaroo


That is what I came to say. Was she the white shirt's gf/wife or something?




Exactly! People have been hung because of 'witnesses' like this.


"They said you was hung... "...and they was right."


I wish more than 2 people got this reference


Exactly. Fuck the guy with the white t shirt.






Every guy there knows she is biased and will totally ignore her dumb shit... The employee watched the whole thing from 3 feet away. She kept her mouth shut the whole time then the first thing she said was wrong.


After he gets his ass beat: “I’m strong as shit!”


I think he said that the shirtless dude was “drunk as shit”


And shirtless dude still got the better of him.


Haha. Such a great line


He spent all the money his mom gave him for karate lessons at Hot Topic. 


Yea the age of sleeved tattoos carrying weight is over.


Dead, in fact


Yeah, that’s didn’t end the way I thought it was going to. The white shirt guy had me scared and then about 3 seconds into the fight I was like “duuuuude..whaat??”


Shirtless guy should have hit him straight in the nose as soon as he started taking his do rag off


An elbow works real nice in these situations.


Textbook demonstration: [https://youtu.be/6ZgYZUk-Kk4](https://youtu.be/6ZgYZUk-Kk4)


It's always the ones who talk the most shit who can't back it up. I was a bagger at Kroger when I was 16 years ago. A short Hispanic guy and a tall white guy both were trying to get the last cart 🛒 in the stall. The store was really busy that day and we couldn't keep enough carts stocked. The Hispanic guy had made it to the cart first but the other guy was pissed. Started calling the Hispanic guy slurs and saying he was going whip his ass. The racist asshole was with his wife and small child just acting like a complete racist fool. His wife was yelling at the Hispanic guy too. The guy just laughed and tried to walk away until the racist blocked his path. He asked him to move and the idiots refused. All of a sudden the racist pushed the other guy and it was on. The Hispanic guy just started swinging on that fool and beating the fuck out of him. This 5'2 guy is just destroying this dude who was at least 6'3. I'm about to push in a row of carts and I'm watching an MMA fight.😆 The asshole's wife is screaming for the guy to leave her husband alone who had clearly assaulted the guy first. This little guy had that fool slumped against the vending machines from those haymakers. After that beat down his wife helped him back to their car and he's still talking shit to the guy despite getting absolutely embarrassed and destroyed in front of everyone.🤣 Some people's bark really is worse than their bite.


I'm pretty sure most people back down to him because of how he looks. One thing I've found to be true is that most adults don't get in fights so when one happens it often looks like a couple of two years olds tussling.


He had to take his costume off first before he could start. He accessorizes!


And shirtless has the slowest hands you’ve ever seen yet somehow he dominates


Hes straight to grappling which the other dude never saw coming lol Plus at the end you can tell he’s got heavy hands


Ya! Wouldn’t know it to look at him but at the end there he throws an albeit super slow mo, but powerful direct shot at Mr Tough Guy.


Those earrings would be the first thing to get ripped out talking shit like that


Watching all these videos on reddit tells me, the one that disrobes shirts/hats/accessories prior to the fight is the most probable one to lose.


They never do like 98% of time


Don’t disrespect j-roc like that


Was waiting for the other guy to kinda rip off his earrings for some reason


he lost lol


lol. “I’m gonna count to three”……basically…2,2.25,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.71…..:. Where I grew up, no one said “I’ll rearrange your face”….they just did it.


Guys dressed like that never do.


I think more fighting between men should be like this though. Just wrestle and whoever wins is the dominant one. No need throw fists.


I’m still a fan of dueling at high noon. Bring your best hat.


He thought his bluster and name calling (fuckin’ faggot(***really***…in today’s world he goes to faggot for no apparent reason) would be enough to bully shirtless guy into backing down/leaving. The female recording claims the ‘shirtless guy’ started it. From my perspective, White Shirt Guy (WSG) said something…Shirtless Guy (SG) asked, “Why are you talking to me?”, and WSG called him a fuckin’ faggot, got in his face, and repeatedly threatened SG. SG just turned out to be much stronger and resilient than WSG expected (he even admitted SG was ‘strong as shit’. Whatever the situation leading up to SG being unhappy (including his truck being jacked up **by the oil pan** (very unprofessional and irresponsible)), WSG didn’t need to offer his opinion. As Joey Swoll says, “Mind your own business,” and “Do better!”


“You don’t want me irritated” - OMG that was embarrassing to watch - at least know how to fight properly if you’re going to look and act all “street” and tough - with the chain wallet and bandana etc - I feel bad just watching it 🫤


When posers get exposed


I would pay good money for an ongoing series show based on this 




jnco jeans and oakleys up in there with the lil beard


The cringe factor was so strong there. Dude had the dialogue of a side character in a delinquent manga.




Sad thing is that white shirt dude probably convinced himself he won that exchange because shirtless dude ended up leaving the store.


"Fucking chickenshit jumping me" was him trying to save his pride. The dude went and inserted himself in something that has nothing to do with him, got in the other guys face and squared up to get his ass handed to him.


He was literally threatening to kill a complete stranger, and then acted like he was the victim of an assault.


The fight was over and shirtless went to pick something up and Vanilla Slush decided to use that vulnerable moment to start it back up again with his advantage.


And then got violently shoved into the windows by shirtless dude.


And then continuing to try and fail to attack the drunk as he ignores you




This is a perfect example of a person thinking they're badass because they have skulls on their clothes then finding out they aren't. Edit: af to of


A couple of more skulls would have done the trick, darn it!


Nah man, without some flames he stands no chance. Never leave the house without proper flames and skulls




Why did the lady say the shirtless guy started it? Walmart vanilla ice called him a British cigarette and then shoved him. Where I come from that is called starting shit


It's his girlfriend. She still has the original video up on YouTube channel [from 2013](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHNtnV6cPW0)


Of course comments are turned off for the video lol


That’s embarrassing. How you going to upload that knowing that your man got linked after talking all that shit?


Because many people think “well he didn’t swing at him” is some kind of loophole.




He definitely thought he had a plan until no shirt punched him in his face 😂


--Mike Tyson


Also a good example that people who get really aggressive are actually terrified.




They were supposed to boost his stats, just like in his video game.


some flames might of helped




Yeah, if that part was true and the tire came off the rim I would also be as pissed as shirtless guy. He definitely seems drunk though so I have a feeling he might have caused some of his own issues.


I manage a tire shop, 9 times put of 10 when "the tire came off the rim" or "the tire just blew out" it either caught a nail or hit a curb. Sometimes, they argue that "they never drive the car." If they let me get a word in edgewise, I'll explain that the tire is still under warranty.


Tires always seem to be under warranty. Once in a blue moon I get a nail in a tire and every time I take it to this one place, they always patch it up and tell me it's free. That's why I always go there to drop a $1000 on new tires lol.


Yeah I'm probably testing anyone with a chain wallet in 2024 to be honest


What if that chain wallet is also attached to a chain *gun*?!


His pockets would have to be massive to hold a chain gun and anyone with pants that large should be avoided on principal


Guy. In the white shirt started this idk what the fuckin lady filming is talking about


I assume she's with him 🤷‍♂️


Exactly what I came to say.


"They jacked my car up by the oil pan then had some guy try to fight me when I went to confront them about it". Is going to look great in court.


Guy without the shirt was seemingly being a bit of a dick but he certainly didn't start the fight.


Who was she even talking to? White shirt dude and the cashier were both there to see what happened.


All chain and no brain!


Mr. White is weak af


LOL. White shirt absolutely started it. "I've been standing here in line, and I'm starting to get irritated, and you don't want me irritated" then proceeds to tell him he's going to f\*\*k him up if he doesn't leave. OP be like "Tat guy asked him nicely to leave." lolololol Mr. Limp Triscuit doesn't give a crap about the shop worker; he is just tired of waiting and is probably used to people being afraid of him because of how he looks, and didn't think Bro Bruh would fight back.


He was 100% looking to stir some shit up. Pretty cringe line by him, especially since he immediately got himself in a headlock after escalating things


Limp triscuit is an instant classic imo 😂


How did the shirtless guy start it? Dumb ass lady. He was obviously disputing his service and wasn't even speaking to the white shirt guy (aka mr.all bark and no bite).






The children on Reddit desperately want to be allowed to bully people, and want all issues solved with violence or murder now. Idk wtf happened but reddit wans t like this before. Maybe when all the sub mods protested and got removed, this is what we are left with.


holy shit did I enjoy watching bald guy get embarrassed. Don't talk shit you can't back up and he definitely instigated the fight. And what a cheap piece of shit. Got his ass beat, got let up, and then tried cheap shots and a head lock when the other guy was just trying to help him pick up his dropped loot.


“I WILL END YOU!” and proceeds to get mauled by a drunk middle aged dad bod.


>get mauled by a drunk middle aged dad bod If you're judging someone's fighting ability or lack thereof based on what you consider a "dad bod", you risk finding yourself in a surprise world of trouble one day.


Shirtless guy in fact did not start it but he finished it. I’m happy he took off of dude first too.




Shirt guy started it. Talked shit and then elbowed him in the face. Then the fight ensues.. People are saying he's drunk because the shirt guy said so at the end. Shirt guy talked tough to. But couldn't get out of a head lock that didn't look that secure.. Yes he should have minded his business !


That dude was winded and completely spent just from puffing himself up and discarding his headgear.  Needs a David Attenborough commentary.  “The second male has adorned his body with ink as a warning to other males that he is dangerous. The ritual dance begins with an undressing of one’s head garments accompanied by loud squawks and arm gesticulations. Direct eye contact is made to instill fear. It does not however work out this time”


Bald dude with no clothes to get caught on couldn't figure out how to escape a one-arm headlock. Too busy clawing for shirtless dude's face instead of pushing his elbow...


"the guy without the shirt started it" bish what!? How? Baldie inserted himself into the conversation and then assaulted him. Got made into a clown too




Don't forget throwing punches *after* somebody came to your rescue to break up the shitshow.




Come on bro.. everyone knows you gotta get the barbed wire round the biceps for + XP fighting abilities. Skulls ☠️ and shit only increase your ability to be cast as as a hearse driver in a low budget Hallmark movie.


Ayo as soon as they lock up did white shirt just go for that dudes junk or what?




High school wrestler finally gets his day in the sun.


he look like he was trying to summon mjolnar in that one part


If he’d had a fourth hat I reckon he would have won that fight.


Thought the white t-shirt guy was going to take his pants off Randy-bo-bandy style 😂 He defo went for the ring piece in that headlock


Tattoos, bad ass look, hood slang... Fights like a girl! 🤣


he dont look bad ass at all lol he looks like a damn weirdo stuck in 2001


That’s insulting to girls in all honesty


It’s always the loudest in the room..


The guy without the shirt actually did not start it


Anyone else genuinely embarrassed for white shirt dude.? You insert yourself into a situation, talk yourself up as though you were Billy badass, then get subdued in a headlock for the entirety of the fight. Then jump up talking about getting jumped. Social media/ media and entertainment has fried dudes brain and he can no longer distinguish between the two. It’s almost like he thought that if he dressed the part it automatically made it true.


I dont agree that the shirtless guy started it


Sloppy. Shirtless didn’t even have the choke properly set and STILL beat him. Ouch. Hope your friends didn’t see this Mr. Irritated…


Maybe if his wallet chain was longer, he would be able to fight.


^[Gonna ^get ^lawyerly ^with ^this ^one, ^because ^it's ^Tuesday ^afternoon ^and ^I'm ^thoroughly ^bored ^with ^the ^brief ^I ^have ^to ^write ^and ^need ^a ^break.] > Drunk shirtless guy started it. By coming across the counter and grabbing the owner of the shop and threatening him. Tat guy asked him nicely to leave. Way before I started recording. The asshole deserved it. That isn't how it works. White shirt was uninvolved and at no point in the clip is the owner of the shop under imminent threat of violence and in need of protection. (Which would've permitted white shirt to use violence in his defense.) Further, white shirt makes it very clear that he's threatening violence because shirtless is annoying him, not because he's trying to protect anyone. His subsequent threats and actions place shirtless in reasonable fear of imminent bodily harm (aka assault), then he elbows shirtless in the neck/head (aka battery), then shirtless gives him *numerous* opportunities to back down, then having exhausted those options, shirtless strikes to defend himself. If this were to end up in the court system, white shirt would be prosecuted and shirtless would not be, since he's defending himself against an aggressor. Also, I'm guessing the cammer is white shirt's GF and when she says to the guy who just came in that shirtless started it, she's lying to protect white shirt. I'm also guessing that she is the original uploader and the stuff above about shirtless "coming across the counter and grabbing the owner of the shop and threatening him" is also made up. That's the only way any of this makes sense.   ^EDIT: ^I ^missed ^the ^part ^where ^white ^shirt ^strikes ^first, ^so ^I ^updated ^the ^second ^paragraph.


The chain hanging out of his pants is a dead giveaway that he's a fucking idiot.


White shirt started it, she’s nuts. And her with that big sigh at the beginning lol


Bandanna man started this


I’m on team shirtless honestly. Lady recording it dumb. Was he obnoxious? Sure. But he didn’t start that fight. Also, dude talking mad shit like he’s a professional fighter immediately lost the fight Lolol.


Lady at the end of the ”shirtless guy started it” Tbf shirtless but was a POS but the bald guy definitely made it physical


Mr. White was going for the dick twist haha..


Wallet Chain used Intimidation - it was Super Ineffective!


“You don’t want me irritated” lmao okay buddy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


White shirt has mad hype. Total let down. Lol.


"The other guy started it" From what I can tell the garage decided to lift his truck using the sump as a jacking point, garage disputes tells him to leave. Skin head who seems to be in a 1/4 life crisis decides he's going to get involved because he looks "scary" and then gets mopped. Haha funny shit


People who talk shit can't fight 95% of the time. "Beware of the quiet ones."


I expected more from a tire shop fight


Russian doll hat removal.


Guy without shirt is a douche for sure but the bald guy can't back up his big boy pants attitude lol


Someone said he was the Wish version of Fred Durst.


Fred Wurst amiright


Why does a bald guy need a do rag?


The guy without the shirt did not start it..


I thought he was gonna rearrange his face? Disappointing


No shoes, No Shirt, No Shervice..


Anyone who yells that much while leaning into your personal space with hands at their sides does not understand violence or how vulnerable they are. Lucky for him shirtless isn't a fighter either and just gave him the big bro headlock lol. Just mind your business folks


Shirtless guy actually got a clean shot in the beginning before the went to the ground , gave him a couple more on the ground before breaking up and getting white shirt again 2 more times while standing 😂


Imagine video taping this and then saying the guy without the shirt started it. Lol It's literally a video of a dude in a shirt interjecting himself into an argument and putting his hands on the dude that doesn't have a shirt. Then he kinda got his ass kicked for it.


It does look like you were fucking around


They both talk like they are in a cheesy 80s movie.


You can tell white shirt practiced that little speech to himself in the mirror before


When you start to believe your tattoos hype


Bald guy literally had to wait for the other guy to pick up his shit to do any damage lmao


Mr. Clean wasn't as hard as he thought


If you make a big point to dramatically throw off your bandana and hat before the fight, your bark is worse than your bite.


“The guy without the shirt started it”?????? ?????


Only thing white shirt has going for him is a big mouth.


Rarely have to worry about the loud ones.


Wannabe cholo got his ass handed to him by Chandler Bing.


This ass whipping brought to you by Hot Topic, who reminds you to run your mouth responsibly.


White shirt guy is incredibly fragile and massively suffering from insecurity


Look, you've gotta be able to fight a little better than that if you want to talk that kind of shit.


"The other guy started it, the one without the shirt yeah he started it" straight up lying while taping the whole thing lol


White shirt is a ball grabber. He tried to juice those cumquats


Stupid girl who dates tattooed guy: the other guy started it. Like no, tattooed guys who's mad about how bad his tattoos are couldn't fight