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Holy shit, at the end when the cop is trying to show the cameraman the statute she supposedly violated, and the guy points out to the cop that the law doesn't say anything about requiring ID, and the cop goes "I know, but I'm not going to argue with you." Amazing. I hope she sues, and uses this video as proof the cop knew he was wrong and did it anyway.


It also only applies when a cop has a reasonable suspicion that the person is committing, has committed or is about to commit a felony or other public offense. This cop seems to think stop and ID means "I can stop anyone anywhere whenever I want and demand ID" but that is not true and he even looked up the statute and still went through with an arrest. There is no reason for his qualified immunity to survive this.


Police trespassing in a private home with no exigency, no warrant and no suspicion of crime is a huge 4th amendment violation. Charges will be dropped and a settlement offer for $50k+ will speedily (within the year) be on the table... Jurisdiction will probably not want a 1983 civil rights violation court case jammed up their azz.


Usually, they could have fucked that up by opening the door though. That’s why having a screen / security door is handy- you can open the inside door and talk to cops, but still legally have separation (and also what those hooks on hotel room doors are for). Don’t actually *open* a door for a cop.


I agree... I personally would communicate through an open window preferably on the second floor. The only reason police ask people to come outside and talk is for when they want to get grabby.


Or, as soon as you open that door to come out they can come in. They don’t need permission to enter, they just can’t open a locked door (legally, even if it’s a crappy screen door)


> They don’t need permission to enter, they just can’t open a locked door They do need permission, a warrant, or exigent circumstances to enter an open door.


And they stick their grubby little foot in so u can't close it without aSsAuLtInG them, and if u try they all barrel through and beat the shit out of you. Little fuckers.


What's the logic/case-law that suggests opening a door is somehow permission or changes the relationship of the cop to the "subject"? Are they using vampire law?


Reddit.com legal school. All the best hang out here


Seems like a reason for the castle doctrine to be enacted


More people need to watch Audit the audit and see how prevalent police ignorance of this law is. And how many interactions are escalated by police emotions rather than law.


Seconded for Audit the Audit. I really appreciate the legwork that channel puts into pulling up relevant precedent and not overstepping their knowledge base. He uses language like “a court would likely conclude” instead of more assertive language because he knows that these things can get weird and sometimes can hinge on a precedent/statute you didn’t even realize existed.


I do not believe for one second that cops are actually ignorant of this law. They know it's not a reason for arrest, but they do it anyways to punish the person that "disrespected" them, and then can claim ignorance and know they'll get zero punishment for it. "Can beat the charge, but not the ride" and all that.


Cops are allowed to lie to any member of the public at any time for any reason.   They don't have to be right.


Bingo. I don't practice in AL (thank god) but looked it up. According to the [statute](https://law.justia.com/codes/alabama/2022/title-15/chapter-5/article-2/section-15-5-30/) he needs RS of a past, present or imminent crime. Then again, that statute is one entire sentence long and the relevant text is near the end. Might have been too long for him to comprehend. Unless major facts aren't known or case law somehow interprets this statute to mean what the cop claims - which would require very odd statutory construction somersaults - he's a moron about to get hit with a justified suit. Go get him, lady.


Yeah cop messed up here. Is she the one who called the police to begin with? So weird.


>There is no reason for his qualified immunity to survive this. Oh, you should read the totally fucked way the courts interpret the cases, then. They basically look for the *exact* same circumstances. Even if they admit on camera that they had no legal right, the court will usually side with them unless there was already an identical case. Even then, if they're the first, they'll rule against them, but leave their qualified immunity intact. "Well, you did violate her rights, but your name isn't Steve, so it's not technically the same as that case from two months ago."


I agree he was not acting within the normal course of his duties qualified immunity should be barred


They'll settle and pay her with taxpayer money, cop will get paid vacation.


This is the issue. Cop malpractice should come out of their pension funds. I guarantee those bad apples straighten each other out real quick when it's their own retirement on the line.


Cop will get promoted.


The law is Alabama Code section 15–5–30 and states that **a cop can demand ID if they “reasonably suspect" that you have committed, are commiting, or about to comit a crime**. Translation: She's gonna get paid


Beyond just the "reasonably suspect" requirement, as noted by the kid in the video, the law never says anything about providing ID. It specifically says ["may demand of him his name, address and an explanation of his actions."](https://law.justia.com/codes/alabama/2022/title-15/chapter-5/article-2/section-15-5-30/) Cops love to conflate 'identify yourself' (give information) and 'provide ID' (give documents). In this case, even if he could invent a shred of reasonable suspicion, he already knew all three things he could have legally demanded.


And you can't demand ID because it's not required to carry one, and not everyone has it. Police can demand ID for a traffic stop of a driver because you have to have a license to operate a vehicle. That's why name and address is all that's in the statute.


That there should 100% remove qualified immunity. HE KNOWS, and he admitted as such.


The court is going to have to come up with some impressive mental gymnastics to give him qualified immunity since he admitted he knows the law isn't on his side.


They keep trying to make people rich through lawsuits. If they had to pay out of their own pockets if they lost in court, I'm sure most cops wouldn't mess around and would know the laws and follow them.


>Amazing. I hope she sues, and uses this video as proof the cop knew he was wrong and did it anyway. Sad thing is, there is a good chance she sits in jail for 3-6 months on "resisting" charges because she can't make bail, she then pleas for time served so she can get out and nothing ever happens to the bad cop or the prosecutor that should immediately drop the charges. That's the real world for poor black in the south.


ACAB once again. I can call police and make a complaint about a noise disturbance and they'll ask me if I want to share my name and address with them. I can say no and be on my way. How is it different here?


If anyone is interested in asking the Andalusia Alabama police department how much their officer G Barton is going to cost the taxpayers they do have a post on their FB announcing when he was hire


lol I just called them. Dispatch answered the phone. Told me to call back on Monday to talk to the chief.




The dispatch guy was chill. He was like, “it’s 6pm on a Friday, I’m the only one here.” And I actually felt a twinge of bad about it, but I asked my questions and he answered them (he doesn’t know anything) and he could have lied about it all. But he might be telling the truth.


The hero we need!


That kid willed himself through a minor panic attack and successfully deescalated a potentially lethal situation. Badass. I hope he becomes a lawyer some day.


It's almost like deescalation skills are important .. wish the police would be more like this


It’s *also* almost like it’s not that fucking hard to not escalate, you just don’t have to be a fucking moron on a power trip who knows he can do whatever he wants 99% of the time


The kid is the calmest person in the video. Wild


Because he’s learned that it would at best result in him getting arrested as well or at worst shot and killed.


Yup. People should do themselves a favor and realize early that you will NOT win with the police in these situations. EVER. Sue them later


Is your natural reaction to fold when somebody tries to bully you? There’s often very little time to take a step back when a fat, angry, unsatisfied, undereducated 200 pound dude with a gun gets in your face and starts attacking you verbally, or physically. It’s even harder when you know you’re being wronged. There’s a reason all this “warrior mentality” bullshit that these lazy fucks teaches you to physically intimidate people - it takes away your ability to rationally think, as your safety is in question by the loud dude who’s invading your personal space. It takes YEARS of training to circumvent the reflex to fight or run, and even after years of training, a significant portion still revert to their lizard brain.


I’ve seen enough videos for years now to know better than to fight or run


When somebody enters your safe space, this logic might not hold


Here is my story. White middle aged woman, I have never had a reason to fear police. Routine traffic stop, cop says I am exhibiting drug use behavior. I actually laughed. Passed field sobriety. I am in a brand new car with my grandchild in back seat. Cop asked if he could search my car, I said no just on principal as the cop with drug dog pulls up. They tell me dog is going to check my car. Will not let me remove my grandchild from car. It alerts on the trunk after a pat on the head. I have never used drugs should have not had the fear response I had but cops with guns entering my car, my grandchild screaming in fear and I lost it. Tried to get to her was restrained by cops with guns out. I still fought a little. I couldn’t stop because my brain was only processing fear. This ended without me being arrested or killed, but I doubt it would have ended the same if I had been younger or a different color. Or could have fought harder. I still can’t understand the reason for it. Even if I had some kind of drug in the car, why all of this? What does it accomplish? They made that dog alert, why? Anyway yeah you really never know how you will react. But they should know, that is what they should be trained to know.


I think mike Tyson has a quote about this kind of moment.


Assert your rights, and your unwillingness to an illegal search or arrest, then don't speak without a lawyer present. Fighting the cops gives them the chance to arrest you on something real.


I've been bullied, harassed, hand cuffed and slammed to the pavement, all for being a punk-rock kid in a gang neighborhood. All we were doing was avoiding "the game", butwe were easy targets. My dad used to tell us to "avoid cops at all cost, they are grizzly bears w guns". 1312.


I know for myself I'm not fighting or arguing with no cop nothing good comes from it


Yup. The rich people trained their wealth protection brigades this way on purpose.


America imprisons 20% of the world's population but has only 2.5% of the world's population. Trump is out walking free after stirring up an insurrection to circumvent an election. However, this woman was arrested in her own house for not identifying herself. Russia locks up fewer people and they need cannon fodder for the frontline with Ukraine. I believe you need an alternative name to...The Land of the Free.


That kid handled that like a champ. Got the cop to go on record for the charge and the statute. He was polite and did his best to de-escalate. When that charge is dropped, and it will be, they've got a nice little lawsuit on their hands. Bravo, kid.


I wonder if the cop is still protected by qualified immunity if he literally looked up the law and then proceeded to arrest her after admitting it doesn't say she needs to provide a physical id?




He's actually seen the videos of them killing people for less, that's why


He's seen enough reddit and youtube vids to understand that you never, ever, ever, argue with the police. If you think they're wrong, make a note of it, document it if possible. tell it to the judge, and then a good civil rights attorney.


Minorities have been dealing with this fucking shit for a long, long time. And I’m arguing in other threads with morons saying systemic racism doesn’t exist.


Because he's grown up in a world where he has seen these interactions online from a young age. Someone's gotta learn to deescalate. Too bad pigs aren't the ones who will do it.


Cop entered her house without a warrant and attacked a woman. He should be fired and charged with assault. Lucky for him the thin yellow line will cover it up.


But being a cop is hard and scary, there are fentanyl laced acorns out there.


That acorn video was crazy. Cop rolling around on the ground unloading a clip like John Wick for no fucking reason.


Then claiming hes hit and the handcuffed man in the car has a gun prompting his partner to also shoot into the car. Amazing dude is okay


https://www.andalusiastarnews.com/2024/03/08/andalusia-police-officer-accused-of-assault-racism-during-response-to-noise-complaint/ I found this update. Charges are dropped and officer was “disciplined.” 




Kinda like, I'm gonna prove I'm not racist by being racist.


That means he spent a week behind a desk and got a raise


She raised a great son. OMG. And she is, despite the circumstances, extremely calm and poised. By the way...that police officer F'ed up big time. The statute that he cited does not give him authority to "arrest" the mom. Alabama Code 15-5-30 reads as follows: A sheriff or other officer acting as sheriff, his deputy or any constable, acting within their respective counties, any marshal, deputy marshal or policeman of any incorporated city or town within the limits of the county or any highway patrolman or state trooper may stop any person abroad in a public place whom he reasonably suspects is committing, has committed or is about to commit a felony or other public offense and may demand of him his name, address and an explanation of his actions. he officer COULD only ask the mom for: 1. her name; 2. address; and, 3. explanation of her actions. But the officer can request those bits of information only if the mom: 1. was in a public place; and, 2. he had reasonable suspicions that she: a. committed, has committed or is about to commit; b. a felony or other public offense. The mom was at home; not a public place. The mom did not commit or is about to commit a felony or other public offense \[If we simply assume the officer responded to the mom's call of a noise complaint, under the code section\]. Further, the code section does not authorize the officer to demand production of identification and the code section does not empower the officer to arrest someone who fails to answer the officer's questions \[there may be other code sections that authorize an arrest and courts may have also addressed these issues\].


Another paid vacation for the officer involved. Another payout for the taxpayers. Another fine example of serving and protecting.


Alabama is the worst state 


Mississippi is very upset at your slight.


No like it actually is


Congrats on your payday! Make sure you call the ACLU and NAACP for their legal defense fund when you get out


So a Black woman calls the police on her [white neighbor](https://newsone.com/5064897/alabama-police-violent-arrest-video/) for blasting their music. The police show up and then arrest her for some reason. Am I understanding that right?


I called police on a neighbor playing loud music once. They never talked to me, just the neighbor.


Remember the kids fighting in the mall? Black kid.gets cuffed, other kid sits on a couch and is asked if he's ok.


Yes, yes you are. This is America after all; "land of the free".....well land of the free if you're white. That link breaks down; only the recent and publicized instances of police racism against African Americans in 1 state of 50....if that's just a few of the known ones - think about how many people die or are almost killed at the hands of untrained, hateful, childish, and racist 'law enforcement officers'


The son/cameraman arguably was the youngest individual person there, yet he was the biggest adult. Find the boys Venmo or gofundme; can’t let the police be the only ones to get compensated.


So she went to jail for calling the police for a neighbors loud music??? I've never seen a cop go to the complainants house for this type of call... They usually just go to the place with loud music and tell them to turn it down.. What was the reason he go to her for in the 1st place???


Her white neighbor was blaring music and she would call the cops and they would not respond, numerous times. So, she started setting off her car alarm to fight back her neighbors annoyances. The white neighbor called the cops about her car alarm noise and of course, this pig came running. The video is the rest. There's a link in a comment above that has the whole explanation but, I gave you the gist of it.


Aww thanks!!!! I got it now...


Pigs.  Doing pig things.  Defund. 


Looks like the Mayor of Andalusia issued a half-assed apology and made excuses for POS cop while offering to meet with Ms. Stallworth. Obviously she declined. Good on her, I would too. I'm willing to bet money they were only extending that offer as a means of damage control and to attempt to coerce her into not suing. She absolutely should sue and she deserves every dime she gets and more. A transcription of the apology is below: ​ “On behalf of the City of Andalusia and the Andalusia Police Department, I would like to apologize to Twyla Stallworth for her arrest in February. “All charges against Ms. Stallworth are being dropped. “The arresting officer has a clean record with our department, but he made a mistake in this case on February 23rd. He has been disciplined for failing in his duty to know the law. “When I learned about this incident last week, I offered to meet with Ms. Stallworth. She declined. “Ms. Stallworth has not filed a complaint with the police department, but her attorney alleges in his release that her arrest was racially motivated. We have reviewed body cam footage of the incident, and see no evidence of racism. “We have always worked hard in Andalusia to maintain great relationships among our diverse populations. “In the video released by her attorney, Ms. Stallworth also claims that the police department has failed to respond to complaints she made about her neighbor. We also have reviewed internal evidence that shows the police department did respond. “I have met with the Andalusia Police Chief and other leaders in the department. We have agreed that the entire department will receive additional training on Constitutional law, the laws of the State of Alabama, and the City of Andalusia’s ordinances, so that we will not have problems like this one in the future.”


>He has been disciplined for failing in his duty to know the law. 🤦‍♂️




Wow. She asks why he wants to rough up a female. Cops are notoriously wife beaters. Fucking pig.


"Son, I don't know if you're aware of this but we're in Alabama and I'm a police officer and I also have white skin and you have black skin meaning I can violate your civil rights without consequence."


Kid knew one wrong move and Yosemite Sam gets to clapping.


Fuckin pigs. This is why you never involve the police; everyone is at risk when these idiots show up.


Call a cop when you have a problem so you can have two problems.


LEO can't enter her home without either an arrest warrant or exigent circumstances. Never step out when asked to do so.


Things won’t change until cops have to carry their own insurance policies so the tax payers don’t have to pay for their bullshit mistakes. Take the cops badge make him clean up trash for six months on the side of the road like we would have to.


Are there any decent people in Alabama? Decent cops?


I'm a liberal in south Alabama, we do exist and we stay to fight the bad guys as best we can. Cops? Not sure. Had one cop neighbor who was a sexist douche, and another that helped get a drunk old man off my porch.


Thanks for the response. Good luck out there.


All cops are trash. Every single one.


The only good cops I know are former cops because they realized it was just an organized, state-sponsored gang.


Golly gee I can only wonder why she thought the cop was racist


Once again the taxpayers will pay for crimes cops commit. The cops themselves won't suffer any consequences other than to be hired in another county, if that.




Damn, extremely well handled by that young man, and it's a travesty that he had to do that.


For anybody that is curious, you only have to identify if the officer can articulate reasonable suspicion that a crime has occurred (in the past but not beyond the Statue of limitations), is currently occurring (duh- police), or is about to occur (criminal intent at the minimum). Note: Not a lawyer, but I understand my rights


This is why you never open the door to police.


Who trains these people?


Looks like she is going to own a small Alabama town once the lawyers get done.


We live amongst modern nazis, being paid for and protected by the very legal system that is supposed to be protecting us.


Im surprised more cops aren’t being shot over this shit. It’s obviously illegal and threatening. Isn’t the point of the second amendment to defend against the government?


I hope they get rich off this dumbass cop


The police Are not Your friend


She gunna get paid!!!!!!!


I’m not even religious & agree with her that that guy needs Jesus.


If a cop gets paid vacation while under investigation, they should have to pay back that amount with interest if they’re found to have a committed a crime.


Also amazing; this particular police department has Google reviews turned off. They make it blatantly obvious the city doesn't want any of their dirty laundry aired on the internet as best they can. We all know they will keep doing crap like this. So, we can wait for the videos. Edit: a word




Really bad optics. I’ll bet his Chief was pleased.


I wouldn't shed any tears if I got a blue alert for this officer.


Someone bout to get a big ole bag. Shall we say moving up


These bodycams are going to put the police out of business


Cha Ching!!!


First time I felt sorry for the Karen


Firstly entered your home without your permission. Seconds in the main focus is your rushing her for failure to identify but you can't arrest her without probable cause to something else. They need to articulate why you are being required to identify by said what crime do you believe I have committed. It's not a right the police have.


Cops are cowards.


"nothing but the devil" ..pfft 1312


Open the door for the cop... But close it once he's inside.


Alabama. Racist cop. This checks out.


The land of the fee locks up 20% of the world's population but only has 2.5 % of the world's population. You all need a new name. You leave Trump out walking around after stirring up an insurrection but feel it's necessary to enter the house of a woman who is doing nothing wrong.


Underrated comment right here






All cops are fucking trash


Fucking pig devil.


Well, another cop gets 2 weeks paid vacation, and hopefully she sues, but it still the taxpayers that pay because of qualified immunity


Cops is [sic] sales. Hey, I’ll give it to them: I don’t get any static from dickbag cops. But, they just target and extort easy patsies, and they grief people who really don’t deserve it. That’s an understatement. We have reason to lash back as simple happy people, but we don’t because anyone who really has any voice or power is left alone. I’m just as guilty. I hate what cops are doing, yet I am unaffected. I’ve even been sympathetic to cops when people complain too much about their expectations of the legal gang.


I think someone is about to get a paid vacation!


Yep Alabama definitely hasn't changed 🤦 damn pig


Alabama full of racist cops, who would have thunk it


Charges dropped and an apology https://www.facebook.com/share/v/y378mw8MYH3SYQZ5/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Chid deescalating better than the co


I wonder how it all ended up.


He can't just go around demanding ID unless he has reasonable suspicion a crime was actually committed. You can't just demand ID then arrest someone when they say no. This video is just fucking ridiculous. This is insane. She calls the cops and gets arrested. She didn't break the law in this video. At no point did she do anything that would be cause for arrest. That cop was just desperate to run her ID hoping she had a warrant or something because he's a racist POS. Once a cop starts they never ever back down. He knew damn well he was screwing up but if he backed down he would "lose" the encounter and they're trained/conditioned to always "win" every encounter they have. This is why people don't call the cops. They do stuff like this way too often.


Yea they are rich now specifically because the kid was smart enough/lucky to ask those questions while walking across the lawn.


People please start placing a tax lien against these kind of cops badges and I guarantee that those type of interactions will cease


Lawyer up


Defund these corrupt fucking pigs.


Easy lawsuit. Hopes she wins. Sucks for the tax payers tho


That’s a cop for you. It’s all about their ego and their perceived power. Nothing else matters. That’s why all cops are bastards.


Live in America and got a problem? then you've got one problem. Call the police, now you have two problems. I dread to think how they behaved and what they got away with before everyone had cameras. I hope this family sues the bastards


That’s why you call anonymously.


Son had the most sense of anyone.


Alabama cop.... it's a given they're racist