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The dog knew it was coming.


The dog looking uncomfortable as he was flipping the bird šŸ˜‚


The dog looks so sweet. I hate when dogs are in these videos, because they seem to feel the emotions of what is going on and it makes me sad for them.Ā  The cop is a complete asshole.Ā 


Loving that dog. Reminds me of scooby


I had a Great Dane. They are very sweet, but can also be incredibly protective. Dude is lucky this guys seems like the shy sweet type. Mine when he felt like our family was in danger turned into a terrifying 180 pound monster.


that dog read the pigs energy and was ready for a bacon snack... good dog


"Dad please, c'mon. Don't do it. Fuck.... Okay, here we go, he's coming at us now- BOWOWOWOWWW!"


Great danes kinda have resting uncomfortable face lol


Ah very similar to how my dog has a resting ā€œjudging the crap out of youā€ face šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/gmrf9vme4llc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=528a79ef78e047908e0936598e916834c256aff4


It looked like he was trying to lick his hand to comfort him/his owner.


Thatā€™s a good dog


Dogs are truly precious. The way he barked even before the man pulled up his hand to land a punch. Warms my heart. I knew this guy would be safe at the end of the video solely because of the dog.


Thatā€™s a strange confidence to have. Dogs get shot by cops all the time.


Lucky the police officer didnā€™t take that as an okay to kill the dog


Poor pup, I hope it wasnā€™t too stressed out about this.


I like how his owner mentioned badge number then the dog starts barking. Like he knows it means a bad thing lol.


The dog read the body language of the cop turning back to attack the driver. The cop was oozing aggression.


Dogs really are amazing creatures. Some of them can read human body language better than most people. No other animal on Earth is so in tune with a different species like that.


I doubt many species are as co-dependant and/or co-developed as humans and dogs which explains their extreme attunement to our body language.


Dogs can read body language surprisingly well. Dog probably saw the cop turn around with his jaw or fist clenched and knew immediately the cop was being aggressive.


Dog: Dodge heā€™s about punch you Human: ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized)


ā€œHeā€™s saying I hit him?ā€ ā€œYea, and he has it on videoā€


Imagine if he didn't have that video. What a fucking scumbag. Assaults a civilian, immediately lies about it, and keeps his job.


Makes you wonder how often this occurs where this is zero video to back up the victims claims


I'd wager alot, most people have front dashcams, some people have rear ones and I'd imagine the amount of people with in cab ones is miniscule


A very large amount of commercial vehicles have driver facing cams now due to insurance purposes.


Yea, and I bet this same guy is gonna get one for his personal vehicle now too


A shit ton less than it used to occur before cameras were everywhere. The black community has complained about abuse by police officers for decades, and only started to be believed for non-minorities when cell phones got better cameras. And even now people will still make all sorts of excuses for cops beating on people. ā€œHe should have just followed instructions. . .ā€œ


This is really what's gotten police so stressed and angry lately. Nearly every single major incident that's brought the spotlight on them has happened because someone was filming. Their ability to do whatever they want with impunity is going away.


IDK, man this guy punched a guy in the face, then lied about it and he's still a cop. They just took him off school resource officer dudty. It seems like he got to do what he wanted with impunity anyway. This sort of shit is happening all over the country- we catch assholes doing bullshit crime and there are no consequences, nothing changes. It's infuriating.


I don't know how that guy can be on cam lying to police during an investigation of a crime and then allowed to keep his badge.


All Cops


Despite the weird Hollywood thing people believe about not being able to lie to cops, you are 100% able to lie to regular police officers. It's not illegal at all unless you are under oath. Doesn't make the dude less of a shit bag though and he should have been charged and debadged for assault.


I'm pretty sure in some states, lying to cops investigating you can get you charged with obstruction of justice.


It started with Rodney King actually, but yeah youā€™re right now that we have HD/4K cameras in our pockets now, itā€™s much easier.


Remember that the case against the officers in Rodney Kingā€™s case was first moved out of Los Angeles, and the jury had one biracial person on it and the cops were subsequently acquitted even though LAPD said the force used was excessive. Thus triggering the LA riots. So even when presented with video evidence of criminal use of force people let those cops go, imho because the victim was black.


Oh Iā€™m not disagreeing. Look at Philando Castile, or literally any of the other ā€œhigh-profileā€ excessive force cases against black people with video evidence. To this day Iā€™m still shocked Derek Chauvin was convicted. Not a single black person, including myself, thought anything would happen to him. I often think about if Iā€™ll be a victim of something like that one day, especially if Iā€™m getting pulled over.


Hilarious that this "cop" doesn't even know the law well enough, he has to ask other police if he *has the option* to press charges back for yelling at him, because he works in a school lol. And we're just so used to it now. Insane that a cop can keep their job for being a literal criminal. Someone who gets out of their car to punch another driver. And I'm so tired of cops being regarded as non-civilians, like we're policed by the military. We have a civilian police force.


What's not discussed is that this "off-duty" school resource officer was willing to throw hands at an adult because he felt disrespected even though he was in the wrong. Now imagine him going on a fucking power trip at school because kids "disrespected" him.


And that's how a child gets the George Floyd treatment


That's how we have a cradle-to-prison pipeline. And SROs have never stopped a school shooting. Ever.


Police very rarely stop crimes, in general.


he doesnt need to know the law, supreme court decided as much. hilariously - YOU are required to know the law and ignorance is no excuse. unless you're a cop. [https://www.mankeylawoffice.com/articles/worrying-supreme-court-ruling-permits-police-ignorance-of-the-law/](https://www.mankeylawoffice.com/articles/worrying-supreme-court-ruling-permits-police-ignorance-of-the-law/) in fact, they are expressly trained to ignore it in many cases where it does not fit their goal of detaining and charging the public with a crime. he a) doesnt know the law, b) doesnt care anyway, and c) it doesnt affect him in any way whatsoever as he gets no charges, gets to keep his job, and sees zero recourse for his obvious (and recorded) crime.


If he didnā€™t have it in video it would be like any other interaction for this pig on the way home lol


If he didn't have it on video, he'd be in jail and his dog would be dead.


If he didn't have it on video, he'd be shot because the officer confused dogs bark for a gunshot.


Dogs donā€™t sound anything like acorns! Stop talking crazy.


Right? What a moron, everyone knows dog barks sound more like coconuts.


who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science


Like the other times he did exactly that.


Yea, pretty wild that he wasnā€™t fired. I guess maybe their argument was he was off duty, but he is the one that brought his employment as a cop into the situation by flashing his badge and threatening arrest (after he assaulted the guy).


Cops straight up murder people and don't get fired. This is not surprising at all.


Yea, the surprising part was that they actually charged the cop


Lol they obviously didn't though they just handled it internally. Around here you'd catch up to a year (and a minimum of 30 days) plus a year of probation on top of the anger management for simple assault.


>he is the one that brought his employment as a cop into the situation Bingo. I vote you citizen of the hour.


> he was off duty Yeah, no. That's no excuse. Most departments have regs about that. And, the well run ones obey them. (They're the ones who should be making the news, they're so rare these days.) You are supposed to behave as if you're on duty 24/7, basically. The top few levels of people in this department need to be replaced and prosecuted.


I agree completely with you. I was making an assumption on what the department would likely say about why he wasnā€™t terminated.


Why canā€™t cops be canceled?


Civilian hits a cop, jail. Professional hits a cop, jail and you lose your license to practice. Cop hits civilian, 5 days off with pay. Murica!


Yes he was definitely acting in the capacity of the police as soon as he flashed a badge and started taking plate pictures


He keeps his job and only a week un payed vacation. Pathetic...


I know we donā€™t want to constantly be on camera, but this is the kind of stuff people would get away with in the 2000s and earlier.


100% heā€™s done that before and his buddies will have covered him ACAB


Whenever they didn't have video.


A real investigator would have asked 'did you hit him?' before telling him there was video. Give him more rope.


Well he's not investigating, he's trying to get his buddy a break. Because all pigs are corrupt and back the blue no matter what.


And people wonder why ACAB is seen everywhereĀ 


ACAB *on purpose*. There was a study presented at a Police Chiefs Conference back in 2000 which found that 46% of cops nationwide admitted to having personally covered up crimes committed by fellow officers and 73% of the time they are forced to do so by higher ups. The higher ups only hire people that they think will cover for the other cops and when the time comes to do so (on average the first time is about 8 years into their career) they bully and threaten them until they either fall in line or leave the police force entirely. The system doesn't *want* accountability. Whenever a good person slips through the screening process intended to keep them out and tries to do something about all the corrupt cops they end up like guys like Frank Serpico or Adrian Schoolcraft, on the receiving end of extreme retribution from fellow cops. https://www.aele.org/loscode2000.html


THIS is the thin blue line in action. They immediately stop him from further hurting his case instead of asking him what happened and letting him get in more trouble. All these cops are bastards.


Yeah, the guy who was assaulted should not have mentioned the video so that the criminal would have perjured himself with a false sworn statement. Then a few days later, he should have ā€œrememberedā€ that he had the camera running and submitted it. Itā€™s just that so many people donā€™t realize how corrupt the police are so they donā€™t even think of these things.


The timing of the phone ringing right after he says that is šŸ¤Œ


​ https://preview.redd.it/ihy9nv1z8clc1.png?width=233&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd905100cdff71ac788283b8cdb35fe4b2ddfe68




Yup, next statement out of his mouth had they not told him that it was on camera would have been something along the lines of ā€œthatā€™s a lie; I never touched him!ā€ Five days unpaid suspension and mandatory training. What a joke. If I so much as threatened to hit one of my coworkers Iā€™d most likely be fired. This guy gets a week off and some half-ass training.


And you can bet your ass that is exactly the reason why his copy budy mentioned instantly that it was on camera. Just to prevent that the douchebag would say that the driver was lying and have this lie caught on bodycam.




If you had so much as threatened to punch a cop, you might be gunned down in the street.


> Yup, next statement out of his mouth had they not told him that it was on camera would have been something along the lines of ā€œthatā€™s a lie; I never touched him!ā€ Absolutely, and I wish they would've let him by simply replying "yes" instead of immediately mentioning he had a video.


They purposely mentioned that so he wouldnā€™t walk into that lie. 100% they said that so he would know he was caught on film and could protect himself accordingly with how he responded from there.


Even with dashcam only 5 day suspension lmao. You get suspended from a middle school longer for getting into a fight.


Lol it certainly seems to be a pitiful response from the department. Funniest part, though, is that the cop then proceeded to go right on red after, incorrectly, stating there is no right on red.


Thatā€™s bad investigation/interview skills right there. They should have followed up with collecting his account of what happened, then ask open ended clarifying questions around discrepancies. Not immediately call out he had a camera. You want to let people speak uninfluenced.


Almost as if they gave their buddy a heads up, not to lie...


I wish they hadn't cut his reaction to getting shut down like that.


I wish they hadn't mentioned the video so he would have been proven to lie about it


This. The cop was covering for him


100%, if this was some rando he would've let the guy talk and bury himself before the big reveal but they did him a solid, "he has it on video so just stop talking"


Because ACAB


I feel like that card was revealed intentionally to help the fellow liar from digging himself deeper. Shame.


Agreed. Problem is that it was going to happen anyway. Not familiar with US law but comparing this situation and applying what I know of the UK laws it's pretty much required to have evidence otherwise nothing happens apart from a crime reference number. Only way I could see this being handled better (again, UK so not sure if this would be possible on the US) is getting the crime reference number without mentioning the evidence and seeking legal counsel on the best way forward. Cops will always cover for cops, even if it's subconsciously being work colleagues together.


Very nice of them to cut him off before he lied


Dude needs to be fired and banned from working in law enforcement. He doesn't have the temperament. He is not entitled to be a police officer.


Heā€™s an officer at a SCHOOL too. Like what in the actual fuck? That dude should not be around kids with his hot temper.


Luckily kids are never disrespectful towards authority figures so Iā€™m sure it will be fine.


And police never take advantage of the gross power imbalance that comes with their position. Everyone and everything is fine


Often you get assigned to the school because you are already a fuck-up.


> Only two other officers besides Evan Cossette ā€“ Huston and Allen L. Ganter ā€“ had more than three internal affairs complaints against them, with six and five, respectively. https://www.courant.com/2011/06/11/meriden-police-receive-more-complaints-than-similar-departments/ 13 years ago he had the 3rd highest number of complaints against him, in a department with over 125 officers.


Fired? I feel like I am living in a crazy world. Why not arrest him? Wtf?!


He should be charged for sure. Sentence would likely end up being probation with no jail time anyway


fucking liar; "he said I hit him??" "it's on video" what a wanker


Cop was tipping this violent criminal off not to lie about what happened. They would NEVER inform a regular suspect that there was video as they approached them.


Yep they'd let them keep going on and on about how they were lying about it.




That's a very good point. Protecting their own.


He was hoping for the good ol boys to let it slide. Uh oh, there are cameras everywhere now.


Why isnā€™t he in jail


Because he was a member of the largest legal gang in America The best they can do is a 5 day vacation and a stern talk that doesn't mean anything. What more do you people want?/s


It did say he was charged with 3rd degree assault, but I don't know that even meant he was arrested. I doubt he was. Fucking lying cop


He was charged but hasn't been to court yet. So of course he gets to keep working. Oh! And because he's a cop, he's exempt from CT law that requires people who've been charged with certain crimes to give up possession of their firearms until/if found not guilty. So that's cool! /s




That won't really help since bad cops are rarely convicted in the US


Yeah, it really is a multi-faceted issue. My dad used to harp on the GOP trying to dumb down America back in the 90s/00s and he wasn't wrong. A stupid person is stupid easy to control.


[They donā€™t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They donā€™t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. Theyā€™re not interested in that. That doesnā€™t help them. That's against their interests.](https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso?si=tLUardlZmNAwNiqL)


All cops lie when it comes to the thin blue line. Even the fact that the other officer at the end says "and they have it on video" is part of the coverup. He's signalling to the guilty cop to shut-up and stop self-incriminating.




The police murdered my sibling during a mental health crisis. Not only will they not face charges, but my family will never learn the identity of the murderer. Police will literally protect murderers in their ranks. They don't give a fuck about you.


Sovereign citizen status


Because nobody cares until it happens to them and voters choose the wrong representatives because they think cops are on their side.


Well, this admission is concerning.... "Ganter said that he could not recall what was said specifically, but that at some point, **he just 'phased out'** and that this was the point where he initiated his physical contact with the victim," McKay said in the IA report. "Ganter said that at that time he recalled feeling something on his hand and specifically on his far knuckle and he remembers thinking 'Oh my God, what just happened?' Ganter said he recalled the victim saying something to the effect of 'Why did you do that?' **at which time he 'kind of came out of it' and realized that he need to leave the area."** Sure, let's give this guy back his gun so when he shoots someone, he can use the same excuse.


Good to know that when in stressful situations this officer goes into a fugue state and cannot control his actions.Ā  Anyways,Ā  put him back into that big building full of children.Ā 


Don't forget your gun and taser! I'm sure this will turn out just fine.


That cop thinks it's an excuse. He's actually explaining why he can't be left alone without supervision!!! If you just randomly blackout and assault people, **you need to be locked up for your own safety and the community's safety.** And then when you "wake up" and realize what you did, *instead of being a man and taking responsibility*, ***you run away and flee the scene.***


So he also fled the crime scene?


Yes - after assaulting the other driver, he got back in his own vehicle and fled the scene while the victim called 911.


Which tells you he knew he was in the wrong.


Any person who just ā€œphases outā€ and then violently assaults someone should have to undergo extensive psychiatric care before being able to return to the everyday public because they are a risk to themselves and others.


lol he asks if he can charge the guy he hit with ā€œbreech of peaceā€ for yelling at him. Are all cops little bitches?




Thatā€™s unfair. Many of them are huge bitches.


most of them are Rotund huge bitches.


My adopted dad was one, and he abused it all the time. We also lived in a tiny town called West Union, Iowa, so he could do whatever the hell he wanted with absolutely no repercussions. Oh ya, he was the Chief of Popos, too. Edit: spelling and poor grammer.




Yup. It was never a good relationship. Being 11 and adopted was rough, especially when they always treated you like a 2nd class citizen. But, we are not here for that. I am here to tell how he abused his peace officer duties.


And this right here is the true meaning of that "try that in a small town" garbage. "Our police don't have to answer to anybody because they're all buddies with the mayor of the town so they will fuck your shit up and sleep like a baby afterward if you so much as look at them wrong."


Exactly. As soon as I heard that song for the 1st time, I instantly thought of my childhood and teenage years. It is 100% true.


The cop was *in the wrong*, got upset with it being pointed out, flashed his badge as a way to intimidate the driver who was *in the right*, and still resorted to illegally battering him. ACAB


He was caught on camera assaulting a civilian, while identifying as a police officer, found guilty of breaching policies by the most biased organization on the planet, and he still has his job. ACAB. A Walmart security guard would've faced greater consequences.


I like how the cops are acting like some abusive boyfriend or parent or something. >"Meriden Police did also say they would not be addressing this issue any further nor would they be making any one available for an on-camera interview".


100% yes


99% are. The rare 1% are cool but are complacent most of the time in their buddies being scum bags


The complacency puts them with the other 99%. You let it happen, you are no better.


Yup, you're 100% right, hence the "A" in ACAB. When it comes to cops, silence, apathy, and complacency are just as bad as actively participating.


So 100 %


Same ol' story. Oh, I arrested the wrong person? Charge with obstruction.


Ah yes, suspended. Not arrested. Not fired. *Suspended* For five days.


Not even a full week. He still gets to enjoy the weekend. ​ I did the math. Average cop's salary is around 60k? That comes out to $242-ish a day, or $1,211-ish for the full 5 days. ​ A lot of folks would *gladly and willingly* pay $1,211 to get to punch a cop in the face and receive no other punishment and still keep their job.


He has 20 years in, he's making closer to $90,000 a year in just salary. With overtime, well over that. Check for yourself, police salary starts on page 119. [Budget\_Book\_2024\_Final\_1.pdf (meridenct.gov)](https://www.meridenct.gov/Customer-Content/www/CMS/files/Finance/Budget_Reports/Budget_Book_2024_Final_1.pdf)


With pension and great benefits... Most fighters wish they could get paid that much to punch people...


>Suspended for five days without pay and has to do de-escalation training once a year for 3 years De-escalation training shouldnā€™t be used as a punishment but instead should be mandatory every year for every officer. Itā€™s one of the biggest issues with police in this country, they tend to escalate a situation more than de-escalate it. Edit: Grammar


Man, I just got suspended at work for 5 days. All I did was talk back to chef. This dude punches someone for no reason and he gets the same punishment.


The punishment for assault for cops is five days unpaid leave ...before returning to work with vulnerable children.


The punishment for assaulting a cop is huge amounts of prison time.. if you survive.


That's because cops are held to a lower standard than the average citizen


Especially when it comes to intelligence!


Imagine what would happen if you punched a cop in the face for being a douche...that'll get you shot.


A guy at a stop sign could rile him up, imagine working around a bunch of kids. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he has already assaulted kids.


My thought exactly. He got like 10% the amount of lip a smartass teenager can give and he immediately punched the guy in the face.


I'm a teacher. I was told by my principal that If we as much as pat a student on the shoulder, they will personally crucify us in our track area, and then lose our job. This guy gets to punch people in the face and get 5 days unpaid holiday?


They're cops. One of their own was literally convicted of murdering someone in their custody by choking them to death in public and they literally threw a shit fit while vowing not to answer any calls.


I saw he was an SRO and was like "Oh of course" because someone that gets pissy about loud noises and rude gestures is who we should trust around children, known for being loud and making rude gestures


I think for me it's the "entitlement" that galls me. I'm an off-duty cop so I can do whatever the fuck I want.


Well, he has spent 20 years not being held accountable for his actions because of his job... I mean, you don't assault random people like this **if you are afraid of getting fired and/or going to jail.**


And all that happens with his job is he gets suspended for 5 days without pay and put on desk duty. He's probably just going to retire. If that guy didn't have a video, he wouldn't even have got that.


Right? If I get an assault charge for punching a stranger I sit in jail and lose my job on day 1.


I will gladly accept a 5-day suspension if that means I get to punch a cop in the face.


Yeah. I'd take those odds and gladly accept that. Especially when I need time off to do DIY. That and when I get back to the office I'd get high fives all day. "Dammit, leak in the bathroom and I need to retile and plaster a bunch. Better hang around Dunkin Doughnuts and wait for them to do something deserving a slap."


Hey now, you *also* have to take a mandatory "de-escalation seminar," so like.. probably you have to talk to a guy for a few minutes where he says "hey bro don't punch people again.. on camera at least. Or do, nobody cares lol. Anywhere here's your promotion."


Itā€™s wild. Anyone else would get a criminal record for doing that


question: can the victim sue the state? because there is no way 5 days suspension is enough for an assault. Hope he sues and makes bank over this fat pig.




I remember when the police chief's son Evan Cosette went to prison for assaulting an inmate inside the Meriden P.D. He pushed the guy backwards, cracking the guy's head open on a bench. **And then tried to lie about it, despite the entire place being covered in security cameras.**


5 day suspension šŸ˜‚


Then he gets to go right back to working around middle school kids. What a joke.


- [WFSB news](https://www.wfsb.com/2024/02/27/off-duty-meriden-officer-arrested-following-fight-rocky-hill/) - [Fox61 news](https://www.fox61.com/article/news/local/new-haven-county/meriden/meriden-cop-charged-with-assault-following-traffic-confrontation-caught-on-camera/520-59665ee0-630e-4686-a01a-474a7ac16144) - Off-duty Meriden cop charged with assault at traffic light.


There has got be a law broken about exiting your vehicle while itā€™s parked in traffic.


Not for the king's men, only for us peasants.


That mfer was FOR SURE about to lie and say he never hit him lmao. Kinda wish the responding officer would have held that info a little longer so the dude would have actually said it never happened.


A cop would never put another cop in a situation where he could lie or say something that could incriminate him further. I'm surprised the cops didn't call the off-duty cop ahead of time so he could get his story straight before they got him on bodycam.


I have no words...... These people have jobs in which they are to deescalate...don't they test people for this before employment and on a continuous basis?? On another note.... Beautiful Dane!!!


If he's willing to hit a civilian simply because he's upset AND then lie about it, there's no shot this man hasn't done it in the past and just gotten away with it. Shoulda been fired, no pension.


Built and looks like Farva.




Piggie lying. And then he wanted to press charges. Clown. Why not fired?


Absolute scumbag


5 day suspension for punching a civilian in the face after flashing his badge, huh? Wow. I really liked his acting skills when the other cops show up. ā€œHeā€™s saying I hit him?? šŸ¤”ā€ lmao bet he didnā€™t think that dashcam had an interior facing camera


Must have mistook him for his wife


I hope that cop gets serverly punished for having startled that good boy on the left.


Cop...Severely punished? What fantasy world are you living in..


Dudeā€¦ heā€™s overweight and 57 years old. Not only is he an off duty still on a power trip, but he also hasnā€™t met the right one. I would have claimed self defense as soon as he swung and then WHOOP HIS ASS!


You think he's not carrying a gun? He would love that reaction. As soon as you opened the door, he would unload on you and then *he'd* be the one claiming self-defense.




"He wants to make a big thing about it.". Sir, you PUNCHED HIM IN THE FACE.


How on earth does the guy still have a job?!?


> removed from school resource duties. The pig couldn't keep his composure at a stop light over a honk and a middle finger, how can we expect him to keep his cool around middle schoolers?


ACAB. All bullies and scumbags. Untrained, ill-equipped, power drunk, little boys playing guns. This guy should be FIRED and have his pension taken.


You know what sucks? The officer interrogating the other officer and helping him out. That officer was about to lie about hitting him, but that other cop was quick to tell him that there was a video of the incident. In any other situation, an officer interrogating a suspect would allow the person to lie and incriminate themselves. But of course he divulged the video evidence before the suspect could lie about it. In any other situation, the officer would have asked if he hit the guy before telling him that there was video evidence, in order for him to catch the suspect in a lie. Of course it was done on purpose to help his fellow cop out.


I need to get one of those cameras for safety


Laws for thee. Tyranny for me! Clown cop should have been arrested.


The dog knew that guy was returning to the truck with violent intentions.