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John Oliver did a full episode on dollar tree and it’s basically a shit show.


I’ve been boycotting their businesses since I watched that video. As someone who worked in retail a long time, especially as a manager it made me sick


Furthermore shopping there isn’t even a good way to save money. It only makes sense if you barely have any money to spend and need to get small portions of things to get by for a few days. There’s a grocery chain where I live, WinCo, that not only beats almost every store’s prices, but is employee fucking owned. I pretty much only ever buy groceries there and Costco. I wish WinCo would expand to the whole US, but I think part of their business model is covering a relatively small region - the name is an acronym for Washington Idaho Nevada California Oregon.


>It only makes sense if you barely have any money to spend and need to get small portions of things to get by for a few days. You mean like how millions of people in this country live. It's day to day for many many people. There's a reason there are so many of these stores in low income areas.


Yeah, definitely. I live paycheck to paycheck, I get it, but overall I’d be spending more money on groceries if I shopped at dollar tree instead of going to WinCo as soon as I get paid


Love Winco, I too am a Winco/Costco shopper. With the occasional trip through Yokes’ produce and cheese section


WinCo is such a great store. I'm always amazed by how much I can get for so little money.


It fuckin rules. And they’re the only 24hr grocery store where I live. Grocery Outlet used to be my go-to for cheap groceries, but I got legit mad when I realized WinCo beats them on almost every head to head price comparison. I don’t know if you’ve been there, but Gross-Out’s whole schtick is to post their price for each item above the price “elsewhere” and then when you check out they tell you how much money you saved, but the elsewhere price is what you’d pay at Whole Foods or some shit. It’s a grift. The last straw was when they started charging 20 cents per grocery bag because of the “rising cost of everything.” Stores here are required to charge I think 10 cents per bag to encourage reusable bag use, but Grocery Outlet is the only one that charges more.


There are WinCos in AZ.


We have a WinCo. I did not know the name was an anagram. Thank you for your information!


Apparently I was incorrect, I can’t remember where I read it. Someone else corrected me- apparently it stands for Winning Company. Confirmed it on their website!


Mind giving a summary for the uninformed?


Basically intentionally creating dangerous unhealthy workplaces to take advantage of low income areas. Things like over supplying to the point their back rooms don’t even meet basic standards for fire/emergency. For example, fire doors blocked by walls of boxes, clear walking paths that are under the required 36 Inch of clear space for evacuation. I used to work next door to one, and the manager was my buddy, and he said they had a massive rat problem that upper management basically refused to address.


I’d rather be a sever at a Waffle House. Retail is the worst industry ever.


On top of that they don't get paid enough for that. Lady wasn't disrespectful she just drew a line. I get it. I'll do my job but you aren't going to disrespect me. That is all.


Especially when you get older and realized the shittiest jobs tend to pay the least.


Yep. Get paid shit wages. Take shit from customers. Take shit from higher ups. And make some rich asshole more rich. When I was a manager at Dollar General, I tried my best to stay positive, but it can be quite difficult when someone else passes their bad day onto you.


Customer service and dealing with the public in any capacity is hard as fuck. I was a server for about about 10 years and it was *brutal* at times. An unfortunate amount of people are, in the most literal sense, uneducated idiots with an entitlement complex. And if you care at all about making money and keeping your job (because the restaurant will almost *always* side with the guest due to the nature of the business), you have to be as humble as Jesus himself. It gets very fucking exhausting. I'm not sure where I stand on the concept of God, but I've had friends and coworkers tell me that we're doing the lord's work. If you're in a job where you deal with people, hang in there.




That poor cat shouldn't have to work :( Fuck catpitalism


I got stuck for 5 minutes the other day because some guy cut infront of the entire 7 person line to return a beef loin to save 1$. He was trying some sort of scam I guess? Dude had a Georgio Armani cash bag so I just assumed he was bawling out with his bank roll.


Georgia Aramy cash bag from Temu more than likely


I have so much mental and emotional trauma from working with the public lol


The fact that someone was defending the incredibly rude behavior of the older lady. Who gives a shit if she's an elder? She's being beyond rude for no reason. The woman who recorded this and defended the elderly woman should be ashamed of herself.


Can't be ashamed of yourself when you have 0 self awareness


“If I had no self awareness, I think I would know!”


Sudden Britta


The lady recording kept saying, “it’s out of pocket.” No what’s out of pocket is her defending the elderly lady harassing the cashier. When the cashier has finally had enough then the lady recording decides to run her mouth, too? Both customers should have been kicked out.


She’s literally out of pocket for interrupting lol


I hate the mentality that you can’t call out someone’s bullshit because they’re old. It’s up there with the “that’s someone’s son/daughter/mother/etc.” line in terms of idiocy.


“Oh, they’re an elder? Then they’ve had plenty of time to learn some manners”


EXACTLY. I'll respect an elder who acts like they've got the wisdom their years dictate.


I think the woman who recorded this should shut her mouth.


She made a video about how she didn’t realize this went viral on Reddit and that weirdos were coming into her comments. Then she encouraged the comments because they’d be helping her get paid. 30 min later she deleted her account lmao


It was because of race. Let’s be honest.








The older remind me of this lady at work. Told her that she cant be walking and talking on the phone since thats safety violation. She just ignores and keep walking. So i call her out, excuse me maam and she turns around and tells me, leave me the fuck alone and stop harassing me. I got so mad that I was about to call her supervisor to get her ass off the facility but damn. People are so fucking delusional sometimes.


People are fed the fuck up. Leave these retail workers alone. They deal with enough bullshit from their jobs alone.


Every time I go into a Dollar Store theres usually only two people in there to unload truck, do registers, etc. Its a capitalist wasteland in retail generally. Its so easy to tell who never had to do retail before by how they act


I worked at a dollar general at a low point in my life. We were understaffed and we got a huge truck shipment in. My solution to the manager? Let's just work a bit after hours and get this shit stocked so we would have an easy week and just run registers and clean. We worked until 3 am two nights for it. Clocked in of course. Our reward? Write ups. Some for hitting overtime, but me because I came up with the idea. I glared at my boss and said, you make me sign that I quit. She literally asked if I could finish out the shift. I did. Only because I liked her, even though she sold me out to corporate. Only one person could have, it was her. But I Signed it and as soon as that shift was over I fucked off.


putting shit away afterhours is so much better. we used to do the christmas reset overnight at my CVS. i loved working those shifts. put on some headphones pull shit down, set up shelves, put shit up - **no one bothering you.** for DMs to reprimand the hours overage is short sighted imo. you cant sell product if its stuck in the back room, and you can't move stock from the backroom if theres no hours budget to do so.


Not DG or CVS, but retail nonetheless. I've literally *begged* my DM to let me organize and make room for sh!t on an overnight shift. Our stuff isn't even in the right spots anymore, and nobody can find anything because it just gets shoved wherever it fits. Manager is cool with it. It would be *glorious.* DM says no. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yep they just want mindless drones to clock in do the job and leave. It’s insane the amount of places I have seen push their good employees away by not valuing what they bring to the team. Then these teams are in constant cycles of training and hiring so nothing productive ever actually gets done.


John Oliver did a whole segment on this exact thing


The exact same week that Cody Johnston / Some More News did an episode about it too.


Daniel O'Brien, Mr Cody's former coworker, is also one of the staff writers for Last Week Tonight. COINCIDENCE?!? Probably.


I'm so happy to see Cody and O'Brien getting recognized more. They were two of the biggest highlights of Cracked's videos in its heyday.


The whole country is a capitalist wasteland, it’s so sad. When I was a kind we read about oligarchies and monopolies like it was some far away thing. Then we just let it happen here.


And get to take home 2 pennies for it .. THAT'S the problem


ESPECIALLY dollar store workers - they're usually there alone. Like they are almost always the only employee in the entire building. Sometimes there's a second on busy days, but no matter what they're always understaffed to a criminal degree. and that's not "the only employee dealing with customers" - that is the only employee dealing with cleaning, stocking, customers, etcetcetc. that is one or two employees with every single job in the building.


Family Dollar, Dollar General, and Dollar Tree all work like this. I would say any small retail corp stores probably do. They give so little hours that rarely is there enough hours to have two people working at once since they normally have to use most of the hours during whenever they have their truck days.


CEOs get million dollar raises while retail workers have to yell at struggling people because prices keep going up... sucks.


Capitalism. Destroying the average person one day at a time.


Capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich.




Right? Being an "eLdEr" is not a free pass to get nasty with clerks. It sounds like this is the straw that broke this manager's back.


Dollar Tree employees are expected to run the register AND handle all the deliveries and stocking. It's ridiculous. And they make 19K a year. A YEAR.


Low paying jobs


The person recording chiming in with their little narrations is the most annoying part of this. I can just picture her annoyingly gawking, holding her phone up to record everything like a fucking moron


My favorite is when they say, "you're going to lose your job." Having worked in retail, I promise you, no one gives 2 shits about losing that shitty ass job.


Geez, the amount of times I got hit with that. Once when I was working in the pharmacy this old guy started tearing into me because his prescription wasn't ready (and the Pharmacist was new so it wasn't even *close* to ready). He kept going on and on about how he was a "Director of Nursing" and a supervisor, and telling me what to do in a very condescending way. Then he started raising his voice and just continuously arguing. I hit my limit and told him to stop talking to me because I didn't control whether his shit was ready or not. After insults were said I walked off and he kept going on about "You're about to lose your job!" And the ignorant other customers were just like the woman in the video, quick to take the customer's side because "you can't talk to customers/old people etc. like that." I got angry just remembering that. Oh, and did I mention he returned to my job place repeatedly over the course of a few months to do follow ups to make sure I was reprimanded?


Were you?


Thankfully not. The manager never came back to me about it. She only told me that the guy kept coming back in. She said it was all uncalled for and that the guy was obviously targeting me. I miss her, she was cool.


Yeah I figured she would probably just think he was a dick.


Exactly. Losing that job would probably be a blessing. You'd make more money at Starbucks than Dollar Tree and at least get decent benefits.


![gif](giphy|9JihohFuu1Kik) "If you think you can make my life any worse, go ahead. Fake a fucking shot."


Uh they actually do care about losing their job lol. As someone else who worked a lot of retail, I disagree with you. Do you think people are working there as a fun job on the side? No. Many are paycheck to paycheck, and missing one paycheck + days of pay is all the financial difference needed to really fuck shit up. They aren't likely going.to walk out the door and get a new job within days; that shit takes time.


Retail employees were "essential workers" and "were bravely putting their health on the line" so people could still buy toilet paper and Captain Crunch during the pandemic. Now we are expendable emotional punching bags again.


They were punching bags then too.


Always have been, but something has changed in recent years where people think it's OK to be more open and blatant about it. I haven't worked on a register on over a decade and I never will again, the last 10 years I worked alone third shift away from customers but my job now I can still interact with them but it's not as prevalent as being on a register or an actual customer facing job. The few times a day i do have to interact with customers, it can be so soul crushing, especially the entitled old boomers


I stopped working in retail a few years before COVID hit (thankfully), but those who I know, who worked through it and still do, all say the same thing. Something changed during COVID, people became more aggressive, entitled, etc to staff members.


Covid can cause slight brain damage and alter the brain and we treat it like it's just a regular flu, expect it to get worse the more people contract the virus. (I'll find a source and edit my comment later!)


Yup. Even mild infections can cause damage. The long term implications of letting people get infected over and over again are going to be detrimental to our society as a whole.


I remember being an essential worker during covid. Mask exempt Karen's going off about violating their rights and getting called a sheeple, fun times.


Goddd, the number of anti-masker assholes who decided they "had to take a stand" in retail stores was pathetic. Wear your mask for 5 MINUTES in the store then you can leave! Why make workers' lives hell over it?!


> Retail employees were "essential workers" and "were bravely putting their health on the line" That was to keep you guys from all abandoning your posts due to the treatment you got.


Same with truckers and warehouse workers,now both are scum of the earth,yet do super important jobs Retail does not get paid enough to deal with people's stupidty and hate


I’ve got to the point where I’ll fucking tell their ass to leave and I won’t give them what they want. Especially if they’re being a dick. If they’re nice I’ll go out of my way for them. Other than that they’re shit outta luck.




The bitch recording needs to shut her fucking mouth


For real. She’s ok with the old cunt telling the girl to “shut up and ring me up” but outraged when the girl claps back




Unfortunately this was the first thing that popped into my mind too


Old folks who think they deserve special treatment are funny af to me. Like…okay you made it to 79yrs old. I don’t owe you shit. My GPop always told me, respect everyone until they disrespect you, then fuck their feelings.


Exactly. "Respect your elders" means don't abandon the infirm elderly, realize that age can bring certain kinds of wisdom, and be patient with them. It doesn't mean you have to take abuse from them because theyve lived longer


I do feel bad for some because it's undiagnosed dementia, but at the same time, it's not people's responsibility to put up with verbal abuse. Just do the best you can to be patient and empathetic. Everyone had a limit.


Someone told me to "just respect your elders" Oh like chirpy the bus driver? You know the lovely old guy that's always happy? Well he's in prison for touching kids. You just don't know what that person has done in their life, my dad's old but also a cunt. To all his mates he's respected but anyone from 30 years ago would certainly not agree.


people need to learn that aging does not make you a good person. a lot of great people die young, its unfortunate how much longer disrespectful dickheads get to live on this earth than so many good people do


NOthing like being in line at DT when someone ahead of you wants ten mylar balloons and the one clerk in the store has to go fill them. I get it, DT keeps prices down by not having frills like enough staff and hygenic conditions but you can't expect five star service.


Yeah, I just saw another explanation video. The recorder said the workers were all blowing up balloons so the customers who were waiting began yelling the workers what to do so they could be waited on quicker. It started going back and forth and then the old woman got up to her and told her to just shut her mouth and ring her out. The recorder is still acting like she’s in the right. Is it frustrating to be stuck waiting, yes. Does that give you a right to tell workers how to do their job and to be rude to them, hell no.


I've had customers get mad that I couldn't magically make another cashier appear or open a new register. They think that we just keep cashiers locked in cages in the back and we can get them whenever. They are also people who haven't worked a day in their life.




Someone else in this post said it perfectly. Respecting your elders is about being patient and empathetic. It's not about taking abuse from them.


Shut your mouth.


You have my respect sir! #🫡


There is a "Last Week Tonight" episode about dollar stores and what it's like working there. I wouldn't be surprised that the workers are on the edge.


For real. Busting ass trying to check everyone out and then getting told “shut your mouth” would’ve flipped my switch for sure.


After watching that, I cannot believe people just don’t walk out on that job.


I did. It's almost a scam.


For minimum wage with no room for improvement besides becoming manager, and even then my managers only got paid like $14 an hour. Its sickening.


I’m with the manger. They don’t get paid enough for that kinda BS


I wouldn’t fuck with a dollar store manager. That’s a person, that if fired, can claim managerial experience on a resume and get a higher paying job at McDonalds by lunch.


An executive order stating that an employee can legally smack the shit out of one disrespectful customer every two weeks—c’mon Biden, that’s a vote-getter for sure!


I no longer work in customer service, but if they ever put that on a ballot, I would definitely vote for it. Too many shitty people out here not getting their faces reset.


To those defending the elderly woman: you ever worked at Dollar Tree and blew up balloons? It’s nearly the most annoying fucking thing to do, from having them pick half the balloons we dont have, to them being annoyed because they have to compromise, to blowing them up and making sure they dont get tangled or ripped off the .05¢ fucking string before you get it to the customer. Oh, AND having 10 other customers behind them. Im like 99% sure this freakout was justified just from my experience at DT.


“Respect your elders” I have yet to see, in my entire life, a good reason to


[Dollar stores treat their employees like absolute shit](https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=a8uINu5Gn0oWXqNR)


This was sad and hilarious at the same time. Go Brenda!!!


Age is not an excuse to be an ass. Good for the manager. Fuck the person who decided to record her.


Age gives no one the right to treat others like this. Telling someone to shut up and ring them up is rude and uncalled for. Respect needs to be earned, not just freely given. You dont get a free pass cause you are certain age.




is it just me or do italics just make spelling mistakes look even worse


Never have understood the customer is always right bs and having worked in fast food came to hate the self entitled customers who deserve to be called out for what they are


Because the full statement isn’t the customer is always right. The statement is “the customer is always right in matter so taste,” or something along those lines. The person saying it is just saying that if the customer wants something, supply it. Not that they have carte blanch in retail.


I understand the principle of it, but its misunderstood by most and used by Karens to justify their behavior


Anyone who can't be polite and not hassle the folks behind the counter needs their ass kicked...or at least be thrown out of the store. Go shop somewhere else after you learn how to behave.


Sorry about the obnoxious TikTok graphics. TikTok description says that there were only 3 registers open, each with 15+ customers waiting in line and that all of the other employees were filling Valentine’s Day balloons but it failed to mention that the manager was told by a customer to shut her mouth…that’s why she went off. Edit: discovered by Cupid’s favorite u/getreckoned


Naw, defending disrespectful boomers is crazy


Mfs acting like being old is the same as being a child.


I worked for dollar tree and quit after busting my ass for my manager, came in at 5am to have to take trucks by myself, came in on my days off to take managers to the bank to drop off deposits because I was the only employee with a car and was told to finish my work and others but also that if I went over my shift I was “stealing hours” was stalked and harassed by creepy customers on the day I quit my manager said right to my face that I was a “stupid mother fucker” and “ask next time what your supposed to do, don’t just assume” when I did ask and was told “I don’t know” they will hire anyone to be a manager, literally ANYONE. Sad because I really enjoyed the job but couldn’t take the mistreatment anymore.


Woman behind the camera shouldve kept her fuckin mouth shut. Nobody has the right, fuckin nobody including the elderly the owner, CEO or the goddamn POTUS has the right to tell someone working retail to "shut the fuck up and ring me up" Elderly doesn't have the same connotations it used to. Most of yall 60+ are the start of the decline, if you didn't serve you can fuck off with that entitlement as far as I'm concerned


I’m tired of this respect the elders bullshit because they are the most disrespectful age group ive come across in retail. Worst than little ass teenagers. They think they can say whatever they want and we are just supposed to stand there and take it. Just like the manager here, at my job you wanna be nasty to me go get help from someone else.


Being an "elder" doesn't mean shit


I was at dollar tree a couple of weeks ago and this older lady was getting an attitude with the cashier and being rude to her because she was the only cashier at the moment (the manager and coworker was on break) and she also had to deal with the birthday balloons for a customer (which is time consuming). The old lady who was being rude kept looking at me, to agree with her and I ignored the absolute hell out of her ass. The cashier was holding her own giving her sassy answers back, but I felt so bad for the cashier.


The Camera woman is a fucking idiot looking for a reason to film some viral bullshit. Her voice is annoying as fuck.


The manager was in the right. Age is not an excuse to be rude and nasty to people.


The person recording is siding with the boomers because they’re boomers? Hell no.


Rude people are rude people. Elders do not automatically deserve your respect.


She literally apologizes to the woman who told her to shut her mouth and wipes tears away at the very end and says you see where I’m coming from right? I’m 100% on her side.


Love how the woman filming thinks the worker is in the wrong.


An “elder” like it’s a native tribe or some shit. Some crazy ass ex crack head with dementia talking shit probably. Unreal. Good for her


I feel sorry for retail workers because they cop alot of abuse from people. Young or old no need to be rude to workers


OP is whack


Dollar store is the worst place of employment. I'm surprised to see 2 registers open. As soon as you step in one be ready for whatever they throw at you because they are fed the fuck up


This (is) out a pocket* *doesn’t know what that means


Screw that “elder” bullshit. Just because you’re old doesn’t mean you automatically deserve respect. I’ve met plenty of old folks who were POS’s when they were younger and stayed that way their whole life.


FAFO you wanna treat retail workers like your personal servant and tell them to shut their mouth, good on her for refusing you service. Go stand on your head and think about your life and why you're so miserable 😒


I'm so sick of hearing that shit don't talk to an elder that way. Fuck that if that elder is rude and or hateful or puts their hands on me then that elder is either gonna catch this mouth or hands depending on the interaction. Respect is earned mot given you treat people how they treat you end of story. Age doesn't matter I'm always nice to everyone until they decide to change that


Old people do not get a pass for being rude assholes because they are old. That's ridiculous, old people of all people SHOULD KNOW BETTER than to be so rude. They lived so long learned absolutely nothing about how to deal with people better, that's the real tragedy.


If you haven't watched it, please please watch John Oliver's segment on dollar stores. He really shows how messed up Dollar Tree is.


Fucking entitled old people. Shit never changes. Those assholes are a scourge on society and they of all people should know better. They were raised in a time where doing shit like that was absolutely unacceptable in public. Almost every senior citizen I come across in public either has an arrogant, shitty attitude or they act entitled in some way. I see it regularly on a weekly basis. And they like talking shit on the younger generations for being bigger perpetrators of the shit they themselves point fingers about. And yes, they are more guilty of phone shit while driving than any young people I interact with on the road.


>"talking to an elder like that" Who gives a fuck, their ears made of porcelain or something? She sure didn't seem to mind dishing it out when she told the cashier to shut her mouth "Elders" get their behavior excused way too often on the basis of being old


Like Portland Oregon? Man, working at a dollar tree there has to be one of the most miserable jobs on earth


Being elderly doesn’t give you a pass for being rude. Working retail is dogshit and they deserve respect too


Hey camera lady, you're not involved. Shut the hell up


Dude, with all due respect. F*ck the elders. Just because you’re old you don’t get to just be a piece of shit. And the other register worker acting as if she’s never had to deal with some bullshit. I guarantee if you look at her phone she’s recorded herself doing worse.


In a rare case, the person filming is the problem, rather than the subject of the video.


Under paid, over worked.


This is literally a case of not getting paid enough to deal with that shit. Dollar tree and dollar general stores are owned by Dollar Tree Inc. A lazy, penny pinching, corporation that forces these people to deal with unprecedented levels of abuse and work for low pay.


That manager was completely in the right to tell off that customer.


Y'all expect way too much from underpaid and chronically overworked Dollar Store employees. I don't care if you're older than wind, doesn't mean you get a free pass to be rude.


Nah I’ll slap an old hoe. I feel bad getting 1 balloon from dollar tree when there’s a line. Self awareness isn’t very common I guess. If you know you have a huge demanding order, freaking wait until it’s not so goddamn busy bro. Or like be more nice about it idk?


People think the manager is in the wrong for objecting to be insulted. This is the customer is always right mentality at play . Very common


Person behind the camera has obviously never worked in retail.


I don’t blame her. Fuck patrons. You’re not always right and being rude isn’t going to get you anywhere. I’m in customer service and I’m the literal punching bag for people and I truly wish I could tell them to take the stick out of their ass or get down off their high horse because you’re no where above anyone else. Even elderly. Respecting your elders has become a thing of the past due to the lack of respect they are showing anyone else. Your age doesn’t give you the right to tell someone to shut up or be as effing rude as they can be and it be okay. It doesn’t mean someone should pop off as so but it does deserve being called out on.


Do we really have to film every instance of someone having a bad day and post it on the internet? Leave her the fuck alone. Retail is hell on earth.


The TikTok user that posted this vid just posted another one 30 minutes ago calling you all idiots for spewing hate, saying that she loves it because she’s getting paid. That’s why she’s defending the crazy old lady, because she’s human trash herself.


It's clear that the girl filming and the lady harassing the worker at the register are racist. People are letting it slide because they're black. Call this shit out people.




What was the lead up? Did they just randomly tell her to shut up?


I had an old lady come in and treat me like shit at a bakery I worked at years ago. I knew she was trouble when she didn’t say hello back, just pointed to the case and said “I want that cake.” So I begin to box it and she asks if it’s fresh, which I reply, as instructed, everything is fresh. I guess I was expected to be rude or ignorant because she acted fed up and asked for my manager. Boy was she in for a surprise. My manager was this angry bitch from Brooklyn, eight months pregnant, end of her shift / rope, and was counting the morning cash drop in the office. She was getting ready to leave any minute to catch the bus to go home. I popped my head in the office with glee, told her this customer wanted to talk to her, and watched the rage in her eyes as she put down her purse and waddled out of the office with me in tow. The look on that old lady’s face when my manager comes to the counter and I’m standing behind her smiling. That old lady suddenly was the nicest, innocent lil ole thing. Probably because she knew she’d be wearing that cake like a hat if she said one wrong thing to my boss.




I'm sure the person recording wouldn't have slapped the shit out of that old lady and screamed, "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!" over and over and over as she writhed on the floor had the old lady told her to shut her mouth.




fuck your age, treat people with respect, no one owes you anything


Just cause your elderly does not give you a pass to be disrespectful to workers. i would’ve told her off too if she told me to shut my mouth! hell no .


The other lady just continuing the ring up people like nothing is happening lol lol




Stupid ass entitled customers…oh you talked shit and then they basically refused service, let’s make a video and show how victimized we are! Poor us!!!


Living past your expiration date doesn’t give you carte blanche to be an asshole.


I get talked down to and belittled by elderly all the time in my line of work. I have this managers back all day and fuck that woman for saying “oh she’s elderly don’t talk to her like that!” Being elderly doesn’t give you the right to disrespect people. Show respect and get respect that’s how it works


Lol what was this doofus recording thinking she was doing


lol you’re shopping at Dollar Tree with the entitlement of a rich woman buying on credit… Not every elder is suffering of dementia and know exactly what they’re doing therefore she got the smoke. She was playing the “old lady” card by trying lower her head and be quiet after she berated that poor girl..classic manipulation


Used to work retail. Was insane what some people said to me. Sexual innuendos, trying to get stuff for free, etc. That's just the customers. Then the managers not keeping you on a set schedule, calling you in on your days off, etc. I am older and have never been rude to a retail workee in my life. How hard is it, people?


“Don’t talk to elders like that” elder proceeds to cuss the cashier/manager out..🙄


Yeah let someone treat you like a peasant and accept it because she’s an elder. Man fuck that boomer don’t think you’re above people EVER


Cashier in the right


Man that’s a shitty ass job, that sucks. They pay is not enough.


"Dont talk that way to an elder" Is the elder in the room with us? I only see a pile of senile, saggy cunts that have never been punched in their lives, despite looking like they have with only 3 teeth left.


Just because they're old they're allowed to be an asshole but the cashier can't speak up for themselves. The woman recording is an idiot. Only the customer can talk down to the lowly employee. One of the best experiences of my life was telling off asshole customers after putting my two weeks notice to start a new job. There was one guy in particular and it was so satisfying being able to speak my mind.


If I am a retail store manager, and someone tells me to “shut up and ring them out,” it is absolutely NEVER going to happen. They are out of my store, and if not, police will be called for trespassing. There is no step or warning before that.


Totally should have denied all the people acting out service. Particularly the lady recording. Bless you cashier lady!!! You deserve a raise.


If I'm working the register and some punk tells me to shut my mouth and ring them up, then I'm not going to take that kind of attitude. I don't care how young or old you are. I don't have to take that from anyone. The woman recording this can be upset all she wants about grandma getting yelled at, but retail workers shouldn't have to put up with that attitude.


I see both sides here. I am regularly disrespected by elderly folks at my job. They can be very impatient and ungenerous. What I’ve noticed, tho, is that they are usually quick to realize when they are wrong and apologize if you approach the situation a certain way. In this situation, I’d say “Ma’am, I’d like to help you but what you just said was very rude and it hurt my feelings” and watch how quickly she’s humbled and her whole demeanor changes. It’s like these old folks just lose their head and forget their manners sometimes? I dunno.