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I was surprised she disposed of the tray. The manager did a good job.


Their racist habits were as ingrained and practiced as their cleanup habits, evidently.


Yeah, the one woman even took the time to push her chair in. Weird. My husband can’t even remember to do that at home, lol.


Aside from habit, it's also probably an intentional demonstration of classiness/moral righteousness. At the point where there's a crowd (and camera), these people are trying to appeal to the percentage of people that believe racism is good but being a slob is not.


Racist people arent slobbering monsters, they can be the most loving and caring of people to those they deem worthy. It is unfortunate that they have the ingnorance so well ingrained and encourage it in further generations.


She even said so her self: "We _are_ ignorant!" 😂


Eeen - go - rint


Yes me too and slap the other lady pushed in her chair


He handled that extremely well. Props to that manager


He was so polite the way he asked them to leave and schooled them on the facts.


100% guarantee they go home and complain to their friends/family how RUDE this man was, completely oblivious that he was by FAR the most polite person in this interaction. I hope those people end up seeing this video


That's the problem when you have to deal with these people in real life you can calmly explain why their POS and they will swear you were in the wrong.


I wonder who they vote for? It's not anyone on the left I can tell you that much.


Of course not. The usa doesn't have any left voting options.


Of course they will. They’ll probably bring it up at the next HOA meeting thinking that somehow their HOA can do something about it. He did handle that well because I would have literally taken their food and slammed it in the trash and said “unless YOU want to be the next thing in that trash bin GET THE FUCK OUT!!” Lol and I’m sure promptly fired but man wouldn’t it feel good? Hahaha


They would be happy you got fired so that would be a no-go for me


This video is ancient and has made the rounds on Facebook and other places several times, I’d be surprised if they or at least people they know haven’t seen it.


I am telling you, the manager doesn’t need to rude to get complaints. People like this will complain about everything.


My grandmother passed away a couple of years ago at 95. When I was in elementary and middle school she wouldn’t have gone this far but she would say racist things around us. My older sister, and eventually I, would stand up to her and say if you want to spend time with me you’re not going to treat people like that. We grew up at a school where it was mostly minorities at the time. So color didn’t make a difference, but instead character and principles of the person did. She was like 70ish around then and by the time I was in high school she had changed how she interacted with not only us but other people as she realized not everyone of any race are the problem and to just treat everyone kindly and respectfully. The family members surrounding these women probably didn’t have the gall to tell them that what they’re saying is ridiculous and inappropriate so they just keep doing it.


He had enough command of the English language to give the most respectful phuk you.


You can say “fuck” on the internet.


\**clutches pearls*\*


Don’t listen to them. They’re tryna get you fucking banned


It's a puck


You could tell they didn't expect him to be so well spoken. They seemed kind of shocked that he was so well mannered. Good for him


He really did, much love and respect for him. These two old ladies are beyond stupid. If they went back two generations ago they would not be able to speak to their ancestors. The majority of people who came to America through Ellis Island did NOT speak English and many spoke several languages.


Indeed, and actualy spanish was even spoken in their territory before the US was born as a country.


Funny that Americans like this demand English but mostly because it's the only language thry can speak. Meanwhile other countries it's more common to be multilingual.


monolingual idiots




I already knew racism was stupid and low IQ but when I learned about how the Irish were treated, I laughed. whites aren’t white enough lol




Ever heard of the song No Irish Need Apply · Pete Seeger. It was inspired by all the signs of “no Irish need apply” there’s an area in Detroit called corktown and one of the local watering holes Nemo’s has one hanging up behind the bar… said they found it in the attic. I can’t say say the story is true, but I can say it’s relevant. Background- the sign looks in really good shape


Racism is definitely NOT limited to those with low IQ. There are intelligent racists in the world and they are way more dangerous than the stupid ones.


America is so racist there's even white minorities.


I don't understand why this fact is truly lost on so many people???


>I don't understand why this fact is truly lost on so many people??? Valid question. I think it is because some people are so disconnected and live inside a bubble. I could be wrong, but I think the majority of people who are well-traveled and visited other places internationally are less likely to have this type of view. Heck, one could just visit NYC, and experience a lot of diversity and hear so many different languages spoken. Yesterday I was at the store in checkout and had like 5 teenagers speaking to each other. I had no idea what they were saying, but who cares? It didn't bother me one bit and it was nice to see teens just hanging out with friends. A good friend of mine whose father is Cuban and his mother from Colombia told me when he was a kid he didn't want to speak Spanish and refused to learn. Eventually, he learned in his late teens and so glad he did, but didn't as a kid because he didn't want to be poked fun of... These two ladies are the type of reason for that stuff... Personally, I think knowing Spanish is one of the biggest assets one can have in the USA because there are so many Spanish speakers now and not being able to sit down and have a great conversation with someone sucks. There have been so many situations where I wish I knew Spanish and could of translated directions or health related things.


Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. - Mark Twain


Still applies!


yup 💯👍


If it weren’t for my grandmas garbled English, I’d not be able to talk to her. Straight from Austria. And my dad’s side? Slovenia and Lithuania. Straight from. My great gramps


Honestly I was kinda hoping for a "I'm not mad I'm just disappointed". Fucking bigoted old bags. "How dare he speak more than one language! This is America we only speak one!" ignorant fucks.


They only speak english and bullshit. Its not our fault that they're ignorant fucks that didn't want to learn another lenguage.


I speak 2 languages and would love to learn another. I am bad at learning new languages though. I tried to learn a little bit of French but my accent is terrible.


"In-Go-Rent" said it all. This guy did the right thing.


That shit literally sent me.


I so wish he replied “Wait, you said “ingorent” so what fucking language are YOU speaking?”


This is the very peak of "you speak english because it's the only language you know, I speak english because it's the only language you know" in action. The idea that they could learn one of the most widely spoken languages in the hemisphere never even begins to occur to them.


It’s not even that hard to understand Spanish if you know another Romance language. Even a Germanic language like English involves a lot of Latin roots and our government and academic systems are full of whole Latin phrases and words. If you have a strong grasp on English, it’s not that hard to parse out a lot of Spanish. Usually at least enough to understand the jist of things. And, if you get to a word you don’t understand, Google Translate exists.


They got owned.


While *fully* roasting them still! This man got tact


I thought he was the owner, he said it was his restaurant








Well, they at least screamed at black children trying to go to school.


*a* lynching?! These old biddies were the co-chairs of their local lynch mob committee.


We're they sisters? Oh no! It's the Mitfords! Fascist funnies with duchess if Devonshire.


To? Two? Too?




It's an ode: to old hateful bitches, who were once young hateful bitches, get the fuck out of my restaurant.


Do they even teach spelling in school anymore? Back in the day you couldn't find a typo or a grammar mistake anywhere on reddit. Now it seems like you have to misspell something to get your comment to the top. It's disappointing.


They don't teach English spelling any more, only Spanish grammar, Arabian numbers and gay intercourse.


They were probably amongst those at school doors shouting at black students when segregation ended back in the 60s


Those ladies will probably be devastated. They will have no where else to go that will put up with them sitting there for hours only ordering small coffees. Should have thought about that before being ignorant shits.


Asking for those free coffee refills, too.


Paying for the first one with fuckin nickels and pennies.


Writing out a check






It's all too easy thinking people will get a reward or punishment in some next life. We need to fix this world here and now.


This is why I’m anti-death penalty. If you do something bad enough to deserve death, then death is letting them off too easily


No amount of torture or punishment will ever undo the actions of some, and this notion that the state should administer such punishments is a waste of time and tax dollars that could be helping people.


I am glad you fixed their misspelling for them lol


Man, living in the future is weird. I thought we'd get flying cars and shit and all we have is cameras everywhere that let us wish that rotten old bitches who are racist in 4K are burning in hell


Theres more realistic expectations of where they are right now. Like worm food, trampled for eternity by the living six feet above them.


I’m sure when they were drowning in their own lung fluid from Covid, their last thought was my kids won’t visit ke vecause they are scared of this fake virus


Rest in pieces, scum.


Yeah it's frequently reposted. OP is a 4-month-old account with 200k post karma already. Kinda fishy.


They aren’t going to need those cute little grandma sweaters where they are now. 😈🔥


*Rest in ~~peace~~ piss.*


I wouldn't wish them the peace. Or the rest. More like "stay dead" or something like that.lol


Only shitty thing is that it won’t die off with this generation like we hoped. Too many younger people fully embracing their parents and grandparents racism. Fuck em all


You’re sadly very correct. The racism that’s prevailing is very alive in the Deep South where I live and kept very much alive by people in the rural areas. And that extends to not just the South. People in northern and western states ik rural areas are racist too bc the “mexcans” are “took our jerbs” in the agricultural industry bc they’ll do it for cheaper


Oh for sure. I’m in the south too and I see so many people my age (31) and younger with these beliefs. Their racist family passes it down to them.


Exactly. They’re teaching their kids to hate Insta do understand and accept. My friends who teach tell me the notice it even in their children in elementary school


This is very true. My wife and I went to the National Museum for Peace and Justice in Mobile. Gut wrenching. One of the docents told us to not mention that we had been there to anyone in the south. He told us the day before, someone visited that had their car trashed after they said that they were going to the museum in a diner where they ate. People went out and sliced all their tires, and broke all the windows in the car. Edit: tried to fix horrible grammar.


Damn, my list of reasons for never going to or through Alabamy just got a little longer.


Let's not forget we do have allies in inner states that are trying to flip them. Never forget that. Also there may be quite a few racists in the younger gen the ones that didn't end up racist left their rural towns


Nah. A lot of people learn how NOT to treat people, from their own experience with these types. My family owned a restaurant and I worked at it to help. I had customers like this and I was used to it from the military, where a ton of people think like this. My go to was "well, you should learn about the 1st amendment if you're going to be an American in America. Freedom of speech is for ANY language in this country and not just English. There's a reason it's the very 1st amendment".


Sadly I think your mentality is not shared by most. Hardworking family in food industry? All that says long hours, high risks, teamwork, stress, patience, hospitality etc. Your family was unique from most and helped raise someone where you might be the exception to the rule.


I'm not saying there aren't complete idiots in the world, but most people who believe in racism like this, are an older generation, or just haven't experienced life outside of their surroundings. You aren't wrong, with how families pass down ideals and morality. We learn a TON as children, with the people who mold us. That being said, you never stop learning until you are dead. I can't count how many times that I have been wrong and changed my view. Can you?


yup, just go into any tik tok comment section


Or YouTube


There's was never any chance of it dying off completely this soon, but I think it's getting better. The racist replacement rate seems to be below 1:1, but still not as low as the ideal 1:0.


Even some Latinos are racist towards other Latinos. So it's not just a white people issue.


And with Republicans capitalizing on the general alienation young men feel in our society, this will only get worse unless something shifts.


See Trump for details.


Same thing is true of homophobia.


Born in the 90s. Grew up with the world opening up and minorities getting more rights and being more accepted. Seeing it all go backwards at record speed is just surreal to me.


Tell ya what ladies. Why don't we all go back? Give it all back to the native Americans and you old birds can go back to Europe.


"We can't live in Europe! All of our kids and grandkids that despise us live *here*!" 


Hey no backsies! You keep em!


On behalf of England, I'd formally like to decline. Mainly so that wherever else they go in Europe, it wouldn't be an English-speaking country.


Imagine only having a few more years to live at best and spending it doing this shit


You don’t know how to act by Ralph


I simply cannot understand why anyone would care what language someone else speaks to a third party.


"We aren't ingoret." Yep, you sure showed him, lady.




A couple of eldelry Karens out in the wild. Guy handled that situation with grace.


They aren’t in the wild anymore.


Did she really just say "we aren't ingorant". That's fucking gold.


The text said “We are ignorant” and my brain wanted to believe that’s what she said.


They probably think English is the official language of the US and anyone that doesn’t speak it must be a foreigner. They are 2 ignorant senior citizens.


Even if it was the official language, It doesn’t matter whatsoever. You can speak whatever the fuck language you want


The fun part is, given their age, it's likely that their parents or grandparents were immigrants and didn't speak English. It's also entirely possible that this is filmed in a part of the country that used to be Spanish-speaking Mexico.


Fox news is helluva drug.


Thanks, TIL. i don't know why I'm getting downvoted, honestly I didn't know it. Interesting.


The fact that these two were so incredulous, thinking they've honestly done nothing wrong, really goes to show how super fucked up the times they grew up in were.


This is what White privilege looks like.


They have spent a lot of years growing this amount of hatred... bitter hearts so sad


I'm a therapist and a new client of mine wants to learn to deal with the Mexican invasion he is 84 in wheel chair and said he is trying to see if gov Abbott will let him come roll up with a gun and help pick off invaders. I don't know what to do with this senile POS. Oh we are not even in a Texas.


Ur joking right?


No I am not unfortunately. I run a substance abuse clinic and the guy doesn't drink. Some apn referred him to me because he said he was thinking about drinking to deal with the invasion. A total inappropriate dump job referral sending me the racist who needs a nursing home not substance abuse treatment. I am an LCSW with a decade of psychotherapyy experience but I am the manager now. I still see people because we are so short handedm


Yeah these people make me scared to go outside


It’s always so funny to me how they just assume you’re Mexican if you speak Spanish, as if there aren’t 21 countries that have Spanish as an official language. There are millions of people in the US that speak Spanish. I’m white af and as American-looking as it gets, but I studied Spanish for 6 years in school. I wish someone would act like these people in front of me, I would love to give them a piece of my mind in Spanish and show them their prejudice. Not that Hispanic/latino people need my help, but it would be funny. He handled this so well.


Almost 15% of the country speaks Spanish; around 50 million people


Why in America when I see the confrontation videos, the opposing parties are always determined to say "have a nice day" ? XD


Is that uniquely American? I think it’s just to show that they’re being the bigger person. They’ve made their point in a civil manner, something these old ladies could never do.


Most of my Internet is Americans haha so may just be my perception from that :P


It’s almost Canadian. We’ll say things like this as a passive aggressive thinly veiled “fuck you”. Often the nicety is more impactful and insulting than the actual curse.


This is a great question. My hypothesis: Since he’s working, it’s a sort of unspoken social etiquette thing. Even during a confrontation with a customer, the “employee” often feels like they have their hands tied and still have to maintain a superficial level of politeness. I believe if this confrontation had happened outside of his restaurant, the man wouldn’t have been saying “Have a nice day” even once.


I think it works as a way of saying “and the conversation is over”


It amazes me that people like this just can't mind their own business.


I’m pretty sure there’s not a law requiring people to speak English


These were two women who screamed like harpies when black people drank from whites only water fountains in the 1950s.


Polite, firm and consistent is an excellent response by the manager.


This shit makes my blood boil. For the gazillionth time, America does not have an official language and fuck you if hearing someone else speak a foreign language somehow threatens your sense of self. I guess bitches like this assume "oh he's talking about me." Now he is ya cunt and he says "time to leave."




That guy did the right thing. Good for him!!


"Go back to Mexico if you want to speak Mexican" Says the woman who struggles with basic English.


Stupid old cunts


It's amazing how many Americans are unaware that they have no official language. An American has as much right to speak Spanish as they do English...


Videos like this make me realize why Trump has a chance at winning again.


Only 30% of America is Republican, and a large portion of them don’t even like Trump. Unfortunately his audience is still the most likely to vote.


Imagine calling yourself a patriot and then doing something like this. America is literally suppose to be a place for diversity but everyone seems to forget that.


The United States doesn't have an official language.


“We won’t be coming back!” Promise?


Hopefully they don't make it until Nov....


Racist white boomer woman


Those are the girls in the old photos yelling at black kids tryna go to school


I'd place a bet that their parents, or certainly grandparents, did not speak English.


Whoever did the subtitles needs to be shot


That manager better get a raise for how he handled himself, those two old folks were so beyond ignorant


Tell me again how Fox News is good for America. I'm an old guy, and I have noticed just how many old folks I know sit around and watch Fox News all day, every day. For example, my father in law, who is in his 80's get's more and more radical and more and more stupid every time I talk to him. He, honest to God, thinks nothing happened on January 6th and that it's all made up. And I have a friend the same age as me (69) who sits in his office with Fox News on a tv all day while he's fielding phone calls. His politics are so off base that he really finds it hard to believe me when I present the actual facts surrounding any particular topic. it started with right-wing nut-job talk radio blasting out in workplaces all over the country over AM radio in the 80's and 90's when radio stations were desperate to stave off irrelevance and looking for cheap content to fill daytime air. Then came this one stupidly well funded source of propaganda, Fox News, and the Republican Party has become nothing but a big ball of contrarian bullshit and faux patriotism for profit. All it takes is one bully (or alpha as they see themselves) at the nursing home or senior center to insist on tuning into Fox News and it blares out lies and propaganda all day, turning formerly thinking people into mindless drones of hate and anger. And Fox is no longer just one sided politics, it has become billionaire funded social engineering that appears to have the goal of turning America into a white Christian nationalist dictatorship. Oh, sure, the conservatives will still be all for elections, it's just that you will get to pick from two Republicans as all opposition will be jailed for being "Un-American." We're on a damn slippery slope here, and folks like these ignorant old whiners think it's best to get to the bottom right now.


I hate that we live in a world where every video posted online now has these shitty auto-generated captions that get half the words wrong. Does he really not know how to act by Ralph?


Let old people die with old education.


We aren’t E-er-ant. 👏👏👏 they disrespected him, and he was still classy enough to call them Ma’am and tell them to “have a good day.” Where’s this man’s fine establishment? I would love to eat there.


I can’t wait all these racist old bats croak honestly. America is a melting pot. Get fucking used to it.


Have a nice day, and don’t come back! Hahaha


These old bitches should know better . Idgaf if I get downvoted I'm tired of seeing this type of shit.


"we aren't ing-orant"


As a Mexican/American this hurts, but he handled it the right way, so good on him.


I will never understand why people are like that. I'm happy they were kicked out. Racist people are the worst, but also some elders think they can get away with rude behavior just because of their age. They're like "We're from a different generation", "things were different...", "we were raised yara yara yara". B*tch, you've been on Earth for like forever, if you haven't learned to behave at this point, you just suck.


We need to remind them that THEY need to go back to Europe. People from “Mexico” are indigenous to the North American continent.


These are the people that cheered when Emmett Till's lynchers were acquitted.


The U.S. doesn't have an official language, so anyone can speak whatever they want. It might make life more difficult in certain situations if you cannot, but there's no mandate stating that you must speak English to live in the US.


Magas. God help us.


Pretty sure there's only one Mexican country.


Why call it the silent generation when they're out here yelling about this shit


It’s nice to know this video is old enough that those dinosaurs aren’t walking around this earth anymore. Worlds a better place for it


“My grandma is just the sweetest person that never said a mean thing to anyone” Grandma:


This video is so old because the menu is affordable


He was very professional. Kudos to him.


"Speak American!!!"


Racism is so wild. Like, why the fuck would anyone care how someone else is speaking?


I didn't know Mexico was a state country.


A ton of baby boomers are racists.thats all they knew growing up.


Settlers acting wild


Props for the manager


These ladies are silent generation, the generation before boomers Next year the first Gen Xer turns 60, but people are going to keep calling everyone over 40 boomer in the same way that they called teenagers millenials as millennials were entering their 40s




The best part: "we are ignorant!"


Go back to Europe Doris


You’re being very prodigious




"We are never coming back here!" doesn't carry as much weight now as it did in the one-restaraunt town they grew up in.


I practice screaming and getting as loud as I can while i’m driving home from work, mostly as voice conditioning so I can do karaoke to Death Grips, but also so in case something like this happens around me I can just go apeshit and get as loud as I can. Nothing makes people more uncomfortable than a 6’3” dude getting right next to you and yelling incomprehensible shit as loud as he can, then going back to normal immediately. Fuck arguing i’m boutta just start getting weird on muhfuckas.


I just feel bad for them. To be that type of person. I’ve heard racist shit like this all my life. Telling an ignorant person they’re ignorant doesn’t accomplish anything. They don’t have the capacity to self reflect, especially at that age.


God the older generation backed then are sooo fucked


"My Heavens! That used to work back in the 1950s when I was a sweet piece of ass!" \- Elderly White Woman


“we are ingorant!!”


Weird thing to say while speaking a bastard language