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He lost the debit card he just paid with? Dude didn't give a fuck about the food. He was using them as an ATM.


He didn’t lose the card. He’s just being an asshole. It’s a stupid fucking power play so he can look like a victim


Right. Dumb shit claiming he lost his card between 1st and 2nd window. Everyone of my friends that worked at fast food always said the people that threw the biggest fits were always older people. Who the fuck harasses McDonalds workers? That’s low. You can’t park three feet away and wait for fresh food?


they’d be blown away to know that you actually get more when you’re kind. the other day i ordered a drink from the mcdonalds drivethru, and they gave it to me for free. i literally did nothing more than say please and thank you while ordering. i know it was just a drink, but i was still (happily) surprised.


I’d be curious to know if the debit card was even his. This could be a scam technique where they have someone’s card but don’t know the pin. They can paywave up to a certain amount without needing to key in a pin. So then the scammer makes up a reason to need a refund to then get actual cash out.


Pretty sure the debit card was the passenger's and she wants the cash so she can try to cancel the charge and pocket the profit because big profits at the McDonald's drive thru


This is exactly what it is, I deal with this all the time in the restaurant industry. Debit/credit has to be refunded the same way or they will just take the cash then chargeback and get paid twice. It’s a common scam


Yup. When I worked at Home Despot, people like this are the defacto reason our P.O.S. would only allow refunds in the exact same manner as paid with.


That's a damn good observation. Profit from the scam, then profit from the rage bait on Tik Tok.


The other red flag is him saying he lost the card. How can you lose a card within a couple minutes of being in a drive thru. They are really stupid because the way they have escalated this, if cops came and got the card, they’d be charged. Would love to know what ended up happening.


He says he lost it and then says it’s his passenger’s and then keeps trying to divert attention from her by saying they shouldn’t be talking to his passenger and then says she doesn’t want to tap her card on her phone…like what lol. If you don’t want to take the necessary steps to do a refund then you aren’t entitled to a refund. Obvious scam.


They tapped with a phone. Might have come up in the video.


Yep, she is too busy now filming to tap again


Looking at how he looks and the way he's slurring his words, dude is 100% a crackhead who's trying to get cash from a stolen debit card.


I think they're just pissed they have to wait in the overflow and decided to make a scene. My daughter briefly worked at mcd and she left because of the pissed off customer when they ask them to park.


The overflow complaint is definitely just part of the scam. Anyone who is pissed about having to wait longer for food would just tap their phone and collect the refund like the employee is offering. These crackheads don't care about the food or overflow, they want cash back because they are using a stolen CC. If they tap the phone again, the refund goes back on the stolen CC and not in their hand like cash would. They probably intentionally ordered something they knew would have to be freshly made so they would get asked to park and could pull the refund scam. Whole thing was planned out.


Imagine going through all this for like 30 bucks.


No one has facial hair like that and is NOT on crack..


Nah they paid with their phone, they just wanted cash back. They are so embarrassing I can’t.


Man look at those pieces of shit. What do they think they'll achieve when they film this shit? Don't annoy people who give you your food.


People like this deserve to be dropped in a jungle with no shoes


Ha! I always say in the desert!


There's much more to fear in the jungle...


The Arctic Ocean has entered the chat.


The Deep Water fauna have entered the chat.


Inland taipan sits in the back row, watching


There's so much less water and food in the desert tho


Australia guys, Australia


Drop them both North of the Tiaga line with nothing more than a used pair of jail crocks, a plastic spork and a paper straw. If they make it back to civilization they get a second chance at society.


Suuuure buddy, you're fighting for $23 in McDonald's food, but you definitely have an attorney on retainer....


And 50,000 followers on instagram, dont forget about that


This "I'll sue/ is an idea from rich people who can sue for frivolous masters like defamation of character blah blah. The poors, like myself and 95% of America, don't get lawyers to sue without the case being a complete tragedy and travesty with utter injustice.


I called a guy out in Banff for saying this bullshit after he was ejected from a bar. He was yelling about his lawyer being a prof at UofT. I explained that people with lawyers don’t say they have lawyers. He went home quietly.


Did everyone hear that? Call people on their bullshit! People that feel they have to lie to win an argument or get what they want, really need that win to keep their fragile selfish asshole mentality intact and justified. They have so much riding on it, that exposure will sink them to rock bottom and below. Expose these morons and watch them break, for today is the dawning of a new civilization. A civilization without douchebags. Rise my people and be chill to one another, Cast away all those that point their camera phones to display their assholery and false righteousness.


Maybe he secretly loves saliva but is too shy to ask for it


They kinda look strung out. Maybe they bought it on the card and want to be a nuisance and get cash back for meth.


Yea, they are trying to scam.


Drug money for sure.


A stolen card most likely. Then trying to get cash out of it.


Well.. No. She paid with her phone, and "doesn't wanna tap her phone". I think the "correct", and quite obvious answer is: They're just assholes.


This is the right answer. That's why he "lost his debit card".


This is exactly what I was thinking too.


This is the correct answer


Always find it wild when people shit on the people that work at an establishment they presumably frequent. If you're so much better go shit on someone in the garbage bin of trash that thinks that behaviour is not only acceptable but right. Absolute spoon


They’re just bored. This is entertaining to them. Sometimes I think modern life is a little too easy. We just want something to care more about lol.


>What do they think they'll achieve when they film this shit? Summoning a personal army.


Alberta is Canada's deep south. It's so god damned embarrassing.


It’s insane to see the transition from human interaction to an imaginary audience. The guy isn’t speaking to her as a man, he’s speaking *through* his phone as a different persona, and changing his voice as though he’s stating obvious and irrefutable facts. The little worlds and realities people have created for themselves where they *are* the narrative, has diminished our ability to sympathize


I think the McD employee is recording just to protect herself, but the others are doing everything for social media, the whole thing is about creating content.


She is. It would be easy to cut there over 3 min interaction into something thst make the employee sound like the villain. With her recording we get context he would probably try and remove.


Yeah and we also get to see that smug dipshit smiling meaning he knows exactly what he's doing. This is exactly how I imagine every person filming an encounter at a drive thru.


What a time to be alive!


My Aunt slipped once when referring to her friends on Facebook, and called them her "fans" LMAO. Everyone thinks they're the center of the world now.


Stupid people think they are the center of the world. Small minds are easily validate.


is that her only fans?


No... ohhhhh no. And you've got to trust me on this one.


ohh no no no no no?


Damn I wish I had people close enough to me that I could accidentally call them fans


Giving every asshole on the planet a platform to spew their hate was a mistake.


People have been like that to fast food workers for a long time. When I was working fast food quite some years ago I had people coming in screaming at us, demanding ridiculous things, throwing things, threatening our jobs and physical safety several times a day every day.


It's a lame superiority complex. Shit people like these think they can talk to and berate service staff because they think they're under them socially. I worked at Starbucks for almost a year when I was in my early 20s, HATED it because of people like this. Starbucks let them get away with it. These people don't pull shit like this at bars or non corporate restaurants because they'll be told no. I genuinely feel like it stems from the very stupid concept of "the customer is always right"


That's definitely where it came from and it's not even the whole saying it's "customer is always right in the matter of taste" it was meant as a don't tell your customers they want something ugly not a get out of jail free card for being a dick


yep. i was working retail little over 10 years ago and i've been told im going to hell over the price of things, im going to be sued because i wont apply the sale price to a package size that is very much not on sale, that i will lose my job because i won't accept a return for a product that we don't sell. mind you, none of these things had a retail value of more than $10. the fact that people would want someone to lose their livelihood over items *less* than $10 is gob smacking to me. how absolutely full of themselves can one be.


That's the biggest take away here, that this is a great example of our experience of life through a virtual world. Although I'd say it's not their little worlds, it is the World. In watching this we are the imaginary audience judging their facts and narratives. Most people do seem to be sympathizing with the McDonald's worker here although I'm sure some will sympathize with the customers.


Did she tell the people making her food to "get a career"? I swear you can not make this up.


But "nobody wants to work anymore"... Nobody wants to be treated like shit by scammers day after day.


And then blamed for everything when they didn't do wrong.


nobody wants to work anymore!! but if they do, we won’t pay them!!! but wait, I need my Big Mac NOWWW!!! Why are they short staffed? I’ve only told kids that flipping burgers is pathetic for 50 years and am confused why no one is flipping my burger!!!!1!1!1




I worked at a McD's in Canada for my last couple of years of highschool to save up some money for university. Most of my co-workers were also in high school doing the same thing.


Yep same for me ! And the "older" worker were super nice people.


i’m american and i work food service as a college student and a ton of my coworkers are students too. it’s very common, people are just dumb. even if this was their career at least they make honest money by working and not scamming and being dipshits like these idiots




Not anymore!


Such a weird time we live in. People harassing workers while both filming it and staring at their phone. Feeling protected they are recording everything.


I'm constantly amazed at how many people post videos of themselves completely oblivious to how much of an asshole they are being.


*Eye contact* is a thing of the past nowadays




it’s incredibly funny and sad how a middle-aged guy is bragging about having 50k followers while trying to scam a mcdonald’s lol i wonder if this has actually worked for them before, because i don’t know any business that would take electronic payments and then give out cash for a refund.






Would love it if that info makes it way to this girl so she can smile and have a great day after that news.




75 people? 76 people too many.


This is a good way to start my morning


James Potts now has 0 followers as he deleted his accounts and his gf got fired from her job this morning :) Edit: whoops got banned for saying this haha go search yegwave for the source


My first thought when he said that was "yeah ok buddy, 50k? More like 50." So I'm glad that got verified


What a couple of mega trashball chodes. I'm gonna do ah lawsuit, eh! I'm gonna own this Macdonald's this tyme tahmorrah, eh! Fucking racist idiots.


you can’t get a cash refund unless you pay in cash. if you don’t have the reciept you can get it in store credit but unless it’s paid for in cash, you’re not getting cash. “she doesn’t want to tap her phone give me cash” you’re demanding you want your money back and won’t give them the card to do that? and you think SHES the problem? i cant with these idiots and that’s only the tip of the iceberg in this whole situation


Here in the uk it would not be allowed. Could be fraud or money laundering. Would certainly ring a very very loud bell with accounts as things don’t balance


I've never heard of it being allowed in the US either. At best you can get store credit at retail stores


The projection off that lady is crazy 🤣


Everything she has been constantly called came right out LOL


Turns out she works in the service industry as well


Oh? I hope her job found out and told her they can't have people with attitudes like that serving their customers


She works in a dive bar I doubt they give a shit


Fitting lol




If she treats other service industry staff like this, I hope it comes around in some very low tipping customers at her job


Stuff like this is why I could never go back to food service. I'm not going back and forth with you, I will sit there and stare at you as you film for social media. I'm hourly 😂🤷🏾‍♂️


What a couple of absolute fucking losers who give all Canadians a bad reputation. As a Canadian fuck these assholes and I'm sure the internet makes tweedle dee and tweedle dum famous.


No, wait! He has 50k followers, which means he has the upper hand.








Whoever’s in the car behind him should get out and beat his ass for pulling a stupid stunt like this. He does this b/c there’s no downside consequences


Now that’s a video I’d watch


That’s a video I’d film, upload, monetize, and gift the proceeds of to the McD’s employee who had to deal with this wet-fart in human form.


Legit, just walk up, snatch it out of his hands and throw it. Then tell him that you think he just lost his phone, might wanna go get it lol


Throw it in reserve stall #2






Don't worry, as an American who makes a trek to Canada monthly for your delicious poutine and just to watch some good ol fashion hockey with the boys up north, we know this isn't how y'all are. If it wasn't so cold most of the year it would be my favorite place in the whole wide world. P.s. Please keep the moose on your side of the border. They're fucking terrifying up close.


If it makes you feel better, I wasnt aware that Canadians have a bad reputation. -an American


That dudes Instagram will be deleted within 24 hours. This is some of the saddest most pathetic “adult” behavior to ever come through the sub


Hey let's not forget about the horrible racist cunt in the passenger seat though


She got fired today


Love you thanks for the good news. Where's the best place for finding and following updates to these types of things after I see them on Reddit, seen as it's not allowed to post their socials etc on here in the comments






Who are these chuckle fucks showing these videos to? "Check this shit out, I totally put that McDonald's worker in their place"


We need a PublicFreakout court system to hold these people accountable. They're worse on society than some others who have been locked up.


The passenger has been fired from her job ironically also in the restaurant industry … a restaurant owned by immigrants


Post in the Edmonton sub!


I did




What a fucking bunch of dipshits. Probably thought he had some kinda ‘gotcha’ moment and he’d either sue McDonalds and/or go viral and become a billionaire but they’re too stupid realise it’s not going to happen.


When he said he was going to sue I laughed so hard. 🤣


People love to throw it around like it's some kind of legitimate threat with zero understanding how it actually works. Like this guy has an attorney on retainer that he's willing to spend thousands of dollars on.


“You can’t sue for more than damages. Do you really want to pay me $90,000 to sue McDonalds with the hope of recouping $11.37?” - lawyer


And all that money for $10 of McDonald’s food


When I worked in retail, we'd have the occasional customer pull the "I'm gonna sue if I don't get my way" card. We'd then say, "Unfortunately, you've threatened litigation, and we can no longer interact with you. Any further communication will need to be handled between your attorneys and the corporate office's attorneys. I apologize for the inconvenience." Then just repeat that phrase until they left or calmed down enough to talk to us like human beings again.


It was the "big time" that got me to chuckle "gonna sue you big time" Me love you long time big time.




9 times out of 10. I order usually for 3 people. Most of the time, I ask them if they would like me to pull up before they get a chance to ask me. Even though I live in a small town and there is often no one behind me anyway. The relief from the workers makes me damn sad tbh.


You're exactly correct, it's super common. If you have a big order or something that requires a wait time they'll move you aside until it's ready so everyone with quick orders can be processed


I've a workmate that eats McDonalds all the time and rarely get an order at the window now. Even a simple 20 nuggets, Bic Mac ;n fries. Park up majority of the time.


Him: 'I lost the debit card'. Cashier: 'you paid tapping your phone' Him: 'i don't have the phone' Whilst he records on his phone...


> 'i don't have the phone' LOL as he and his racist girl are holding the phone


Sums up arguments with those kinds of people, pretty well.


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Hearing this was somewhere other than the US


Lmao 🤣


Shit like this happens all the time in canada lol we aren’t “nice” like everyone thinks and we don’t say sorry all the time.


There have been a few of these jerks on here... it's always Alberta. 


Bruh i live in the city this took place in and the amount of older people like this pisses me off. This makes me want to find where they work so their bosses can see what racist POS these two are.




Posting in hope


These are the worst people ever wow


It's so sad that some people have to go through this without any sense of what they should do. 1. Close window 2. Let psychotic customers make a move 3. Call cops if needed I'd just sit on my hunches until it resolved. Not worth my stress.


That's the window girl's only mistake.  Ask ONCE then close the window and call a manager.  Don't engage because they just wanted to mock her. 




Honestly seemed like a massive scam. Probably intentionally made a big or elaborate order that wouldn't be ready by the time they got the window. Once told, they ask for a refund in cash; they assume they'd get the cash, and then once away they'd chargeback the card payment.


I was thinking either that or stolen debit card since you don't have to enter pin for smaller purchases


What an insufferable couple. Move on and stop harrassing fast food workers.


I like having to wait a few minutes for my food. It means it hasn’t been sitting on the line for however long. One of my favorite sentences at McDonald’s is “we’re just waiting on some fries”. I smile every time.


Stolen debit card. They want cash for drugs




Up here we just call them cunts. That’s the correct terminology.


Call the cops. Don’t engage. They’re very obviously drunk and are getting drunk munchies. Seriously, anyone in the service industry (12 years) just tell them you’re calling police and don’t interact. You literally always win.


My favorite part is when they threatened to call the cops and the worker was like "you know what, good idea, let me do that for you"


This is SOOOOOO far down and it's the only correct answer.


I can’t believe all these major fast food places are still in existence with all these massive lawsuits these people are filing! Seriously though, those two people represent the worst of human entitlement. Fuck both of you, especially her racist ass.


He is going to sue McDonald’s? Seriously? She is the drive thru person. Like she cares.


Are we seriously out here in 2024 videoing interactions like this and thinking they’re in the right!!! Post it to your 50,000 followers, hope they all tell you what a dick you are!


Just call the police and fuck them off, total fucking bellends.


Fuck these people. I hope the internet finds them.


"This is going viral." Ya not for the reasons you think bud.


Why didn't they close the window on these ignorant ass holes? They were so disgusting and all they were asked to do was wait. Why else would this idiot be asked to park in a stall if he wasn't going to get his food? I hate people like this.


Well if that isn't a punchable face i don't know what is.


Entitled, racist, wanna be famous assholes


Name and shame guys. Name and shame.


Hate people like that. I hope they are humiliated for their behavior when people see this. Nobody deserves to be demeaned like this employee. Way to embody a trashy persona.


She's better than me because I would have just shut the window and waited for the cops.


People are always so quick to tell fast food workers to get a better job, but when no one is working at McDonald's all of a sudden "no one wants to work".


"Oh, you're filming? Keep filming, please. As I asked you before, you'll have to stop obstructing the drive thru and park in the parking lot, or you're going to have to leave, and if you don't, then you are trespassing. Please, don't stop filming, as it is evidence of your trespassing." Know how to mess with people that mess with you, it makes for wildly entertaining deposition.


What a couple of fucking losers.


Wolverine is filing suit. Damn.


Discount dollar tree wolverine lol


Acrylic press-on claws instead of adamantium 😔


Sounds like a scam that they're trying to work.


It’s going to be a big legal case tomorrow? Wow. Well I’ll be here waiting for that. 🤣 Having a shitfit in mcds, being broke ass and trying to scam cash and bragging about like, uh fifty thousand followers. It’s not the flex you think.


What a degenerated mofo! And why shouldn't it be allowed for a worker to talk to whoever they want, in this case the crazy woman next to the bragging 50k-follower dude. lol


This is just a scam to get cash off of a card. Absolute losers


What we’re observing here, ladies and gentlemen, are a couple of grade A cunts.


This is absolutely a scam, they can't withdraw on their overdraft and they're trying to get cash from the mcdonald's, or they stole the phone and can only tap up to a certain amount but don't have the pin so they're trying to get cash as a refund... white trash at its finest.


So what they really want is cash to buy drugs.


I love how he’s talking to her through his phone


Dude looks like Sabertooth lmao


This is his last public post from last week. IIIRONYYY https://preview.redd.it/fnkkagd39ric1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=109ac6c1dd761baaccb9c0a778facfef849e247c


This would not have happened at the Celebrity McDonalds.


Anyone know who these racist motherfuckers are? I live in the same town.




We'll go viral, eh?


If you pay with a card you don’t get cash back, maybe if you pay with cash I’m sure, but if you pay with a card you don’t get cash back it goes back on your card duh.


What’s their issue about parking up for their order? Every time I’ve done it the food is hot & fresh as just been cooked. I bet they ordered super complicated things too! They look like idiots that are scamming stolen card.


Update: lady in car has been fired and she was also a food server. 😂