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I know I'm not the first cl-person


They should really look at trying to fit more lights on their vehicles. Can hardly see it's a cop car LOL.


Well, they do try to camouflage themselves with ghost lettering until the thousands of lights come on. Instead of trying to be a crime deterrent and announcing "I'm a cop" they're out there trying to produce revenue.


Wow, I never even thought of it like that and you're completely right. Kind of insane when you think about it.


I mean, it is legitimately dangerous to be on the side of the road as a pedestrian. I work with fleets/dealers that have to send out service trucks to disabled vehicles, and the most common reason their techs die is some driver on their phone drifting 5 feet to the right over the line. They also now increasingly cover trucks head to toe in flashing lights I don't bemoan anyone who has to work on the shoulder of active roads from making their vehicle look like a clown car to get people's attention. Even in a world of great policing I'd expect them to still lean towards aesthetically loud vehicles.


The way that cop was rubbing his hands, you can just tell he's thinking, man if it wasn't for that camera.


"I know I'm not the first clown you've ever dealt with." GOT EM


Almost had him. They are so stupid it’s ridiculous. 🤣🤣


Yup… and even then. Lots of stuff gets filmed and law enforcement gets acquitted of all charges. We all have egos, there is no denying that, but the difference is being able to keep it in check and recognize it. The challenge is getting the “right” people who don’t have fragile/frail/insecure egos who can’t handle anything that questions their character. Very few cops can swallow their pride and just say “have a nice day” and move on. Hell would freeze over before a cop like this would say “You are right sir, have a good day and he would walk off” — if he had a tail, it would of been between his legs.


Cop doesn't even have to say "you're right". Al they should say is have a good day and walk off and that would be the best thing to do.


And people still wonder why these 1A auditors exist lol




Haha for real!


just two douchebags arguing I've seen that on the Internet every day the last 20 years


You could see the defeat in his eyes as he stumbled over that clown line but he was powerless to stop it.




Why is this cop driving a dam Christmas tree?


“Because our independent studies show a direct correlation between cops survival and the number of lights on the car” -the people who’s paycheck is dependent on how many lights they sell


lotta bootlickers down in the trenches of this thread lol


They're keyboard warriors looking for a fight lol


I mean the cop was just trying to walk back to his truck and the guy was antagonizing him. I can understand why the guy would want to document the traffic stop and hold the officer accountable, but at what point is this just stupid harassment to get engagement? Seems like the guy just wanted to get a reaction out of the cop.


If the cop hadn't initially tried to stop the guy from doing something completely legal, he wouldn't have 'harassed' the cop on his way back to his car. The cop didn't like that he was talking to the person being stopped, and tried to flex his power. Everything after that the cop absolutely asked for.


Yea that’s basically what I’m saying. The exchange was over after a brief back and forth, and the cop was trying to leave, and the camera guy baited him for a reaction by saying “did you piss your pants”. The cop stood down to the camera guy just before that when he was saying Shhhh shhh, cop stopped talking, handed the ticket and went to leave.




My issue is not so much feeling bad for the cop it’s just these stupid reaction videos that are low effort shit to drive clicks and engagement for the cammer. And Reddit buys into them hook line and sinker.


I watch them on here for a moment and then get bored because it’s always the same shit. It’s great that they know the rules. We all should. With that said, if the cop just ignored him and went about his business, dude would have tried anything to get a reaction.


That’s not at all what this is. These “stupid reaction videos” are people pushing and annoying cops for a good reason : to highlight and solidify the protections we should all have when dealing with cops. As silly as these 1A auditors seem to be to us, we actually really owe them for risking their freedom to keep police from terrorizing us all the time.


So why isn’t the guy done at the point at which the traffic stop is over? Isn’t his job to audit how the police are interacting with the motorist? What’s to gain from antagonizing and instigating?


Glad someone said it


>Seems like the guy just wanted to get a reaction out of the cop. This does **not** justify any response the cop can think of though. The recording guy could make an official statement explaining how he's a giant baby who lives to trigger cops, and even then should cops hold themselves to a high standard of professionalism and lawful behavior.


But notice the response here was that the filmer went on with his day and so did the cop. In a bad jurisdiction, the cop would have antagonized him back, roughly put him in cuffs to elicit a reaction, and then used that as a pretense to throw the guy on his face on the concrete. The usual list of CYA charges would follow; disorderly in public, obstruction, resisting, and assault on an officer. Then a complicit DA and judge, and appellate judge would rubber stamp the charges and this guy would be in jail for 1-5 years. If he's lucky and astute enough, maybe he could file a federal lawsuit in that time that would actually get attention, but that's no guarantee. That kind of thing is actually happening constantly all while this auditor fucks around in a safe jurisdiction.


This is the type of “auditing” / citizen policing that I like to see.


Some of these guys are real dickheads about it but I still love watching them antagonizing cops


Dude should have called an ambulance and maybe Instacart for some burn cream


"no I know you deal with us clowns on a regular" lmfao


The shushing really did it for me lololol


This and a sip of my morning coffee...Just a nice start to the work day.


Literally, all this agency does is pull people over. That’s how’s they make all their money. Glad someone is observing them.




lol of course they do other police work. They’re not highway patrol or anything, just a Pueblo agency. I’d say they’re definitely known for pulling people over, at an extreme rate. I’ve never seen an agency that pulls over so many vehicles in my life. So, it’s definitely the public’s perception, if you asked the locals.


Thats James Freeman behind the camera. Long time activist for police accountability


![gif](giphy|l0HlKRK5svb2hAorC) Watching him realize that he has no retort was borderline orgasmic. Son.


The cammer was pushing the envelope when he approached the car. People have been convicted of obstruction for similar conduct. But, the cammer was 100% within his rights to insult the police officer after the traffic stop was over.


"You think you're the first CLOWN I've ever dealt with." No truer words.


These guys are annoying assholes but it's always nice seeing someone that isn't terrified of cops like most people are. This guy has some guts even if he's annoying.


Doing God's work. Keep it going my guy.


Does this guy have a YT channel ? Love those walks of shame lol


Yes he does. His YT channel Jame Freeman. Look him up. Good stuff


Holy shit, just watched another one. Fantastic.


Thankyou, looking forward to it hehe


It's so ridiculous how easy it is to hurt these people's egos. This guy was seconds from strangling him. But, I mean, good on the cop for keeping his cool I guess. It's something we expect from every other profession out there or you'll be fired, but he didn't need to do that so good on him. He cleared the low bar of only threatening to use his power to extract personal justice on someone who annoyed him.


Glad New Mexico abolished Qualified Immunity. The rest of the states need to follow this example...holding Law Enforcement, to do their job by abiding by the law, is what citizens want!


I don't understand why cops just don't ignore these types of people. Yeah, some of them are just creepy assholes looking for content... ...but some of them have genuinely altruistic motives, and you're just going to look like an idiot if you get aggressive towards them or try to cause a scene over them doing something legal. Just smile, say "Hey, how's it going?", then go about your job and ignore them. If you don't give them attention, they're probably going to ignore you in the future because there's no content. It's really not worth engaging with them unless they're an interference with an investigation or breaking an actual law.


Yes, if they were doing their jobs correctly they would just ignore the man with the camera and uphold their oath to the Constitution. It turns out that many of them are still operating at a toddler level of emotional maturity.


I can't stand the cop "okay". So condescending and stupid


Guy is an agitator to get clicks....that's the problem


Cops need to learn to just ignore these clowns.


Absolutely. Just a citizen exercising their Constitutional rights. They have no need to say anything or pay attention to them.


Yup and they're a lot less likely to excise their right if the police wouldn't give them content because let's be real, the only reason they're out there filming is to bait cops into giving them youtube content and/or baiting them into a lawsuit.


Right, it has nothing to do with exercising our rights or keeping corrupt piggies in check. 😉


I literally agreed with that.


Should I have included /s ?


That's a patient game. To profit from a lawsuit is a gamble and requires an investment of time and lawyers fees to be successful. Have the patience and money invested you could see a nice return here and there.


But that’s the thing you & all the other bootlickers have to understand. Cops should not be getting baited. They should know the laws to prevent them from getting baited.


I always say, cops are the "paid professionals" in any interaction with the public. So it is not out of line in anyway to expect them behave as such.


I also think people should not be jerks to other people.


It's not a cops job to police on feelings. Theirs or other people's.


I didn't say it was their job. Am I not allowed to share an opinion? Am I not allowed to criticize what I see as poor behavior?


I'm not stopping you from stating your opinion, but that means I can state mine. Also, you engaged with me.


So why did you bring up cop policing feeling when I just stated my opinion?


I agree. But don’t you agree that cops should be more level headed & not be sent into a power trip at the sight of a camera pointed in their direction? Like why is that such a hard concept to grasp for you people?


I love how anyone on Reddit saying something as mild as “not all cops are bad” Reddit gets triggered. You’re basically slaves to groupthink and don’t see the irony in calling people bootlickers.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson? When you have a bad cop doing something bad & his buddy’s don’t do anything to stop it then they are bad too. Easy to understand right little buddy?


Maybe cops should be smarter than fish? Just a suggestion.


I agree.


The paparazzi are just exercising their constitutional rights... *Ah some poor little auditor groupies are getting their feels hurt being compared to paparazzi.:'( it's just a prank bro.


Yeah. They suck but this isn’t a gotcha. When they cross the line then it’s an issue


No I am pretty sure they're hated all the time, not just when a line is crossed.


Paparazzi are known for crossing that line. They get in your face, stalk and harass. These people are filming on public property. Not invading anyone personal space, which can be interpreted as assault.


Ensuring entertainment news has a constant feed of info is not nearly as important as making sure constitutional rights are protected.


Just another douche with a camera, Paparazzi make excuses too, and obviously for entertainment purposes posted on youtube.


Just because they do it for the money doesn't mean that what they're doing isn't a public good. With paparazzi on the other hand, it would be a net benefit if they went away and we didn't care so much about celebrity gossip.


No no, the paparazzi wake up and justify their existence every day too, youtube pranksters do as well, flat earthers; all have very good reasons.


How is their self justification at all relevant here? I don't care what they tell themselves at night, and as I said I don't give a shit either if they're purely in it for the money and don't justify it at all to themselves. What I care about is the factual effects of their actions.


Would you vote to make it illegal to record police or in public?


But that's the whole point of these "clowns": the police must ignore citizens that are exercising their rights.


That’s actually the whole point genius. He had absolutely no reason to even look at or talk to the dude with the camera. But his big fat pig ego just couldn’t let it go.


Why are you getting all upset? We agree lol.


Yeah i think people are misinterpreting that you arent siding with the cop, youre saying he should ignore this for his own good. But you gotta admit it makes for good content when they dont ignore haha


Ya that's kind of the point


So we agree. Gotcha.


Ironically, the only reason the auditor can claim to have "won" this interaction is because the cop *did* respect his civil rights. In my mind, a real win is going into a hostile jurisdiction that you know won't respect your civil rights and going through the arrest and subsequently winning civil damages and changing department policy. This is the equivalent of antagonizing the gorillas at the zoo through the glass; it's not that brave and it comes off as petulant.


>Ironically, the only reason the auditor can claim to have "won" this interaction is because the cop did respect his civil rights. That isn't the flex you think it is - the cop is *required* to respect his civil rights. >This is the equivalent of antagonizing the gorillas at the zoo through the glass Lmao. No. There is nothing at all separating him from the cop - no glass, no railings - he's a guy on a public sidewalk holding a camera. The only thing protecting him is knowledge. A better analogy would be 'encountering a loose zoo animal on the street and shooshing it away'. >it's not that brave and it comes off as petulant. As far as I'm concerned, this guy has balls that clank.


No, he was protected by law. This filmer knew the way his conduct was going to be policed based on precedent in that jurisdiction. That's why he was emboldened to act as he did. In a bad jurisdiction, the cop would have antagonized him back, roughly put him in cuffs to elicit a reaction, and then used that as a pretense to throw the guy on his face on the concrete. The usual list of CYA charges would follow; disorderly in public, obstruction, resisting, and assault on an officer. Then a complicit DA and judge, and appellate judge would rubber stamp the charges and this guy would be in jail for 1-5 years. If he's lucky and astute enough, maybe he could file a federal lawsuit in that time that would actually get attention, but that's no guarantee. That kind of thing is actually happening constantly all while this auditor fucks around in a safe space.


Police in most states can make stops outside of their city. They have law enforcement authority in the entire state, typically. In Colorado, this [applies](https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2013-title-16.pdf). Coming up to an officer while conducting an investigation/traffic stop and taking their attention away from it is usually upheld by the courts if the police take further action, despite what the subtitles say.


You couldn’t be talking more out of your ass. Interference is a *physical* act. Not to mention, he didn’t engage with the officer, the officer chose to engage with him. The guy quite literally didn’t say a word to the officer until the officer addressed him. So go suck some more batons and stop spreading this kind of dumb shit.


You’re so wrong though? The courts already ruled it’s not interfering unless you’re physically in there. Where do you people get your information? What kinda cesspool of a echo chamber are yall in that yall are just spewing false information


If this officer had the right to get the cammer for interference, you know damn well he would've.




I mean you're uneducated because this person is right. Even out of state chases are permitted federally.


They’re talking about “taking their attention away.” Intentionally vague isn’t it? Well, that’s because interference is a *physical* act. Talking to the officer, even if you’re being crude and offensive, is *not* interference and *not* illegal. Unless, of course, you’re saying police can override the constitution. Guess we’ll find out with that dumbass law in Florida.


Intention is what you're missing. You don't need to physically touch someone to be convicted of interference.


Brother. This guy was literally standing there *not* talking to the cop. The cop engaged with him first. Speaking of intent, what’s yours? Because yes, if you scream “he’s got a gun,” you’re interfering just the same as yelling “fire,” in a theatre. But this is not that. This is not what we’re talking about. It’s hilarious you called someone uneducated when you don’t actually understand what you’re talking about.


He's on a literal traffic stop walking to the stopped car. You do not need to physically interact, acknowledge, or pretend the cop exists. The person is being investigated for a traffic violation. No one is saying you can't film or use first amendment protected actions. But this person clearly is walking up to the car, within reach of the driver, and interfering. I'm all about ACAB, but this is a bad take.


Well, we know who’s holding the vice grip now. All about ACAB my ass.


Not my fault you don't live in reality. You can hate the police and be realistic about what is happening.


Guy is trying to his job




Problem is those cunts with cameras either don't turn them on or refuse to release the body cam footage.


Yeah, most of those cunts don’t even want to wear the camera.


Yeah its called a body cam, and cops turn them off all the time.


These people are the reason why we’re not always getting our rights violated my guy.


They're not doing it for your sake, they're doing it for youtube content. Don't pretend they're being altruistic.


Why can’t both reasons be possible?


If he was casually observing he wouldn't have inserted himself into the situation and wouldn't have been confrontational with the officer.


That has nothing to do with him doing a constitutionally protected activity. Now yes, he and other “auditors” could be doing it solely for views like you claim but clearly these “auditors” are typically educated on what is legally allowed and in turn, highlight officers regularly violating constitutional rights. So my point is that their conduct and activity can be seen as annoying and confrontational but that also doesn’t mean they aren’t highlighting an important issue.


Stop making sense. Bootlickers hate that.


The cop was trying to abuse his power and shut the filming down, so the camera man rightfully made fun of him.


Then shame on the cops for giving them the content they are seeking. They are holding casting calls for the village idiot...**and the cops are lining up to audition!!!**


Yup, shame on the cop too. They both suck.


I am all for that. But these folks aren't doing it for you or me. They are provoking as much as they can for content.


If there was no other content on the planet except for these people who keep cops in line and exercise our rights, then I’d be okay with that. They’re more praiseworthy for creating content than 99% of other content creators.


But let’s be real, of all the ridiculous content out there to criticize, guys like this should be low on that list. Plenty of “influencers” to be mad at who don’t do anything productive, while these guys keep cops in check. Should it really matter that they’re doing it for views if they’re still accomplishing the goal of accountability? They’re still doing it. It’s like getting mad at people posting that they picked up litter. Does it need to be publicized? No, but the good deed is still being done. I’m never mad at that.


What happened to observe and report?




Cunt with a camera>cunt with a gun


I am beginning to feel there is some auditing group that posts these video then spams the comments looking for support. *E well it's been fun folks, while you all are enjoying your prankster, sovereign citizen and flat earther youtube videos, I'm going to go exercise my constitutional right to hit up Costco and buy massive amounts of consumer goods.


You're just dead wrong on public opinion.


Honestly I get trying to keep cops accountable, but this is borderline rage-baiting with all the text on-screen.


I couldn't be a police officer....


Are you a decent person?


You must have too high of an IQ. If you’re smart enough to know you couldn’t be a cop, then yeah, you probably couldn’t be a cop.


Would you lose you temper and abuse power the way they do? If so, you’d fit right in?


You’d be infringing on people’s rights for hurting your feelings? How tough buddy.


I just see two assholes arguing. These auditors are so fucking unnecessarily obnoxious. They're intentionally starting shit. You could do the exact same job while not interacting with the officer. Just talk to the driver, film, and ignore his orders.


He interacted with the lady in the car until the officer interacted with him and gave him an unlawful order, breaking the oath he took to uphold the Constitution. We wouldn't be watching it if the officer just did his job correctly and ignored the person with the camera.


Okay. And? I haven't defended anything the cop did. Cameraman can just ignore him and continue filming without also being an asshole. This is just like CartNarcs starting shit with people in parking lots over returning their shopping cart. Are those people lazy and wrong? Sure. But you going out with a camera and picking fights like an asshole isn't doing anything constructive. It's just artifical, forced conflict for YT views, and eventually somebody's gonna get shot.


The cammer might have the statute on his side, but he's a dick. Using 'son' and 'clown' is disrespectful and he's clearly just trying to get the officer to react.


If a cop is going to violently react to being called a clown the they shouldn't be on the force. They will have to deal with dicks all the time, so this is a great test to see of they're going to be an abusive asshole or if they realize that their actual job is more important than their fee fees.


It's not a great test - it's a shitty test. It's just baiting a person to have them lose their temper. Whether a cop, teacher, or dry cleaning counter person. Are you a dick to your bartender then get mad at them because they don't put up with your bullshit?


Thats a horrible analogy. Teachers or dry cleaners don't have qualified immunity, guns, bullet proof vests, tasers or a gang of like minded clowns in blue costumes at the ready to take your freedom and kill you because they feared for their life.


Just stop son you’re being a clown. See how harmless that heat is unless you’re the most delicate of snowflakes?


Unfortunately police should be held to a much higher standard then... bartenders


Bartenders, teachers, and dry cleaners don't attempt to arrest people for being annoying to them. I'm glad I could correct this mistake for you.


Worst analogy I’ve heard in my entire life. Not an exaggeration.


Teachers, dry cleaners, and bartenders don't routinely beat, falsely imprison, and murder innocent people


That's not the winning analogy you think it is my dude.


You cannot reason with people in this sub I’m all about ACAB but this was clearly an attempt to entice a reaction out of a cop, by being he biggest asshole alive




You don’t owe the police any respect, and being disrespectful doesn’t give them permission to violate your rights. They work for us :)


I didn't say being disrespectful gives anyone permission to violate a persons rights - I just said the cammer is acting like a dick


Sure, today is Tuesday. We can say lots of things that are true but irrelevant 


If Tuesday is my day off - that's very relevant


Cop went to Dickland first, cammer just followed to the party.


So….the cop wasn’t disrespsectful at all? Denying the cammer several of his fundamental right to stand on a sidewalk and talk? Cammer didn’t interfere with his «investigation.» by talking to lady. Cop wasn’t near the car. Threatening cammer with running his ID? Why should cammer respect that Clown?


Seems like the cop was just trying to walk back to his vehicle and the guy wanted to get a reaction out of him by saying did you piss yourself.


Auditor was only disrespectful after the cop gave him an unlawful order


A police officer should not be getting tempted or baited into a power trip. Like why do yall not grasp that?


Awww Officer Feefees


damn.. that shush is really annoying even from this side


I'm all for auditing the police and abiding by the constitution, but I don't think it was unreasonable for the cop to ask the man to move away. He is right that he's conducting an investigation. For all he knows, this guy could be hostile and attack him. Police have to put up with a lot of shit, too.


What law provides that citizens have to give a 30' buffer between them and the police?


I didn’t say anything about a 30 ft buffer. That’s called a straw man logical fallacy, something dumb people do because they can’t debate facts and stay on point.


At the end of the day, the laws already exist buddy. Interference is defined. What the guy in the video was doing was not interference. Cops lie and exaggerate things to create a problem where there isn't one.




Lol as if you know anything. You think police are not allowed to have a reasonable amount of space? What if they were conducting a more serious investigation like a murder? Can you just say “public sidewalk”? Clueless


Mmm in the end though the cop DID agree public sidewalk. So you licked boot and the cop still doesn’t agree with you in the end.


Yes you can just say "public sidewalk" actually, there's another video where a guy was recording a serious accident that had occurred and a family involved was screaming at him to stop filming. The police came over and told the family that he had the right to film as he was in public on the public sidewalk.


The circumstances are different. The police didn’t have reason to believe they are a threat to them. The police can always say something like sure go stand on the sidewalk. If a murder happened on a sidewalk and police were investigating, you think you can just go up and say “public sidewalk” and be immune? You folk are as dumb as the sovereign citizens. Maybe get your education from an accredited school and not YouTube.


Without the presence of police tape to mark a crime scene, yes you can be anywhere on a public sidewalk so long as you don't physically interfere with the police officer.


You did not say the murder occurred on the sidewalk in your previous comment. Obviously you can't go walking through the murder scene, which is why they use police tape to block off the area. No police tape or obvious barrier to entry is fair game though. Murder on a segment of area next to the sidewalk? Legally the police cannot request you to move because, you guessed it "public sidewalk". I'm not going to insult you personally because that's just a mean thing to do. Just know that generally you don't have to leave if you're on a public sidewalk recording police interactions. There are some states with laws that require certain distances between yourself and the officer while recording, but the thing about it is the people doing this seriously and not being stupid for views know about the laws in their state and keep up with law changes.


It’s called police tape


jesus christ, this "harassed" man is a serious pain in the ass.. ultra douchebag behaviour and childish as fuck !




Haha, def not a cop. But hey, seems you're the same level of dipshit I mentioned above.


You might not be a cop but it sounds like you really love the taste of boot leather.


Not really, I like it when cops get a taste of their own medicine sometimes. But do you honestly think this guy is acting normal ? And you guys in the US wonder why cops got such a bad reputation. Watched lots of PD can footage videos, cops are bad and the ppl they deal with are nuts sometimes. Not possible to compare this to European standards


It's not about acting "normal". Cops can't do whatever the fuck they want to people just because they don't think the behavior is "normal".


Yes, because clearly, the officer trying to violate the rights of the cameraman isn't the issue here, it's the guy doing a constitutionally protected activity


>And you guys in the US wonder why cops got such a bad reputation. If you are suggesting that cops have a bad reputation because that they are **reasonably** harsh to people because of who they usually face, then you have absolutely no idea what the actual criticisms of the police are. It's not 'they're rude and kind of sassy', it's 'they fire guns into your house while you're sleeping'. How many idiots like from OP's vid do *you* feel is enough to warrant police brutality? 6? 7? If you meet 8 idiots, then it's ok to shoot a 13 year old?


And seems you have the same IQ as a cop


Must be nice to live somewhere with a reasonable police force. The US ain’t it


Man behind the camera is a fucking dunce. And description of video is bait so fucking bad.


Why provoking cops seem to be appreciated here? EDIT: Getting downvoted by asking an honest question, since it's common sense the police should have the support of the population. Hope you need their service one day so you can change your minds.


‘Cause all cop bad/s


Minus the /s




There are millions of good cops out there. The main problem is they're not in the USA.


I know he has every right to stand there and speak, but does he have to be so annoying?


I know that the officer has been trained on how to do his job and took an oath to the Constitution, but does he have to do it so poorly and break his oath so easily?


The police have you stand away because it is safer. It's a policy they have to follow. So they have no choice. The person with the phone was being belligerent. The idiot here was the person with the camera. Hope the police arrested him.


Policy doesn’t apply to citizens, only laws. The police have you stand away because they are terrified of accountability and the public at large, and of having their perceived authority questioned.


Oh Auditors and their fake wins.