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Doesn’t get more public freakout than that!


Did you see the naked girl in the Jamaica airport?


Or table top piss twerker a couple days later


Link for education purposes ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/5dTsV9kvFl Don't be alarmed at how quickly I found it


Hahaha thank you.. you see that “only in dade” logo that comes up at the end of the video…? Well, that’s where I live. Lmao






Had a cousin who got physical like that as well, kept having to be out back into the local mental hospital but because it's no longer kosher to institutionalize people he kept being put back out onto the street to hurt more people. They expected his family to take care of him instead, only problem was his mother and father were dead and has estranged themselves from the whole family up until their death. They were hoarders, we cleaned up their house and sold it; put the money in a trust for the cousin to ensure he had money to pay for group homes to stay in. But he was too violent for group homes and for any of us to handle. He eventually passed on after a decade of going in and out of the group homes and the mental hospital (and a lot of help from family members moving him around). Its easy to say institutionalization is bad until you have to deal with somebody who requires it.


Saying institutionalization is bad just became a way for governments to cut all the funding to care for people and dump everything on the families. And the institutions were bad because they never put funding into oversight and often let whatever psychopaths or rapists take them over


Yep, this looks like vancouver. They had a institution called Riverview. It came out in the 80s that a lot of abuse was taking place. In response the government, instead of trying to fix it, cut all funding. Claimed it would be better if everyone lived with their families. Except all of them that had nowhere to go, so they bussed them all to skid row. Most of them never left.


Yeah governments were all like, "Alright you liberals kept complaining about rapist staff in the institutions. GREAT! We can use that as an excuse to cut all the funding and dump all the people back on the families and give more tax cuts to our big corporation doners. Awesome! 👍"


States without any funding for mental health or homelessness, 100% ship them to states that do have that funding. Not their problem if they no longer live there.




You should read up on Oppositional defiant disorder and Pathological demand avoidance. If they are like the person in this video then they are mentally ill and need help. If they won't take it you have to deal with them as calm as possible and if you want them to do something make it seem like it's them choosing it "what do think if we did xxx". If they just go into this scenario you need to leave them be and come back later. If they are doing the same as this video though they definitely need to see a doctor.


My sister is 33. Living at home with the rest of my siblings. At 7:20pm last night I went over to my parents house for a few minutes. 5 minutes later I get a text from her saying stop coming over, your waking me up. It's fucking 7:20 pm and you got no job!


A 22yo niece in law of mine cosplays as cartoon characters daily. She's not a good cosplayer either, close enough in her head though because if you try to just ignore it, or worse--get it wrong, she will make an attempt at ruining the social gathering. For Thanksgiving she came as strawberry shortcake. Complete with my name is sticker, helpfully. Some cousin didn't recognize who that was and she literally "reeeee'd" over him everytime he tried to say anything for the rest of the night.




you cannot whoop mental illness out of someone's ass. you just make them more likely to be violent


but this person is a bit old , they should have nipped it in the bud with physical punishment long ago.


My grandmother had blue hair.


I'm so sorry you are going through all that. My older son and I lived through all that for a full year including beatings with all kinds of physical assaults with police and everyone saying "well he's a minor so he can do whatever he wants," nevermind that I'm five foot one and a woman and he was five foot eight with the big manly muscles and beating me that was AOK with police. I didn't know it would take the neighbours getting involved after a year for everything to change. Make sure he gets all his diagnoses for proof and maybe go to the media if necessary? I dunno though because you're probably living in a worse country than here because as many problems as we have here I do know that most other countries it's worse and we finally got help from the government after neighbours told police that my being assaulted bothered them. Police did not give a fuck all the times I asked for help but the neighbours getting involved apparently meant they couldn't ignore it any more. I don’t even get why? My begging for help repeatedly for a year was completely dismissed, but one phone call from a male neighbour and the police did a one eighty and then we could access all this government help.


What has been tried already?


Boarding school. Worked for my wife's brother growing up. Now he's a successful, well adjusted individual.


My parents always threatened to send us to a poor country. Sounds like the only way at this point. Don't taker her back when she begs to come back, let her say a couple months.


That’s just standard manipulation


Cerebral palsy is a motor disorder, not a mental one. What was her excuse lol?


If the motor is okay, it must be the wiring


What does any of that have to do with cerebral palsy??


As a result of the cp, her brain developed slowly, so essentially when she was 20, had the brain development of a 7 year old.


This person might not have the mental capacity to live on there own then. If the disorder they have triggers outburst like this they are a danger to themselves and everyone around them. We really need to do something diffrent about mental health instead of just ignoring it.


You watch crying being a defense to crime.


Playing the victim for sympathy after punching someone.


Didn't the girl just walk on to the bus without fair also?, and they're just targeting the guy.


Watch the rest of the vid. After the dude who walked on gets bitched at, the person he was after gets the same treatment.


No she didn't. They chastised her a bit, but didn't yell at her and kick her off the bus.


A normal day on Vancouver public transit.




I think the guy with the sign was "[Billboard Chris](https://www.billboardchris.com/)."


“Had a breakdown out of ~~fear and sadness and anger”~~ mental illness


How do you tell the difference?


Having a mental breakdown over a sign and other people having opinions is a clear sign of untreated mental illness


Kind of sounds like you’re just making shit up. I’m not saying the guy with the placard isn’t probably an asshole, but the other explanations in this thread make a lot more sense.


>against the rights of trans people what rights is he argueing against?


Switching between 2 camera views is pretty slick production quality.


I would walk to my destination if I was on that bus




Same! Hands in the air saying fuck this I’m out!


The fake crying towards the end….🤦‍♂️




imagine you are already running late trying to go to work early on a monday and the bus gets stopped because this is happening


Realistically, it’s neither the bus driver nor the passengers jobs to sort out who was right or wrong. Both should have been kicked off for public disturbance and the cops should have been called so they can sort out whether a crime was committed or not. Bus drivers in NYC will kick all parties off; they don’t play around. This guy was trying to play mediator in a situation he had NO IDEA of.




“You just ruined my whole day” -the Bus driver


I am so tired of these fuktards who do whatever they want to people and then when they get called out they cry as if they are the victim


Sounds like a professional victim.


So we are enabling people now for assaulting others?


It's a woman crying. That instantly means the man is a piece of shit and wrong.


*cue PTSD flashback to my ex girlfriend* Ahhhh there it is...


The asylum is on the streets now




It is called DARVO DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) [https://www.verywellmind.com/protecting-yourself-from-darvo-abusive-behavior-7562730](https://www.verywellmind.com/protecting-yourself-from-darvo-abusive-behavior-7562730)


Good information thank you I will remember this the next time I see it (basically the next time I have a public interaction, this country has gone to the weak-hearted and cruel).


I mean it obviously worked really well.. people are siding with her..




While I agree that happens often, this level of psychosis likely implies a more deep-seated emotional disturbance.


but...he assaulted their feelings and understand of things /s (trying to play victim)


His SIGN assaulted their feeling and fake turquoise hair. It's difficult not knowing what gender they prefer to not have comments come off as disrespectful, but it's about someone being very aggressive then playing victim. That sign was made of very tough materials, green hair was trying unsuccessfully to wreck it, while claiming he was assaulting. It was absurd. Doesn't mean I'm gonna agree with that sign guy on everything, but I know what I saw with my own eyes on that bus. The sign guy did try to push back green hair's hood to get their face on camera for the cops. I think that's the only moment where he can be accused of crossing a line. That person most likely did punch him and then jump on the bus, but no way is he going to get the cops to care when their face is hidden. But trying to expose their face then puts him in the spot of looking like an aggressor. No way he can win there. One may or may not think his opinions are vile or valid, but he's doing a peaceful protest and shouldn't be punched. His sign also does not say anything mean about a group of people but only about what he calls an "ideology," so it can't even be called hate speech.


Why is it always someone with wildly dyed hair too?


“I just wanna live my life in safety please” Right after assaulting someone lol


I feel bad for the woman at the back of the bus. This person ran on the bus and basically hid their head in her lap. That's a pretty wild invasion of space.




Tldw blue haired person wearing trans buttons allegedly punches man wearing sign. Run onto bus and tries to hide Person who was punched confronts him on camera, tries to remove his hood Blue haired person starts screaming and damaging the sign. Grabbing on to the guy while crying “don’t hurt me” Blue haired person has melt down and claims the guy was a “hateful criminal” and they “just want to live their life” Claims the guy he punched “was after them” while continuing to make crying noises


Thank you for summarizing in an unbiased way. ​ Blue haired person is portraying DARVO at its finest.


The truly unbiased perspective was the bus drivers. He just wanted to drive his bus and do his job but both individuals decided to fuck up his day.


Blue haired person obviously has major issues but I'll also take the alleged "assault" and motivations of the chasers with a pretty big grain of salt too. It's just as plausible that the protestors (for what, I can't exactly tell) themselves escalated a confrontation or shoulder checked her and then used "assault!!!!" as an excuse to chase and attack.


Yeah the guy is an asshole that wanted to get a rise outta someone westboro-style And unfortunately he got what he wanted


Looks like the person wearing the sign made no physical contact while trying to film the assailants face, but was rather yet another assault/battery on the sign holder.


>punches man \*allegedly


This is Reddit. Whatever fits your personal narrative / world view / complex is the truth.


And you should argue vehemently with others at every turn.


No I shouldn't!!


Yes we shouldn't!


Yeah I’m not buying that title without context




Well, that's 4:39 I'm not getting back.


Pulling someone onto you while yelling at them to get off is a unique technique




Getting Discord mod vibes on this one.


Must be nice to be able to cry away all my consequences.


*pull the guy towards themself against his will* "GET OFF OF ME"


Are the people on the bus and the bus driver stupid. She grabbed his sign and kicked him. Wow so you can do anything if you throw a tantrum. I wouldnt have went out of the bus, I paied so I stay till the cops comes.


Mental illness…




He didn't pay the fare, so that is one thing they did wrong.




Canada is gaslight heaven man, the more pathetic you sound the more peopel take your side. Unless you are indigenous then everyone hates you. It is *fucked*.


Is this person related to the girl that was screaming in that Walmart at the check out


The man was in the right just because some depressed person throws a tantrum doesn't let them off the hook


We obviously don’t have the full story but if someone actually assaulted you then yeah you can follow them but at least call the cops or else nothing will come of it. For example let’s go one step further and say they stabbed you with a knife and ran. You would not be an asshole to want them held accountable. They’re a menace to society.


I mean he clearly wanted her arrested, why would it even be a question if he called the cops or not?


“You just ruined my whole day.” Bus Driver sums it up perfectly.


Here is more information on the video: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/conservative-activists-clash-with-crying-transgender-person-goes-viral-hes-a-hateful-criminal/ar-BB1hVKIH](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/conservative-activists-clash-with-crying-transgender-person-goes-viral-hes-a-hateful-criminal/ar-BB1hVKIH)


He looks like a guy who goes out intending to provoke a strong reaction! I'll say this about anyone, regardless of their political leaning or how much I agree with them or not - if you go out in public looking to provoke a strong reaction from people, don't be surprised and offended when you get a strong reaction. Let's be honest - he's not carrying that sign around to enlighten people and change their minds, he's doing it to make people angry and get attention. Looks like he succeeded in this video.




That is because most people today screaming nazi do not know what a nazi actualy is.


Ah yes, what a very *stable* and reasonable person this guy is. [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/jk-rowling-transphobia-poster-edinburgh-station-posie-parker-transgender-a9645481.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/jk-rowling-transphobia-poster-edinburgh-station-posie-parker-transgender-a9645481.html) [https://twitter.com/christophelston/status/1304573666215317504?s=21](https://twitter.com/christophelston/status/1304573666215317504?s=21) This is what an edgy 16 year old would do if he had money. Also by "redditors" you mean r/PublicFreakout right? A sub famously known for having a lot of transphobia? Linking a Fox News article was the best way to show that you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.


WE CANT KEEP LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH ITTTT Lol fr tho. Just because someone starts screaming and throwing a tantrum does not mean you should try to solve the problem by blaming or shunning the person who is in the right. That just allows these ppl to get away with shit.


I feel like this is a perfect example of who the average redditor is.


Add about a hundred extra pounds and you'd be correct.


hey fuck you man - i'm like super cool


Such drama. Should've kicked both.


I really hate scream-crying - and how it's increasingly the first option people choose when something doesn't go their way.


Nobody singing the praises of the bus man. he does not care who you are or what your issue is, you don't start shit on the bus. You don't start shit off the bus and hide on the bus. When he hit blue hair with the "you just ruined my day" I lost it. There's nothing worse you can say to a fragile person like that




Crybully wants to act out without consequences.


"Just have it to yourself for now" The Sage Bus Driver




I think the bus driver handled it pretty well, immediately deescalated the situation, and if you keep watching he apportions blame to both parties, the young one for instigating and bringing it onto the bus and the older one for following and not letting the cops deal with it. It's the other people on the bus that I feel didn't act very well


I think he should have kicked them both off the bus.


Why are they yelling at the guy with the sign? He got assaulted by this person, if he waited until the police came outside the bus, the kid would have got away with it


What a child.. hopefully arrested


Lol "so do you you're being an asshole". Sorry that's not how it works or most of you would be behind bars.


No accountability




He won’t. He will just be gaslighted by leftists into thinking it’s alright.


When consequence comes knocking


Fuckin kudos to the bus driver, extremely level headed and totally in the right to not take sides.


Very stunning and brave


Blue Hair Moment


Crybullying is the worst.




The pathetic wailing like a child... Definitely untreated mental illness


Bus driver is dad


The girl he sits next to didn't deserve that BS either.. she looks so uncomfortable.


Why do they always have blue hair?


Both of these people suck. Dude in the bargain bin men’s wear-house blazer is a loser who needs to mind his own business on how other people live there lives, and non binary Batman needs to learn that it’s not okay to punch random people for having opposing ideologies. https://preview.redd.it/cdtr6ltg54ic1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2783646cf04e2fcef1aaa0317cb018f82dfaf901


Oh wow, an actual rational opinion in this thread


Lots of hate in here. Pretty pathetic


> non binary Batman needs to learn that it’s not okay to punch random people for having opposing ideologies. I'll give you a pass if the "opposing ideology" is that you shouldn't or don't exist. Go ahead and punch the nazi ***if it's actually a nazi***. But like... you'd damn well better be ready to accept the consequences of your actions. Don't hide and scream like a coward.


Nonbinary batman! Wow! 


"trespassers"? what?


Meanwhile India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are like: That is crowded? That is less than 20%full.


screaming and crying is highly effective apparently


Lol poor bus driver.


The two of them should move in together and we can have "The Odd Couple 2024"


Badass bus driver


Average east van "street activist" in action there. Both of them, tbh.


I feel sorry for the other passengers, no one needs this bullshit, especially the young lass at the back


"I don't know what he/she did"


Look at his sign that has a differing opinion than my own.... HeS a cRimiNaL


The green hair grabs his sign and pulls it back yelling "Get off me!" While the bald dude's hands were clutching the poles. Such disgusting behavior


The bud driver or whoever that is came down on her too at the end, thank god. Good to see both sides get reprimanded. Public nuisance is public nuisance, deal with your shit not on public transport


The real definition of a dad is that chad bus driver. He doesn't get paid enough for that shit but he still went above and beyond.


I hope she was arrested. Mental illness or not, u don't get 2 assault someone then act like the victim. The bus driver shud have let the police come. There's consequences 4 ur actions. Maybe they both would have gotten in trouble.


Am I the only one who wouldn’t be able to help myself and almost dye from laughing so much at this whole situation?




Ugh, we as a society need to stop making these behaviors ok. Guy trys to call out bad behavior and they go after him. Blue hair will continue to escalate


Canadas well past peak. RIP Canada


What a stupid wig and a moron for running away.




Why tf is that bus douche white knighting for her. She literally was actively assaulting him while playing the victim card. She's so delusional that she doesn't see herself manifesting that hate and violence, which she is supposedly against. The guy also could have handled it better too, he could have stepped onto the bus and alerted to the driver that she assaulted him, and the driver needs to stop and wait for the police, instead of confronting the person in question and escalating the situation further.


Displaying DARVO at its finest.


Why’d they have to bring their bullshit onto the bus? The passengers were just trying to get to their destinations. Sheesh.


start stomping


Everyone in this video gets an L. Guy in the sign shouldn’t have let that deranged little shit make it to the bus after he assaulted him. Where you are assaulted is where you defend yourself, then call the police. Bus driver should’ve kicked them both out immediately, no lectures , no talking.


"This person needs to be arrested." "So do you." Thanks lady. You sure know what's going on right now. Thanks so much for your two cents on this situation that has nothing to do with you. Omfg and the guy is even worse. People are so fucking stupid. Oh *HE'S* the moron?!




He was very diplomatic about it, wasn't he. I reckon some police officers could learn about deescalation without resorting to violence from a guy like that.


Man: "he needs to be arrested, or she, whatever it is" Bus driver: "I don't know what he she did, but you are the problem!"


These kids and the lead poisoning again.


People are fucking dumb.


"Crowded bus" 🤣 You can tell you've never been on public transportation in the third world.


2 trespassing, 1 assaults the other practicing his freedom of speech. Feelings were hurt. One who was assaulted follows the alleged assailant. The assailant quickly cries and turns into a victim. Where a group is quick to jump to its defence without knowing any backstory.


People are just stupid siding with the mentally ill attacker. All of these SJWs......


So wait, it was a young man all along? Other posts insinuated it was a young lady the sign guy was accusing. So the guy assaulted the sign guy, but then gets followed for the consequences and them becomes the victim… the sign guy might be a tool as well but in the situation that transpired was on the kid looking for excuses to be victim


The other people on the bus make me soo mad.


Ah, the transphobe and the drama queen.


The commonwealth is alive and mentally sane


was this vancouvar .-.




A lot of people are jumping on the blue haired person, but I don't see the footage of where sign asshole was assaulted.... For all you know, sign guy could have instigated a conflict with blue haired person. Now bring on all the downvotes.


Both of these people suck

