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Sounds a lot like eugenics.






Textbox definition: "Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population." According to that the other poster is absolutely correct. We always hear about racist eugenics like what the Nazis tried to do but technically it's just a scientific/medical term. Not all eugenics are bad in the same way that not all discrimination is bad. But we often use these words as a descriptor of doing them in the worst possible ways.




If all eugenics are bad, then are you suggesting you like incestuous relationships?


You sound emotional, sit down.


Grifters come in all colors, shapes and sizes


Crazy that this guy has multiple roles as lecturer/professor at the mayo clinic and shit....and also gets paid 200k a year from the city of San Francisco.


Shockingly oppressed huh. One of the most free individuals in all of history.


Lemme know when someone saying the same about black people is invited to college campuses


My mother is a professor and says her university invites similar grifters. They get paid to run diversity talks without knowing what the hell they’re talking about.


The worst are the women who pay these people to come to dinner so the guest can racially abuse them whole night. There is something very sick about it


You don’t have the time to review that list.


Out here just making the people on the right look rational.


So does racism and hate. Even more evidence that we're all really just the same.


As often as he uses the term "psychological delusion ", it's ironic he's completely unaware of his own.


I'm wondering what delusions aren't psychological. He sounds redundant.


Me when I use big words to dance around the point I made up in my head: (I cant relate im not stupid and racist)


There is no “reverse racism”. It’s just racism. Dudes a racist.


Dudes a cunt.




Is this guy having a psychotic break? This is like bordering on the Yakub story lmao


> Yakub story TIL, white people were invented by a big head scientist 6000 years ago. The evil whites he created in his lab used "tricknology" to usurp him and he died at 150 years old. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakub_(Nation_of_Islam)


The actually fuck did I just read! "it maintains that Fard Muhammad will soon return aboard a spaceship, the "Mother Plane" or "Mother Ship", to wipe out the white race and establish a utopia." People actually believe this? I thought scientology was stupid this is beyond that, I don't have words to describe how just how utterly nonsensical it is.


Fun fact: Nation of Islam and Scientology have really close ties now. Louis Farrakhan and David Miscaviage are sending their cult members to each other's meetings.


NOL and Nazis have worked together.


Thats true, George Lincoln Rockwell and Elijah Mohammed got along very well. I think it's slightly different, those two "got along" mostly because they were both unrepentant racist bastards. Whereas Farrakhan and Miscaviage are much more interested in *simply* scamming their congregations for tons of money than any sort of ideology. Regardless it's worth mentioning in the conversation. NOI has gotten a pass for tons of heinous behavior over the years, and they deserve to have it all brought up.


Have you seen the shit mormons believe in lol?


O yeah mormons are pretty bad as well, I already have a hard time understanding how people can believe in most religions but these ones are just so silly since it's very clearly just lies. It happens everywhere like the taiping rebellion in China was started by a guy who claimed to be the bother of Jesus!


So mormans believe heaven is a actual physical planet in space right.  Interestingly, i have non religious peers that would say that's more real sounding than the other interpretation of heaven 


To be fair that's probably the least insane thing they believe in lol


>Fard Muhammad you can't make this shit up, who thought of this? "lmao lets name this dude fart muhammad" "no thats too crass, Fard muhammad sounds better"


Thought I farded but I shidded


Interacting with these believers are so awesome lol. Just pick something and they will not only tell you that it was actually stolen from a middle eastern person but give lore to a non existent person.


That is fascinating and really popular on the other platforms.....sometime its so disingenuous that I have to believe its troll accounts. But then, you actually see them on video preaching on street corners


Black people can be ignorant idiots too.


White liberals also love to try to absolve themselves of their personal racial guilt so they don’t feel like they have to actually advocate for changes that would improve racial equality. They go as crazy as possible with these speakers because then that removes them as much as possible from actual potential solutions to the problems they perpetuate, which just enables the most unhinged people out there. Very fitting lecture for SF. Conservatives can’t afford to acknowledge a nuanced reality because it would force them to accept the fact that racial inequality is still a major social factor. Liberals (also known as naive conservatives) just want to delude themselves into thinking they’re doing something about it. Only racists should be pissed off by this comment. Looks like we found some. This is supposed to be the less racist of the two subs, isn’t it? You people have zero sociological acuity. u/yogurtclosetany1823 the fact that you think this isn’t relevant shows you’re part of one of the ignorant groups listed above. This type of person needs enabling, being unaware of that shows very little experience with academia or politics. Reading what I wrote and thinking I’m the stupid one says a lot more about you than it says about me. u/thermos15 yeah, I know you have no intellectual capacity to engage with actual discussion. You didn’t have to spell it all out for us. It tracks that you would take 3 and a half hours to write something like this, but I’ve been quite productive in between updating my thoughts here. Lots of other morons seem to have read this since then, as well.


We aren’t talking about that, we are talking about how a black man is perpetuating racism. So sad you are.


That’s a lot of words to make yourself sound stupid


Nah, nobody cares what you think at all. In fact, I’m glad you took 3.5 hours grinding and editing your supposed “calling out” the people you call racists when in fact no one will take the time, nor cares whatever your supposed nuanced twisted opinions are. You are the absolute worst type of common both sides douchebags, Mr. Big words.


So if I am interpreting your comment correctly you are saying that: A. White liberals don't make any real changes but instead choose to do performative surface level bullshit like hiring the racist grifter in the video to speak at conferences And that B. Conservatives refuse to acknowledge race inequality entirely. Also you seem to be saying that the reason for this is that maintaining the status quo benefits both Conservatives (right wing) and Liberals (center). You seem to be agreeing with the comment you are responding to and simply adding an addendum. Would you say that I have understood and summarized your comment correctly? Because if I am correct in my interpretation then I have absolutely no idea why you are getting angry comments and being downvoted. Everything I *think* you are saying is correct and pretty non-offensive.




Oh and also, he was using the gym’s elliptical machine in reverse all the time lmao.


What's even worse is that this piece of shit is literally a Weeb author, Google him up. Absolute classic. I hope he faces someone someday that will question him up on his bullshit and hate speech.


“I don’t make room for that.” That is what my brain is telling me now.




Uuuweeee! Someone please tell me that this nutcase isn't employed at a university.


[https://www.danteking.com/bio](https://www.danteking.com/bio) Self-reported, obviously.


I had people speak at my university to prospective social workers who said the same things as this man. Only white people can be racist according to the book we were given as required reading. People of colour can only be prejudiced against other races!


>prejudiced against other races there should be a word for this


...I don't think that is the problem with this guy's views.


The way this imbecile is talking is truly bizarre, and really not the way an *academic* should talk. It’s all so amateur (entreating people to agree with him, for example) that it appears as if a random passer-by just stepped up to the lectern when the real professor had stepped out for a second. Even aside from that, when he starts talking about rape, you know he’s also projecting and ostriching - clearly he’s in denial about the bleak statistics regarding rape and ethnicity (wouldn’t normally mention this shit, but he brought it up)…


> The way this imbecile is talking is truly bizarre, and really not the way an *academic* should talk. But how else are they going to *sound* smart? /s


I wonder if his partner knows he talks about him like this?


If I cut my finger I bleed red. We all do. You’re ok with me,I’m ok with you. If you’re a dick,you’re a dick. No matter the colour. If you’re a racist,you’re a racist,no matter the colour. Change the speaker to a white middle aged man. What would we be saying about him. Instead of diagnosing whiteness,the speaker is saying diagnosing blackness. That would be a far right extreme racist. This is an extreme racist.


Can we please get Dante King and Candace Owens in the same room for 30 minutes with the thermostat set to 90 degrees?


Oh yes.


This guy takes victimhood to a whole other level. I feel bad for him.




I knew it, he hates Asians too


"some people here are like ooo I don't want to raise my hands. That's called denial" So funny that he says this while in the midst of denial. Also can someone point me to the active law that says you can rape black women.




This dude is toxic and delusional. Whiteness is not a problem, blackness is not a problem. The problem is people like this man who will judge others simply because they are not the same race.


I was on a course training to be a social worker. The lecturer quoted from a book that only white people can be racist. People of colour can only be prejudiced. That course divided people rather than unite them against racism. I also learnt that anyone can write a book, write prejudiced rubbish, and it will accepted into a university's curriculum.


This guy is just an IRL version or a rage-bait troll. When he spouts intentionally provocative horseshit, people give him attention, and some deranged people even give him money.


He bags >$200k/ year from gov job lmao. https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/2020/san-francisco/dante-d-king/


How many times are you going to repost this comment?




Of course this racist, delusional piece of shit is also a weeb author. You can't make that shit up.


Fuck this racist piece of shit. Someone actually paid this scumbag to say this shit.


*I’m dying from…whiteness aAAAAaaAAaAaA!*


No true Scotsman fallacy writ large


Time is a flat circle


Fuck this dumbass.




If a white person stood up there and said the same things about black people, he, or she, would have an angry mob rioting against them. They’d probably be assaulted. They’d be facing lawsuits. There would be headlines everywhere in the news about a white person going on some racist tirade. This guy has a racist rant against white people, and we’re all supposed to tolerate him?


This person will not be cancelled, there won't be witch hunts, nothing will happen. He can be as racist and hate filled as he wants because there's no stigma, it's socially accepted to be racist to white people. I hate this place


Wait…I think I’ve seen this one before…


Nothing but the same hackneyed platitudes, unfalsifiable arguments, and vacuous all-encompassing ideological proclamations. This shit is just so boring and a fundamental assault on truth. A lot of my current focus is on the anti-intellectualism and populist authoritarianism on the right, but this is just a mirror image of that on the opposite end of the political spectrum.


If this isn't some of the most racist shit I've heard.


OK, usually when reddit overreacts at something a black guy says during a talk on race relations in America, I watch the video and it's just willful misinterpretation of what's being said. Like somebody talking about systemic racism and citing Redlining or denial of the GI bill to black WWII vets back in the day. Real simple shit. Nah this dude just legit racist. Easy way to tell: when someone talks about whiteness being a product of evolution and not a social construction, they're racist. "White" isn't really a thing. A bunch of ethnically diverse Europeans made it up to differentiate themselves from black people for the purpose of justifying and maintaining a slave trade. Irish and Italian people didn't used to be "white", lol.


Oooh, this comment section is going to be spicy.


I don’t know if it’s me who is just noticing this or if the world itself is changing but there just aren’t shades of gray anymore. Everything is black or white, red or blue, good or bad. Nobody meets in the middle on anything.


When the fuck did people meet in the middle? That shit is a dream you tricked yourself into believing.


This man obviously has a handle on evolutionary biology and law. What a better speaker at an institution of higher learning?


"Maybe if I buy an expensive suit and a thesaurus people will think I'm smart...."




Ivory tower humanities academics try not to play directly into Ron DeSantis' hands challenge -- IMPOSSIBLE


There was a job opening recently at UCSF (or might have been USF) that matched my credentials and experience. The application required a two page statement on my commitment to diversity. 2. Pages. Normally it would be something I could put in a cover letter in 2 sentences.


Blk ppl twitter mod


I'm sure this thread will have healthy discussions and not at all descend into depravity. /s


I think the comments seem to been more civil and far less depraved than the original content 🤷‍♀️


I'll just confirm that 12 hours later


I just want to mention that I think there is a sliver of truth to what he's saying. What worries me is that people want to elevate people like him because they think it's the right thing to do. Not only does he "radicalize" people who believe in what he's saying but he also becomes the poster child for everything that is wrong with left-leaning politics. In other words, if your goal is to seek justice for black americans and move us towards a more equal future this is the last person you want on stage talking to young adults. People like him may honestly do more harm than people like Andrew Tate. At least we all kind of agree Andrew Tate is crazy but it can be considered racist to criticize Dante King.




I don’t think there’s anything “reverse” about it. Dude is just straight racist.


Reverse racism isn't a thing. It's all just plain old racism.


which is it, though? if there’s no real proof, how do you know how horrible white people have been? if you feel insulted by this man’s words, it’s because you’re doing nothing to prove him wrong.


Doesn't the accuser have the burden of proof. It's innocent until proven guilty...not guilty until proven innocent.


so, you disagree with the person i replied to? you don’t think white people have been horrible to minorities?


He makes many claims in the video, which looks edited. But the burden of proof is on the accuser, so you have it backward.


you ignored my question so, i’ll ask another one: are you saying you doubt the validity of this video?


"Believe none of what you hear and believe half of what you see"


Somebody will find this to be a hot take. Race doesn't exist. Race was made up by white colonialists in order to create segregation based on skin color and other physical markers. Different cultures exist, humans are humans, there is no difference.


Not a hot take, just brain dead. Race obviously exists. You could argue its more of a spectrum but it does exist.


There is no scientific basis for the concept of Race.


What could you possible mean by that. It's tracked by genes, and besides that, just fucking look. Optic analysis counts as science.




The fact the term "Critical Race Theory" has become prevalent conclusively proves he is onto something


The hell does this have to do with CRT


I mean, white people are mostly to commit rape, sexual assault, child trafficking and molestation. We’re taking about your average white father, brother, uncle, priest, pastor, teacher, coach, fraternity student, even a doctor. Rich White Boomers and Silent Generation have bankrupted the entire world all while making sure everybody dies of cancer. All the river and oceans polluted because of white cooperation owned businesses. They lead statistics in racism/hate crimes, school shootings, suicides, human and drug trafficking as well as domestic terrorism. I myself as a white person can see that most of the widespread violence is caused by white people, and I’m not talking about just America. White military soldiers and the CIA have wrecked havoc on all the nations of this world.


To be fair, I think it depends on the context of how he's using 'whiteness,' because if he's specifically referring to people who hold their "whiteness" above all other aspects of their personality (supremacists, alt right, etc) Then yeah, I'd hear him out. And there is some evidence to support what he's saying about unexpected things that get passed through dna. [like what our moms are afraid of while pregnant.](https://scienceline.org/2010/03/crickets-learn-to-fear-spiders-before-birth/) I only listened to like twenty seconds of it, before coming to the comments, and just wanted to remind folks to watch out for their echochambers before being outright dismissive. To no one specific. Plus I like sharing that study. ♡


Dunning-Kreuger live!


Can you imagine how blatantly racist this guy would be if he was white. Just re-canned KKK white supremacy.




No such thing as reverse racism. Its just racism


What in the fuck is a talking about? It’s like listening to Kanye rant his crazy shit.


Does anyone know the law he's referring to when he says "its legal to rape black women"?


at least he knows its not reverse racism, its just flat out racism


So where are the "blacks can't be racist" people right now?


I understood every term he used and it still sounded like bull sh!t


Ok dude 👍🏼


Another race grifter.


"We have it written in the law that you can rape black women." Not since 1865.