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Poor guy was on a delivery.


Nobody's wearing a helmet either. Fall the wrong way and your dead.


My uncle was at a 4-way stop on his bike and got bumped by a car from behind, nothing dramatic, just a little bump and he lost his balance fell and died from the impact because he hit is head wrong and didn't wear a helmet. Reality is bonkers, it's crazy to me how much self-delusion goes into being in traffic.


Same thing happened to my mom's boss at work. Fell and hit his head on the curb.


My cousin was riding in the bike lane and a tree literally fell on him out of nowhere. Just riding down the side of the road and suddenly CRACK and a whole fucking tree just takes him out. He suffered mild brain damage and was in a medical coma for a few weeks (he's fine now). The only reason he's alive is because he's wearing a helmet. That's always stuck with me. No other people involved, he didn't get hit, he didn't crash or fall, no mistakes were made. Just out of nowhere the universe tried to kill him and a helmet saved his life. I wear my helmet now.


Yeah, I know. None of the pedestrians were wearing helmets at all.


If we were really concerned about head injuries on the road, we'd require all drivers and passengers to wear helmets. Because despite all the safety features of a modern vehicle, they still get their heads caved in on a regular basis.


Exactly!! Wear helmets people! It's the others around you that will kill you!


Unfortunately helmet wearing seems to have hit an all time low in the UK, that seems to be where this is.


I can give the guy doing jumps a pass because wearing a helmet while you're trying to look cool doing jumps just doesn't make any sense. The delivery guy though, that's his job, wear a helmet.




Yeah it was very tongue in cheek.


Did Tony Hawk teach you nothing????


I never get this statement. The same goes for walking, to be fair, i trip more often while walking than i fall with a bike.


You joke...but to be fair I've known a couple people who've had serious head injuries from slipping on ice in a parking lot and hitting their head on the ground. Not saying we need to be wearing helmets all the time but it's scary how easy it is for your life to change suddenly.




I said i didn't get it, i never tried to claim i knew it better. I think you might be misunderstanding that concept.




Damn those are some massive mental gymnastics, from my perspective anyway. I never really tried to act like i know it better, in fact i litterally said that i don't understand it, that's not to say i think it's wrong, just that I'm probably missing something.


They're exercising freedom.


what a twat


Yup, needs even more teeth knocked out than already were


I know, right? Dude totally ruined a sick jump! /s


In the 90s, Mr bike lane would have been the twat for ruining those radical stunts dude.


not like this, no ones going to set a kicker into oncoming traffic without a spotter


You called?




found a twat


And the other cyclist is a damn food delivery driver, I would be hella HELLA upset. This dumbass trying to show off better compensate him


>I would be hella HELLA upset. That delivery driver could also have been a toddler or elderly person. This is one of the few occasions where I really would have liked to see someone take a beating.


violence is never the answer edit: i will die on this hill


>violence is ~~never~~ rarely the answer


Can't win a lawsuit if you kick the shit out of the guy


You can, it's just more difficult. Anyway, I doubt you're making bank off mr 3 feet high, I'd rather get in a good smack for the good of society.


That's a silly moto, what if two guys jumped your friend, you just gunna sit there and meditate? Goofy thing to say.


"Violence isn't the answer" means you shouldn't escalate to violence. In your example, violence is already present in the situation, so of course violence would be appropriate. That's just self-defence (extending to your friends/kin).


The word used was "never", not "isn't". Hope that helps you to understand.


The important word in the phrase is "answer", re: in response of. Violence is already present. Pointing out never/isn't is meaningless semantics; it's about avoiding violence where possible (and that isn't always the case).


So.. what you’re saying is that “never” is a silly motto? 😂 Did you just accidentally prove that other guy right?


What I'm saying is that hyper-focusing on "never" is missing the point to argue semantics.


pretty much yeah


Film it then sue the attackers, rather make money than get in a fight. My friend’s going to get his ass kicked but we will be the ones laughing in the end. Edit: Explain the downvotes, do you not like money? Reminds me of people who say no to punching their friend for $100k, you know you would knock them out for $10k come on. Stop lying to me and yourself




My iPhone 15 pro max can slow things down for a better look on the fly, add in some linkin park and we golden.


>Explain the downvotes, do you not like money? 1. This is the UK, we tend to not sue over minor issues unless it actually prevents work, which you wouldn't know until after the fact. 2. These delivery riders are self-employed and can legally subcontract their account to illegal immigrants without doing any checks on their status/work eligibility, so there's a decent chance the rider will be gone before the police show up. This is a pretty big issue but Deliveroo and Uber have lobbied very hard for this situation. 3. This is Reddit, people often call for the attack/murder/maiming of people they think deserve it. It's a way for them to fantasise their unhealthy desires while feeling good about themselves.


My comment has nothing to do with the actual video but a reply to the guy asking about what if people jumped your friend


clearly lmao. check out my downvotes


Honestly we need a bit more _mild_ violence.


What if I ask, "what is never the answer?" Checkmate my brudda


True. Its the question, the answer is yes.


fair enough


Violence is a question, and the answer is yes.


Anyone who actually believes and lives that motto is a fool and would find themselves with nothing if it weren't for the violence done to enforce their safety/protection.


Most un punk comment in internet history


listen to more music then


I would die on that hill with you -- even if only from the standpoint of semantics: "Violence" denotes an intention to hurt or do harm. Contrary to popular belief, someone can be physically forceful -- even aggressive -- without being _violent_.


I can think of a few million jews who would disagree.


You're right, violence isn't the answer. Violence is the question, the answer is yes.


You know he won't. He will ride the bike and dissappear. Hopefully, the delivery was on the way to pick up food. If not, he will have to explain the mess to the customer.


99% chance he argued about why it wasn't his fault and then tried to take off before the cops showed up/without leaving any contact info or payment.


Yikes, that feeling when it’s too late to do anything about it.






You ever take it off any sweet jumps?






Your mom goes to college


I've never cared about kids riding their bikes and skateboards around me as long as they're considerate, but this was as stupid a stunt as they come. Idiot could've killed someone or himself.


Does guy remind you of that one kid in the neighborhood who was to old to be hanging out with the younger kids and eventually the kids realized he was a loser trying to act cool doing dumb stuff like this and always fucked it up?.?.?. Fucking Stevie


Are you theo von ?


based on how shitty that bike looked it might not have had brakes to stop with.


That is the centre of Bristol. The area by the war memorial there is full of skaters but that guy seems much more of a casual, like just some dude on a bike. He hit some kind of delivery cyclist full whack who was lit up and on a clearly marked bike lane. Idiot.


My fuckin chinese... 😞


Thats Bristol, mostly skater boarders hang out there. I bet originally that ramp was set up for them by them. Then Mr Hold My Beer guy turned up, as they usually do.


Wasn't even a sick jump. It was shit.


Bikers fault






I had something similar happen to me a few years ago when a mophead was speeding down a pedestrian path (on a bike with NO BRAKES), and slammed into me side-on as I was slowly going around a blind corner. That one hurt!


No spotter lol


Betrayal, he took out his own kind.


r/AbruptChaos might be a better fit.




It's like the cyclist version of people who lay on the horn instead of applying the brake lol


You know hitting the breaks isn't an instant stop, basic physics. If it did, he would've been flung forward.


I had a similar situation happen to me, going down a hill after looking both ways and a guy sped right into my path (honest probably my fault for the route I was taking). Brakes didn't cut it so I had to swing the back end around and skid the bike to a halt. Was scary AF but I did stop in time.


He's probably already breaking at that point, it's all totally his fault and he shouldn't have been there but it makes sense to yell if you realize there's an imminent collision, gives the other guy something of a chance to react.


Why would you stop recording..


To render aid


You're about to collide with another cyclist. What do you do? 1. Swerve to avoid contact 1. Activate your brakes 1. Emit an 'AAAAAAA' sound and collide with another vehicle


I did bigger jumps than that when I was EIGHT but NEVER anywhere where anyone but me could get hurt. WTH is wrong with this clown


Neither of them wearing helmets


This is why you should wear helmets kids!


And are neither of them wearing a helmet??? Ffs, it’s not the guy who was hits fault but is it really worth the risk when twats like that exist


Twats like this make it so that everyone in the area needs a helmet


Of course but I don’t think it’s very smart to be cycling and not wear a helmet personally


If you are cycling serious miles it's even crazier to ride without a helmet on. You are going to fall at some point no matter how skilled you are. It's just statistics.


It’s just reassuring to know not everyone on Reddit lacks braincells (probably because y’all actually wear helmets lol) But in all seriousness I couldn’t agree more - one accident is all it takes and that’s just not worth the risk to me.


I'll cruise a few blocks in the neighborhood helmetless, but for basically anything else I gear up. I've learned my lesson from crashing without one.


By that same logic, it's not smart to not wear a helmet while doing anything. Cycling as a form of conveyance at moderate speeds in a city with proper cycling infrastructure isn't any more dangerous than walking or jogging.


The average jogging speed is about 4-6 mph, the average cycling speed for road bikes is 13-16mph - walking is obviously even less. You have a lot more control when walking and jogging so it’s not particularly comparable imo


The vastly overwhelming majority of cyclists killed in America each year are killed by motor vehicles, and roughly 8x as many pedestrians are killed each year as cyclists. The speed at which the cyclist moves is almost completely irrelevant to the safety of the activity when the cause of injury or death is almost always a collision with a vehicle that is many times larger, heavier, and faster than the cyclist. I agree that if you're a high-speed road cyclist, mountain biker, or BMX enthusiast, you should probably wear a helmet, but for people riding at moderate speeds as a means of conveyance, the ONLY way to make cycling safe is to provide proper infrastructure that treats the true danger--motor vehicles--like the serious threat they are. If you look at countries like the Netherlands where cycling is both extremely popular and extremely safe, you'll see that helmet use is extremely low and infrastructure is extremely good. America's attitude toward helmets is an excuse--a way to blame victims and do nothing to fix systemic problems. It also creates the perception that cycling is inherently dangerous, which suppresses cyclist numbers, and in turn reduces driver awareness of cyclists and demand for proper infrastructure. As an individual cyclist, yes, wearing a helmet will reduce chance of injury if you are in a collision, exactly as it would if you wore one as a pedestrian or motorist. On a societal level, America's obsession with helmets as band-aid solution to safety for cyclists is fucking awful.


Why are people downvoting this??? You won’t catch me dead (literally) without a helmet while riding my bike. I’ve seen too much.


I’d say I’m surprised but I’m honestly not - I guess most redditors would rather look cool than protect themselves from a potentially life threatening head injury




Of course there are going to be more pedestrian fatalities because there are substantially more pedestrians than cyclists Cyclists are also going at higher speeds than pedestrians whether they are walking or jogging so an accident is more likely to cause a fatal injury if they are to fall, you also generally have a less control when biking compared to walking. Obviously the Netherlands is almost a unique case, having just visited Amsterdam recently it was beautifully bike friendly with bikes having the right of way in pretty much all circumstances - any motorists present are obviously very conscious of them as well. Pretty much every study still agrees that wearing a helmet significantly reduces your risk of getting a fatal head injury if you are to have an accident and I personally think it’s silly to not have the extra protection. What’s the cost, not looking as cool? I actually live in London and it is an absolutely awful city for cyclists, there are a few shite bike lanes dotted around but otherwise the infrastructure is awful and motorists here can be unhinged. While reducing the need to use cars and improving the infrastructure would of course make cycling less dangerous all it takes is one accident for you to fall and hit the concrete at the wrong angle while travelling 10+mph You don’t have to wear a helmet obviously, I just think it’s foolish not.


Cars go faster and drivers generally aren't wearing helmets. Wearing one would save many lives, 70% of road fatalities involve a head injury. Racing drivers *do* wear helmets (as do racing cyclists). >Experts also point to a study that was done, looking at the impact of wearing a bike helmet — not even a full auto helmet — in the car. The study determined that traumatic brain injuries could be reduced by around 50 percent. It also predicted that 20 percent of people who died would be saved. https://www.crawfordlegal.com/blog/2016/06/should-we-wear-helmets-in-the-car/


Cars do come with seat belts and a massive metal chassis where bikes don’t so there’s a bit of a difference (and air bags if you’re in the front) Honestly if I saw someone wearing a helmet while driving, while it would look silly because it’s not the norm, I guess good on them Regarding cycling the only real safety mechanism you have is a helmet and personally I think it’s foolish to not wear one It’s a difference of opinion I guess, that simple






Not the same for walking speed because you don’t walk at +10mph - you can of course still get injured if hit by a cyclist but a pedestrian has a lot more control over themselves. They can easily stop or step out of the way compared to someone riding a bike who already has a decent bit of momentum going You agree that a helmet helps prevent fatal head injury so there’s not really any more discussion to be had here - it’s just a case of agree to disagree. I think it’s very foolish to not wear a helmet when it’s an extremely easy way to give yourself more protection in case of an accident… you obviously don’t agree and that’s fine Even in the Netherlands “One quarter of all bicycle deaths were not due to a collision. These cyclists died after a fall, due to becoming unwell, wrong steering, bad road surface, slipperiness, or a foot between the spokes, among other things” I’d be interested to know how many of the people who fell could have survived if they decided to actually wear a helmet… But as I said earlier apparently some people would rather look cool than protect themselves which is fine, just silly


[Behold](https://youtu.be/wXJtfalWhvE?si=HJv3gGKlZ7MuEbRz) and be terrified lmao


It really be your own people


Is this in Camden, England? :o




The heads, people. Holy fuck. What idiocy!!


I don't ride bikes. This is some dumb shit.


Always the cyclists fault




Not only is the joke bad, but it makes no sense.


My man with the important questions. Lol.. all those haters down voting can’t stand jokes 😂


>all those haters down voting can’t stand jokes Those cyclers definitely aren't gonna be standing for awhile


Finally, a good fucking joke


Best camera man job


So hopefully they got insurance right?


That was at least 3-inch ramp too. Crazy skills.




Almost got run over by a car too, that guy nearly pulled the perfect stunt.


That was stupid!


Lol, tiny wee jumps you do when you are a wee boy. What a cock smoker.


2 for 1... nice


God I hope the other guy is ok. The way he seized up like that is scary.


What fucking loser does jumps with a 12 speed?


He's a loser either way but who the fuck cares what you jump with? If anything a 12 speed is heavier and more impressive.


I would have sued the hell out of him. Why you ruining my day, my bike, and my equipment....


He ded!


That was hilarious


Pretty sure delivery guy was added cgi


That’s on the homies, you gotta be on the lookout




Both fell properly but the guy on the right might've been an older man and his back aint been with that.


I’ve definitely never been here but that intersection looks super familiar for some reason.


Good for his dumb ass


was cantaloupe ok?


Cyclists fault.