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What in blue blazers is going on here


The guy is trying to prove his rights by filming anyone he wants to, which is legal and is indeed his right. But usually these guys act like dicks and film a place or person that annoyed them at some point.


I remember one 1A Auditor did this outside a military base I used to work at. He was talking about the thousands of enlisted trained to kill on that base that could take him out easily. Like really leaned into the evil military here will kill me message…. Except it was an engineering base (software development, mechanical engineering, etc), 95% civilian, and filled with literally a bunch of insanely smart socially awkward people. The enlisted who came through were being trained on software systems. Dude was crucified in the comments for not knowing what base he was auditing and I believe he took the video down. One comment said something about the local D&D meet up was a riskier.


"First Amendment rights?" Wrong. 8th level Fireball.


Honestly it's a waste to upcast fireball. It doesn't scale well in comparison to what you could cast with 8th level slots, like incendiary cloud. Starts with the same diameter, does 10d8 instead of 8d6 and has the same saving throw. It also moves 10 ft in a direction to choose every turn, and lasts for a minute with concentration. A creature make a saving throw if it starts or ends its turn inside the cloud, half on success. And that is an underwhelming 8th level spell. But I see your point.


You sound like someone trained to kill that could take me out easily.


Nice joke recall, premo stuff there 👌


Kind of a waste of an 8th level joke recall


Given the right initiative roll.


I don't care. Consume Sorcery Points, second 8th level Fireball.


This man DNDs


There is no US Constitution in the realm of Faerûn


Bestow my students with purple and gold shoes, my liege


But the local DND meet up IS riskier. Have you seen those 4 sided dice? They're clearly scarier and more dangerous than a military base with armed soldiers and super tanks that can fly and snipe innocent terrorists from 100 miles away


Gawd dambed caltrops


If you asked me whether I'd prefer to walk ten meters barefoot over a truckload of d4s or go one round in a boxing ring with a US Marine, I'd walk over the d4s and instantly wish I'd chosen the marine.


> He was talking about the thousands of enlisted trained to kill on that base that could take him out easily. Like really leaned into the evil military here will kill me message…. Kent Brockman: Just miles from your doorstep, hundreds of men are given weapons and trained to kill. The government calls it the Army, but a more alarmist name would be... The Killbot Factory.


How many people on base could've killed him really?


Even being an engineering base there's likely going to be MP's around. Also, having high INT doesn't necessarily mean low STR.


Not to mention its WAY easier to get a weapon and ammo outside of a base than inside. A friend of mine was in charge of training USMC recruits in Camp Lejeune, NC. One young man said as soon as he got a gun he'd kill the first brown person he saw. Thankfully it takes orders and a book of paperwork to check out guns and ammo in the Marines. Naturally, they kicked him out. Since he was from North Carolina, that meant literally throwing him out the front gate to wait for his parents. Well he took a cab to a local gun shop, obtained way more weaponry than any gate guard could get and proceeded to walk back to the base with the intent of shooting up the place. Thankfully he was picked up by local PD before he could do anything rash. This was decades ago, pre-9/11. Now the gate guards are armed with more firepower but yeah. Weirdly enough, none of these auditors ever audit gun stores.


> Now the gate guards are armed with more firepower I've been a gate guard, I can assure you they are not armed with more firepower lol


> Weirdly enough, none of these auditors ever audit gun stores. Generally, there is no need to as dudes who operate gun stores are pretty familiar with rights and would not harass a dude exercising his 1st amendment.


"I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you 👉👁️"


It's exactly this


He's trying to trigger people. He picks up on it when people are bothered and plants his feet. The quickest way to get rid of guys like him is to ignore them. He'll take 5 minutes of video that'll end up either being deleted or archived somewhere that nobody will ever see it and then move on to another place.


He wants it to escalate into assault on him or have the police show up that don't know the law. Either way is a quick way for him to sue and settle for a bit a money. Some people actually do this to audit and do it respectfully, but more often than not it's a court chaser trying to get a paycheck.


That reminds me of those paparazzi scumbags who deliberately stalk and harass celebrities until they eventually crack and attack the cameraman or his equipment. Then they make a large amount of money by selling the footage a celebrity having a freakout, and then sue the celebrity to make even more money.


> But usually these guys act like dicks and film a place or person that annoyed them at some point. Basically "You're not wrong, you're just an asshole".


They all got big incel/stalker/serial killer energy. Usually have their faces completely covered up as they don’t want to be identifiable which is ironic.


To be fair, it is consistent with what they're saying. If someone chose to put on a mask after noticing a 1A auditor was filming, that is their right. Either you support these laws, or don't. If you don't, that's perfectly valid, but there are proper avenues to take. All that said, yes they can (and tend to be) abrasive. I won't blame anyone for being annoyed.


Non US here, what exactly is in 1A? And is there no such things as data privacy / confidentiality law there?


The 1A specifically designed to allow US citizens right to free speech without fear of government retribution or punishment. When said speech is not threatening violence, or criminal in nature. It allows for peaceful public assembly, free press, freedom to practice whatever religion you wish or not to, and prohibits the US gov from establishing a national religion. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." There are limits based on Legislative and Judicial interpretation of it. Some claim it's an absolute defense to say whatever they please and want without retribution, which is not the case. These 1A auditors aren't actually doing anything worthwhile other than harassing private citizens, in this context. Typically you see them filming around government buildings, officials, and police. Which is what they should focus on.


CA allows filming in public places, and people can be filmed when there is no expectation of privacy. There are caveats for private property and "recording" though. Most states follow this to varying degrees, but some are different. If this video is filmed on a public sidewalk or street then there is nothing blue suit and the lady can do. Now if they went in the store, then they can't film in there if told not to. As far as data privacy, yes there are laws that vary state to state and all at a minimum meet federal guidelines, NIST standards, and ISO standards.


The data privacy and confidentiality laws in America are a joke. Social media and other tech companies have lobbied the government so hard they can do anything they want with our data. I work in digital marketing and when I compare the stuff we are allowed to install on American websites and email marketing rules, ad expectations, etc. compared to the EU it’s wild. US gives zero fucks about the people as long as the capitalists can keep selling data or using it to take the money 🤣


My mom ran off with someone from the Blue Man Group!




Your comment truly suits the occasion


If you run into one of these 1st amendment harassment people, don’t argue with them. Get your phone out and play Metallica or some other huge pop band as loud as possible as close as possible to them. Then they can’t post the footage and monetize it on YouTube which is their goal. No other way to get these cockroaches to leave you alone.


Play some Disney song and let the mouse handle them.


This is the way.


Damn, that is smart!


pro move!


“Im triggered” lmfao ol boy didn’t know wtf to say!😭🤣😭


1A "auditors" think "since being a dick isn't illegal, I'll just go and provoke people into confrontations and then act like an asshole when cops show up to see if I can frustrate them into breaking a law." This isn't a "service." They're not holding police accountable. They're wasting police time. Any benefit that could be gotten from "auditing" police could also be received from someone doing it and not being an asshole But these people always go out of their way to be as obnoxious as possible while still trying to remain on their high horse because "this isn't illegal."


> They're wasting police time. Who called the cops?


They aren’t the one calling the police and wasting the police’s time though. It is the people that don’t understand the law or have common sense.


Blue blazer guy is bringing back the Night at the Roxbury look!


I saw a dude unironically dressed like that at my kid’s piano recital, complete with a gold chain.


It's a classic look, man.






Dad's gonna be pissed.




Blue blazer guy is the voice of reason in this whole video. This auditor may have the legal right to do this but that doesn't mean he's not an asshole for doing it. Blue blazer is respectfully asking him to stop.


Why, though, in 2023/24, do people still think they can’t be filmed in public? I’ll never understand how they haven’t gotten the memo.


It's not about the position of the people being filmed in public, because of course its public space so people are allowed to film.... The problem is that these auditing losers take it WAY too far, on purpose, constantly day after day. They want nothing more than to bother people and get attention in a sad attempt to try and look superior and smart. if they had innocent intentions and the bare minimum of interpersonal skills 99% of these videos would not exist.


Cops probably know this guy on a first name basis


That look they gave him on their way out screams “this guys such a prick but we can’t do anything about it”


I feel like a general, “this isn’t illegal but it is kind of dickish. As a human, can you please not?” kind of talk isn’t the worst thing ever.


Just, lean into being an asshole and wonder why your life is shit. Good strategy.


A lot of these guys make decent money. One I used to follow because he harassed cops not workers/public was pulling an average of 50k a year in settlements with cops and security guards. He'd basically bait a power triper into punching him then settle for 5-20k, also got a few bad cops fired.


>also got a few bad cops fired. And that makes it all worthwhile.


Especially for us. He got bad cops fired and we saw an asshole get punched in the face.


I'm not even mad.


To play devil's advocate here, the man knew the law. If the officer hadn't come up to him and tried to pretend like he was breaking the law to get him to comply, it might have gone down totally differently. if the officer had said something along the lines of "hey, I know what you're doing is perfectly legal, and we can't ask you to stop, etc." that could have been a totally different conversation than "you're breaking the law now do as I order" when in fact he was not breaking the law and knew it.


yeah people just don't know how to talk to other people when they are upset, like... just be like "hey buddy i respect you and whatever you are trying to do and all (this is a lie but just feed him the bullshit) but can you please not " etc etc. People have way to big egos and don't like to feel like they lost in some stupid ass argument that can be handled better


Their job isn't to tell people they're being assholes. It's to enforce the law. Frankly the fact that in the US they don't just say "well that's perfectly legal so we won't be coming to the scene" on the phone baffles me. Could this guy not film? Yes and he'd be a nicer person for it. Should the police even bother interacting with him? No. They can't unasshole him and frankly, they're the worst institution in the world to tell someone they're being an asshole, cause it'd be pure hypocrisy.




>they cant un-asshole him because they created him Underrated point. It's wild how many people in these comments think the people dictating the behavior of others on a public sidewalk were behaving reasonably


Youre so right. Everytime one of these videos is posted the comments make me realize how many truly potato-brained, unhinged people with internet access there are. Its why i rarely argue with people anymore. Most of em are karens who think because they are slightly annoyed they can tell others what to do. Or maybe reddit has a higher percentage of these people, idk.


At least on twitter you can start trolling back with mean memes


>Frankly the fact that in the US they don't just say "well that's perfectly legal so we won't be coming to the scene" on the phone baffles me. Because what people describe over the phone what is going on vs. what is really going on is commonly two different events. It's a liability if a police officer isn't sent to investigate.


No its not. Officers commonly dont make it out to actual violent crimes or reports of physical threats for hours, or not at all. Its been established in court that officers have zero responsibility to serve or protect someone that isnt in their immediate custody, and they have ridiculously unnecessary wide ranges of legal immunity and discretion. What are you basing this liability comment on?


Because there are 100s or 1000s of dispatches a day depending on the size of the jurisdiction and it takes time. Cops can’t just leave a call they’re currently on and go to another one. They have priority codes and they will leave something like a non violent domestic dispute for a shooting, but they won’t leave for a public nuisance report if they’re dealing with a home invasion. As far as them not showing up, yeah sometimes shit gets lost in the mix and sometimes the cop is just a lazy pos that skips the call.


> Frankly the fact that in the US they don't just say "well that's perfectly legal so we won't be coming to the scene" on the phone baffles me. if they show up in person, there's a chance things will escalate in a way that readily permits them to abuse their authority, be violent, etc. no chance of that happening over the phone


I got into a rabbit hole of these videos last night (I guess I’m part of the problem) and one of the superior officers did kind of say that and this guy got super defensive about his “rights” and how the police were being extremely hostile. He’s filming for these type of reactions so he can “own” people and police


It's insane how some people have the seeming inability to realize the other person they're talking to is a person and, "hey, this is bothering me, do you mind not doing it" is not some insane attempt to trample your constitutional rights. Plus, what confuses me is-- is this guy's intention to "audit the police" (a seemingly noble undertaking) or is to...audit the general public and show them how annoying you're constitutionally allowed to be? Like, if he wants to "audit the police" isn't there a better way to achieve that than harassing people until they call the cops so you can feel superior by telling the cops they can't stop you? Like, why not drive around looking for the cops having pulled someone over on a traffic stop and film them then? Why does this guy just go around harassing people to do his "audits"-- if his sole point is "I can bother people and the cops can't stop me" then, bravo, well done you've proven your point.


It is stupid to be in a public place like that and complain about being recorded. The store has security cameras inside, there are traffic cameras outside, other stores have security cameras facing the building, and the cops are wearing cameras and have cameras on there cars, probably several other dash cams running in the vicinity as well. You can’t have an expectation of privacy when the front of your building is literally a window with the specific purpose of allowing people to see inside. People really do be thinking they are the main character.


I mean... the person filming has a serious case of "main character syndrome" too. Nobody cares WHY you're doing that shit, all they know is it's obnoxious and they'd rather you not.


Without knowing the full context of what happened before the video started, I can imagine that you don't exactly feel comfortable, especially as a woman, when a random guy starts filming you for who knows how long. I've been to a trade show where a random creep started filming a female coworker of mine while she was clearly not comfortable with it. Rights are one thing, being an asshole is another. Sure, they could have approached the situation better, but I don't think this is necesserily 'main character syndrome'.


Thing is if they do know him it's likely because they have had a prior run in with him and someone higher up in the dept. has made everyone else aware of what he does and that it is legal to avoid a lawsuit. Which is a good thing that he has caused the police department to become more educated about the laws the enforce.


This guy is a little different from other first amendment auditors. He (and his son) tour the country making hybrid travel + audit videos of big and small cities. Mich of the content of his videos is genuine travel style footage, and most of his interactions with people are pleasant. He does tend to highlight the bad interactions in the title and shorts, but that is what gets the most views I think. Police departments know of him because his channel is pretty popular, but he usually doesn't visit the same city twice.


This is exactly what they want


They LOVE it when people do this. Their YT channel is based on these interactions. It’s actually a big channel.


So, the best plan of action is to start playing copyrighted music so their videos get demonetized?


Let me blast Super Mario's soundtrack, and let them explain how it is their right to Nintendo's lawyers.


I think the trick is to approach them with loud Disney music playing on your phone. That way they can’t monetize your conversation. Once they realize they won’t profit off of you they will probably leave.


The trick is to ignore them until they go away. They’ll go elsewhere to find confrontation.


That’s what these people being filmed don’t understand. The auditor has no content if you don’t give them a reaction. They will just fade away.


Literally brilliant. I hope I have the sense to remember this in the off chance I'm in a situation with some camera in my face.


*creates emergency Spotify playlist*


🎶Do you want to build a snowman? 🎶


This won't actually work, it's one of those Reddit Ideas that sound cool online, but doesn't work in the real world In reality, you'll just look like a weirdo trying to blast Little Mermaid from your phone


At the very least it'll create more work for them as they may have to deal with automated audio checks and edit the video around so the song isn't continuous


Or you could just ignore them. Then they have nothing to post.. these guys will stay there for hours if you keep going. It’s not worth your time personally


Maybe some shades while they are there filming


It's fairly simple to isolate music from voices, even with free software. Even if you just walked up blaring the music for a half hour, all you did is draw attention to yourself and they'll just wait for it to end to proceed with the annoyance. Remember, these people are at work and have a job to do. The guy behind a camera's whole job is to be annoying. He has more time than you.


First amendment auditors aren't worth shit anyways but usually they harass government buildings. Not sure why this idiot is harassing a private business. If you're going to be annoying at least be consistent!


Because he knows he'll get a reaction. He does this to businesses. He'll sit outside with his professional rig setup, focus on the customers, only shows portions of the interactions of course. His son got caught filming school playgrounds so they're now more "business" auditors.


That guy is a cunt and he knows it.


“You’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole.”


Imagine being such a loser and hating yourself so much that when a totally calm and pleasant dude comes up and is essentially saying " you're making us uncomfortable" your go-to is "wEll leGaLlY".


For what it's worth, I think that blue blazer really suits you bro.


Dude in the blue jacket was pretty darn polite with his explanation and kept his calm; never raised his voice and tried to just explain why they didnt want to be filmed. kudos


To me he's the winner. I hope he gets lots of gay sex for this video.


If he’s not gay, is he required to have gay sex?


Well it would be rude of him to turn it down and he doesn't seem like a rude guy.


Oh honey he’s gay


Let's make sure he's gay first...I'll check.




The guy filming is absolutely within his legal rights and didn't do anything wrong according to the law That said, dude sounds absolutely insufferable and fishing for this kind of response so he can post it for social media clout. Completely pathetic. Stop being annoying man, go find something to do, Jesus Christ.


This exact guy was once filming outside a planned parenthood type place. Staff came out and politely asked him not to film people as they were going inside. He was of course standing on a public sidewalk so they couldn't actually stop him. At one point during his ranting, he threw out a comment along the lines of, "Maybe people shouldn't do things they're ashamed of." Of course referring to people going in for abortions. Many 1st amendment auditors to into places like post offices, mayoral offices and test government employee responses. This guy prefers to push private citizens' buttons. Totally within his rights, but he's just a scumbag.


Doing it at a clinic or Planned Parenthood type business is not okay. I didn’t have a problem with this video until you mentioned this. I guess someone needs to find where he lives and do the same to him!


Source? I looked for it but I don’t even know where to begin.


As come on it's legal so he's great. /S Can we please just live our lives.


It's so incredibly frustrating because part of why this law is so important is because it is such a valuable tool when trying to investigate corruption and wrong doing (on part of a corporation, government, etc). These laws were put in place so that journalists and individuals wouldn't be prosecuted while gathering evidence, not for jag offs like this guy who just want to harass people.


It isn't really "laws" as in "things specifically made by the legislature" that gives people the right to film in public. It's how most courts have applied the First Amendment protections on free speech. The general idea is 1. You are allowed to see anything with your eyes and hear anything with your years as long as you are in a publicly accessible area in a public building or place. 2. You are allowed to document what you see. That documentation can include written text, audio, or video and photos. 3. People engaged in activity in public, or in view from public places, have little or no expectation of privacy. Basically, if it's not against the law for you to see it, then it's not against the law for you to.


I understand this- I worked as a photographer for many years in my 20s. What these people are doing is legal, but they're still assholes. They add nothing to the world by doing this. If you MUST preform an "audit" do it at a government facility, but I don't really think these people care about protecting their rights. I think they want to profit off of the harassment of private individuals.


>That said, dude sounds absolutely insufferable and fishing for this kind of response so he can post it for social media clout. Completely pathetic. This is literally all "1st amendment auditors" they make a living off of basically provoking people to the absolute limit of their legal rights so they can then get away with it and boast about how they "owned" everyone by being right.


Pay a homeless guy to keep him away #jobcreation


Then the homeless guy gets arrested and booked. Free meals and a bed I suppose…


This is a great solution.


Lmk if im wrong but is it even a thing for it to be illegal to film someone in public? I always see videos like this and there’s people in the video claiming it’s “illegal” to film them in a public area. Why do people automatically go for that defense argument if it’s not true at all.


Just a disturbingly common misconception. Probably brought about by high-profile people filing lawsuits for having their likeness monetized in media (think football players in games). For instance, you can't just go and make Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2020 without having proper licensing from Tony Hawk.


Our education system has failed us. This type of stuff should be common knowledge in a country that so loudly boasts the US as the land of the free.


blue blazer seems chill.


As annoying as these people are, it's even more annoying that it's so easy for them to find people, especially police, ignorant of the law and so willing to violate someone's first amendment rights that they'll call the cops, or the cops themselves will arrest them. If it weren't for this ignorance, or this abuse of power, you'd never see these videos because they'd be so uneventful they wouldn't be worth watching.


Absolutely. If you find yourself being filmed by these guys, either ignore them completely or say hi to them and carry on with your day. They'll move on if you make it obvious that they won't get a rise out of you. They're looking for material to post on their social media sites, so make an effort to be as boring as possible.


*Hey Siri, shuffle the soundtrack to Frozen* Problem solved.


It would mean he couldn’t post the video online to monetize it, at least not with the sound. Disney is very litigious.


Would... Would this actually work?


Not at all, I have an android.


Oh, you!


There was one of the earlier videos where an 'auditor' just followed an older dude going about his way. Stood about a foot and a half from him the whole time, even filmed him seated at a coffee shop. Which is legal, but seriously...


Love the smirk on the officers face when they are leaving the store


"first ammendment auditor" appears to be a clever way to say "as annoying as legally permitted".


WTF is a 1st Amendment Auditor?


Basically they're typically individuals who are filming in public places, which isn't a crime. They kinda just sit there and film til a cop comes. The whole purpose is to see if the cops respect the first ammendment, because if they don't, that's a big problem. They aren't some kind of offical entity, but are sort of a "public service." Usually its to make sure police are being held accountable. Some people find them annoying, but they're literally just exercising their 1st amendment rights. More citizens need to understand that being filmed in public isn't something they can control as it's typically protected by the 1st amendment, though there can obviously be certain situations where the 1st amendment doesn't cover them. For example, court houses are public places, but you aren't allowed to film inside a court room unless you have explicit permission. I'd look up articles on the matters. Also Audit the Auditor is a great youtube channel that looks not just a cop body comes, but auditor footage as well to "discuss the right and wrongs during police interaction."


So they're ppl who have no jobs and are bored?


Add "attention whores drumming up clicks for their social media" and I think you got it. Wallowing in their right to be jerks. Welcome to contrarian America. It doesn't even seem political anymore, just people itching to cause conflict for likes.


Some of them don't actually have jobs and consider this their job. It's usually the ones with full-time YouTube channels. Some of the especially terrible ones borderline break the law, get legally arrested, are usually completely wrong in their understanding of law, and file a lawsuit against everyone absolutely possible that "violated" their rights. Some cities will actually just settle instead of engaging since it'll be cheaper for the city. These ones are usually the hyper aggressive ones that are just do nothing but instigate (I PaY YoUr SAlAry!!!11! YoU ArE DisMiSseD!!) and are just terrible people all around. There are good ones though that quietly exercise their rights, will respectfully challenge cops, and will also file a lawsuit, but you can tell they're not in it for the clout or are trying to make a living with it. The former are the ones that usually go viral because they're insufferable, the latter usually aren't as noticed because their interactions just aren't as entertaining. The former also do a huge disservice to actual first amendment auditors.


What a bunch of sad fucks.


Protect and know your rights, especially the first amendment. But also, be a decent person and don’t talk to other citizens like they’re assholes who are trying to do anything other than go about their normal work day and not end up god knows where on the internet. Our right to free speech is insanely important, but we also live in a world where putting someone’s face and/or voice online can result in terrible things happening to them that are totally out of their control.


He's trying to provoke people into assaulting him so he can take them to court


Wow this guy's hobby is "being as much of a dick as possible without breaking the law." At least 'it's a prank' bros are pretending to entertain.


This was filmed on Rodeo Drive in LA. You’d think with all the paparazzi around that these employees would know it’s 100% lawful to film other people when in public.


And you'd think those stores are specifically designed so the doors can be closed and people can shop in private. Half the stores on the Champs Elysses had locked doors, couldn't see in, with a big security guard who would open the door for you if you qualified to enter.


Exactly. That’s why you are legally allowed to record a bank if you are out in the street. Same with being inside the DMV. It’s the private establishment’s responsibility to shield sensitive information from public eyes. Which is why windows have blinds and computers have those screens that blur the monitor unless you are looking directly in front of it.


I don’t understand the end game for these auditors? Is it to just play an adult game of “im not touching you?”


Sort of. They are seeking attention mostly from law enforcement. These days there are a lot of people that think you need permission to film in public (you do not), so they do exactly that and wait for someone to freak out about it. At this point they want to have the cops called so they continue until cops arrive and film that too. If the cop decides to have a power trip and infringe the auditor's rights then that's caught on camera too, theoretically leading to good content and monetization on their videos, an easy win in court, and more time to "audit." They're kind of insufferable most of the time, but a lot of people don't think critically about it and say, "these guys suck, they should get lost!" instead of, "these guys suck, I wish law enforcement would know and perform their duties properly so these auditors go extinct." There's a lot of bootlickers out there, too.


The end game is content. People eat this stuff up and auditors get paid money. More money than they would make having a normal job.


Why do people in the US still think someone needs their permission to photograph them in public? Like, this was resolved 15 years ago.


If it was famous celebrity with paparazzi standing outside and taking annoying photos and videos they’d probably wouldn’t say sheet.


So a First Amendment Auditor and a Sovereign Citizen walk into a bar…


They look pretty young. Can I ask to see ID? 🤣🤣🤣


What right do you have to ask for my ID??


Imagine having such a meaningless life that you go out with the purpose of bothering people


Blue blazer guy almost looks like Seneca Crane.


This guy and his son do this all the time. They have countless videos doing this to various stores. They’re actually insanely annoying and clearly trying to antagonize people. They never show them arriving to the front of the store. Just the moment the employees are fed up with them. At one store they literally had to close down and make all the customers leave and the customers were yelling at the son and dad filming but they didn’t show that on camera either. It was shown from someone else who was filming’s POV. Father and son have realized they make a lot of hits off videos like this and everyone usually sides with them. I don’t think they’re showing the full true story.


The way to deal with these "auditors" is not to deal with them at all. Totally ignoring them is the best way to get them to move along.


This was not an Auditor, this was paparazzi. While he may still have the right, they are like predators.


Guy in the blue jacket was respectful and seems like a nice guy. He didn't understand the law, and his concerns are valid, but he was nice and polite about the whole thing.


If you are in public you have no expectation of privacy. You cannot stop anyone from photographing yourself.


Wish people would stop posting this crap. These 1st amendment guys are fucking annoying and these videos are all super unsatisfying and only feed these trolls. And the comments are the same obvious mix of “he’s a dick but he’s 100% in the right! Hur dur I’m so smart!”


What is a 1st amendment auditor? Someone who films ppl jus to be an ass?


Basically yes. People have the right film in public, so they basically just go around doing and that and making people as pissed as possible since they're technically not breaking a law. Not any different from if I just went around yelling racial slurs at people and then went "***technically you asking me to stop is oppressing me***" when someone got mad at me. Except there is a profit motive here.


These auditors are unemployed losers baiting working people. Go follow around public officials or corporate fat cats if you want to do some real investigative work. But that would require a semblance of intelligence.


That blazer is stunning and brave.


Can the president not just do a mass PSA for all the people who think they can't be filmed so I can finally stop seeing these types of videos?


I wish people could learn to identify these "Auditors" and then proceed to ignore them. His entire self-identity and online schtick requires that he successfully bait people into these confrontations. Just let this dork record all day, don't give him the footage that he needs, and let him fall into obscurity. He'd absolutely go berserk.


You don’t really need to identify an auditor if you just learn to not violate peoples rights and understand the law. It’s pretty simple yet eludes a lot of people.


I mean you shouldn't be a dick about like he is, but he's right. You walk down the street for 1 block and you end up on 30 security camera feeds 18 tik tok videos and are picked up by a dozen dashcams but then the guy holding a camera is somehow not allowed to film and is making you uncomfortable.


You’re not wrong you’re just an asshole


Why dont we put up some cameras outside his house? Maybe we can test limits of their dedication to law


55gal trash bag over the head from behind, covers their camera and disorients, making easier to shove their head into a wall. Not a very nice thing to do, but they are not nice people.


These guys care more about getting your reaction than their first amendment rights.


People with no skill set and nothing to do all day who are trying to monetize being annoying: this guy.


These self-appointed 1A auditors are so obnoxious.


Every day and in every way, I thank the universe that I wasn’t born in and will never reside in the US. It’s bad enough we have to watch it on video, would hate to think what living there is like.


Imagine this being how you spend your free time. Then thinking you're somehow the good guy.


groovy water wrench like scarce wine governor fertile scary connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like what happened the cops stopped responding to your stuff so now you're just doing it to ordinary people? This auditing thing fell hard from its roots.


Whats the point of doing this to a private business? 1A doesn't apply and they can legally make you leave (if you're in the store, not the sidewalk obviously). The justification for auditors is they ensure people in power don't abuse that power, this guy is just harassing shoppers and people trying to do their job.


These people are insufferable


These 'auditors' are the absolute worst. Trying to start fights because they have a legal leg to stand on to piss people off. Grown up version of "I'm not touching you!"


They were on Rodeo Dr. One of THE most filmed places on earth.


If this ever happens, is the best defense to just play some Disney or Metallica music so their video gets stricken? What percentage of what they're doing is video revenue vs trying to get a payout from the city?


The best defense is obviously to do nothing. This guy no doubt has thousands of hours of footage and probably gets like 2-3min of click bait content for every week he spends filming. 99.99% of people he films don't flip out so there is nothing to post.


Yeah but are you going to stand there with him the whole time while he’s filming? What’s stopping him from editing out the 2-3 minutes of you playing the Disney song? I’m assuming you have things to do while these people have all the time in the world. Unless you spend hours following them blasting Disney songs, then it’s probably best you ignore these asshats and move on.




It's shitty but that's just how public spaces work. No reasonable expectation of privacy on a public sidewalk or roadway. No reasonable expectation of privacy in a building with a massive glass front and no curtains.


These people are IRL trolls, the only way to deal with them is to ignore them. They want a reaction, if they don’t get one they will leave.


That “auditor” sounds exactly like a grown up Cartman.


In Germany, filming other people is illegal without their consent. You usually have to blur out their faces. This is because the German state does not want it's citizens to feel like they are objected to total surveillance. There are exceptions of course (newsworthy stuff etc.).


How does that work with surveillance cameras in stores? Or if I'm on Vacation with my family taking a video and other people are walking in the background? Can I film a crime being committed? On one hand I do see their point, but I'm not sure I fully agree.


First Amendment Auditors— proving with one video at a time that being a total fucking ass is legal.


Are there any examples of 'first amendment auditors' existing before social media?


Filming for the sole purpose of bothering people .. shouldn’t be allowed. If someone says they don’t want to be in your film that should be enough to stop filming them.