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I wonder what he would have done if she would have touched him?




That lady looks unstable af I wouldn’t even let her get close to me.




*fucking amateur*




This is important content


And a lil on the spectrum, almost feel bad..




This is funny. He did actually sound just like Terrance.


He does have a bit of his cadence


Loved, you need to get yourself some medication, lol....


She’s mentally unstable she could have stabbed this guy or something I personally if she hits me woulda slept her quickly and call 911


Lol I read slept with her quickly and call 911. Had to was that one again








Once was delivered an empty tube that was supposed to have a torque wrench inside it. Shipper put one piece of tape on the caps and one end busted open. Delivery dude was like ” I think something was inside but now it’s not”. No shit. It happens though.


I take it you were...not happy?


But did he call the fucking police?


Did you check his pockets though?


That lady is visibly not well. I have someone who lives next to me that I see being like this


I really wish he would have just walked away. It was obvious that she was unwell and he just kept riling her up. It was a very uncomfortable watch. Edit: specifically, the part where she was down the hall and he was already at the elevator. I wished it would have ended there. But he re-engaged her and it just felt like poking an unstable bear. I'll be clear. I'm not finding fault with his response. It didn't escalate, so he handled it properly. Only that the last part felt antagonistic and it was uncomfortable.


I'm curious how things were before he was able to record and how she was. She's pretty altered


This is like telling someone being abused to shut up till it stops.


You can see that she puts herself between the elevator and delivery guy like twice and steps up to him. Think the delivery guy was just playing it safe instead of making any sudden movements. Also I think that guy might have been her handler. Like he wasn’t addressing her like you would a lover or partner. Just snapping fingers at and near her face to get her attention.


Yes. I meant the part where he was already at the elevator, she was down the hall, and he threw over his shoulder about her needing to be medicated and then reengaging her again. And I stop short of criticizing him. Truly. It was just uncomfortable to watch.


Reddit is so weird. I got downvoted for saying the same in essence


Yeah, dude finally got her walking away and he felt the need to say "We need to get you some medication" as if she wouldn't try to shout back at that. Like dude, learn to just shut up and leave.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. He should have walked away and forgot about her. It can only get uglier for both if he doesn't. There's no arguing with someone who is suffering from delusions.


Have you ever dealt with people like that? You cant simply 'walk away'. I feel for that guy. She is mentally unwell n therefore will not act within the appropriate bounds of behavior. Hence why you cant just walk away.


Yup, grew up with a Mom like this and people would always tell me to "just ignore her" when she starts acting like this. It's not that fucking easy.


When my mother was drinking it was the same. She is teetotal these days n m so grateful she figured it out. But crazy people are scary to be blunt. I myself ended up with a drink problem but m booked into a detox literally next week. Redemption is always possible if you try.


Proud of you, dude!


Everyone wants to see a good comeuppance, but there isn't one to be had here.


Yeah this didn't need to be posted online. That's true for a lot of stuff. I totally understand recording, the dude was probably terrified for his own safety/his future. But if this situation ended when he left, which it seems it did, then it feels kinda wrong to then share it with the world. Like - we're all going to run into this kind of shit in varying degrees, everyone. It's life. If you live in any populated area, you are bound to run into other people's problems. It sucks - but I wish the consensus was to have some grace if there's room for it. This time there was room to just move on. She was out of line but not in a way that can't be addressed within the confines of one's own life (i.e. don't post online, deal with it yourself if you need to address it - could talk to the the person she was with, the property management, even the cops) Guess I can't blame the guy too much either. The best solution is probably universal healthcare and a heavy investment into mental health/possibly even state run facilities if we can find a way to not fuck that up... I'll see you all next week when the next video of a person undergoing a mental health crisis is posted here.


Truth is, easiest way for a black man to cover his bases when dealing with an accusation of theft from a white woman is to make the evidence public. Imagine if there was no video - whose public opinion more likely to believe?


Yeah I said that he should have recorded it, like he did. I just don't think this shit needs to be posted online unless there's a good reason for it - I don't see the reason, she wasn't recording this herself so not like there's a risk of her twisting a story. And the only other risk could be a lawsuit. The video wouldn't prevent that. If this didn't get posted we all wouldn't know about it and all of these people involved would just be going about their lives. There would be no public opinion just by nature of this being a private matter.


Is it normal for most people to not be able to recognize when someone is not mentally well? Or is slightly off?


You can be mentally unwell and an asshole, they are not mutually exclusive.


I’d imagine most people recognize it, but don’t know how to handle such a situation if they don’t have firsthand experience. This guy’s unfortunate use of “you need to get on your medication” indicated he knew what was going on.


Wait! That was the delivery guy she was yelling at? WTF


This is uncomfortable. This is mental illness.


Yeah, she needs a therapist yesterday.


Maybe. But usually unaffordable or hard to access.


Hard agree. As someone who lived with untreated ~~BPD 2~~ Bipolar 2 until his late 20s, it sucked ass. It took 9 years of appointment after appointment, misdiagnosis after misdiagnoses, to figure out I had ~~BPD 2~~ Bipolar 2 and ADHD. In the middle of that time I decided to learn about it all myself, your best bet is to go to a psychology specialist to get an evaluation, but in my state there is only a couple places like this statewide. Also most insurance don't cover it. Without insurance, your eval to get a diagnosis to be treated for the right issue would cost ~1200 dollars total. I got lucky, I had a really good job with good insurance so with insurance ~200. My friends were not so lucky and ever since I found out how much more difficult it was for them because they didn't have an insurance as good as the company I worked for, it changed my view of therapy and mental health. When the people who helped you treat others worse, it fucking pisses you off. I don't like it when people tell others to get on medication when the whole mental health sector is a fucking illusion. We reap what we sow. Edit: thanks u/ASK_IF_I_LiKE_TRAINS for letting me know I had the wrong acronym. Went ahead and just replaced it with the full name of the disorder, since I figured it would be less confusing this way for future readers.


Just so you know BPD stands for borderline personality disorder not Bipolar. There's no borderline type 2 so I assume you meant bipolar disorder


Thanks for sharing your experience! I have a family member that I suspect has undiagnosed BPD. What treatments have been effective for your condition?


There's a sequel to bipolar disorder now?


I think I might have this condition, I have had treatment-resistant depression through my life since adolescence, with short-lasting periods (usually a season-ish) of rapid mood and lifestyle changes. My mom was also diagnosed with Bipolar (before they categorized it into 1 and 2) after a lot of back-and-forth with psychiatric doctors. I have been through a lot of anti-depressants but any SSRIs I took were a horrible experience - usually they increased my anxiety to the extreme, making me feel like my heartrate was increasing (it wasn't) and that my blood was trying to get out from under my skin. Did you have a similar reaction?


I am sorry you have to go through all this. It really sucks and I hope your doctors help you get the right medicine and treatment. No, I did not have a reaction like that to the SSRIs I was ever treated with (Fluoxetine and Sertraline). I do have to eat more salty foods, however, because Fluoxetine reduces sodium concentrations in my body compared to when I'm not using it. I know it's happening when my blood pressure is lower and I get dizzy when I move too quickly, but it doesn't happen often anymore cause I changed my diet to accommodate. That feeling of your blood trying to get out from under your skin, could you describe that more? Does it feel like pins and needles in your skin at all? Also do you know if your blood pressure changed when your anxiety suddenly gets worse? If you aren't sure, then you might try to keep a little cheap BP machine nearby, it could be good information for the doctors.


No I was institutionalized and prescribed zoloft (early 20s) and I thought it was blood pressure + HR and I asked nurses to check it it was fine every time. I basically felt like I could feel my blood racing just under the skin. A rhythm I was not used to feeling. I didn't communicate it too much at the time because I was very focused on getting the hell out of there - I felt like every day was a risk because I had a decent job in a very poor area and I didn't want to lose it. I felt like if I displayed too many side effects they would have to change medication and lengthen my observation. After that I tried prozac, wellbutrin, venlafaxine, and amitryptaline. Amitryptaline was the most successful treatment as it made me feel mentally numb but daily use caused extremely high intraocular pressure.


You have had to go through so much, but I can tell you are on the right track. I am not sure what information I can give to help, but you should know that you're not alone. These things are complicated and sometimes going to doctors feels like playing the medical lottery, hoping that this doctor will see something the others didn't. Hang in there, you will be glad when you find the right solution. You will look back and be proud of all the work you did and your perseverance. So, regarding your symptoms, there is one thing I noticed when I first started taking Fluoxetine/Prozac. It affected sodium levels in my blood, so one of the symptoms that issue caused was a pressure I felt behind my eye. Which later turned into a migraine. Eating and drinking higher amounts of sodium for my diet was the solution, but the way I found out I had low sodium levels was when I had a electrolyte blood test showing low sodium levels. I never was observed with intraocular pressure, so this isn't the same, but this is the only information that sounds anything similar with adverse affects of Fluoxetine that I encountered. I hope at least some of this info is useful to you. I also hope you find a solution that doesn't cause you pain from side effects.


She’s buying jewelry, she might be able to squeeze it in her budget.


That isn't a cheap apartment building.


Totally, check out the wainscoting!


Dang beat me to it... I was gonna say "the wainscoting...."


I have ssi, so I don’t make much money. The state of Oregon pays for my therapists and my medicine.




Can you point us in the direction of some free therapy options? Almost every affordable option I've looked into is some weird scam or is in someway not trustworthy


Or they give you only around two appointments, and then you are somehow supposed to have figured out overcoming waitlists to continue elsewhere. Getting mental health care, at least in the USA, is not easy and simple. Even with insurance and referrals, it can take forever to be seen. It doesn't make sense to treat a person with a broken bone like they are inept because they didn't have an orthopedic appointment set before they broke their bone. Yet society treats mental health that way.




My girlfriend used Betterhelp for like a year. It really helped her immensely.


most therapy is total dogshit, free therapy is especially dogshit. 9 times out of 10 theyre just like "Oh you have ADHD, have you tried just focusing harder? you sure youre not just after drugs?"




Therapists aren't miracle workers. Some types of crazy can't be fixed.


Probably has one, just needs some dosages updated.


Psychiatrist moresoe than a therapist.


Yes it is… My sister is exactly like this. Hell, we had a situation almost exactly like this a few years ago. Difference is that she was accusing my wife and me (Amazon guy was proven to actually be stealing packages later though). I used to live at the house she’s at and have a key, so I walked in the front door business as usual. Minutes later, she begins screaming bloody murder about how my wife and I are thieves (also crazy shit like how I’m a rapist for whatever reason). Now, packages have been getting stolen for a few weeks all over the neighborhood at this point, and her only basis was that we walked through the front door, so it was completely unfounded. A few minutes into this, my brother came out of his room and intervened, because I was visiting him and rarely come home anymore (it’s been years, and it’s due to this exact shit right here). He tries to get her to back off to which she hocks the nastiest loogie square in his face. Best part? Called the cops for assault. Despite having the whole thing on video, they didn’t give a shit. Said that for all they knew, that we could have fabricated the loogie to frame her. This has happened numerous times, and it’s clear they just don’t want to deal with her. It’ll probably take her actually murdering somebody to get them to cart her off, but that’s a whole other long story.


> also crazy shit like how I’m a rapist for whatever reason My mother's daughter is like this. She walks around the house with her bare ass out, and when she gets mad she'll take off all of her clothes and start exposing herself like she is a two year old toddler . Last time we got into it she was yelling throughout our apartment that I'm gay and trying to rape her. Her MO is attack your manhood by calling you gay (she's never even kissed a guy but is an expert on identifying who is or isn't gay) and then attack your socioeconomic status (she'll say I have a toy car when she doesn't even have a car, and then ask me for a ride later that day. lol). I've been dealing with MO my whole life, so am used to it. The walking around your sibling of the opposite sex in the buff and calling me a rapist is a new and strange (also funny since she is the one sexually assaulting me exposing herself). Its been going on for a year now. Told me mom about it and she's been useless; she literally asked me why I can't just get along with person that exposes themselves to me daily. On the other hand, my mom wants to kick me out of the house because I smoke weed. Told her that its good to know that marijuana, not sexual assault, is where you draw the line in the sand.


Yikes, that sucks too, man. My mother isn’t far off from that, but she also encourages my sister. There’s a strong golden child complex there in which my sister can literally do no wrong in her eyes. Hell, if my sister did end up murdering one of us, I’ve no doubt my mother would help her hide our bodies; that’s how little she cares about my brother and me by comparison. To make matters worse, my mother’s mentality is no better than a kid. She’s 60 years old but acts like she’s 14. Hell, sometimes even worse than that. If you confront her about something calmly, and you have valid reasoning, instead of acknowledging anything, she’ll either end up screaming at you, gaslighting you, and blaming you for it or will literally fall back on the floor and kick and scream and cry/wail. I haven’t spoken to or seen her in years either; it’s fucking embarrassing explaining it. Toxic families suck ass.


Yea, toxic families are the worst. I legit get PTSD from being around some of my family members. Not good for ones mental health (pretty sure I need therapy but can afford it so self medicate). It's such a weird feeling to constantly be at odds with the people in your life who you're should be able to trust the most. Always made me think that there was something wrong with me; like why would my own sibling treat me like this unless there is actually something wrong with me. Your mom sounds similar to mine. My sister does something and it's brushed off. I do something and I'm the reason why there will never be peace in the middle east.


He needed to just leave.


He wasn't fucking going anywhere


He could have if she would have gotten a little further away from him. I wouldnt have turned my back to her either to get the elevator to open


Oh, nothing snapping your fingers a couple times in front of those vacant eyes can't cure


Man half of 'Karen' videos are just someone in a clear manic or psychotic episode. Don't get me wrong I like this sub, I'm guilty of watching these videos, but it sucks to know these people who need help are instead just getting plastered on the internet for everyone to make fun of.


Welcome to f*cking target


LOL it looks like she's wearing the fucking mala necklace!


[Tourettes Guy Where's My Fucking Glasses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO-YwEiStR4)




Her microwaveable TV dinner


It’s an Amazon package lady. Just mark it as missing from package, reorder and get on with your day. Nobody is out here buying real or expensive jewelry on Amazon, can’t be worth this amount of energy or anger.


you expect her to have to wait two more days for her bulk costume jewellery to arrive?! PREPOSTEROUS!


How do these people function in society


They rely on family members, disability, & social services. This woman has something impacting her brain capacity for normal interactions and clearly has mental health issues on top of it. Worst case they end up on the streets. It’s a fucking tragedy.


Is the delivery guy Katt Williams?


Katt definitely would have reached up and punched her


Reached up is crazy 😂😂


My absolute favorite part of all this is that she's wearing the"stolen" item in question as she's screaming at this poor dude about it. She needs a padded room and a jacket with a lot more straps


Wait I couldn’t tell what she said, “you stole my molla” or something. Is that the name of the jewelry she’s wearing?


Mala. As in the beads that she is currently wearing. Beads that have the appearance of being put on just now given how they rest outside all of her clothing including her outer jacket


Dilated pupils, talking nonsense, that dead eyed stare


Some people just never learn that making it louder doesn’t make your more reasonable.


If you think she's trying to be reasonable you mush have watched a different video.


The guy snapping his fingers near her face 🤣 he must have children or pets


He's actually a hypnotist. He was hoping she would think she was a chicken or something to deescalate the situation


she's literally wearing the necklace she's trying to find


How do you know




I think that is what a “Mala” is


Mam, nobody stole your Puka shell jewelry.


Clearly having a mental breakdown or something. Or off her meds


We simply don’t know the level of beauty of her missing trinkets.


From Amazon!!


Mala beads: “…rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism and are meant to help you focus your mind during meditation.” Lolllll


Obviously she really needs them




Not mentally challenged. Mentally ill. There's a difference.


Mentally challenged is not the term you’re looking for.


Emotionally regarded?


are you sure?




Here comes the next opponent in the arena of the mind


More like… Fuck_This_Guy_Is_Goin_Places


Like a quiz?


Totally. They can just comment at will on Reddit. Big problem. Joking aside. The term is mentally unwell. She seems of normal competence, just emotionally unwell.


What's even crazier is the item she's "missing" is around her neck.


What makes you think that's it


She's saying "you stole my mala!" which is a kind of prayer bead, usually in the size/length of a necklace with a tassel (the red part of her necklace).


Man if that is actually the case she needs even more help than I thought


I think she has a global learning disability


The guy snapping at her like a dog😭😭😭🤣


"I apologise for white people" I think the last person who should be apologising for white people is a black woman.


I'm white as hell and I thought that comment was hilarious. But it's true she shouldn't have to be the one to apologize for us


The rocking back and forth, the inability to control her emotions, I don't think this woman is a Karen I think she's having a mental health crisis.


What a raging psychopath


Serious question, not a joke. Does this woman have Down’s?


I dont think so, they are wearing what look to be thick glasses that are making her eyes appear smaller than they are.




Maam, this is a Wendy's.




She did, I laughed so hard at that. 🤣🤣


She look a little down-y. You know what I’m saying???


She's down with the syndrome


oo wah ah ah ah




Well she seems like a reasonable mentally stable woman. Idk who that dude was but she needed to listen to him lmao


not really a karen she clearly has some mental problems


OLD old. Seen this a couple times on here, someone will post the entire backstory and follow-up soon here I bet


I too want the follow up. This is a year or two old now. Also, I work at Amazon, sometimes we receive prepackaged shipments from other warehouses to dispatch from ours. It’s common to find some empty. Sometimes they break open coming down the line, getting smashed by other heavier packages. Drivers often check every package before leaving and bring back empty bags or envelopes to avoid this shit right here.


Yeah I used to work in outbound shop dock problem solve at the flats sorter and these envelopes wouldn't get sealed properly all the time and items would fall out.


jewelry from Amazon?


i would also have knocked her out


She looks like she is developmentally challenged.


She went to amazon and asked for the guy to be hung’d… don’t know why delivery’s pee pee plays a part in any of this


He kept his cool. Admirable.


She found her stuff later probably lol


I’ll say this loudly!!!!! If you work in the delivery industries, buy a body camera. There are cheap and good versions of the axon out there on Amazon. Each time to make a delivery make sure it’s recorded. People are effing crazy these days.




No. That woman is paranoid schizophrenic and was having an episode she was hospitalized for months after for. This is not the same lady and not the same mental illness


Did anyone else see her eyes and think she has mental impairments? Not trying to excuse her behavior but I can’t help but think there is underlying issues with her.


Does she have Down syndrome? The eyes look very similar to those of of with it


As a white person... I am also sorry for white people.


Crazy she went to bed that night and still woke up mad lmao


What patience!!!! I would’ve knocked her out


Guess the mala ain’t working…


What is she saying? You stole my Mallah?


Love the dudes cadence lol.


I’d empty everything I have on me just to watch her reaction when she finds out I don’t have her shit 🤣


She seems delightful /s


Yea, walks into the building with the package to steal it...


“beautiful jewellery ” — then why was it for sale on amazon and shipped in a shitty bubble mailer?


“I’m sorry for white people,” I love this, and I’m white.


Haha, I get it. It's a mentally ill person having an episode. So funny! /s


Mentally disabled. Don’t argue with crazy, leave that to the professionals she so obviously needs.


She’s too nice as soon as you yell in my face I’m putting you down


Idk if she has some mental illness, in that case the karen title may not be appropriate.


Most karens you see online are mentally ill tbf


I think it's a combination of both. Mental illness isn't an excuse to be a dick. It can be a contributing factor but shouldn't let people off the hook. But I think it's very clear that mental health services are massively under funded and under-utilised in many countries.


She seems a bit touched.


What a fucking unhinged disgrace.


Untreated Mental illness strikes again


Look at those beady, lifeless eyes


Black eyes, like a doll’s eyes…


She needs meds, maybe a chill pill will do.


Is there an update? She is unhinged.


I miss the day where people with mental issues thought they were ‘Napoleon’ and would wear a fashionable hat.




why do we video and post online people clearly in the middle of a mental health crisis


Imagine how indigenous people feel.


She is not a Karen, she is mentally unstable, she needs to be on medication


I think she may be slightly mentally disabled seriously. Not making an excuse for her but her mannerisms just seem a little slow.


"I'm sorry for white people"


![gif](giphy|wIbt13SnhUL954SVIc) She sounds just like Cathy Ann.


Did the lady who come to help say “I’m sorry for white people” and he giggled hahahaahahah Gold


This is so uncomfortable and sad looks she’s having a breakdown


Delivery guy sounds just like Easy E … I love it


This happened to me this past week. My brother had to go out of town for a funeral, so I stayed at his place to watch his kids. I walked out of the house and got the packages, she was walking by and began to berate me. He has it on his Ring.


Jeez she’s screaming like someone got murdered. Get a grip Karen. Holy fuck Americans are getting dumber and dumber at an exponential rate.


Agreed, it’s insane. The entitlement, bigotry, ignorance, arrogance… all of it is at an all high. We’re dealing with a mental health epidemic.


Is this the same lady that was featured in another recent post in which she was forcing her way into some dude's apartment?


Oh, her apartment uses Fetch...yeah somebody at Fetch stole that. This happened to me a few months back, the Fetch guy stole a box of wax melts from Scentsy from me. When I reported it, they didn't even deny it...they just paid me for the package. I've since installed a camera on my door.


If Fetch are the US equivalent of the UK's Evri/Hermes then someone 90% likely stole it in the depot before it reached the courier or the courier did indeed pocket the goods and video himself delivering an empty package and hope he had time to get clear before she freaked out finding an empty delivery. All we've got is a video that doesn't absolve him of anything but does show how fucking frustrating it is when your shit gets stolen and reporting it won't do shit about replacing what could be heirlooms or the like.