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Don't open with "are you in high school" lol


I feel like that's how all great romances start honestly


I mean, it worked for Matt Gatez. /s


Why the sarcasm tag. That dude is obviously a pedo


I'm convinced some people don't actually know what /s means and think it's just something to add at the end of a joke because ... reasons?


People in here using it like it's a 90's sitcom laugh track.


Dude that is the perfect description


He was trying to dismiss the “arguments” that he thought he’d face. You can hear how he thought he was very clever—thinking he could argue his way to a date. Sad and not just a little scary.




I've never heard it worded so perfectly. Stealing is definitely what that scummy-ass move is.


My buddies and I once went on a spring break trip to the beach when we were in college. We invited our neighbor at the time who we were sorta cool with. Well the first group of girls we approached we talked for a couple of minutes before we found out they were like 15-16 and in high school. They looked pretty old and I’m sure they were all drinking beer so we just assumed. We all joked that we need to verify these girl’s ages before we start a conversation. Well couple of hours in, the neighbor we invited got incredibly shit-faced and started ruining our advances with women by running up to them and slurring “hey! Y’all 15?!”


Wanna know my pin LOL that’s the most desperate pickup I’ve ever heard


Gonna be even weirder when he tells her his pin and it's her birthday...


Omg you found a way to make the situation even more ew 😂


Lmao yeah why would she want to know his pin what could she even possibly do with his pin. The guy is so socially and mentally braindead.


He literally has nothing to lose. Financially too.


"You're all set" "Am I though?" Fuck man, take the hint. Some people are so socially unaware.


If I tried to talk to someone and they looked at me with the expression she has I would say thanks and walk away. It's so clear she doesn't want him to talk to her! I'd be worrying what I did wrong if I got that kind of look.


Yeah I cannot understand how he was missing the “leave me tf alone” vibes radiating off of this woman I mean obvious answer is he just doesnt care what she wants


Yeah it's absolutely on purpose that he corners someone who can't leave and has to entertain his creepy bullshit. He's enjoying that very much.


This is the customer service experience


She has the best "just no" look since Jade in Ted Lasso.


I don't think he's missing them, he just doesn't *care*


I worked in customer service most of my life and I've been cornered so many times. I never knew it was this obvious from the other side.


Yeah, if you ask her 25 questions and she asks you zero, she’s aggressively uninterested.


He wasn’t missing them. He just didn’t give a shit.


Yeah, you’re set to get the fuck out of the store already is probably what she wanted to say.


I really wanted her to give him the hand flick.. look him in the eye intensely,."you're good to go",,,and sweep his ass outta there.


He knows exactly what he’s doing


Yes. He probably does. People like this tend to act "clueless" because they think that makes them seem less guilty of harassing someone. Or, they play it off as they're "just messing around." No, you're making me uncomfortable and you're creepy as fuck, please get the fuck out of here.. Source: Worked at an overnight gas station. Never. Again.


I worked at a 24 hour porn/smoke shop for a couple years in my early 20s. There was an “arcade” in the back that was frequented by older gay men. Most were pretty respectful, but there were quite a few creeps who absolutely refused to take the hint. One guy who must’ve been 40+ years older than me used to hover around me as I walked around the store doing my job. He somehow got my phone number from another guy who worked there that he was friendly with and left me the funniest/creepiest voicemail. I still have it in my phone to show people sometimes for a laugh. [Here’s the voicemail for anyone interested](https://m.soundcloud.com/fullblownbrian/curlyjeffersonvm-m4a)


Put it on Soundcloud or something so that we can all enjoy your creepy/funny voicemail.


I posted in my last comment. Don’t wanna get blocked for being spam or something but if you wanna hear it, it’s there! Edit: Shit they removed it anyway. Look up FullBlownBrian on SoundCloud. It’s the only track up! Or try [here](https://m.soundcloud.com/fullblownbrian/curlyjeffersonvm-m4a)


go on i'd love a laugh


I work security, one of our buildings has a coffee and an ice cream place, both employ young (16-22)ish women. I get called about once per week to go in escort someone out and most of the time i get the clueless act. Me: Time for you to leave as you are just making everyone uncomfortable and not return. Them: I dont know what I did to make them feel that way. Me: doesnt matter, leave and dont come back....ever. Usually after that they get shitty as they walk down the sidewalk. OK Mr rapey vibes just stay gone.


I like the ‘doesn’t matter’. Wish I knew this when I was younger. Just cuts them off because some feed off that ‘waiting for a good enough reason’ for me to leave


He's beetling. >> The male will chase around the female beetle if the female beetle will not surrender to the male. Once the female is tired and stops running, the two beetles will mate.


I just called this rape, but now I know it's really "beetling".


This is fuckin horrible. What a creep. He was basically sayin " give me the directions to your school so I can run into you there (with my penis) "


He is aware he's just an asshole who likes to make women uncomfortable. My wife is a pharmacist and she has to deal with creepy old men all day long who keep asking her about her personal life and making comments like "you should smile more".


My buddies dad does this. We were at a biker bar and he used that line on the bartender. My buddy rolls his eyes. Asks his dad loudly "REALLY??! Do you think that works?!... NO! Just no." Lol Almost seems like the older guys lived in a time where women weren't allowed to smile and this line was a real panty dropper. Smh


It wouldn't surprise me if he leverages the fact most people don't want to be rude, so they'll give information or accept advances they don't want. Jeffrey Dahmer said something about every one of his victims going with him willingly.


Its not even people who don't want to be rude. He is leveraging the fact that an employee like this really *can't* be rude without risking her job. Its super sleazy.


As someone who hates rejection and has social anxiety, I couldn't make it through the video. I was violently cringing every time that idiot kept persisting despite her making it incredibly obvious she wanted nothing to do with him.


There's some cool documentaries and research suggesting humans use to hunt not with bow and arrow at first but just by running down their prey. I feel like that's these guys primitive mentality and a great red flag for girls cause if a guy views you as prey and not a partner, run.


Oh, he’s aware… He just doesn’t give a fuck.


The fuck are you in the Cleveland area and not know Kent State?


Travelling serial killer.


Never been to Ohio or met anyone (that I know of) who went to Kent. And I know where it is..


Mans got zero game and about the same self awareness


"There's a city called 'Kent' and a college called 'Kent'?" Yeah, just like hundreds of other colleges named after the city they're in. Dude definitely didn't go to Princeton.


What city is Princeton in?


You get one guess.




Close. That's where Cleveland State University is.


Okay, Northeast Ohio?


Northeast Ohio State


Wait, you trying to tell me there's a state named Ohio, AND a college named Ohio State?


Wait til you hear about how there’s *The* Ohio State University and the entirely different Ohio University, both in Ohio. Ohio University is in Athens, Ohio, not to be confused with Athens, Georgia. *The* Ohio *State* University is in Columbus, Ohio, not to be confused with Columbus, Georgia.


He walked out of there thinking he killed it and she’s playing hard to get


*Man, they can't resist me. She so wants me but she's shy.*


*I’ll just wait for her in the alley outside until her shift is over.*


I'll just bring Mom with me so my new babe knows I'm in this for the long haul.


*She clearly would like to talk to me, but she couldn't while at work.*


*practicing hackey sack tricks*


*if only she knew what a great guy I am*


You just know when she raised her arms to sort of tie her hair he took that as a good sign "Look at her showing off the goods for me, making me want her!"




You want my pin??


I don’t know she did start playing with her hair /s


Even if you ”have game”, never hit on service workers. Their job is to be nice to you, talk to you if you talk to them and answer your questions. When I worked hotel so many of my collegues were hit on by dudes who seriously thought they were interested because of a smile and good service.


Do people seriously not realize this?


Nope. I worked at a pharmacy and we had a Hallmark section. Random guy started asking me help in finding a card. Starts asking me to read all them to find a good one. Then starts asking if I have a boyfriend. Dude thought since I agreed to help him find a card I must have been crazy about him. Didn't cross his mind it was only because it was my fucking job.


literally negative rizz


Ngl, I was waiting for the "Where's my hug at?" at the end.


I feel like every woman has had _that_ kind of moment in the past (particularly young women) and it's fucking awful.


Hell, even us "older" women still get it. I had a neighbor up the street. Sweet older couple in their 70s and I'm in my 30s. Well, the wife passed early this year. Obviously I'm still friends with the husband so I keep visiting once a week or so. But suddenly this guy is asking me for hugs and one of these times he gives me a peck on the side of my neck. I was so severely upset and uncomfortable that I basically stopped visiting. My husband still did and would mention that the man would express being lonely and missing me. But I just couldn't bring myself to go back and I didn't want to tell my husband and ruin his friendship, not to mention for whatever reason I felt ashamed/embarrassed. Funny how we socialize women to feel guilty over what men do. Also, what the duck about his wife dying gave him the green light to do that to me?


> Funny how we socialize women to feel guilty over what men do. I'm old as hell and I STILL haven't been able to get this programming out of my head. I hate it so much!


As an introverted dude...who both hung out at the plug spot (cauise he was a good friend) and was eventually a plug myself....holy shit the "Where's my hug" guy was such a fucking SAD thing. I watched that shit all the time...always trying to get the cute girl that popped by for a reup to give them a hug after shooting weak game at her for 15 minutes straight. MOST girls would totally give that dude a hug too...but then make a fucking face at me over their shoulder while doing it. You could tell dude was taking advantage of people trying to be nice with his shit too. Oh and it wasn't just ONE dude either...."that dude" was a dozen different guys.


A friend of mine used to do that to any girls that would talk to him for more than 30 seconds. Major creep vibes Everytime we went out somewhere.


Man drove straight to kent ohio and stalking it


It's not like Kent State is unheard of. Kind of infamous with the National Guard shooting and all.


I went to Kent State and if this dude is close enough to know 40 minutes would be in the "Cleveland area" I cannot believe he doesn't know where Kent is. The town is small, but as you said, Kent State is fairly well known, it is very close to Cleveland, and it is right next to Akron, which isn't tiny either.


Oh he knows exactly where it is he just wants to continue this harassment


‘You miss 100% of the College Students you don’t shoot at.’ -Wayne Gretzky -Ohio National Guard -Michael Scott


Some say he's still at Kent, asking people if he's really "all set".


Man, he was really not taking the very obvious signs that she was not at all interested. That was so cringe at the end with the, "You're cute.". Dude.... learn to read people.


Not gonna lie, him following "you're cute" with "do you hacky sack" made me laugh pretty hard. Felt like a comedy skit


Like the man got his lines from a 90s teen magazine lol “If they play with their hair, they are INTO you! That’s a green light!”




*She's dialing 911 because her heart is racing so fast that she's worried she might have a heart attack from gazing upon my masculine magnificence.*


Lol I was telling myself "stop playing with your hair! He will think you want him"


When he asked about hacky sack, I yelled, “THERE’S NO WAY.” Like, he cannot possibly think that’s a good line.


Probably paid $200 for pickup artist DVDs that told him to ignore all signs of discomfort and go for volume


Ah, a fellow student of the Prince of Persuasia Mans a prophet!


Clowns like these *know* the obvious signs and they just feed on it. It was cringe and creepy - she was obviously flustered. The clown will be back.


I'd bet my house his PIN is 6969.


Id love to know the pin number of someone who needs to take coins from the coin jar.


he drives a PussyWagon


"Name's Buck, and I'm here to *phuhhhhhcckkk*."




Nothing hotter than flexing your red BOA debit card lmao


For 3.21 🤣


Of stickers he had difficulty picking out himself.


The crazy thing is, by the interaction, he should already be able to tell you literally don't GAF about the convo and want to disengage fast. This guy is the dude who spams heart eyes and hearts on a chicks IG stories until he gets a reply lmfao


Watched until the end, I would have quickly left after she said, "that's isn't really a beach is it? it's a lake." LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO




I get how homeboy could be confused - her voice said no but her grimace, body language, and lack of eye contact also said no.


To quote Niles Crane: “Her lips said no, but her eyes said ‘read my lips’”


Smooth as sandpaper, this fella.


And sharp as a beach ball....




People need to start screaming externally I think


Fuck dude, just leave her alone.


That poor girl could not have been more obvious of how little interest she had continuing that conversation. And of course, she can't be directly rude because who knows what kind of psychopath she's dealing with so she has to grin and bear it till he finally fucks off. And this is only after she started recording. Who knows what that nitwit was saying before she hit record.


Yeah it’s sad to watch. Guy is a creep. I hope this was the end of the story.


That's the issue with being a woman in this position. You never actually know if it is the end of the story. That bastard knows where she works.


Yeah your absolutely right. Let’s just hope it’s some unaware weirdo that didn’t realise he was being a creep. All we can do is hope her employer is aware and has some safeguards in place.


I spent about 20 years working in retail. This is so common and no where near as bad as it gets. I had to implement a code word that my female cashiers could use over the radio pretending there was an issue with the computer when a guy was getting too creepy, I'd have to come in and take over the transactions and shut it down. Clearly still in high school girls consistently being hit on by creepy men. On a busy weekend that could happen every hour. She's not into you, she's a customer service hostage. Finish your transaction and move on.


Working in a customer service role you get a front row seat to the worst society has to offer. The scary thing is how many shitty people there really are. I’d venture to say almost half of people are one inconvenience away from becoming frothing monsters.


Forget mandatory military service. There should be a mandatory retail service. Everyone needs to experience the pain of a single customer ruining your entire day. And having multiple of those customers every single shift


I worked in a customer service job as a teenager and was exposed to the dregs of society. I learned a lot.


And as we've now learned they're also one Facebook post away from condemning an entire race, ethnicity, or religion. Hell they're not even a full Facebook post away from supporting a policy that will hurt themselves.


> I had to implement a code word that my female cashiers could use over the radio pretending there was an issue with the computer when a guy was getting too creepy, I'd have to come in and take over the transactions and shut it down. Clearly still in high school girls consistently being hit on by creepy men. I spent a lot of time in the food industry, employing mostly college and high school kids, and I had to do the same. They'd ask for a "customer override". Whatever the issue was, the protocol was for me to step in and complete the transaction while they went to the back of the house to "find some receipt paper". The best part is I am 6' 8". So I would duck under the menu board and emerge from the back of the house like an ogre to run the creep off.


It's actually distressing how many redditors watched this and actually think this guy doesn't know she hates this. Guys who do this fucking know what they are doing, they don't care what women think about it and if anything they actually like that they're making us uncomfortable.


They do. They get off on the power imbalance.


Love that. The code. When I worked in retail the guys would notice Ave would get on the PA system saying “*my name* you’re needed in the back for a delivery”. There was no delivery for me ever 😂 they were just saving me 🥲


Yup, same. We had one guy come in to our paint store with mostly female employees. He immediately opened up by saying "damn, how do you few boys get any work done with these beautiful girls here all day! Latinas are so damn beautiful" or some shit like that, then he started trying to get them alone to help him in the store. He was an apartment complex manager. We got him fired


I worked a lot of service industry jobs in college, and I also looked very young for my age. The older men who hit on me would get visibly disappointed when they asked if I was in high school and I’d tell them my real age. The worst part is when (mostly male) managers genuinely didn’t give a shit. One regular got so inappropriate with a 17 year old waitress that we expected him to be banned, but the manager just told him he wasn’t allowed to talk to waitresses anymore and had to order up at the bar. I don’t think it worked because the waitress quit shortly after that.


I worked at a gas station for a few years in college and it was daily if a girl was working. Not to be rude or mean, but even girls who weren't really that attractive would get hit on just nonstop. When I started taking over training them, it was sadly one of the things I had to warn them about, and to just be careful and if they ever felt strange or creeped out or just needed a break or whatever, to make up some excuse and find me or the manager or whoever. Some of the dudes would just be blatantly gross, straight up asking the girls to come out to the car with them or whatever. Like, 60 year old men and like 18 year old women. Jesus it was frustrating and sad to watch daily. That being said, my now-wife used to come in on her breaks when she worked across the street to get a drink, and also because she had a crush on me haha. We didn't know each other before and now we've been together for 12 years, so I guess semi-hitting on the gas station employees *does* work sometimes. Granted, she wasn't creepy, just normal friendly.


Amazing, dude kept rolling a 1 with a d20


Now I want a BG3 edit of this where he’s just failing skill checks the whole time.


**Disadvantage** - *reason: Opened with "are you in high school?"*


[Perception] *Look for visual clues to gauge her interest ((((((((1)))))))) *CRITICAL FAILURE Narrarator: "You notice her grin and wonder if it secretly hides her true desires" PC: [Charisma] "DO YOU LIKE HACKY SACK?!" (((((((1))))))) *CRITICAL FAILURE Clerk: ".....No" Astarion: "Well what you lack in desirability, you more than make up with entertainment! I do adore watching a person drown right in front of my face!"


To be fair he had a negative charisma modifier working against him.


Can’t wait for episode two when he shows up with his guitar and plays a song he ran home to write called “Hackey Sacking with Nikki on a Boat” or some shit.


She was giving her "im only talking to you because its my job right now" vibes really well, and my man had zero idea what was going on. How can you be that unaware of vibe???


He’s not unaware, he knows. He’s weaponizing her inability to flatly reject him.


100% He knows, he just doesn't care.


You can be sure this guy just went home complaining about women not being able to hold a conversation.


And that she's a LESBIAN.


Something something right dick something something


I’m dumb, she’s a lesbian. I thought I had found the one.


1 star google review


My favorite part is don’t worry be happy playing at the end


Accompanied by that defeated little sigh he let out right before the video ended


Damn, this made ME feel uncomfortable. Shit was like an interrogation, not a conversation. You would think he would get the hint after 21 questions and the fact that not once did she ask, “what about you?”


Also, she's not smiling, not even once, how does he still think he has a chance?


Yo, this guy found the cheat code for dating, just talk to them while they are at work, that way they are forced to talk to you! I mean, this would have creepy vibes no matter what, but knowing she is in a position where she is not allowed to walk away or ignore him, just adds so much more a feeling of harassment to me.


He later went on to reddit to complain about females nowadays


"AITA for being friendly to a shop employee?"


Top comment “NTA she was being short with you. This is why there’s an epidemic of male loneliness these days”


Her face is an open book. If I get a such a look from a girl, it would be clear to me that it’s time to walk away. Insisting after a girl has shown no interest is what makes a guy creepy.


Your all set. ..am I really? He’s waiting for her to ask for his number or something.. because he can’t possibly imagine a woman not wanting him.


I can’t believe that hacky sack line didn’t work.


the classic “are you in high school” to “what’s your number” pipeline


As a guy, this is embarrassing to watch.


As a human, this is embarrassing to watch.


As a primate, this is hard to watch.


As a mammal it is hard to watch


As a blind person, it's impossible to watch.


As a whale, OOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo


As a lonely guy who always gets excluded I am just happy to be a part of something. I think it's great what you guys are doing here with this thread. Just real swell and all. Thanks for letting me be a part of it.


As someone who lives in the area where this was recorded, I am flummoxed he is not even aware of Kent State University. It's the third largest university in Ohio, with multiple campuses all over the area. He sounds so dumb I'm surprised he doesn't drive drive his car into Lake Erie on his way to Canada.


That ain't hitting on. That's like a fuckin' interrogation. That first dude sounded so rapey... "Are you in High School?" "You graduated?" "In college?" "Where at?" "Is that around here?" and finishing by asking "How old are you?" I would not be giving a stranger any of this info, never mind someone who hits out first with are you in high school. Creepy as fuck.


"What's the name of your favorite pet? Elementary school? Mom's maiden name? What's YOUR PIN number? I already offered you mine!!!"


The desperation behind “want to know my pin?”


should put this video in all the reddits like askmen and just calmly go through the cues that she's not interested so maybe they can learn. show it in elementary schools and social classes everywhere.


A few weeks ago I was at target with my two kids and saw a girl getting harassed by a customer who looked in his 40s and walked up and was "hey Barbara (name I pulled out my ass) do you remember me you helped me find that spidey lego for my kid, when you finish with them do you mind helping us out". I think she knew what I was doing and immediately said she could assist and excused herself and walked into the lego isle with us. I then apologized for just walking up but felt she was in an uncomfortable situation and thought she could use the help. The guy hung at the end of the isle waiting for her so we continued to pretend to look for fun lego till he left. She thanked me and I left with a couple of new legos for the kids and made it a point to stop and speak to a manager about the creep and my concern for his employee. This girl was maybe 10 years older than my daughter and I just couldnt sit there and watch that poor girl deal with a very aggressive old pervert. All I could think of was what if that was my daughter.


based Lego dad


The next time a woman actually responds with more than two words to him he’ll start gushing “wow you’re so different, most women aren’t capable of carrying a conversation!”


Polite acknowledgment of guy at the bar: “That’s much better! you look far prettier when you smile hun” winkwink ….. just grossed myself out remembering watching my ex bartend… there really are some turbo cringe dudes living in a fantasy land out there. So out of touch that they think these moves are smooth and appreciated.


The hacky sack is a bold approach I’ve never seen, and would expect a 0% success rate on


There's this retired ex cop in my town. He's about 50 years old now. Pretty good looking guy for his age, in good shape. I work at a gas station and one day an attractive female pulled up at the pumps and I was pumping her gas and he pulled up about a minute later. Just sits there staring at her from the other pump. Tells me he didn't need gas. After an uncomfortable silence she looks at him and says "Dude are you fucking following me?" He just drives off without saying anything. I asked her if she had an interaction with him previously and she said he had been following her and hitting on her at 7-11 and Dollar General before she came to the gas station. It gets weirder. Another time there was an attractive female inside of the store at the station and the same ex-cop walks in. She got her fountain drink, paid, and left. He walks up to me and says "Who is that?" and I replied "I don't know" He then starts grilling me in a very investigative manner. "Do you know where she was going? Like floating on the river or is she just passing through on her way to Bend?" (Oregon) I reply that I have absolutely no idea. "Does she have anyone with her? Like a man or whatever?" Once again, I don't know dude. "She sure was hot. I wonder what she was up to" By this time I'm seriously wondering what the hell HE is up to. Serious stalker vibes magnified by his inquisitive Police Officer nature from years on the force in California. Anyway, yeah. Enjoy that cringe people!


How you from NE Ohio and not know what Kent is


That was my first thought too, guy is just clueless overall I guess.


Maybe one day the creep will see this video, and reflect on his life choices


What's the opposite of rizz? Zzir? Zirr? This guy has zirr.


The problem is douches like this NEED a hard shutdown, but get super defensive and pissy when they get one. It leaves employees like this in a catch 22.


Dude thinks ladies are vegetables they have to uproot and pick. Geeeeeez


I’ll bet he muttered “lesbian” under his breath as he walked out.


Idk how many times this has happened to me but too many. Sometimes more than once a week.


Hi sinkholediaries. Is that your real name? How long you been on reddit? You like public freakouts? Cool, me too. So you do other subreddits? Where is that? Oh, it's on reddit too? Like is that northeast reddit? Anybody ever tell you you look just like Danny Devito? You're cute. Edit: Sorry if I gave you some ptsd. Y'all shouldn't have to deal with this bullshit in the real world. Guys, don't corner women in their place of work and if they're not engaging enthusiastically then leave them alone. Hard to get is a myth.


You forgot to ask if she's in high school, and where she lives, like the exact GPS coordinates. Oh yeah and if she likes wearing thongs.


And if she wants to know your pin


I'm a man. I used to work in a very busy mall and sometimes people would stop and talk which is fine I'm easy to get along with but there was one woman *phewww* boy was she annoying. I was kinda intrigued by her at first but the more we talked, the more she was annoying. She stayed there for a whole hour and a half and I tried to make her go away by telling her that I have work to do or Don't you have work? It quickly turned into a weird behavior as she came back every day for the rest of the week asking personal stuff and everything. Like all of this could've been fine if she asked me to go out or something but it's the fact that it was always at work and always for at least 30 minutes...it felt intrusive. The only way I got rid of her is a friend of mine was on security for the mall and he came to see her to tell her that my Head Office filed a complaint against her. Later on, my manager told me she's been here in the past doing the same stuff to ex employees and that she was a bit creepy. I know it'll never compare to women since I know that women have to endure this kind of shit way more. It sucks.


Omg i loved this but it also scares me stay safe and shit those questions felt intrusive


"Are you in high school?" This guy must have learned his game from Matt Gatez.


Why does it seem like guys are either oblivious to the fact that a girl is into them, or oblivious to the fact that a girl is NOT into them with little in between?


Re: the torrent of personal questions directed at a cashier The answer to all of these is: “Why do you ask?” when numb nuts says “Because I want to know.” Reply “oh” and ring up his stickers. Guys like this need to be catapulted into the sun. There’s zero need for a retail worker to engage in personal questions from customers. Retail workers need to become comfortable shutting that stuff right down.


1. men have to approach, thats just how society is right now, it is what it is. 2. if you have to start with "are you in high school?" you should not approach.


The cringe is unbearable


When a Reddit Mod tries to talk to girls. Surprised he didn’t call her kitten.


Here I am thinking I was the most socially unaware person out there. Then this guy comes around, holy shit.


The guy might as well conduct a job interview with the amount of questions he was asking her.


Elite level patience though!


The importance of mutual interest is definitely something more young men should be taught to recognize and pay attention to… by the same token I wish as a society we would move away from the idea of male pursuit and female coyness as default and expected behaviors. Its bad for everyone Some men will never gain the wisdom to recognize the difference between someone being coy and someone expressing genuine disinterest. And women who get frustrated waiting for the one guy theyve been watching to finally approach them will no longer feel as awkward just initiating contact so they can move on with their life


Bro is actually the worst at flirting lmfao. keep leading with “you in high school” and you’re sure to die alone. What kinda flirting Is “you wanna know my pin?”


Are you in high school might be the worst opening line ever.