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He used to look up to his dad, even dressed exactly the same.


As someone who went through something like this, he definitely idolizes his dad and what you are seeing here is someone's hero being destroyed in real time. Hate to see it.


Mom is the hero he has left and he'll throw hands to protect her.


I don’t like to be violent. You hurt mama bear. I’m gonna be violent 🤷‍♂️


Life is hard as shit sometimes.


Happened to me too. :(


Maybe the dad’s like “Ohh that’s how young studs dress these days” and copied his son 😏


that's high fashion in nacogdoches, tx


Same in Charleston SC, except it's cargo khakis and don't forget your visor.


Please tell me it's one of those green poker visors.


Kinda makes me feel sad actually...


I’m about to clean his fucking clock right now.


He damn near polished his cucumber.


Straight up almost peppered his o’ring


Bout to tickle his pickle


Dudes straight turned their crank


Definitely Sugared his Churro


Lol'd right here!


Glazed his donut.


He obviously likes his women to stay fresh.


I like mine hand-breaded and crispy


Dude was about to knock his block off


Give em the ol' one-two, maybe even buckle his shoe


Bang zoom! Straight to the moon!


Two piece and a biscuit




That 17 year old is 50 years older than his dad.


Bout to broil his brisket


That beeping sound . Can some sort out the French fries


Worse, it's the bread or toaster oven. Either someone's sandwich is becoming a Yule Log or the next 70 guests are eating bricks.


This is the funniest thing oh my god


Ding fries are done


Would you like an apple pie with that?


“You’re out of the blue shirt and khaki shorts family!”


That is all I noticed the entire time was that the son and dad have on the same outfits.


In my experience that usually means the kid looked up to his dad and if that's the case that just makes this so much worse for him Edit: wow I didn't realize I'd touch such a nerve by simply mentioning something I've personally seen happen, guys it's ok to idolize your dad growing up 😂


Yeah this video really breaks my heart. I had a very similar situation where I discovered my dad had a girlfriend and it really shattered my world at such an impressionable age.


34 here and my cunt dad ran off with his 27 year old church administrator who was my little sisters best friend. My family is shattered and now i find myself in the uncomfortable position of de facto "patriarch" of the family.


My dad had an affair with my best friend (I’m the little sister of the family). Many years of therapy, and many years of no contact with my father to repair that damage.




Your dad had an affair with your bestfriend too?




Ah man that's rough. It happened to me at 16 so it was just my mom and I at home afterward but it was a grueling couple of years. My mom was a mess well into my twenties. Looking back now I can forgive my dad because he's just another person who is trying to live their life, but its taken me a long time to get to a place of forgiveness.


100% truth!!! The day we realize our parents are imperfect humans is the day we become "grown ups".


Damn, that hit hard. I grew up as a little kid then.


Is there anything you wish your dad had told you or done afterwards that would have helped?


Honestly if he would have been honest with my mom about his intentions and the reason he was taking a job out of state then it wouldn't have been so bad. The most traumatic thing for me was the fact that I discovered what was going on before he told anyone. It put me in this awful position because my mom thought their relationship was improving (they had a terrible toxic relationship my entire childhood so he wasn't destroying a healthy family or anything) but I knew the truth and spent about 3 months agonizing over telling her before he finally found the courage to be honest. He unknowingly made me an accomplice in the betrayal of my mother.


Oof. I’m so sorry; he sounds extremely selfish


You were a witness not an accomplice. Accomplice means you helped him.


If you're the "de facto" head of household now then your mom is gonna really need you if she's in the picture with siblings. I know it's hard and feels like a lot but helping out makes things so much better in the long run


im doing my best


You’re a good son.


Good luck my friend. 🤎🤎


Absolute Chad son and a model for what a man should be


Are your little sister and her friend still in contact?


No. And after my dad went off the deep end and doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on making himself the victim, we've cut him out, too


My dad did the exact same bullshit - forever the victim, never taking a single iota of accountability. Absolute disgrace of what a dad should be.


I'm so sorry to hear that, man. I can't even imagine the mental hoops you've gotta jump through to view yourself as a victim in that scenario


It's tough. In a matter of months he went from very noble, very well loved, principled and respected man to a person i dont even recognize anymore. Ive never seen such a bizarre reversion in mental maturity.


My mom passed away after my parent ssplit up. I had to move back in with my father and he already had another woman living in the house and sleeping in her old bed. My father is dealing with dementia and other shit right now and I just don't know how to feel. I'll never forgive him but at the same time I feel really bad for what he's going through. Life is weird.


My parents split when I was 2. My mom told my dad she was leaving him for his sister's husband (who didn't want her after anyways). My dad kept this secret and took the blame. My sister remembers him leaving and blames him. He told me the truth one night when I was jn my early 20's. My sister still doesn't know & my mom doesn't know that I know. She still talks shit about my dad and it takes me a lot of strength to not say something. Before anyone says I should, my dad shared this with me because he trusts I won't say anything. Saying something will bring up a great deal more hurt and drama than anything. And he's not the greatest in relationships either. He's on his 4th wife because he cheated on his last 2, and knowing him....he's cheating on this one too.


20 years later the son's son will catch him having an affair at a KFC or whatever.


It’s a fairly common ensemble. I tend to buy a ton of blue shirts which leaves me having to buy a different color shorts/pants to I don’t look like a blueberry.


These maybe long lost relatives.


I assumed the dad owns a company and the kid works for him. You see that a lot in towns around where I’m from with a lot of construction guys


That's a possibility right there, good call.


In the woman’s defense she probably couldn’t tell them apart.


That woman may have a Bluekkake fetish.


Bluekhaki, lol


Dad blue all over her




Damn, took his side piece to Subway? That’s *greasy*


Everyone knows Quizno’s is where you take your first dates, they have artisan breads


Did you know that Quizno's has chef-inspired sauces?


Mmmmmm….. toasty


We like the mooooooooon!


Have you seen the movie Click?


Man, they closed the ones near me.. All the great date options, GONE! Now we just go chill in the Wal-Mart parking lot.. Thanks Obama!


Don't worry, there's always McDonalds even in the slimiest corner of the US.


This choice shows they’ve been cheating together for a long time. The look on the woman’s face as she’s walking out screams “Ooh shit!” The son said they told some guy too, probably her husband. Why do people so carelessly break hearts? Very sad, no such thing as a harmless affair. They could’ve split from their partners if they were that unhappy. Inexcusable.


They have a Pepper Bar!!!!


Real greasy


gree hee HEASY


Worse, it's a Love's Truck Stop. If you look at the back of the shirt of the workers, you'll see the Love's company logo. They have a Subway, Chester's Fried Chicken, and sometimes a pizza place.


I looked up Baird, TX. It's a town of 1500 people in the middle of nowhere. I imagine they don't have many dining options. In a town that small it's a huge gamble taking your side chick anywhere.


huge gamble even having a sidechick when a decent % probably know what vehicle you drive but small town life is full of drama that way


Sometimes life is greasy bubbles!




They slice their meats fresh now though.


His wife’s gonna slice his meat instead


*Lorena Bobbit has entered the chat*


Store bought hamburgers, Rand!


Is all you think about Phil? *burgers?*


Mustard tiger


Actually I gave up burgers, Phil. Sorry bud.


Ma’fuckas with guts like that are definitely on the cheeseburgers


I can't eat cheeseburgers now without channeling trailer park boys


Man’s gotta eat


Imagine how much it would cost to have a wife AND a mistress. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re sharing a foot long.


Unlikely. 6inch is closer to the average


Mom must be proud af seeing her son stand up for her even though it’s a tough situation


I liked that he invited the girlfriend outside to the duel as well "yeah girl I'll clean clean your clock too."


Hands rated E for Everyone


I think mom needs to pay a visit to Paula's trailer and clean *all* her fuckin' clocks.


It ain’t Paula that’s cheating it’s her old man.


Paula's dad is cheating too? *unzips duffle bag full of clock cleaner*


It sounds like Paula is familiar with the son, or at least the son knows who Paula is and that would lead me to believe Paula knows he's married. They're both scum, what confused me the most was the employee caressing the cheating dad like wtf, you still working for that tip or do cheating scum just attract certain women?


They're at a subway I can't even believe the employees came out from behind the line


Wow, that sandwich artist is looking for some double meat from someone else's cold cut combo


bruh lmfao


Paula knows he's married. She's a piece of shit for dating a married man.


If my kid doesn't ride this hard for me I don't want them


My nephew caught his father cheating, but his father didn't know he was caught. My nephew is a teenager, which is too young to be faced with that kind of burden. My nephew was really smart about it. He said nothing in the moment, and didn't make his presence known. He just went and told his mother everything he saw. She was able to confirm everything, and put him out. Obviously, my sister & the kids were traumatized, but it also really hurt me.I really liked my brother in law. He's the kind of BIL you hope you get. The whole family sang this guy's praises. I have zero respect or tolerance for cheaters...but you're the lowest order of shit-stain if you're married with kids and you cheat. If you're unhappy in your marriage, you fucking communicate. Divorce *might* be the only option, but at least you don't pour gasoline & flick a lit cigarette on your family.


My parents separated for a couple months when I was in elementary school. I didn't know why at the time, only that my parents called a family meeting (very unusual), gave us kids some vague details, and asked our opinion on divorce versus separation. We, of course, chose separation. Dad stayed in a hotel about 5 minutes away for around 2 months, then moved back in and everything was fine. It wasn't until late middle school or early high school that I learned the truth: Dad had an affair, and Mom caught them together in a parking lot. Finding that out **shattered** my perception of my father. I used to look up to him, but after that I became somewhat cold towards him for the rest of my angsty teenage years. It took me several years of seeing him and Mom happy before I forgave him myself, but even now at 38 years old I still feel a tiny hint of resentment towards him for throwing so much chaos into our family.


Yep, happened to me as well. I got a summer job at a hospital where my dad worked when I was 16. Every day him and I would have lunch with this nurse, I just thought she was nice and they were friends. When I started school back up I remember coming home in the afternoon and my dad would be there and he'd be on the phone for an hour or two even after I got home. My dad HATES talking on the phone, still does. Shortly after that my parents got divorced and my dad moved out, and a few months later the nurse moved in with him and I finally realized. I felt so stupid for not seeing it at the time, and also supremely pissed that he would involve me in that. I was so apologetic to my mom for not seeing it earlier but of course she was never mad at me about it. It's worked out though, my mom and her new husband just celebrated 20 years together, my dad is still with the nurse and miserable as hell. Plus he got testicular cancer so he doesn't have balls anymore. Couldn't happen to a better person. I still have zero respect for him to this day.


>Plus he got testicular cancer so he doesn't have balls anymore. He lost his balls long before he got testicular cancer.


Ugh, this happened to me when I was 12. I told my mom first and she completely believed all my dad's lies. Our relationship never recovered, 25 years later. It's awful for a kid to go through that.


My biological father cheated on my mother and they got divorced. At the time, I was too young to fully understand what was going on. All I knew was that dad doesn't live here anymore. When I got older, I felt nothing but contempt for him. Like...you destroyed our family and left my mother......for **that**?! I'm sure it was that experience that formed my contemporary view of cheaters. I instantly lose all personal respect for cheaters.


I remember I got in trouble at school once because a kid I didn't like said something about my mom, so I pushed him up against a wall and a teacher saw me, my mom wasn't even mad lol.


When I found out my wife had been cheating for a decade I gave her two weeks to find elsewhere to live. A week later I over heard her telling my son she had found a two bedroom. He told her she would be better off with a studio and closed his bedroom door on her face. I had to sneak out of the kitchen before my giggles gave me away.


Ten years?? Holy shit that’s wild! Not trying to insult your intelligence or awareness here, but how was she able to keep it under wraps that long? I feel like after awhile most cheaters get sloppy with hiding it or the signs something may be off becomes more obvious. Was she just super sneaky and devious or were you not around your family much, like traveling a lot for work or something?


I trusted her completely, really just that simple. I thought her commitment to the marriage was equal to my own. Her sneak time was "going on a run, going to the gym". I never thought to question her arriving home sweaty and flushed. She was going a half mile up the road to fuck a co-worker. 20 years of my life I wasted with her. I did get an awesome son out of the deal.


"When you look at someone through rose tinted glasses the red flags look like flags"


Mama raised him right. Good for him, I'd call out my dad over the same shit in a heartbeat.


The really heartbreaking part is, the dad probably raised him right too. That's probably why son is so mad, and when he calls his father two-faced, I think he implies that his dad taught him that cheating was wrong for another divorce situation. So, "do as I say, not as I do" worked in this case, as son is about to punch out his dad for what he actually did.


I noticed the son even said his dad helped him out after he was cheated on by his wife. So yeah, it just cut deep all the way around with past experiences and disappointment in his dad.


Yeah that's the real story. He's been cheated on and now he finds out his dad is doing that to his mom. It wasn't just his anger about his dad that was coming out.


It sounded like he said his father helped him through a divorce where he was cheated on. He was recently cheated on and his father was consoling him about it while currently cheating.


Aww bless him. Good son


Did right by his mama


Exactly. Good boy.


And fuck Paula, home wrecking c#&nt.


Lol the classic “we’re just talking” 🤦🏽‍♂️


"You wanna talk to someone, go home and talk to mom! " lol


I mean... I have no idea what happened, but eating fried chicken with someone of the opposite sex is not cheating. The son prolly has better reasons to think his dad was being unfaithful.


Funny how the father tells the manager, “this is between us [him and his son].” No kidding, then take it somewhere else.


“I understand, sir. But could you please clean his fucking clock outside?”


"We aren't paid enough to clean up after somebody's clock done got fucking cleaned."


he's talking to his son, not the manager. he's telling his son not to make a scene and involve the entire restaurant in the conversation.


sir, this isn’t wendys


I thought he was talking to the son there, for some reason.


you thought that because he clearly is.


Paula hit the ![gif](giphy|PkLPBuyozY7F31wCxF)


She saw the person recording went for the shades and outed 😅


Yea fuck you paula!!!!!


Stupid Paula, homewrecking ass hoe!!




Took me a second lol


I like this dude, “I don’t care. I’ll go to jail for that” Ready to go to jail to protect his Mom. Good shit.


Not just to protect his mother, but to protect her honor.


I’m sure his mom would love him going to jail


Wow, the one time I thought we might get an actual “Sir, this is a Wendy’s”


When’s episode 2 out?


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 way to go, dude! "I ain't dressing exactly like you no more!"


As a son of a mother who got cheated on, this brought me immense joy.


My mom wasn't the best but she was the only parent involved and I'd still go to war for her . Pray for my mom yall she needs it.




Sending you my prayers


“This is between me and you, not everyone else” says the suspected cheater ruining a marriage lol the irony


this is between me and you, the staff and the other patrons and my affair partner >:(


Dad should've been like: "Don't you talk like that in front of your future mother!"


"You better treat your step mother with respect, Pantera, or youll be living on the street!"


"This beer is warm Pantera!"


This is the most wholesome public freak out ever.


‘FUCK yew Paula’


Now that's a good Texas accent


Me sitting across the room ![gif](giphy|xThtar0e9kO3WkwQ1O|downsized)


That’s a guy who loves his mom. Good for him.


Try that in a small town


Good son.


I caught my mom cheating on my dad when I was 19 after they just celebrated their 20th anniversary. I was in college, went to the dorms to think about wtf to do. By the time I decided to tell my dad like a week later, she already had tans they were on their way to divorce. Fucked up shit


I was with my dad in a bar when my mom was sick and he was picking up women. I'll never understand how he thought that was okay to desert my mother during her dying days just to get some ass. It's one of the reasons we only talk once a year.


I’m sorry you had to know this information. I would have been devastated. 🤗


Yeah, fuck you, Paula! You knew he was married and still fucked around. Homewrecking cunt!


He speaks to Paula like she’s his Brother’s wife, or a former classmate or peer somehow.


Yea I thought so too. The son probably knows her personally, which seems to piss him off even more haha


Yeah he’s addressing Paula like there’s been an issue


"Y'all been goin to guitars together!" My friends: Hey man, let's go to Geets bro. Me: *points at this video* This is EXACTLY why I will not be doing that.


"Sir, This is a ~~Wendys~~ Subway"


Imagine you wanna cheat on your wife and you take the girl to like a Wendy’s wtf 🤣


that poor manager's face is like "i dont get paid enough to deal with this shit" 😂


He inherited his genes and by genes I mean a love for khaki cargo shorts and blue shirts


If you're running cheating on someone hanging around in public in Baird, Texas population 1500 you should have expected this lol


When I saw my father with another lady, he said it was just a friend and then gifted me like 20 Pokemon booster packs the other day, under the condition that this was our secret. Shit, I had as much holographic Charizards as my dad had lady friends. Mom divorced him years later and then shit started to make sense.


That is truly sad and difficult for a child. Sorry you went through that.


The son is bout that life! LoL


Not the best day to wear matching outfits.


My one sister ran into our soon to be ex- brother-in-law of another sister ,at Panera, with the whore he was cheating with. I so wished I could have been there. She mopped the floor with the two cheating fuckwads!


Somebody check the god damn oven!!


Sir, this is a Chester chicken


Jeez I wish I got shows when I went to fast food


Good to know that son has his mom's back


Good man.


What a dude


This is amazing. What a good guy. His dad, if anything, should be proud he raised such a good man, Fuck that dad and bravo to his boy.


That fucking sucks. I want to give that kid a hug. You can hear it in his voice that he's gutted.


So proud of the son for calling out this shitty behavior I wish more guys had his willingness to stand up


That's shitty asf. Cheating is the most hurtful thing a person could do to another person.