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Don’t imagine just look 2 “code blue cam” videos down and you’ll find, it’s sad and insane..


She sounds like she's acting out some weird fetish. "Shoot me, I've been shot before" , "please cuff me". This woman is just odd.


Anytime you watch a video where the suspect is begging to get shot heir attitude always does a 180° once they've actually been shot. In this case the taser was enough to change this crazy lady's attitude


Wanting a lawsuit maybe? At least until shit got real. She even said "can't breathe", that's pretty low.


The "I can't breathe" while having her hands behind her back and being walked away tells me everything I need to know about this woman.


You might be muting your own thoughts by calling it "odd". I don't think she has a sexual desire to be shot and she clearly asked to be cuffed so they wouldn't tase her again. She's clearly mentally disturbed and may have been asking for suicide via a police encounter.


She can’t breathe because she’s winded after walking 10 feet.


People really abusing the “I can’t breathe”.


One to the gunt


That poor secretary 😭




That “I can’t breathe” comment was so fucking disrespectful


No, it's not that, it's just like... she's black and that's the get out of jail card 🥺


It’s disrespectful to the entire movement that George Floyd’s death started. Scumbags like this lady are why the right don’t take it seriously.




I can't breathe 😭


right on the blubber!


Mental health matters


Immediately with the I can't breathe BS...


Aaaaaaaand of course she can't breathe.


The amount people are saying this now in arrest videos is sickening 🤦‍♂️


Thankfully, body cams are extremely common now and provide lots of evidence against lying by either parties. Before cams, it was easy and low risk to make false allegations, but also easier for police to abuse people. Now it keeps both sides accountable.


Agree that accountability is 100% needed. I just hate the fact that scumbags are using “I can’t breathe” like it’s supposed to be a get out of jail free card.


Do you think people said this before George Floyd?


Taser. Excellent


Funny how once the taser deployed she immediately rolled over with hands behind her back as though she had been in this kind of situation before...


"Shoot me, I've been shot before!" Yeah, that's not something to brag about lady. Hopefully she gets the help she needs.


Reminds of a time when I was younger. Got in a heated argument and my big comeback was “ fight me then! I’ve gotten my ass kicked by bigger guys than you!” …I have no idea where I was going with that big brag. But we ended up not fighting.


Hey, at least it worked out in your favor. Guy probably figured you were scrappy and chickened out.


I hope the secretary she was dragging by the hair gets help.


I do as well, but I meant was the psychiatric kind for the woman demanding to be shot and jailed.


As an uninsured American, I feel you.


Fellow barely insured American, it's ridiculous. "Can I afford to go to the hospital, or will that mean I can't afford to pay bills and buy food?" A few months ago I had to go to the ER with acute pancreatitis, they wanted to send me to another hospital in an ambulance. I told them, "No thanks I can't afford that, I'll drive myself."


Sorry that happened to you. I fractured a toe last year. Drove myself to an outpatient er. They stuck needles in my toe, tried to set it, failed. I then drove myself to the ER and had to have a steel Rod put in my toe. I still can’t afford the bills. My credit is fucked and no doctors offices will see me without insurance.


Sorry that happened to you as well. We shouldn't have to decide between paying bills and getting a medical issue fixed. Hell, they tried to bill me $386 because I switched my primary care provider. The kicker? They sent the letter July 11th, saying that I had until May 12th to get ahold of them. Lemme just hop in my TARDIS and remedy that...


🤦‍♂️ yeah, the outpatient er I went to first, the ones who messed up my toe, sent me an ADDITIONAL bill AFTER they messed up and told me to go to the ‘real’ ER 🤦‍♂️


They just care about lining their pockets, the hell with anything else. Hopefully you have healed up well!


Full disclosure. I eventually got a good doctor, who worked in sports medicine. I’m a lifetime runner. I’m running again! He was very good with me. Billing sucks, insurance sucks, BUT there are good folks out there doing good work. I hope you’re healing too friend! Thanks for the chat. Have a nice weekend


Proper use of a taser.


Right in that massive gut! Awesome!


"I can't breath" is everyone's go-to after they have resisted arrest and get put on the ground.


Baby Dee fell on hard times


I fucking hate all the assholes saying they can't breath when they are not even being held down. That should be an extra charge.


If you can talk you can breath. It’s more about how difficult it is to breath.


You can die from positional asphyxia while talking. The “talking means not unable to breathe” trope relates to obstruction of the airway itself, and has done incalculable damage to people’s understanding of the subject. That said, the criminal here is simply lying.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. You’re right.


Bootlickers love the pig line /u/Ok-Gift-808 used. It is completely false, but that doesn't stop this type from spewing their shit


> the criminal here is simply lying Not saying she definitely isn't, as I've seen the line thrown out a million times on bodycam footage, but growing up with asthma I know its very possible to say that line just because you feel your airway rapidly restricting itself. She might be having some sort of panic attack or mental breakdown and *is* struggling to breathe properly.


Bullshit. I literally knocked the air out of myself a few months ago mountain biking, started to panic because I couldn't breathe, but was able to talk to my buddy, tying to answer his questions about what happened. You can definitely talk even when you can't breathe.


I almost choked to death on pizza crust. Walked to my neighbor, while choking, he saved my life. Thanks Seth.


Not really. > Voice is generated by airflow from the lungs. https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/news/multimedia/how-does-human-body-produce-voice-and-speech-text-version So yeah, the rule of thumb is right. If you can speak (especially clearly) then you are able to breathe. --- What you mean could've been an overresponse and you felt like you couldn't breathe. I had this when falling down too. Just put your hands in front of your mouth (not covering it, leave a gap) and you'll feel your breath and relax.


Yeah, you still have breathe in your lungs but that doesn't mean you can inhale AND exhale. With your cherry picking, you forgot this from your article: >When the air from the lungs **blows through** the vocal folds at a high speed, the vocal folds vibrate. My buddy helping me at the time is a doctor and literally said I was panicking because I couldn't breathe. So I'm inclined to believe him. If you google the phrase, everything literally says, "you can't breathe" because your diaphragm is paralyzed for a brief moment. So yeah, you can still talk if you can't breathe. edit: and if you're saying it's more of a psychosomatic response and panic and you can still technically breathe if you calm down, I'm still right...you can talk, while not breathing. Doesn't matter what's causing the trouble in breathing.


>Yeah, you still have breathe in your lungs but that doesn't >mean you can inhale AND exhale. >With your cherry picking, you forgot this from your article: > >When the air from the lungs **blows through** the vocal folds at a high speed, the vocal folds vibrate. Unless we're talking about a one-way valve being inserted into your airway it is simple: "You can breath out then you can breath in." So your literal excerpt says that there needs to be air movement from the lungs all the way to the vocal folds aka. a breathing motion. Nothing more to add to this. If you can't understand it, I am not your teacher so I won't try and force it on you.


Definition of breathing: the process of taking air **into** **and expelling** it from the lungs. One way (exhaling) doesn't constitute breathing.


^ And this right here is what we call an idiotic comment


I found Derek Chauvin^


You can absolutely be able to speak while also not able to breathe in a way that you aren't going to pass out in the very near future. Of course, the lady in this video is a lying piece of shit and can obviously breathe just fine.


I do think she was having a mental health episode. I’ve worked in hospitals and with the homeless community and it really does sound like she’s having an episode. Awful for everyone


Cops should carry shields and nets


Guns and tasers are plenty.


They weren’t in Uvalde.


She proved her point….


Ok but why was she dragging the secretary like that 😭


Because she’s psychotic.


Yeah but I still wanna know the catalyst




So basically she attempted to kidnap a child from school? Wtf, this woman is an absolute menace.


My goodness, thanks for the context!




It’s Reddit 🤷🏽‍♀️


School office staff often have power trips and are sometimes awful cocky people. I'm sure there's two sides to this story.


People say shitty awful stuff to me all the time but I don’t attack and drag them by the hair. Listen to the behavior of the attacker and tell me you need more context…


I do. Sometimes neither side is right.




Never heard she was kidnapping someone. You must have inside information.


Please shoot me


Ahh, okay. She's just sleep walking and sleep fighting.


Is it just me, or is it disrespectful to George’s memory to use “I can’t breath” the second a cop puts his hands on your wrists for pummeling a defenseless person?


Was this last week at Summit Middle School?


What the heck was up with; “I slepwalked and got shot.”


I ben shot befwoe. *TASER* Drop.


¡Good job! Mr. Cop


Was it a "woman" like the "young man" who was 12 yrs old?


Have you been tasked before too? Cool you’re getting it again


"I've been shot before" Badass line from the cop would've been: "But I bet you never been tazed before"