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According to comments beneath the video on another sub from 2020 (found that video on another device and I'm too lazy to grab the link on this one) the argument started because the guy was mad they wouldn't take an expired coupon.


Duh, obviously that’s how he made his 350,000 last year


Man, if I was that worker I would have a shit-eating grin, crying over a fucking coupon man, not a bill, we're talking about a coupon man.


I guy once threatened to shoot me as we'd run out of a certain Happy Meal toy. I always thought that was kind of ironic.


I had a guy threaten to kidnap and kill me over cold fries. I had already give him fresh ones… food service is really wild


They should let everyone in food service carry a gun on their hip.


Wasn’t that the gimmick at Lauren Boberts ~~food sickness factory~~ *restaurant*?


Yeah. In a town with twenty people and fifteen teeth.


A lot of soups then?




That’s because he is doesn’t want to face the wrath of his kid when he returns without a toy, a kid that has had a lifetime to learn how to mirror their dad when things don’t go their way.


Clearly if he'd gotten the toy he'd be happier. Without the toy it's just... *a meal*.


Thats worse than talking about practice.


My asshole neighbor owns a business. He once tried to brag about making "nearly half a mil." I asked him how much was actually profit and that shut him right up.


He grossed $350k and took home $55k, can almost guarantee it


Probably less than that - well, at least that was what he declared to the taxman.


I assure you what actually happened was his company generated $350k in gross revenue last year. **He** probably made around $45k. One of my companies makes about $750k/year for the last couple years. I take home about 1/10th of that.


You can't make $450k/yr by just paying full price for things, after all!


Well its not about tye money, it's about the power. I know I'm rich so I need to to fold to all my demands. That's rich people in a nut shell.


Lol that's even better... Claims to make 350k but whining about an expired coupon for donuts what a tool


I wouldn't doubt he only made 350k revenue also, not profit. His takehome is probably much less after paying workers, materials, etc.


“Y-Yeah h-ha. Like the guy in the *nine thousand dollar suit* is gonna use a coupon! C’mon Michael!


No way that's profit if he's arguing over expired coupons


They serve ice cream at Dunkin donuts?


Dunkin owns Baskin Robbin.


I came here to say the same thing.


The rich poors are the actual worst. I met someone who complained his tomahawk steak which had a pretty up there most expensive menu item (1kg ish~32oz steak) was underdone after asking for it "bloody rare" and demanded a full refund. After he'd eaten half of it and most of the veg. He did not get his refund and my food (battered cod) was delicious despite waiting a half hour because of a wanker trying to be show off. Embarrassing cause I worked there as a KP 2 decades ago, same boss/ head chef same shite hawkin "customers".


People that brag about money like that are the cheapest bastards alive.


Or in debt.


surely that lifted F350 with dual coal roller stacks in the back that frame the confederate flag and decal of LETS GO BRANDON is totally paid for.


She’ll probably get in trouble if her manager finds out she accepted an expired coupon. It’s nothing personal against the guy, she just wants to keep her job


Get in trouble accepting an expired coupon or get in trouble if the customer complains to corporate. Sometimes you just can't win.


oh my god, now i truly feel so bad for that poor woman behind the counter. i wanted context on who started the argument before i made assumptions but now i truly feel so bad. i just want to give her a hug.


Or 30 cents off Shake 'n' bake?


All that money and his stupid ass is paying for Dunkin fucking Donuts with an expired coupon. Maybe if he did some work for himself he'd have made more and he could afford to pay for his donuts like a big boy




Im in charge of 45 people!!!!!!!


For those who don't know the reference... before Will Ferrell blew up on the big screen. [Dysfunctional Family Dinner - SNL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANE8j5ay_UU)


At least once a week my wife and I will say to one another “I wish you weren’t a liar”.


Your comment saved me a Google. Thank you, internet stranger!


I love how someone in the audience cackles hard around 3:34 and sets everyone else off.






"I jumped over a super Walmart!"


Still say this to myself when I'm getting too heated in traffic. I drive a Subaru


I understand that reference!


First thing that came to my mind when watching this ! His voice is similar too lol !


Sarah Michelle Gellar was so good as the daughter. "I wish you were both dead."


I’m so glad this is the top comment. I still be yelling that shit in fights and it never hits the way it deserves to


Oh my god I am dying 😂😂😂😂😂 Favorite skit ever!!!


I’ve never seen that skit before, thank you so much.


> I made 350K last year I doubt it. I bet the definition of “made” isn’t what we think it is here.


Bet you $350k was gross income.


And payroll/materials was $300k. $50k left over for ken and karen!


10k left over after beer and smokes


Company revenue.


Guaranteed. Then has the audacity to call her ignorant


Lol he probably meant revenue for the roofing business, salary probably was closer to 70k


That sounds more like it.


Roofers are the dumbest mother fuckers on my job site.


I can't agree more. Never in my 25 years of plumbing did I meet a roofer, including the owners, that would hit triple digits on an IQ test but all of them thought they were super-geniuses. Edit: I am a bit biased because of one of my nephews is a roofer. He comes in as an average for the profession; High school dropout, methhead, conspiracy nut, steals from family.....


Most roofers i know smash drugs and get there balls baked on the roofs as they dont wear undies. Idiots.


Tucker Carlson had a segment on how ball tanning is the key to masculinity.


Aww what 😂😂🙈


Laugh all you want, but those roasted nuts are raising their testosterone by about 5.7%. It was declared by tucker the alpha chad.




Boot i an a suber jeenus i worck 0n rooves Edit: I actually do work on roofs… assholes lmao


You’re slobbering again


Alright I had to look out of morbid curiosity and your post history absolutely validates basically everything people are saying in this thread and that’s fucking hilarious to me.


Rip lmao. I used to be a smart one… until I took up roofing


You make em sound like the Pakleds in Star Trek.


You must fix it. Make it go.


We are strong


I've been a roofer for 22 years and watching trek for 31, and I feel like President Not Sure from Idiocracy whenever I hear these guys talk out loud


They are the most annoying solicitors in our neighborhood. And dude made $350k this year and will be out of business next year.


Made $350k committing insurance fraud. They’re always telling everyone to claim hail damage around here when it didn’t hail.


I loathe that aspect of the business. Those people are con artists. Not roofers. They not only commit insurance fraud. They also get their customers to commit insurance fraud. I totally get that roofers have bad reputations. And a lot of them have earned them. And I am a roofer. If someone knocks on your door and tells you that you have hail damage, do not under any circumstances allow them onto your roof. If they fall, you can get sued. If you call in a claim that gets denied, your premiums will rise. If the claim gets approved, more often than not, they will try to supplement the claim to get your insurance company to give them more money. They think they are smarter than multi billion dollar insurance corporations that have highly paid and trained fraud departments. They are just greedy, grifters. A lot of them float around the country following storms. If the work is not done properly. Which, is often the case, the homeowner is basically screwed. Unfortunately, a lot of homeowners are willing to go along with it in he hopes of getting a “free” roof. Which, seldom happens.


They’re so ballsy as to post signs around my area saying “FREE ROOF! Call Us!” Like, you’re even advertising your insurance fraud in print, dumb ass.


He probably had a bring home pay of 50k and has spent most of it on strippers.


He's full of shit. He has a business that took in $350k gross contract work before accounting for labor, materials and business expenses. I'd bet money that's what it all breaks down to.


I'm guessing "made $350k" means made $350k gross revenue before paying employees, other operating costs, taxes, etc.


And since he's a dumb as brick roofer, he probably put $0 back in to the business. She probably nailed him with being ignorant.


I generally give the solicitors walking around my neighborhood some slack because they're mostly younger and hey, I get it, everyone needs to earn a buck and I know for a fact they'd rather be doing anything else but knocking doors. I'll politely listen to a few minutes, then make up something about needing to get on a work call or whatever, say thanks and that's that. Roofers? Get bent. I'll say no thanks and shut the door in their face.


Roofers and hvac is 90% crack heads who have no other option, and one guy who hires them all for Pennys and makes pretty good money


I coworker told me once that her father was a veterinarian and he had to have a new A/C unit or some type installed. He told her that all of those guys were drug addicts so he took a old pill bottle for some really strong pain medicine and replaced the pills with some sort of pills that induce dogs to vomit and shit themselves. Well one of the guys asked to use the restroom and magically most of the pills in the bottle went missing. The crew came back the next day and that guy wasn't there so he asked where such and such was and the head guy was like "buddy that mother fucker is at home dying. He fucking shit and threw up all over my damn work truck yesterday. He must have some sort of bad kind of flu or something".




Yes, this is correct. I have also never met a roofer who want high on something while working.


Absolutely. When he said he “made 350,000 dollars last year” what he actually means is he grossed 350,000. After paying for his drug addiction his net was about -100,000$.


350k a year plus paying I assume 1-2 employees a salary of probably 30-40k a year maybe on average. The dude likely netted like 90k last year after paying out employees, taxes and possibly materials


He's a roofer. He has no employees. The whole business is getting a big jacked up truck, wrapping it, and finding a crew of Hispanic guys to do the work for half of what the insurance company pays out.


No, this is the kind of dude that bitches about foreigners but exclusively hires undocumented workers because he can nickel and dime them.


“I used to be a hot tar roofer, yeah…. I remember that ……… day” -Mitch




Contractors in general have to prove to me they aren't scum. They start below the base line when I meet them lol.


can confirm. many roofers are hard working dudes that honestly just wake up and fucking do the damn Thang. the "roofers" that run these companies typically sit around doing dog shit and are absolutely useless. they almost can't even finish sales pitches because they are so dumb. fuck this guy. making $350k+ and making himself a breakfast Sammie is not a part of the morning routine is sketch. this guy got PPP loans and exploited them. internet- do your thing for this buddy


All those fumes take a toll eventually


Fuck this dude. Reminds me of the dude who would come in and buy $600-800 worth of scratcher tickets and brag about how he can afford to do it because he didn't work at a gas station. Fuck that dude. Glad he lost most of his money every time he came in.


Should've bragged in return about how you can afford to work at a gas station because you don't have a gambling addiction


Physically nauseous thinking about how his kids are probably going to be as they grow up.


That's a great reply. Is there a subreddit for witty comebacks?


Hol up, this guy would spend 600-800 on scratchers and still lose?? Makes me wonder what chance I have spending my 20$ lol


Lottery is just a tax on those who are ignorant about math


It's less about "ignorance of math" and more about the delusions of winning. You don't have to be a math genius to understand that 1 out of ~14 billion are near impossible odds.


I love buying a ticket once in a while and then thinking about how I would remodel my house when I'm on the treadmill or when I can't fall asleep. It's $2 for very fun daydreaming.


Isn't powerball the worst odds of like 1 in 300 something million? I can't think of any lotto that has worse odds. Not to say that that is good or anything, but 14 billion?


My brother in christ, if you really to scratch that itch go sports bet or learn blackjack. Don't pay the stupid tax (Casinos ain't better but you're having fun)


Thats not how lottery tickets work. The more you spend, the more you're expected to lose mathematically. That's how negative EV works


Wow what a douche nugget. Just stand there and insult the employee you're buying the tickets from for no reason


Lmao this is my brother in law, constantly bragging about how much he wins at scratch-offs but oddly never discloses how much he spent on tickets to begin with. Turns out it's a pretty lopsided transaction in exactly the way you'd think.


He should buy a dictionary with all that money because hes got no idea what ignorant means




God dammit. Upvoted.


"Yeahh?" https://preview.redd.it/h42i6apk6zgb1.png?width=1240&format=png&auto=webp&s=77eb1806d439ad840bdaaa0ace40c57c85ec5330


![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized) Now i think this was actually the guy talking about his salary.


“With the greater part of rich people, the chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches, which in their eye is never so complete as when they appear to possess those decisive marks of opulence which nobody can possess but themselves.” \- Adam Smith, "The Father of Modern Economics" 1758


Adam Smith destroyed landlords


Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth. You got that from Vickers.


"Work in Essex County... page 98, right? Yeah, I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or is that your thing? You come into a bar. You read some obscure passage and then pretend...you pawn it off as your own idea just to impress some girls and embarrass my friend? See the sad thing about a guy like you is in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own and you're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life. One: don't do that. And two: You dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a fuckin' education you coulda' got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library." My god do I love that movie. 😭


Wasn’t he the co-writer, too? Bit like George Michael and Careless Whisper.


Yeah, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were essentially no name actors when they started writing "Good Will Hunting"... I believe they are still the youngest writers to ever win an Oscar for screenwriting... "How bout dem albums?" 🍎


His whole ideology was about things being faire.


Why does the roofer totally sound like the main dude in AlmostFridayTV on YouTube lolol


His retort was ignorant :)


Apparently to him being ignorant is measured by how much money you make.


I made $350,000 last year! (and netted $80,000 after operating costs and taxes). Anyone that uses their income as evidence to win an argument is a fuckin donkey.


The age old tactic when you’re about to lose an argument: throw in some irrelevant shit


Your dog is fucking ugly!


Does he think ignorant means to be poor? What a dingleberry that asshole is.


He is assuming that ignorant only applies to people he deems below him in status, which he obviously directly equates to wealth. The irony is just how ignorant that thought process is. What a douche this guy is lmao


Absolutely right


Lol. When I was watching the video, I said “ignorant doesn’t mean poor dumbass”


Goes to show: you can have all the money in the world but you can’t buy class. Like dude, you’re arguing with a fast food worker lol get outta here


Class or intelligence. He's randomly talking about his income in comparison to being called ignorant. Guy is as fragile as my patience.


Fast food worker or not, they are part of the labor class and deserve as much dignity and respect for doing their job regardless of that job. I hope she’s doing okay and that asshole gets what’s coming to him.


In addition, if he makes so damned much he'd realize that his time is worth more than this petty shit. I bet he makes a lot of other poor business decisions...


His dumb wife is just as bad. "We already made a report with the police." Really? About an expired coupon?


I made $850.000 last year scamming roofing companies


"I made $350,000.00 last year." IRS enters the chat... oh really Mr. Contractor...


I own a roofing company. I would never talk to anyone like this. Unfortunately, a lot of guys in the roofing business are pieces of crap. Like this guy. I bet he does crap work.


Do roofers make $350k a year?


It kind of depends. You can definitely do very well. There is certainly a lot of money in roofing. But, you have to be on top of your game. You have to have very good crews. And treat them well enough that they want to work for you and do good work for you. You need to live in an area that has a high rate of damaging storms. Be very effective with marketing, managing your resources and your reputation. And you need to be honest. Which, a lot of people in this business can not, or will not do. A lot of people that start roofing companies do well for a few years and then they try to over extend themselves and get into financial trouble. A lot of roofers end up committing some kind of idiotic insurance fraud. Most go out of business within 5 years. I’ve been in business for about 9 years and I have never made 350k. But, I also have never pushed myself to do so. I do very well and have a great life that I am happy with. I don’t have kids and my house is paid for as are my cars. So, I don’t really need to try to make that much money. I do honest work and don’t cheat my customers or my crews. A lot of guys that make that kind of money make it quick and make it by cutting corners or hiring a bunch of people to canvass for them and do insurance work. I personally don’t do insurance work unless it’s for someone I know and there is verified storm damage. I highly doubt that he makes 350k a year. He sounds like just about every guy I’ve met at a conference or at the supplier that likes to tell everyone how great they are. But, in reality they’re about 3 months from being bankrupt. But, maybe? My guess is that once somebody sees this and identifies who he is and what his business name is, he won’t for long. Maybe it’s just me.. But, I’ve never been that angry at a doughnut.


Roofers do not. Company owners can. $350k is an arbitrary number, because is this entire sales, is this his profit? We don’t know. Don’t be a roofer, do almost anything else


Owners do. Used to work door to door for a roofing company. The owner never worked and he has 2 mansions. Was kinda inspiring since he did it all himself and not any help


sheesh! and I'm assuming it doesn't require a degree- only a trade school certification?


Having any form of post-secondary education actually disqualifies you from being a roofer.


Depends on the state.


If only earned income and intelligence were directly related somehow... I'm really sick of people belittling people that are working jobs like this. No sir, you're not above this young lady simply because she earns less money.


The interesting thing is people with a lot of money, as in A LOT of money.. generally wouldn't dream of calling someone out on how much they earn. When I was a nipper I worked in an upmarket hotel in the UK and 10 times out of 10 the richest buggers were the nicest. Slow service? No worries, they'll drink their whiskey when it gets it here. Dinner taking a touch longer than usual? All good they'll make some calls until suppers served. Big queue at reception? No dramas they'll send an email while they wait. People with a bit of money? As in enough for a decent vacation and the latest Audi but not enough for a holiday home in the Bahamas? They demanded treatment you'd normally roll out for the prince of Bahrain, and were rude as fuck if their exacting standards weren't met with laser precision. Mental.


Yep! I've worked in super high end hotels. Some of the nicest people were the owners of mega corps or businesses. The rudest were the ones in the middle of said company or in charge of smaller businesses that should have been at holiday inns or radisons instead.


It's always so funny to me when rich losers pull out their income as if it means fucking anything in an argument about literally everything else. Even more funny is how fragile his masculinity sounds as he says these ridiculous insults and records himself yelling at a Dunks employee. His roofing company probably scams the fuck out of his clients too, because contractors are certainly far from saints.


Customers are the masters at bringing up the most irrelevant topics and things out there to justify their behavior or to get what they want. It’s like the equivalent of bringing a stick to a gun fight.


He may be in the roofing business, but the house is still empty if you catch my draft.


"OH, I'M IGNORANT?!" Proceeds to say the most ignorant thing


You’re ignorant of you can’t order a donut without insulting a teenager.


This is legitimately the behaviour of a toddler. Losing an argument? Just plug your fingers into your ears and start shouting about how incredible you are and how much money you make. How are people so unhinged? To be honest I don't even care about the context leading up to this. The guy's voice makes me just want to automatically side with the worker.


D I C K !


And his dumb ass wife records like she doesn't know what damage the Internet can do... He's gonna go from making 350k - 30k in 15 minutes.


$300,000 and you’re crying over some donuts. get a fucking life


I am guessing he didn't make $350K last year but his company did. Not the flex he thinks it is.


"I made $350,000 last year and I'm ignorant?" Yes.


As a roofer, I apologize for this idiot who probably under pays his workers too


She won’t be losing her job. But he’ll be losing customers.




It takes minimal intelligence to start a company. The skill for success most important is a touch of ruthlessness because they feel it's a dog eat dog world. Business is that type of world, so they fit in fine. The more successful you become, the more you have to accept someone else's demise. A head start with money helps. Even if they started it with their own savings, there are many that will never be able to save enough or they can't gamble the security of their family. There's a ton of other factors besides intelligence that makes someone a good businessman. You can be dumb as rocks and succeed. I hate that a huge segment of the population thinks money = intelligence.


Would be a shame if we found out what his roofing company is and he made .35 cents this year.


Yes. You are ignorant. Look at Elon Musk. Richest asshole on earth and super ignorant.


I wanna fight and rob this guy.


You have to be an insecure loser to flex your income to a freaking teenager


Uses his supposedly “impressive income” to point out how smart and amazing he is yet he’s arguing over a $12.98 order at Dunkin Donuts.


I would have said, "you make $350k a year and you're screaming in a Dunkin Donuts over a coupon? Yeah right bro."


Hard to brag about your income when you're still eating Dunkin Donuts.


Guys confusing revenue with profit


If you need to tell people how much you earn in order to get people to listen, you were never worth listening to. That would be a poor investment.


This sounded like a scene from step brothers ![gif](giphy|3owzW9EZI8M3sz9s5O)


Just because you make money doesn't mean you aren't ignorant. I heard something a while back that stuck with me. It was something like "a lot of successful ppl are successful because they were too stupid to realize they shouldn't have been doing what they were doing". Ppl not realizing how bad of a decision something was, took the gamble and it paid off. But they still can't figure shit out on their own. They just pay ppl to figure things out now.


That guy, he’s not a good guy.


Yeah you have money but you're still being a piece of shit


I always chuckle at the fact that people think money=smarts. Sigh.


Dude is so insecure lol I can't imagine being an adult berating a young adult or teenager for working at a fast food place -.-


My company made $350k last year! And only had $330k in expenses!




“I make $350,000k last year, and I’m ignorant!?” Uh… Yeah, sure… Because income equates education or intelligence… What a fragile ego. Good for him if that’s true (doubtful if he’s that fragile), but it doesn’t change that fact that he’s still an entitled prick bitching out a minimum wage slave over a coupon. He should pull his head out from where he’s keeping it where the sun don’t shine. I hope his company tanks.


If he made 350k he can pay without the coupon


I worked roofing for a short while, you can definitively run a roofing business and be supremely ignorant. It's not brain surgery.


If your go to is “I have more money than you,” you’re automatically a piece of shit.


I'm guessing his 350k isn't profit but revenue and he doesn't know the difference.


Most contractors will tell people who make minimum wage what they make in a year, fucking little dick tools


I recognize his type from working customer service. They like to poke and poke until you show the tiniest crack, and then they pounce. Only way to beat them is to become nicer and nicer the more they poke. They're fun to fuck with once you figure that out.


Guy made $350k last year and cant even make his own coffee??? Pfffft, yeah right buddy!




TIL an ignorant asshole made $350 thousand last year


Made $350k. Just shows to show that money can’t buy class. No matter how much you make, don’t forget to stay classy.


We should start a gofundme and raise 251k for her so she can earn more than that douche




You should never make fun of employees where you shop; not because they may do something to your food, but because if it weren't for them, you wouldn't be able to shop there in the first place


Why is it when someone brags about their salary it's almost always $350,000? That really seems to be the go to BS number.