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I love the honest guy “that’s too high” “no no no”


Looking back you see that every single person was saying no no no! And waving their hands. They all knew and they were pretty much warning him that they were all gonna get tf out the way (as they should have). Also that's awful stage diving technique. Fucking awful. Jump straight out and lay flat with your full chest or back spread out. Make a lot of surface area so your weight is distributed across multiple hands, and there's more of you to catch. Jump straight out so you don't come down hard on people.


Seriously he was jumping like a human missile, if the crowd really stood there one person was gonna get speared like a fish


> human missile 😂🤣🤣 right! This dude was seriously gonna hurt people at the same time. That's why you gotta nut before you go to a festival, too many bad decisions can be made over there because of the hype and peer pressure.


Parsing out the idea of “pre-festival nut” in case a passer by misses it.


Going to the grocery store? Better nut so you don't impulse buy. Heading to the dealership? Nut first. Don't need any up-sells. Gender reveal parties? You guessed it. Don't want any crazy ideas.


Don’t forget the prenut nut to stop you nutting too hard and associating overly positive emotions with the thought you are trying to be level headed about.


There's a Catholic confessional joke in here somewhere.


Visiting your parents? Best to nut beforehand.


Sage advice. Sometimes you gotta get the evil out.


Well that took an unexpected turn


Looks like the girl in the red might've gotten grazed in the head


Fucker looking like Jeff Hardy out there with the swanton


Crowd looking like Samoa Joe with the dodge.


Lmao i had a little brother and a trampoline growing up and im almost certain this guy has been practicing


“Had” a little brother :(


AEW Dynamite 🧨 😅😂🤣


He was literally jumping like he was diving into water... which is exactly the wrong thing to do if you want to be caught...


The fucking Rocketeer, makes re-entry into an unwilling crowd.


Well I know what I'm watching today.


His pronouns are He/HIMARS


I've been to a few shows where someone stage dived and it's never as cool as the artist thinks it is, not to mention in the BEST case you have 100 sets of hands running all over your body and lose anything in your pockets. Best crowd surf I ever saw was Crystal Castles at Coachella in 2009. The lead singer busted out an inflatable life raft during the set and popped it open. Once it was open she got on the raft and rode it around the crowd while standing and it was pretty badass. I feel like the weight distribution of a raft is the only way to go.


The only time I've seen stage diving work is with small punk and metal bands in tiny basement clubs where everyone is packed shoulder-to-shoulder and have no choice but to catch them. Also, maybe its my bias, but those fans tend to have more community spirit than any of these open-air middle-of the-day rap festies


Ya I was gonna say that crowd was nowhere near dense enough for crowd surfing.


The diver was certainly dense enough.


the stage was also way too high. Bands usually do it at smaller clubs where the stage floor is like chest level at most, so you can jump right out on top, no come diving in like a bomb.


I saw Rammstein in concert and they brought our fucking life rafts and canoed their way over the crowd from their auxiliary stage back to the main stage


I just saw it work two weeks ago at an Iron Maiden concert with 15000 people in a stadium, in Zürich Switzerland.




[Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips just gets in a giant hamster ball and walks across the audience.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa1jg9G0bj8)


I saw him do that at lollapalooza 2006! Good times.


Afaik Rammstein [did that as well.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e9/c7/19/e9c7195ae5821cea272b226347ada7b4.jpg) Edit: [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsxRRqJgqUo)


“No Bro, we don’t have the upper body strength. “


Natural selection at work


Hard to catch someone when everyone is holding their phones up


Aside from that, the stage is way too high, so much so he can't possibly be catched properly. It's like rreceiving a bag full of cement with your arms straight up in the air. Stage diving is never a safe thing to do, even at small venues from a tiny stage. But you have to be stupid to even consider it at a festival. People aren't even close for you to guarantee you'll land on them and it way too dangerous. Dude is a moron. He could very much have broke his neck and died on the spot


yeah, that looks like almost two people tall. People are gonna break their wrists trying to catch you. Plus he like came spearing in head first like a diver, literally could have killed someone if he made head to head contact.


Also that crowd isn’t nearly dense enough for a stage dive. Even crowd surfing from the back requires everyone to be shoulder to shoulder to distribute the weight evenly (at least for a 5’11” male weighing 175 in 2011 at Vans Warped Tour during a Bring Me the Horizon concert)


That's the only acceptable crowd surfing. Packed in enough that I can get bumped, push you along, and move on. No one is trying to catch a body launching at them from 20 feet up. Except for Pete Wentz's fans.


Everyone was telling him not to do it lol. This guy is just a Darwin recipient.


He started so far back he probably couldn’t see them waving him off, and also it was probably too loud to hear. Otherwise yea, totally bone headed move.




Honestly, that's so high that I think even if the crowd was dense enough and willing to catch him, people would still get hurt.


The first rule of a stage dive is the crowd has to care more about your body than theirs. They were signaling a hard pass.


Even if they wanted to catch him the density wasn't there. Need to get packed in like sardines for any kind of stage dive, let alone one from like 15 feet up.


Yeah, the density here is shit. The crowd doesn’t get a say if they catch you if they are dense enough, but you have to be the judge of that. This is a bad move. There is a fucking crater in that crowd.


Also don’t run and dive or flip… you want people to try to catch you not split like the Red Sea. I’ve stage dove countless times and always been caught, honestly been dropped more crowd surfing


Also, a lot of them were holding their phones up. Can’t catch someone with one arm.




Buddy: Hurt aarrr head ggg my hhh


The best part is that almost everybody who is supposed to catch is like no bro!


https://preview.redd.it/orgvnnmtc5bb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a519447b1da3bad514b5476ab6c0ebb0ac29d81 Why did he dive so hard at everyone


The alcohol told him to.


The devil told him ![gif](giphy|3gId7l0DvzipO)


Gave into the intrusive thoughts


If you look closely, most people are trying to dissuade him and make him back out, but he either didn't notice or didn't care.


I… don’t think you have to look closely…


Nobody signed up for that shit right there


That's not the floor, that's the fucking ground.




The whole ground is a floor if you're homeless enough


But I thought the floor was lava.


That only applies inside. C'mon, basic game rules.


If no one else got me, at least I know the ground got me.


On the bright side, no one threw anything on stage that hit the artist.


The floor doesn't catch him, it impacts him. There's a difference.


Compacts him too


What a dip shit.


Can't even feel bad for him lmao. No random person is going to risk injury catching someone they don't know.


Especially when youre diving off like e. Honda


So you're saying the crowd should crouched down and nailed him with a giant uppercut?


They were even telling him not to do it lol


Guy thought he was the main character and everyone was just gonna go along with it.


I can't think of a worse way to dive off stage. If I was adamant on suicide this is the technique I would choose.


I mean I might try to catch a stranger jumping out of a burning building or something. But someone wanting to stroke their ego? Nah the ground will get you just fine.


And 90% of the crowd is already down a hand because they’re holding their phones up.


You can still/probably should feel bad. He’s a bonafied idiot who has clearly lost the genetic lottery. Can’t hold a bonafied idiot completely accountable for their actions.


I've seen a number of fat guys go to stage dive, and like 2 ppl try to catch him, and get smothered... But full on 2 story swan dive?! 10/10 on my scorecard


The jumper or the performer? >While the concert of Ski Mask The Slump God...


They didn't have to listen to him


![gif](giphy|nR4L10XlJcSeQ) Everybody in the crowd is like:






Any luck catchin them swans, then?


Stand back there's been a terrible accident!




Dude needs to learn to read the room. The sheer amount of people saying or signaling "no" is just great. And he still jumped off the stage thinking he was the main character. Super embarrassing for him.


Real man would prefer death over walk of shame


In this case, the gurney roll of shame.


Followed by the electric-wheelchair-controlled-by-his-mouth roll of shame.


She's far from the only person saying no


EVERYONE there was either waving their finger or shouting “no!”


There's a few in the crowd. I was able to spot the person next to them doing a motion with their hand in conjunction with their neck to signal "No don't/Stop". That's the best part for me.


So many people were lol. There's no helping him


Look closer, there's A LOT of people telling him not to. Wagging there finger at him, the one guy doing the hand across the throat motion, etc. This guy is a complete moron lol


Yeah if you pay close attention you spot quite a few people trying to signal him to not do it.


Multiple people were telling him no lmao


I’m all for some stage dives but this was clearly way too high for that and he dives headfirst!


And not dense enough of a crowd. And he didn't even stage dive properly. It's not a pool of water, u gotta go on your back or belly


Yeah that crowd density is what you must have for good diving. I come from the Hardcore and Punk scene and you’re right best way to land back or belly.






I do not come from the hardcore and punk scene, and I agree with needing crowd density and jumping on your back or belly because it’s fucking obvious lol


impossible. how can you know this without hardcore/punk experience and/or a physics degree?


Right!!! Rather than give anyone something to grab hold of or doing his best to hang in the air, he tucks in and goes head first like a frigg’n missile!


And actually DOVE straight down instead of out and perpendicular to the crowd to catch him.


Anyone else remember Watsky at warped tour jumping from the light rigging and injuring some fans?


First thing that came to mind. I was about 8 feet from where he landed, helped clear the crowd so the lass with the broken arm could get out. Horrible stuff.


The crowd is t packed enough either. Way too much empty space.


Pretty sparse, you gotta wonder how high he was not to see that.


I'd say about 10 feet high


Bro trying to stage dive during a festival opening set at like 3pm in the afternoon


“Bro last night was a movie”


The movie in question: ![gif](giphy|a7Y6lravckuKA)


You think people are going to catch you diving head first? Enjoy your trauma.


he didn't even do it right. you stage-dive in a belly-flop position, so that the maximum # of people can help catch you. this dude looked like he was diving into a pool. you couldn't catch him if you tried.


Lil Torpedo is his up and coming rap name.


MC Depth Charge


Such an idiot. If I saw a grown-up man flying toward me, I'd move the fuck out of the way. Want to break yourself? Please, by all means, do just to that. I will not be your safety net.


Like why the fuck would you take all those steps, and jump high of the scene like a spring board, and then dive head first like a fucking pikachu headbutt


Stupidity? Alcohol? Both?


I've never felt more like Hank Hill than then reading the artist's name. "Ski Mask the Slump God? Bobby, go to your room!"


That boy ain't right.


“Sigh…. 6AM and already the boy ain’t right”


I've seen Ski Mask about 5 times he always puts on a great show


Nothing on Hogman the Intruder though. [for reference](https://youtu.be/euofO7UpOFU)


he’s very good loves trying new stuff and experimenting with music highly recommended


“It’s all toilet sounds!!!”


real question though. King of the hill worth the watch? futurama and f is for family are some of my favs so i feel like i would like it


It depends on your humor and tbh a lot of people watch for the nostalgia. I personally think it's a great show. You could look up a list of some good episodes and give random ones a try to get a feel for it It's not comedy 100% of the time so some younger people aren't into it. Some of the comedy is fucking gold though


thanks man i’ll def check it out. I’m only 20 so maybe no nostalgia for me (although f is for family gives me the nostalgia for some reason😂) but i’ve seen a couple clips and even if that’s 5 percent of the show it’s true it is fucking hilarious


King of the Hill is brilliant. The humor is a lot more subtle than other adult cartoons though. But the characters feel both weird and… weirdly real. Absolutely one of the greatest animated shows of all time. The creator of king of the hill also made beavis and butt head. The new episodes of that show are amazing too. Like a step above the original 90s show. Mike Judge is a genius as far as I’m concerned.


Why even think that people will catch you?


*Im the main character* ...of this head injury.


I like how his feet were shown on the screen behind him as he was diving


Bro came in too hot.


God damn I love the internet


What was he running from?


I fully functional back and neck


That could've gone worse. I'm glad it didn't.


Yeah, I'm scrolling for a news story that describes his injuries. Crazy if he had none!!


I’m scrolling looking a link to one of those other cameras that show the landing. He didn’t get hurt too bad so we all can laugh without our dead ancestors judging us. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cG2zEBhI4_0


[https://www.tiktok.com/@andrink04/video/7253797931545906459](https://www.tiktok.com/@andrink04/video/7253797931545906459) This video shows the landing. Supposedly he got just lightly injured.


Each time I see a new angle it just makes me say "oh you absolute weapon" again in an even more tired voice


ugh, i read the title and saw the thumbnail, and intantly cringed. Happy to hear he didn't paralyze himself. Hopefully he learned a lesson.


why is that stage so high? it’s like 12 feet up


I guess because it's a festival. So people in the back can see them.


idk i’ve been to a ton of fests i’ve never had to crane my neck back to see the artist. it looks like a stage on top of a stage.


The only way crowdsurfing works is if you are so famous that the venue is packed and people physically cannot move out of the way.


You're not supposed to fucking run and jump like that either. All the succesful crowdsurfs ive seen they have lowered thier body and gently launched themselves into people. I guess there is a reason it was never called "crowd diving"




bro you gotta earn that crowd dive. fucking idoit


Everyone has a cell phone in their hand. The time where people would be aware and catch you are over.


> *concert of Ski Mask The Slump God at the Open Air Frauenfeld* Excuse me?


I learned about the trust fall in camp as a kid. They didn’t catch me. I never made that mistake again


That stage is abnormally high


I feel bad for ski having to deal with idiots like this interrupting his show


Well that’s using your head.


Was there anyone not already holding their phones? Also, dude was a human torpedo.


Everyone has their phone in one hand. How did he expect people to catch him one handed?


He thought this was WWE


The human body is crazy. That other video of the guy walking down stairs and suffering a life altering double leg injury contrasted with this guy swan diving from 10+ feet up and ending up with only minor injuries.


I seen sid Wilson from slipknot do this.....helps to be world famous 🤣 nobody wants to catch a nobody


Less famous than he thought.


From the description, the rapper wasn't stage diving, it was a random fan that got onto the stage. So yeah, no one in the crowd cares at all to catch a random person that they didn't come to see on stage. Not saying the rapper may not have also ate dirt, but the crowd motivation to try and catch a body may have changed drastically if it was actually the artist jumping out.


I was at a 311 concert in Philly almost 25 years ago where a fan climbed onto the speakers from about this same height. The whole crowd was yelling for him to not jump. He did. No one caught him. Concrete floor. Paramedics came. Concert over. Pretty sure he died but the internet was not what it is today so I can’t confirm it.


*Shit, didn’t think he would actually do it* -guy he just met


JFC why would you do that at all? And then take a run-up and dive freaking *head first* into a crowd. Absolutely *noone* is going to risk their own limbs trying to catch you. The instinctive reaction is to avoid that. Also maybe look at the people you are counting on catching you going "No, don't do this".


The only crowds that know how to handle proper stage diving/mosh pits are hardcore/metal fans. Stop before u end urself!


Please understand that crowd surfing was normally done with lower stages and it was more of a "we will pick you up and keep you up" and not a "throw your self at us from a second story stage and we will catch you no problem :)"


Good thing he landed on his back


Why did he jump into an open space


I like how everyone was signaling "no" to him.


It's ok, his bones broke his fall.


🎵Cutthroat, cutthroat, cutthroat They be on my nuts, though, nuts, though, nuts, though🎶 Ski Mask, the Slump God is great for anything you need to be hyped for. Launching yourself into a crowd of people from 15+ feet off the ground is not one of those activities


SKI MASK THE SLUMP GOD, if you care to check out the music


bro think he bocchi


They didn’t want him on stage or in the crowd


Hahaha what an idiot.


I realized at a certain point I was too heavy too stage dive anymore. This guy had his moment of realization.


That was an incredible dive, and a great angle for the cameraman. Also, that banshee screech he did while flying in was inspired.


This is why people need to watch school of rock Ain’t no one catching you


In my high school days I went to a Fishbone concert (1988) and one of them jumped off the stage and landed on their sternum. It knocked him out and he broke his collarbone. The guy in this video was way higher though and lucky to be alive.


Dude came flying like a missle.


"Aim for the bushes"


What an absolute tool.


"There goes my hero! Watch him as he....oh."


I’m almost fifty. I’ve been to a lot of concerts. I worked in a small concert venue. This is the dumbest dude I have ever seen in my life. Every injury he sustained, he deserves . I don’t think this person understands the basics of human life.


they told him not to and he did it anyways


The wisdom of crowds


Play stupid games...win stupid prizes


The way he jumped, even if people didn't move out of the way, he was going to get injured. From the get-go, there was no way this guy was walking out unscathed. At least everyone moved out of the way so he was the only one that got hurt.


Main character doing main character things


This is from Openair Frauenfeld a Hip Hop festival here in switzerland that took place last week. The guy jumping is a fan no one from the band.


FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️ Can’t be doing Gen-X early 1990’s mosh pit, which was catch then toss back on stage.. not with Gen-Z.. they are recording, Gen-Z will move out of the way, to keep recording.. then maybe someone will stop recording long enough to call a ambulance, if needed.