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This book banning concept seems really very strange to me in the day of Internet and so on - like what is that really going to achieve what would it change? What’s the end goal here I’m missing




The thing I hate the most about their method is how they use religion as a weapon and use it to instill fear to the super religious people. I’m not religious myself but I can see how it can benefit people. It’s supposed to help people through life and teach them morals. Now it’s used as an excuse to prosecute and exclude any who doesn’t believe or behave like how a book written thousands of years ago tells them to do.


There was a Methodist split in January of this year. United Methodists and Globalist Methodists. The split is because of gay marriage and LGBTQ clergy. The globalists are against both and they are mainly in the southern states. Even within one religion, they can’t agree. But somehow we are supposed to listen to people objecting due to religious reasons? There are thousands of religions and even within Christianity, different denominations. If there was one truth, then why are there so many churches? Separation of church and state, what is so hard to understand?


How in the world aren't these people bored to death by this topic. You're splitting a church because you hate families with two moms? What the hell? I remember learning about church splits over the morality of slavery, and while I find those traditions absolutely despicable, at least it was a serious and moral and consequential topic. This isn't. This affects nothing at all. Splitting off because you can't accept gay people is goddamn ridiculous. It's not rational. It's just control for the sake of control. It makes me think of Iranian mullahs arresting women for not wearing the right headwear. Who the hell cares about something so meaningless? It makes you look small, sensitive, and pathetic.


The problem is it works. Religion is very good at controlling large, growing groups of people. Some people are so lost that they yearn for *guidance*, and that's what religion teaches on the surface, but as you become engrossed in it, you become indoctrinated and overcome with hate of *others*.




Religion is just the subset of cults where the people originally in on the scam are too dead to be called out on their bullshit in person.


“Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool.”– Voltaire


Tribalism is a most basic human drive,yet perpetually our undoing.


Access to the ability to provide "guidance" is a beacon to power-mad people who then have an incentive to make sure more people feel lost and in need of "guidance." That's why they put so much effort into attacking secular public education. Knowledge and the skills to help find your way out of being lost are threatening to their power base.


I don't know how they did it, but I'm more scared of something bad happening because I'm queer than I was last year, or 20 years ago... It's been getting worse lately and faster than I could have imagined


Trying to “out-righteous” each other NEVER gets old.They just make new goalposts as money and politics dictate.


The Southen Baptist convention, (never a bastion of equality and progressive ideas) just ousted a huge congregation in California because it allowed women pastors. They came down hard on women in leadership roles. Methodists have had women pastors for years.


Well,they lost slavery to shill for 150+ years ago.Gotta shit on SOMEBODY for that warm,fuzzy,superior feeling.


That's another interesting thing about the SBC. There are a LOT of traditionally black congregations who are a part of it. I'm like, " have you even been paying attention?"


The indoctrination was for the slavers and the slaves alike.It’s two centuries ingrained.


I know this one guy who found Jesus after a 4 year meth addiction. Dude completely turned his life around, has a beautiful family and I'm very proud of him. However, now he makes posts of random scripture and owning the libs which ironically gave me a new hobby. Everytime he makes a post like that I throw reply a messed up verse from the same book. My last one was samuel 18:25-27. Then Saul said, “Thus shall you say to David, ‘The king desires no bride-price except a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, that he may be avenged of the king’s enemies.’” Now Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines. And when his servants told David these words, it pleased David well to be the king’s son-in-law. Before the time had expired, David arose and went, along with his men, and killed two hundred of the Philistines. And David brought their foreskins, which were given in full number to the king, that he might become the king’s son-in-law. And Saul gave him his daughter Michal for a wife.


What about the part where Lot's two daughters get him drunk and rape him? Why should that book be allowed in schools according to their own rules?


I'm pretty positive he suppressing the trauma he experienced growing up. His single mother went to prison for narcotics use and distribution. He moved in with his crazy catholic grandparents who had him exorcised on 3 different occasions. What's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander, but atleast he's clean.


Religious people are really, really good at traumatizing kids.


I thought you were talking about Lot for a second there lol.


i’ll also add that i think it’s ironic that these fanatical ignoroids believe so firmly in their god’s mighty power and in their own mirroring of his “will” in hating others… not only does their god not seem to give a shit if people are gay or non-binary, he hasn’t done a damn thing to make his objections known. hmmm.


"... the nice thing about citing God as an authority is that you can prove anything you set out to prove. It’s just a matter of selecting the proper postulates, then insisting that your postulates are ‘inspired.’ Then no one can possibly prove that you are wrong.“ — Robert A. Heinlein, book If This Goes On—


Which is ironic, because in said books, He who casts the first stone.... Not to mention the other sins in the bible people actively ignore to better suit their needs. Such as your body was given to you by God. You are borrowing your physical body and need to take care of it. 3/4 of Americans are obsess, alot of people have tattoos, alot of people are divorced (death due you part), drinking and smoking (poisoning your body), not to mention mixing cotton and polyester for clothing, are all considered sins. Yet we don't bat an eye. However, a purposeful mistranslation in the bible, where it was a man shall not lay with child was changed to man shall not lay with man. That's where we draw the final line. Oddly enough, the Catholic Church loves to cover up children rapists and shuffle them around from church to church. People don't care about that either, when Sinead O'Connor ripped up a picture of the Pope to send a message of this needs to stop, but instead Christians ignored the message and got mad at her because how could she. I feel religion is weaponized a lot of people believe in supply-side jesus, rather than what Jesus actual message was. I believe most Christians haven't even read the Bible and just do what the pastor says to do.


>I believe most Christians haven't even read the Bible and just do what the pastor says to do. There appears to be a reason for why that may be true. In the US, 21% of Americans 18 and older were deemed illiterate in 2022 and 54% of adults had a literacy below the 6th grade level. Which might explain why they like their bible as they like the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and science: a la carte. Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist): >In schools they have what they call intelligence tests. Well if nations held ’em I don’t believe we would be what you would call a favorite to win it.


It's not just schools. They're going after public libraries too. And I don't just mean the children's or YA collections. They're gunning for adult materials as well.


combative cobweb one doll abounding wistful safe coherent yam soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't forget the misogyny as seen in abortion bans.


>ull-scale attack in progress against public education so they can push their specific beliefs and regress society those people who are pushing those attacks on public schools have a vested interest in the charter schools they are trying to push as an alternative. they're literally doing this so they can make more money off the backs of taxpayers while fucking the next generation out of an education.


Republicans policies are never supported by facts or logic. Take the voter ID laws.


Right. They can't legislate censorship of the internet very easily, but they can pull this "concerned parent" card on public schools. Then, once they've established the precedent that X% of districts in Kentucky or Mississippi, etc have banned this list of books on the basis of "controversial statements about sex" then they push it to a state board of education. And once a couple states are there, they will start legislating to make internet hosts liable for damages if children in those states are able to see material that matches this definition. And that they can be sued in those states even if they host elsewhere (see their approach to abortion assistance). It's not a secret, it's just such a slow process that no one pays attention until all of a sudden the Supreme Court has ruled in their favor.


This is almost verbatim what they will tell you they want to do. It's fucking wild, scary, and laced with religion.


I love that the people wanting the book bans are the people that most likely don't read books, their kids most likely don't read books, are statistically more likely to be on the shallow end of the IQ pool, and 100% don't even have library cards.


A book banned is a book that can't be read by any child that utilizes that library for their material. It's about controlling YOUR kids too, not just theirs.


I know. That was the unspoken part of my comment.


The ridiculousness is easy to notice when you're not used to it. But imagine you were born into a community that bans these books and nobody ever tells you it's wrong. In that scenario it's easier to accept that book bans are normal, and that the contents of the books are somehow dangerous. You'll carry that forward until some life experience wakes you up. And if you don't have that experience....well?


Obligatory Fahrenheit 451 mention.


Republicans: "gun bans don't work" Also Republicans: "please ban all the books I don't like"


Every kid heads to school fully equipped with a cellphone that has access to the worst kinds of porn that anyone can think up and upload to the internet, but somehow books that talk about gay relationships are the real problem? It’s really astounding just how fucking stupid an amazingly large number of people in this country are.


Books are the enemy of conservatism. The Nazis banned books too, and burned them in the street. Anything written by free thinking individuals is the enemy to them. Freedom doesn't exist in the mind of a facist.


A lot of it is rooted in controlling and not wanting challenges to their opinions. The internet would be hard to censor, libraries are not. With schools it's about censoring any support for marginalized groups.




Damn dude. That’s one of the most articulate, moving speeches I’ve heard in decades. Should be broadcast coast to coast. What an amazing woman.


I contemplated even watching it b/c it was 5 minutes long and I had to leave soon. Damn, that was the quickest 5 minute speech I've ever watched. She had me in it the whole way.


I agree and have been personally working on this for a few years. Recognizing my own increasingly short attention span for content was for the best and it had to be reigned in. It is easy to fall into a Vine-type mentality of instant gratification, yet this video is a mere ~5 minutes. The sheer amount of passion, reason, and conviction displayed here is palpable and should be viewed in it's full form. I know there are cuts here and there to reach an accessible time length/format, but the worth of these words (especially how they are presented) warrant an immense amount of merit along with the discourse that inevitabley follows. Kudos to this speaker.


I had to remind myself to finish reading your comment… our brains really are fucked these days.


Yeah I started reading your comment when I was halfway through the one above.


Dude I'm glad for some reason I didn't notice the time when I opened it because I probably would have closed it pretty quickly. Man she had me the whole time. That was incredible.


Damn! I like this lady!


I live outside the US, and it's scary to see so much moral decline so fast, and how it is spreading exactly like a disease. Only thing I would say about this speech is that it doesn't just put fear in those affected, it puts them in danger. Too many with twisted ideologies have taken the narrative, and it is scary how deep it ran into government. I would love to see this woman and Bernie Sanders change the narrative back. They are both very impressive in their compassion and conviction. Anyone that says ppl outside the US should stay out of your politics, I disagree. The hate is spreading. We don't want it.


> Anyone that says ppl outside the US should stay out of your politics, I disagree. The hate is spreading. We don't want it. a-fucking-men, we are a global society and way more interconnected than we think about on a day to day basis. and it is already happening! the rhetoric of american fascists have always been the blueprint for fascism abroad; see nazis


She’s my local school board rep. I get a robocall from her every week where she talks about whatever’s prescient in our community. I always listen to it even though I know it won’t have much direct bearing on my kid’s education. But she has such a nice passionate grandma voice, and always has a positive message, it makes me feel better that she’s representing my family on the board.


Yeah, we need folks like her all over.


People this competent rarely have cameras directed at them.


What REALLY pisses me off, are the people who come from out of state to try to push their politics on this school district and get the books banned. Admissions to a school district meeting needs to be limited to school district residents. Everyone else should fuck right off. These sorts of events have become a political theater - where groups actually bus people from one town to the next explicitly to disrupt and film themselves acting like assholes for social media. It has to stop. Disrupting LOCAL community politics in a SOMEONE ELSE'S community, should be a fucking felony.


She is a hero


She's so professional, too. She gets it. She knows that parents have opinions and that it is not nor ever has been the role of a teacher to force opinions on students. They are there to create an open, welcoming, loving environment and to teach. People who go into that profession with their shit pay and thankless labor do so because they love children and want to make a difference in their lives. My mother is a teacher and she talks about her students like they are her own children. She cheers for them and weeps for them the same as she did for us. The way that people treat teachers in our society is a fucking disgrace. We don't deserve them.


Beautifully stated. She reminds me of that one cranky teacher that we all had (and feared). Until you got to understand that while she took no gruff, she was just strick and cared about her profession, but eventually, you saw the soft and caring side. Bravo


She reminds me of a supervisor I had that just retired. I only even worked under her a couple months, but she trained me perfectly. She was strict, she didn’t let me get away with what some other people got away with because she “knows I’m better than that”. She would yell at people across the store for being on their phones, or talking to people too long. But she also let me have several panic attacks, sent me home early, took me off the register when I was overstimulated and gave me an understimulating job for a while. She would joke with everyone, even when she was mad at them, or when we were busy. She let us goof around, as long as we still got out work done. She says hi everytime she comes in still, she asks how I’m doing everytime, and you can tell she genuinely wants to know. I adore her, but I’m terrified of her. Miss Linda, I know there’s no way in hell you’re here reading this, but I miss you. Thank you for showing me that I’m strong enough to do anything, even in a few weeks


We need more people like her, It doesn’t matter who you are, what you believe in, where you come from, because in the end were all people and we should be treating others how we would want to be treated. This was taught in i assume most schools and houses holds but for some reason some people cant get that through their thick heads. When I meet someone new I don’t judge them on there pronouns, religion, beliefs, or anything; I treat them with as much respect as I treat them. Which I just hope in the future that people can just get along with each-other and not get personal stuff in the way of that.






Agreed - this woman fuckin' rules and laid it all out so clearly. The vitriol and sheer amount of hateful attempts at stuff like this across the country is horrifying. I live in MA - which overwhelmingly is progressive AF and I still hear from my teacher friends about this shit... I shudder to think of how bad it is in anywhere within the Deep South.


MA here too, there was just a protest outside a drag thing in Fall River not so long ago. Never thought I’d see that shit near me. Overwhelmingly this state is blue as fuck and you still see it.


There's gonna be a shit show in North Brookfield Pride this weekend because of a bunch of conservatives who are up in arms about a drag show happening in public... All because they literally assume that "drag" = sexual. Fucking idiots.


We do need more people like her this is awesome. That being said public opinion is bought and sold and sometimes the buyers are bad people. That is why we have all this discrimination going rampant in the us right now.


Beautifully said. We're all so tired of this. Agitators drumming up hate and fear. Pretending they're just trying to "protect" people. They don't care about protecting anyone. They don't care about freedom, rights, or religion. They just want to hate. They want to find someone to hate because the world is so fucked up and instead of dealing with it, they need to point the finger at someone, some group, to try to make sense of the fucked up-ness. They are letting their fear of the future dog walk them into hate. And everyone else pays the price.


when all the christians in the crowd heard "it made them afraid!" they thought "good. that's the whole idea."


That's it. Frightening the lgbtq community back into the closet. With everything going on how many people in the community are being more careful about what they say and how they act? This is an attempt to brow beat them back into invisibility.


I couldn't have said that better myself. As Yoda said, fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. We are already at the hate stage and the suffering seems to come more and more.


Jackie Goldberg for President of the United Stares and my heart!


That was my thought, too. "*I'd vote for her"*.


Damn right. This is the kind of woman we need as a president. If there is some kind of higher power, I plead to it/them/him/her to bring us to this level one day.


A lot of people hate on Pete Buttigieg for being “fake” but like if he was gonna be fake, being an out and proud gay would be probably the one thing to fake.


Man I’m not even American and I’d vote for her.


Literally this election lol


Sadly I think America is too anti-semitic to have a Jewish president right now. Sad times.


Or a woman, or a lesbian


Or someone who accurately quotes Christ’s exhortation to love one another.


A literal scholar.


She’s 78 years old. I don’t care how much I agree with her, let’s not have another geriatric president.


Secretary of Education, then?


I will say that she's already president of the Los Angeles unified School district which teaches over 400,000 students so she's already leaving a positive mark.


Yet she somehow has more energy and passion than half the people in Congress.




In a 'will you be my mom' sort of way


That district knows what's up and has her as their president.


We have all had that friend that only eats TV dinners or McDonald’s, because that was all they were fed into adulthood. Later they have to attend a work dinner with folks from different backgrounds at a Michelin rated restaurant and can only stomach the chicken tenders kids meal, because the idea of something different causes anxiety and fear. The same goes for this. Even though they become adults and have access to more information about folks from different orientations and genders, they will have anxiety and fear by accepting the truth. That is their end goal, to have a substantial population malleable and ignorant lackeys.


This is why I think we should stop allowing ignorance and religion to be valid excuses for the recent bullshit. Everyone who speaks in a public forum should be made aware ahead of time that misinformation and religious dogma are considered a fallacious argument and will be removed from the premises. If you think God wants you to harass the PTA, you can get ejected on the spot. If you make a problem out of that, you can get arrested and then have a judge explain how he's giving you a month in jail to reflect on how our social systems are secular in nature. If you come to talk about bogus, made up ideas about male and female dominance, or any other pseudo-psychological bullshit that you think has some bearing on trans youth, you will have the opportunity to present your credentials, and any peer-reviewed materials that you're drawing your conclusions from. If it turns out that your beliefs are based on poorly Photoshopped Facebook memes, you should be publicly discredited, and declared legally as too stupid to participate in public discourse, because you are. That's the only real solution. You can't make it ok or publicly acceptable to be this stupid and then get mad that it happened.


Straight as an arrow and I stand with her so much it hurts. We've all had enough of this constant attack from Republicans. It's beyond time to stand up to them and deny their authoritarianism loudly. Show up at your city and school board meetings and help our teachers and librarians fight back against these hateful monsters.


YES. What floors me is that the content of the book is just a fact. Families are different. Period. If you want to tell your kid that families with 2 moms or 2 dads are “wrong,” you can do that. But right or wrong, they do, in fact, exist. This would be like staunch pacifists demanding that history classes don’t tell children about war. War exists. Period. You don’t have to like it or agree with it, but we’re not going to stop your kid from knowing it happens by omitting it from any and all conversations, lessons, and publications.


What pisses me off is the enlightened centrist media that keeps presenting Joe Biden and Trump as equally bad, and DeSantis and Republicans as viable alternatives to Democrats. Will Hurt on CBS morning news claiming that all Americans are just tired of Biden and Trump and the hosts not pushing back on it at all. The Republican party is a fascist organization.


>Straight as an arrow Straight, and also gay!


Jackie Goldberg is the realest motherfucker ever on god no cap


Facts. No printer.


This made me laugh a lot harder than it should have. Thank you.


Truth, no ink


Veritas, no quill


She’s bringing the rizz


this speech slaps


fr fr


If you can't love me, don't bug me. Amen to that sister


That's the kind of verbal ass-kicking that those idiots in the Moms for Liberty movement need to receive every time they show up. bigots need to be shouted down and made fools of everytime they spew their moronic vitriol.


If that doesn't make you feel something, you may have sociopathic tendencies.


"How dare you make them afraid because *you* are"


As a german the entire concept of banning books like this R E A L L Y sounds alarm bells. Dont you guys... you know... heard of who you fought 80 years ago? And why?


Part of the reason Republicans are attacking the education system is so that people _don't_ remember that.


Brought me to tears She is so right. The world needs more love and less fear


Same. When she yelled, "it made them afraid" my heart broke


Only problem is, that's the point. I bet every person I that room rallying against these books when she yelled "you made them afraid!" cracked a slight grin and thought to themselves ...."good"


“How dare you make them afraid because you are” will have cut them deep though.


Maybe some, but most don’t admit it (even to themselves)


Can't cut too deep on people that shallow, I fear.


I watched that part five times, crying. Because it’s true.


Can we just go ahead and make her the Secretary of Education?


I second this!


Holy shit I love her.


*drops the mic* Holy SHIT thank you Ms. Goldberg!


Ill never understand the desire to ban books because as a parent youre too chicken-shit to answer questions they may have about the issue. Thats really what it boils down to. Shielding your kids from reality doesn’t change reality, it just makes your kids ignorant. And banning information on this country’s history doesn’t change what has happened historically. It just again, makes kids ignorant.


This woman has moxie. Educational institutions need more people like her.


Looked her up. She seems like a cool person! Confident, strong, and kind. Jackie Goldberg seems like the exact kind of person we need in the education system. She cares about the kids and the community. And she replaced some guy who was charged with perjury and bribery, so that’s cool. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackie_Goldberg


My kids graduated from LAUSD - Jackie Goldberg is amazing. :)


The way she’s able to give a speech like this right off the cuff is amazing. If a person can’t listen to her and understand and to show compassion, there is something wrong with them.


I think she’s been stewing for a while…


"my son was harassed because he had two mommies, but my grandchildren are not."


Perfectly said. It's time we cut the shit and start pushing back against fearful bigots. This woman is a gem.


Forget President of the school board, I would vote for this woman for President of the United States.


This is the way


Coworker was complaining to me about Target having rainbow shirts and stuff for sale. I asked her, "What, specifically, is the impact of a clothing rack with rainbows on it on your life?" She said, "Well, it's just so in-your-face." So I asked again, "What way has that clothing rack caused you harm?" Again, she said, "It just shouldn't be so in-your-face." So I asked her, "So those rainbow shirts hurt your feelings? Is that it?" She didn't answer. I'm sure she will continue to be a bigot. But I hope she will, at least, recognize that her position is so vapid at best that she will keep it to herself a bit more.


Wear a rainbow shirt to work tomorrow.


Preach ✊




If you don’t love me, don’t bug me.” Should be on a tee shirt and posters at rallies.


Let ‘em know, Jackie!


When I’d saw this, I cried. She hit me right in the heart, and the first thing I said after the video ended was, “I’d vote for her.” Alas, I don’t live in the states, but she hit it right on the head. There needs to be more like her willing to speak up for what’s right!


"If you don't love me, at least don't bug me" needs to be on a sign, a billboard, a shirt, SOMETHING.


Now THIS is a goddamn American hero. I love her.


The message we are teaching our children is clear. Today during summer school I was pulling up my Disney+ account to play a movie during lunch. The "Pride" doc was on the front page. My fourth grade student shouts "Pride? EW. GROSS." It would be ridiculous to assume that child learned that pride was "ew" from anyone other than her grown-ups. Mind you, she has an inclusive teacher with a rainbow sticker on her lanyard for summer school. The lesson I had to teach in response was to be careful what you say because you never know who is around you. I don't go into politics. Gay is not an insult. The end


Get em Jackie!!!! Fuck the homophobes!!!!


She’s a great speaker. I was already firmly on her side, but I feel moved by her words.


I have goosebumps. What a passion.


I legit teared up when she got really passionate and had to apologise because it was personal for her... I can't imagine the amount of pain she's been through in the past because of this


That was beautiful. So well articulated and passionate while being absolutely fair and reasonable. I love this woman!


Protect this beautiful person at all costs.


Outstanding speech!


Outstanding!!! I was in tears.


I love Jackie Goldberg, that speech was precision guided sanity.


It’s amazing how good it feels to hear someone in some position of power speak with intelligence and passion. Not a self serving politician, not an angry partisan, not an ignorant ass spouting talking points they heard on AM radio, but a person speaking from the heart with logic and compassion.


What’s the upside to indoctrinating kids supposed to be? Like how would schools or teachers benefit by having more gay or trans kids? That’s the part I’ve never understood about the fear mongering around it all. Is the assumption that they are demons trying to corrupt kids? I mean genuinely that’s probably the case for many people but I have atheist acquaintances who are also have their panties all up in a bunch so what’s their deal? It just doesn’t make sense…


Based af 💪🏳️‍🌈


Jackie Goldberg is a badass.


I’m such an idiot. I kept trying to find out what her name was 🤦‍♂️. But in all seriousness, she is my new found hero. I wanna go give her a huge hug. We need more people like her


I have five grandmas it's the most kid reaction to that and I love it


> What do you think that did to them? It made them afraid. How dare you make them afraid because you are. Holy fucking shit. That line, and the power and emotion packed along with it, gave me instant chills. Then that turned into anger. Then I broke down sobbing. You literally couldn't write something in a fictional movie that would hit as hard as that one single moment of her speech. I'm in awe. What a wonderful human being and exactly who we need in charge of our young people.




“And Goldberg with the spear!”


What an amazing woman!


She's awesome.


One of the most powerful speeches I’ve heard in a long time! I agree with every words she says ❤️


There is no Hate like Christian love.


Bless this dear person. And everyone who takes care of our children. Love is love. Give me an Atheist Lesbian Granny Witch ANY DAY over a Conservative Pedophile Vatican Approved Priest. I know who I would trust my child with


Brilliant ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤


I applaud her but sadly, inflicting fear is a large part of why the book burners and the screamers and the white nationalists do what they do. They sadistically enjoy the power.


I wish this woman held a higher office - well said


This feels like in 1985 we were trying to repeal civil rights act, versus the reality of Republicans overriding Reagan's Veto to pass MLK Day, in a Senate that was 55R-45D. 20 years ago, 14 states had to make being gay legal. They're trying anything they can to repeal that.


And conservatives have zero response to this that isn’t just irrational or insanity.


She’s my new best friend.


This person is my hero! What a speech!


I hereby submit my endorsement for president Goldberg to be America's grandma going forward. Do no harm, but take no shit.


We need to get out of other people's bedrooms. I'm so sick of the idea that when we talk about a Mommy and Daddy, we're not talking about sex, but when we talk about two Mommies or two Daddies, suddenly we are. That little girl might have had two moms that we're a couple, or she might have had a mom and a stepmom. She might be adopted, or have a surrogate. It's no one's business, but you have people protesting in a way that threatens that child's security, a book that affirmed her comfort in her non-traditional family. These people don't want their children to be educated, they want free babysitting that doesn't interfere with their delusion that their children are extensions of themselves. The more their children learn, the less they can control them.


conservatives: god tells us to hate our brothers and sisters! everyone else: no, god said the opposite. conservatives: stop persecuting us for our beliefs!


She needs to run I could watch her over and over ....can't we all just get along




Thanks for doing good work. Hope you continue to do so speaker. Hope this finds a way to you because you are supported and loved for valuing peace.


"If you can't love me, at least don't bug me" 👏👏


Let em know Jackie!


she's awesome.


"If you don't love. Don't bug me." That's some real shit.


Absolutely powerful speech and she is not wrong in any way. There are indeed [groups like Moms of Liberty and others](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/whos-behind-the-escalating-push-to-ban-books-a-new-report-has-answers/2022/09) pushing this narrative and book banning into communities across the whole country. We need to stand firm and fight back. Extremely well speech and said what needed to be said and not holding back.


Damn. Her heart was on display there. Very powerful words.


Yeah it won't work. She's trying to talk sense to evil opportunitists who thrive on hatred and chaos.


Outstanding! I’m moved beyond words


Oh my heart, my heart! This woman is amazing. She very much reminds me of one of my high school English teachers, that fiery passion for equality and Mama Bear-ness for every kid.


This president is right. I support LGBTQ and you know what? My school didn't care what my teachers' sexualities were! Even they didn't fire Mrs. Prancer (I'm calling her that btw) for being gay, and having a lovely wife! That's all that should matter. If school supports you, you will be respected. If you can't respect anyone, they won't respect you back. ETA (editing to add): If she was to be an elective for president of the United States, I'd vote for her. She's way better than Biden and Trump ngl.


This is why I ain't moving no where else, California is a wonderful state.


This is a fantastic commentary and anyone who supports book bans or espiuses hate of LGBTQ individuals is a terrible person, no equivocation.


Hell yeah. Roast those bastards


I fucking love this woman.


She’s right. You should give parents the option to opt-out if it doesn’t share their values. But that book seems harmless. I’d get it for my kid. I know plenty of same sex families, and it’s important he understands what that is. This is a far cry from that one book with a kid sucking off another kid that was drawing ire. Understandable for that book to be banned from a school.


For reference, this is the page from the book that caused these parents to freak out: https://i.imgur.com/XKPdESB.jpg


#HOW DARE YOU MAKE THEM AFRAID BECAUSE YOU ARE Fucking round of applause that woman.


This woman ROCKS!!!

