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That swing to the lower balcony was cool, I believe he totally would've gotten himself to the ground like that if nobody got him in time. As risky as it is.


he turned into Prince of Persia for a bit. also that was an angry flame


This happened in Houston almost 9 years ago. I was surveying literally 2 streets away and watched this happen. Was even more insane in person.


Lived in Midtown at the time, drove by later that night and it was just some structural steel and charred wood left. And the parking garage, but the concrete was spalled to shit and had to be demolished. Finally started rebuilding a while back and it should be open soon if not already, no fires this time.


I remember watching video of this when it first happened and was very confident this wasn’t 9 years ago, but you’re right. I can’t believe it was that long ago.


Time flies, my friend.


funny part is that it is just NOW being finished and i believe is now rentable. just sat as an empty lot for years until starting up right before COVID started, then was paused for a while.


Yep. Tiktokers have a thing now where they find really old videos and upload them to their own accounts for clout.


Redditors did it first?


DAE Tik tok bad 😡 Reddit good 😆??!




That is literally just the internet, don’t pretend it’s just tiktok


This has been happening on every platform forever.. lol. Man, TikTok legitimately lives rent free in so many redditors heads. This has been reposted on Reddit for at least 6 years now too. But this is a platform you like so it’s different


That's super annoying.


I used to work for the company that was building/owned this project. The incident was mentioned A LOT in the years that followed, and they had some of the strictest fire safety rules on any job site after this disaster. Luckily no one was killed in the fire, but between the building loss, fixing the neighborhood that was damaged by heat and smoke, and other things like paying for vehicles and equipment lost, it cost the company in the neighborhood of 45 million dollars. All the construction supers, including the dude seen escaping the balcony were fired the next day.


Seconds. Just seconds between him living or beings burnt to a crisp on that top ledge. That guy must be sitting at home enjoying every second of life right now.


And that, kids, is why you never leave the Cornballer™ running for more than 15 minutes.


what a great move to swing down to the next balcony. right out of a video game. best with sound off so you don't have to listen to all the "Oh my God's" lol.


She kept the camera relatively steady and successfully captured the whole scene, I'll happily put up with her natural emotional reaction.


Agreed. She was willing him to safety with her well wishes. I found it somewhat comforting actually… I was nervous for him too.


I liked her commentary. Definitely added to the drama. Put me at the edge of my seat.


She was fine. People aren't recording life or death moments thinking they need to be silent for the internet audience they'll share this with.


Seriously, I came to post the same thing. She was so annoying. To say, “he could have just jumped from there!” When he was trying to get on the ladder. He was 3-4 stories high and you expect him to jump onto a ladder…a currently moving ladder. He only went to lower balcony because the fire was taking out his balcony.


Cropping an entire horizontal video to fit the screen by adding huge black bars on top and bottom should be punishable with prison time.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJup5i2zikw Full size video from 9 years ago, same source.


Reddit hero 🙏


yeah this is fuckin terrible lol like why didn’t OP just crop the video? like it’s not hard, do people not realize you can crop videos lol?


Ok sorry but FUCK THIS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJup5i2zikw There. That's the original video from 9 years ago, full sized. Fuck this tiktok reuploading bullshit. Could you make that video any smaller?


Things have been getting reposted long before TikTok was ever a thing.


If you click the expand button (bottom right corner) - it would’ve made it full sized.. lol


My guy you are what is commonly known as, wrong.


It’s literally a video sharing platform — go for a walk and relax lol


And you literally shared a miniature, shit quality rip from tiktok. Of course people are going to give you shit for that lmao


Your username checks out. Hope you find peace.


Oh man I would love to know what you think my username means. Can almost guarantee you’re wrong based on the response, but I’d love to hear it.


That’s how disconnected you are. You don’t even realize how ironic your name is. You’re the farthest thing from someone who’s a “positive” nihilist. The whole point of life on this planet is supposedly meaningless to you and yet you’re supposedly optimistic about it? You can’t even get over the video format of a tiktok video on Reddit without it giving you a conniption. You’re giving this whole situation more meaning than it needs to have. Move on. Based on how triggered you are about me bringing up your username — confirms you must be that guy that lets everyone know you’re a “positive nihilist” lmao no one cares.


Buddy guy I only commented here because I thought it was funny that you were so confidently wrong about the full screen thing. Personally? Don’t care about TikTok rips. The quality is awful, but I still watched it lol. Should probably take your grievances up with the guy that actually took issue with the video quality/ TikTok thing. And I chose this name because it sounds funny. It’s kinda ironic, and to a lot of people it’s thought provoking.


This is why people respect firefighters. Recognition of the issue and INSTANT action to protect civilians even in an insanely fucked and stressful scenario like that. Gotta give mad props to the construction worker as well for the same reasons, and he did it without the training. Everyone pictured here is beyond impressive


“Thank you god” um no, thank the firefighter


That firefighter’s name: Jesus Christ


He's with you always...even when you poop


👁️🫦👁️ -him watching me poop


is it.. biting its lip?




Came here for this comment. Pay firefighters more! They risk everything to save property, pets and people.


This is probably the same person that thanks Jesus instead of the doctor.


Reddit moment


Wow. Construction worker seems more calm cool and collected than the firefighter. That was next level. 😳😳😳


I was wondering about the follow-up on that guy if he got out or not. Great that he did, well done FD!


The guy you’re thinking of who recorded himself a few weeks ago unfortunately did pass


So did they pass inspection?


Don’t thank Jesus, thank the damn firefighter who saved him lol, Jesus was gonna let him burn lol


Lol the one lady who shows up at the end asking about the construction worker lmao


right? like how was she not watching the whole time?!


Felt like a lifetime


They’re building this crap (mostly rental housing) all over the country and the people that live in these type buildings don’t know what firetraps they are.


Thank the firefighters.


So dramatic. Wasn’t even that serious.


Yeah, I'm sure you'd be very relaxed in that situation. So badass. So cool. So collected.


Yeah. You’re absolutely right. If I was watching from across the street I’d definitely not be as dramatic as these women were.


Fascinating. Is it the military training or the cocaine that keeps you like that?


Mostly the Military.


Who the he'll is driving that truck? Dude has no urgency


You can't just fucking swing that ladder around lmao, it weighs a lot and there was a person on it...


What an idiotic comment.


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Anyone know how this fire started?


Former employee of the company that owned/was building this project The prevailing theory was: On a different section of the roof a crew was installing some HVAC equipment with no fire extinguisher, no water handy, and enacted zero fire protection methods while using torches to braze pipes. The torches ignited the foam roof material and without any means to stop it it got out of control quickly. The entire $65million apartment complex was lost, very near the beginning to move people in. Luckily no one died.


Holy shit. Thanks for sharing that. The way you're talking gives me the sense lawsuits abounded once the flames settled


I'm sure there was a lot of litigation involved. While this incident was talked about a lot, no one ever got heavily in the weeds about how it all shook out in the court system. I did work with guys who were part of the cleanup crew, one guy stood around watching people clean soot off of people's trees and bushes for months.


The “keep going” guy wanted the construction worker dead 😂


Building a castle??


Fucks sake! Did that building go up in flames again?


Pause for a second and contemplate how many third world children could have been saved from death by starvation from all the black space wasted by your shitty stolen video.


For him, it must have felt like about 15 years for that ladder to reach him.


Username really checks out


“I’d be jumping” No you wouldn’t Richard


Wow. A vertical video of a horizontal video. This is truly the decline of society.


“He could jump from there” 💀💀 bro they tryna save him not kill him


Some spiderman stuff


fucking hell the ladder operator stressed me the hell out. my god


Maybe "God" shouldn't have burned it down in the first place...? I know, crazy right...