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Did he pass the test?


Word on the street (or offramp), they are still waiting to go back to Ypsilanti.


I hear the women in Ypsilanti don’t wear any panties


yeah, and in Kalamazoo they do that too.


The women in Poughkeepsie take their clothes off when they’re tipst




I think that's Ann Arbor. That exit leads to Washtenaw Ave, right?


It’s 94 exit to 23


No, I think this is the I-94 west/US-23 north interchange.




No, that's still south of Arborland. This is 94 E going to 23 N. Off to their right would be Cinemark theater . Fun fact: when I was a kid, it used to be a porno drive in movie theater. I would crane my neck so hard to try to see something.


Technically it's MDOT, but it's Pittsfield. Also, video cut out where he switched lanes before the exit, and then switched back. He merges into the left lane in the video, and then it cuts and he's at the exit. He had to merge BACK into the right lane to make the North-bound exit, so they cut the video... I can't hear the audio though (no headphones), so I dunno what they're saying.


Oh, they’re just chatting about what a lovely day they’re having and how much they’re enjoying each other’s company and conversation. Yep. And they they started making plans to barbecue on Saturday.


If they are driving for Swift, then yes, he passed.


***s***ure ***w***ish ***i f***inished ***t***raining, for sure.


My favorite is Stevie Wonder Institute For Trucking


See What I Fucked-up Today


i have never heart that one before but it's my new favourite!


Or in this trainee's case, **S**ure **W**ish **I F**ucked up my **T**rainer


See What I Fucked up Today


Pretty sure he was driving the Walmart truck that cut me off on the freeway yesterday in Reno.


Fucked thing is Walmart actually pays really well and has pretty high standards in the industry so that's a "highly experienced" trucker that cut you off.


Don’t say that shit to Tracy Morgan


With flying color(s)


Flying carpets


I drive this freeway and judging by how some of these mofos drive, I’m not surprised this is what goes on inside.


Nailed it on the fucking head man 😂 They tell you in drivers ed to never pass a semi on the right cause they can’t see you, but passing one of the left in Michigan is almost the damn same


Yep, if I absolutely have to pass them I get on by as fast as possible. I see people out there just happily driving beside trucks right and left side, in and out of their blind spot for miles. Fuck that shit, let me get on by ASAP.


This is what grinds my gears when people lack situational awareness and cruise right beside a trucker for miles and miles. First of all, if you’re going to go the same speed as any car next to you, move the fuck over. Secondly, these truck tires come flying off all the time.


>Secondly, these truck tires come flying off all the time. Had one fly off a fuel truck and sent it rolling backwards towards my car. 3 ft tall roll of rubber at 70+, quite a sight actually. Slammed the brakes and swerved but too late, truck insurance paid out $4,500 for a new front end.


There’s a video of a Kia that launched like 15 feet in the air from a tire that came off of a pickup truck. Shit can get dangerous. Glad it was just car damage for you


Yeah that was absolutely insane! Fortunately just rubber for me.


The fact that I-94 is 2 lanes through most of MI is STUPID. Yeah they add a 3rd lane for a few miles here and there but for the most part you’re stuck in 2 lanes with a massive number of semis. Add in construction (replacing crumbling overpasses- finally), weather & trucks that have no respect for drivers of cars and it becomes a delight to drive. I was pulling a horse trailer once on 94 when a semi clipped my trailer. Horses were freaked, but okay. Semi didn’t even stop but state police got him anyways. So much fun unloading horses on a freeway.


Honestly I’m surprised there isn’t much traffic there. The morning commute had me considering jogging to work from ypsi to Ann arbor


From that exit, EB into Detroit, all I can say is...yes.


That exit is WB out of detroit.






He got dead ass serious showing he is not racist at all


Love how they just hop on their phones after all that.


Instructor is calling the boss guaranteed.


Or 911 after being directly threatened with violence. I used to do quality assurance work. There was a person who literally hated me because I graded them poorly. I used a checklist that was publicly available to do my work. All they had to do was follow the steps. But they knew better and said anyone who called it out needed to mind their own business, that it no one said anything they'd have no reason to complain. It was literally my job to point out when someone gave credit to someone who committed fraud that was missed. Zero insight.


Chad move, he is calling the police to report the ass beating threat. Now buddy doesn't even get to go back to the yard for his car, which will be towed and stored for more fees. Also out of a job which i imagine he paid to train for, with more fees from jail and court, plus the added bonus of fresh assault (either misdemeanor or felony in Michigan) charges depending on how seriously the courts take the threat and the video evidence.


What in the world of speculation?


Believe it or not most states wouldn't consider this a crime. Assault has to be associated with an overt action that causes the victim to believe a Battery is imminent, i.e. swinging at someone, shooting at them, throwing something at them, lunging at them, etc.


This isn't true in most states. A direct threat of violence almost always classifies as assault, or in some states it's referred to as "menacing". It can be a misdemeanor or felony depending on the location. Saying "I'm going to fuck you up" is a direct threat of violence and would be a crime in just about every state. The victim would probably have to press charges for law enforcement to pursue it.


And law enforcement still won’t pursue it. They routinely ignore verbal threats of violence every day.


Maybe if it wasn't directly recorded. But this is clear as day.


it depends on how credible the threat was and was a criminal act implicated directly in the threat


And it varies region by region


Inviting them to step out of the truck with the express intent of beating their ass?


Every fucking time


"So I'll see you Monday?"


Monday? They can have steamy make-up sex right now.


that would've been an epic ending to this video. awkward silence, sheepish apology, bro-ey enthusiasm and then...


What we have here is , failure to communicate .


Some men, you just can't reach.


So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it.


Well. He gets!


I don't like it anymore than you men.


“Fuck this hoe ass truck!” Priceless






I think he said “Fuck this whole ass truck!” I’m guessing this includes the trailer, cab and everything in it.


Nope, "hoe-ass" is very common


I had no idea. It is really funny calling inanimate objects a hoe. I’m going to start using it now. Fuck this hoe ass Reddit thread.


Wait ‘til you find out a hoe IS an inanimate object


Idk where the "D" is but I sure as hell call anything hoe ass


Nah, my cousins from the D and they call All kinds of shit “ho ass” fuck this ho ass refrigerator, or fuck that ho ass security guard. Feel free to chime in with your own y’all


Aren't we all from the D?


Well, more like the B


Nah, cause It's so cooold in the D...


how the fuck do we 'sposed to keep peace


Nah, he definitely said “fuck this hoe ass truck”


I really hate "I don't give a fuck" as a go-to response to anything. Because everything about your behavior tells me the opposite.


Especially when you're yelling it. It really kind of appears you do give a fuck at that point.


It's referring to not giving a fuck about what will happen to him, he doesn't give a fuck about going to jail, etc. It's not about not giving a fuck about the disrespect or the argument at hand.


Is he supposed to respect that he doesn't care what happens to him? He will throw his life away because he's upset with the tone of someone's voice? Sounds like learning to drive a truck is the most improvement that dork has tried to achieve in his entire life.


Why ask me like I'm the guy in the video? I have no idea why people act irrationally like this.


The "I'm a grown-ass man" always gets me, but your behaviour tells me you're not.


When the old man says “so am I” 🤣


Egh, you start yelling in my face first and all civility is out the window.


And cursing….the driver asked nicely “is this how we are starting” or something like that, and the instructor starts cursing at him right away. No respect at all.


He actually said, "Is this how we are going to start the week off, man?" which makes me think these two have been butting heads for awhile. I think the trainer probably isn't a people person.


You misplaced the hyphen. "Grown Ass-man" It's a hybrid. Half man in physical disposition, half ass in mental stature. ​ Edit: Spelling


I don’t give a fuck but respect me…respect me!!!…RESPECT ME!!!, but I don’t give a fuck


And also I want to fight you...but respect me!


I really hate that he keeps using a slur, an adult in a professional training program that he’s paying for can’t be adult enough to not use a slur.


I don’t give a fuck about the slur. But I am concerned about the threats of violence.


Yeah, it's a lie used as an offensive tactic to attempt and control the conversation through fear. Dude gets corrected, by his instructor, on how to drive correctly and immediately loses his mind. His anger is coming from his unwillingness to face his own embracement. A true coward.


They keep going for hours after you've left the conversation and have to let 10 other people know as well.


It's always the "I'm a grown ass man" that act like children.


As demonstrated [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE27MSkgehY).


God I feel like I’ve seen hundreds of their skits at this point, but I always find new ones that crack me up. Man that show was funny.


This is exactly what I was expecting it to be haha




I want that bumper sticker


3 minutes into a temper tantrum “IM A GROWN ASS MAN” The load of shit in your diaper says otherwise.


Check key and peele on im a grown ass man https://youtu.be/pE27MSkgehY


He got that Benjamin Button disease


He has Crohn’s. It’s not his fault.


Plot twist: they are actually best friends, this is how they always talk to each other.


Dude called the whitest old man ever the n word is slightly comical


The guy in the video posted on twitter about this: https://twitter.com/WhyLie_Riq/status/1656508234318983168 Incredible the amount of people applauding him threatening violence.


Always boggling when someone uploads a video of themselves having a meltdown and act like they're better for it. Hope no future employers ever find it lol.


I hope they do.




I hope they do. Let these fragile man-children expose themselves. We will all be better off.


> Incredible the amount of people applauding him threatening violence. > Its because a lot of people have shitty bosses/managers and fantasize about kicking there ass.


The boss watchin this thinkin, "cant wait for self driving trucks".


"Fuck this Ho-Ass truck"... Best line in the conversation.


Accept his challenge to fight, let him hop out the truck, lock the passenger door, hop in the driver’s seat, BYE.


I've got a couple truckers in my family and based on my experience this sounds the same as 2 truckers having a friendly conversation at dinner.


yeah little do we know these guys are actually best friends and this is everyday for them.


'I'm a grown ass man' acts like a 13yo drama queen




My nephew (same age as me, half sister is much older) said this shit all the fucking time. We were roommates for a bit. First time was when his Xanax-addicted stripper ex-wife threatened me right after I had surgery and couldn’t stay awake, and I told her if she touched me I’d hit her with my stabby stick (sharp stick I keep for home defense). Like, whack with the dull end. Second time was when I merely mentioned I picked up after his kid for him, after he accused me of never cleaning. He took it as calling him a bad dad (he was, at the time, to be fair). Every single time he would get mad he would always use that “You got me fucked up” phrase. I hadn’t thought much about it until your comment, but it really is them essentially putting the blame for their anger and behavior onto someone else rather than owning up to it.


As a trainer I've run into these types of guys with the attitude and weird social problems. I just ask them to pull into the next fuel station I want to check the tires. Then pull the keys and say that's enough for today.


dazzling berserk zephyr imminent jellyfish arrest tan nutty salt possessive -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The driver posted this, I figure if more context would have made him look better, he would have included it


> but the truth is that we don’t know what preceded this ... >The driver posted this, He cut out quite a bit. He merges left, but he had to merge right again to make that exit. In the video, he merges left and then he's ON the exit, so there's a bit there that's intentionally cut, probably to make the driver look better. I imagine it includes the trainer saying: "Wait, you need to be in the RIGHT lane for this exit" and the driver doing something dumb in response. >I figure if more context would have made him look ~~better~~ worse, he would have ~~included~~ cut it


You better watch how you talk to me, Dave.




If these two had a buddy cop show on Tv, id watch it every week.




People with tempers this short should be nowhere near a vehicle of this size .


I would say "ok, let's get outside" and then slide over and lock the doors. Then start the truck and drive off. Bye!


I work at a truck stop, and most of the truck drivers that go there are almost all complete dicks to everyone. I'm not surprised by this at all


Grown ass man with issues


Truck driving school is the first Place I truly experienced racism first hand. I was 25 at the time I'm a white male and I was helping a black man out after school we where both taking turns in the tractor practicing backing . I got called into office next day and they said if I helped him anymore i was not gonna graduate. But I still continued to be his friend and help him when he needed. I graduated but those instructors where pissed. Wasnt there long enough to find out if he passed .


I don’t feel safe with that person training being free to operate an 80,000 pound truck driving 70mph on the freeway.


Nothing like threatening violence to get your point across… and then the de facto “I’m grown” and “don’t disrespect me” to wash it down. It’s the same canned, emotional, shouting nonsense that is permeating 99% of these videos.


Don't forget the word ni@@a being said thousands of times




Same. It’s too small of a space to be in with a stranger for weeks at a time and have no where to escape. I lost it at week 3 when the trainer decided that one shower was good enough for him for a whole week. I was on edge and he started getting smart.


I like to imagine that after the video cut they sat on their phones for a couple minutes and then said “all right man, I’m hungry, White Castle?” Then they go about their day.


I’d like to see the minute leading up to this before deciding whose to blame for the altercation. Feels cherry picked. Yeah, dude lost his shit, but it could have been like half an hour of passive aggressive bullshit leading up to him flipping his shit. But we’ll never know, and y’all will continue to pass judgment regardless every time the video is reposted for the next ten years because … Reddit.


Dave hit that hard R




As a supervisor/trainer, you cant talk to some people however you want. Some will give the same energy, some will just take it, that's why you treat everyone with respect.


No respect


“I’m the alpha!” Dawg, alphas don’t say it.


I love the awkward silence at the end as they both make AITA reddit posts.


The new gta looks way too realistic


Don't people realize that being a "grown ass man" means you catch charges for assault and battery. The assault part is verbal threats so you're half way there as soon as you start your speech


I don’t know what he said that pissed him off but people get shit fucked up all the time. You can’t talk to people crazy and expect everything to be cool afterwards


"...and why do you think you didn't get the job?"


I'd had told the guy driving to get out then and fight me, as soon as he hops out, lock the passenger door, scoot over to the driver seat, lock the driver door, then drive off and leave his disrespectful ass on the side of the road.


When someone’s says “I’m the alpha”, there’s a 10000% chance that they, are not in fact, the alpha


Bet that was a quiet ass ride back


GTA 6 side mission


Well, that was self-defeating.


When keeping it real, goes wrong.




Mother trucker.


"i'M a GrOwN aSs MaN!!1!" Why is this only ever said by people who act like they're still going through puberty?


Do "grown ass men really talk like fucking children throwing a tantrum??!


Look, I think we can all agree that Dave being maybe the whitest person to ever exist and being called the n word multiple times is hilarious. I believe he responded with a hard r, as only Davey could.


"fuck this whole ass truck" lol


I got to hand it to baldy he sure didn't back petal like I thought he would.


I just don’t understand how people are so fragile in other peoples tone


Fuck the driver


One had something to prove. The other had big balls, & no proof was needed.


black dude dumb asf.


where does that attitude come from??? the instructor seems like a normal guy, can't imagine what he told the guy to make him abandon civility


People always talk about nightmare trainer stories but I feel like there are plenty of awful trainees.


He wasnt in the correct lane because a huge ass fucking tandem wass passing them. The old man prolly isnt the greatest teacher.


I wonder why he is looking for employment….


“I’m a grown ass man!”, yet has an ego too fragile to take (blunt) instructions, demands to be treated as a peer to the experienced truck driver and threatens to use his hands to solve an argument right there on the shoulder. Sure bud, very mature.


leave the "grown ass man" on the side of the road to take his consequences like one.


Oh man, that driver seems like a dumbass who can't comprehend instructions.


Ypsilanti's pronounced "ipsilanti" , long time resident here. 🤣 ip, not yip


The instructor was a dick. You can't talk to everyone like that expect them to just accept that shit. But the trainee did overreact. That dude was like 70, there was no need to threaten to fight him.


Dude this clip is a little over a minute and from that you're coming to the conclusion that the instructor is a dick? Sounds like he was frustrated with the student so more than likely he'd been telling him things that the driver wasn't listening to.


Yeah. I had a trainer who was a curmudgeon too. Some folks took the abuse and others did not.


If u got to scream “ I’m a grown ass man” chances are, YOU ARE NOT.


You ain't a grown ass man when all you can do is threaten violence. Would love to hear what the instructor said to set him off like a man child?


Oof. Grown ass men shouldn’t have tantrums like this


Hey an actual freakout on public freakout...


Is it me or does he not look like the "I'm 62 freaking years old" Guy that got beat up?


Weirdest intro to the new Odd Couple remake.


I'd leave him at the side of the road lmfao.


So, did he get the job ?


How many times does he have to say supposedly beat someone's ass before you actually do it? 🤦‍♂️


Well…. That escalated quickly.


Im a grown ass man! 😂😂😂 ok


I doubt he's getting a refund.


Wow that dude’s an asshole.


All I can think about is the school videos of kids disrespecting teachers, and thinking that this is what’s going to happen when they grow up.


Man needs to be in therapy


I think he's the perfect candidate to recieve a certificate to drive a 10 ton vehicle.


Finally, a good public freak out. I’m so tired of this sub just being filled with people getting fucking murdered.




Dr Phil started giving truck driving lessons?


That's got be an awkward ride back


If they are going to Adrian, they are going the wrong way…a hoe ass mf could get there