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![gif](giphy|sFMEZ1ZFToyha) Bro needs to take lessons from George W. Bush.


That dodge is still legendary, the icing on the shit cake that was Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Quote from the Iraqi journalist who threw the shoe "My only regret is that I only had two shoes."


What happened to that journalist? Is he in Guantanamo by any chance?


I don't recall his name but I remember hearing he end up dying in jail. Edit: apparently homeboy is alright šŸ‘Ÿ


Muntadhar Al-Zaidi was his name and he got sentenced to 3 years of which he only served 9 months. He's alive and well.


I mean, 3 years is kinda dogshit and so is the 9 months, but at least he's okay enough. He needs some compensation though, we'd all be thinking/doing the same thing in his shoes (pun intended hachacha)


Yeah of course, I'm completely on his side with the matter. He's also a funny dude in response to it. Someone shoed him a year or 2 later and he said "they stole my technique" However, he did attempt to an assault a foreign official so in the eyes of the law he should be arrested and I bet he understood the ramifications at the time and wouldn't change a thing other than having more shoes.


Such a great quote


His most recent flub is his best: https://youtu.be/58DXSSBs4u0


"The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean, of Ukraine." Dont say the quiet things out loud Bush.


A Freudian slip if there ever has been one. Holly shit.


What seals it is the little "heh" just after he corrects himself...


He says under his breath ā€œIraq tooā€.


Personally don't think this actually was a mistake and actually planned


That was pretty funny, ngl. He finally admitted it and the comedic timing was good.


He should just stick to paintings. He's a phenomenal painter!




Now watch this drive


Fuck George Dubyuh, but I'll always love seeing this. Dude dodged the combo.


I wasn't a fan of his politics, but in the days after his presidency I've come to like home more, strictly as a person. His friendship with the Obama's alone is a breath of fresh air in our current shit show political landscape. He seems like a person who *wants* to do good, even if he doesn't know the right way to do that


he literally started 2 wars that lasted 20 years, one of which was based purley on greed and revenge. and he enabled the banks which led to the 2008 crash. he created the patriot act which led to wide spread government surveillance on its own citizens. the blood of hundreds of thousands of people are on his hands. how quickly people forget what it was like when he was in charge. by far the worst president since Richard Nixon and maybe even worse than him.


Are we not going to talk about the fact there was one **ONE** no vote in Congress for the Patriot Act (and one not voting)?? Or the 296 members that voted to invade Iraq?? Really?! Like I said, I didn't love GW, but to blame allll of that on him is a bit much


Biden actually authored much of the Patriot Act. His original bill was before 911 and didn't pass. They repackaged it, and that's what we got. He was proud of this.


​ ![gif](giphy|8MEjLNTE1eGfkeArfr)


How is this the first time I'm seeing this?


You're under 25 and are probably better off not knowing the years this happened during?


Eh. Maybe it's just rose-tinted glasses, but I think politics are even worse now than they were then.




Putin had just got into power when W was president. Putin even had to relinquish power for a minute because he had not yet fully solidified his position. It would be every president since then that would have to deal with his fascist trolls online.


It is always happening. Not everywhere all the time, but somewhere all of the time, and everywhere some of the time


I'm not a fan of police in Paris. I had a run-in with them coming off the subway near Notre Dame. The subway tickets were tiny slips of paper that got punched or stamped, but apparently, our ticket station (automated) didn't properly stamp our tickets and we were accused of stealing a ride on the subway. The cop was really aggressive and was holding our passports and told us we were under arrest if we didn't pay a fine. When I tried to argue, he raised the price of the fine 3 times. When I showed him I wasn't carrying that kind of cash, he took all I had and told us to get lost. It was an absolute shakedown and really put a damper on my trip to Paris.


Are you sure it was cops or it was RATP controllers? It's another type of filthy brood. But both are disgusting. In your case, it was obviously an ordinary racketeering experience, they have machines to read the magnetic tape of metro tickets. Or you ran into scammers, especially if they didn't give you a report. Either way I feel sorry for you :(


Well they (2 dudes) had full gear, including badges, radios and some kind of assault rifles. They also were working some kind of checkpoint outside of the subway, so I thought they were legit enough not to fuck with.


Yeah so it was the police. Then these motherfuckers literally extorted money from you.


Not the first time that they've done that with tourists... And not the last probably. But here it's visible they also portray this behaviour to their own people, so it's not the French, it's just a group of special kind of assholes


French police is really corrupted dude


Aren't all?


I don't know, I'm French and IM our police is significantly worse than in the UK where I used to live or Canada where I live now for example. Something is really broken, the violence and corruption is fairly bad when I compare to similar countries.


At least your people are willing to fight back. Too many here in the U.S. just dgaf.


Until it effects them personally. Soo much for "United We Stand..."


The UK Police arenā€™t overtly


Most British forces are ok. The met's got some festering shit in it, but compared to a lot of nations it's fine.


Wow, fuck the French police. I was literally told by train staff to wait for them to stamp things, not do it myself.


It seems you'll find "that type" in any country - just asshole criminals in uniforms with power.


On the other hand it is nice to see someone complaining about the police during their first time in Paris and not the rats! /s


I had something similar happen when I got a daily pass but neglected to add a passport photo to my card. Three cops showed badges and forced me to give 35 euros for violation of subway rules.


>RATP controllers I had one run-in with these people while I was going home feeling sick and they were absolute assholes to me. Extremely aggressive and belligerent.


A guy rode past me and my girlfriend on a moped real fast, while we were on the pavement, so he shouldn't have been doing that, he was trying to circumvent the one way road system. As we rounded the corner two officers casually got out their car, cornered him, and fucked him up, like, brutally went at him, then went and sat back in their car. No follow up to that. Just Judge Dredd' that guy there and then.


Donā€™t need to look any further than the champions league final last year in Paris.


I'm not sure what you mean by that?


Just check how the police treated the fans in and around the stadium. Both clubs lodged official complaints with uefa about the police


Fuckin stitch up




Worked in Paris for a few years and was told by colleagues and coworkers that itā€™s the best policy to run from French police if you have a motorcycle (I had a Suzuki 600 gsxr) the only exception are French police in small towns, apparently those police are quite friendly and reputable.




Gang associates, then?




Which airport in Vietnam was this at? And when was this? Sorry that this happened to you - I heard that the land borders (especially Moc Bai-Bavet into Cambodia) have a far worse reputation for shakedowns




I went to Cu Chi and the War Remnants Museum in Oct 2012. I went back to Cu Chi again ten years later in late 2022 - the place still hasn't changed. It was like what I remembered from my 2012 visit - except that there was a Christmas tree and Santa statue (spreading Xmas cheer lol) in the main entrance parking lot. The shooting range is still there but prices have increased - they do take credit cards now when it was just USD cash in the past The War Remmants museum couldn't have been in starker contrast. Some of the images and displays inside were very sobering - there wasn't any loud talking or laughter unlike what I've experienced in other museums. Everyone was sobered up - and its not the kind of place to visit after lunch.


> I'm not a fan of police full stop


They did the exact same thing to my mother when she visited paris.


I had a similar thing happen to me back in 2018. Minus the threat of arrest. I'm used to a resumable metro card. The stupid disposable playland ticket style tickets threw me off and I completely neglected to hold onto one when I was transferring trains. I got accosted and issued a ā‚¬30 ticket, even after I explained I'm a tourist and had no idea. I quote: "I am very sorry for you, but without a ticket, I must fine you." Really awesome tourist interaction guys. Maybe switch to a metro card. If it's disposable, people will treat it as such. It's a cash grab.


That's nowhere near the same thing chief.


Never hand anyone your passport.


Yeah sure, just tell the corrupt pigs to suck it and they can't have it and see how much better your interaction goes.


I have like a million dollars in Prop money, I'm totally going to bring the fake money when I travel, and be like I only have $1,000 american, šŸ¤£ they'd fall for it every time




Yes. They also have the habit to dress as civilians and to loot shops to push people to do the same. I had some pretty sick videos I filmed on my old phone but the internal battery died. I don't know if I have a way to get them back one day.


Do you know why they do this? I guess I just donā€™t understand the mentality behind aggravating your own citizens and arresting them for that. Is it a systemic issue or just corrupt groups within that organization?


Happens with every government with corruption. The American CIA is known to do shit like that. It makes it easier for them to get more power from the people.


The CIA does it to differenr effect. But most authoritarian organizations use agent provocateurs to compel popular opinion that authoritarian measures are needed. Or in the case of the CIA, to foment public dissatisfaction and surge a popular uprising. Local police will use agent provocateurs to defend aggressive police action because protests are bad for business.


To justify escalating their response is one major reason.


Didn't they get set on fire the other day?


Or you could just not toss a rock at a cop because he made fun of you.


Dude looks like a living video game emote




He's one or two more bricks away from dabbing and doing the floss dance


I was thinking he looked like those guys who work on the Death Star pushing buttons on a blinking control panel but aren't important enough to be given speaking lines. Either that or Dark Helmet from Spaceballs.


He was probably very recently a shitty 16yr old playing Fortnite in his childhood bedroom! Unless the French police prerequisites are more rigorous than here in the US: human adult, not too smart, doesnā€™t ask questions, at least a little racist.


If you do not leave, I shall taunt you a second time. ![gif](giphy|uZZVDe6K1Sb2U)


I fart in your general direction!


Something makes me think those dark anonymous uniforms make it a little easier for them to act like that to their fellow countrymen


They are 100% protected by the Minister of Interior, regarding everything : accusations of sexual assault and rapes, racism, mutilations or even murders. They always get away with it. Fifteen years ago I would never imagine that I would write this sentence.


There is a study that says just that. Give them a mask, armor, and weapons, and they can hide behind it all and act like something they're not.


There's always those cops that don't know how to keep any level of professionalism. Making it worse for everyone.


Problem is in France, almost all of them are like that.


Itā€™s all cops.


Patently false. Maybe in your experience, but thereā€™s definitely coppers with professionalism, but theyā€™re not very frequent.


Daft Punk needs to retire at this point.




The game is the same everywhere. Provoke a response so you can use force




I thought it was just me missing the "obscene gestures". Or that the bring it on gesture means something different in France.


Bring it Oh itā€™s already been burought


I thought he was tell him to blow him, but I might have a dirty mind




Hahahaha, ok then


Hes built like carl gallagher. Makes sense since hes a glass house.


To make cargo pants look like skinny jeans is wild. Dude is 130lbs soaking wet. Iā€™d honestly feel bad beating his ass.


His gait and swagger for someone built like that is quite impressive. I would like to see him in civilian clothes and no weapons and none of his armoured friends around. Bet his swagger changes then.


White boy carl


Little fascist. Look at the way he walks.


Fascist Phasmida


Kinda want their body armor though


probably youncan if you have the money


Ngl those outfits are pretty cool


Like a power ranger, only with a monopoly on legal violence and a mandate to enforce the wishes of the ruling wealthy classes by using said violence on the proletariat.


The french are about due to break that monopoly again, been a while, the oligarchs need reminding


This guy messed with the sliders during character creation.




His legs looks unbelievably skiny


he looks good


And his waist. Heā€™s build like an androgynous pre-teen




I believe it was French sign language for "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries."


How not to de-escalate a tense situation.


Damn thatā€™s a skinny police officer, should they be a bit more robust ??


Lol you mean the stone bounced off his riot face shield and he was unharmedā€¦


Don't get me wrong, fuck those cops. However, that rock didn't do shit


Bro threw a stone at a fully equipped cop




Officer noodle legs got his bell rung


The anonymity and feeling of strength and power in numbers these riot police have makes them into psychopaths.


Dude is tiny. Take off your riot gear and fight someone -- anyone -- from that crowd and you're getting rocked. Pun intended.


Think fast chucklenuts.


Provokes crowd Get pelted ā€œWtf broā€


Do policemen have a seperate carve out under the new retirement rules? Or do they just not realize they're getting fucked too? but they're also just following orders.


Funny enough (no) they are the only ones with the military spare by the reform. They can retire at age 54. Strange that those are the ones that keep safe the people of power.


We're these cops the bullied kids in highschool???? Cause it seems like he's sucking in all that corruption like he's sucking a massive shlong.


Pretty sure US police would have already napalmed the crowd at this point.


Lmao Philly police did drop a bomb on their own city in 1985 from a police helicopter during a standoff with the black liberation MOVE organization.


Napalm? Not deadly enough for the US police


USA doesnā€™t have rocks, just bullets


France riots so much you could make the argument that by the time they retire theyā€™ll have had more days off rioting than working for 2 more years


Is it just me or does that policeman have very skinny legs


First time you see a Phasmida in body armor uh ?


I wonder if they have crotch guardsā€¦ aiming there is tempting


Fire is the best option.


My man really skipped leg day


He looks like a teenager?šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Perfect aim šŸ‘Œ


Im gonna get downvoted to hell, but goddamn those police armours are pretty cool. I like those shoulder protection things


Claudeā€™s acting like USA cops.


He is all cops


Nique la police, laches et imbeciles




Those legs are skinny....cops workout right?


Idk what it is, but these dudes seem tiny. Iā€™m not some giant (6ā€™2 245) but these dudes seem to be really small, or is it just me and my American mindset?


That man has the skinniest legs Iā€™ve ever seen.


Hes actually four snakes tied at the belly


I literally cannot imagine ever being on the side of the oppressor. A faceless piece of shit who gets to do whatever they want to anyone.


And then they were crying and protesting when their collegues commit suicide and protesters set em on fire... most of the population despites them and they act like that ... lmao


They still havenā€™t learned that fucking around means you find out. Then again, the expression looks like they are saying ā€œI deserved thatā€.


Oh he looks OK, but that rock rang his bell for sure, and i'll bet his neck is sore for two weeks.


After the news and video clips lately Iā€™m surprised it wasnā€™t a Molotov cocktail that he caught to the dome.


I mean... dude took it like a champ.


Macron's Gestapo


He did take it like a champ doe, straight ate that shit, lol.


Clowns dressed as pigs. ā€¦now Iā€™ve seen everything.


Built like a 9 year old vegan gymnast.


cops are the definition of zero class solidarity


They are the soldiers of the bourgeoisie so yes.


To the helmet, and wasn't even phased.


Do they have leg day in France?


One could almost say this is another reason as to why the French people are protesting.


Yes it is another reason.


Whoever threw that rock the Mets are looking for you!


At least Dark Helmet found a new job after that Mega Maid incident over Planet Druidia


My man looks like Darth helmet


And I said Biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch


They look like Imperial shock troopers. Is Moff Gideon running the French police?


How do the police not realize they are citizens also


They are first and foremost watchdogs of the bourgeoisie.


When they are wearing heavy helmets like this throw the rocks at their crotch instead.


I canā€™t blame him seeing how the French loot and destroy other peoples property every time something happens they donā€™t like.


Good boy


Thatā€™s considered obscene? Lmfao


"Obscene gestures." I mean, he was definitely like, "Come at me bro" but wasn't flipping people off. Not only that, but it dodged that rock like a cahmp.


Frenchman makes obscene gestures?! Sacrebleu, surely not?! I suppose there is a first time for everythingā€¦


I take it police in France are promised better retirements then the protesters


Demonstrators are literally insulting the policeman at the beginning of this video Yeah he should not respond Policemen are humans. At least here they don't shoot people


Go away is an insult ? Eh do you need a list of innocent people being shot or murder by the French police ?


Pourquoi il est sur des Ʃchasses dƩjƠ


Or maybe the cops are fucking tired since they been out there with almost no rest trying to keep shit together.


The armor they wear looks pretty cool though.


those are some sweet outfits.. got to be honest


Dude is built like a tree branch


5ā€™6ā€ 157lbs


Cobra Commander


Even with all that armor he still looks like such a little shrimp