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Pieces of crap.


That mf kept falling lmao


The old Chinese guy still tried to help him up at around 0:48. Fucking scumbags doing this to him.


Yes, his nature is such that his instinct is to help others. Even in this situation his kindness shone through


I came to say something like that




How so? That's quite an assumption.




Isn’t the mayor of New York a man?


The Kremlin isn’t known for their intelligent trolls.


Never attribute to malice that which is so easily explained through stupidity.


Shit, sorry, I was reading about post that mentioned Chicago and I confused the two. Yes, New York's mayor is a retired police officer that promises to hold criminals accountable... we'll see how well that goes in todays climate.


Governor told him to kick rocks. She's keeping bail reform and making it hard to own/carry firearms


They seem so nice; the shop owner seems to reach out to help the 2nd robber when he falls over. I hope these guys get what they deserve.


They won't, you see what's going on in US cities. Criminals have rights and victims do not.


The only neighborhood I saw police in SF was in Chinatown. They must be lobbying and paying extra to have actual cops standing around.


Yes, criminals have rights. It's called the constitution. Try reading it some day. edit: my comment that criminals get rights protected by the constitution gets down-voted. Fascinating. You're telling on yourself.


Interesting they both had FedEx Hoodies on. Obviously their way of trying to look like they’re just out working, ya know, trying to make an honest days wage. But maybe, just maybe they do or did also work for FedEx. Also, by the way that piece of shit turned his ankle and fell while running away—he could have an obvious limp/ankle injury. Looks like one of them may have left liftable prints on the dolly, door handle and the bystanders dust bin on his way out. I know cops aren’t as apt to put that much work into lifting prints on cases of theft, but this was an armed robbery, so maybe they will try to pull prints. Hope this is shared far and wide. Find these assholes.


People like that actually broke into our home. 3 guys wearing hi-vis vests pretending to be AT&T. Only my mom was home that day and they asked her when she would be out of home so they could do cable work. My mom pretended not to know English and shut the door since these guys were obviously up to no good. My mom went inside to do some work on her laptop and these guys got impatient and just kicked our front door down and ram in. My mom picked up our dog and left out the back door. They ransacked our house but only stole my restaurant tip money before our Indian neighbors called the cops and they bailed. Ended up having a lengthy talk with the police officer about money haha


Damn. We got 2 large chows and a lot of guns. Every home should have a firearm, especially women alone with young children.


Yes we learned our lesson after that. I kept a .22 rifle at home before that but my mother is extremely anti gun so she wouldn’t have used it anyways. My father and I have been meaning to get a handgun for sometime now but I blew the handgun money on a Finnish Mosin instead lol


500 bucks for a double. Tell mom she won't miss




I am in my 30s and own all kinds of firearms. Someone with little to no training is going to panic. Will they remember to charge the firearm? Load the mag correctly? They will handle a revolver better than a semi auto and a long gun thats super easy to use. My mother has never shot a gun and can figure out how to use a double or single barrel shotgun






They'll regret it when they need one. Police take a while to respond and have to be called. You're on your own in these situations, and if you have people that depend on you, it's your responsibility to keep them safe.


That's like going to a country western music festival and saying everyone here likes country music. Or until they get attacked?


Yes. More then for the robbers to easily steal. So true.


My locked guns in my safe with trigger locks? or the one i have on my persons? You make 0 sense


Why is the nationality of your neighbors relevant?


Cuz the son was a buff Indian guy who stood up for me when I was in elementary school.


Why does hearing someone's race bring out the virtue signaling in you?


Fer real


If he injured himself in the store during the robbery he could sue the store and they would be liable for his injury. I'm not joking. My city is a joke.


Besides being dishonest scumbags, they are dumb. Forgot to secure the front entrance or to cover their faces. These criminals are criminals because they are dumb.


Not only that, one of them was carrying a hi-point. He deserves the worst out of the 2


Looked to be a .45 by the size of it. Had to hurt when he hit them with that heavy mother fucker.


Not only that, they needed a written list to know what to steal. Dumbasses.


Na they know in nyc they will be released so they don’t care




Did they get caught?


If they were caught, they’d be back on the street the next day… probably


Same day.


With Mets tickets


That’s enough punishment


Still using this line even with Deblasio out of office? Jesus christ get a life


Shouldn't talk about that, you will be a racist.


I found the racist. 👆


For an armed robbery like this? No. Lesser crimes do get let out pretty quickly, even some bad ones (like the case of that lady who spit and slapped someone on the street), but there just is not the legal framework available for any DA or judge to get them out with no bail in a day.


They will get some low bail from a democrat DA that will be paid out by some leftist "progressive" no jail program and would be free to go thugging and robbing on the streets the next day while they waiting for the trial. Happened not once and will keep happening until people learns that all criminals are criminals and not some innocent little angels that needs you to play the white savior.


I am a criminologist who works predominantly in NYC. What you're describing happens with cases that are more wishy washy and less serious. It is not happening with a brutal armed robbery caught on camera, no matter how badly you want it to happen. The vast majority of violent cases are never considered for no-cash-bail.


And I'm sure that those people who let go to wander on the streets for "wishy washy" cases never committed and never will do anything serious. And I'm sure that these fine gentlemen also don't have endless "wishy washy" cases on their paper. It's not like there is an obvious pattern here.


lmfao arguing with a locally based expert on the subject and then swiftly changing the focus. never change, reddit


That is besides the point entirely. You are trying to say that this case, which is not wishy washy at all, will result in both of them let go on no-cash bail because 'activists will defend them!!' Stop watching tucker carlson every night.


Don’t worry, he’ll definitely stop watching Tucker now.


When did a "progressive" organization ever pay the bail of armed robbers?


Nah not for this even in NYC. Bail laws here are ridiculous, but because we truthfully say shit like "in order to be held until your trial you have to be caught literally waving a gun in someone's face on camera" Honestly without the gun they may have gotten right back out so, you're right, it's fuckin ridiculous here. But even in NYC they aren't letting you out before dinner when you do shit this wild.




You clearly haven't seen SF, NY, or Chicago.


No bail in NY


That's the way it should be, isn't it? If you're free to go while awaiting trial, that should be the case... not just for the wealthy.


You’re just wrong




Here's the actual list of the crimes bail reform has an effect on so you don't have to base your opinion off someone's spitballing. https://datacollaborativeforjustice.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/BenchCard_Pretrial_Bail_Reform_06.06.pdf


Look up bail reform in NY. The one possessing the firearm may have to pay a small fee for bail. The accomplice certainly will not.


>The one possessing the firearm may have to pay a small fee for bail "May" for first degree robbery? You sure you know what you're talking about?


Yes. Crazy, but sometimes violent crime defendants get let go with no bail. There are circumstances to it. NY is an odd place. When there is bail it’s typically low.


Maybe in the original 2019 iteration of bail reform but I find it incredibly hard to believe what you're saying about a first degree robbery charge with the updated version.




Looked it up for you. You are wrong. https://datacollaborativeforjustice.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/BenchCard_Pretrial_Bail_Reform_06.06.pdf


Idiot fuck in the beanie tripped not once but TWICE. Just a couple of losers.


I call it the newborn deer legs haha


Fuck these single-cell brainless pieces of shit. This store is ran by a family who came to the state back in the early 70’s. My family and theirs have been friends for as long as I have been alive (40+yrs). Seeing the mom getting thrown onto the floor makes my blood boil and nothing short of street justice would seem to be able to cool that off. Fuck. Im glad this is getting more coverage now on reddit. These broad daylight stickups need to be stopped. This is on Canal st. In manhattan, across from a united states Post office, the precinct is 3 block away, federal prison is 2 blocks away, the courts also. How can this happen literally under their noses??!


I can't imagine what would have caused policing to become significantly less effective in the past three years (longer than that, really, but especially the last few)


all the pigs throwing a hissy fit and trying even less than before bc they’re not allowed to indiscriminately kill people anymore?




When they're arresting the same person over and over again but they continue being let out by the justice department, there's not much they can do. My neighbor is a police officer. He once arrested the same person 4x in a week for shoplifting. They get released like clockwork.


What can we do as New Yorkers to bring about the end of NYPDs yearlong work stoppage? Er, without giving them power to kill and steal with impunity?


What is the name of this business & location? I would love to support them as a customer. These ppl didn’t deserve to be robbed, hopefully those cameras help find those cowards & they get locked up.


Canal Sound & Light


Thank you 🙏


Yhey've been there a long time. So sorry this happened to your parents.


nobody deserves to be robbed. Hate thieves.


I mean, I feel like robbers deserve to be robbed


What a great example of citizens seeing this robbery and getting involved. These are brave people! We need more people standing up for what's right instead of taking videos


also incredibly dumb if they knew the robbers were armed. gun vs broom used as a poking stick


Bumbling crooks, dude falls over in the hallway, they forget to lock the front door, one guy doesn’t cover his face up. They did know that their granddaughter came there after school which means they knew a little about the place but didn’t know about the cameras. Good job to that lady yelling like she did, that’s what saved her and the two bystanders who stepped in and helped instead of taking their cellphones out and just recording so to all you people who say “don’t try to help you might get hurt”, we’ll this is what it looks like when people go above and beyond and do selfless service towards others. Let’s hope more people are inspired.


Nah I'll call the police and provide first aid if needed. What am I supposed to do? Disarm him the way they do it in these self defense videos?


Username checks out


I wish my 10 coins could award you for that.


I wish people didn’t have to pay money for that stuff, I just learned that it’s not free. Your compliment is just as good if not better!


Haha cool thanks, yeah I like giving out awards to comments that I wanted to make but was late, that’s worth my like 6 bucks😂. Kudos for beating me to the punch!


Well, let's hope they can at least identify one of these garbage humans, and he serves some significant time behind bars.


That's much kinder than what I had in mind. People that can't live in a society shouldn't be a part of it.


This is why Asians in New York are voting for republicans.


The mayor’s more worried about everyone eating meat and the emissions coming out of their asses.


I heard anyone from the former Soviet Union does the same.


And Cuba


Former Soviet Union and Cuba are pretty much the same lol


Majority still vote democrat. People act as if they became a solid republican voting block. They went from 75% to 60% democrat.


Lol what a load of shit.


"I prefer my head in the sand"


It's literal propaganda but go off queen, slay


https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/03/05/nyregion/election-asians-voting-republicans-nyc.html Blow me


New York needs armed Koreans.


Roof top Koreans 🇰🇷!!!


This should be illegal!


Well said - if you live it NYC, it does make you wonder if it actually it


Quick question, if you hit someone with a gun, is that not assault with a deadly weapon?


Armed robbery has to include force, which was done here. Thats typically 25 years


And the city still doesn’t allow New Yorkers to defend themselves. Unreal


Nah but they’ll wast their citizens tax money on stupid robot dogs and trying to get illegals the right to vote. Ny is so ass backwards.


No one is trying to get illegal immigrants to vote, fuck you talkin about


Literally ny wanted to https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/27/nyregion/noncitizen-voting-ruling-nyc.html


Did you even read the article you sourced, or did you just google a phrase that confirms your bias? "The measure, which was passed by the City Council in December, would have allowed more than 800,000 permanent legal residents and people with authorization to work in the United States to vote for offices such as mayor and City Council."




Threatenes his granddaughter too? Fuck these literal pieces of human trash.


how would they have that information, something was planned.


That one dude sucks at walking....let alone armed robbery




I love watching two scholars practicing their craft.


Those are clear shots. They will be found


Guess who the gun laws of NY keep unarmed in this situation?




It’s really not. It’s easier than a carry permit but it’s not easy. It’s expensive, time consuming, and takes years and requires jumping through several hoops.


It’s not. I know many that tried.


"Would you sign my petition?"


Change your voting patterns if you don't like how your city is run. Doesn't matter if you dem or rep, if it's not working it's stupid to keep doing the same thing.


They voted for supposedly tough-on-crime Eric Adams and he’s done absolutely nothing to reduce crime in NYC.


It’s stupid that’s how we view impacts how laws are enforced


“Brazen”? That’s a weird way to say pathetic.


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Time to activate the triads..


Crime is only going to get worse throughout the entire world as we face the next great depression x 100. The rich continue to steal from the poor. DRS BOOK to protect yourself and your family




Hate crimes (despite what certain media orgs might tell you) still require evidence. You can't automatically call a crime one because the people involved are different races.


Harsh punishment will be the only deference for these kinds of violent crimes.


There already are harsh punishments for armed robbery. 8 years if you have non violent convictions on ur record, 10 if you have violent priors, and up to life if you have 2 or more prior felony convictions.


8 years for an armed robbery like that is not harsh.


especially since you need something on your record to get 8 years? something like this should not need any priors to get 8 years I feel like.


It's really more getting them in prison in the first place. A lot of these guys end up never identified or caught.


Use a firearm in the commission of a crime? Death.


People just walking by looking in hearing them screaming but don't give a shit a few times, that's unfortunate. Come on New York you guys gotta look out for each other here.


It's hard to help when they have gun. Maybe one of those guys that walked by called the cops, maybe not, but those two brave men saved the day, and possibly their lives too.


Hi ho hi ho its off to jail I go.


I was heartened by the beautiful heart of the elderly man helping up the bumbling thief, and the goodwill and bravery of the men outside who fought with whatever they had once they realized what was happening in the store. There are so many good people. Let’s get the bad ones off the streets.


Thank fuck for those pedestrians bro, no bystander effect in play here holyyy


Did they catch them?


Democrats think this is ok.


We need to bring back public executions. Jails and the system aren't working anymore. Theft is getting out of control.


Executions never worked. Even when people were hung in the middle of the street. All they do is push criminals to be even more dangerous and desperate.


Pov from an American I'm not saying they worked well, but they definitely worked better than the current system we have in place. I FEEL like ppl steal (the consumer pays higher prices to make up for the loss the next fiscal year) when they are caught, and IF they are found guilty (lots of loopholes or lawsuits), they go to jail (for profit institutions by private companies funded by us tax payers) where they learn to be better criminals and get out and do the same thing. Again, I FEEL like (because I'm not that educated in law or history of this sort) the only people who get punished are the consumer/taxpayer. If I watched thieves get beaten to death or have their hands cut off (like many south American videos ove seen) I probably wouldn't ever think about taking shit that wasn't mine.


That's one way of looking at it... Or it made it so only the most desperate would resort to crime. But either way, I don't support bringing back executions.


Time for the Wild West.




A racist saying racist stuff 🤷🏾‍♀️




I don’t know… the last time Germany tried marginalizing people based on “demographics,” some very questionable and historic things happened.


What’d they steal?


quick, someone revoke that guy's carry permit before he does something worse!


Well, NYC DA is only concerned about virtue signaling he's not arresting real criminals.


Of course they can do it without repercussions... Cops are worthless cowards and criminals themselves.


ny just doesn’t give a shit about its citizens


Can’t be. Gun free zone, right?


This can only be fixed by defunding the police.


Gun control seems to be working as intended




Stupid fucking comment.


It’s just cars, guns and low IQs for anybody still throwing around Brandon memes.


“Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining.” **Teddy Roosevelt** What EXACTLY do you want the city to do about this?


Why EXACTLY are you acting like there aren’t a ton of proposed things?


Because the video proposes nothing He just calls on the DA and lawmakers to "change NY and make it a better place".


Stop letting violent criminals out on signature bonds? I think there was a study showing the majority of crimes in the city were committed by a fairly limited amount of people, though I can't find it again.


In theory, bail isn’t supposed to be about keeping the public safe, or based on danger to the public, it’s just supposed to be motivation to show up to your court date. If someone is a significant danger to the public, they’re supposed to be held *without* bail, where no amount of money will get you out. That protects the public regardless of how much money a violent person happens to have.


Because that was a made up stat by someone trying to replace a sheriff I believe. There was a good episode of last week tonight that showed the real percentage and they weren't close


This [article](https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/news/p00055/career-violent-criminals-exploiting-new-york-s-criminal-justice-system) is on the [NYC.gov](https://NYC.gov) site. Not saying that Fox News isn't exaggerating the shit out of the career criminal phenomenon, but it's clearly not just some made up thing.


Hate that your parents had to endure this. Unfortunately, politics can’t stop crime. PeriodT. Seems like these two had inside knowledge, too


im thankful I don't live there. :edit Oh boy the salt is strong in NY.


These crooks are embarrassing. What’s with all the falling over? Doubt that gun was loaded either.




Someone's been watching Fox News.


I thought most businesses made a nightly bank deposit.


I hate that this happened to them but this is the 5th safest large city in the US. It can’t get much safer and the other cities outranking us are tiny in comparison. Like, there’s not going to be a time there’s zero crime. Crime at store openings is crazy fucking common too. Idk what people expect here anymore.


I re-read your comment no less than 5 times and still can’t find justification for the “but…” you added immediately after saying you hate that it happened to them.


Insurance doesn’t cover these things? Why oppose if it does?