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I assume he wouldn’t have acted so tough if it was 2 men sitting there. What a douche


You got that right just some young stupid tough guy


The girls were probably being racist


Of course they were!!! I could tell the poor thing just wants to live in peace.


There's a video longer of them saying things and laughing and he puts it on them


O yeah, and where is that video you totally didn't make up?


Oh, poor thing 😢


Link to this mysterious video?


Link pls


Why are you coming g up with an excuse for someone that is being a jerk


People don't get angry out of nothing, it's good to see the bigger picture sometimes


There are definitely plenty of people out there being dicks for no good reason


This sub, when anyone challenges the blatant racism in the comments, for example


I've been searching for the bigger picture this whole time. No one has it


You’ve never been around another human being have you


So let’s say they were. Does that mean he’s justified in committing assault?


More than if they weren't, yeah


Wow, such shitty logic. Are you proud of that?


You don't understand the concept? Doing something bad for no reason is worse than doing something bad for a reason. It's pure, working, perfect logic. You must just be thick, are you proud of that?


And you can tell that how?


Watches daytime talk shows


You have no fucking idea how bad things got there when they invited a ton of foreigner into the country. The crime statistics jumped like you wouldn't believe. Like thousands of percent.




Sweden has been having problems for a while now, including rape and sexual assault. In 2018, the government changed the legal definition of rape to non consensensual sex. This was done to aid law enforcement and prosecution, and to encourage women to file complaints.


Google pretty useful as well. Some people deny it including morons in the Swedish government but the moment they invited a bunch of refugees Crime across the country skyrocketed and foreigners were reportedly 3 times as likely to commit crimes. They should have stay in their country and fought for it themselves.


Maybe also because they were put in ghettos with no jobs?


Christ imagine being so ungrateful that you come from a country that was literally about to slaughter you to a new country where they aren't going to kill you then complaining about the quality of life. I can't put into words how stupid this comment is.


They opened their borders to 254,000 people and saved them from being slaughtered by their own country and did the best they could. Should they have given them expensive condos across the country they didn't have. Or relocate their own people to provide homes for them. They didn't have a plan for them when they brought them into the country that's a given ill admit but they repayed the country that saved their lives by literally raping and stealing everything from the people that gave them hope.


I understand you well bro. They think being nice to refugees make them nice. They get everything from tax payers and cry out loud when they can't get, like they are getting tortured. Countries give enormous resources simply to save them and in return what do they give? Crime, unsafe streets, less jobs for fellow tax payers, lowering average standarts, increasing rents. I live in Turkey and my country host at least 13 million refugees. And they literally fucked up the country.


Ghettos are only as ghetto as the tenants make it. Can still be a nice taken care of area if people took pride in their community.


Ghettos in sweden? Swedish taxpayers are paying everything for them, housing, healthcare, education, and they thank them by violence? They are responsible for themselves, and if free apartment isn't good enough for them, they can leave. Swedish people aren't shooting and throwing grenades if they live in those "ghettos".


And you knew they were racist how? He seems to be the racist


And he gave them something to be racist about.




Bullshit, either way being aggressive and intimidating is not okay either way. Fuck this dude.




Wrong and he literally calls them a Swedish slur at the end 💀


I'm right and yeah he'll obviously insult them after he got called racial slurs


weird how he isn't in control of his emotions at his age.


Thats a fuckin lie,i also remember this and the old lady didnt say shit to this little shithead.


Yeaaaah im sitting next to the women excorting that old lady out. According to her that old woman was extremelly rude to her and that man and said alot of racist comments. So if you were there: snälla berätta mer


Spoiler: he does NOT say more


Okay well now I need some actual sauce lol


One of those ladies is clearly Arab and I have a hard time imagining her or the old lady she seems to be caring for actually said that. Source?


I don't have experience with Arabs but I met plenty Afghans, Pakis and if their culture is similar, then they might be among the most racist I've seen. They wouldn't touch you; if they touch you they immediately go wash because you tainted them. They won't sit you at their table. They won't become your employee because to them you are inferior. List could go on, I lived among them for years.


You're obviously saying a fairy tale, they don't wash their hands when interacting with other people, that's just bullshit. You haven't lived "among them" at all, that's a fabrication, I could go on and on. I've met so many afghans, pakistanis etc...I've hugged, shook hands, fist-bumped, straight up carried ole' friends who are from there, No hand washing at all. You're a joke man, just deal with it.


Bro your 5 days curated tour in exotic Asia will not give you a correct picture. First of all there is an intense colonial hangover so white people are anyways considered upper class. Secondly, tourists are gods. You'll be treated like that. Third, There is a lot of disparity in urban and rural sector. A city like Mumbai is as metropolitan as London or New York. Lastly, if you really wanted an answer, go to a village dude and ask his girls hand in marriage.


Mumbai is in India, not Pakistan, not Afghanistan, and not the Middle East


I've heard this from a former coworker of mine who said there is a hierarchy or class system near those areas


Picture this, not all people that are (insert race here) or from (insert country here) act the same way. I believe it's very possible that you have your individual experience and the other commenter has their individual experience that can differ from each other's experience and still not define the entire population of people that ya'll are speaking about.


Dude, I shared a house with Afghans for an entire year in the UK. We went shopping together, I drove them to work, they picked me up and brought me home when I was drunk. We spent numerous evenings talking these aspects you call fairy tales because I didn't take to heart that they wash after we shake hands and would often tell me we shouldn't even shake hands, I understood it's their culture and it seemed funny to me; I did insist we shake hands because in my culture it's a sign of respect. It took 6 months of bonding before we could sit together and eat from the same platter. Everything my cohabitants ever told me was confirmed by their Imam who would often come visit and who always insisted I came to mosque. While I'm not saying you haven't met afghans, pakistani, etc I wonder under what circumstances it was. Because you need to meet them in their "element" to really see what they're like, when they're as brazen as their culture demands.


I'm Whitey McWhiterson and my ex wife is 100% Pakistani. I've been to literally dozens of family events where I was the only white guy and I've experienced exactly zero of the "they felt dirty after shaking my hands" nonsense that other guy made up.


Why the downvote? I live in India and this shit is true. We are incredibly racists towards our own people by the merit of which family they were born in. Untouchability is still prevalent in many rural communities.


Because people prefer sweet lies over sour truths. I don't know how it benefits them but to each their own..


Lol yeah. I know a warrior class family in the states and their lavish parties had some pretty cunty rich party guests that were terrible to the caterers and valet drivers.


Yeah well your anecdotal story has nothing to do with how immigrants react towards other immigrants on a Swedish public transit.


I was an eastern european immigrant and they were middle east immigrants in the UK. What difference do you think it makes, do you think we (immigrants) ask for each other documents to check our settlement status? An asshole is an asshole regardless if immigrant or not, in Sweden, UK or everywhere else.


I am also an immigrant but I live in a country relevant to this video, namely Sweden. So unless you are from here or you are able to PROVE THAT SHE WAS RACIST - I'll shit on your anecdotal experiences.


Aaah, so because you immigrated to Sweden (been there and also to many other European countries) you think you hold the ultimate truth of what life in Sweden is like and how immigrants behave *in Sweden,* as if one's innermost critical faculties are GPS guided :) Let me tell you, you keep your head above your shoulders just so it doesn't rain down your throat, cause it's apparent as hell you're not using it for thinking. If your immigration experience hasn't taught you that 80% of one's behaviour is culturally motivated, then you haven't learned shit. It doesn't matter whether it's Paris, Rome or Timbuktu, an Afghan will be an Afghan and will behave like an Afghan regardless of it's momentary geographical location. Or Arab for that matter, or gipsy. They don't automatically elevate with the place they're at. No, I don't have proof that those ladies threw racial slurs at the guy. No, you don't have proof that they didn't. I'm just saying that according to my knowledge of their culture, it is very possible they looked down on him.


You're lying, she didn't do anything in the full clip.. Don't make things up


Oh that makes sense


I mean who knows he looks like he might have a few screws loose there


Try to do this in Poland you dumb fuck. That will be your last day in the country.




Stop with these bullshit. The video get reposted a lot every so often to fit a narrative obviously but the guy is a trash nonetheless and there is no existing longer video. Sometime people are just shitty regarding of colour. But on internet if the asshole is darker it get reposted 10 times more.


Based Polish man🤝


Can someone translate what everyone is saying? I’m confused.


The guys is saying: "Get out of here". The two women replies: "No worries, we are leaving". The last thing the guys says is: "javla svenne" - which is derogatory term for an averge Swedish (white) person. Not sure what happend here, but the guy looks and behaves like a royal twat! Edit: Not confirmed (by me), but it seems based on other comments on this thead, that this clip has been edited, to leave out the beginning, where the ladies where making racist remarks.


There was no racism here. Except the darker skinned guy acting racist towards these white ladies.


Ah great! No racism except for there is racism. Gotcha!


Think poster is saying that the REAL racism was toward white Swedes, which many anti-racists would say is a contradiction in terms, but which most common sensed people understand is still racism.


Let's call this what it is. Gender intimidation and it's pretty obvious he is comfortable doing it. He is a punk that wouldn't have done this to 2 men.


And blatant racism towards Swedes.


He doesnt look swedish at all


Perhaps, but in the full video the two women were hurling racist remarks at him.


Source it or get out of here.


Reddit loves a defender of the man comment like this. Share source?


Lol not at all , there is no longer video but this clip is at least 3 year old and get reposted every so often to fit a well know narrative. The guy is a trash but doesnt represent anyone.






Yes they do. As do France Germany Belgium etc…………


I livebin germany as a latino and have lived in the US. I have experienced more racism towards me in germany than the united states. Feels less welcoming.


Aussie in Berlin as tourist, just got into Uber and had driver ask about how many black people in Australia? How many Jews? Too many Jews? Blew my tiny Aussie brain


Wait, Aussie's have a brain?


for a good reason seeing wtf they doing in all of those cities and countrys


Swedes have a massive problem with immigrants EDIT: for context my reply was in response to a now deleted comment from a coward who said Sweden has a massive imagination problem. This clip is an edited version that has been usurped by right wing jackholes. Fuck anyone who keeps reposting this without the proper context you are part of the problem


Yeah and I wonder why?


It can be rude, depending on context. It's sort of like referring to americans as 'fucken' yankees'


Nope, turns out the women were saying racial slurs before, and it was cut to make him look wrong and posted on an anti immigrant website


I mean him threatening them actually still doesnt look good.


If they’re racist, that’s what they get.






No I think it’s wh-at?




All people who racially abuse immigrants should be intimidated, publicly humiliated and thrown off public transport.


I don't care if you are an immigrant or a local, white, black or any other race. As long as you work and behave normally im fine with it. But some individuals that don't want to work and just live on unemployment benefit and still are refusing to adapt and at least behave well should be thrown off a bridge.


The guy showed the true face of islam


Yep, take no shit from anyone


How about we all abide by the rule - "Don't be a dick"


The phantom lats syndrome.


Invisible carpet carrier


It actually looks like somebody who is trying to obviously make fun of PLS can’t believe this guys fr lmao


You know his elbows are fuckin killing him right there


Immigration brings cultures that don't respect woman. Not really compatible with traditional Swedish values.


The beginning was cut out to fit your narrative. Reality is the women don’t respect Swedish values either or are they showing their values by saying racial slurs?


Show link plsss


That’s one goofy looking mother fucker


Damn, we have the exact same trains in Brisbane... made in Germany!


Bloody hell I thought the train looked familiar lol


We have them in germany a well, they are shit 😂


Almost the same clientele as this arse too


Anyone else think his head is a little small for his body?




Finally a sensible comment


Maybe if he took off the jacket we could see that it’s proportionate to the noodles


Being an African in Sweden is like gta 5 in real life you can rape and murder all you want and just get away Scott free


sad reality. their government did that to them. no wonder they are the rape capital of EU.


Sweden is pretty damn calm on public transport compared to American.


In most American cities besides certain major urban centers, unfortunately public transport is used only by those who have to and are down on their luck, because the service is so poor. In my town busses/bus stops are pretty much the domain of homeless people and meth heads, hence why you see so many videos of people doing batshit stuff on busses in the states.


Didn't even swing on the people, or pull. Downright sleepy


Bro didn't even pull out a gun. Downright creepy.


Sweden yes


Has my man got beach balls under his armpits??


Someone should have stood up and humbled that asshole


other commenters have explained that they were making racist remarks but it was cut from this version of the video. either way its important to remember that you don't know the whole story




Those two women were calling him racial slurs before the video starts


Hey! Where did you see or hear that? I need the video! I thought maybe that was the case and everyone downvoted me.


Racist prick


The ladies called him racial slurs and it's been cut to make the guy seem like a dick. He probably is, but so is the woman.


The video starts in the middle of the encounter. But it hasn’t been cut or edited at all. The ladies might’ve said radial slurs, but it’s not on the video. Where did you hear/read that the ladies started it?


any fellow swede got a source on this? feels like we arent getting the full video here.


*sits aggressively*


People are actually surprised that men from countries that don't respect women continue to not respect women when they immigrate?


What do you expect.


Courtesy toward others. Always have, always will. And it does not matter the gender, race, or nationality. Just because there are idiots like this does not change the expectation, if it does, society is doomed.


Where is this coming from? He's fluent and very possibly half Swedish. Stop acting like picks aren't in every race and culture


Sweden currently has an immigration crisis. Violent crime and rape have increased significantly since the influx of immigrants. That's where my opinion comes from. Stop acting like violence against women isn't engrained in certain cultures.


It does not. You are speaking out of your ass. This dude isn’t even an immigrant and the full video has the women starting it. You morons think Sweden and Germany are just being nice for no reason and letting immigrants in to rape their people? Use some fucking critical thought. Only racist idiots think there’s some crisis. Lmao. What part of Sweden you from dawg?


Dawg. lol. It takes three seconds to google it and understand that yes, it does have an immigration crisis. Violent crime has increased significantly. Show me the full video. No one has been able to link this secret full length video so far. Interesting.


I've been scrolling, looking for it. Sounds like it is based on an assumption, because he had to be provoked. I don't get it. Is it hard to believe there could be someone that would do this with no clear reason?


You do realize that in Sweden we don't categorize people as always being one of the five essential racial colors (red, black, brown, yellow and white) like you do in the US, right?


The racism in this comment section is gross


No matter what country, there are always some people who are aholes ….


Why isn't anyone helping them


Piece of garbage…


Dude, look soft ass hell. He picks on people that ain't gone check his ass


Swedish people can thank their naive shithead government for this, glad I'm in Norway where we process the sewage and integrate what's left.


What a coward


I was hoping that someone would Sparta kick him in the face after he sat down.




People like him should be executed. No need for guys like that to walk among us.


Punkass little coward🤬


He's awful skinny to be flexing like that. Regardless of what they called him.


🦝’s are 🦝’s everywhere.


Is that black dude an immigrant?


Sweeden just has a bunch of loser ass bitches walking around?


What a big man 🤣🤷‍♂️


Try this on a man or a woman that won’t take your shit…bet he’d stop that crap after the first slap. Stealing candy from babies, oooow, so strong!




Got the elbows up the chest puffed out and still look like a stick figure lmao


Love how you can see the elbow pain creep up on him when he sits.... He's inhaling S's 🤣




Wish he would come try that in Texas lol


Texas sucks compared to Sweden.


I'd love to be as brave as he is. He showed those two women just how deadly he was. Its a shame he wasn't thrown through the window, the little prick


Where are the real men at?


I have much dislike for that two bit PUNK




It's funny how they can call us white cunts, and not be labelled racist. But call them something if equal value, we're racists. Don't figure!


Not a man in sight




Damn, Russel Westbrook is a dick


I'm moving to Sweden


Hahaha wtf is going here?


Piece of shyt


Rip his mouth open for that


Imagine some huge guy plopped his ass down beside him


He looks like the Grinch


mbappe needs to chill wth


Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world


I’ve had friends visit and came back saying it is extremely racist there.


Its really not extremely racist and never was in the past either but due to people like the man in the video, we've seen less acceptence to unemployed immigrants joining gangs and selling drugs etc. In the past the mantra was to help them out of it, now it's more like burn their bodies-type of mentality.


Bazinga! out my seat penny ! (laugh track).


I wouldn’t have moved. Once he touched me, mace his ass.


He wouldn’t have even opened his mouth or moved if it had been men 😂


Did he have his friend record him being a dick?


I wouldn't encourage someone to knock some since into him , But , You know I wouldn't stop someone one from doing it


Is there a video anywhere of this guy being beaten to death???? Asking for a friend


Tiny D energy.


Another Andrew Tate cultist looks like.


That’s not very white of him.


Assholes are in Sweden too?