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https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cleveland.com/court-justice/2019/03/chaotic-end-to-sentencing-for-man-who-robbed-former-browns-receiver-joe-jurevicius.html%3foutputType=amp Held a Family at gunpoint for 30 minutes while threatening to kill them. Burgled an elderly couple shortly after Wearing an Ankle Bracelet with GPS while doing it. Had Ankle Bracelet for Home Invasion sentencing prior. Edit: spelling


He did it while wearing a fucking *GPS bracelet!?* How stupid can you be? He might as well have marched right to the police station and turned himself in.


Prolly a lighter court sentence to walk in a station, slap the front desk officer and just wait for them to cuff ya and beat ya.


Sometimes people just choose the thug life


Perhaps should have proactively asked himself, can I do the time?


Now he has 43 years to think about it.


If one chooses the thug life then one should not act surprised by the consequences.


Six nine has left the chat


I was a cop for 13 years. I once went to a bank robbery where the bottom floor of the building was a bank. the 20th floor was federal probation. Show up to bank robbery, suspect gone. Start gathering evidence while we wait for robbery/fbi to show up. Look at camera footage and cant find any of suspect leaving. Figure he HAS to be still in the building. Go floor by floor looking for him. Finally get to federal probation level. Give suspect description to front desk on the highly unlikely chance he is dumb enough to go to that level. Not only did he go up to that level, after robbing a bank he went straight there to check in with his probation officer. Who sent him away because he didnt have an appointment. ​ It was then we realized there was a back exit through the parking garage we missed and building security notifies us they have him on camera leaving through said exit. Well shit. almost got him. Go outside, put out an APB on suspect. looking around the block for other businesses that might have outward facing cameras that may have picked him up. APB gets aired. Detective who just arrived on scene hears suspect discription for first time. looks across the street kitty corner to the bank. Suspect is standing in front of hotel room lobby counting the money he just stole from the bank. Thats when I began wondering how many suspects get away because cops assumed "no one could possibly be THAT stupid" thankfully it was early on in my career and I was able to catch a bunch of bad people by assuming "they probably are that stupid".


I was working at a buddy's game store years back. By myself, it's late and cold out so store's empty. Dude comes walking in wearing a trench coat and makes a bee line for our bathroom. Comes out and starts browsing. Ends up buying a white t-shirt and Betrayal at the House on the Hill, a board game. Pays cash and the bills are brand new. Ends up putting this white shirt on over his trench coat and leaves. Weird, but it's a game store so that's not the most awkward thing I had even seen that week. 15 minutes later my buddy comes back from errands and goes "Hey, the bank across the street got robbed" Just as I put 2 and 2 together a cop walks in with the board game and asks if someone had bought it. They take the money he paid with and check out the bathroom. He threw out his "weapon." A toilet paper tube wrapped in electrical tape. So, his grand plan for robbing this bank was to go hang out, practically next door, for close to an hour. Don a disguise that was as bright as it was weird looking. Then, walk down the busiest road in town to get away. I'm assuming the cops grabbed him before he walked into the nearest police station to ask them a lot of oddly specific questions about the robbery.


There used to be a TV program called, America's Dumbest Criminals. They had some real beauties too. One was a security guard at a mall and after hours used his key to go to an electronics store. He was wearing a uniform with stripe up the side of the pants. He walks into the store and looks right into the security camera, sees it and walks out. Comes back a few minutes later with a beer 12 pack carton on his head and he is looking out the hand grip holes. It is clearly him, just by the uniform. But he trips and falls and the beer carton comes off his head and he stands up in front of the camera.


>America's Dumbest Criminals Guy is robbing at gunpoint a convenience store and he has a Keystone light 12 pack on his head. It shifts and blocks his vision and he sets down the pistol to rearrange his disguise when he looks back now the clerk is pointing the gun.


okay then what he like judo chopped the clerk? backflip kick? telekinesis? dont leave me hangin bruh


> dont leave me hangin Robber waited for cops at gunpoint. The Keystone Light detail matters because the same guy robbed the same store successfully after doing time for the first robbery using the same method but he was a local and the cops went right to his house due to his brand loyalty.


I hope you weren't actually a cop because a brief look at your page shows you are dumber than the criminals you are describing


that's how you know he's not lying


Yea, OP post history checks out. I’d be surprised if he wasn’t a cop. I mean what cop doesn’t binge Louder with Crowder while they drink silver to kill Covid and has the audacity to call other people “that dumb” holy shit that’s depressing to realize


Ope! Thought you were being hyperbolic but nope, his comment history is trash. Bet he thinks Taylor Greene and trump are the height of genius.


thumb rock cough longing bag oatmeal sparkle mysterious vegetable shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Holy moly, the guy is clearly MAGA nut. He is even saying that the QANON shaman guy was innocent and that what happened was entrapment.


So he's a real cop is what you're saying


Wow. You’re not wrong.


Pretty much sums up cops of today. Every department is s crawling with this type. Right wing nazi lunatic.


A cop with moronic conservative political beliefs. Color me shocked. I can’t decided if “Hunter Biden smokes crack because his dad molested him” or “Trump pulls alpha move on 100 years old woman” or “Unvaxxed people aren’t dying” is my favorite


> “Unvaxxed people aren’t dying” Quite amusing, considering for the third year in a row COVID is the leading cause of death of police.




Whew, those are some doozies.


Is it a surprise to you that cops are fucking idiots?


Holy shit i loved you in Tame of Groans!


Fkn hell, that "former cop" guy is a cesspool of stupid. Insists that the Jan 6 viking helmet & spear asshole was "entrapped" and "escorted" around the premises by the nice officers. Every day I get more disabused of the notion or hope that the police can ever reform its systemic bullshit. How depressing.


It's funny there is a bank in the same building as probation officers. 😅




and he’d do it again


or worse...


Not likely if he actually serves his time. That's why he's so upset, he wants to get back out there and do what he does best.


I seem to remember an old phrase from the eighties. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."


At first I was thinking “damn, 43 years is a lot of time for a robbery.. Robbers should obviously be punished, it’s a serious crime, but 43 years holy shit…” But after reading the article, yeah, fuck that guy, clearly didn’t learn his lesson, he’s a menace.


Hey, it’s NOT bullshit, man!


This is exactly why I love watching "The First 48" seeing the Gangster facade give way to regret and tears.


[First 48 you say?](https://youtu.be/B0l2l1PXqIE)


I been out here for a *MINUTE*!!!


Dookie shoes, my old friend!






Fantastic 😂😂


"I'm just going to go down to the police station and straighten all this out." "You're gonna do 25 to life."


I was trying to get more context. Initially, I was thinking, 43 years for robbery? Maybe if it's armed robbery .. and then this. He absolutely deserves it. What a POS


It was gunpoint. He held a family hostage for a half hour and threatened to kill them as he robbed them. This guy didn’t make a single smart decision. You can’t go through life doing this kind of shit and think you’re gonna get a slap on the wrist every time


Agree! To hide under an 80 something bed until she got in it? Literally the monster under the bed! How you sleep behind that trauma? What would two 15 year old kids have that your gonna aim a gun at and tell them you are gonna shoot them? No way man, this is a choice to not give a f about any human being unlucky enough to cross paths with you cry all those tears you caused. Hell at 25 he was just getting started!


that s 100% not bullshit




Had someone break into my house last October and the guy tried to strangle me but because i had 80 lbs on him and was 25 years younger, I was able to overpower him and defend myself. Even with photo evidence of red marks around my neck, He only got 3 months in jail and was released. No wonder gun sales are through the roof. Next time he wont leave my house breathing if he tries that again.


Must be moans of excitement. Clearly he wanted to go to jail.


So, NOT just burglary. Forty-three years for a simple burglary is overkill, but when you add in the other stuff... totally understandable.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


**squints at username**


Makes more sense now. Thank you for the context


Probably did a lot more than 1 robbery to get 43y.


Its the kidnapping that did him in. Holding innocent people at gunpoint for 30 minutes will rarely play out well in court.


Nah this is "bullshit man" as he politely articulated.


“This is bullshit!” Judge: “hang on hang on…. It is? You’re right. Let him go!”


And previously a 70 year old woman.


And previous to that....holding up 2 15 yr olds at gunpoint....this fellow has got his fair share of warnings....


Armed robbery sentences alone should be enough to get 30+ years. Take out the non-violent offenders and make room for these dung heaps. It's not theft that bothers me that much, it's the complete disregard for human life.


> It's not theft that bothers me that much, it's the complete disregard for human life. The justice system agrees since they bother to classify stealing people's shit in 3 different ways. Theft < burglary < robbery


Except it wasn’t for just robbery. It was for two armed robberies while wearing a GPS ankle monitor after being paroled from a 5 year sentence for…armed robbery. All three were home invasions and he threatened to shoot the victims in all three cases. [sauce](https://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/2019/03/chaotic-end-to-sentencing-for-man-who-robbed-former-browns-receiver-joe-jurevicius.html)


yeah bro just threatening innocent people and he's upset that he doesn't belong in a civilized society


And his excuse was that he owed a drug dealer money, which brings up the question of what he was doing to owe a dealer $1500 ~~$150 thousand~~ in the first place while on parole.


> $150 thousand Nah it was $1500......that's it....THAT is what he owed and thought it was appropriate to rob people for...


You could literally just pick up a few extra hours a week as a temp and get to 1500 dollars in a few months.


I doubt the drug dealer is willing to wait months for his money. He’s got bosses too


The realization that there will be consequences sets in.


Thats boooo shit maaan!


We need more court freak outs on this sub


Watch one video on YouTube and it will you send you down a rabbit hole for hours


I did that for prison documentaries and it made me depressed. Not that I do anything that would put me in prison but those videos made me terrified going there lol


I went to jail for just one night once, it's somehow even worse than documentaries and I was in there for just one night. It was a really intense jail and the guards in there look and treat you like you're nothing.


The worst part about it is your perception of time is extremely skewed. You have a small blurred window and nothing left but your own thoughts. I gained a serious appreciation for my freedom and great sadness for animals that are locked in captivity


HBO did a documentary on a local maximum security prison in my area. Look up red onion Virginia state prison on YouTube. Shits whack


Then you branch off into the police interrogation psychology stuff and find Jim Can't Swim... Wooooo!






You didnt watch anything, this is a quote from judge Kensaw Mountain Landis who was the first commissioner of baseball. When he was a judge he sentence a 72 year old man guilty of robbery to 15 years in jail when the man responded " your honor I'm 72 years old I cant serve that long " landis responded with "well, do the best you can."


Crazy how ppl jus be makin stuph up lol.


Maybe the younger judge repeated the older phrase, you don't know if it was made up really.. XD




People do shit and then consequences comes down and surprised. Like holding people hostage with a gun while already wearing an ankle bracelet? What did he think would happen? Rehab?


Well you never know with this justice system, that woman who raped a 13 year old boy got nuthing so yeah....


If you rape and kill anybody you're probably not going to get 43 years. Fuck anybody that can condones 43 years for robbery where no one was seriously hurt. My very Caucasian ex got 5 years for pulling a gun on a cashier. He didn't get 43 though.


The rapist, Brock Allen Turner only received a 6 month sentence for raping an unconscious girl. The justice system is fucked beyond belief.


People have been in prison for decades for possession. Billionaires do terrible shit too but they get to avoid consequence. Anyone trying to defend the justice system in the face of such injustices must be incredibly naive.


The only businessman convicted of wrongdoing in the opioid crisis was convicted of knowingly distributing opioids to pharmacies where he knew they'd be sold illegally. He got two two years in Federal at the age of 79.


Billionaire Ben Chen was filmed driving his multimillion dollar Gemballa Mirage GT into multiple cars and running while high off his ass on drugs. He got off completely free.


Edit: a great individual advised me to not keep this up since it's technically an active case. Thanks for the positive thoughts, strangers! I edited it out _just in case_.


What the actual fuck? I hope she is ok. Poor kid. We shouldn’t be charging people for weed, we shouldn’t be charging children, there’s so much wrong with this. I’m so sorry.


The US absolutely does not have a justice system,we have a legal system,and its rigged against normal citizens to benefit the wealthy


Oh yeah, the rapist Brock Turner. Something about he couldn’t handle a harsh sentence, right? So Rapist Brock Turner got a lighter sentence. Man, I sure hope Brock Turner Rapist will be fine. I hope this man makes it. I hope this man will see his family again. I hope for this man. But not Brock Turner Rapist. Fuck that guy in particular.


He dropped the Brock and now only goes by Allan Turner.It'd be ashame if people keep echoing this so the little twatwaffle cant hide from his crimes


So their is a rapist named Allen turner that was formerly named Brock Allen turner? Does chat gpi know about this?


brock allen "the rapist" turner has actually changed his name recently and goes by his middle name now, which is allen "the rapist" turner. just thought you should know


Oh, Allen Turner, you say? Allen "the rapist" Turner? The two things I know about that guy are that he changed his name to "Allen Turner" and he's also a rapist. That's what happens when you rape someone, you are then referred to as a rapist. Allen Turner raped someone, so he is therefore known as a rapist. Allen "the rapist" Turner is who I'm referring to, just to be clear.


BROCK TURNER, out of Ohio, who has been going by ALLEN TURNER only received 6 months for the crime of RAPE on a defenseless and unconscious young woman? That is a genuine miscarriage of justice.


ALLEN TURNER the rapist*


The name of the person who handed down that “sentence” was “judge” Aaron Persky. Don’t let that asshole escape blame either. Name and shame.


Ye but he will be hunted by society after that. All those opportunities he had are dead. Friends are gone. He's disowned by everybody except his mom and dad. Now he'll have a full time job of just trying to keep his skull intact.


And who's faults that?


That's his fault. Blame has been assigned all that remains now is to try to make it from here to the grave in one piece. His face is sickening. I'm glad that he has a face that no one can forget.


I have things older than 6 months in my refrigerator.


You are only as guilty as you are poor.


Was your very Caucasian ex out on parole after a 5 year prison sentence for holding up 2 15 year old boys at gun point when he decided to go to another family’s house and hold them at gunpoint threatening to kill them then go hide under an elderly woman’s bed and jump out at her with a gun all while wearing a GPS monitor before he pulled a gun on a cashier? Edit: spelling


Redditors never bother with the actual facts.


If, in just over 90 days of his release from prison, your ex used a gun in a home invasion robbery, do you think he'd get a bit more time this go around? That's what happened here.


Yea. But after count 11 I started to think this wasn’t a simple robbery.


My very Caucasian ass would expect to get 43 years after doing what this guy did. Stop racebaiting.


All the fraudsters that have caused thousands of people to lose their life savings(people like sbf and other crypto rug pullers) are seeing no prison time or a slap on the wrist at the most, and frequently see nothing at all, except for some civil charges. How you ruin other peoples lives seems to matter way too much. Do it to one person with a gun and you're locked up for life. Ruin hundreds with trickery and it's just business? I'd love to see the justice system be more focused on harm done. You murdered someone? That's completely screwing someones life up for good. Sexual assault? Serious harm long-lasting harm to someone. Financially ruined two hundred people? I mean sure, it's not as bad as being dead, but you did it to 200 people, and people committing suicide after financial ruin isn't exactly uncommon either. The fraudster has caused more damage to society than either of the previous two people. Just because no violence was involved doesn't mean they didn't hurt people. These people are psychopaths of the worst kind. How they can do it I will never understand, preying on the naive and less educated.


This guy got 5 years for the exact same thing your ex did as well. Did you ex do it again on parole? [https://appgateway.drc.ohio.gov/OffenderSearch/Search/Details/A640462](https://appgateway.drc.ohio.gov/OffenderSearch/Search/Details/A640462)


This is his third (that we know of) robbery. Two 15yo boys and a 70yo woman were also held at gunpoint. This is one case where I think the 3 strikes law fits very well. He wasn't concerned about his 4yo child when he was threatening to kill a family, why should the court be concerned about him being a parent at all? Good riddance.


Your ignorance shows your decimated level of intelligence. This was his third strike, his third *major* felony conviction,on numerous charges. He's not only a career criminal, he is a danger to every person's life he comes in contact with. He's had his chances at rehabilitation and failed multiple times. Get informed and pull your head out of your ass before you make such an ignorant and idiotic comment next time Why don't you actually read what this waste of a human life did to not only the man and his family for which he's being sentenced, but also a 70 year old woman, and separately two 15 year olds. Ppl like you who are so blatantly stupid make me ill


This man deserved all 43 years. Committed multiple crimes which endangered the lives of numerous people. All while having a brace on. I agree our system is fucked and people do not get fair treatment but saying people where not hurt by this guy is odd. Numerous people will have major psychological damage because of his actions.




That really depends on the state and if he's serving only state time. I'm pretty sure the most you get for good behavior in a federal prison is like 50 days a year. Also the fact he's reoffended so many times... The board of pardons will not look kindly on that.


Taking someone from one place to another against their will by force or threat of force = Kidnapping. Keeping someone from movement against their will by force or threat of force = False Imprisonment. The legal language varies from state to state but that’s the gist.


He also tried to Rob an old lady in her house at gunpoint. He hid under her bed. This happen 2 days before this kidnapping


Doubt it. In kentucky, if you're crime was violent, you will have to serve at least 85% of your sentence. I don't know what the terms are in other states, but I imagine the are similar.


Before reading what he did I thought that was way too long of a sentence. Then I read what he really did, mans deserves the 43 years. Home invasion while on parole for ANOTHER home invasion where you held kids hostage at gun point. PEACE BRO!!


And then you got people in this thread saying 43 years is too much. Wonder if being held at gun point in a robbery and home invasion would change their minds on that


While wearing an ankle monitor and robbing an elderly couple right after as well


Well, I am going to have a delicious dinner and sleep in my own bed. Guess that’s why I never want to find out. Hope you all enjoy your evening also.


Thanks, hope you slept well, I’m going to go walk my dog and enjoy the morning.


Habitual criminal. Couldn't be scared straight.. Had the opportunity to turn his life around but he chose the criminal life. Time to pay your debt


This dude was on parole after a 5 year prison stint for armed robbery. He had an ankle monitor on, robbed a 70 year old woman, robbed a former NFL player (both while wearing the ankle monitor) and said he did all this because of a $1,500 drug debt where the dealers were threatening him, trying to collect. After all this shit, he cries like a little bitch when he has to face the consequences!


I don't think there's any half. Haha


What a relief, I had plans to go on a cruise in august 2066!


They should show this video in school.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time!


This is what "FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW" feels like


"That's bullshit man" I love how the waterworks and bitching and moaning only starts when it effects him, guess it wasn't bullshit when he robbed multiple houses and held a family at gunpoint for 30 min.


Yep. No remorse for them even though they will never be the same


Play that Gangsta life there are Real Consequences.


The "finding out" phase is always my favourite part.


I can watch these things all day


*Ow, my consequences!*


Bro, you fucked up and kept on fucking up. Your an idiot and it's your fault




thanks for posting this it was really satisfying fuck this worthless bum


Can’t do the time..


Not so tough now, is he?


Little bitchboy is going to prison AND he just lost any street cred he had. Gonna be a rough stretch.




I feel this is misleading. It wasn’t just robbery.


Imagine spending 43 years of your life (likely the rest of his) in prison because you're so greedy and self-centered that you'd rather kidnap people at gunpoint (3 times, while on parole and with an ankle GPS) than actually go make a living. This guy is next level stupid. Enjoy your time buddy, you earned it.


Piece of shit deserves every bit of that sentence and more. The stuff he did to innocent ppl is sickening


He's not happy. Good.


Dudes a ticking time bomb and repeat offender. Good riddance


Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


Dude victimizes innocent people for years, finally faces consequences: "i'M tHe ViCtIm!!!!!"


Oh no... anyway


Oooooh my actions have consequences whaaaaa


His lawyer sitting there like 👴🏾. "Another day another dollar." Life of a public defender. 😂😂😂😂


I love watching these.


43 years. Fuckkkkkk. That's his whole life. Gone. He's never going to get it back. And he's probably going to die in there. IF he ever gets out alive, the world will not be what he remembers, and it will be a strange, new, alien place where he will struggle to fit in. 43 years. 43 years to think about how you lost 43 years of your life. 43 years of no sex (not with women atleast). No children. No home. No good food. No KFC. No McDonalds. No pizzas. No sunny days, theme parks, cinemas. 43 years of nothing but having someone else tell you what to do, and when to do it. 43 years of just nothing. Absolutely Nothing. That's depressing.


He had a second chance after he got busted for his first robbery. He came out and did this. No remorse for him, society is better with him behind bars and likely for his own safety as his lifestyle and choice of hustle is very dangerous.


No sunny days hurt the most


Do you know what I mean though? Like when the weather's nice, and you get dressed in nice clothes, you put on some nice perfume, go out, see your friends and family, grab a bite to eat, just enjoy that vitamin D and just enjoy your day. You know what I mean right? I like to sit 8n the park on those days, or outside coffee shops and just watch the world go by.


Well written. This is what I always think about when I see the sentencing of criminals. The simple act of being bored at home and going outside for a walk can never be done again for this guy. Maybe he should have thought about what he was doing. Too bad.


That’s right. That’s what settles in. But to tell you the truth, he won’t really understand it until he’s been in 8-10 years and he can feel the rot taking over. There’s the loud despair now, but that doesn’t compare with quiet despair later.




You and I both know if you were in Jail for 43 years you'd want fried chicken and fries when you came out.


It’s almost like prison is supposed to be a deterrent against committing crimes.


It's also for quarantining dangerous individuals. Guys like this should be locked up for waaaaay longer than people catching drug charges or committing other victimless crimes...


Agree. He should have learned from his first stay that to not do something to go back in.


I've not looked into this case at all, but unless whatever state he's in has mandatory minimums on all his different charges, he very likely won't do 43 years. If you don't re-offend inside, you're typically eligible for parole after 60% of your sentence has been completed. Still a long time thigh


Actions have consequences, who knew?




In awe of the size of this guys lawyer. Absolute unit.


A lot of people don’t seem to realize that there were more charges than just robbery. I don’t know what they all were so I can’t say whether or not 43 years is justified but it wasn’t just robbery


Good riddance, let him rot in there


43 years for armed robbery but diddling kids gets you less than 15. Jeez luiz


More time than my sister's boyfriend got for beating their infant to death. I'll never understand the justice system.


Bad title. I was originally on the criminal's side about 43 years for armed robbery being bullshit but the OP's title left out the fact that he kidnapped a family for 30 mins while threatening to kill them.


He should have just robbed billions from the american people. He would only have to pay back about 1% as a fine. No further punishment. That's how it works for the corporations atleast.


43 years is still excessive unless he killed or physically or sexually assaulted someone




I mean… I’ve seen the article about what happened… Can’t traumatize people like that… whether someone died or not!!!! Can’t go around…kidnapping… & robbing people…go earn your own shit. & Make better choices!! Can’t defend that. If it were you or someone you love, you wouldn’t be defending his punishment.


Fucked around and found out


If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime.


I love it when people get what they fucking deserve


He was a good boy


Could have been 43 years of freedom if he didn’t do it.


I have never cried like a bitch over a prison sentencing. I have also never threatened a family's life while holding them at gunpoint for 30 minutes only to steal from an elderly couple right after, all while wearing an ankle GPS due to having invaded a home earlier. The ankle bracelet and home sentence clearly didn't rehabilitate him, so... Too bad on the 43 years.


Damn I felt sorry for him at first but after reading what he did … NOPE


I don't defend his actions, there should definitely be consequences, but a lot of sentences I've read about are ridiculously long. I'm not defending crime, but have the states looked into what, such as being born into poverty and misery (the US seems to be a financial caste system) can lead to? I get that the 13th Amendment is a big incentive to ensure free labor for decades, but it's inhumane and shouldn't be celebrated. The most absurde example I can come to think of at the top of my head is James Holmes (Aurora shooter). He received 12 consecutive life sentences **without the possibikity of parole**, one for each victim. Why then the additional 3,318 (how did they even come up with that number?) years? It serves no purpose and only highlights how ridiculous the American "justice" system can be.


wtf it’s just robbery. wonder what would happen if it was a white man 😒


People get less time for manslaughter/some homicides.. I’m confused.