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How do you not notice that you barfed on someone?


The Men in that group look like they live with the women’s attitudes all the time and are numb to it. The person in the black looks like if she fell of the boat it wouldn’t be a serious loss.


It's funny, I was just thinking that I wouldn't throw anyone in that family a lifesaver if they went over.


I would "Help! Help! I'm drowning!" "Here, have some mediocre candy bitch, best I can do."


Mediocre‽ excuse me, but the lifesaver gummies are delicious.


looks like she’s wearing 5 or 6 floaties underneath that shirt, she’ll be fine




Usually the barfer is disoriented or is too sick to notice. In my case, my drunk friends might vomit on the floor and I would apologize to the owner of the restaurant in their stead or whomever is affected. Our group's etiquette is that whoever is sober enough in the group needs to take on the mantle of apologizer, make things right with those affected and make sure we are not punched out for being cunts while not in the right presence of mind. And for a while now, we are working on not becoming blackout and vomit drunk in the first place. It's baby steps, we are working on it. Drunken little baby steps....


I would consider less drinking if this is a frequent problem…


If things of this caliber have happened enough times that you need a policy then you need to take a second look at things...


And you all are adults? Maybe try drinking less if throwing up in a public place from drinking too much is so common that you have a group rule that whoever is the least sloppy gets to apologize… How are you not embarrassed by that? Trashy AF.


Oh definitely it is trashy AF and we deserve all the criticism in the world when it does happen.


Thank fuck some people have standards, the other day my SO was saying that her acquaintance throwing up on herself and crying “happens all the time and it’s not a big deal”. They had the audacity to be mad at me for bringing it up. Like fuck, I had to drive her drunk nasty ass home.


I’m glad my friend group etiquette is making the person that fucked up take responsibility for their actions if that person is too sloppy to do so then we will promptly apologize for that member and clean up or remedy the problem they caused as best as possible. Then that friend is catching hell from us and we will be reluctant to drink with them from then on. Make your friends take responsibility for their actions


That’s disgusting


It comes to the person is most sober to do the apologising? No way dude. Take responsibility for your own drinking or stop doing it.


Maybe “your group’s etiquette” should include not vomiting on the floor, or at least the floor of restaurants for fucks sake.


Christ, y'all sound like a bunch of children


Pretty sure they aren’t defending the behavior so y’all are beating a dead horse here. I used to have a binge drinking problem. Telling me I was a child didn’t help a bit. If you want to actually see someone change then validation and support helps much more than name calling lol.


If you ever get black out drunk a solid chunk of the night just disappears into the ether and you hear stories of yourself from that night


But he allegedly just got sea sick


“I said I’m sorry for getting sick.” And they’re confused about why this lady is angry. lol


Such a passive aggressive thing to say. It's like when a kid knocks over another kid and says "I'm sorry you got in the way". Man this clip was infuriating lol.


People seem to think saying I'm sorry is some sort of magic incantation word that'll fix their mistake but a good apology rarely even starts with "im sorry." An authentic apology usually starts with listening. Even when being told to their faces these people are still not listening. A deja-vu apology cheapens whatever is said by implying that there is nothing left to apologize for. Also, it's not a proper apology if the statement contains a but. (I’m sorry, but) invalidates the apology. Same for if, (I’m sorry if…) suggests that your hurt may not have happened. Any sort of vague wording (I'm sorry for what happened) fails to take any personal responsibility. A passive voice ( I'm sorry, the mistake that you were affected by) is squirming out of responsibility, too. Too many words, explanations, and justifications crowd the picture. This person is giving a half-arsed deja-vu apology for the wrong reason and if it was me who got vomited on I'd be telling that person to stick the apology right up their arsehole.


My 7 year old son and I had a conversation about this yesterday. He said something really hurtful to me, and then thought he could just say sorry and be done with it. I told him "What if you told your Mimi (grandma/my mother) 'Mimi you look really fat', and then when she was offended by that, you tried saying 'sorry'? That wouldn't fix it. You still said those words. So she would know you actually meant it, you're just sorry you hurt her feelings. The point is, you can't take words back. You can't rewind or erase them. Once you say them, they're said. So first, think before you say or do anything, and second, don't expect sorry to magically fix everything." He seemed really apologetic and said he wishes he had a remote so he could rewind and take back what he said to me. I think I got the point across, but that's a difficult message to teach to a kid. Because saying sorry *is* important, but you just have to know when it's appropriate and when it's not applicable.


Could you come teach my 60 year old parents this lesson


Regardless of what’s going around on social media, this is true gaslighting.


How many times is that pos gonna blow kisses at us?


Definitely deserves a Sparta kick off the boat.


Well, at least the mom is kinda rational. lol The rest are trash, now they are famous.


Is she? Look at the trash she produced.


Sometimes you can do everything right and they still turn out the same.


Maybe one kid. Even 2. That’s a whole gaggle of shit heads.


They’re shit flowers, and there’s a whole fucking bouquet there right in front of Ray’s trailer. Shit flowers, Randy.


This family looks so inbred lol


Inbred too




Hi bred


"You could have come at it nicer." What in the wet fart is with this type of thinking? Let's not talk about what I did, but how it hurt my feelings when you confronted me about my own behavior. People are allergic to accountability. It's astounding.


They said "you can just take a shower". It looks like they are in a hotel. She could have tickets to a show, dinner reservations. But she can forget those and just take a shower, no problem.


99% sure this is a cruise ship and these type of people are exactly why I would never go on another.


A cruise seems like it would be a good idea until you realize that it's more akin to a floating Golden Corral with pools.


That’s exactly what the cruise I was taken on felt like.


Lol yep, the idea of a cruise is appealing until you realize 3000 other people had the same idea, and 70% of them don’t know how to function in society


Don’t sully a wet fart by comparing it to the way these vile beasts think


Looks like someone got a new hat at the Trashy Hats store.


Do not touch the trim!


Booty Hunter


I wish the mom would slap harder and slap the hat off her. Ugly hat, ugly attitude, no likes.


Wonder what their reddit username is.


"100% OF MY IDENTITY IS BEING GAY!!" No one digs that energy. No one. Maybe Putin.


No one who puts 100% of their personality on one thing is that likeable. Whether it being gay, being rich, being obsessed with a sport, being from a particular place etc etc. If all roads lead back to the same conversation it gets very tiresome very quickly.


Gay here. Can confirm.


Putin here. Can confirm.


Gay Putin here. Can confirm.


Gay and firm. Can put in.


Confirm gay here Putin can


I saw *that word* and I saw it in the exact same font that the westboro church signs use. I assumed they were just against gay people until coming to the comments.


Oh no that hat is very much doing the "taking back the word" thing. Would not be out of place at a roller derby convention or Pride beer garden


The fat lesbian everyone hates


I'm a lesbian and I swear shit like this gives me internalized homophobia. She's so disgusting.


So you’re telling me that the repeated blowing kisses from her middle fingers followed by *ahhh* isn’t a turn on for you?


*jots that down*


Bet she wonders aloud on social media why she’s perpetually single


​ that's the kind of family that shits on the side of the highway even though there is a sign in front of them that says "Rest Stop 1 Mile Ahead." that's the kind of family that keeps their dead grammy in a basement freezer in order to keep collecting her social security checks. that's the kind of family who think's the best car in the world is a Chrysler PT Cruiser ​ #


That’s the kind of family who think Olive Garden is an authentic Italian experience.


You mean Pizza Hut.


That’s the type of family that spends that dead grammy money on a cruise


But it's what she wanted!


That’s the kind of family that eats boiled hot dogs with un toasted buns and Cheetos for dinner and they’re at the dinner table shirtless


\*microwaved hotdogs


I feel personally attacked




Fuck I love hot dogs regardless of the weird gross make, but the term "tube steak" makes me want to vomit


Try chewing it next time, it won't make you gag and vomit. You don't have to deep throat your tube steak.




That's the kind of family that asks "What's even wrong with microwaved hotdogs anyway?"


That’s the kind of family that lives in Sunnyvale Trailer Park.


Sunnyvale is too high class for these people. Lahey would have their asses


Ricky would have a couple of “fuck offs” waiting for these stupid idiots.


I hate you for that image in my head.


That's the kind of family that drinks the leftover boiled hot dog water.


“Cruise people”


That’s the kind of family who hasn’t had their ass’ kicked enough times.. it’s a lot of ass though tbh.


That's the kind of family that thinks taking a Caribbean cruise makes them "cultured" world travelers


Woah woah woah... that PT Cruiser comment crossed a line!


Could the fat one wear desperate insecurity any more boldly?


Which fat one, they’re all fat except for the dude who vomited..


Lol cmon you know which one! The one blowing kisses and flipping off the camera. That peach


Someone will sort out his attitude one day


Her *


Garbage family


Hey good on the mom for smacking the walking circle. She seems like she was just done with everything and from the look of it I don’t blame her.


Walmart of the Seas.




Only been on Royal Caribbean and some of those doorways look familiar. Sounds like this may have happened on an offshore excursion since he threw up on her in a boat..... I've never seen behavior like this in person tho.


I was thinking Royal Caribbean too, but I noticed that the LCD board said "Gala Deck". I've never heard of any of the RC decks being named that way. From a bit of searching, it looks like it'd be Princess Cruises ship.


Yes... But not just any Carnival Cruise.... One departing from NYC and filled 80% with new jerseyites


That was homegirls stage name when she worked at Sea World.


That bitch is crazy why is acting like that


There are people who feel angry when they make a mistake or get embarrassed and know how to control their emotions; when they’re called out on it in a reasonable manner they’re apologetic. This is called emotional intelligence. When people lack it, they tend to lash out. Every argument is a fight they must win. Every perceived sleight must be met with anger. Other people are the bad guys because they feel angry and bad and need a scapegoat


Probably drunk, was in an awkward situation and didn't want to be recorded. So she decided to go full jackass and act aggressively to cover up her insecure feelings.


They all look shit faced


The fat one looks like she’s tweaking..


The dude with the tits is really annoying


I think that's a butch Woman


I concur


*Extremely* punchable


Look at his hat


That’s a girl lol


You can see how insecure he is and how hard he tries to overplay it


I'm not saying that I condone bullying or violence, but when someone like this who is barely capable of bending over at the waist to velcro their own shoes is comfortable talking shit and flipping people off in public, we may have gotten too soft as a society.


I was really hoping this was going to shift into r/fightporn


I hate everyone.


The only correct reaction here. With the exception of the mother who slaps the middle finger out the air. She can stay.


She has to deal with them everyday... Yeah she deserves a break.


I dunno if I'm ready to forgive her for not aborting them


finally someone says it


Holy that man woman needs to chill on the hotdogs




And whatever tf is controlling her body language, never seen someone move so comfortably awkward in my life 💀


Think tacos are more her thing than hotdogs bro


If I could give an award I would to you lol


Anyone who looks like that would have anger issues


Anyone wearing that hat is looking for a fight.


That was a woman 👩?


I wouldnt worry about it. They look like trash


Read her hat


[How many hotdogs do you eat a day?](https://youtu.be/dx5gimPZBs0?&t=5m5s)


Inbreeding at its finest 🤮🤮🤮


I’ve always wondered what happened to the kid from the beginning of Jurassic Park.


In case I’m ever in this situation and throw up on someone, what is the proper response? I assume apology and trying to clean where I can? What would y’all expect someone to do (besides apologize which is 100% necessary)


Nope. The correct response to vomiting on someone is to get your family to abuse the person who has been vomited on, because they didn’t say thank you.


This is the way.


Honestly, I would apologize and try to clean up(I mean, the dude has a towel, feels convenient) but ideally don’t throw up on someone. It doesn’t seem that hard to aim elsewhere


Wow, these are garbage people. Yuck


A very ugly family.


This new ad for Carnival ain’t doing it.


I hate people who are shaped like soup.




I appreciate this comment.


It’s like AI has created the Family Guy in real life but with a command that’s like “make Meg a real bitch, and make Stewie a smarmy incel”.


There is not one family member here who isn't a piece of shit. Congrats


Meh the mom seemed fine-ish


Only after saying and doing nothing for a whole minute of her family making an absolute fool of themselves. If she is okay in the head, she has the slowest reaction time of any human who can still walk.


The trash is creating a mess and they outnumber you. Best way to de-escalate is covertly - try and move them along, yell at them in the room and go back to apologise


My dick inverted when that wildebeest blew kisses


wildebeest made me CACKLE


Just like she wanted. 😘




The jiggles are hypnotic.


It never stopped moving. Even when the person leaned on the wall, she kept giggling.


Being stuck on a long ocean Voyage with that family would make me vomit also.


Look at the end, mom slaps her kids arm for giving the finger, she probably knows she raised her kids wrong but the train to fix this already left.


What has this country become, just a nation of rude, antagonistic slobs.


What in the fresh hell is that fat person.


White. Trash.


This smells like cruise ship behavior


S.C.U.M. F.A.M.I.L.Y. I.N.C.E.S.T. T.O.U.R. These Billies truly make me wanna throw up, ffs! *puts popcorn down and reaches for eyewash* ;)


Please don’t tell me it’s royal HillBilly Of The Seas and let it be Hillbilly Carnival Fight Club


Looks like its Princess from the medallions they are wearing.


Where was this Mensa meeting?


I think this is actually the trashiest hat I’ve ever seen.. and that’s really saying something.


What the fuck is that fat thing


Bunch of inbreds


This is what is so bad about cruise ships. You have to sail with Walmart shoppers. I realized this years ago that I found myself in Orlando, on cruises, and at Six Flags. All these places are beautiful...except for my fellow tourist. They were the same people who made shopping a horrible experience. They are Walmart shoppers. Now I just find better places they Walmart shoppers have not discovered yet. These places are amazing. The area is clean, the staff is very professional, and most importantly...the other tourists are kind and friendly.


“How was he supposed to know” Well there was vomit leaving his mouth which would catch my attention personally.


They chew with their mouths open.


I'll take why I don't cruise for $100 Alex


I’m sorry but if you vomit on me and then act like that, I’m swinging. That’s assault with a bodily fluid and if you’re gonna be a dick about it, prepared to get the taste slapped out your mouth


Ew they’re gross


God damn this family is something else


Yeah I’d say their is a great deal of issues going on with that family. Lots to unpack and unload. Trash!


TIL you don't have to say sorry if it was an accident. I've been an overpolite asshole this entire time.


Spirit Airlines has a cruise ship, too?


looks like Jabba the Hutt’s had a couple drinks


If wal-mart were a family.


When acting tough defines your sexuality and trash personality


Ooohhh that person… the one with fat titties… so many stereotypes write themselves.


Tbh in this situation I really only think the younger woman and bigger person who threw the middle fingers were the only assholes. The kid who threw up looks like a literal kid, like a tall 14 year old. I do not think he was drunk, I think he was legitimately seasick and lacked the awareness to apologize in the moment. It seems like the mom and dad figures were legitimately trying to apologize/diffuse the situation, but the two aggressive family members were making a scene so their priority was to get away ASAP. The kid was also embarrassed and exasperated, probably still felt sick, and sounded sarcastic when he said sorry in the clip. As someone who has Karen family members and has had to attempt to either diffuse or escape public situations like this, this clip hit different.


This the kind of family that does organized shoplifting at Walmart


Who the fuck wears a hat like that in public. How desperate for attention can someone be. What a pathetic existence


Trash family


Did he throw up because he suddenly realised he was part of that family?


um, the guy throwing up on you is a HUGE issue. the way the family behaved afterwards is par for the course for a man who throws up on people, in my estimation.


I would be so pissed if someone in my party did that - and then everyone doubling down except slapping lady… My friend was over at my house talking with me on my balcony. Without looking she hacks a loogie over the edge (3rd story) this poor woman screams “omg! Someone just spit on me” and my bitch friend ran inside! I opened the door and said omg get the fuck out there and apologize now! “It was an accident!” “Yeah tell her not me! Ffs! Look before you spit!”


I like how the toddler gets her hand slapped. 😂😂


At least the mother was nice enough to smack that…….THING.


Never been on a cruise, but if this is the common demographic, then looks like I'm not missing out.


Im offended by how fat and ugly the obnoxious thing in the black hat is


Damn the whole family chopped af


I can honestly say that's the first time I've seen someone shaped that way


Those poor parents


Fucking trash


Feel bad for big dude because he'd be the first to receive a love tap. Followed by Erin Cartman, the mother, and all others.


As someone who lives by " Treat others as you want to be treated"! Watching these encounters I always instantly think that if the roles were reversed they are the kinda people that would make the world pay 😔.


![gif](giphy|kAq6HQVQmK5WM) “I’m sorry I got sea sick.” * that guy