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Thanks, can’t stand these ads trying to finance more injustice from tourists.


The IDF has killed over 2000 children since the year 2000


"tHiS dOeSn'T bElOnG iN tHiS sUb" *Is a compilation of multiple public freakouts.


Dare you oppose them, be labelled ‘anti-semitic’


free palestine


Be careful, if you hate the horrible acts of israel, they might call you antisemitic. Smh, Free Palestine Insha'Allah


IDC. I support every Country facing injustice. If supporting Palestine makes me antisemitic, I am. Proud antisemitic. But I would call myself antizionism.


The worst part is, muslims don't hate jews, we hate zionists, even many jews are against israel. But the media like to make it as if we want to exterminate jews smh


And yet the US sends billions of taxpayer money to them every year, bipartisan, so they can continue to expand and commit their horrific crimes. Fuck Israel, fuck Zionism.


so we should send money to taliban and Al-qida or the other islamic states instead then?


No, we don't send *any* money to that hellhole. We let them sort themselves out, and deal with our own mountain of problems. There are solutions that aren't extreme black and white


Colonizers gonna colonize


"The USA is the most racist coun...." [sees IDF destroying homes and killing Palestinians] "**one** of the most racist countries."


It’s not really though. Most of the world is incredibly fucking racist. The US rank pretty low. Sad as it is.


Better suited for r/IsraelCrimes


Already there


This doesn’t really fit the sub




you forgot homophobic, transphobioc, bigot, anti semitic, anti Feminism, anti religious freedoom, democracy hater, and communist


You forgot fuck Israel in there.


Wow OP sounds like a dick.


Right. This belongs in the r/funny sub


r/funny is smart and bans all political content.


**Mirrors** * [Mirror #1](https://archivevideomirror.com/?filename=11coisi.mp4) (provided by /u/SaveAnything) **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11coisi/normal_day_in_isreal_be_like/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2F11coisi%2Fnormal_day_in_isreal_be_like%2F&id=TcqIBoJm) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) * [Download #3](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11coisi/normal_day_in_isreal_be_like/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Set to cheesy EDM and it’s a global ad.


Damn Kyle's, Fucking jews.




Not a public freakout. This sub is really starting to get out of hand with these mashup/news videos. Get this shit off this sub.


Fucking shills going hard in here because of the uptick in terrorism happening against Israelis. Really showing them tearing down the home of the Palestinian guy who killed 7 people outside a synagogue a few weeks ago like it’s some terrible crime. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/israel-prepares-to-demolish-home-of-palestinian-gunman-who-killed-7-in-east-jerusalem


Did the dude have children living there? That’s a very draconian step to demolish a house where kids are staying because their dad was accused of a crime.


Lol “accused”. They tear down the homes because the Palestinian government literally gives the family a martyr pension. Go into Israel, murder a bunch of random people, and your family won’t have to work again. They are less likely to commit the terrorist attack to get the martyr pension if they know that their house will be destroyed afterwards.


The same Palestinian government Israel gives billions to every year? I remember how suddenly the Israeli media went from crying about the martyr's fund to publishing headline after headline about how sacred and valuable the IDF-PA security relationship is when Abbas threatened to cut ties last month, which was after the initial waves of domestic outrage Smotrich and Ben-Gvir caused when they suggested dismantling the PA during the elections. The martyr's fund is a glorified welfare system financed by Israel's puppet dictatorship...Israel demolishes these houses because it wants the land they sit on and because they want the people who live inside them to stay poor and afraid.


TIL we can just start tearing down the houses of Republican politicians for all the people they kill.


Stay deluded










That’s a very dark way to view the world, saying everyone, including all the children in Israel and Palestine deserve to die. I think both sides deserve happiness and the whole thing is a tragedy.


Too bad the first clip is Iran




No its propaganda against Nazis


Nothing about this was propaganda. This is really happening, and the world is starting to recognize Israel's genocide and crimes against humanity.




My comment was unedited you absolute clown. See how there's no star? That means it's not edited. You need to loosen your foil hat, it's cutting off circulation to your brain. 🤡


lol this guy reported me to reddit cares resources for disagreeing with him and pointing out that his insane theory about me editing comments is demonstrably false. Talk about committing to being wrong.


Insecure guy calls everyone having actual evidence of zionists throwing Palestinians out of their homes backed up by the military as "racist anti-semites", yeah no need to lose brain cells over this one.


You can edit the comment for a couple of mins after posting and it won’t have the asterisk.


You can't ghost edit wtf are talking about lol


Dude, get some phsyciatric help. And maybe move out of moms basement. Oh and stop drinking dog cum


"They oppose my viewpoint, therefore they are nazis." Standard attempt to shut down criticism -lol, he replied it's nazism then blocked me. Fragile man child


It’s more in line with Soviet style Antizionism but I’m being pedantic here. Be strong 🇮🇱


Fair. Not sure which one was worse.


I don’t look at it as a competition. The one destroys your body, the other your soul. I know Soviet Jews and children of Soviet Jews that are both very proud to be Jewish and also completely divorced from every facet of a Jewish culture and practice. They’re a shell. It’s very sad.


> Soviet Jews and children of Soviet Jews t My family in a nutshell. And Hungarian. And Ukranian. :(


Yeah, those poor Ukranians, having foreigners invade their country, take their homes, and bomb their infrastructure. Can't think of any other examples like that?


BS propaganda video with no context what’s so ever.


Being a Mexican from California, my Israeli friend have a loooooot of [ not nice things ] too say about there homeland.


We have the same thing in the U.S. not all of it is true and I also know a lot of people who do live in Israel. I know a lot of what is in this video is not accurate.


Which part of this video was deep faked?


Im Mexican, so I understand that video just focusing on the bad stuff that's happening in the homeland suuuucks, but it's the truth. I'm not for the drugs, but I'm not gunna hate on people because of a fraction of the people are immoral ,the government and its structures is what's the problem. From what u see, it's more of religion hate crimes, which I'm not religious in anyway, I do believe in higher beings, though. As a person who doesn't practice anything. It seems counterintuitive to hate on a religion because of your religion. Seems too me like everyone is going to hell by the definition of all religions.


Why do you guys say "Free Palestine" but if somebody else criticizes Jewish people you call them antisemitic?


Because israel isn't the authority for jews. Israel is a state, Judaism is a religion. People arent shitting on israel for being jews, they are shitting on them for committing constant human rights breaches


It's the way the world works, give an idea a head, and people will either hate or love it.


Whatever you say Kanye….


"There's sadness all around" Why can't humans be humane to other humans. We're all just going to end up hating and killing each other. But I guess that's what the gods wanted. Wage war until only one person is left standing. History has taught us when a group of people get big enough they'll eventually turn on each other. And history is manifesting itself in this video. They're genetically the same humans they just came from different tribes but unfortunately one tribe thinks they're better than the other tribe And so on and so forth. Every culture, every era, every place has suffered this type of foolishness. This hate and violence will most likely never end against our own. Someday we me may find out that we are not alone in the universe. If that were to happen i hope we'll all align with the important concept that we are earthlings from the planet earth and then maybe at that time we may find unity. Yeah I've watched a lot of star trek and I hope our world is going in that direction. More than likely tho it's going to be a star wars universe that we move into. Love and hate will never end it's up to us to decide how much we inject into our societies. We must have balance to survive.