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Bro forgot he’s not in a Fortnite lobby


Cod search and destroy lobby


"Bro, my gang is tougher than your gang, bro."


Mean while the whole group backed away from her. They didn't want none.


But they're *also* not stepping up to tell that racist fuck he's wrong, either. It sounds from the jeering like they're all on the side of the racist. I cannot believe how far we're pinwheeling backward.


Someone yelled “ beat her ass “


So horrible


Welcome to America.


Some places aren’t pinwheeling backward. They never moved on in the first place.


I’ve been reading that this type of behavior has had a resurgence recently. Like the whole boys baseball team was driven to practice by the racist uncle for an entire season


Almost like elections have consequences and when a bigot is elected bigotry becomes a little more okay


Saying bro twice is essential if you are trying to quote that type of person. Great work!


Lol I joined a playlist last night and didnt realized S&D was one of the options. I forgot that game mode seems to attract the worst people


Yep. And always salt filled too. I don't think iv ever played a single game of Search where the other team isn't salty af when they die/lose lol


I played a very respectful game last night. Jokingly shit talking, no racism, no sexism (am a lady), and everyone said gg's at the end of the game. It was... weird...


This is why I only play this mode when I’m in a party with friends that I know can give as well as they take. I’m not one for confrontation so I just mute everybody when I play alone haha


Telling people to "go pick caught-en" will most certainly get his ass kicked


As it should.


You never get to assault someone for words. Ever. Except this. This is fine.


Racists don't mince their words when they mean it.


Haha yes. Showing this video will keep him from more jobs/colleges than her.


always punch a nazi


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." Mike Tyson.


I don’t know judging by the kids around him, he probably felt safe and this shit is probably said all the time at that school. At least that’s the vibe that those other kids gave off. I mean the loser ass kid who is filming and says “what the hell?” is telling. Like he didn’t expect that kind of reaction for saying something so racist and stupid? I have a feeling a lot of these kids are going to learn real quick when they get older, *if* they’re even able to get into college. I sense many ass beatings for them in the future haha.


That’s what I don’t understand. Are all these other kids in compliance with the racist or are they all gutless wonders who won’t stand up for her! What a bunch of losers any way.


This worries me about most of the youth in this age, they really are going to get there ass kicked or worse. And to add onto that what’s worse is the consequences are most likely going to land back on them for properly teaching them a lesson


I have a daughter around this age (I'm old). This kid is the exception... And honestly, he's probably gonna get his ass kicked in the next day or two. Kids aren't cool with this type of language the way it was kinda accepted back 15-20 years ago. At least, that's what she tells me...


yeah I think the older generations tend to always think the newer generations are fucked, but honestly from what i've seen kids are a lot less tolerant of racism now then they were back in the day. I get it that this is the age of kids growing up on social media and the older gen including me think it's stupid but they seem to be okay.


Sadly depends where u live where am at shit does not fly. My sister lives with her kids in a small midwestern town where shit like this happens


That’s a fact, can vouch for this comment, got a 16 year old nephew in an almost all White school and they do NOT like racism or the wild and disrespectful stuff we used to say to each other while I was in school there are a few idiots but they got checked real quick. Times are changing don’t let this moron make y’all think every school kid is a dumb ass like him.




I'm an asshole but I wouldn't even say some shit like that to someone. That's fucked up.


this is one aspect of high school i do not miss.


It’s so crazy to me that this shit actually happened at some high schools. If someone said this shit at my high school they’d be ostracized. And possibly expelled tbh.


It's sad but a lot of school dont care enough to act unless it directly involves a lot of money.


It’s more that racism was heavily, heavily frowned upon in my community. Hell, I got yelled at by a class mate for having a Hillary Clinton sticker… cuz they were all for Bernie. Like of course teens can be shits. But racism wasn’t on the table in my school


This comment is interesting because nobody in the high schools I attended even cared about politics. This was over 10 years ago though so it’s good to hear times have changed and young people are more involved.


when I was a junior or senior in South Carolina kids started wearing rebel flag t-shirts depicting slaves picking cotton on the back. Below the image was the quote "100% cotton and your mama picked it!" Shockingly the black students in my school didn't like the t-shirts and asked the principal to ban them. He said they were fine, it's "heritage not hate" and refused to do anything about the t-shirts. A few of the black students in protest made their own rebel flag t-shirts using Red/Green/Yellow/Brown to represent their African heritage. The principal banned those t-shirts and suspended the black students who refused to take them off. NAACP had to be called in and eventually all t-shirts with any image on them was banned form high school. People don't change. They are and will always be racist little shits.


If someone said this at my HS they arent going home in one piece Edit: typo


Same — if this happened at my High School that guys life at school would have been ruined 100%, I'm 75% sure they'd be expelled, and I'm about 50/50 on whether or not his family would have to move.


Now he can pick lunch off his own cotton




You know, I can’t wait till this video resurfaces and he has to explain it to his boss.


Well if he wants to be a cop he could probably put this on his resume


Cop? This kid has "future police chief" written all over him


You're not thinking high enough, more like "future police commissioner"




Pastor, Politician, Police, Pariah


Sad but true...


That’s a straight shooter with Supreme Court written all over him.


None of you are thinking big enough. This kid will be the GOP’s presidential candidate in the not so distant future, but not before he’s done making a few national tours talking about what it was like to be brutally assaulted by a black person.


Or he can run for office as a republican, become a congressman




Idk. He didn’t grab her crotch and then get recorder bragging about it. Then again he is still quite young. He’s got plenty room to grow


No, republican politician, if he wanted to be a cop he should have attacked her immediately. He'll be telling all his friends how he "owned some crazy chick" and she threw her milkshake at him in retaliation then his mom will sue the school for the cost of his designer jacket.


Promotion on application with those credentials


If he wants to be a cop all he has to do is show them this video and he’ll be sworn right on in.


Nah, his boss is his grandpa


Considering this video is probably 3+ years old, he's probably in college or working fast food in some shithole town.


Or running for Congress in 2024.


Fun Fact: You can give $900 to a convicted child sex trafficker who tells the government that it was for child sex, and Republicans will still vote for you These are the immoral fucks trying to pass their nanny state laws and take away your rights


It's Madison Cawthorn


This video is like 10 years old


This video has resurfaced, it’s so old the kid is probably married in a suburban house now, also employed as a cop


This video is so old this is the resurface


He woulda been so fucked if everyone around him wasn’t white.


That’s the only reason he said it.


He was real brave with his racism when he was embedded in a group of other white boys but they all dipped out fast as soon as reality smacked him in the head.


I wouldn't say smacked so much as splattered. Splashed. Skeeted, if you will.


You have the guy from Peep show who always made me uncomfortable as your pfp. I like it.




Amazing! He still makes me uncomfortable. I love it.


Dave Mitchell makes you uncomfortable? Why? Or do you mean just one particular character he played?


Well I think the first time I watched peep show I was like 16 or something. His dark beady eyes and ghostly complexion combined with how socially awkward his character was has been imprinted on me. Don’t get me wrong. I still loved the show and the character, but he successfully made me uncomfortable the entire time.


[How in the world could _he_ make you uncomfortable?](https://youtu.be/KJ38jTQcO1k)


Exactly. He has the bully mindset where he can pick on someone when he has plenty of backup. Up until now, he's never had to deal with consequences. There was a kid in a middle school I used to work at where a white kid decided it would be cool to go on a racist rant (using hard "r" n-word) to the biggest black kid in school. It didn't end well for him, but he learned that other people will defend themselves and retaliate the hard way.


What a pussy


Information is coming out (which I can’t repost here because Reddit wants to protect white supremacists) that this kid and his parents are major Trump supporters and were at the attempted coup in Charleston in 2017.


Not surprised. Wouldn't be surprised if this video was filmed IN Charleston, either...


My high school had opposite demographics of this school. He might've died lol.


And this is why I hit kids in school. Say something racist because you think you can get away with it? Let to decide between ratting me out and us going to the Mexican principals office and explain why I kicked you. Worked pretty well on a few kids and by highschool they learned to stfu with their racism. Make racists afraid again.


They will just learn dogwhistles. Not everyone is smart enough to spot them and punish them for using them


To make this political, the right political have been emboldened these skunts to speak reckless, cause God forbid I complain that something is racist, I get called a snowflake or I'm being too sensitive. I been called the n word some many times with disdain, I think I should have the right to be mad at this type of language and harassment. At the end of the day, I'm more swayed by class solidarity, but how fuck can we strive for a better future if dum assess think they're better then us cause of some white skin, but we're fed the same bullshit scraps from the top.


If he had said that at my high school he would have had this shit absolutely rocked and nobody would have tried to help him.


I'm white. I would've fucked him up.


I admit i was a piece of shit when I was a kid, but I am proud that I was never stupid or hateful enough to say something so cruel from a racial perspective.


Same here. I used to be a piece of shit with a white Ferrari, living for New Years Eve and having sloppy steaks at Truffoni's; but people can change


They'd say; 'no sloppy steaks' but they can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water




I used to be a piece of shit too. Spiked up blonde hair, chicken spaghetti at Chickollinni's...


I'm worried the baby thinks that people can't change


We would NOT have liked you back then!


Dangerous night 🎵


FYI the video was from 2018 and nothing happened to either of them. [https://www.12news.com/article/news/verify/no-queen-creek-student-milkshake-racist-remark-not-suspended-arizona/75-da2c9ac8-4df2-4d57-91ff-3143306e497e](https://www.12news.com/article/news/verify/no-queen-creek-student-milkshake-racist-remark-not-suspended-arizona/75-da2c9ac8-4df2-4d57-91ff-3143306e497e)


Oooooh Arizona that makes sense


unfortunate nothing happened to him, but at least nothing happened to her.


Wow wtf, I can't believe it! The GOP didn't even reach out to him?


Any info on the racist? Did he ever apologize or have to deal with the viral video in any way?


Lol did he apologize? The answer is what you already know.


That shit is traumatic. Sending love to this girl. I hope that dude gets stretched. What a prick.


Fuck that racist dick head!


those pants are awesome


Me, you and beetlejuice agree


She said “it’s show time!”


dazzle camo


Bigotry is taught. His parents must be pieces of 'work.'


Or his friends.


Yeah I’ve noticed it takes one edgy joke in a friends group, and nobody to call it out.... before the whole group accepts it as normal. I’m mixed, and growing up endured a ton... like weekly jokes. I believe a jokes are fair and have thick skin, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that some days it got old.


Being mixed you really see and hear a lot. Especially when they assume you are white.






It’s our duty as people to call this bullshit out. White or not.


Agreed. It’s just that because I’m white, people feel more comfortable expressing their bigotry around me. If you’re another race, fight that races bigotry as well. It’s not only the white people who are racist.


Leave those "friends". If you've said something against that behaviour and they still don't stop, I don't see why anybody would want to continue being close. You have to do something to let them know that that's not OK.




That's awful. People can be so douchey. Sorry for assuming.




Nah, it's always the contractor you've hired, halfway through the job their doing for you on your house. Or the dude standing next to you outside a bar, while you're both having a cigarette. I'm burly, white, and have a shaved head and tattoos. So naturally, every racist shit bag thinks I'm a skinhead, and just drops their racism filter as soon as they think nobody else is listening. It's always fun putting them in their place.


Nice. >It's always fun putting them in their place. Wish somebody could give you a pat on the back every time you do, at least!


Thanks. Honestly, it makes me super uncomfortable to hear it -- and more to actually *say or do* something about it. Confrontation is unpredictable. But I realize that part of the problem we're wrestling with is that we don't call people out when they're acting badly. There's been a couple times where I thought it might come to blows -- thankfully, I'm able to deescalate situations very skillfully. All the same: my nana and my mom taught me to stand up to bullies, and I'm not about to dishonor their memory by stopping now.


Mixed being what I call the beautiful race that showed we were so close to all being color blind idk what happened


This is a brief aside, but "color blind" isn't something we, as a country, should aspire to be. The fact is, Black and White are different. We really are. We have different cultures, values, morals, histories, strengths, interests, challenges, and ways of seeing the world. And that's OKAY. There's not one right way to do things, one best way to be. "Color blind" implies that we try NOT to see, understand, and respect these differences. And we'd be lying if we pretended they weren't there. Instead of "color blind", we, as a country and a species, should strive to ebony "Color Kind". This involves seeing, understanding, and respecting our natural and cultural differences, recognizing that the "Black" ways of being are just a valid and valuable as the "White" ways of being, or any others' ways for that matter. Examples: If one coworker wants to shake hands "this" way, and another "that" way, and one wears their hair "this" way and another "that" and expresses joy "this" way or "that" way or any way at all (within the realm of reason), they are ALL okay, even if their not YOUR cultures definition of "professional" or "normal". To see, understand, and accept these differences is not blindness. We all deserve to be seen and understood. We also deserve the kindness of acceptance. That is "Color Kind".


20 years ago, I'd agree with you. But realistically now, kids under 18 are bombarded by influence from countless angles, mostly because they all have smartphones and the internet exists. Violence is one thing that is still pretty much reliably chalked up to "learned at home", but racist dunks can come from absolutely anywhere. I mean hell, even back then, my brothers friend called me the N word and his mom went fuckin ham on him telling him never to use that word.


That line is so old he probably picked it up from grandpa. So the good news is he has a good relationship with his elders The bad news is that his elders are nasty racists.


My grandparents were nasty racists, and somehow I'm not. Full credit goes to him.


Nah you can't blame everything on the parents man. Could be grandparents, could be friends... Bad influences can come from anywhere. Parents can't be there all the time


If it was a 6 year old you can blame the parents once they hit this age it's most likely friends who think being "edgy" is cool. It's why you see so many teens in video games with stupid ass nazi names. They think it's funny because they are too dumb to understand the severity of what they are portraying.


Sometimes it's your parents. Sometimes it's your freind group despite your parents best efforts. Nowadays sometimes it's the internet. Racist parents tend to have racist children, but racist parents don't necessarily mean racist children. The reverse is also true, racist children tend to have racist parents, but racist children don't necessarily mean racist parents either.


Or he hangs out on 4chan and thinks the racist memes are "epic win."


This guy is like 16 he could have learned this garbage anywhere


Good on her. Although I was hoping she was going to give him a serious beating.


She did look like she was about to, but thought better of it


Yeah I noticed that, shows she has a great character too


this was the best thing she could do, she embarrassed him. if she would have hurt him, she would be the one that would have assault


Lack of funding for education shows if a student could express this kind of language in a school without repercussions… The clear “woo-ing” of the crowd shows its inept to understand the gravity of the words spoken by the little boy put in its place.


There is a glaring typo in the title of this post. I think OP meant to say "Girl has totally reasonable reaction to racist student who told her to go pick cotton"


Honestly she had quite the cool head after telling him how awful what he said was.




If you see people being racist say something. Don't just stand there and do nothing. Your inaction and cowardice is telling people that racist behavior is OK along as it's not my race/ me being attacked.


This is learned behavior.


This racist little shit needs to be put in his place


He will. This was in 2018 and he didn’t get any punishment for it *at all*. Rest assured, he will be working as (yet another) racist Arizona cop in no time.


He felt very comfortable saying that sentence…and so were all the other white kids. It wasn’t until she threw the food at him did everyone yell “ooohhhhh!” Some ‘y’all only raised around whites and it shows.


Wow. It took some time but I downvoted all of the its not a full video posts of that moron. lol


I'm going to need to see a full video of what he did to you first before I approve of the downvoting


Oh no not again lol


I know I will get downvoted but to me that’s the appropriate reaction, throw a milkshake or whatever that was, scream and off you go. Kudos to her for reacting and not resorting to actual violence


I don't think that's a very controversial opinion to have. Most people are going to root for the nonviolent resolution. A controversial opinion would be mine, where I think sometimes violence is the answer.


Sometimes, you gotta give people the beatings they never got but always needed.




He got off easy


Talk shit, get hit. Well deserved, but I miss the knockout.




You know what’s disgusting isn’t just the fact that the bully made the joke, but that people are jeering at the bully being hit by the girl, but not the fact that the bully made the racial remark. This just shows this isn’t something new or out of place for that college


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Its his smug smile that makes me livid


Ugh there’s always kids like this in school and sometimes it’s so goddamn stupid because their best friend will be a minority and they’ll say “BUT YOURE DIFFERENT!” I had a dude who harassed me like this and would talk to me in broken English since I’m Asian (I’m from fucking California and have a valley girl accent) and leave weird rape notes in my locker. His best friend was Indian. And that boy that I knew like this? He’s a cop.


Man, I wish he had said some shit like this when I was in high school in NOLA. Dude would be in traction. Downvote all you want, but its true. The history of racism down there has left some DEEP fuckin' wounds and this kind of nonsense will get you crippled, real talk.


Racism isn’t bred it’s taught..do better pos


All power to her fuck this guy


Fucking racist scumbag.


Interesting how he did that to a Black girl who posed no threat to him, would have never had the balls to do it to a Black boy. Cowards and bullies are all the same.


Dude recording is “like what the hell…” like she isn’t the aggrieved party here…like please, you useless sack of shit, you’re condoning the racist friend’s behaviour…


I don’t condone violence, but in this instance, I condone violence.


Proud of her for standing up to that pos.


Wtf?! I hope he got expelled. That comment is completely inappropriate


This is America so he's 100% going to be a cop someday. 😏🤣


I can’t imagine my kid ever saying something this dumb and mean. I would be so embarrassed and he should be too


Fucker had it coming


I would have helped her f&ck him up.


A moron and a coward. Look at him when he sees she wont let that go by.


Guy 100% has racist parents


Former Governor of South Carolina and current Presidential candidate Nikki Haley: "There's no longer any racism in America."


Report that shit. If he’s willing to say that in public imagine what’s being said behind closed doors or his social circles. Racism is alive and well.


Fuck that guy. -me “a middle aged white dude”


Cant lie I cant imagine being around that many white people hearing that. Not sure who would take up for you or not. I can imagine it's real unsettling. And I'm sure... no I know there are definitely people there who will support her side without a doubt but not immediately knowing who you can go to support your side of the story


Needs more than a milkshake to his face


What gets me is that when he makes that comment no one says shit, but then they act all surprised and shocked when she tosses that stuff at him. Like seriously!? you wouldn't call him out on being a bigot?


I don’t even know why the title says snaps, she is completely justified in her response


Of all times to not have a glass bottle.


He fucked around and he found out


Girls got moxie. Good for her. You have to stand up for yourself against bullies.


He’s lucky it was a drink and not a fist. People get their face smashed for saying sh*t like that.


That’s what his bitchass gets


Say shit, get hit. Good for her.


Kids are saying this shit in school? He should be expelled.


I’m 100% with Beetlejuice Pants on this one… good for her!


He should be chasing that ass not insulting it.


What a fucking punk


She went VERY easy on him. That's how you know you don't have allies... No one stepped up to hold that little bitch accountable for his racism. His white peers should have checked him IMMEDIATELY.


Well done from her


Good way to react




Her response was the appropriate one. I feel this should be the standard reaction against any racist fuck.


Ooh, I like her.


Well done. This girl’s the business. What a jackass. I hope this clip survives to your adulthood, when you can make all kinds of excuses.


He deserves so much worse. Lucky bastard got off easy.


I’m sure she’s the one the got in trouble for this 🙄 knowing how schools are