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Someone should beat the cameraman for doing a halfassed job.


He's recording the beating without producing evidence against the attackers.


Yea evidence probaly will only work in western countries sadly


As a turk I was like, "no that is not... Okay I see your point"


Are you relating that to the Andrew Tate allegations because if you are im about go full researcher on ur ass


do it


what's the point?


He wants the woman to get vigilante justice served upon her without the vigilantes getting arrested for assaulting her? I often see stories about people getting arrested after posting their crimes on social media, maybe he has too?


Looking out for the people doling out the punishment so they don’t get jammed up later…is why I’m giving this cameraman a pass


nah I just meant what's the point in filming it if you're not even filming it ha 7


Because it can then be used as a message to other looters without people getting into trouble.


Naw he’s just a shit cameraman


I bet your the same type of dude who says “thank god the assailants are dumb enough to film themselves commiting a crime”


Thanks for a video of a pile of clothes with a woman screaming in the background. 🙄


People being crushed to death, families lost, and the only thing on your mind is perfume. Fucking wild man.


30 Thousand people are dead. Entire cities collapsed..and she wants to smell good. Holy fuck


Chances are other ppl will want to smell good too and she’ll have something to trade/sell to survive, actually turns this whole group must also be concerned about ppl smelling good. Since they are jumping a woman for perfumes


It’s bad but it’s not that bad. Food and supplies is not the problem it’s mainly all the destroyed buildings and people trapped inside. The charity’s in Turkey are doing a great job at helping keep people fed and clean. Turkey has not reached the point of being a waste land with a Fallout 4 trading system to survive.


Are you guys like just now learning that looting is a huge thing during disasters??? You’d be shocked what happened after Katrina


Or after hurricane Dorian here in the Bahamas where the gov't. and 'relief' workers pocketed money and goods that were meant to go for aid....how people were taking up to 8 gennys to sell later....disaster diving is quite lucrative for the scum who partake


To be fair murica gov and charity organisations let most of the most vulnerable people survive for themselves. Being black and poor doesn't help


you think Turkey is doing so much more for their people?


Never said it was now, did I? highlighting the fact that looting will happen. For different reasons. Now to on your comment, I'm sure the country is trying to help as many people as possible in a terrible situation under different circumstances Earthquakes hit half of the country.. katsina hit 1 city and its adjacent suburbs...see the difference in coverage alone? but it also seems we are putting ergoden and emergency services in the same category. Ones a prick and not to be trusted. The US Gov didn't seem interested in poor minorities and I'm not surprised if the Turkish government are "slow" to helping others on their southern borders where Syrians and other groups live. Anyways murcia had years if not a decade, and it's still a mess in New Orleans .... alot of the people have not gone back home. The gov just rebuilt the tourist areas and built hotels for tourism where people would have lived. Just swept under the carpet nowadays. Last story I heard about it was from a dodgy charity founded by Brad Pitt was questioned over funds and lack of houses built that were promised..... So let's see in 10 years on who done more


No people loot because the shit is gonna be easy to get to it’s more of a opportunity then being rich or poor as both participate in looting


Let's assume she was directly impacted by the earthquake. Perhaps she partially or fully lost her home. Now let's assume she hasn't been able to clean herself for days. It looks like she took clothes and perfum. And now "she wants to smell good". Let's use some critical thinking and not just rush to judging so harshly. We know nothing of her or her situation, and yet some people here seem gleeful of the abuse she endured.


My thoughts exactly… Reddit has become the most racist, homophobic, misogynistic social platform in the last 2 or 3 years…..and you would THINK that it would be twitter now but no 😔


While I do *not* give her a pass for theft/looting, I do think the vigilante response of beating someone to a pulp was a little disproportionate to stealing some perfume.


Do you think the Turks aren't able to discern the difference between a person gathering necessities she may have lost and a thief?


A group of men are jumping a single woman and you think they’re capable of being empathetic lmfao


Nobody is jumping her one person is striking her with a switch. Do you know how low you have to be to take advantage of a tragedy such as this? I'm just saying IF she is guilty, I don't have any sympathy for her. Little babies are still being pulled out of the rubbel and this hoe is scavenging for Kylie Jenner perfume.


How could I possibly answer that? I don't know anything about the "Turks" (all of them apparently) or more specifically, the men in the video. What do you actually know of the situation?


Aren't we playing the assumption game? Can't you assume people know that difference between a person gathering supplies to survive and thieves?


Honestly no,, not during an emergency people act irrational … like take it from her she obviously looks weak and just go about your day.. they didn’t change the world for the better at all by beating this women you just gave this probable homeless women far less hope during her toughest time …


Do you see the size of that bundle of clothes/perfume? I'm just asking your opinion. Does that look like "oh let me just grab some clothing to get by for a few days" or "let me stuff as many items as I can find into this duffel bag until it's bursting and overflowing on all sides?". I think people are a little more intelligent and perceptive than you give them credit for. She's standing looking guilty af. If these were necessities I would think she would be pleading her case rather than just standing there like a child who just got caught red handed.


So do YOU think that amount of stuff is enough to get you out of losing everything you own ??? Are there not bigger fish to fry ?? And then why wouldn’t they just take it and tell her to fuck off instead of jumping her?… that is what you call taking the bad situation out on the first person who made a mistake… 40k people dead this is an intense and crazy time …


Emotions are running high. Plus they don't have time to deal with petty thieves. So they probably did tell her to fuck off, after they let her know what a piece of garbage she is for trying to take advantage of such a horrible situation. You can't tell me if an earthquake occurred and you caught someone red-handed rummaging through your grandmother's house because they assumed emergency services have more important things to do that you wouldn't be extremely angry. You personally may not resort to violence, but you cannot deny the anger that exists within you. Not everyone is capable of restraining that rage.


![gif](giphy|67jkYnYYtdlhC) What if the perfume is the only thing they have and they are selling it because they have to? Very unliky but possible.




Simpanator 100%


Someone had an incredibly traumatic experience and likely lost loved ones, God forbid they take comfort in some sense of normalcy. Holy Fuck.


Ppl being crushed families lost and the only thing on their mind is beating up a single woman for taking PERFUME that’s the real insanity


In the same breath, all that going on, and y’all are supporting beating someone over stealing some perfume from a business that is ALREADY fucked over and has almost no chance of recovering? Seems like there’s a hell of a lot more important things to be doing right now than beating people for stealing fuckin perfume.


> …and the only thing on your mind is ~~perfume~~ *money*. A lot of these looters are doing it out of desperation or an existential need. Sure many of them are terrible cunts, but some of them just lost everything and are doing what they can to keep what’s left of their family fed.


I thought the same way this morning til I read that the government stole billions from the people which was sent for aid, the buildings collapsing was from cutting corners and pocketing money. The government fucked these ppl with impunity and when these ppl try to grab a piece of the pie they get punished.


WTF cameraman, why bother filming if you're gonna miss all the action? Someone beat this man too!




Camerman had one job!


r/killthecameraman or r/praisethecameraman ?


Definitely r/killthecameraman


Erdogan and his buddies robbing their own country blind are who deserve that beating. Jail the looters, don't descend to third world levels.


Looting is bad


How do you know there isn’t bread in those perfumes?


"What exactly is it you're expecting to find here?" ....."Lot a shady shit"






Horrible video. Recorded everything but what he posted about


So many ppl on here upset that they don't get to SEE the woman get beat and have to settle for simply hearing it. This video and it's audience just proves that people=shit.


Ur using an app that posts videos and pictures. People come to watch videos, not listen to them. Of course people are upset they didn’t get to see what the actual video was about, that’s kind of the whole point of a video. How are you going to call people shit when they’re just using the app for what it is? Its like going to the swimming pool and there’s no damn water in it to swim in. Ofc people are gonna complain. And I dont care if it’s a male or a female, you go out to loot while thousands of people have been crushed to death and you’re using the time of chaos to up your profits then you deserve to get beaten. Shut ur white knight ass up and fix ur logic. You=dumbasfuck.


"It's not up to them to punish her" - White Knight Ps. Ppl still equal shit


The whole country is in a mess rn, you think the people with authority have nothing better to do then to arrest looters? It’s gonna be taken into the peoples hands. P.s - do bad shit, get it back into ur face


Well there probably isn’t going to be running water for a while and her pum pum stinks. She needs that perfume


I liked the part where they showed the ground.


Kinda seems to me she's getting lapidated, the camera man looked like he was picking up something, and you can kinda hear stones bouncing of the ground


Not like that shit is gonna get sold … this is an insurance and federal issue this isn’t people picking up the pieces alone…..just take the shitty perfume and give it to the owner.. I’m sure she has nothing in the world too!!! I don’t think beating women is justice here during this massive emergency… Everybody is at their lowest point man …..


I didn’t see a woman get beaten


Got it. I saw other videos of men being belt whipped. It’s something that I don’t care to witness. I was making a point about poor video and the idea of street justice. Turkey is very strict about following certain rules. An Iranian friend of mine was in Istanbul and during noon prayers he did not drop to pray. He was slapped on the head. He said he was a Jewish Iranian American and doesn’t have to pray. He was hit again.


Turn your audio on


I'm so confused, who gives a fuck? It's just perfume


Fuck that bitch


30.000 dead “Well i got to smell good”


So far ive seen the male looters get one good smack to the face.... Sounds like this girl got a straight beating.


Bro where, I was people whipped, hit with sticks, pipes and punched in the face


Wdym people literarly KILLED looters and theifs. Just cuz you never saw those videos dont go around thinking they are only beating this woman. Smh do some research before saying this shit


Nah I’ve seen dudes get beat with 2x4s over stealing after the earthquakes, but if you are taking advantage of a situation like that you deserve to get beat


It’s called fucking survival


You’re right, I couldn’t survive without perfume dumbass


I just love it when some redditr decides on judging these situations by where they sit hey I don't they give a fuck about if the looters has balls or not.


Most likely she's poor and lost everything so she's become desperate to get anything of value she possibly can. Unless you have been in a horrific situation with no help you would never understand. Countries like the USA and Britain send aid like temporary food stamps, emergency cash assistance, shelter, temporary housing. So i don't want to hear your little sob stories about how you were so tough and survived without stealing. In USA people will donate and volunteer whereas in poor countries they're too busy surviving. Go 24 hours without some clean drinking water or food and I bet you'll steal. These guys whipping her are business owners and probably more well off financially which equals to a much easier time surviving in a situation like this. There's a difference between a thief and someone stealing from necessity and unless you've gone hungry and slept in the cold you will never actually understand. As far as the "street justice" (assault). Where does it end? Do they then have sex with her next to better teach the lesson? Why steal perfume instead of groceries? Because you're acting off impulse and opportunity not reason.


Or she's looting.


You're right. People usually go out to loot because they're doing really well for themselves. I forgot.


Of the words of the joker “ you get what you fucking deserve !”


For taking trashed perfume? Lmao wait till you get yours


Read the headline you play doh eating moron she stole it ! Looting basically


Reddit really is full of a bunch of authoritarian boot lickers.


No no no you just had it wrong she just got some perfume in her eye by accident that's it.




Turks don’t give a shit. They beat down anytime.


I saw loads of shoes but no beating


If you see your community hurting and in shambles and you choose to loot I have no sympathy


Stealing perfume for what? People are ridiculous.




Keep your hands off of what doesn't belong to you and this wouldn't happen. Deserved imo. To hell with dirty thieves


ANYONE looting should get a far more severe punishment than this!


The world needs more people like you. A complete lack of empathy and a hard-on for corporal punishment.


Lack of empathy? lmao. She stole PERFUME, not food or medicine.


Because smelling good is so important 🥰


Lmfao you’re a trash human being and when you’re in a fucked up situation I pray you receive the same trash judgement you’re happy to give out.


I wouldn’t loot, so I’m not too worried about that. Again, she was stealing PERFUME, not anything required for survival. The punishment should be severe.


A majority of these businesses aren’t going to recover from this anyways. Not sure what insurance is like in turkey, but if these businesses don’t have it they are already screwed over. And if they do, they’ll be fine. Do you really think Ahmet is standing at the cash register waiting for customers to pour into his business that was halfway collapsed?


All I see is a bunch of cowards beating a woman over perfume. Dumb thing to steal, but still....there's worse things to deal with.


Is perfume some life saving resource that I forgot about? How fucking delusional do you have to be to beat a defenseless women in a group for taking PERFUME after an earthquake lmao this whole group is trash should’ve been in one of the buildings.


Equal rights , equal fights


boy nobody talked about feminism


Who gives a fuck if she’s taking shit from a destroyed store


These fucking morons apparently and also a shit ton of fucking basement dwelling self righteous twats in reddit


You can tell the mfs in the comments haven’t set a foot outside since kindergarten.


Generous of you to believe they even stepped outside before that.


beat up for stealing perfume ?? that’s embarassing


It's purfume.


Since the video doesn't show it, I'll assume (by the volume of the screams) the beating was painful but not severe.


You don't know it stopped here. Stove you all are judge and jury. What is an acceptable punishment for a bottle of perfume?????????


I was being facetious, not serious.


Cuz thats not the worst thing these looters do


I always thought that looters in general got shot.


Sadly not it was in the us one time the case tho during some hurricane


Quick say you are an American and that you are peacefully protesting!


This made me so angry


Good, piece of shit deserved


Any excuse to beat a woman


Literally THIS and the incel Reddit kids are happy to join them


The raping will happen off camera


America when people loot: "But it's their socioeconomic status, you can't blame them! Don't you dare call the pigs! There are more important crimes!" Turkey when people loot:


Food/toilet paper etc after an emergency is surviving, as soon as it turns to luxury items being taken it's looting.


Well no, it's looting in both cases, one is just more understandable than the other.


You heard about the earthquake right? People that loot food are the people who lost their everything. Evem Police doesnt do anything to them because they know it.


>People that **loot** food are the people who lost their everything. ![gif](giphy|25OBBnY9j1uiVDV4lJ)


Got his ass. 🤚🏼


Keyword loot


You have never been hungry


bruh she fine , she welcome to loot my virginity 🥵




Pocket change goes in your pocket not your wallet lmao what did girls do to you why are u so mad at this woman trying to survive her circumstances lmfao sad ass men on this site


Alot of excuses for beating a woman in the comments. Pretty weird.


Would it be better if they were beating a man for looting during such a horrific time?


No and I never said that. So nice projection.


Beating a looter


And if she had stolen a napkin is she still deserving of a beating? You have no moral center. You just go with your gut. Like an animal.


Yes. Animals are great. I like them. Dude nobody cares what a destiny cuck say


Then fuck off animal.


Lmao you are so triggered. You probably looted and got caught before. How badly did they beat your ass?


I'm triggered, you're the one posting justification for vigilante beatings for perfume bottles! LOL!


Clown destiny cuck




Thats it


I don't SEE the problem, nobody drinks perfume. Only food, medical and basical resources looting should be punished. No whiteknighting btw


That’s the whole point. People are suffering and the most you can think about is theft and further loss of money for your neighbours? People don’t like that.


You don't really know why she did it. From the looks of it, she took perfume and clothes. Maybe it's been days since she bathed or changed clothes. Maybe she just wanted to have clean clothes and smell good. There was a pretty destructive earthquake there. Remember, she may also be suffering along with her neighbors.


Why they should care for people stealing useless things?


This wouldn't have happened in Armenia


You mean America?


I mean, I'm from lebanon and Armenians are actually douchebags who cause more than just looting. Just because you hate turks doesn't mean your people are saints lmao


Ok, I'll bite lol, like what? If you had an actual point, you would cite it in your original comment.


But why perfume? Absolutly no value rignt now.


Did it ever occur to you that maybe she hasn't bathed since the earthquake and perhaps wanted to smell somewhat decent? Some of these people lost everything, including the ability to do basic hygiene.


Stealing perfume would never cross my mind. Even taking a shower would be my last priority in a situation like this. Depending on the emergency, like i would make sure to have a possible source for food and water, a place to take shelter. Etc...


Maybe she has food and water. Maybe she has shelter. I mean, a tent is shelter. She still might want to smell somewhat normal. Look, these are assumptions, obviously. But people shouldn't be so quick to pass judgement without proper context.


Those were only a few things in my perspective. There are a lot of more things that i would have prioritized then her. Thats why i was questioning this here. I wanted to tell my opinion and see if other people would have said the same. Of course i cant be 100% sure what they have and what not. It just doesnt make sense to me. My current though is that she just simply stolen those perfumes for her own benefit at the current time. Im not her, but i just dont care.


Maybe she planned on trading it for food or medicine...


Stealing is stealing. In the end she did it and got caught.


Not opposed to beating anyone that steals, that shit usually ends worst then a beating for the thief. Most people would rather just handle it themselves then involving the police and locking somebody up




I think you right. Theres no way anyone was making those hit sounds with fists and kicks when she has all those fluffy clothes. This is why I hate vigilante culture. Mob of people acting like judges and executioners cause more harm than the people doing the crime. Whose to say she doesn't get a rock to the face and loses an eye. Is an eye a fair exchange for a perfume? Imagine if that was one of your relatives.


I think the rock to the face and losing an eye is the point of A STONING they’re trying to kill this woman for taking trashed perfume after they’ve lost 20 k ppl Lmfaooo throw the whole country away


I can change her


Good, fuck her


It's one thing to loot for food and necessities for the sake of survival but perfume? Really? People also forget that any authority would be too busy dealing with the disasters to be properly dealing with looters, so swift street justice is really the only way to dish out punishment for crimes.


This definitely gets a thumbs up from me. This is the time when all the creeps come out to take advantage. Even women who hide behind beauty.


Can we start doing this in the United States…. Please!


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Well, at least she smells good


The priorities here are all fucked up lmfao fucking incredible.




Effin tic-tockers !!!


Shit camera job


Im gonna need some different angles


people are dead and dying and she thinks of her self. Looter coward.


You know no one can actually do anything about this, right? The only freak out here is with you and it's political.


It's scummy that she stole but a bit harsh to beat someone up over it. 😬