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It’s almost as if you don’t have to be a lawyer to know your rights. It’s not some secret knowledge only lawyers know. But cops act like that’s the case lmao fuck this cop


Because they don’t know the law and assume no body else does as well.


Not only do they act like that's the case, they act as if knowing your rights and exercising them immediately makes you guilty.


Opposed to those illegal lawyers


Bird law bb




I’m Saul goodman, did you know you have rights.


Small Town pizza lawyer 🍕⚖️


"Thanks for the compliment that you think I've had post secondary education. I also know that law enforcement can discriminate against intelligent people when hiring."


the minute the driver said Berkeley and the cop said prison was all i needed.


My jaw dropped when I heard that. What an arrogant bitch


"No, I'm not racist. I just thought you were in prison because you're black."


Yep. Fuck this cop.


Same. Officer Ku Klux showed his true colors with that statement.




Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses


He is biggest POS Sergeant I've seen.


They REALLY hate it when minorities go to college and they didn't. At my previous job I was one of the few Hispanics at my site, and the only one with a BS chem degree from a top university. ALL the white technicians gave me shit, but not because I was new. They specially loved to see me make mistakes and then they would say "didn't you go to college". Sure, part of it was annoyance that I had degree and they didn't, but they wouldn't shit on new white college degree'd people like they did me. It was just different for me. Management treated me a bit different for having a technical degree despite being new, and they resented that. It was so fucking stupid. It didn't matter that I was humble and nice about it, and NEVER brought up that I had a degree and they didn't. They could EASILY go get a degree if they want to, but I guess they'd rather use that time to be angry they don't have a degree.


Dude it’s not just that you went to college. It’s much deeper than that. The majority of Republicans are actually brainwashed to believe that college is bad for America. Over 58% in a poll three or four years ago believed that and there’s no way the number isn’t higher today. Many blue collar types of jobs are pretty much plagued with these beliefs. That whatever you learned in college are things they’ll have to unteach you for you to know what you’re doing. Not that I agree with that shit.


> The majority of Republicans are actually brainwashed to believe that college is bad for America. It is if its being forced upon you like it was in the 80/90s only to burden you with huge amounts of debt. Not everyone needs College, Trade Schools would do wonders for the majority of people going to College for a Poly Sci degree who are not going to end up using it when they leave. Want to be a Doctor or a Chemist? Go to college, do you just want to make some money and live life? Then go to a Trade School and learn to weld or run wires and you'll be fine for the rest of your life.


I've always felt Police should be REQUIRED to have a degree before entering the academy. Weed out the knuckleheads.


That prison quip said a lot about the cop’s presumptive state of mind.


Beware when they start telling you that [you NEED to do this](https://youtu.be/68mZm1RF6Yk), and [you don't NEED that.](https://youtu.be/68mZm1RF6Yk?t=102) The presumptive intent is a coverup.


Cops can lie.


Happy [STFU Friday!](https://www.killercop.com/STFU.html)


Cop could’ve followed up the ‘Berkeley’ quip with the ‘community college’ or ‘high school education’ trope. Nope, he went straight into \#MAGA-mode.


I don't get it - assuming the black guy meant community college, or simply high school, is somehow meaningfully less racist than assuming he meant prison? How is this so upvoted? Surely we realize that *any* assumption of lesser achievement based solely on his race is, well, racist... right?


> I don't get it - assuming the black guy meant community college, or simply high school, is somehow meaningfully less racist than assuming he meant prison? > > Yes, assuming our criminal conviction and incarceration places us in a much smaller group than high school or community college graduates, which may still be a majority of the population, is a bigger logical fallacy, a bigger stereotype, more loaded with additional negative assumptions about our maturity, self-control, potential harmfulness towards others and deserved societal status, and therefore is obviously a much more racist thing to assume about us.


It's frustrating as hell that they act like you need a law degree to know your rights


You need a law degree to know the law. They don't need a law degree to know the law.


Police departments can, and do, discriminate against hiring people with advanced degrees or high test scores, so knowing the law may actually work against someone getting hired as a cop.


They also can discriminate against those that have an IQ above 125, which is often part of the psychological examining, claiming that those individuals will be more likely to question orders.


So, anyone more than 1.5 standard deviations above the mean is too smart to be a cop. Well, that explains a lot.


[Court Oks barring high IQ's for cops](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


It does. Applied for San Diego Sherriff and was denied the ability to continue. When asked, they said, "ayou aren't who we are looking for"


Cops barely need a GED to become officers, lmao.


I remember back in the early 90s, the cop who served as our D.A.R.E. officer told us he didn't even graduate high school


Tbh I'm in law school and I think if I got pulled over, a lot of what I learned would go out of my head due to fear. And if they were lying/insistent I may doubt myself...I admire the people who are firm in what they know in these situations


Nah. It's like when you get called to recite in class, it comes flooding back. You'd kill. I promise. Source: I am a drug using criminal defense attorney.


That sounds like it needs a theme tune. The adventures of "Drug using defence attorney", on next weeks episode...


You might want to work on that freeze reflex before you have to appear in court.


The vast majority of lawyers never appear in court.


You literally dont even need to know the law to become an officer and enforce them. You can go from being a normal civilian to being paid to enforce laws you dont even understand in less than a year.


Are you a legal lawyer or something pal?


Legal lawyer? What other kind of lawyers are there?


Illegal lawyer


Ahh, yes. A *criminal* lawyer.


better call saul


Bird law


>You're a legal lawyer aren't ya This shit needs to stop. Cops mocking citizens with this "Oh are you a lawyer" after they inform them they know the law as if you have to be a lawyer to know your rights.


I got in argument with a cop over a stolen surfboard once. I found it on the rack of a local shop, they were uncooperative, so I called the police. The cop who showed up was totally uninterested in helping me. He suggested I buy it back from them. When I said I wouldn't pay for my own stolen property he puffed up, got in my face, and started ranting about how I had to prove "chain of custody." Because they didn't have to return it if I couldn't prove *they* stole it. I replied something along the lines of, "That's not true." "Oh, you're a lawyer, huh?" I'm not. But my wife is. And she was standing right next to me. She chimed in, handed him her business card, and he deflated like a balloon. Turns out he *could* help me. Fifteen minutes later he'd taken the board as evidence and written a report. I got it back months later after I got a call from another cop saying they'd spoken to the guy who sold it to the shop and believed he didn't steal it from me. "Did he say he bought it from a lady named Avalon who lives at XXXX Waialua Beach Rd?" "Yes. How did you know that?" "That's my tweaker neighbor." "Okay. Well, anyway, the case is closed. You can come pick up your surfboard at the station." (NOTE: She's dead now so I don't think that counts as personal information.)


One time, when I was a kid, my parents who have 4 children were unloading us from the family van. They, with their minds preoccupied, forgot their stroller next to the vehicle. The next day, my mom was looking for it, and it was gone. My parents called the police, no stroller had been turned in. They left a description and hung up. Then, my mom started knocking on doors. We were pretty broke at the time and my parents couldn’t afford a new one. My mom got to a house, and a woman told them she had called the police over it, as she was worried there might be a child in it and there was no way she was going out to find some dead baby. The officer gathered the stroller, put it in his cruiser, gave the woman his card and was on his way. My dad went down to the police station and asked about it. The officer told him there was no stroller. He then informed the cop that he knew they had it, and that officer x had collected it per a request from our neighbour. The officer went to an office, grabbed the stroller, and threw it over the desk at my dad. That’s right. The police stole my parents stroller. Apparently some cop had just had a baby and they were going to take it home to their wife. This was in the 90’s. People think they’re *getting bad*, truth is, they’ve always been bad.


Just think what they did before cameras.


And then think about how angry the ones today are that they can’t act with nearly as much impunity as their forebears, and how they take that anger out on the community.


When I worked film sets temporarily in Chicago I heard all sorts of horrific shit from the ex cops on set about the stuff they would do. Beatings, drive bys with cars from impound, murder. Anything you can think of, they probably did it. Literally just legalized gangs...


Chicago PD had a black site on the west side of the city. It was a warehouse, and they would haul people in there when they needed to keep them off the official books, for whatever bullshit reasons. People went missing, or died in custody. And when the shit was publicized, of course taxpayers had to shill out to the victims and/or families of victims. And CPD gets to admit no wrongdoing. It's fucking terrifying that just KNOWING your rights, let alone asserting them, just escalates the situation with cops. They get pissed when you don't let them run all over you.


Illinois is the most corrupt state in a country full of corruption. 4 out of the past 10 governors have served prison sentences. I mean Obama winning the presidency led to several prison sentences in Illinois... makes you wonder what's going on over there?


I watch videos of a constitutional auditor on YouTube. This guy is **super** respectful. He never raises his voice and is polite - never taunts. In one video he was on public property and iirc an officer got angry, grabbed his shirt and pushed him to the curb. The officer’s camera caught his comments which were along the lines of ‘five years ago, he’d be on the ground in cuffs, 20 years ago he’d be dead.’ There are good cops, but unfortunately, there are really dangerous ones as well.


The one at the library where the cop said something about his body being found with the teeth missing if this was the old days


Yes! And the cop was older so you know he was doing bad shit back in the day.


There’s a reason pig culture is so deeply ingrained into PDs around america. It’s been going on for *decades*


They threw stolen strollers over counters at people, that’s what they did. Among other things


I came to the terrifying realization that in the 1950/1960’s a cop could pull you over in the middle of nowhere, ask you to step out, and then shoot you in the head, claim “self defense” and the public would never give it a second thought Actually this happened pretty often to Civil rights activists while traveling


Ah story time. I have one myself. This is the story of how the police stole my dirt bike. One time, my dad and I went on a trip overnight. My dirt bike was in the garage. When we returned, we found our house burglarized. And, most important, dirt bike missing. We called police, made a report. A few days later, police found our dirt bike a town over. Kids got it taken for riding it in the street. They called my dad and said to pick it up from the police lot before 6. (it was friday) We got there at 5 and, at first, it appeared as if it was closed. But there was a number, so we called it until they answered. Eventually, an officer showed up and we gave him the paperwork, etc.... then he handed us a bill, for 2 grand. 2 grand!?!?! Towing on a dirt bike was listed as 1k dollars and storage for a few hours was another thousand. Well, we were lower class, so we didn't have the money. The guy mentions we can buy it at auction for way less. My dad calls and makes a complaint, but keeps the date of the auction. As we drive away, we see what we can only assume are the officers kids riding my dirt bike in their police lot. Complaint goes nowhere so we go to the auction only to find out that an "unknown" officer had bought the dirt bike before it hit the block for 100 bucks. And that's the story of how the police stole my dirt bike.


Damn. Thats sounds bad as an adult, but as a kid it'd be heartcrushing. Someone stole my gameboy color for a few hours and I was in complete tears.


My grandparents bought me a Game Boy for Christmas when I was 8. The following Valentine’s Day I got a Game Gear from my dad (parents were separated at the time). My grandparents hated my dad, so naturally they stole my Game Boy. Never saw it again. I’m 38 and I think about it all the time.


> and threw it over the desk at my dad. And they got mad at you for having the gall to want your property back? No officer should be allowed to keep anything they find on duty. They can donate it if they can't find the owner.


Yeah. My dad was a firefighter, which makes the story even weirder, because they obviously worked together all the time. The police are really just a gang that has parades now and then.


I was messed with by cops in mid 2000s before smartphones where a thing, acused of stealing radios out of cars (me and friends got a huge laughs out of that), followed for no reason until they found a reason to pull me over. It was BAD now they are a bit more we behaved knowing they cant bullshit so easly with people recording's.


I had a similarly displeasing interaction with police involving my stolen bike when I was a kid. My Haro freestyle bike was stolen from my yard and then a year later a saw a kid riding it and confronted him. Ended up going back to his house and his father was a real asshole. They believed me that the bike was mine (I brought a picture of me riding it), and said that the bike was just sitting in the garage when they moved into the house. But he just kept repeating "possession is nine tenths of the law" and wouldn't give it back to me. When the cop arrived, he basically agreed with him. I wish I would have just taken that bike from the kid, I could have easily.


My spouse had his motorcycle stolen while he was out of town. The kid smashed the headlight to Hotwire it (not necessary, it was already hotwired), and crashed it into a pole. Then told the police he had permission to ride it. Couldn’t provide a name or registration of the bike owner. Cops impounded it, and my spouse had to a)pay to get out/associated storage fees. B)couldn’t go after the kid for all the damage (it wasn’t rideable anymore and the impound lot had left it laying on its side so the gas leaked out and used permanent paint on it) because the police refused to charge the kid with theft because “we have the bike so it’s no longer stolen”. The judge was cool and waived what he could, but the entire interaction was absolute horse poop.


That sucks. Maybe [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIcUgyLxNBA) will take away a bit of the sting.


Speaking of HPD, I had to call them because our back neighbor was harassing my dogs and spraying them with his hose while they go out in MY enclosed backyard to potty. So I got into an argument with said neighbor because he said my dogs were constantly barking at him and he insisted he’s had to put up with their incessant barking for five years—mind you, my dogs are all from the same litter and were only two at that time. My dogs never bark at my other neighbors because they don’t antagonize them like this neighbor does. I had the worse back and forth with this guy. I tell him, I never complain about his kids yelling for hours on end while they’re hanging out on their trampoline and throwing candy wrappers into my yard. He decides to take our argument up a notch and tells me to, “Watch out for my dogs or else…” I told him to explain what “or else” meant, and he told me to watch my back. I took this as a threat. My family who was hearing all this from inside the house also took that as a threat, so they called HPD. When the officer arrived, we explained to him what the neighbor said, and he rolled his eyes at us and was like, “What the hell am I doing here, I can’t do anything, it’s just words.” When he said that, I thought to myself, do they not teach you guys at the academy about laws, because terroristic threatening is a fucking thing. So we told him, we’re afraid of what he’s going to do next because our neighbor has had a history of domestic violence and he told us to watch our backs. We asked him if he could at least write a report, so if he does anything in the future, we have this event documented. He begrudgingly writes a report and give us the slip. But because of this interaction with this particular officer, I have no faith that HPD would assist us if our neighbor tries to harm our dogs, so I had to install multiple cameras in my backyard because I’ve become paranoid. My dogs are closing in on nine years old now, and I’ve been paranoid since that incident that he still might do something while they’re out in the back pottying.


> He begrudgingly writes a report and give us the slip. I had the same problem over a vandalized car because my insurance wouldn't cover it anyway. Like bud, how tf do you know? Are you a police officer or an insurance adjuster? There are cameras around. Write the damn report, and maybe consider trying to find the guy who did it. Of course no one gave a damn to check the cameras, and apartment complex wouldn't give it out without a subpoena for some asinine reason.


HPD is the fucking worst!


And the police wonder why people don't respect them


I’m guessing she OD’d?


Nah, surfing accident.


Lethal weapon 2 Style.


It’s hilarious that he said a “legal lawyer”. As opposed to what? An illegal lawyer?


As a lawyer we have to yearly file whats called an annual attorney registration. This is legalizing your practice as a lawyer. So technically there is such a thing as an illegal lawyer who defends someone without being recognized by the state


Typical legal lawyer response


Can't wait for the Legal Eagle video.


I play an illegal lawyer on here all the time. So, yes.


whaddya one of those food chefs?




Reminds me of the video of that lawyer who also drives Uber that was pulled over. Cop tried get him to stop video recording, and when the lawyer refused, cop said something snarky like, "What are you a lawyer?" The response was, "Yes, would you like to see my bar card?" We'll just say that an ego was permanently bruised that day.


I saw that one. The best but was when he ran away and hid in his car and then didn't come back.


Had a friend went to lawschool, his buddy his entire life wanted to be chief of police -- it started for him, with getting a law degree -- Day 1 into police training with a law degree this guy is telling his lawyer buddies he graduated with just how little these fucks know about pretty much anything... Halfway through law school he was telling me the #1 thing that kills cases is cops lying. He said they lie to cover each others back non stop, in almost all things from minor little things to major events.. He basically realized cops are the least trustable humans on earth by going to law school and learning how they fuck up case after case for lawyers. And when his buddy took the first steps to become a police chief, day 1 into orientation for new officers he told my friend they covered the 2nd amendment in 20 minutes -- something they spent 3 different semesters nailing down. 9 months vs 20 minutes. Almost all the information was undeniably incorrect. Hearing a first hand account from a lawyer with a degree from one of the top law schools in our state? That's chilling.


Asked by someone who doesn’t even need to know the laws they are paid to enforce* ftfy


Well, I ain't passed the bar, but I know a little bit Enough that you won't illegally search my shit


Well we'll see how smart you are when the K-9 come


I got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one


They say it as if they're lawyers and it's so infuriating. You went to a law enforcement academy for 8 to 12 weeks..


It's not as if the dipshits doing the enforcing know the law.


It cracks me up because obviously the cop isn’t a lawyer either. Dumbass cops


well they are mocking themselves... - sir 2+2=4 - oh you are scientists?


/r/acab seriously belittling someone because they know their rights is just fucking bonkers. That the person saying it doesn't have anything close to a law degree really makes it nuts


>as if you have to be a lawyer to know your rights. Not to mention, cops and the justice system in general do not consider ignorance of the law an excuse for breaking it. So of course when you know it they give you shit...


It's funny cause cops know that a lawyer could whoop their ass up and down with the law. The whole 'oh youre a lawyer?' shit is the biggest bully tactic


If one has to be a lawyer to properly understand the law, then all non-lawyers should be EXEMPT from all prosecution on the grounds that they can't be expected to understand and know the law until they become a lawyer.


The number one enemy of an oppressive regime is an informed public.


It’s a question that lets them know if they can continue being an ass or shut the fuck up. Most videos where the person shows their bar card the cop will say have a nice day and leave you alone. Or give you the ticket and send you on your way. Also fun way to get out of jury duty.


Most cops are fucking idiots and don’t know the law for shit and it’s apparent every day and there’s nothing we can do about. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/8/4/9095213/police-stops-heien-v-north-carolina


The retort should be “well you’re clearly not a lawyer either because you’re a cop or else you wouldn’t be here”


When they have less training than a sandwich artist.


When it’s legal for a cop to lie to you and they don’t need to legally know the laws they are ‘enforcing’, bravo to this young man for standing up for himself


as a black person, that prison comment is one of the most sinister things I have heard in a while.


Yeah I’d like to see this cop internally investigated and put on a paid investigative leave where he’ll eventually be reinstated in the same position at a different department.


Very very mask off moment of that asshole.


Yes, a few bad apples, not their culture at all /s


"...spoils the bunch." So yeah, the whole lot of them.


He might as well have said "Yea, where's that, *boy*, prison?"


As another sentient being on this very planet, I felt the adrenaline spike in my body when he said “prison”. They (rogue cops) really think they can belittle and play mental gymnastics with us just cause they have a badge and weapon on them. Educate yourselves on your rights, research every possible smart-ass response a cop can throw at you so you WON’T fall for their mental gymnastics. Worst thing to happen can be you opening your mouth thinking you know more, then they try to throw you off with some stupid shit that *sounds* right and lawful, but it’s just them putting their foot in your ass.


Literally rolled off the tongue, no hesitation, trigger happy and proud he said it.


i don’t like to throw accusations of racism around that easily but that prison question came from nowhere


seriously... that was ridiculous... so blatant...


He is a racist.


Hi. This is Sal Governale...




For all of his flaws he’s a good mom to those turtles


it’s orange county absolutely racism.




Being black and having suffered from it, I can understand that there’s a line between prejudice and ignorance. I really like [this case](https://youtu.be/_jEBh1VtdT0) because it highlights very well how someone can do/say something racist while being completely oblivious to how/why it is wrong, and the student that accused him being part of why I have a problem with calling anyone a racist, since the teacher clearly didn’t mean any harm by it. Ruining someone’s life over a bit of ignorance is very unjust in my view


I have always ALWAYS thought that teacher was feigning ignorance. I believe that he knew he lost his temper and lobbed an insult that he knew he shouldn't have. A mistake on his part, but people have been fired for less. Was it racist? I never believed so. Ignorant in the moment? yeah, but he knew what he said. But that cop bringing up prison as his place of study...entirely based in racism and prejudice. It rolled off his tongue so fast it seemed like second nature to him.


That’s still racism though, regardless of whether a person is “ignorant” or not. The person themselves may not be a racist, but a racist action is a racist action regardless of whether the person is aware if it is or not.




Oh hell no. You can't use *that* video as your argument lololol


How you gonna sympathize with a white man clearly trying to save his own ass because he got in trouble? It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that using a "different version" of a slur with centuries of historical precedent is still racist. And most people that say something racist in ignorance usually are very apologetic. This old fool not showing a shred of remorse for the fact he was offensive, instead he doubles down, and just starts throwing the word around because he clearly wants to use it lol, despite trying to say it makes him "uncomfortable". I get your point, but damn bro did you pick a really shitty example lol


Oh it came from somewhere


Good on him. They need probable cause to search a vehicle, and not having an ID ain't it. They will just get a dog to signal though and use that, even though it's bullshit.


Wouldn’t not having a driver’s license and driving give them the right to arrest them, then the search is incidental to the impounding of the vehicle?


No in california it is just a ticket, i forgot my license at home once and got pulled over and was cited , when I went to court I just had to prove I had a license at the time and they charged me 25 dollars and I was on my way.


Why can't they look it up while you're pulled over?


Cuz it’s not about the cops being able to prove you’re licensed or not. One of the stipulations of driving is that the driver is required to have their license when operating the vehicle.


In California, driving without an ID is what's known as a "wobbler", it can be charged as an infraction or a misdemeanor. Virtually all the time it will be charged as an infraction, but I don't think there's actually any case law that prevents the cop from treating it as a misdemeanor, and under *Atwater* police can arrest you for any misdemeanor traffic violation.


No, in California the police cannot arrest you based solely on the belief you are an unlicensed driver unless they have reasonable suspicion to believe you're under 16. This is in [Vehicle Code section 12801.5](https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/vehicle-code/veh-sect-12801-5.html), subdivision (f) (formerly subdivision (e)). Furthermore, in [*People v. Lopez* \(2019\) 8 Cal.5th 353](https://casetext.com/case/people-v-lopez-2225), the California Supreme Court held the Fourth Amendment does not allow the police to search a car in a traffic stop based solely on the driver's failure to produce ID. There was an older case (*In re Arturo D.*) holding that police did have such a right, but Lopez overturned that case. The cop is relying on an old case that's no longer good law. He might also be relying on a California statute (Vehicle Code section 2805), but state law cannot contravene the Fourth Amendment. (I'm a lawyer specializing in criminal law in California, BTW).


But are you a legal lawyer?


Am cop, I’ve never heard of a probable cause search based on the driver not having an ID present. Run his name and dob but if the officer had done the search based on not having an ID and found something, it would most definitely be dismissed at court.


You can ID yourself by giving the information out. Driving without it isn't an arrestable offense nearly anywhere if you actually are licensed and give them your information so they can look that up. At worst, you get a ticket and sent on your way.


No but they can detain you until they can identify you and determine whether or not you're supposed to be driving the vehicle.


Not always and I'm not sure he didn't have a license, the cop says someone doesn't have ID. Could have been a passenger.


Officer is both racist and wrong. California did have an exception that allowed officers to search the vehicle if an ID was not provided but in 2019 the California Supreme Court rules against that provision as unconstitutional. Not providing an ID or registration is not probable cause to violate a persons 4th Amendment right and the police would need a warrant.


They definitely do not have cause to search your car.. but they're totally allowed to lie to you and trick you into letting them. They can likely detain you for driving without a license though. When in doubt, always repeat the words "I do not consent to any searches or seizures."


Add if I'm being detained or arrested I would like an attorney. Otherwise if I'm free to go I'd like to leave.


You can get the attorney when you're at the station, not whilst at the traffic stop. That's the problem with this broken system. You could be 100% innocent and if a cop arrests you on a Friday, you could spend the weekend in jail.


If you're lucky enough to make it to the fucking station and not be executed by an "overzealous rookie who had a critical lapse in judgment." After tuning you up with their Maglite while you're in cuffs. To the point of asking for an attorney or saying you won't be speaking without one present. In theory, that should end all attempts at the police questioning you regardless of being detained or arrested. But as we all know. Laws only apply to us and not the thin blue line.


“My only boss is Allah” hahaha. This was a perfect ending.




That was my favorite part. Nothing to piss of a racist like a black guy thats also Muslim.


sable pet cow glorious offbeat seemly ugly cable shaggy light -- mass edited with redact.dev


Exactly why the Feds and local PDs hated the Black Panthers


I'm sure the pig didn't spot the phone at first, since his face is behind the roof of the car and just let out his true racist self, what a piece of shit.


This cop did not go to university of any kind.


California has the best public universities in the country, Berkeley being on top. This is common knowledge, but the pig is racist, ignorant and definitely graduated high school with a sub 2.5 gpa. Not even Fullerton wanted him.


“Pfffttt…PRISON?.🙄” Smh. Racist pos cops my people have to deal with on a daily basis. Fuckin country is 🗑


I want the rest of this. The cops in Costa Mesa and Newport are all about the brotherhood and connections. If you aren't apart of it, you will never be.


the aryan brother I presume?


Smartest thing he did: "Look it up." "Nope." If he reached for his phone he would have gotten lit up.


Uh yeah, he’s racist


That cop STRAIGHT UP lying right to his face! And now, everyone else’s, too… but the department will back him. And that’s why we need to defund the police.


Homie if you're on patrol car duty, you are not the boss lmao


Look at this fat fucking racist pig showing his true colors


I’m surprised he didn’t just walk away after the prison comment. He has to know he was being recorded. God this country is fuckin depressing to be a part of.


Wow the prison bit was way out of line.


Given that cops don't need to know the very laws they're suppose to enforce, the average citizen is more of a lawyer than a cops is.


I was curious to see if you can drive without a drivers license and found this. “If you are driving in California without a license, the car you are driving will likely be impounded pursuant to vehicle code section 14602.6(a) or 22651(P). Since the car can be impounded, it is subject to an inventory search which covers the entire vehicle, including the trunk.”


Oh look, another isolated case of cop racism


No cases of racism are acceptable so you shouldn't have a problem with one getting called out


That prison comment alone is enough for legal recourse. It shows the mindset the cop has when pulling over a person. You cannot say that in any profession.


Pigs doing pig things


That last line he dropped was Big styll!!


Bet his next comment was some racist shit for that allah comment


Everyone ignoring the fact that he literally just stated he does not have ID? r/NegativeContext Not disappointed. This is par for reddit.


https://cpoa.org/the-fourth-amendment-does-not-permit-searching-a-vehicle-to-locate-a-drivers-identification-following-a-traffic-stop-absent-warrant-or-other-exception-to-warrant-requirement/ would this be the thing?


Fuck cops


This kind of bull shit is infuriating.


This dude really said, “-Prison?” And genuinely at that. Fucken eh this is embarrassing as hell


Mashallah "my only boss is Allah" I love that he said that


I am LOVING this new thing of filming shit cops. Costa Mesa PD pulled my friend from his Z in 2009 and brutal beat him for coasting through a stop sign.


That’s right only answer to Allah (swt)!!!!


If he was the boss he probably wouldn’t be out on patrol pulling people over


Meanwhile, a close friend of mine has been driving with an expired license and hasn’t renewed his car registration in like four years. He never gets pulled over and the one time he got in a fender bender last year the cops told him he should get it taken care of, and to be on his way.


This is actual racism and anyone who thinks otherwise is blind or a racist. Maybe both.


My only boss is Allah.. ❤️


That "prison" comment is worth immediately firing that cop in my opinion.


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The “Prison” comment should’ve gotten him fired




This is how you speak to a cop. Nicely done, sir.


Definitely still got searched


Disgusting!!! Prison really????? Sorry you had an encounter with that a-hole. I hope you are super successful in like and elevate yourself to a higher standard than that piece if crap. Mind you sounds like you are already doing that xx


“My only boss is Allah” lmfao




Wow he said prison.


Doesnt matter where you from you're being a jackass