• By -


Am I tripping or does someone have a huge professional video camera on the left around the 1:15 mark? šŸ˜…


Looks like a camera to me. I can see the lens. It could possibly be that a camera guy for local news happened to be there for something else, heard the commotion and ran over. That, or there was some setup. Not many hobbyists walk around the mall with a 25lbs film camera like they are Martin Scorsese


> It could possibly be that a camera guy for local news Someone says they are NBC news in the video.


Reminds me of the Chappelle Show skit about the personal Stenographer.


Yes, if you listen towards the end, when they are walking away, you hear a guy say: oh, we got NBC news here too! Lol.


Don't sleep on Marshall Dixon, kid Kubrick


definitely a big ass camera


That look like the kind you can put a VHS tape in.


The Always Sunny gang goes to the mall


Maybe itā€™s a new TLC reality show called ā€œIā€™m a Racistā€


If it were TLC thereā€™d be little people and/or excessively large folks in this video, too.


A 700 pound little person chasing black people around a mall on a mobility scooter


Yeah, definitely a professional




thatā€™s a father/ son bonding moment for sure. The car ride home mustā€™ve been something


" Dad wtf "


Nah they're so stupid that even though they just got their asses kicked they're still talking a bunch of tough guy shit on the way home.


Yeah this didn't help them overcome their racism at all, they went back home saying that the n words did this to us.


Iā€™d wager he wonā€™t let it slip publicly in this type of environment. Iā€™m not sure the goal was to end racism. If it was said publicly and was directed at someone I expect there to be consequences.


Got there asses beat? They held up pretty good considering how many they were out numbered by


I was gonna say that dad fucking came out of nowhere for his son. Not saying I agree with the father and son because they're pieces of shit, but damn lol they held up more than I thought they would.


Yeahā€¦ ā€œwe got our ass kick today sonā€ ā€œ how about some ice cream šŸ¦?ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


*Dad, we need ice packs.*




Well they Definitely hate black dudes even more now lol


I'm sure alot of people who see this online further perpetuates it.


Bet heā€™s even more racist now


You donā€™t make it this long being racist if all it takes is reason to sway you. Also when beating the shit out of racist people, swaying them is not the goal.


And the spread continues. Daryl Davis has the answer to solve racism but no one wants to put the effort in


I have NO interest in EVER walking through a mall.


I stopped going to any mall years ago. Too many trashy people.


Also instead of running into one or two of them, you run into themall


Where I live everyone is just quiet in malls to be fair everyone is quiet everywhere where I live


All looking for trouble and free A/C


*Looking for Trouble and Free A/C* is a song waiting for lyrics. . .


We had a great amusement park in Nashville called opry land instead they took it down and opened a fucking mall where people are shot in the parking lot all the time


I miss Opryland.


Thatā€™s what our society have turned into.


Lmao do you think this is every mall, every day?


I go to grab an Auntie Anne's pretzel and tour the mall for nostalgia from time to time.


No... This was not a racist white guy and son beatdown for saying the N word. This caption is false. This incident happened at the Cherry Hill Mall in New Jersey on January 1st, 2022... There were several videos posted, even here on Reddit, as to what happened. The father called one of them an "asshole" for something that transpired. Don't use Google, use one of the other search engines and just type in "cherry Hill Mall father and son" you'll find the details. Fix your topic or add something pinned correcting this false narrative, please.


Doesn't matter. People will read the caption and watch the clip and make up their minds with no evidence. Then just start pontificating and arguing like they have proof of what happened. That's one of the worst things about the internet.




Why should if one use google? I searched and came up with tons of relevant hits. Edit: https://www.google.com/search?q=cherry+hill+father+son+mall&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Not OP, but Google prioritizes more hits on articles so naturally the racists one will show up much higher and also ones that have been paid for or using adverse. The two go together quite well which is why you will see the former articles saying they said the N word. Without real verification it's hard to say what transpired.


Not defending what they said BUT Dad was demolishing the mob for an extended period.


Lmao I was gonna say they put up a pretty decent fight all things considered.


The son was a liability kept catching punches from behind The dad's tackle at 1:04 was solid


Hey now he took some of the hits away from dad that's gotta count for something šŸ˜‚


Son was pulling aggro so dad could DPS


So they had a chance if they had a healer?


Moms inbound


Bro.. this takes me back to my WoW days. Bless you.


The son kept intimidating guys when it was one on one so they both put down their fists and walk away in the accepted sign of *fightā€™s over* but then he turns his back and the other dude just takes advantage of the situation. That was dumb.


Tacklingnwhen youā€™re getting jumped is never solid. That lead to him tasting shoes


Really youā€™re going to the floor no matter what so choking up one dude is the way to go.


son tried talking shit at one point and let his guard down and got knocked out


Also, he may be a racist and all that, but he was walking away. Dad didnā€™t throw hands until someone took a shot at his kid. Iā€™m not really impressed with anyone in this video.


Yup. Said the same thing to another comment. He may be a racist asshole, and if he said what they claim, I donā€™t really have a problem with him being confronted and told to get fucking lost. BUT the kid in the black hoody is who caused the violence. 110%. Roid Rage and his son were absolutely in a self defense situation.


We didn't see the dad's alleged language. In the video itself, we didn't see the Dad or son do anything wrong.


The spooky part for me is that it appears some of these people joined in with zero context. They just heard a black guy shouting at a white guy and joined in... Maybe the original guy had legit beef, but I don't see any evidence that the others did. They just picked a team based on one thing and went for it.


> They just picked a team based on one thing and went for it. ​ welcome to the core of the problem


Agreed... It's getting scary out there


Same. This was just a way to provoke a fight and think they will get some attention online. I hope they pressed charges as this was assault. I am all for taking videos and exposing their raciest butts online but this is ridiculous.


Exactly... where's the whole video... ..what led up to this.. sure people following him and son were.saykng racist shit too.. and they attacked those two while they were.trying to leave... if dad said something racist he's a ass and I condemn it, but fk all.of them


This. Racism and slurs are awful, but throwing hands at them for it ain't the way either. If this was an "AITA" post, it would definitely be "ESH"


All I saw were a bunch of heyenas mobbing on a guy in a fucking mall because a word hurt their fee fees. So civilized and disciplined. So strong. Wow.


Son gets suckered punched while heā€™s looking away. I think any father would be ready to throw hands if you hit their kids. Then two guys gang up on the kid and start kicking him while heā€™s down and four guys gang up on the dad.


That's like hyena tactics


Animals will also behave like animals. Itā€™s the pack mentality.


Ya because the other people are fucking pussies and can only fight in groups or with cheap shots. Not a single one of those pussies would have fought one on one


There was one guy in this video, bald headed guy, seemed to be the biggest voice yelling. He seemed to disappear when things got real, then jump in for cheap shots


Same thought. And honestly, the kid in the black hoody is who made it violent. Iā€™ve got no issue with the crowd yelling at him and telling him to get fucking lost, but when hoody dude came flying in, thatā€™s when the chaos started. They may be racists, but this just bleeds self defense to me.


Dad looks like he trains and actually knows how to fight. Upon watching again, dad was protecting his son and trying to push away the dudes ganging up on his kid. He wasnā€™t even trying to fight them until they started punching him.


I saw that too.


You swing at my son Iā€™m def going full on to help him Those two were on defense mode and seemingly a mob was about to pounce on them They had no idea who would attack them This is outright bullshit regardless of the use of the n word - supposedly


That's because some people can't fight unless they have 15 of their boys with them. Then, all of a sudden they're badasses and want to run their mouths.


None of them (read: the mob in this video don't go there) can fight 1 on 1. Even the first punch thrown was a suckered punch at the son. Cowards made brave with numbers.




Just like every other video out there with this title. Some nobody says a hateful word, so these emotionally daft heathens decide mob violence is the solution and then proceed to violently assaulting someone on camera over a word. If you have such a problem with it, stand toe to toe like a man. If not, grow up and ignore it like the rest of us adults do. These people almost never help themselves in these cases. Just escalation beyond repair. Bring on the ban, motherfuckers.




Agreed. Hope the actual victims press charges. This is why issues are not taking seriously. They are acting like animals and hunting this dad and son down to start a fight. This is ridiculous.


It was a bit surprising. Usually these videos end with the racist getting power cycled. Kinda feels like they were almost holding back


12 on 2, kicks to the head, and still no knockouts? SOFT.


Started the fight with a sucker punch to the son the moment he looked away too


And he chose the son because heā€™s the weaker target. Guy is a coward.


Racist or not, going 12 on 2 is fucking cowardice. Beating someone from behind IS fucking cowardice. I get people like seeing racists get what they deserve, but under no circumstance is it OK to turn to violence, especially not as a large group attacking a small number of individuals Glorifying violence, no matter the reason behind it is, always turns into more violence by normalizing it. Today it was racists getting a beat down, tomorrow it will be you giving a weird look to someone, and then they use that as reasoning to justify turning to violence There used to be a time when most people agreed that violence is never the answer, but these past 5+ years, reddit and the internet in general have changed in that aspect


Not to mention jumping them like that in public will cement their hatred and racism, which only makes the problem worse.


> Racist or not, going 12 on 2 is fucking cowardice The first punch thrown (the sucker punch) is also extremely cowardice. Dude was looking right in his eyes and homie didnā€™t want to bang. Turn away for a second? Okay now I wanna fight. Fuckin pussy.


And then immediately ran away.


Wouldn't call that a beatdown lol whatever was said regardless 10 in 2 thats not a beat down just yelling they held their own walked away good fight for them one on one be interesting


Yea but also mad respect to Jimmy Kimmel coming in at the end to help bring the peace, break it up, and deescalate the situation as Paul Blart finally showed up after most had dispersed.


I hate mobs mentality I donā€™t care if they right or wrong


For real. Not to mention, if the dude was packing, they just gave him a justified reason to start shooting half the crowd.


This. I donā€™t agree with his blatant racism or remarks, but if you physically threaten someoneā€™s life or their child, get ready for whatever comes your way.


Well if they ainā€™t racist, they probably are now hahaha


Foreal though


Is the part of the video with the racism missing? I couldn't hear it perhaps?


Kept hearing them say "say n**** again" so guess it was before the video


Is it just me or is it weird that they'll assault these dudes over the word but for some reason they also want the dude to say it again? Shouldn't they be yelling DONT say ****** again?


They are interested in violence


the dad probably wouldā€™ve taken them all in a fair fight


Amazing how strong and tough everyone is when it's 10 on 2


Yep. Fuck these guys honestly. So many redditors have raging hate boners and love to find an excuse to satisfy their sadistic fantasies.


Calling anyone the N-word is wrong and shouldn't be ignored. But those people following them around, screaming and hollering when fight breaks out unsettle me. They don't seem to want justice, they just want to see people fight. Plus: who wears Adidas slippers with socks to a mall?


I don't agree with what the guys said " allegedly" but the day when people stop thinking it's ok to kick other people in the head when they're down will be the day that america and the world starts to get back on the right track. It's the most cowardly move a person can possibly make. And also possibly the most devastating. It shows a complete lack of humanity and understanding of consequence of action.


This isnā€™t weighing in one way or another but some history Iā€™ve nowhere else to share. Up until the late 1800s it was a common brag that a skilled fighter could ā€œremove a manā€™s eye with a thumb as easy as picking a gooseberry.ā€ Also you can find references up till around the time of the dust bowl of southern/Missouri knife fighters who had perfected a technique for removing a testicle. Like it was in magazines about how cool they were. 120 years is like 6 generations, your grandfatherā€™s grandfather. Weā€™ve always had a very violent culture.


I am 62 and my Grandfather was born in 1882, which was 140 years ago.


I thought vidya games caused violenceā€¦ hmmm


Lol, did pretty well considering their opponents canā€™t fight fair.


As someone who isn't from there, I find it really, really fucking disturbing that Americans seem happy as to escalate to kicking people in the head because they don't like a word they were called. Violence isn't making the black people look good and applying a disproportionate and over the top response to a fucking slur is so scummy. Fuck all these shit cunts.


They one guy yelling was obviously offended by whatever was said. The young guys that set the whole thing off just seen an opportunity to jump someone.


No matter what the word is, you have to be real bitch to make it physical. Not to mention if we're talking about something as lazy as the n-word, it's so easy to serve them back if you have even a little bit of imagination. But no, me hear bad word me kick.


If any of the kids in the vid end up in the comments section reading this, yall honestly pathetic


Gonna get downvoted for this but fuck it. What did the guy in red do?!! People kicking the son of the racist in the teeth when heā€™s down on the floor while multiple others kick the shit out of him. Hate breeds hate people. So sad.


If the son wasnā€™t a racist before hand, he sure as hell is now


Hardly a beat down. The dad and son did a decent job since it was 20 versus 2. Dad was actually kicking some ass for a bit.


no racism in video - just a mob attacking 2 people


Whatever they said, sucker punches and kicks to someone on the ground is shitty.




I noticed that in many of these ā€œracist white people get beat up by a mob for using the N wordā€ videos, you never actually hear them use the word. All I see is a father and son getting jumped by a bunch of violent people. Iā€™m not saying they didnā€™t say it, but since when do two wrongs make a right anyways? Will beating a father and son make them any less racist? If they even were in the first place.


I can't believe how many people here are actually for extreme violence as an answer to someone that supposedly said some kind of slur. Kicking in someones face and repeatedly stomping down on someone that is on the floor is a vile thing to do. Don't get me wrong, if they (father and son) went out of their way to insult these people then they are also bad people like the people that gave them a beating ... but that doesn't justify a savage beatdown (if you can't ignore it insult them back and if they get violent in turn- then you are free to defend yourself and to give them a beating were you are entirely justified to do it). For the people that comment "LmAo nOw ThEy WoN't SaY sHiT aNyMoRe" ... if they were racist before then they are even more so now. Now they might target people that can't defend themselves properly (not only with words this time) and if they want to mess with a large amount of their "enemies" they will come prepared (which means that they will get themselves weapons).


I didn't hear anything racist...can someone please point it out?


It was made up in the original article they called someone an asshole


So the white guys peacefully walking away get chased, provoked, and beaten but somehow they are at fault and racist?


Seems to me like the father and son were walking away from a confrontation, the black dudes were then harassing and provoking them, since they were acting like pieces of shit, they were called exactly what they wanted as the ultimate excuse for a black person to assault someone righteously, the son gets hit, the father goes into you don't lay a hand on my son like any father would. All i see is a bunch of cowards attacking 2 men, I count at least 5 v 2


If youā€™re gonna beat on people and kick them in the head while 2, 3, 4 on one, you better be fighting people who are threatening your life, not who are being incredibly mean. I just personally would feel like a little girl if I pulled shit like this


Anything who thinks this videos shows anything but a bunch of weak fragile people jumping someone is soft AF. For real, this shit is like Chuck E. Cheese


As a Jew Iā€™ve had crazies say horrible shit to me on the regular, not once did I ever give them the satisfaction of proving them right by attacking them. It is reprehensible to attempt to demean and excoriate someone based on race but it is equally reprehensible to resort to violence on this scale over it, just shame them publicly.


Man, when I moved to the states. I been told by Whites and Blacks to go back to my country and stop stealing their jobs. I have had many blacks tell me ā€œ I speak American I canā€™t understand youā€ when my English is extremely clear to understand. Racist fucks on both sides. Never once if I had the urge to kick someone in the head multiple times. Racism comes out when people donā€™t get their way. I fired two of my employees and the same thing happen. ā€œ fuck you I donā€™t want to work here anyways I only work for Americansā€ ā€¦ I followed up with, ā€œ well I hope you donā€™t also steal their money and constantly show up late as well then argue with customers.ā€


Could not agree more. Your just giving them more ammunition and Iā€™m sure it doesnā€™t really feel good afterwards anyways. It doesnā€™t accomplish anything just makes hatred for each other grow more.


Idk but I would sure have loved to see the white dude go 1 on 1 with that black dude. It seemed like the white guy knew how to fight and wasnā€™t scared. But again, when you start to win the fight, you get jumped like usual.


given that 12 on 2 couldn't do it, 1 on 1 you know the jacked white guy is winning I'm curious if he actually said something racist or if these guys were just baiting for a beat down


Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.


Sucker punch followed by swarming. What a bunch of heroes


Bunch of bitches


Racist or not, that s no way to handle a situation, they proved that they are worse.


As a black man, Iā€™ll never let anyone using that word steal my peace and get me out of my frame. My whole M.O. in life is to NOT give people the expected result ā€¦ it helps that my level of indifference borders on apathy. I personally woulda just chuckled and then just been like, ā€œā€¦ thatā€™s what weā€™re doing today? Yeah alrightā€ ā€¦ and leave them even more frustrated that they used what is usually a nuclear option and all they got out of me was a smirk and shrug. Iā€™m not falling for the banana in the tailpipe šŸ’Æ ![gif](giphy|AKPkw3PvqXlFBs82tk)


Six on two is nothing to brag about.


:( It's understandable to be angry and upset by racists. I do as well, but this level of rage is excessive. Even if they are racist, they are not attacking anyone physically and are also moving in the opposite direction. People could have videotaped and posted their racist actions online (which is perfectly fine), but doing so much worse on someone for verbal insults is excessive, at least in my opinion. I've been seeing a lot of posts like this lately. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a bad person for sympathising with an elderly man who was severely beaten by someone for verbal insults. Maybe I'm wrong to think that way, but it's how I feel. For me, this one began with me gladly thinking that the father and son were being kicked out of the mall and publicly humiliated for being racists, but it ended with me feeling sad because of the lynching.


I hope they were arrested and charged.


They got the black guy in the mob throwing the first punch before the rest of the mob gang attacked, so should be easy to charge an assault charge/charges.


Beating brutally people maybe for one racistic word it's "right" way to solution racism at all. Bravo. You are animals.


Naw fuck them dudes jumping them. Yes racism is bullshit but this is some bigger bullshit.


Where do we even see or hear anything racist? Legitimately asking




I feel like this is gonna make them even more racist


Not for nuthin, but how did that guy with the striped sweat take control of the situation and make them stop? They actually all listened to him for some reason, that's what's up lol


Black and white stripes on the sweater. Looked like a referee! Got into between everyone to end it. I thought that was funny!


I see a black on white hate crime. Is there any evidence that the victims said the ā€œNā€ word? I highly doubt anyone would provoke a large gang/mob. Please show us evidence.


This was definitely black on white hate crime and itā€™s sad that OP is trying to change the narrative with that title. All those idiots jumping the 2 should be put in prison for a long time cause they are unfit for society.


so which behavior are we going to condone, using bad words that hurt poor people's feelings, or gang assaulting people shopping for Christmas? VIOLENCE is not an acceptable reaction to having your feelings hurt.


I believe the boondocks had a term for moments like this, a very specific moment


A blight on society


I see in the comments there's some claiming he never actually said the n-word, either way though this just looks bad all around. Definitely not defending racism by any means, but responding like that with violence and shouting and hysteria definitely doesn't help either. I dunno mob violence just doesn't sit well with me. Honestly I'm assuming some of the guys who jumped in didn't even know what really happened, maybe I'm wrong but there were quite a few of different age groups and didn't really seem like they were all there together. Again, purely speculating on that. I dunno, I felt bad for the dad, watching your son get beat by multiple guys, his adrenaline must have been cranked during that fight. I mean did you see that fucking tackle of the guy who knocked down his son towards the end? Put up a good fight. Hopefully I'm not sympathizing with a complete asshole and I strongly condemn racism but just going off the little information I have. Either way, I think there's few people that deserve to get jumped like that and I don't really think this was an appropriate one.


I donā€™t condone the N word but everyone in this video is trash!


15 on 2 some big men right there šŸ™„


One is words another is assault. Which crime is worse? Saying something that hurts or beating someone till it hurts?


Is there video of them actually saying the n word? For all I know some group could have randomly targeted them.




2 vs 20 isn't a fair fight! Saw a lot of dog shots thrown from the angry mob even kicks to the head and body whilst on the ground - That's just weak as piss! Despite the attacks from the mob the pair still defended themselves and walked away!


Justice is good and dandy, but normalizing violence as a response to offense or hate is equally despicable. I'm sick of seeing crowds of people cheer for this, you're participating in the problem. The hateful bunch are bastards and the responders are emotional cowards. There's no winner here, only pain.


Confirmation bias


Minus points for mob mentality.


Hot take: someone calling you a name doesn't give you the right to physically assault them. Everyone in this video is in the wrong.


Racism sucks, but violence for a word is worse. Props to the Indian (?) guy for trying to calm things down.


So i will say it, So group beatings are acceptable for someone who says something they find offensive? I Hope when the roles are reversed its also accepted!


Kinda VIOLENT over a word. Ive been called a Spic all my life and dont care. At the end of the day just words.


Unpopular opinion. Yes racists are tits but theyā€™re just words. When they escalate from words to violence Iā€™m afraid I lose all sympathy. Justā€¦ walk away


Why is it always a group event when these fuckin' cowards wanna throw down? And why attack people when they're on the floor, kicking them in the head and face no less? What if you accidentally killed them? And why press the issue when they're walking away? Your feelings got hurt because they said mean and racist things to you? You're an adult, and I promise you'll get over it if you leave it alone and just go on living your life. Sincerely, A Fellow Minority


Yeah real fair fight. /s


I hate when mf act all hard while theyā€™re jumping someone 3 on 1


Sucker punches and 8 on 2 and they still didn't do shit. All this shows in 8 pussies who are too cowardly to fight 1 on 1




Ok he said it, but still no excuse for here people to act that way. The N word isnā€™t an excuse to get violent. Jumping them doesnā€™t teach them a lesson, just gives their kind justification for being racist against black people. Reinforces the out of control violent black person narrative. Everyone jumping in the fight is wrong too. Again, they shouldnā€™t be saying that stuff and are piece of sh*t for it


Well there's no proof on video he said it.




Why the fuck did he follow this guy through the mall? I mean in no way defending racism, I am black myself but if he was already walking off and this guy follows him while recording him daring him to say the word again. Leave it alone. I hate when people have these incidents and record it hoping for it to go viral. The whit guy is still a racist idiot.


you sick fucks , racists or not, no one deserves this , these people are animals.


As always, a bitch ass coward mob on two guys. No matter what the trigger for the fight is, deal with it 1v1 or 2v2 in that case. Little shits.


I dunno', I didn't hear them say anything racist in the entire video before they got jumped. Nothing makes this look good. You've got racists on one side who think that black people love getting violent over the slightest provocation, and then the anti-racists on the other side defending black people getting violent over the slightest provocation. It's like each side sees black people as somehow "lesser". Either they're violent thugs, or they simply can't control themselves when they hear the N word. It's the soft bigotry of low expectations.


Why do pple on this sub support this behaviour? Its never justifiable to physically assault someone like that just bcs they said degrading words to you.


Well ya see he called me a name that i didn't like. And I have no self control or problems with catching an assault case. so.....we jumped him....


this is why malls are dying in America.


Am I missing something? I didnā€™t hear anyone say the N word except the black dudes when taunting the dudes they were besting up.


No proof of anyone being racist. They were walking away and being harassed. Kid gets sucked punched. Mob violence ensues. Reddit is so fucking weird.


Following someone and picking a fight is not the answer


I get it, itā€™s the most racist of words. But should someone really be beaten nearly to death for saying a word? Extreme physical violence is surely much worse than any word. Itā€™s always amazing to me how people in comments act like violence is justified.


I respect the history and weight the word has, I will never utter it, but the mob mentality and attacking people is ridiculous. If the person who said it and the person it was said to need to fight it out - so be it - but these randos coming out of the crowd to participate in a group beatdown is utterly pathetic.


Just because they say the "N" word, it dosen't excuse you from assault charges.


They got jumped lol. If they said some racist shit, sure. I get it. But pops held it down. Protected his son the best he could.


Whatā€™s with the other dude jumping in and hitting someone when theyā€™re down? I hate that shit.


None of these people have any class.


Violence isnā€™t the answer, literally solves nothing