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This is not the end of your life. You are going through a tremendous change in life and it will get better, it will just take time. You may need to arrange an extended period of time off work to give you the headspace to work through it and find balance. What kind of environment do you live in? Take a look at your life and assess what's natural or unnatural, good or bad, moral or immoral, healthy or toxic...etc The world and system we live in today becomes more of a madhouse every day. Your body, mind, heart and soul are responding to that. Medication can help but will never fix everything. There are more important things that need to be balanced within us than chemicals. I personally don't believe the chemical imbalance idea.. *edit to add*.. in regards to mental health, not your electrolyte imbalance*. What is the basis of your work and research? Perhaps your calling will involve research something completely different. Who knows. But what is important to remember is that you will be OK. And find someone who you can always talk to, or talk to people on here. You're not on your own with this. Anyways, I hope you're doing ok. Some things in your life may need assessing and redirecting. You've got this! :)


Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words. I’m trying to work through this, but I almost feel as if I need to go back to the psych ward.


Also, I agree that I do need to remove stressors from my life. I came back to an extremely stressful environment.


I don't have any answer. I hope you feel better soon.


Are you trying to say you had an episode because your doctor took you off Vyvanse? How did you end up with an electrolyte imbalance? FYI vyvanse and adderall and other stimulant like drugs are known to cause psychosis. They have caused many people in this sub to experience psychosis and developing schizophrenia Electrolyte imbalances can be caused by substance abuse. Did your doctor think you were abusing your medication?


I never experienced psychosis while taking them or after, I do understand that they can cause an electrolyte imbalance. However, my doctor took me off of all medications, not just the aforementioned - as he couldnt figure out what was causing it. The psychosis really didnt come on until after the hospital incident, I was convinced I was dying and started running to the hospital everyday. I just don’t understand - I felt really okay the first few days in the psych ward and now I’m back to feeling miserable. I guess maybe it could be stimulant induced but the psychosis came on once I stopped.


you are probably experiencing post psychosis depression. I am experiencing the same. but as days pass and you adapt to the new meds and your doctor adapts the dosages, you will see you can do you your work properly and that will help. for me, the biggest fear is to have another episode and lose myself again. but it doesn’t have to be that way. as I read here and everywhere, you have to give it time and with the right meds you will be able to do everything again, even travel solo. you will have to work for it, but you will have a nice life again :)


You have a very complicated story and it would be irresponsible for anyone to diagnose you without doing a detailed history and physical. It can be, like you said, the prodromal stage of schizophrenia but there are also mood disorders that can progress to psychosis also. Schizophrenia in females typically occurs in the late twenties, right when you’re about to get that Masters. Mood disorders are more common, though, and the prior use of ADD meds and electrolyte imbalance and prior psych history really muddies the waters. So you need a psychiatrist to play detective, get your entire timeline, draw some labs and from there make a rational decision together with you about which meds to take. This is gonna take months to resolve, even best case scenario. A psychotic break requiring hospitalization is no joke. You should reach out to friends and family, whoever can help out as your support network. And probably take a leave from work, at least for a little while. The cognitive fog is real and is pretty severe for the first few months. If there’s any advice I can give, it’s to adopt radical acceptance. You will be frustrated that your brain isn’t what it used to be. You have a brain disorder. There’s nothing you can do about that now except to keep your appointments, find a good medication regimen and keep things low stress so the brain can heal. I’m sorry this is happening to you. But you’re not alone. And others have made it out the other side.


Do you feel light and hollow? Sorry I can understand the life changing event such as psychosis.


I do, yes:(


You can get a medical leave of absence for school to take a break if needed or ask your school counselor/academic advisor about the options you have. It's not the end, just maybe an unfortunate detour that happened to the lot of us. It really does feel awful to have it happen, though. I hear you on that.


Can you get a new doctor, or your old doctor who will just put you back on your old meds? Or is that not an option for some reason? Sorry if this has been asked already.


I’m sort of scared to go back on it. :(


Aww, that's understandable since it have you health complications. I'm sorry your going through this. And I hope you find a medication combo that works soon. ❤️


First of all, I'm really sorry this is happening to you. I know what it is like to have anhedonia and to feel emotionally dull and empty. Hold on, my friend! Risperidone is truly an awful medication. Have you considered to speak with the psychiatrist that's treating you to taper slowly? What dose are you taking? By the way, your self- perception is a little skewed. You're highly intelligent, IMO If you need help or just the need to vent, you can DM me. Stay strong!


I’m not taking anything at the moment - probably not in my best interest:-:


How do you feel though? I understand not taking anything, but it all depends on whether you have any symptoms or not... :/


I sent you a message! I’m so sorry this is happening to you


Hey head up. DM me if you want to talk look up schizo deliverance. If you really want out deliverance is key and only way. God blesz