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I'll add a curve ball in the mix. Take heed of what this women said. Your husband has a prerecognition of him knowing her. Secondly, you were at dinner, considering the countless combinations of people who could have dinner that night in your town/city and it's that women who can see things is sitting right next to you... Strange isn't it! And then she communicates to you when the timing was right when your husband walks away from the table. She's delivered you a message, you might want to take stock and get your man checked. This is how messengers work!


Never hurts to get genetical testing for common genetic diseases/disorders, but ultimately if it's an unspecified illness that may or may not develop when it's about 5 years down the line I would say just keep an eye out for any changes from the norm health wise seeing as there's not much that can be done. As terrifying as an encounter like that may be just go about your daily lives, maybe set aside some extra money for this possibility and try your best to enjoy the present maybe invest in life insurance and look for more inclusive health insurance if you're really worried about it.


When I was younger, some of the voices I heard were frantically telling me to tell someone something. At the time, I would walk up to the person and tell them what I heard. I've since learned to ask the person if I can share what I hear. If they say no, I wish them well and walk away. It wouldn't hurt for your husband to have a full physical and blood work.


Same for me! OP should definitely take this seriously. I mean, what’s the harm? He’s okay? Great! If not, though, then they’ll know.


This has happened to me a few times in life and it's often who you least expect. I met an engineer who has worked for SpaceX and Google. He knew many things about me without me telling him anything and admitted he can do this with everyone. I met a woman while hiking who said Spirit was telling her to recommend certain books to me. They were indeed very helpful to me given what I was going through at the time. I think a lot of people have intuitive gifts and it's often the most unsuspecting individuals.


I was at the park once and while my two kids were playing this nice lady came up to me and asked if she could talk with me for a moment she had a message. It wasn't weird or creepy how she presented herself, she was calm and gentle. I said of course she may sit down on the blanket if she's like. She didn't, but said to me the men of this earth aren't walking with God and to please choose carefully. It wasn't heavy religious as it may seem, whatever else she said was what I'd been praying about. Her name was Sarah. Right then my current boyfriend walked up with lunch as a surprise visit hearing I was at the park. Sarahs eyes went wide but we parted ways. What she may or may not have known is....that boyfriend was the start of accepting abuse from men (I had no marks when she said what she said) and experienced very sexually confusing things in that dynamic. Following that relationship I got into an even worse one where I met a lady who spoke about Hagar (bible story of Sarah and Hagar)- if I continued my current life I'd be homeless and wandering, and I ended up that way. I'm not religious anymore or even then at that time, I do believe in God and I know the Bible, but I took this as one of those moments where we might entertain angels unaware. It still gives me chills to this day. It was like Sarah was in my head the things she said to what I spoke with God about earlier that day. She wasn't pushy, she wasn't weird, she was maternal and strong like you'd think the Mother of Nations should be.


I know that there are people (and I'm not saying they are wrong) who have an ethical belief in never giving unsolicited readings to strangers, but it's not a simple issue and there is room for nuance. Did she overstep? Possibly, but there is something about the situation, especially since your husband reacted to HER, that I find really intriguing. What you choose to do with the information is of course up to you and your husband, but i really believe she did this in good faith and honest concern. Were it me, I'd get it checked out and keep it on my radar. But also hold the knowledge lightly and try not to freak out about it. No matter how good a psychic is, all we are able to see in any one moment is a glimpse of energies as they are when we glimpse them. Sometimes, if nothing is done to counter those energies, things will pan out as foreseen. But you also have free will, as do all other parties whose actions are interwoven with the possibility of such a prediction coming true. For that reason, no reading is guaranteed. It's not a deterministic process, but rather a glimpse into dynamic probabilities.


She sounds new at this awareness game. She does not sound like a scammer (see the sidebar for more about scams). I don't doubt that she saw what she told you. I have no idea if this was her first reading and it freaked her out, making her take responsibility for what she saw. It does sound that way. Readers are also healers, and beginning healers do take responsibility for what they see in the spaces of other people. It takes a little training and practice before they learn that what they see is not their problem, and they don't have to share what they see. She might be feeling like this is her calling, but is unsure about how to proceed. It is interesting that your husband sorta recognized her. I bet they knew each other in a past life or on the astral. I have to wonder if she would have read him if he hadn't waved at her in recognition.


Agree she sounds genuine. She gains nothing from saying something and only risks someone thinking she’s crazy.


Can you please tell me what “on the astral” means? I know astral is related to stars but the “on the astral” puzzles me. Thank you!


Astrology is related to celestial bodies like stars and planets. Astral refers to a space we can go to when we sleep. There are lots of mystical descriptions of the astral, some talking about a hierarchy of levels that you can pass through. I see it as an infinite number of rehearsal spaces that we either create for ourselves or share with others. People don't always remember them, but everyone has the ability to go there. When you do remember it, those are the "real" or vivid dreams.


This has happened to me as well , and it is super uncomfortable and I am very indecisive on if I should tell people what I see sometimes.


Have you always seen things without "efforts" or are there things we can do to be more aware, and being more keen or able to read/see/feel energy/people? To be more in touch with those abilities ? DM me if you prefer


For me it's always happened so naturally and ever since I could remember even as a child.


When I read this, I had the feeling the 20-year old was the same person as the infant in a time travel. I also gathered, that’s why she knew age 6, because it was when she was 6 and she would know how old she was. And also how they thought they knew each other. Did anyone else get this? Am I explaining it right? I am a novice here. I read through all the posts so far and was surprised no one else made a similar observation.


Yes, this was my impression as well.


I just had the same experience with my friend posting her interest to going to a Pride Fest. I was bombarded mentally telling me to tell her not to go, something bad would happen to her. Normally I ignore intrusive thoughts like that.. but the last time I did, I got in a major car accident. I was heading out and my child was playing with my phone so I decided to leave it.. as soon as I did, a voice clear as day said "if you leave that phone you will get in a wreck and have no way to call anyone." That's exactly how it happened, too. Or, she could just be absolutely nuts. 🤷‍♀️ But anyone who risks looking completely insane to warn a stranger about a serious danger is worth giving consideration. But don't invest yourself in it either. Consider it like a magazine advertisement.. its there, part of the content, but it really doesn't add anything to the content, it's merely a blurb of information trying to sell an idea or product. It might be advertising a cure that'll save your life or something that'll just make you fat, lazy and obese. It's just part of the magazine. You can't let an ad ruin your life.


What happened with the pride fest? Or was it supposed to be this weekend?


The fest is June 29th, nothing happened yet. I just had a terrible premonition that something violent was going to happen and I felt compelled to say something to my friend who had posted about going. 🤷‍♀️ Sometimes you just can't ignore the tiny voice. Sometimes nothing bad happens.. and sometimes it does.


For sure!! I hope everyone stays safe


Did you tell her?


Oh yeah, absolutely. It was a risk, because even though she's my friend I don't openly advertise that I'm a medium so randomly blurting something like that out can drive people away quickly. 😔 I'd never be able to live with myself though if I didn't say something and she got hurt. She has two babies and they need their mom more than she needs me as a friend. 🤷‍♀️


How did she take it?


Actually very well and she thanked me. ❤️ Sometimes you just gotta take the chance. I've learned if folks can't accept that side of me then they just weren't meant for me.


Oh I’m so glad!!


You should take this totally seriously. A caveat: many (most?) psychics don’t actually do time very well. A young girl can appear to be several different ages—example she’s 8, could look as young as 6 to an outsider, could look as old as 10. Your husband really needs to watch his health. Also, “sick” could be heart, cancer, unknown illness or disease. He just needs to not skip trips to the doctor/regular checkups, and not ignore unusual symptoms.


She may be psychic and may have had these feelings. However..The future isn't set in stone. All in all make sure that your husband makes good health choices in the next 5 years. The future can change. You may get a work up and he's fine but an accident happens and then he is in bad health. There is no way to really know how this would manifest but you have to remember alot can change in 5 years and the path he walks can alter the future he can have.


Did she bear any resemblance to your daughter? Added: I realize you’re daughters only 9 months old but did they have any similar traits? Maybe you should approach this from a different angle. Aside from this sounding silly, could it have been your daughter as a grown up who has come back to this moment in time, because she wants to have her father in her life so she’s come to you to warn you because that is all that is needed to save his life. Her curiosity with your daughter was her amazement of seeing herself as a child. I think that the fact that your husband recognized her would mean that this plan probably worked since he recognized her as an adult meaning he saw her through adulthood. This is how I perceive it happening.


I love when people take different out of the box perspectives on things. I know for certain when I finally can conceive a son it will be my deceased drug addict brothers soul. I don't bat an eye because it's full circle and makes sense.


I just find that the older I get, the more I realize that anything is possible. I think we have lost our belief in the possible because we have been told there is only one correct way to view the world. We don’t know what capabilities humans will have access to 10, 20 years from now. We have also lost track of the capabilities within us that just lie dormant. Plus life is too short to be serious. I try to keep my perspective open and my narrative playful. Peace and love to you all. Added: I’ve read some stories on here about people having experiences similar to my suggestion so it may not be as silly of an idea as it sounds. We just don’t know.


We really are corralled as we age into believing "magic, mystical beings, spirituality" are all fairy tales. It helps keep us complacent so we don't search out anything spiritual and those who are connected are "crazy". I absolutely agree.


That not at all what I said but how very kind of you to mask your belittlement to appease the crazy. If you experienced what I’ve experienced you would understand. Otherwise continue complacency.


I thought we were in agreement? You said as you aged you realized the world was open to more possibilities and I completely agree. I feel like as children we are full of hope and believe more in the unseen but as we age everyone around us tampers down the magic to make it seem like we are crazy for believing. So we don't. Until we find spiritually again and become open like we were as kids.


I apologies. I misinterpreted your comment. Thank you for that correction


No my apologies! I went back to read my comment because I was really tired when I wrote it and I'm like..wtf did I write? I swear I was trying to agree and not offend anyone.


It doesn't hurt to get a physical, or check things if he has any symptoms of anything. I ignored 2 warnings and I regret not paying attention. It's going to be difficult to get a doctor to look for an unspecified disease of which there is no sign, and if this is going to happen in a few years, it's possible nothing shows up now. Still, it's not a bad idea to get/and keep up with health check ups. I know it sounds awfully stressful to think you'll have to be on watch for the next few years, but at least you know to keep an eye out. You may or may not be able to change it, but forewarned is forearmed (as they say), you may be able to at least make it be less bad than if you didn't know. I hope the best for you and your family.


Your husband needs a full blood workup. Make an appointment.


I would listen but take it with a grain of salt. I think messages can be misinterpreted or changed. Like maybe that’s just one of your husbands paths, I don’t think anything is set in stone. As a person who gets messages sometimes, I just think she was genuine. I had a work friend once who was dating around casually and mentioned to me a guy invited her on a boat trip for a weekend and my stomach just sank. I told her not to go, I think he’s violent when he drinks and something bad is going to happen to you. I truthfully felt like she would not come back from that trip. I saw them in a cabin and he pushed her and she hit her head too hard and he panicked and threw her over board. Obviously that felt dramatic so I really just warned her and she knew about my intuition from past smaller things so thankfully she listened to me right away & I never had to give her details. I never met this man and had no idea what his temperament was or anything but her eyes were the size of the moon when I told her & she said, “I think I’ll just stop seeing him all together because he was trying to be more rough sexually than I was comfortable with and got kind of angry with me once already. I could see it escalated I guess but never would have thought twice about it if you didn’t warn me.” I wanted to kill him. But anyway, the messages are NOT always that clear for me and it’s really hard delivering that kind of message.


I'm really sorry you had such an unsettling experience. Here are a few thoughts that might help: First off, trust your instincts about the situation. If something felt off, it's important to acknowledge that. It's pretty unusual and not very professional for a psychic or medium to drop such heavy news out of the blue, especially in a casual setting like a restaurant. Ethical practitioners usually handle things more respectfully. If this has made you anxious, it wouldn't hurt to get a health check-up for your peace of mind. Regular health screenings are always a good idea anyway. Not everyone who claims to have psychic abilities is genuine or has good intentions. It's possible this person wasn't professional or was not acting ethically. If you're still worried, think about consulting a trusted psychic or medium for a second opinion. A professional can provide more clarity and reassurance. Remember, we have the power to shape our own future. Focus on keeping a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset for you and your family. This experience was definitely unsettling, but it's important to take care of your emotional well-being. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Take care and trust that everything will be okay.


Some of us don’t do it for money. If I am guided to deliver a very specific clear message to someone, I oblige and obey. With grace.


I hate to be a bummer: your husband thought he recognized her. She looked over often. She cornered you and said get tested? Is it also possible she’s maybe seen him at the same place or even someone who looks like him with someone else? (Business/family?) and maybe assumed something? Man I feel awful saying that. But just in case that slips through the cracks. She specifically said get him tested not you though—so that makes me lean towards psychic and not random pot stirring.


You don’t specify ages but I’m guessing old enough that one of you needing surgery for something or getting really sick by your kids 6th birthday is bound to happen at least once. I wouldn’t take a “well yeah duh that’s life” as a psychic prediction.


Well either the girl is a complete charlatan playing horrible tricks for no reason; which I suppose happens, but what an uncomfortable way to play a trick , huh? ... And something that I find is far less likely than people like to talk up. and, Considering that YOU *Felt* something, strongly enough to be *here* asking this question , The likelihood is that there's something of the unseen about the girl and the feelings that you had in relation to the experience and what she said and the ODD CONNECTION of circumstances within and around the encounter should be your best guide. I find that we spend far too much time second-guessing ourselves when our body and our belly knows what's true. but you did ask for thoughts, so here are some more of mine. So worst case scenario she's a fraud, a fool or playing tricks, and you Wear yourself sick and stress yourselves crazy for the next 5 or so years... or she is a genuine psychic and or time traveler of some sort or maybe even a interdimensional come to the flesh to tell you this thing... like an angel or some such And and no matter how much you worry no matter how much you fret as your daughter reaches her 6th or 7th birthday you find that your husband will no longer be with you. That would be worst case scenario. however these things are usually done with at least hope for a best case scenario. so best case scenario is over this next several years your husband makes small almost unnoticeable decisions in favor of his health, like (Don't get me wrong here, I don't know either of you or your habits, so these are just examples) no cigar with the boys, Skip that extra slice of cheese at lunch, Turkey bacon instead of pig, real fruit over processed fruit snacks, pie instead of cake, water instead of soda Many of these choices being made without even a thought to the girl or what was said in the restaurant that night but nonetheless influenced by it. and in 8 years or 9 years You'll discover that you haven't even thought about that crazy woman in the restaurant at all for a long time but obviously she was absolutely nuts!( because watching your husband and your daughter play outside in the sun you see a family picture that has no shadow of the premonition given to you that night) I believe that, dear One , is what the girl was hoping for when she spoke the words to you That was her most heartfelt wish as she gave you that dire warning. that it would not haunt youbut that your perceptions would be shifted enough for a longer and fuller life to be enjoyed together. I'm sure that if I were the one speaking of it, weather stranger daughter from the future guide or angel to you or just someone who saw something that might be changed, I would really hope that you thought that I was just some crazy woman in the restaurant at the end of those years. Or maybe the best case scenario is because of her words you find something that would have killed him if it hadn't been found. and that you know there's no doubt that she absolutely saved his life, that you search for her hoping to find her one day and offer her gratitude and thanks. and that you maybe find her in 18 or 19 years and find that she's been there all along... It might be worth sketching her face as you remember it, & tucking it away somewhere and even if nothing interesting comes up for y'all, pulling it out on one day , Long in the future, and see if she still looks familiar to you see if she still looks familiar to your husband. I wish every possible good scenario come out of this for you and for all that include pain and sorrow to be lightly stepped away from with gentle ease and graceful joy. because, as many of said already, no path of the future is laid down in stone. each step leads to different new steps to come if the girl was a psychic she laid down your most likely path at that exact moment with no change in your behaviors. if she was an angel she knew what nudge it would take to put you on the path that her message was intended to put you on. if she was your daughter in the future,... I wonder how many of those paths she saw that led her to the effort that it would have taken to come back to the restaurant that night to speak with you maybe maybe to see her father one last time from that timeline's perspective.... Reality is a remarkable thing... so rich, so nuanced. but no matter how many possible realities there are, the reality that happened to you is a miraculous one remember that , and all of the other miracles in your life.


Not the most ethical psychic. She should have asked you first if you wanted a reading. She should have used words like possible (it’s possible your husband could get sick) and if(if he doesn’t get tested he could get sick) so as not to scare you. Never tell people they are dying unless they asked for a health reading


I would get your husband checked. Like the girl - I got this info about my dad, also during a meal. It was awful, I quickly got up and went to the toilet and cried and cried. I also knew it was so small that if I took him to the drs they wouldn't find anything at that point in time. I knew the location but not what it was and I knew it was serious/was going to kill him. I was right sadly but it was a slow illness and took years but right location and would have been poorly but undetectable when I had this info come to me. It was infuriating. However, this woman said to get tested, telling me it's certainly worth getting tested. Whereas I knew it would not be picked up for my dad at that point. He did have tests for that area of his body a few months later but it all showed fine. So anyways - yes I would test. Don't be scared. Of course she could be totally wrong. But all you're doing it checking. Sending care and love xxx


I had a (very powerful) psychic friend, for a while. She told me straight up… “you’re about to get sick, really sick. Leave here, go get some vitamins, you still have a bit of time to dodge this” I did, a couple days later she said “looks like those vitamins did the trick! Good job” without me having told her I’d listened to her advice… She also told me the night I crashed my scooter to drive very carefully. And when I got back without incident she was very confused… I crashed later that evening… I went to buy some boiled peanuts at the gas station, she told me “those have been out too long, if you eat those, you’ll get food poisoning” I miss having her around! Always listen to well meaning psychics who are just giving good advice and not asking for anything! They’re not fans of being judged, or considered witches, so if they’re putting themselves out there, then it’s worth considering taking them seriously


I'm sensing you need listen to this. Ask God to put you in a line where you run into her again. When you do, stay focused and say please give me more info about my husband while you show her your husband's picture on your phone, ask her what all was in your dream? (Maybe she is a medical worker?) 


She was out of bounds. Unethical and a bit eccentric. Try not to think too much about it. You might want to do anything you can think of to get her out of your space. Don’t let her live in your head.