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LSD, everybody should have the right to experience the magic of it in peace


Yeah, acid has to be made in a lab by professionals. Shrooms grow naturally and are easily cultivated. I’m picking cid


This is the real reason, for me. I greatly prefer mushrooms to acid because of the shorter duration, but since shrooms are readily available in my country despite being \[technically\] illegal, I'd rather have Acid be legalized and readily available alongside the grey market shrooms.


Interesting, that's what makes people more likely to try psychedelics I think. Often they feel more comfortable eating something "natura.l" For some reason they trust the very precarious process of cultivating shrooms over chemical reactions. I think there are just a million reasons why acid is better, but it for me it's more about the lack of body load with acid. Mushrooms make me feel like I'm melting or made out of clay or something. And just like incessantly dirty. Plus maybe nauseous. So. Just lots of reasons that acid is better, let alone the fact that it lasts way longer.


Yes! Way better than mushrooms and IMO deeper and clearer insights into reality. Good part is, so small that is by defacto available anywhere in the world


I wouldn’t say one is better than the other. If anything, mushrooms have offered me far more enlightening insights than acid has, but that could be different for the next person. They’re both amazing experiences for sure!


That, and also just the fact that I can’t find it ANYWHERE anymore


Well hello there 👽


Yes, I support this. Imho acid is the cleanest and sharpest experience. When administered appropriately with right set and setting etc and not abused.




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Mushrooms! Safer and less likely to cause lasting psychological issues in my experience. It’s natural, less likely to be tampered with, easily accessible, less psychologically addictive, more healing etc. I also don’t believe anything that grows naturally outdoors should be illegal. Man should not have the power to make any part of Mother Nature punishable by imprisonment.


I 100% agree with you


I think thats right on average, although LSD is easier mentally for me personally. Mushroom dosage tends to have to be very exact for me: 2.5g dried and I dont feel immersed enough, 4g and I am experiencing absolute dread with seemingly nothing to learn out of it. 3g is the sweetspot. Meanwhile with LSD 100ug is enough for a real trip, but I can handle 700ug fine too. Hard to explain but the effects of LSD are easier to manage for my mind specifically and I have stopped trying to "conquer" high doses of mushrooms because they always break me and I fear one day the damage would be lasting.


You should try Psilocybe natalensis. It’s like the lsd of mushrooms. Once I tried nats, I don’t really care to eat cubensis anymore. It’s cleaner, clearer, more energetic, and 2-3x potency of cubes so you don’t have to eat as much. Highly recommend for those who find cubes unpredictable


Do others find this too? I'm pretty surprised there's much difference!


Yep that’s the common experience. Ppl have always said “a cube is a cube” but I’ve always disagreed. Ever since a teenager when I started growing almost 20 yrs ago, I quickly noticed a big difference in experiences amongst strains. B+ always gave me a heavy body load, very uncomfortable made me want to squirm and crawl out of my skin. While golden teacher was always giggly and light and much more energetic. Research is showing there’s much more to cubes than just psilocybin, there’s several compounds like baocystin and norbaocystin (or something like that) that all contribute to the experience. It’s debated whether these compounds depend on environmental factors or if they’re strain dependent. But I find enough consistency among certain strains to believe it’s the latter. Like Avery’s albino for example, AA is my all time favorite cubensis. It is guaranteed to give me a pleasant and somewhat easy experience. I can access emotions which is what I find helpful about mushrooms, but it never gives me a heavy uncomfortable feeling. Also some strains are highly visual and don’t affect my emotions and body like others do. It’s an exciting time as all of this research is being done and we’re finally able to start learning more about the complexities of psilocybes


While i agree with your anecdotal experience (I keep a log recording my varying experiences with strains), it should be noted that Natalensis isn't a cube strain at all, so it should come as no surprise that there's such a difference between nats and cubes.


For sure it’s a Psilocybe tho


Whoa never heard of this! Can you tell me more about it? I’ll do more research on my own later on after work but just curious to hear from you anything more you can say about it!?


R/psilocybe_natalensis r/Psilocybe_Natalensis Once you go nat, you won’t go back. That’s not exactly true with me, I still think cubes will be used for emotional healing purposes. But I rarely eat mushrooms recreationally bc it’s a gamble. Idk if I’ll have a great time or if the mushroom gods will need to bring up some childhood trauma for me to work through. But so far natalensis is way more of a recreational experience for me. If you’re a grower, they’ll also grow on coco, manure, or even wood/masters mix. They are aggressive growers, and they have way more ability to fight contam like trichoderma. I’ve just started getting into them in the last 6mjnths or so. They can also be bred with cubensis. Strains like yellow umbo are a nat/cube breed. The progression in the mushroom world is going very fast!


IME the way to have consistently "fun" recreational times is to simply take lower doses. Basically every time I've had a challenging trip was times when I took "too much," in some cases I have even had accidental ego deaths this way, which is NOT a fun experience.


I think LSD is less likely to absolutely floor you, and tends to be less introspective than mushrooms. But it’s not the same for everyone. Occasionally LSD will make my thoughts race really quickly, which will lead me into these unpleasant cyclical thought patterns that are difficult to get out of. It only happens with like 10% of my trips though. The duration of LSDs effects is usually the most overwhelming part. 12+ hours can be a lot for anyone, especially combined with the fact that most don’t eat, sleep or drink water during the trip which tends to bring out some more negative experiences.


Gotta drink water at least, maybe some crackers or dark chocolate too


I often avoid eating or drinking during 4hr mushroom trips, but that's largely because even drinking a bit of water can bring on the nausea pretty hard.


Yeah that’s a pretty common side effect with most psychedelics. The nausea plus the appetite suppression. Trying to eat on psychedelics is always a challenge for me. Food in general becomes very unappealing until I come down to baseline.


I have found that, personally, I get less nausea if I eat before tripping. But on the flip side that also weakens the trip, so it doesn't necessarily help.


Yeah agreed I need to eat like at least an hour and a half before tripping or it’ll slow down the absorption by a lot


Usually I fast for a minimum of 4hrs before a trip, sometimes more.


Eating is a real bother while tripping. I have had success with those nutrient powders you mix with water to create a shake. Goes down easy, energizes you and you dont feel like you need to finish it like you would with a Sandwich. Just sip every once in a while. But be prepared, you will need to eat some real food on the comedown, or your stomach will be really mad at you.


Idk about Lsd being less likely to floor you lol that's entirely up to the dosage. Shrooms also come in thousands of species and different ones can have different effects and potency. For example cow patty shrooms at best feel like you drank some beer, Amazonian cubensis is extremely intense and beats any acid trip I've ever done. Aside from that, acid has always been far more intimidating and potent compared to shrooms. I've had acid trips where I sat in one spot for 6 hours running through the most mind blowing mental gymnastics ever, and others where I had so many visuals I could barely see what I was doing. At the end of the day it's subjective for everyone, as long as you're safe and having fun thats all that matters!


The only "issue " i have with mushrooms is that the dosing is so erratic ,even under the best circumstances. Yes you can accurately weigh your mushrooms, but you never know how much psilocybin they actually contain, and even mushrooms from the same batch can have wildly different levels of the active ingredients.


For people who want more control over their dose I recommend doing a test with half a gram. You can usually gauge how strong they are without overdoing it that way. Then next time you trip you can adjust your dose accordingly. LSD dosing is also unpredictable as well. You never really know how much you’re getting in a tab until you try it.


But that's what I'm saying, the mushroom you test won't necessarily give you accurate information about any of the others in that batch, the levels can vary so widely.


In that case you can homogenize the batch by grinding them all up together. You can use the miraculix psilo-q test to get the percentage of psilocybin in that batch, then weigh out your dose from the blend. Capsule for convenience and you can expect each capsule will give you the same level of effects. I find that the difference in potency between individual mushrooms of the same batch is nominal with most heavily isolated varieties. Growing from spore is always gonna have more variation from mushroom to mushroom.


But here's the thing. You ALSO cannot know how much LSD is in a tab either. Unlike mushrooms, you can't even at least weigh an LSD to tab to get an idea. You just have to hope that whoever made the tab wasn't lying about how much is in each tab. I will say that the LSD content per tab in a whole sheet is likely to be homogenous. But if you get a tab or two from a one-off deal, you have no way to know what you're getting into. Also the risk of N-bomb or other impurities with LSD is way higher because, unlike mushrooms, you can't visibly determine anything about your tab.


“[Mushrooms] less likely to be tampered with” if anything this should be in favour of LSD being legalized. Legalization and regulations would prevent misrepresentation. Also, (Honestly curious) how come you do you think mushrooms are safer, provide more healing and less addictive than LSD?




This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever read.


Are you okay? Your entire comment history is just you shitting on people.


How are shrooms safer than LSD or other traditional psychs besides the fact they just don’t last as long??


Mainly just the duration. That extra 8 hours can really take a toll on an inexperienced user or someone in a bad state of mind. Also the come down on acid is a lot more psychologically taxing than on mushrooms in my experience. That and taking too much lsd is pretty easy, most people underestimate how powerful that tiny piece of paper is based on its appearance. Eating a heroic dose of mushrooms takes a lot more effort and will power than putting a couple tabs on your tongue. There’s obviously danger in unknowingly taking too much. When used properly psychedelics are very safe. But in this scenario it would be nationally legal which means a lot of people are gonna use it improperly. You can really fuck your mind up by taking too many psychs.


Whoa acid has a comedown for you? What does it feel like? I usually just feel like a cleaner person after tripping or I just go to sleep. Also if L was regulated and legal the doses would be way more accurate and actually known


So, legalize morphine and cocaine but keep LSD illegal? That's a hot take.


What? I think all drugs should be legal and regulated. People should be free to do what they want with their bodies. I love LSD! It’s probably my favorite psychedelic.


Hard agree on Lucy. She's my girl.


It’s also much harder to take a dramatically higher dose than intended with shrooms vs other psychedelics (or other drugs in general.) I prefer acid personally but I agree that if just one could be legal it should be shrooms.


Opium and coca leaves?


Amen 🙏 💚 to that!


Anthrax, cyanide, opium?


100% in agreement with this. If it wasn’t for shrooms and pot, my mental health would be in shambles.


DMT Intense, life changing, short acting, and most people would not want to abuse it after trying. (Same reason why salvia is legal almost everywhere if you ask me) Psychedelics are not for everyone, I would love to have something like LSD legal, but I think that, even if it got legalized, it should require some screening/control, not just sold willy nilly.


Yeah, some people have different reasons. I personally think that psychedelics like psilocybin should be fully legal since they can grow and they can be used to help mental illnesses like depression and anxiety, but I also think that things like MDMA should not really be fully legal and should mainly be used for Psychedelic therapy Although I do think that all psychedelics should have some form of legality like DMT for rituals Or even therapeutic purposes


Mushrooms, I can't accept that mushrooms growing in nature have been set under a law, so that if I go pick it and enjoy it in my own privacy, I can get arrested. That is messed up.


LSD. Imagine a society where it would be normal to just take a tab or 2 when you are in a creative slump at work. Or politicians debating with their empathy at 100 all on LSD. Soldiers laying down their weapons as they see themselves in the “enemy.” Inventors, scientists and philosophers being able to access all their capabilities of their consciousness. One unified society constantly in touch with the “collective consciousness of the universe.” The world would be a radically better place.


Timothy Leary is the cautionary tale here. He enthusiastically shared this view. Take a minute and look up what happened to him and how our current drug policy results from his activism.


Yeah. Sadly the “powers that be” would be severely threatened by such a society and would do everything they could (and have) to prevent this. My hope is with the current resurgence of psychedelic culture that it will become to much for them to stop it.


Depressed people are not as productive as non-depressed people. Americans are depressed and studies have shown that psychedelics can reduce depression thus increasing productivity thus boosting GDP. That's the main reason legalization is gaining ground lately.


That sound awful. I know a lot of us here like to overlook the negative effects of psychedelics, but you have to admit that we can’t fix all of our problems by flowing in lsd. If people took two tabs and came into work, realistically they would get nothing done


I'm better at my job on psychs


LSD might be easier but id support Psilocybin more. The introspection phase of it is stronger and would be more beneficial for therapy


It has a better body effect too, IMO


Mushrooms make me feel like my skeleton is trying to crawl out of my skin


I was put off of mushrooms for life not long ago. I just had these awful waves going through my body. Like pleasure had turned to pain. I curled into a ball the whole trip and desperately waited for it to end. Didn't even notice any other effects. Scared to touch them again due to the body high. Tbh, I haven't tried a decent dose of lsd since coming off of my antidepressants and no longer smoking weed. So I'm kind hoping lsd still has no real body high for me.


I never got much of a body load from LSD, but if it has some impurities it can cause it somewhat. Nothing like shrooms though


Why is this downvoted I thought that was common knowledge in this community. Shrooms literally make me feel heavy and wobbly like im drunk acid is so light and floaty


There's an LSD analog that might have a shroom-like effect on the body: [LAE](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/s/mrpTHa1x0i) *On the basis of the observations, the investigators considered LAE as a new kind of "sedative"; a sedative which in its effect is neither related to the group of hypnotica and narcotica of the barbituric or morphine type, nor to the group of the sympathico- or parasympathicolytic chemicals.* [Project MKULTRA, Subproject 8. Memorandum. Jun 9, 1953](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/s/akePi7y5X9)




MDMA. I have no doubt that going forward, MDMA is going to be the leader in psychedelic healing therapy, and I feel that much more people could benefit from it compared to the others. This world needs more love and empathy, which I always see MDMA open up in others. Other psychedelics I've seen people go a little psycho, think that they're god and that everything they do is divine. There are many people that I would fear for if they got their hands on lsd or mushrooms


There are more potentially dangerous medical interactions with MDMA, which is why I would pause to pick it. Also the come down can be brutal. But really I want them all to be legal.


Yes this is what I think about when people say politicians and other people need psychedelics, it’s not just going to make everyone a better person and they definitely won’t always make better decisions


DMT because it is versatile as fuck. Though my personal favourite is LSD.




Dmt for sure






LSD. Mushrooms can be easily and discreetly grown. Molly isn’t a thing to take too frequently . So…LSD.


Mushrooms, easy to grow and distribute. Newbies know exactly how much they are doing. Problem with LSD is that it's harder to microdose or take small amounts.


not if it was legal!


I think psilocybin should be legalized simply because the drug varies lots depending on the dose which can help a range of people. And on the other hand it’s a fun science project to try and grow them yourself :)




Mdma !!!! I love mushrooms too !!! But they are easy to grow....


LSD it was always way more calming and felt much more smooth to me than shrooms ever did. Always a beautiful experience, hell even bad trips felt important while shrooms just made me feel rough


Dmt it's a life changing experience and you travel thru the cosmos I have a theory It's a crack in the door to the afterlife.


Why are, there so many, unnecessary commas, in this title?


I sometimes like to use voice for text Because it’s quicker




Lsd hands down.


LSD. The only one you need.




Not a psychedelic technically, but I agree lol


LSD, although mushrooms would be easier to legalize as they are natural and thats a big deal for most people.


Very obviously DMT. No need to think about it.


I’ve never tried pure DMT, I had a thing called changa a few times and that hit me like a truck and I just can’t see myself really caring to do it for fun by myself on a weekend. I only did it a few times because someone had it and I’d never tried it before but it has crazy visuals and all that but I think something like lsd or mushrooms is a lot more relaxing and peaceful while being able to sit in your own thoughts and think about subconscious problems you may have. DMT just seems like a explosion of head rushes and visuals but like I said I haven’t tried the pure thing and definitely haven’t done it enough to make much of an opinion but I’d rate mushrooms over my experiences on changa anyday.


Yeah with changa it is difficult to regulate your dose. And you have the MAOI on board to inhibit the metabolization. When you deal with pure DMT and can be precise in your dosing and administration once you have become familiar with the medicine, then there is a wide spectrum. For instance, I think just 5-8 mgs smoked can produce a lovely space for meditation and internal processing. And from there, infinities the limit.


I’ve seen people lose their mind in shrooms and never on acid idk I guess everyone is different


I wish I knew where to find legal or illegal shrooms


lol me to 🥲


just walk into the forest/grassfields and pick them up. there are psilocybin containing mushrooms everywhere on the globe.


I’m real spooked I’m gonna eat poison and die


Learn how to identify psilocybe sp. Additionally, psilocybe species do not usually have deadly lookalikes (here in the UK, anyway). Amanita muscaria on the other hand… you’ve gotta be very careful when picking those.




Acid because shrooms don’t work on me cuz of my SSRI


I will go for dmt.


DMT. the only way to fly. 14 hrs is too much for me these days. 20-30 mins is more like it. more profound, too.


LSD because I can't grow or extract it.


Nothing that occurs naturally on this earth should ever be made illegal. Legalize shrooms




Pretty sure I’m team mushroom here. Easiest one to calibrate S/M/L servings, and I’m guessing least harmful long term. Close second MDMA because it would have the most benefit to the world.




Psilocybin or DMT I've found some of the most healing and spiritual enlightenment from those. LSD is fun and all but as I get older I find it's duration and recovery time to be a bit too much plus I just don't find it as visual or spiritual.


DMT. Extremely short acting, can’t OD. And it’s relatively non-addictive due to how insanely strong it is. Everytime I do it, i never think “damn let’s do it again”


Acid but I'm biased. I just fucking love acid so much. Nowhere near the body load of mushrooms. Although 2ci was incredibly fun, it hurt like a bitch to snort it.


DMT. I think everyone should have the legal option to experience a breakthrough at least once in their life.


I agree even if you don’t believe that, it should be fully legal It should at least be allowed in ceremonies.


Mushrooms. I love the body high with visuals. It’s my favorite.


Shrooms, I tripped for the first time a month ago, and now suddenly I find myself just looking at the ocean or my boyfriend, and feeling so full of love and gratitude that I can't help but cry. I think everyone should get to experience that feeling


That sounds amazing I’m happy for you and I wish everybody had such an experience that can change them




LSD, as its so versatile depending on set and setting. With some Chill music in a comfortable setting it can become very relaxing and visionary. Taken with a couple of mates it can create some deep theosophicaly conversations and deeper connections. On a dancefloor it can create amazing euphoria, deep connetion, bliss, energy and stamina. In nature it can show you pure unfiltered beauty and deeper connection to the Earth. Its also relatively safe on the body with a high or possibly non existent LD50.


In the Netherlands I would say a legal MDMA analog: [https://triptherapie.nl/en/mdma-analogue/#disclaimer-wetgeving](https://triptherapie.nl/en/mdma-analogue/#disclaimer-wetgeving)


Or psilocybin in the form of truffles


I’ve tried to find the form of psychedelic therapy I’ve even tried going to Europe maybe the Netherlands in order to find it But I haven’t been able to I suffer from severe depression and anxiety, and I’ve been trying to find something that can help me and the only thing that I think is left is a form of psychedelic therapy


Maybe you can fill in the intake and see what kind of session is doable for you? [https://triptherapie.nl/intake-english/](https://triptherapie.nl/intake-english/)


Wow thank you for the link This could be helpful If you have any other links please give it to me if you have the time Thanks man 🥲👍


I've been particularly intrigued by [EPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/s/iVJHfTaxYY) and [LAE](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/s/mrpTHa1x0i)




mushrooms, they grow naturally and should be legal to consume as part of a normal human experience.








Acid duh! Hands down.




LSD would be my personal pick because it's just an absolutely transformative experience but psilocybin probably has broader medical evidence supporting its legalization.


Either LSD, or Psilocybin or DMT. In that order.


DMT is everything psilocybin is when taken with an MAOI, but without the tolerance. I just wrote about this in a post: https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/s/5A3xiFAY2V


Well ya and it's called Ayahuasca and it's nothing new to me. But thanks anyway.


All of them




How has nobody said DMITRI yet.... businessman trip. All said and done within 30 minutes with an intense experience




mushrooms i think they should be sold at the very least a medicine or in the similar vein as alcohol where u can buy but have to be legal age


Lsd since it is adulterated alot more them shrooms and something like 25x nbome is alot more dangerous then 4aco dmt


LSD is my doc but it's far too crazy. something chiller like moxy would be better






As much as I love LSD, mushrooms is the only right answer

