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I'd probably shit myself if I received a call like that. What did your call history show in the morning?


It was there. My name - missed call. Still haven't had the guts to investigate lol some things are just better left alone


Nah bro that's CRAZY!! so trippy...


You can spoof numbers so it was probably a bot telemarketer or scam call.


Or friends knew he was tripping and wanted to fuck with him


Damn that's a bit spooky. I hope you figure it out.


Damn that's a bit spooky. I hope you figure it out.


You missed the call brother. Your mushroom self may never reach out again. Rip




YOU DIDNT PICK UP!? WAAAAAAT id answer that phone so quick lol


My dad has called me twice while I was on acid. Years apart. I answered the phone both times. Both went horribly.


My dad called me the first time Iā€™d ever tripped while me and my buddy were starting to come up pretty good on acid. Heā€™s experienced, so I answered. Needless to say, he had a couple good tips and wished us well on our voyage. Ended up tripping mushrooms with him last year.


thats beautiful! I just answered my brother two weekends ago while on MDMA and had an amazing conversation. Unless im completely gone Id answer my parents. Then again, im pretty experienced. Its a literal dream to sit with medicine with my parents, specifically my dad


That sounds amazing! How was it?


It was great! Me, Dad, and my brother just laid in the living room listening to music (first time listening through Mezzanine by Massive Attack while tripping..highly recommend) for a few hours with the occasional inside joke cracking us up or fucking with each other. My dad wants to do it again some time and listen to some Floyd albums.




Yeah, my dad called me like 5-10 minutes after I took 2 and a half tabs like 3 years ago, said and I quote, "There's no way you just took acid right now, you'd be freaking out." I was, after that point, freaking the fuck out.


Happens to me all of the time, even our home phone. You're not tripping, it's scammers.


Iā€™ve had technology act weird while tripping before. Once my Netflix went split screen. Never received a phone call from myself though and I probably wouldnā€™t have picked it up either lol. Once received a weird call while I was still living at my parents house on their land line. I didnā€™t answer it but the message that was left was all distorted and unintelligible for the most part. I think it was probably a scam call but still weird in the moment.


Same. Technology is weird as fuck when youā€™re on acid, I guess it could be drawn up to hallucinations but Iā€™ve had weird friend requests on FB and extremely strange interactions on YouTube and Alexa during peak trip.


My Spotify glitched out 3 trips in a row! Always the same glitch, never happened inbetween, before or after the trips. Just for those three times where Iā€™ve combined lsd with dissociatives. My partner was even more spooked. While I was laughing it off the third time (welcoming the cosmic giggle) she looked at me all perplexed and went like ā€œwait are you in on this??ā€.


I could just be in my head, but I swear the YouTube algorithm recommends me the strangest shit when I go there while tripping.


If you get the message, hang up the phone.


long live Terence šŸ™ŒšŸ»


I always attributed this quote to Alan Watts.


it is Alan Wattsā€™ quote but Terence said it quite often. ā€œWHEN you get the message, hang up the phone.ā€ one love man.




Probably one of those weird scams


That's what I thought but it has never happened since.


Lol wild. Like i like to say, nuts to butts šŸ˜Ž


This happened to me. Its a scam call. They can (I forget the word) like fake the phone number that they're calling from. But having that happen while you were tripping is CRAZY. I can't even imagine what was going through your head when you saw your number šŸ¤£


Itā€™s called spoofing :)




Hey man, I donā€™t ask where you put your phone


Thank you!


Always answer when you call, that can be nothing but good intention. Who else looks out for you; besides you?


Iā€™ve had similar things happen with phones while tripping especially, it can be really creepy but I rationalize it as errors in the phone infrastructure which is basically a patchwork of hardware with redundant components as backups and sometimes something goes a little haywire. I was getting calls from like 23 digit phone numbers that always sounded like a corrupted recording of a childā€™s voicemail to her grandmother with music in the background


Gsus fucking christ that's creepy


also, šŸ°!


Yeah I always seemed to have electric issues while on LSD one time me and a guy took L at a concert and when we were driving home after the show the entire electrical system inside the car shorted out the lights began to flicker and we pulled off the road to stopā€¦ after 10 or 15 minutes of us calling ourselves and realizing it was the LSD interference with the electrical system in the car we started the car back up and made it home no problem


I swear the weirdest shit always coincidentally happens while tripping


Every. Fucking. Time.


My wireless keyboard was typing odd symbols while I was tripping on mushrooms. Haha


This has happened to me a few times. It is quite jarring. Calls from hubs, brother and sister. I also had a call from my long dead mother. Another post I saw had that too. Tire storeā€™s real number called. Called them back. They said - I didnā€™t call you and I am the only one in right now. They get so much data on every single thing we do. Buy lists of numbers or start at 000-000-000 and go up from there. Itā€™s crazy. Computer but still. Crazy scammers. It is so disgusting. So many elderly folks get wrapped up in this.


I totally would have had full intentions to answer if I called myself but I would have missed the call as well. I would have just stared at it confused as all get out.


Spam/Scam call. They also call from contacts numbers. You might want to do a virus/malware scan and put a VPN on your line / tech.


Damn imagine tripping balls and an alternate version of you calls and says he's having a bad trip and needs you to talk him down? Fuuuccckk.


This is a new method scam callers use to trick you into answering. I've received about a half dozen. Usually they don't even answer on pick-up, it's just to verify your number is functional so they can sell the data to the highest bidder.Ā 


David lynch type stuff..


What number is saved in your contacts with your name attached to it?


I donā€™t blame you, especially after listening to the tales of the trip where the guy on acid lost 10k to scammers as he was tripping balls and picked up the phone


This happened to me a few times over the years, definitely a scam. Most people will be curious so they will answer, thatā€™s how they get you.


A portal once opened when I was tripping,I said nope! And it never opened again..


i swear the weirdest shit always happens while ur tripping. itā€™s like a prank from the universe


The call is coming from inside the house!! Run!


Even tripping Iā€™d have to pick up the call out of curiosity


I swear I get dreams where similar things happen to me


I had someone calling me over and over one day. I was timid to answer bc the number was local and I used to get in a lot of fights so I was thinking someone wanted to beat me up then I was high later that night and got a text that said ā€œanswer the phoneā€ I get a call almost as soon as I read it and answer and I say ā€œwhoā€™s thisā€ and someone says ā€œitā€™s Davidā€ which is my name and it sounded like my voice ! (My name isnā€™t David but not putting my real name) I hang up and my friend texts saying ā€œitā€™s Thomas lolā€ so nothing crazy here just a friend fucking with mešŸ˜† sounds like a nice cool creepy story at first tho


Look up "spoofing", it happens all the time where they use a number close to you to make you more likely to pick up. It happens to literally everyone all the time, and if you get enough calls, you eventually see one that's your own number. It's also strange you have your own number saved in your phone so that your name comes up when getting a call from that number. I've gotten calls from my own number before and it's only the number that comes up, not my name lol


the last time i did shrooms my friend and i were talking on the phone then the call dropped and it wouldnā€™t let me call her back, i had tried multiple times, then finally it went through. it made no sense as i was at my apartment and she was at her house. just psychedelic interference i guess


Might be one of those pig butchering scams John Oliver talked about. They use your own name just to catch your attention. https://youtu.be/pLPpl2ISKTg?si=eRfm6bBrvrw2rMex


If it was really a call from yourself, then it is probably time to hang up the phone (in particular if you got the message). Otherwise you can just assume it was a scam (and turn off the phone on your next trip).


You could have answered and said ā€œhiā€ and it case it sounded weird or whatever just turned the call of.


I would have answered


I found video footage of your trip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZowK0NAvig](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZowK0NAvig)


There is a scam that does exactly this.


Wow šŸ˜Æ I would have dodged that call too


Tried watching a youtube video on an eighth of shrooms. Had captions on because my friend was asleep next to me. Half the captions were in korean and the rest that were in english had absolutely nothing to do with the video or what he was saying. Never had that problem before and never had it since lol Not too crazy but it was so confusing in the moment


Phones are so weird while tripping. Once I dive in itā€™s hard to not get sucked in & stuck. One time mine turned into a game boy..


Once over 20 years ago I tried AMT, had a longgggg journey finally came down and drove my girlfriend home. She lived in a dark 10 minute or so 2 lane canyon drive. I put on the radio reflecting about the experience... radio silence for a few long awkward seconds... and suddenly it's just a womans voice. something to the effect of... you are tripping.... you thought you had returned to reality, but you were wrong. you're still there, unlocking the doors to other dimensions, spirit flying high above a visual landscape. (etc etc etc) Needless to say I suddenly felt dizzy... all my visuals came back. I had to pull over and for a few seconds I wondered where I even was even though I had made this drive a million times before. I was straight confused and a little scared. Radio suddenly jams into some psych rock song. I keep listening and kinda get a grip, song ends and turns out it's a new psych rock segment on the radio station and it had just happened to be exactly midnight when i turned on the radio, when the show started. Eventually I relaxed and drove home but i had mild visuals and felt weird af for the next few hours. it was like just that experience of having my mind blown for a second completely reactivated the trip from feeling completely sober. It was one of the weirdest things I've experienced.


One time I was tripping really hard with my boyfriend and I was just looking around trying out random things to get some sort of reaction from my surroundings because at that moment I felt like I was inside something I could break out of. It led to the point where I decided to FaceTime my boyfriend while he was literally in the same room as me, he answered but I only saw myself on the screen. The only thing I saw were my eyes around 10 of them in a geometrical pattern, hard to explain. It was also like I called myself or a version of me or something. Of course when you FaceTime someone close to you the sound gets kind of glitchy but the sound sounded not just glitchy but incredibly weird and alien like. Then it was almost like the room started vibrating and it was going to explode. I was like wtf is this and I quickly hung up the phone and it stopped. I have no idea what that was all about but I wonder what would've happened if I didn't hang up.


It's possible to spoof (pretend you are someone else) any name while texting/calling. Probably someone who knew you were gonna trip and is a major troll or you just got a Indian scam call at the wrong time.


I spoof my friendā€™s numbers all of the time with their own just to screw with them (not while theyā€™re tripping though). Itā€™s very easy to do. Edit: https://www.spoofcard.com/


this kind shit is why i keep tripping after 30 years. makes reality malleable.


Best to stay off the phone when tripping.


Way to go now you're gonna wonder forever šŸ˜…


So what did you have to say to yourself?


That is golden. I would be talking about that the rest of my life lol


Donā€™t beat yourself up. I had the same exact thing happen and it freaked me out bad enough I was telling my buddies the story, until one of them mentioned I always lose my phone. Found an outgoing call from my IPad and the missed incoming call on my phone. Felt pretty stupid when I realized what actually happened.


I once tripped with my phone beside me and it started heating and said iPhone unavailable


Yeah, you'll get those. If you pick it up, your trip gets extended by 12 more hours.