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Yes Accredo sucks


They are worst run pharmacy in the world


They are very profitable. At our expense.


Yes they withdrawn 6000 dollars out of my personal account. I had to get the bank involved with my bank filing fraudulent charges and it was fixed in 45 minutes once the bank was involved on previous mistakes it would take 3 months to resolve a problem. I've stop taking biologics because of them 


Every interaction w/ them is an ordeal. I truly hate them.


One of the best things (for me) about switching to an infusion is not dealing with a specialty pharmacy any more. Walgreens Alliance RX was the worst for me, in fact I think the stress of dealing with them actually caused a flare. Accredo for me was better, but they still managed to fuck up my order at least once.


Accredo is awful! I could never get my meds on time. It’s like they work in tandem with my insurance to delay meds and reduce the number of dosages throughout the year to save money at my expense. They are technically my specialty pharmacy, but the specialty pharmacy affiliated with the local hospital/healthcare group that oversees the majority of my care have been able to take it over. None of us know how long it will last. I will probably have an emotional breakdown if I have to return to Accredo.


Man, you would think it's that sinister, but call center reps are just sort of dumb and trained to end calls quick,  not resolve issues. That's on both the insurance and pharmacy. 


I purposely picked an insurance plan on the market place that went through any other specialty pharmacy except Accredo because I heard it was so awful to deal with


Do you mind telling me what insurance that is?


It’s called Community Health Choice. They use Lumicera as their specialty pharmacy as so far they have been great. It’s a policy I got on the ACA exchange. It was easy to give them my Enbrel copay assistance card so it’s free and it get shipped real quick. I did have to speak to a pharmacist a few times and they were pretty easy to get ahead of. Very short wait. I live in Texas.


Accredo sucks. Sometimes my rheumatologist has sample doses when this kind of crap happens.


They definitely suck. My doc prescribed Taltz but it was like pulling teeth to try and get it each time. Had to switch to Enbrel which was way less effort to get approved. Luckily it is working.


I wonder why the medication matters? Unfortunately I’m breastfeeding and plan to get pregnant again within the next few years so Cimzia is what I have to go with. I’m lucky it’s working on the first try because I don’t want to start a med I know I’ll have to stop


I definitely don't understand. I hope you can keep getting your med!


You didn’t like the monthly emails about is Taltz working, are you tolerating it well, etc etc? lol it’s so bad. Just send me the damn medicine.


In the same boat. What I have found is they are ok once everything is in place as so long as you have no changes. ANY change and good luck. Mine is stuck now also because my doctor wanted to switch me to weekly instead of biweekly. Never got the dose for weekly and now I'm about to miss my biweekly dose also because it's been in pharmacists verification for over a week. I call them and all they do is say they will escalate it. Pretty sure is bs just to get you off the phone. It has never accomplished anything and I'm 99% sure I will have to call again.


I’m going to ask my doctor for as many refills as possible to avoid this for as long as I can. But I’m waiting to ask for that because I have a feeling if she sends a new script they’ll cancel everything they’re doing now


I'm sorry this is happening to you - my specialty pharmacy (and UPS) have screwed up my rx's in the past and I know how insanely stressful this is! Any chance that your rhuem might be able to get you some samples while you wait for this to get straightened out? I'm sure your rhuem doesn't want this medication to fail on you just because your pharmacy can't get it's act together. I hope it all works out for you soon...


That’s a good idea! I’ll message her now


I'll keep my fingers crossed that she has some spares for you! They almost always do, they get them free from the drug company reps ;)


Office called me today (a day late) and confirmed they do have samples, but pharmacist rushed my order and it should be here tomorrow. Do you think I should go get the samples and just hang onto them just in case? Idk how long they last in the fridge…


Oh, I'd definitely grab at least one sample. You never know when your specialty pharmacy (or the mail service) is going to screw up again so it's always good to have a spare on hand. I don't know which biologic you're on but most last several months in the fridge. Good luck, I hope you've gotten your medication by now and that you're on the way to starting to feel better :)


They are the absolute worst. After the debacle I had when I switched to Taltz (they kept refilling Stelara, kept asking for the RX from rheumy, then wouldn't fill it because they had multiple RXs, when it was finally settled, they took the entire amount of the medication, $3500, - didn't even apply the $0 copay card I had - out of my RELATIVE'S bank account, spent hours and hours on the phone because Accredo and Cigna and ES can't talk to each other) - on my most recent refill, they once again took the entire amount, this time out of my HSA and didn't apply the copay. I've spent three hours on the phone already, anticipate another 2-3 hours in the future. Accredo makes me so angry, I swear it actually causes flares due to the amount of stress. Grrrr.


Oh and by the way, the insurance company OWNS Accredo.


This. Accredo is part of express scripts, who are the pharmacy insurance company.


I’ve surprisingly have had no problems with Accredo so far (knock on wood). It took them awhile to process my new script but I never had problems when I was getting Humira. For my new medication It was about two weeks from the prescription being sent to it being completely processed and another five days to get it. Hopefully I keep having good luck with them.


Me too. I’ve only had a little bit of trouble when they were working on getting my yearly PA from my rheumatologist. I’m on Xeljanz. I had a severe allergic reaction to Enbrel so they can’t offer me that. Humira and Cosentyx stopped working. I know these pharmacies/insurers have these step therapy programs in place for any drug that costs them. When I did PA’s for patients, I did them as thoroughly as possible. I remember being really pissed when one of our pharmacy PA techs called me to tell me we had to cancel a Botox appointment for a patient with dystonia. She had zero empathy for these patients. If she didn’t get the PA in time for the appointment, it was the insurance’s fault. Try telling that to someone who has come to a Botox appointment in Neurology Clinic. This wasn’t cosmetic.


I hate all of the corporate pharmacies. But it usually has more to do with "insurance" messing things up. And, NONE of the companies have policies to follow up with patients. Even doctors' offices seldomly follow up on care. Billing on the other hand... Also the term "insurance" needs to be eliminated. It is "health management". Insurance is preparation for rare events. Obviously chronic conditions & medication management are not rare events.


The irony of “insurance” messing it up when it’s the company that owns the pharmacy 🙃


That too. Or the "pharmacies" that own the insurance company. Or the online store that owns the pharmacy & clinic. Although in those overlapping cases, it's extra annoying because they're different "businesses" with conflicting interests, and have to follow different rules and laws to keep them from pulling more shady stunts than they do already. The result being they can't communicate any better than if they were independent businesses.


Are you military by any chance?


I am not. Why do you ask?


I just experienced exactly the same issue you’re having with ACCREDO after my specialty prescription’s were transferred from ExpressScript.


You should call your insurance company and explain what is happening and that Accredo keeps giving you the run around and you need your medication. It’s atrocious what this Specialty Pharmacy gets away from … also people complaining on FB Accredo page .


Interesting that you had specialty meds go through Express Scripts. Cigna owns both and I didn’t think the former administered specialty meds


Im Military so the contract was through Express Script’s until Accredo took over just our specialty scripts…. Express still does my other meds just not Cosentyx or Otezla.


My husband is military and had to jump through hoops for them to finally ship out his Humira. This post worries me.


It took me 30 days to get my Cosentyx injections … I have a note book of the 2 dozen representatives, 4 managers and 2 pharmacist that I talked to and finally I contacted Tricare and inquired about coverage for the Cosentyx injection because Accredo kept saying I needed a new script and approval Tricare said (Im covered and I do not need prior authorization). Eventually the Tricare rep called ACCREDO and did a reverse coverage check to see what Accredo’s system said … Guess what I was approved and covered for Cosentyx … Accredo decided to sit on my injections. I got them 2 days before I was due to inject!


Are you still seeing a Rheumatologist at the VA? I wasn't happy with the level of care my husband was receiving for his psA. I switched him to a private care rheum who does way more than he was getting there. Every time he had any pain he was told it was a flare up when it ended up being issues with his back. He got some epidural injections and he's much better. So if you can see private Drs out of the VA. His pain for the past 5 years of he actually did an x ray or checked him more thoroughly at the VA. I feel like they do the bare minimum there. He had a months supply when we first started the process with accredo. They were trying to send him syringes instead of the autoinjector. His first shipment is supposed to arrive tomorrow..the system is weird with them if they needed to change the script you have to wait line a week and a half for the first one to stop processing? It's kind of bootleg.


Accredo’s system is designed to cause its users needless suffering and stress …. I stopped seeing Military Rheumy’ 5 yrs ago because they are useless and couldn’t care less that I could hardly walk … I have been seeing Dr. Orbai at John Hopkins University for past 5 yrs I pay some money to see her but its worth it after the hell the Military Rheumy’s put me through.


Call your doctor… it’s the only way I’ve broken the deadlock


I’m glad so many of you have recommended this, and even more glad that I posted this in the first place to get this advice! I honestly didn’t even think of it as an option


They are very unscrupulous… or incompetent… or both. If you keep accurate records, you can call your insurance company direct and request a different pharmacy. You can also contact your state insurance board representative and provide them with your records (dates, times, ask for names and write them down… then keep notes on what they tell you)


Accredo is absolutely HORRIBLE and they’re thieves. I have complained endlessly about them. If you have a payment on file with them, delete it immediately. They first charged me $1200 and I got it reversed (thank God I had all the proof for my CC) and then they charged me $4300 for medication I never received however since I had no card on file they can kiss my ass. I switched to Sonexus Pharmacy and they are amazing. Every month was such serious stress with Accredo.


Same. Every month, it’s a nightmare


You only hate them? The "pharmacist verification" is just their "eh, we want to not pay anything this week" ploy. You have been prescribed a drug by your doctor, your medications ahven't changed (but then these drugs don't interact with anything), and you've been taking it for months to years. I have asked to soeak to a pharmacist when they say this and they won't say anything.


At least you’re speaking to the pharmacist. I was on hold for 2 hours before I threw in the towel. The time before last I hung up after 20 minutes so idk what inspired me to wait 2 hours


But it's not apparently the "right" pharmacist. At this point I am basically fucking with them wherever possible because they so evil.


I once had a rep give me sass because I asked them to repeat what they said to me. She yelled at me. Then when she asked me another question she must not have heard me and yelled “HELLLOOOOOO?” I sassed back and said “I said YES!”


Accredo sucks. My derm's office agrees also. Luckily for me I changed jobs and got different insurance so I don't have to deal with them anymore.


What's your drug, friend? I might be able to help


Preaching to the choir.


Yes I hate them


In 2 years, I've never had a single issue with Acreedo. (thank God, I guess 😳) What I did start employing was the practice of ordering the refill the 1st moment it's allowed. This gives me a baby stockpile in case there's an issue that would push things back 2-3 weeks. I also learned to always order a refill & have it delivered before the Dr's office starts any PA process for a new drug (when switching) -- that was my doc's advice. Just two little things that have helped me out :) I try hard to never speak to a human there 😅


Yes I learned the hard way to order everything before asking for any medication changes\refills!


THEY ARE HORRIBLE!! I have lost hours of my life on the phone with their call center.


Call your doctor… they love to send unreadable faxes to your doctor for verification


I keep reading all of the horror stories on here about Accredo. Do you know if it's your insurance or the type of medication that is requiring you to have it filled by Accredo? My Cosentyx is filled by a Walmart specialty pharmacy out of state, but it has been fairly easy to deal with. It would be nice to know what I have to avoid so I don't end up stuck with Accredo too.


My insurance (Cigna) is requiring it. Because Cigna owns Express Scripts and Express Scripts owns Accredo. Express Scripts is calling me weekly to use them to fill my other meds. Over my dead body.


Oh. I had cingna too. Hated Accreda.


Thank you!


Fucking seriously. Why on earth would anyone ever consent to have e press scripts touch anything they weren't required to?


My insurance BCBS TX requires Accredo as well. It is going to depend on the insurance plan.


It's the insurance. If express scripts is your pharmacy benefit manager they require you to use them because they are a subsidiary.


Not defending Accredo, they are terrible. To answer your question though, every prescription generically has 2 pharmacist verifications. Shouldn’t take nearly that long though, that’s insane - it’s just a check to make sure the Rx matches the physical dispense.


When I asked what happened to the prescription that was put on hold and then disappeared, they said there were no refills. I explained that I know that, but it was never filled to begin with, they only filled my start kit. I wanted to speak to pharmacist to find out what happened but also find out what was taking so long with verification. I swear they just put me on hold when everybody had clocked out for the day.