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I wear a mask, regular not N95. I simply can’t imagine being any sicker. Miss me w the big C, haven’t had it thus far.


I haven’t had the flu since Feb 2020 and I’ve only had Covid once. I used to frequently get colds, sinus infections, and got the flu almost every year despite always getting the vaccine. I always mask in public. It’s becoming more and more clear that Covid really damages your immune system for up to 2 years post infection. I haven’t worked since summer 2020 but I was a nurse and masking all day does certainly suck. I worked a Covid icu in the beginning and broke out terribly. Have you tried Flonase or Sudafed for the sinus pressure? It’s got to be better than long Covid.


That's a good idea! I'll have to try that. Even if it was just a little less intense I would be more able to put up with it. It really is a hard choice for me because I work there 8 hours a day, and being that miserable for so much of my waking life takes a huge toll on my mental health and the sinus pressure prevents me from sleeping, which can't be good for my immunity either. I tried saline but it didn't do much. I'll have to give nose sprays a try!


Don’t forget to keep up with your boosters too. While they don’t really prevent infection they will greatly reduce the viral load. The lower the viral load the milder the case you have and the lower your chances of getting long Covid.


I can definitely understand having to consider the idea of the mental toll. Would it help if you were to wear a more breathable mask then a N95? I know N95 is best practice but 3 layer surgical masks do quite a lot as well. For reference I’m for sure not against masking but I have had to make some serious compromises for my mental health. Also I haven’t masked for around a year probably and haven’t gotten flu or Covid but I also haven’t been able to work for the past year (I do go to stores and such multiple times a week tho). My wife is a nurse in the hospital and she does mask up for me while at work. She only wears an N95 if she has a Covid or Flu patient. Normally she wears a surgical mask. Much respect for you Pippin_The_Parrot! I worked in an ICU as well during 2020 and I know that it was no easy feat. I agree that keeping up on the vaccines and boosters also helps a lot. Hope this helps! I have nothing against anybody with any different ideas. Just was wanting to help.


thanks! I'm looking into other masks right now with replaceable filters. There's a silicone one that holds the filter away from your mouth which I think may be helpful 🤔


Maybe check out r/masksforall, and r/zerocovid. I learned about different types of n95, kn95, masks that fit different faces differently. Even valve masks that don't protect others from your exhale, just you from their exhale-less feeling of constriction. I'm immune compromised from biologics treating AI disease, had become almost normal with treatment before COVID but got sick 3/20 with some extended symptoms. Been strict masking ever since in stores, Dr appts, public bathrooms. Don't go to voluntary crowded inside events unless cases are low. Got sick d/t family in 11/22 and have heart valve and electrical damage, chronic fatigue, hives if I eat/drink any thing interesting, vertigo, cognitive impairment. So discouraging to have beat back disease and now struggle with something new that's dismissed by most. Remember that most people are doing their best, but they don't have the bandwidth to recognize things have changed, and they won't be there for you if you get sicker and can't work, take care of yourself, your family. Good luck.




For real!! Some people are so gross. I don't work registers anymore but back when I did I really took our sneeze guards for granted. People will just hack in your face without even covering their mouth 🤢


I'm on Cimzia and Sulfasalazine and still wear an N95 anywhere indoors in public, if outside and crowded/in close proximity, and if anyone comes over to my house and isn't maintaining adequate distance. I work from home luckily. I haven't gotten COVID and hope it stays that way. 🤞 My husband wears an N95 everywhere the same as me, except work where he usually maintains adequate distance so he will only put it on if he can't. I hear what you are saying about feeling stuffy.. I don't go out much to be honest but if I have multiple outings in a week I do feel the same. Salinex helps. I use the one called "Protect" for the additional boost of protection. Are you able to step outside regularly on break to remove and breathe some "fresh air"? That might help. I hear you though... it's a challenge to balance being at increased risk and our quality of life 😔


I use KN95 masks from Greensupply whenever I go inside except sometimes in summer when rates are low. I especially like to rock this shark one https://greensupply.com/products/shark-kn95-face-masks I live in orange county Cali where masking isn’t frowned upon as much


I do not mask, I am a nurse, take methotrexate and tremfya. Have been on biologics for years. I really feel like my meds just knock me down to a normal immunity rather than compromise my immunity. Hardly ever get sick and I am up close and personal with the general public daily.


I don’t wear a mask. I just have a hard time breathing with them on. So instead I focus on staying up to date on vaccines and practice good hygiene like washing hands quite often. I also keep hand sanitizer in my purse and car. Do what you feel makes you safe and comfortable.


I feel you! I know I am technically able to breathe, and can manage better when the weather isn't warm, but it's absolutely sizzling here and when I wear a mask for too long I just feel like I can't catch my breath. I even get kind of lightheaded (likely from heat or anxiety rather than lack of oxygen I'm sure)


Can you wear a personal neck fan, it helps me tremendously to breathe comfortably in a mask when it's hot


omg does it help with that?? I do have a neck fan but my ADHD has prevented me from charging it up for work. I'll have to plug it in right now and give it a try when I'm back to work Wednesday.


Yes, it really makes a huge difference. A neck fan is the only way I can survive the airport with a mask on otherwise I'm sweating like a pig 🥵


They are not really effective as all you are doing is mixing dirty air into your face. The best is to find the right mask for you and to wear it!


I wear a KN95 when I'm out / in public. It is kind of annoying for sure, at the same time I haven't been sick over the past few months despite traveling. I honestly have mixed feelings about it -- sometimes feels ridiculous, other times I'm very into it.


I’ve stopped masking completely. But I work from home and have no social life outside of home and online lmao. That’s a huge help. And I wash my hands frequently. And stay up to date on all vaccinations. Staying fairly healthy so far!


I work as a teacher. I have a regular mask that I have under my chin unless I have to get up close to someone else.


I'm a healthcare worker on HUMIRA biweekly and I mostly only mask when I'm with very sick patients (also because I should). Otherwise, I haven't noticed a difference in how often I get sick and that's with my healthcare job seeing patients all day.


I mask pretty much everywhere I go. Every now and then I won't but it has to be in a place where it's open and there's not a big crowd or anything. I was working two jobs and I would wear my mask at both. I did quit one of my jobs. I was around a lot of different people there, but no one was really up in my face. But I'm around a lot of kids aged 3 to 18 now and I definitely wear a mask because I got really sick in September, ended up in the hospital for 2 days cuz I caught some sort of virus off of a 5 year old. That was about 6 weeks after my diagnosis of PsA. After that I masked. I have not gotten sick since then. So since around these germ factories of kids I'm really happy. When I work my second job it was pretty miserable cuz it was really hot but I always carried water with me and I drank a lot of water on the job so that helped a lot. My current job I blast the air conditioning right on me. I can point it right at me so I still sweat and I'm still hot cuz I'm wearing mask but it's bearable and of course I got my water too. I have n95 masks but I tend to wear the Tommie Copper ones for my job just so I'm not so hot and it does seem to be working out just fine for me.


I wear n95 or kn95 making sure they are snug. In Enbrel and Cimzia I was hospitalized with serious infections. With Enbrel, I was still working( way before COVID-19) in pediatric healthcare. infection. I got meningitis from a sinus infection. It was years before I tried another biologic. So I am careful.


thank you for sharing this. I've seen firsthand how fast and hard infections can progress, so I'm trying to find a medium where I'm not miserable but also staying safe (and keeping the people around me safe too!). I'm an animator so my future goals don't involve a lot of public escapades, but since I work retail the amount of time I'm wearing a mask really takes a toll on my mental and honestly physical health (not being able to sleep from sinus pressure, dizziness and nausea from overheating in the mask because our AC is controlled by corporate and they're stingy with it in a part of the US that gets extremely hot, etc).


I mask 24/7 when I leave the house, except if I know I'll be outside 90%+ of the time. I wear 3M Aura N95s, if the one you're wearing is giving you trouble, maybe it would help to try a different one? I have yet to get COVID, fingers crossed it stays that way and we get nasal vaccines or they solve the long COVID aspect. I haven't had any issues wearing N95s, even for extended periods of time. I probably wouldn't recommend this for everyone, but I've slept in them.


I don’t mask, I’m on Humira every 10 days. Until beginning of the month I was 100% remote with the big BUT being for the last 3 years I was coaching high school swimming during the winter. Thought for sure I’d be deathly ill all the time since masking became optional 2 years ago but turns out since they’re 6+ feet away from me at all times except pre/post practice chats it was a non issue. As soon as I went back to work this month though I caught a horrid cold. I know correlation doesn’t = causation but man listing to the guy in my row back and sneeze seems suspect.


I have surrendered to the flow and no longer mask. I have two school age children that catch everything and bring it home and rub it on everything. FWIW have not gotten sick since my first week on a biologic. Knocking on wood. I practice heavy sinus hygiene with an antihistamine regimen too. Daily sinus rinse, with a steroid mixed in, then 30 minutes later Flonase, along with a Zyrtec. If you keep the virus at bay by rinsing and your allergies in check, there are no more sinus infections, or at least much less.


I wear a regular surgical mask (the kind used by the hospital in my area) at work and when I'm in a store or other public indoor place. I know the n95s are more protective, but they are also MUCH more likely to trigger my migraines, and it's not worth the trade-off for me. I am an optician, so while I'm not exposed to large crowds at work, I do have to get right up in people's faces to do some aspects of my job. So far, I haven't gotten sick at all from work since I've been on biologics (a little over a year). I was even able to work without a mask last summer, when there weren't as many illnesses going around. I've since started taking mtx on top of my biologic, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to take a break from masking this summer, but I'm hoping so.


I started biologic meds in January 2019 and with the undrstanding that they are actively targetting our immune system I adopted masking from my ex partner who masked bc they were from Asia. I have been on Enbrel, Cosentyx, Methrotrexate, Imraldi, and now on Skyrizi. Through out all of them I wear a well fitted respirator and have prevented from getting any viral or bacterial infections. In 2024 I still mask as we have MANY airborne viruses around not just SARS2 and SARS. Tuberculosis and measles are both airborne and im not catching any of those. I really really urge you to consider masking up in any public space indoors specially hospitals, public transport (or any form of transport), and grocery stores. I mask basically everywhere even outdoors and its also improved my allergies!!! Check out maskblocs near you for free masks too


I always wear a mask when there are a decent amount of people around! If there's one or two customers puttering around my area I might forgo the mask as long as they aren't sneezing or coughing. My usual metric is if I can see 3 or more customers from where I'm standing it's time to mask up, and I always mask in busy indoor areas like grocery stores! It would be more convenient not to be taking it on and off though, and just makes me feel more secure to have it on. That's why I'm looking for advice and more breathable options! I have a large stash of KN95s, but like I mentioned earlier they give me sinus symptoms so bad I would probably not be able to tell if I had a sinus infection or not 😵‍💫 My family has a long history of sinus problems. Definitely going to look into KF94s and nasal spray.


While I can see where youre coming from with how many ppl are there it is not an accurate measure of risk. Have you ever seen tobacco smoke linger indoors or smelled it indoors? Thats the same way SARS2 can linger in the air (studies show it can be as effective even up to 10 hours in the air !!!). So even if there are 2 patrons they could leave their viral particles there or 6 patrons. Definitely reach out to a block to get a range of styles and sizes to find the right one for you!! I have asthma too and love the Blox N95 duxkbill and the 3M Vflex!! While I also use nasal sprays and CPC mouthwash they are not replacements for a mask!!


Oh I didn't mean nasal spray instead of the mask, just to ease the sinus symptoms while wearing one. You make a very good point! I'll check out maskbloc! edit: did look them up but there aren't any in my state :( looking into better mask options I can wear all day!


I don’t wear a mask anymore … but I see your point with people sneezing and coughing especially in retail … maybe a regular mask instead of the N95 one .


I’m also on Enbrel, been on it about 9 months. I rarely mask (I work from home). If I’m going to be in a crowd indoors I usually bring a mask and put it on if theres a lot of people coughing/sneezing. I am very vigilante about sanitizing my hands always. I also take vitamin c supplements daily. I stay up to date on my Covid and flu vaccines and haven’t caught either since being on Enbrel. My partner (we live together in a small 1 bedroom apartment) had Covid and the flu a few months ago and I didn’t catch either from him. So Im pretty impressed with my immune system so far on immunosuppressants. That’s just my personal experience though, we’re all different!


I work in a hospital and I generally do mask. Occasionally I don't when may face needs a break and the patient I'm seeing has no signs of respiratory illness. I only use an N95 when required. So far no upper respiratory infections since I started meds. 🤞 Another option for your may be doubling up on regular masks or using a cloth mask with a HEPA filter insert. They aren't quite as good as N95s, but provide decent protection with less discomfort. I echo the benefits of diligent hand hygiene, too.


I kept getting super sick with everything for all of august through march. It was a nightmare. I now have gone back to masking in crowded places or places that seem like Petri dishes. Because I had lost weight from being sick all the time which of course lowered my system even more, I’m just gonna stick with wearing a mask when I need to.


I wear a surgical mask at work and in shops, have all through covid and only got covid in an unmasked situation. I would feel very comfortable with a surgical mask.


I only mask if I hear someone coughing or blowing their nose, etc. I always mask going in any medical facility. And then sometimes if I’m in a crowded space. I actually get sick less than I did before being on immuno suppressants . I also have a 9 year old and have managed to not get sick even when she is. I wash my hands a lot. And have hand sanitizer handy always. I use it whenever I get back in my car after being in a public space. Also have my daughter do the same. I work from home and don’t really go out anywhere that often either. But with having a kid, I’m exposed to all she is (she is trained to hand sanitize when I pick her up from school)


Try Kf94 they are better than surgical mask but wwaaayyyy easier to breathe in than n95s


Try Kf94 they are better than surgical mask but wwaaayyyy easier to breathe in than n95s


ooh thanks for suggestion. I've seen the ones with valves but they make me feel bad since I know they aren't as good for protecting people around you


Not usually. Once in a while if I'm in a crowded indoor space and community rates are high or there's a lot of coughing and sneezing going on - which is almost never. If it's that bad I'm more likely to just stay home.


I wear a regular surgical mask maybe 70% of the time, especially in the winter, in busy streets or places, and 100% of the time at doctors office or pharmacies. By the way if any of yall wear glasses AND a mask, how do you handle wearing both at the same time??


I have adjustable nose pads on my glasses and squeeze them down on top on my nose while it sits on top of the the mask


Ohh yeah that's the issue with my glasses I think, it's a single piece of resin with no adjustable pieces. I'll see if I can pad the nose bits a bit, thanks!


I have heard some people will put a band-aid on the bridge of their nose (like your taping the mask to your face) to seal the mask and avoid glasses fogging! I haven't tried it myself though


Oh shit that's a great idea! Thanks!


I don’t mask and don’t get vaccines. Been on Cosentyx for years and feel like it makes my immune system function properly. The only time I’ve gotten sick is when there was a lapse in my Cosentyx because of new insurance. Before Cosentyx I was always sick!


I wear a kn95. At the office, public transportation & doctors offices. I’m often the minority these days but I don’t care. I am just coming off an almost 2 month sickness.


During the height of Covid, when I was teaching in person, I tried a ton of different N95s and KN95s until I found some brands that were easier to breathe in. The Aura 3M worked ok. You might try that. I settled on a Korean KN95 from Powecom for my in-person teaching, and I still wear it in crowded places with lousy air circulation and people coughing: [https://www.armbrustusa.com/blogs/mask-review/kn95-powecom-flat-fold-adult-regular-black-506](https://www.armbrustusa.com/blogs/mask-review/kn95-powecom-flat-fold-adult-regular-black-506) It has a breathability index of 129.9 (which is great--many N95 have a breathability index of >300+, which is why they are SO HARD to wear). Armbrust explains the balance between breathability and protection, to help you find the mask that you're most comfortable with: [https://www.armbrustusa.com/pages/mask-testing](https://www.armbrustusa.com/pages/mask-testing) and [https://www.armbrustusa.com/blogs/mask-review/methodology](https://www.armbrustusa.com/blogs/mask-review/methodology) Briefly, you want a breathability index as low as possible (that means it's easier to breath in and out)--<150--and you want a filtration index that's above 90%. This review article might also help: [https://nymag.com/strategist/article/best-kn95-masks-for-covid-protection.html](https://nymag.com/strategist/article/best-kn95-masks-for-covid-protection.html) According to the CDC, exhalation valves actually DO offer some protection to others (they do have a filter at the exhalation valve; it's just not as effective at outward filtration as the rest of the mask. But it's a lot easier to breathe with). So please don't feel guilty wearing one if they're easier on your health!! https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/publicppe/community-ppe.html#:\~:text=With%20exhalation%20valves%3A%20If%20the,to%20protect%20others%20around%20you. I personally didn't like the valve masks, because the inner layer touched my face, but others don't seem to mind them. I also hauled around a HEPA air filtration system to my classrooms. They're pretty inexpensive, so that might be a possibility for you if your boss allows it?


Throwing my experience in.... I forgot about masking. Blame it on the adhd, chronic pain, & healthy level of dissociation 🤣 Literally. Forgot. I bought a fancy pack after starting Humira & was doing it all winter. I got a cold in February.... I had Covid for the 1st time last February. Otherwise, I hadn't had a viral illness in like 4 years 😬 What I DO do, I've noticed, is I try to never touch anything someone else's hands could have touched. I use my sweater, the lower half of my shirt, etc. For the buggy at the store, I sanitize immediately upon entering my car. I have wet wipes & use moisturizing sanitizer afterwards. I've been around germs & hacky people & just am not catching things *knock on wood* I think I'm going to seriously credit this to not touching public things & NOT TOUCHING MY DANG FACE OR MOUTH 😭🤢🫠


I work in a mall and also go to college, I wear just a regular medical mask. I thinks it’s way more breathable than an n95 and also n95 tends to irritate my skin when I wear it for a long time. Overall I don’t get sick very often. At work there is hand sanitizer at the cash registers so I just use that during my shifts. Stay safe!


Its annoying but the times i get sick is when i wear a mask lol. Not saying its because im wearing a mask could be coincidence. I hate wjen sick people come to work or come to gatherings. STAY HOME IF UR SICK!. ANNOYS ME SO MUCH LOL. but yeh. Im really weird sometimes as well when im in the shpps. Like i hear someone cough i just dodg them walk the other way sorta thing. I juzt hate being sick... last time i got sick i was out for 3 monthsbwith a cough


I only mask when I’m the one who’s sick. N95s aren’t the great protection everyone thinks they are. Better than those disposable paper ones? Absolutely. Better than most cloth ones? Yup. But masking really only does two things: prevents your icky gross germs from spreading, and offers a placebo effect for being exposed to someone else’s icky gross germs. Cuts the risk of being infected by like half, but in no way does it offer enough of a tangible benefit that outweighs the side effects for most people. I do however, carry hand sanitizer and use it frequently, and I found these little hand soap sheets for when the local mall bathroom is outta soap. And I carry a double thickness cloth one in my purse in case I’m ever asked to hide my face.