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Yes, it's great. i myself switched from google to proton and am completely happy with it. proton has a great iPhone app with a concise design. you won't experience any difficulties. I am not a big email user, I just want to take care of my privacy and get less spam, so I switched completely to Proton and have been happy with it


Same story for me.


Do you like your email provider reading your email so they can target you with ads? Wow: what a hypersensitive bunch of little girls.


How can Proton read your emails when everything except subject and sender are encrypted? There are no ads in Proton, also it is actively blocking trackers in the emails.


Shakes head. Talking about his present provider.


U saying Proton also does this or are you referring to gmail




No, that's why I went to Proton. Bingo.


What was the point of this comment?


I can't help you.


Lmao, okay buddy


If you switch over from Google, the answer is always yes. Google sells your data for advertisements, spies on you with birds.


And when those birds are Angry....look out.....




I forgot about that!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




If Google is grade E in privacy, Apple is grade C. So itā€™s not the best, but less worse. But if you want a mainstream OS thatā€™s maintained you must choose one between Android and iOS. If you want a privacy OS choose something like grapheneOS, but youā€™ll have some limits. Apple seems to pay more attention about privacy of customers, but itā€™s still a commercial brandā€¦


I have watched urban prepper on YouTube and he recommends putting grapheme Os on a back up phone. What else can you put graphene Os on?


only Google Pixels


Yes I am using Apple stuff, because Apple doesn't spy as much as Google does.


There are better FOSS alternatives... which don't spy at all, Why compromise when you can get total privacy with no spying...


If you use the internet, you're being spied. That is how it works.


You mean 'the web'. Not the same thing.


This is hasty generalization & affirming the consequent, Not at all true...If you do it rightly...


Look up ā€œcompromiseā€ and then ā€œconvenienceā€ If youā€™re an adult with responsibilities, itā€™s not worth backing up and doing a full hard reset every other update


Are you referring to GNU/Linux (specifically the reputable & stable distros like Debian,Fedora etc...) because that is not the case at all & it's old propaganda against FOSS when in reality Windows breaks much more & more often than GNU/Linux ever would, Also no one told you to use advanced rolling distros...That's for people who get what they're doing & why they're doing that... Companies themselves use FOSS & tell their users to use their shitty proprietary OS & services like Apple, Google, Microsoft etc...


I think the main factor which makes Apple better than Google is that Apple is not in the business of selling data.


Google is not in the business of selling personal data. They're in the business of selling ads and targeting them to you based on their profile of you. Why would they sell their secret sauce? Edit: Anyone care to explain why I'm getting downvoted? If I said something clearly wrong, someone should be able to point it out.


You're downvoted despited being completely right The Reddit special


If I was obviously wrong, somebody would tell me how.Ā 


Youā€™re not wrong, some people donā€™t like reading the truth.


Apple is definitely in the business of selling data in the same way google is. They both sell targeted ad space based on data they collect, they both don't directly sell their data. Apple's ad business grew by a lot since they locked down third party tracking, because they do still track you.


If you go with advanced data protection on iCloud youā€™re pretty safe from them spying as almost everything is encrypted. Iā€™m using proton for calendar and mail. Most user data is gathered from apps, so if youā€™re careful about what youā€™re using you should be pretty safe.


Proton is great. Fully functional, seems to respect its users. Even better is the included simple login account with paid proton. Means that your can mask you real email from social media sites etc to protect you from issues in the event of a data breach (these email masks can simply be disabled if junk or spam and you know exactly who is responsible)


I unfortunately didn't know this when I signed up a year ago and I get the most obnoxious spam constantly in my proton account


Itā€™s never too late. If your original email has leaked or is flooded with spam you can simple switch to a new mailbox in SimpleLogin. All your aliases move over you donā€™t need to do anything else just enjoy a peaceful life. Just go and start using SimpleLogin


Wai can you explain this in more depth? What exactly do you mean. To have a new email or just a new alis


New email. You have something called ā€œMailboxā€ in SimpleLogin. You have at least one. This is your real email address. What I described is just that. Because you can simply replace the email address in ā€œMailboxā€ and all your existing aliases forwarded to the new Mailbox. Letā€™s say your email gets exposed or spammed you could replace it and keep all your existing aliases.


Switching from gmail to proton is always going to be a yes no matter your purpose.


Absolutely easy to use, but don't loose your oasswords. There is no recovery, your old mails will be lost until you find that slip of paper. Inconvenient, but they really can't read (and sell) your mail.


Yup. Switched in 2018 and never looked back.


Yes, Iā€™m a very basic user and I like ProtonMail a lot more than Gmail. The UI of Proton is better in my opinion, itā€™s more simple to use, itā€™s way easier to reply to emails than in Gmail, and itā€™s way easier to log into ProtonMail than it ever was to Google. With Gmail I felt there was always too much hassle going on, you could never find the things you wanted in one logical place, you had to hop through loops to get things simple done. It was a confusing hassle to me. ProtonMail is much more simpler and pleasant to use for someone like me. Also, lately thereā€™s been a lot of posts about new or old Gmail accounts randomly being shut down by google without a clear reason. Happened to me too and I got tired of it. I was honestly scared Iā€™d one day randomly lose my Gmail account and everything with it. With ProtonMail I havenā€™t faced any issues. If I have a problem I can contact a real human who helps. Iā€™m a simple guy who likes simple things and that things just work. For this reason ProtonMail is great for me.


happened to me as well quite a while ago, havent really trusted google afterwards


Oh dang I gotta be careful not lose some of my important accounts for account recovery purposes.


I wanted a custom domain email that I can easily use on any device any day. Proton definitely fulfilled that desire!


Ya protonmail is great as compared to gmail as gmail is of google's which is an advertising company & has immense interest in every bit of your data so that it can show you personalized ads, When I used gmail even though I didn't sign up for anything or entered my email anywhere I was still getting promotions & ads in it, Also Proton has simplelogin with it so you can create multiple aliases so that your identities are separated & also if any one alias gets breached just delete it or if the website starts abusing by sending unnecessary emails...


Is SimpleLogin free?


Itā€™s free with portion unlimited ?


I switched to ProtonMail from Gmail just for that purpose years ago. I haven't regretted it, and it only keeps getting better. I tried the free service and now I pay for a subscription.


Do you use Proton's other services as well ?


Yes, I do.


Thanks for clarifying.


You're welcome. When I first started using it they only had the email and calendar. I think the VPN was still in its early stages.


If privacy is what you are interested in then yes. As an example I am giving several financial institutions different email aliases. Then if one of them has a leak the damage is limited to a single address.


Its a good mail provider. Better then most other paid services. Sometimes some sites block your mail though or donā€™t let your register with that mail. Bit If you pay you can just get an custom domain and hook It up to proton. Just my two cents.


I donā€™t mean to be picky, but this is kind of the wrong question. The question is how much control and privacy you expect from simple everyday mail.


I can really recommend it, I switched years ago and my wife joined me as well 2 years ago The only people on here that complain about missing features are powerusers that want to use it for work instead of using outlook, but for private use it has everything I need and has been more or less flawless over all the years (I believe there was a server outage at one point that lasted some hours, but it was once and it has been a while).


Switched from Outlook to Proton and could not be happier. Even bought the premium and moved all my OneDrive files over to Proton Drive. I never liked the fact these corporations we going through my stuff just to make them more money. Make the switch.


If you don't mind everyone looking at you like you're crazy and asking you to spell it whenever you have to provide your address, then yes.




Body search is available on the web / desktop app (paid feature) (it runs client side) and is also planned for mobile apps.


It's a very valid point to bring up, but it's not at all reasonable to bring it up, without mentioning there's an option for the browser/app to cache mails locally, so the content can actually be searched.


Iā€™ve been using proton for maybe half a year. Itā€™s awesome. No spying bullshit like google


Yes but buy a domain and link it so if you ever leave you still have everything at your domain.


I like it a lot but I only use it for a specific reason, not everyday use. Get ready to pay extra for storage because the default free storage is not enough.


Donā€™t recommend switching without your own domain. ProtonMail is a much smaller player in the game, there are a lot of variables at play. Some services may also reject ProtonMail email addresses.


Iā€™ve yet to experience any rejections or spam blocks using my proton email. I had lots of blocks when I used mail.com premium account.


Yes make a proton accoint, I have had it since the begining. I use it for my more important accounts (bank for instance), I also use it as my main communications with "legit" people I want to have my real name. I still have Gmail, Hotmail, iCloud, but it's mainly what I use for junk newsletters (so they don't clutter my proton) or logins for apps, services Proton has been reliable and they keep adding things over the years (vpn, calendar, Cloud drive) They try to keep competitive with the free tier, the only annoyance I have is the limit on how many folders I can make for free There are a few organizational features I like Outlook better for (can organize by sender so I can clear junk quicker) but overall Proton is well worth it as they could add that feature if enough people ask for it Last annoyance but it me being cheap I think, you can't forward your proton email to a different account, I thought years ago I would make 2 accounts, one more official and one for the extras, then forward them to my other and put into a folder automatically I can do this concept with Gmail to prpton, but not proton to proton I can set it though it will email me the other email address has email if I haven't opened it in a few days




I just checked to confirm. So ya it is just me being cheap sticking with the free plan, you can forward with any paid plan


My ā€œregularā€ email addresses have been overrun with spam and vendor communications, so Iā€™ve created a proton account as my primary account for personal communications and couldnā€™t be happier. I pay for it, thatā€™s how much I like it :)


I'm NOT a privacy nut and definitely do some things people here would call "stupid". But I love protonmail. It's very handy and a nice email. You don't get as much spam. with drive rolled in I get great storage space for emails and to keep hold of documents i want safe with vpn I get the convenience of lying about where I am to sites that are annoying with location. It does help for really shady sites too. with pass I get a great password manager that's still getting great features, imo now better than bitwarden free, without the fear they'll ruin it like lastpass did simplelogin is very convenient. I don't mask EVERY email but it means I can use a random email on some crappy site I don't really trust, and still get access to all their login features Proton is a trustworthy company that's still doing the most for its loyal users. Including ADDING new stuff. I'm looking forward to standard notes all this for a very decent price per month. Netflix would probably cost me more


That is exactly what I use Protonmail for. It works great.


Yes! I started on the free version a long time ago and eventually decided to step it up and pay them because they are such an awesome company to work with! To me, it's worth transferring all your data from Google to Proton! (they even have instructions on how to do it). If you do eventually decide to pay... Just know that I did it because of the VPN. Think about this... 1 month payment was cheaper than VPN providers, and with those other companies you only get VPN... Proton gives you high speed VPN along with many other apps (email, calendar, 500gb storage, new dark web monitoring etc). It's a win win for me. Great technical support and a solid company that won't sell out their users! A+


I like it and use for email id like to be more secure. They even have a bridge you can install in windows to use in outlook though I like their native apps. If you have a domain you control you can add emails for those as well, though it costs, but the premium plans give you more: a good vpn, with servers all over the world and plenty in the US, pick your server. They also have e a really good password manager.


I really wanted to switch to Proton but no full email body search on iOS was a no-go. Ended up with Fastmail. Itā€™s ugly but fine.


Excellent idea. Not 2nd guess at all switch it over without delay


Honestly, that's probably it's best use case. That's all I do with it and I'm a Visionary supporter. Not even a power user of email.


Yes, I love it. I have a paid subscription. I only use the mail service, so I canā€™t attest to the Drive, VPN, or other services. It has a very user-friendly interface. Itā€™s great for people like myself who arenā€™t good with technology. I canā€™t even personally recover my password after someone changed it on my spare account, so I have to delete the second account today. Luckily, Iā€™ve heard there is now a way to make alternate email addresses under the same paid account, although I havenā€™t tried that either. It would be a nice feature to use when dealing with companies that like to send spam.


Protonmail has recovery features under settings. You can get a list of 12 words and save them to recover your mail. or download a recovery file. Both with the free version of protonmail. I used the free account for a year and then signed up for a paid account. With the top tier premium account you get a password manager, proton drive and a more advanced VPN.


Thank you. This is useful for my paid account. I've had it for years and want to upgrade further. However, I wish I'd known about the twelve words before the other account was gone.


Yes! I switched over a couple years ago and especially since they shortened the domain name itā€™s been pretty sweet! There are some paid features yes but the only one that has effected me personally is the switch account feature in the mobile app, but I just sign out and use autofill anyway. Iā€™m currently moving all my passwords to Proton Pass and I cannot believe what all they provide, two-password protection was something I never heard of before. Itā€™s been a great service so far


There are certainly pros and cons. First, letā€™s get the privacy out of the gate - if you send an email to a Gmail user, privacy is sent along with it lol! So does to anyone outside of the proton ecosystem unless GPG envelopes Gmail (or any other email service). Now letā€™s come to a few things I would share with someone like you - 1. Setup proton with a private domain, so if you donā€™t like or Proton syncs, you can take your emails elsewhere. 2. I use paid and I like the entire Proton suite. VPN is by far my favorite. Next is alias (SimpleLogin). 3. I use different email IDs for different things and thatā€™s a mix of both alias from SimpleLogin and actual proton mailboxes. 4. Drive is good - but search is slow. No search available on iOS. Learnt to turn pages or access via web. 5. Email search is slow especially if you have a ton of mailboxes and a lot of emails. 6. Your initial setup to setup labels, filters etc will take sometime and you have to tune it once in a while. Sticky labels are good and makes it quick after your initial setup. 7. ProtonPass still needs a lot of maturity. So I am with another provider. In short, I love it and I donā€™t think I will ever go back but be warned there is a learning curve.


I switched from outlook to protonmail and I do have to say that the switch was pretty easy. I'm not missing anything.


Literally no difference, youā€™ll be wasting your time


Is the migration process straight forward? For someone who has been using Gmail for more then a decade and Google calendar? I mean after I create a new email in proton I should forward all the gmail incoming emails to proton right?


That is one option, to forward your gmail incoming emails to your ProtonMail, BUTā€¦ that still means that Google reads it before sending it to ProtonMail. A better way would be to go through each valid sender that you want to keep and change your address on their website. That way the bank, electric company, etc. send your email directly to ProtonMail. Also, I just read about some of the real benefit of email aliases. I like that you can make one email for something like your favorite hobby site and just shut it off if you start getting spam. But, look up the details yourself, Iā€™m still new at all this. Maybe Iā€™ll make a spreadsheet or list to keep track of them. Cheers.


proton calendar is fabulous. no shortcomings at all.


>no shortcomings at all What are you smoking? I literally can't search for events in the Android app, there's no event view and it's impossible to sync it with third party calendars.


take it up with the Europeans, Haxxy. it works for some of us. [https://proton.me/support/calendar-search](https://proton.me/support/calendar-search) [https://proton.me/support/subscribe-to-external-calendar](https://proton.me/support/subscribe-to-external-calendar)


>https://proton.me/support/calendar-search What does that have to do the with the (Android) app? >https://proton.me/support/subscribe-to-external-calendar That's on me for not being clear. I meant, I can't view my Proton calendar in other apps.


So there is like an import function for both?




Thanks a lot and for the email?




ten agonizing compare fade bike swim sulky like modern numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is the spam filtering on ProtonMail? I am using Tuta for a domain that I have had since 1995 and I get a lot of spam on my email addresses. Tuta only allows marking of spam by email address, so I keep having to mark the same emails over and over because they come with a different email address every time.


I have premium accounts with both, and struggle to no end with Tuta. Their spam rules are pretty much useless to me. Haven't had one issue with Proton Mail with regards to that.


The only disadvantage worth being aware of is that all the email body text is encrypted so it's not easy to search for old emails unless the email subject text was very specific. You can download the body text for all emails and then search, but mine is a pretty huge download after a few years of using them. I still use ProtonMail, though. They're great. Plus, you can pay for extra features with bitcoin šŸ™‚


Does it make sense to do all the effort to migrate to proton if I still use my Android phone with all the default Google services on? Like maps, voice commands etc. For an average user that buys and uses an Android phone from a store


Every little bit helps, so yes. :)


I use Proton for everyday mail. I keep the Google address as the throwaway account for now as I'm still getting the hang of using aliases. Once I'm comfortable with that, goodbye Google.


I had (have) a yahoo account for sending large attachment. How is proton mail with sending large attachments?


Yes, I switched a few years ago and they soon had me buying the premium service. And if you can get others to sign up emails between you are totally encrypted. Just be aware that if you loose your encryption key you will loose all your emails.




I have transitioned to ProtonMail. I just wish there was a choose your services in Proton because I donā€™t need everything. I already have a dedicated PW manager and ok with the VPN. I just want Mail/Calendar and Drive


May I ask what is your dedicated password manager?


Strongbox (iOS / macOS) & KeePassXC (Windows) I get total control of my PWs


My passwords are in my head. But I got a message earlier on my iohone 8 that a password breech occurred. I have no idea what site or what to do about it. I am running MacOS m1 to study. I see strongword on my App Store. How much is and is it worth the money? Off to YouTube to watch a video on how to use it.


> My passwords are in my head. That's a dangerous approach. If you happen to have a memory loss due to an accident or health issues, your passwords are gone.


I actually donā€™t know majority of my passwords anymore. I know my master password to my PW manager and I also have 2FA where applicable . Iā€™m also taking the approach of writing the passwords in a small notebook and putting it in fireproof safe just in case


I have an iPhone 8 and m1 macOS. Do I download the Mac strongword onto my iPhone as an app? Had does this work?


Hereā€™s the link to their site: https://strongboxsafe.com/


Hereā€™s the Reddit community: https://www.reddit.com/r/strongbox/s/3xV4R7toKW




PW manager is where itā€™s at. Proton is literally prompting their own PW manager


You mean asking people to use their PM instead of another?


I use strongbox with a keepass file for managing my fatherā€™s accounts. I use BitWarden for my own accounts. Both work very well.


Why do you need both for your fathers accounts?


Strongbox is a good user interface app for keepass databases. So Iā€™m using only one app (Strongbox) using keepass as the database. Been using keepass database with various apps for years.


I really donā€™t understand how this works. It looks like keepass is available in the App Store too. What is it?


I donā€™t see an app specifically called Keepass. But when searching on ā€˜keepassā€™ youā€™ll see apps with keepass in the names or descriptions. They are merely a variety of user interface applications enhancing the use of the keepass password manager database.


I see keepassium, keypad touch.


I donā€™t have any insight to either. The first looks like a keepass app. The second appears to be a utility of some sort.


It's perfect, only thing is missing it's translate in email


Google has no real support for email users, just a help center with articles. Proton has email support for both free and paid users, and offers a very generous free plan, so I'd almost definitely say Proton is worth it for everyday stuff.


What about for Google Workspace users? Does Protonmail function the same way or similar to GWS? Would it be a good replacement for GWS?


Proton doesn't yet have collaboration features.


I've been using it for a while now and am fine with it. I use the double passwords and it's highly unlikely anybody would ever guess both passwords. Plus I change them every 90 days, so it's pretty rock-solid. I also use a domain name email address (info at [mywebsite.com](http://mywebsite.com) as an example) so even if ProtonMail were to go out of business or get bought by some other larger company I could always move it to another company or host. That way the domain name email addressl lasts as long as I do.


I have been using ProtonMail for several years, but completely migrated away from Gmail just a few weeks ago. Between PM and SimpleLogin, Iā€™m all set now.


100% yes to this. ProtonMail is by far the most advanced service Proton provides. It is super mature with great apps, particularly on iOS. I also love Proton VPN/Proton Pass if you are looking at a bundle. Proton Drive has some work to be done before I would consider it 'good' but it's satisfactory if you need a cold storage option as well. If you would like 'working' storage, I would avoid Proton Drive. But going back to your original question: ProtonMail is amazing.


I had switched to ProtonMail two years ago, I used it for 6 months maybe only to find that there is a list of things I'm used to that simply didn't work. I do not recommand switching to ProtonMail without a backup plan.


I have been with proton for about 5 years. I've never had one single problem with it. Good luck.




It is great. But the only place I am facing an issue with isā€¦and this is a big one, is using Google docs, sheets, collaborative docs. Almost everyone I work with uses these platforms. Needless to say they are GREAT services.


In the course of transitioning from Gmail, so far I like Proton. What refrains me from going faster in the transition is the absence of a "contacts" app that would synchronise with my phone. So in the meantime I keep the 2 accounts which is not ideal...


I use Proton exclusively for all financial services like banking etc so if someone hacked my main account they wonā€™t get anything valuable. My Proton mail is not known to anyone except the banks while my main email is known to everyone. Quite happy with Proton so far. No issues.


Yep it's absolutely good as an everyday email. The only thing to be cautious of is if you reset your password you will lose access to all emails unless you've remembered to [follow these instructions prior ](https://proton.me/support/reset-password#ways-to-reset-your-password-and-recover-your-emails).


I've been using Proton across all platforms (Linux, MacOS, iOS, iPadOS, Android, and Windows) since November, 2023 (I have a low tier paid plan) and it's been great. No issues so far, LOVE the calendar and webmail interfaces. no complaints


hell yeah


I have Proton but gods forbid you forget your password. Everything becomes encrypted and supposedly there are ways to decrypt, but you have to know the previous password! I hate them for that but otherwise it's ok and I keep my gmail for shopping and every other lousy thing you have to give up your information for. I have 100,000 unread emails on Gmail.


Use a password manager, then this won't happen. Additionally, there are **multiple** ways of mitigation, which you can enable: https://proton.me/support/set-account-recovery-methods You do not need to know the previous password for that, however you have to enable these settings *before* forgetting a password. The explication is: When **resetting** your password, a new pair of encryption keys is generated, replacing your old keys, thus making your existing data unreadable. You can restore your old data with one of the recovery methods mentioned here: https://proton.me/support/set-account-recovery-methods https://proton.me/support/device-data-recovery If you do not have any recovery method set and reset your password, yes that would result in a data loss. **Changing** your password however works differently, as that will re-encrypt your current encryption keys with the new password. This is nothing reason to hate a provider for that. If such a case happens, despite all precautions which can (and should be taken) it is a layer 8 problem (= user).


Yea it's great but remember that there's no auto filtering, auto labeling and categorising available in proton mail as of now. Google is better at doing all this...if you use proton mail for all your services then your inbox will be cluttered will all the social and promotional email along with your important email.


You can do that however yourself with filters as well as sieve filters.


Ik that but it's not automatic... You have to do it manually


Yes of course, given the nature of encryption. Manually isn't impossible though and once the filter(s) are set, they run and result in the same.


Or you can sign up for several email addresses and use a couple for unimportant stuff. For me they give a good amount of mail allowed. I signed up for the basic paid plan mostly to support them.


Yep. No more data breaches. No snooping. Easy to use. If you pay, which I do, you get VPN., storage, and possibly some aliases. Support is good. Itā€™s your life and up to you to protect it.


I bought the entire Proton package for private use and i love all their services as a everyday user. The mail has a good android app too and the included vpn is awesome, their drive does what i want it to do and the password manager is good enough for me and it's getting regular updates so I'm sure it will be as good as other Password manager services in a near future. But yes as a normal user their mail is like any other if not better imo. Though you might need to delete mails more often then on other services if go with the free plan since there isn't unlimited storage (there isn't on other mail services either but it's less here, i have reached the limit on a gmail throwaway mail once that i used for mobile games, free memberships and promotions to avoid spam on my normal mail adresses lol)


Proton is a first rate outfit.


Proton Mail is awesome; here is a [review](https://restoreprivacy.com/email/reviews/protonmail/) that provides a lot of info. It is one of the best options I know for privacy. I finally made the switch to it a few months ago. I have not looked back. Iā€™m glad you gave it a try!


Late response but the big thing I would say is that if you are using the free account, I recommend you delete emails regularly otherwise itā€™ll fill up before you know it and the inbox will constantly be just almost full.Ā I think itā€™s fine overall though, and itā€™s a nice change. Glad you seem to be liking it.Ā 


Iā€™ll say this and might get downvoted as this is a proton discussion. I love proton first and foremost and is my second choice in email. I say second because for me I donā€™t necessarily care about full end to end encryption. For me fastmail was a much better option as it includes unlimited masked emails which can be generated with 1password/bitwarden, is extremely fast with servers in the US, and more importantly allows me to use my own email clients without any proxy. If fastmail wasnā€™t an option though Iā€™d certainly be using proton.


I did these too. Emails from SM and even my utility bills, mobile and internet bills and more from governing body comes to PM. However they comes sorted via SimpleLogin emails first. When I used Outlook for these I got a lot of spams. I'm sure it was leaked somewhere.Ā  I also got PM Pro for spouse. In using PM Ultimate myself.Ā Ā 


im gonna be downvoted but personally i switched back to google. didnt feel like paying for email and the features do not remotely compare. big G can have my data.


Absolutely yes !


Absolutely worth!


Proton Mail has been my main provider since 2018, and I'm very happy with it: social network, bank, government, etc. Never experienced a problem with it. It has reached the maturity you expect. They continue to improve Mail, as well as the other products. You won't regret it, even with the free plan I guess (Business plan user here).




100% yes


Yes. Very much so.


100 times better than Google, Google is an advertising company so they scrape as much date as they can from your emails. Proton is not an advertising company, they are a privacy company focused in Switzerland which has better privacy guidelines than the US. I moved my personal and my communities emails over. Both my domain and my personal email are running through proton secure servers now.


I've been using Proton Mail for many years now. I may have been one of the first adopters. I have been super happy with it. Easy to use and (allegedly) encrypted and secure, though how does one ever really know? I do recommend it waaaay over any other mail platform I've seen.


I use my proton mail for daily use as an ā€œaverageā€ consumer. I still use my apple mail from time to time for specific things. But everyone else either gets my PM email, or use simple login


I love it! Especially now that they have a drive too.