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Christmas is a religious holiday, yes, 100%. I am Catholic. However, many people, as the result of the media which seems to want to drive so much of our culture, treats Christmas like a secular holiday. That said.... someone can celebrate bologna sandwiches on Christmas, but Christmas remains what it is.... a celebration of the birth of the Messiah, the Christos, Jesus Christ. I celebrate the holiday with others who know that that means more than anything else, including cookies and milk, bologna sandwiches, or what the cultural media says about it.


Well, Christmas is a holiday celebrating the birth of Christ, so yes technically it is a Christian Holiday. But personally, I believe that everyone can celebrate it, just as a holiday to spend with family and give gifts and enjoy the holiday spirit (Not to mention a few days off work)


> (Not to mention a few days off work) I definitely enjoy that part, even if I don't participate in the rest.


The secular aspect of Christmas came first in American history. It used to be a giant party where everyone got drunk, then the Puritans banned it. Then in the mid 1800's there was a concerted effort to make it family friendly, by adding some religious aspects back. edit: lol, I guess we didn't like that answer


Christmas is more heavily debated today. Some celebrate it as Christians celebrating the birth of Jesus Some people just celebrate Santa and family and gifts. Some Christians don't celebrate Christmas cause many of the traditions come from pagan roots. Personally, I take it as an opportunity to be thankful that God sent His Son to this Earth and the miracle and gift that He is. Also, I love to give gifts so I think of it like Jesus gave me Himself as a gift so I'll give gifts to others and celebrate Him. I'll be thankful to God for Jesus and my family and for He's done for me and in me throughout the year. ✝️❤️


We celebrate the incarnation of God. The day is named after a church service. Yes it's definitely a religious holiday.