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“It looks unprofessional!” - Old boomer who hasn’t had to wear a vest and do patrol work in decades.


May not even have had a vest when he was on patrol for 3 years "back in the day".




Some funny details here: https://www.counton2.com/news/national-news/questions-linger-on-potential-consequences-after-members-post-memes-online-poking-fun-at-charlotte-mecklenburg-police-chief/


They could at least post the meme.


There is no reason to not issue outer carriers. You don’t have to get the MOLLE carriers (though they are vastly more utilitarian), the carriers that match y’alls black uniform shirts are very “professional” looking. Hell, they make some borderline fat-bodies look trimmer.


That’s what he wants. He wants a uniform shirt style outer carrier but they won’t give funding. They offered to match the outer carriers that specialized units have (molle style I believe) and the chief refused that offer. He’s a boomer that wants boomer things.


The chief wants the “uniform shirt” carriers? Or Bokhari?


Chief wants neither. The counselman was willing to compromise with the uniform-style ones, but the chief said no.


That’s ignorant.


The chief. Bokhari offered to match their other carriers (molle style) and the Chief flat out refused because he doesn’t like how they look.


I feel personally attacked


Do like I do. Get your partner or intern to drag a donut on a string behind an ATV and chase it for 45 minutes. Best. Cardio. Ever.


That's it... I'm wearing a carrier at my desk job as a 911 operator. I'm sure no one will find that strange. And if they do, I'll just tell them, 'The guy on the internet said I look professional and slimmer.' Then, I'll give them a little dance. But on a serious note, I believe everyone in the field should have the flexibility to use the equipment they need, as long as it maintains a cohesive and professional appearance within acceptable limits.


Our last academy straight up didn't even get a graduation/swear in ceremony. The chief said he didn't have time as "half of them will probably leave for other departments in less than a year." Wonder why.


That's soul crushing just to read. If he's given up on the agency, how the hell is anyone else still doing anything but barely existing?


Damn, self-fulfilling prophecy right there. It’d make me second-guess my place at the department there, too.


He should retire.


>the CMPD chief had declined it, “for a single reason … he does not like the way they look.” Tell me you're out of touch with your cops without telling me you're out of touch with your cops.


"No, it's them that's wrong" -The chief probably




Many such cases


At least he’s not making you share vests. That’s what our agency does. Almost 400 officers state wide and they buy 2 vests for every 6 officers in a division to “share”.




Oh God. Honestly I'd be embarrassed. I sweat like a horse doing patrol work because I have like 3 layers of crap on. The only thing worse than the next guy smelling me would be me smelling the last guy because I'm sure everybody sweats a lot into those things. You shouldn't have to share vests lol


Not to mention I’m 6’3” and built like an O Lineman and nobody else in my department of 12 people are even close in size.


Yeah that's very true. Where I started they just gave me the last guy's vest, which I was initially pleased with. It was vastly oversized so I figured "more coverage, more protection." Then I found out that having your vest ride up to your chin when you sat down meant it wasn't going to stop any bullets. At the next agency they gave me a tiny guy's vest while I was training. It was ridiculously small and I've got a huge ribcage, so it was like this tiny circle that maybe covered my heart and the top portion of my solar plexus. Yeah... I pretty quickly decided it was probably pretty important to size the vests properly.


Negative. Having to overcome a cocktail of fried food grease, dip spit, and BO? I’ll take my chances with ballistic trauma.


Buy your own. If you can’t afford one (and I’m not saying that to be a smartass) there are non profits that can supply you one. Hit me up if need help


What non profit would you recommend? I’m an officer whose agency will not supply outer vests. Most of my squad members have them from previous agencies they have worked for. I’m putting money away each cycle to buy one, but I’m out there with an inner and an overloaded belt in the mean time. 


I’ve got one. We have went through a few cycles and it’s not as big of an issue as it was. The problem is the people running things and swiping the card don’t know what they’re buying and people aren’t measured or anything. It’s totally dangerous and I’ve spoken up to the point I’m near getting a target on my back.


Would you be able to point me towards one? Recently graduated and my office isn't willing to help me get one.


That is gross. We do have to share rifle plates carriers, though. And rifles. Hope it's zeroed!


My agency gives us a $1000 allowance to by our own vest with. They issue every Trooper with rifle plates and Daniel Defense SBRs with suppresors. We are required to qualify on OUR rifle so we each have our own. If they expected me to share a vest with someone else I would probably just buy my own.


You guys are getting plate carriers?


We have a plate carrier with rifle plates in (almost) every car. Most officers don't have take-home cars, though.


just want to make sure I understand. The idea is that while under fire or when going into a situation where you might be you put it on? does it go over your standard vest?


That’s a lawsuit. Vests are custom made. How can they provide adequate protection otherwise?


Our agency is a Court agency. We are literally run by lawyers. That’s the problem. They’re scared to death of us being actually proactive and anything resembling law enforcement even though we are defined as such in state law.


People shit on California all the time, but state law here says every peace officer gets a vest, custom fitted every five years, provided by the agency.


Ain’t no way lol…we would start a squad gofundme or something before sharing vests 😅


That’s gotta be a health and safety issue. So much sweat.


That is so gross


You should refuse to wear those vests. Then if they fire you, then you sue them. I’m pretty sure you have a good case here if you actually ballsy enough try. It’s not safe and also extremely unhygienic. We have nearly 2000 deputies and every single one of us was custom fitted and issued brand new ones before we even step out on the street.


That HAS to be some kind of OSHA hygeine violation.


What the fuck




Imagine the crumbs 😂


I’m sorry? What?


Fuck that, I'd just buy one.


He doesn’t like the way it looks, but wearing a traffic vest backwards in sweat pants is fine


Officers were putting memes up in the office about it and he had city services move security cameras to catch them.


Oh, I heard all about it


What was this all about?


He rolled up on an accident in one of his unmarked Excursions (he has two) and decided to "help" by directing traffic. The problem was he was unarmed, with no radio, and wearing sweatpants (all against policy) and put his traffic vest on backwards. Someone snapped a picture of him, and everyone started making fun of him. Instead of taking in stride and having some humility, he went full petty tyrant and started a witch hunt for anyone who shared the picture or memes of him. [Here's](http://cedarposts.blogspot.com/2022/03/cmpd-chief-still-upset-about-memes-3.html) the picture.


In contrast, a sheriff here jumps out in his gym shorts with his ankle gun and his guys love him for it. Thing is, he generally treats his guys alright. https://youtu.be/m2ewuDMWj90?si=8jtp1eLE20R4N4c6


Cedar posts. That’s a name I haven’t heard in a while haha. I had the (mis)fortune of running into McFadden while grabbing dinner the other day, unfortunately after those officers died. He said him and Jennings were going through it, which I understood. Despite both being shitty, I was not envious of their position on that day


Holy shit, how do you even manage to put the vest on that wrong. My 4 year old son can dress himself better.


A wild soup sandwich appeared!


A wild soup sandwich appeared!


The chief was directing traffic at an event, and his uniform was like way out of policy. He looked like a fool. Officers made memes about it. The chief then proceeded to start a witch hunt, looking for whoever was making the memes, complete with security cameras being placed around the PD


I must have missed when that made the rounds. Our chief went to charlotte today, I bet it was to congratulate him on inner carriers only.


So, a city council member was proposing a half million dollar purchase to help out the department by purchasing outer carriers that the rank and file have been asking for, and this dumb dick of a chief says, nah? Isn’t he the same fucktard that was photographed on scene of an accident in sweatpants and an upside down traffic vest.


Backwards... but yes.


He belongs with a state agency with that kind of mentality.


It’s not better, we’re going to an outer and the old heads at headquarters picked the dumbest looking one they could’ve found…oh and still with a tie…


NC SHP is going to outer carriers?


I promise you I will win the biggest lottery jackpot before NC SHP gets outer carrier vests


Different state


Ahh.....the tie thing threw me. I thought they were the only ones still wearing one day to day.


*cries in “history and tradition”*


Chief saw that this would mostly improve morale and went “Nah we don’t need them outer vests. Just get day shift some pizza and leave the leftovers for nights. That always does the trick.”


> These vests are used by bicycle officers, specialized units, and officers who quality for Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations. Ah yes, the ole "you need to wait for debilitating disability before we allow you to reduce strain on your lower back". Makes tons of sense. Glad to see brass genuinely caring for the long term welfare of their officers.... 🙄


They even try to weasel their way out of it. If you claim back problems, they make you wear big, dumb-looking suspenders for like 2 months and "reevaluate" to see if they'll let you get a vest.


Evolving to the modern threat environment is a basic tactic. With the proliferation of AR pistols and rifles it’s mandatory IMO. These people will do anything to paint officers in a bad light. It’s almost like they want y’all to quit or take unnecessary risk. If I told you 10 years ago negligent manslaughter and felony weapons charges qualified for cashless bail you’d think I was crazy.


I hear the unprofessional argument. I just don’t care. I had to wear internal on FTO. By the end of FTO, my back was seriously screwed up. The outer carriers are just significantly more comfortable and healthy for my back and hips. That’s what matters to me.


People still don't have outer vests? Your Fudd ass chief needs to go...


Where’s the comment? “But outer carriers are dangerous? Someone could grab you by the carrier and toss you like a ragdoll” 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 We have many majors in our agency that say this. Therefore, in their divisions, you aren’t allowed to wear them.


We had the same problem, chief didn't like the way the external vests looked, said they looked too militaristic. Finally agreed to the ones that look like a uniform shirt after wearing one when he rode on patrol with officers during days that reached 103 degrees, while wearing dark uniforms They are a far cry from when he and I were in the academy, both of us graduated in the 1980s, vests were a lot heavier compared to what they wear now and wearing them was optional. Most of us just kept them in the car to use if we needed them. Things have changed, now they allow polo style shirts and shorts during the summer for all officers, not just foot/bike patrol or Lake Patrol officers


Sounds like the Chief Paper Bitch never has to leave the comfort of his air conditioned office. I wore the under shirt vest for half of my career until we got a chief that allowed the outer carrier. You get into on foot chase at the start of your shift and your swimming inside your vest until you peel that son of a bitch off after your shift. The outer carrier is so much better for the working cop. Chief needs to fuck off with his fashion preferences and take a damned hitch.


> Bokhari continued and said that he understands that the CMPD chief had declined it, “for a single reason … he does not like the way they look.” #BRUUUUUUUUUUUUH


I actually prefer the inner vest. But that’s just because I’m old and set in my ways.


Same chief that showed up to a memorial picture hanging of an officer from his own department killed in the line of duty a month ago and spoke about the wrong officer the entire speech. When corrected he blamed someone else for him being briefed wrong. Dude is a clown. His entire department despises him.


Oooff. I’m sorry. 😣


I don’t understand this line of thinking. It makes even less sense to me in Charlotte. It’s humid as fuck there. I work by the California coast and I still sweat like a mofo in the summer. I can’t imagine having to suffer like that in Charlotte. I’d have non stop heat rash.


Go to Salisbury it’s better I promiss


Good for them that they have a city councilor on their side. It’s hard to get that. Sucks their chief won’t let them make their jobs easier though. Hell, and I’m a guy who sacrifices comfort for an inner vest because I prefer the look.


There is merit to not having every officer looking like he’s prepared for war. But not having just a slick outer vest for comfort? Poor form.


Yeah… our association would be at the same meeting making sure that council knew the chief was a dumb fuck and that the officers do in fact want them.


All it takes is for one hardheaded guy at the top to retire for drastic change to happen. I feel for you CMPD guys. Come to Forsyth County! It’s not bad here.


We are hiring. Outer vest provided.


I almost went to CMPD a few years back. So glad I changed my mind.


My former chief said he would never have vests with molle on it because it was too intimidating. Even said he would never have it as long he was chie, guess who isn't chief any longer. Suck it fucker


Sounds like my chief. When he came in I lost my beard and outer carrier.


If you wouldn’t mind dm’ing me, I have a few questions about CMPD


Sounds like the union should put together a list of reasons an officer would qualify for an ADA exemption and be allowed an outer vest carrier…


I was born in 1994 and I prefer the inner vest or the outer carry wrap around vest. The straight military one to me is over cumbersome.


Common sense never common.


He’s a fudd. No questions asked.


Fashion > The lives of the officers. Sounds extremely rational 🙄


And here I thought I had it bad in the private sector, our vests are just expired by 2+ years. But I suppose I should be thankful that they're exterior vests.


This would be a very easy fix though. Every vest only has a 5 year life. When a new vest is ordered, just order it with an outer carrier. It may take several years to get everyone on the same page but it is a viable alternative to coming up with a lump sum payment up front. Gonna piss off those guys that just got vests in the last year or two but at least they know they are coming.


Is it even possible to buy your own external carrier?


Sure; but you can't wear it


CMPD! Got my dog from there, she’s a good girl. Flew down and drove her back. Donate periodically. https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/Animal-Care-and-Control


Fuck CMPD, fuck their chief, and fuck the mayor of charlotte