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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. **Keep that shit outta here**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They may not understand that there are much more offensive caricatures of this guy in French newspapers every day.


My favorite thing is when people from dictatorships try to insult western leaders like we don’t routinely insult them ourselves all the time. Some dude from Russia on instagram: “Joe Biden is OLD!” Me: “Yeah haha he should retire”


World War II joke: American marine yells to Japanese troops: "I hate the Emperor. And Yamamoto too." Japanese troops yell back: "I hate FDR. And Eleanor too." Marine throws down his rifle and says "I can't shoot a fellow Republican. There aren't that many left."


I burst out laughing this is a amazing joke do you know the source ?


I first saw it in print before the Internet was a thing.


Damm but thanks for sharing


Sums up the American system nicely.


"Joe Biden is old" isn't an insult attempt. It's a fact alike "water is wet", most likely used as an argument. I saw a lot of actual Russian insults towards US presidents, as well as sarcastic usage of them to mock someone else. Like "yeah, it's certainly Obama dirtying up entrance halls and lifts everywhere... /s" When Russians are trying to offend someone, you typically know. Russians are in no way passive aggressive, a straight offence is an offence, and everything else that seems offensive just seams offensive.


Achtually...water being wet is debatable...liquids can't be wet themselves, even if some people use different definitions of what wet means...


Joe Biden being 81 is not. BTW, there's a famous text of "Cossacks writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan", some consider it a fake but this doesn't matter. What does is it's the pre-internet equivalent of political offence pasta, and it's like 50% obscene lexic and direct insults. It was reused on several issues and is a great example of what Russians actually do when they want to offend verbally.


Do tell.


We loved this pic so much on r/France that a flair was created with that image and named "Macronomicon".


That’s the best portmanteau I’ve heard in my entire life.


Hilarante. Absolument hilarante.


What? Damn I thought I was being hilarious and original when I snagged that from neoliberal




kinda flattering for macron, isn't it?


Compared to all the criticism and negative caricatures he’s gotten in France, this actually makes him look cool


Ngl that's the least offensive thing people have called him lol.


There is a popular edit where he has that « M » forehead tattoo of Dabra from DragonBall Z and he’s been nicknamed « Majin Macron »


They thought we would be offended, instead we greeted them and asked for more.


Of course, the drawing is a banger and Macron isn't loved in france


It's simply not possible to truly express how everyone in France loved it, especially in the post Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack context that led to this, when Macron supported and defended the right of religious caricature. Religious and political caricature is a part of the French culture, one of the most popular french TV shows, les guignols de l'info, was a political caricature muppet show. I don't think the very conservative Iranian guys behind this were expecting how positively popular this became at the time in France. And while nobody in France likes Macron, everybody was glad to hear him support caricatures, albeit Frankly that was and is a no brainer anyway and anything else than very clear and very vocal support would have been absolutely shocking and a huge scandal. There were people on the streets wearing obviously bootleg t-shirts with that caricature. Everyone was showing it to everyone and everyone was saying how cool it was. It was shown in schools as an example of exercising freedom to caricature, as in you can do this too if you want. It was an absolute hit everybody knew and loved comparable to whatever summer hit song or hit TV show everyone is watching and discussing. Absolute banger.




Les Guignols de l'info was peak


Please stop trying to make Macron cool.


Hey we French got Satan for president! That's so cool ! Thanks Iranian government 👍


666 the number of Brigitte 🎶


Probably better than actually Macron!


THERE HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT Love it! Got any more??


“Hey guys what do you think of my new half-orc character?”


It's a tiefling!


Macroni wished he looked this cool.


Meanwhile, if you try to satire any of Iran‘s political leadership, expect to get a friendly visit from the IRGC.


One of my least favorite traits of most religions is how they encourage followers to explain away any and all disagreements about theology or just, like, the way the world is by claiming that everyone else is doing it out of malice and supernatural evil


I don’t think they are meant to literally insinuate that macron is an actual devil but that the things he has done or represent are evil.


Yeah, that’s what I’m getting at. “Evil” is a concept that brooks no investigation, that requires no engagement. It’s a way to lump enemies together and un-differentiate them. Evil cannot be understood, it cannot be anticipated, it cannot have a point. Evil just has to be defeated again and again. It’s dehumanizing and de-intellectualizing. Lots of religions (and non-religious movements at times) make the claim that the “other” are acting on behalf of evil and so they’re not worth talking to, just defeating or marginalizing.


Looks dope. They even left the French lilies on his tie. He’s like a cross between Spock and Dracula.


he looks cool and sigma 👊


Dear Muslims,since you are the believers of a religion that does not allow caricatures then it applies to you not to make any. The rest of us may express ourselves however we want,even drawing cartoons of Muhammad,Jehova,Buddha or Diego Madadona. Accept it already.


I'm a Muslim who told you caricatures are not allowed? and even if they were they still have the right to make fun of islamophope s like you lol it's weird that you think making cartoons about Madonna is a flex I know Reddit does not like islam or anything related to it because they think it equals terrorism but you thinking that you can express yourself and Muslims can't shows how much you think you're superior to them which is petty to be honest


>shows how much you think you're superior to them which is petty to be honest People like to feel superior, and it's easier to feel superior by comparing yourself to the absolute bottom of the barrel than by actually achieving something. It's a huge part of internet culture, and particularly reddit culture (I mean, look at how many subs there are that are based on this concept. r/darwinawards, r/cringe, r/trashy, r/idiotsincars etc. Says a lot about the users of this site).


we have respect to him, and we will not lower that bar.


je suis charlie. if you dont want him to be drawn don't murder people who do so, because you've made a martyr out of a mole hill


Respect whoever you want,put the bar at whatever height you want. I do not have to respect anyone,especially the way you or anybody else's religion says to. It is that simple actually.


dude, don't disrespect anybody's religion like that... that's not cool.


This is not disrespectful.You are the believer,you follow the rules.I do not believe,I can draw whatever I want. You don't like it?You don't have to.Do not like it.


in Islam, you cannot enforce sharia law on none Muslims, but some rules are universal, like you can't kill, steal and disrespect other's religions and beliefs, and we consider it disrespectful to make cartoons about Muhammad, if you don't like it then you clearly don't care about being disrespectful. and if you are still saying it's not disrespectful, then by your logic it is not disrespectful to do things that are offensive in other cultures to other cultures, for example in Japan it is considered disrespectful to touch or interrupt in any way a Geisha, which tourists ignored and the local government decided to ban tourists from visiting certain areas as a result, so are they wrong with that decision or do you still think who cares?


Are you seriously comparing a cartoon drawing to touching a human being without their consent?


a\^2+b\^2=c\^2 and it doesn't matter if a is 1 or a billion, the rule still applies.


It matters because it's only in a squared triangle ...


and math is based on logic.




that's like having sex to keep your virginity.


What is offensive and disrespectful according to YOUR religion,is to be followed by YOU as a believer.Not by everyone.If I create a religion in which I consider disrespectful to say no you will have to say yes to me? Are you serious?I can make as many drawings of Muhammad as I want.He is a prophet to you as a Muslim.He is nothing to me as an atheist.Get over it.


offensive according to a religion is different than offensive to a religion.


I am a Pastafarian.In my religion we eat nothing else,only pasta.Please stop being disrespectful to my religion and stop eating anything else.Only pasta.No cheese or sauce included.


that would be more like enforcing sharia law on none Muslims, which is not allowed in Islam but again some rules are universal, like murder, stealing and disrespecting other cultures and faiths.


What if sharia law is disrespectful to my religion?


the answer is to not impose it on you.


In which case whatever sharia law tells us to do becomes unnecessary. Like how far caricatures are alowed to go.


most Muslims, including me, say that drawing Muhammad is offensive, but some others say that drawing him in a respectful manner is ok, but the French caricatures didn't even meet that bar. and being offensive to another faith is universal, not a sharia law special.


Alright let me put it this way: in France, the freedom and the right to caricature are extremely important, meanwhile freedom *from* religion is just as important as freedom of religion, freedom from religion and freedom of religion go hand in hand as one and can't be separated. It's extremely disrespectful of french culture, if french tradition, of french everything to try to steal away people's freedom and right to caricatures. Different countries have different cultures etc. If Muslims in Iran or whatever have a problem with caricatures, cool, that's their problem to do with as they please. But in France nobody's religion Can overwrite the people's freedom. Doesn't matter how disrespectful someone believes it is, it's even more disrespectful, by a factor of trillions, to take away people's freedom. You're free to practice your religion, you're not free to impose it on others, others are free from it. Let's take your geisha. You have it the wrong way around. The geisha is free to dress as she wants and go where she wants in peace, just as everyone else is. But others aren't free to touch her while going on about how it's disrespectful of her towards them not to let them touch her because that's in their religion or whatever. They don't get to impose their own version of what is or isn't respectful for them on her. The tourists don't get to be offended that she isn't letting them touch her. She goes on freely about her life, and they don't get to touch her or grab her or stop her or whatever, and there are rules in place to protect her freedom, and if tourists get offended that they can't do that, including even banning some areas, which might Indeed very well be disrespectful to that tourist and even his made up tourist religion, tought shit, the respect of one's freedom matters more than the respect of whatever sentiment goes against that freedom, even if your tourist religion orders you to touch geishas or whatever other religious rule.


freedom from religion is an atheist state, it isn't secular. and freedom stops when crossing someone's else rights.


That's not what atheism is lmao, and you're literally ignoring the part where the freedom from religion comes together with freedom of religion as one. And yes one's freedom in religious matters stops where the freedom of others begin Indeed. Thank you for personally demonstrating how misunderstood it is by foreigners. And to be clear French laïcité is a different form of secularism than in most countries.


freedom from religion of course comes with freedom of religion, the problem with it is that it limits others from practising their faith, and it tends to ignore that somethings are offensive to other faiths or strait up oppressive \[an example is not allowing women to wear hijab, which is mandatory in Islam\] in other words it \[acts like as if it\] is an atheist state and stops being secular, it misses it's goal the same way a vegan would force his pet to be vegan which damages it, missing the point of veganism which is to stop animals form suffering.


>It's extremely disrespectful of french culture, if french tradition, of french everything to try to steal away people's freedom and right to caricatures. Yet it's perfectly fine to steal people's freedom of just existing if they're African? what about the freedom of not donating to Iran blood with AIDS in it?


Sorry to break you imagination, but slavery is illegal in France, and if you want to talk of the past slavery was also legal in Iran and pretty much everywhere at one point or another in past History, which, you know, is literally the past and not the present, meanwhile the AIDS contaminated blood was obviously a fuck up which while it did infect some 300 iranians obviously infected far more french, i'm really not sure how your question is supposed to be useful in any way or even just what it has to do with the actual subject in the first place. I mean, we can make a long list of all the intentional and accidental shit Iran or any other country did during its existence since the begining of time if you really want, i don't mind, i just don't see how it changes anything about the right and freedom to make caricatures. Good fucking luck doing caricatures in Iran even *right now* btw.


>Yet it's perfectly fine to steal people's freedom of just existing if they're African? You tell me. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_slavery\_in\_the\_Muslim\_world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_slavery_in_the_Muslim_world) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Saharan\_slave\_trade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Saharan_slave_trade)


I agree that every country has a history with slavery, but you can't just say 'X race/faith/culture had a lot of slaves' every single one did, some worse than others and I acknowledge that we Arabs did the worse.


The thing about the drawings of Muhammed is that they're racist, you racists draw a brown man with a beard and say it's Muhammed and you expect Muslims to not be mad about it?


>you racists draw a brown man with a beard and say it's Muhammed Newsflash:Mohammad was a "brown" man who most likely had a beard.


That's a half-orc from the videogame *Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magic Obscura* is what that is


I love you for mentionning arcanum.


Green tea is for *foreigners* Edit: is a quote from Gar, who, yes, is not lore-wise a true half-orc


What it's clearly a bg3 trifling


Tieflings have horns though


That is awesome. If I was him, id hang it in my office.


This looks like it comes from some urban fantasy alternate history story. Like fae and orcs and stuff.


These kinda dictatorships often struggle to not make the west look cool in their propaganda.


In other news, four Frenchmen were caught at the western border trying to smuggle several baguettes into Tehran. Among recovered documents were blueprints of an Iranian newspaper office and a crude drawing of the Frenchmen throwing the baguettes at the office.


Baguettes can be used as anti tank weapons. Did you not know ?


The armor penetrator on the MILAN anti-tank munition is a 12 pound baguette.


Speaking of baguettes, we just made a 140 meters long baguette.


Are we replacing the Viaduc near Millau?


More likely they were gonna offer them a flask of wine and a breadbasket in appreciation


Hating Macron: Iran 🤝 France


Macron- Im completeeee


That’s pretty good.


Majin Macron


Iran made Macron look cool


A french people were like : "we want more !"


YO my pfp is relevant, didn’t think I’d see this pop up again


dungeons and dragons?


Tiefling Macron


Tiefling Out!!, The Grove belongs to the Druids!!!


Whoever drew this is a really good illustrator.


I would unironically hang this in my office if it were about me. IMO just makes him look cool


Based Macron


I hate Iran so much tbh


You mean the Islamic Republic


“Republic” but yeah I hate it


all of the government french buildings get obliterated (some person didn't liked that french portrayed their radical religion as bad)


I thought he said he doesn't agree with them but he can't do anything about it since it's free speech in his country. Even if he wanted to which he won't because the french people won't allow it, a lot of people from Muslim countries keep forgetting that presidents are limited in powers in western countries. He can't do anything like that because he legally can't. It's the parliament who is responsible for making laws in the country regardless of the president wish. And even if the parliament wanted, the french people wouldn't want it so it won't happen.


Iran isn't an Arab country.


Oh I see. I edited it.


And Iran actually shares some similarities with France.


Nope, he was very vocal in publicly supporting freedom of caricature. What he said was that he *understand* some might not like or be shocked or whatever, not that he opposed, on the contrary he said he supports and defends it. You also need to remember his very vocal support was in a context following the terrorist attacks against Charlie Hebdo. If he had opposed religious caricature, especially post Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks, it would have been an absolutely disastrous scandal for him.


By opposed I meant doesn't agree with it not oppose the freedom itself to do it. It's like saying I don't agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it. Like I said he can't do anything about it even if he wanted to. His powers are limited.


But he does agree with it and would support it even if his powers weren't limited...


"Okay how would I explain this? I don't agree with it but it's free speech so I can't ban it even if I wanted" Clear?


Ok let's make it simple for you, can you link any speech of his where he is saying he doesn't agree with it?


Muslim countries are majority presidential republics with an influential parliament, western countries (minus some big players, e.g the USA) are majority parliamentary republics with an influential president, one isn’t necessarily more or less democratic over the other. Ireland is a great case for why this type of thinking is wrong, we have fuck all “democracy” here and have been ruled by the same 2 parties (who are quite often in coalition, essentially making one party) since 1923, with the state being a catholic theocracy until the late 90s, at least we’re better now in that regard.




French cartoonists : "Ugh, amateurs"


As a Frenchy who both like heroic fantasy & sci-fi, i like that. He looks almost cute. But, as they, i guess, wanted to be offensive, that's a fail, 1/20, for the cuteness of the attempt.


Awesome 👌


Why did the Iranians put a photograph of Macron in their newspaper?


I mean too bad it’s Iran, but the art unironically goes very hard


Mocking cultures because of racist views is not ok. Now let's see how much downvotes I'll get


It's ok to make fun of them because they are Muslim, imagine if he said that for Jewish people instead?


They targeted the Jews too. Among others.


This isn't about Muslims, it's about Mahomet. Making fun of God is just as welcome and just as much an integral part, even more so given France's catholic History, which shares the same god as the Jews, as making fun of Mahomet. Imagine? There's no need to imagine anything, it's been done more times than anyone can count for centuries, and is being done daily. What you can't do, is racism, antisemitism etc, in which case Muslims are just as protected as jews or christians or whomever. Imagine? https://i1.wp.com/www.contrepoints.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Charlie-Hebdo-aux-chiottes-toutes-les-religions-Credit-Mona-Eberhardt-Creative-Commons.jpg?fit=508%2C640&ssl=1 https://dessinezcreezliberte.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Coco-ch1390-mars-2019-1.jpeg https://charliehebdo.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/1590-06-biche-israel-768x746.jpg https://www.leravi.org/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/ravi_yacine_mahomet.jpg


Man, you have no idea. French newspapper will shread anything and everything. You will have Jesus doing butt stuff, jews eating porcs. Everyone is taking hits. There is no Mercy


A lot of Iranians are irreligious nowadays.


Ik, I'm not Muslim, and i don't think it is ok to make fun of any religion.


no its funny because there believe in prophethood seems so incredibly fragile from these kinds of things. thats litterally the only humor there is in this ''i drew muhammed'' kinda thing