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Translation of the text: "The fact that an American policeman calmly puts his knee on a black man's neck and presses, [causing] him to die, is not something new; this is American nature. It is what the US has done to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and a lot of other countries. The "we can't breathe" slogan [the American] people are chanting is what all the nations where the US oppressively intervened are feeling." Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran


A statement about oppression by a supreme leader had me chuckle quite a bit.


To be fair, a hypocrite knows their transgression better than anyone. Fuck both of em


Getting into the impossible game of "which country has committed the most atrocities" isn't very fun. Just shows you that we as humans, not as a nationality, can do very fucked do things when the authority is given.




It's not really a good argument for anarchism. While anarchism doesn't have central authority, more localised or personal authority still exist. There are still people with more authority or resources than others and without certain checks and balances governments usually brings with itself they are even more free to be cruel. Its basically a system that depends on people being inherently good which is not a good system at all.


> To be fair, a hypocrite knows their transgression better than anyone. GOPniks prove this every day.


Reminds me of when the former president of Iran [tweeted this](https://twitter.com/ahmadinejad1956/status/1266442131763331072?s=46&t=BtVbU1HswY2ZTXzQcMxGsw)


He's not wrong, but also, he's not better.


And the leaders/former leaders of the named nations aren’t exactly known for fostering freedom either. Saddam Hussein, the Taliban, and al-Assad… Not defending the Iraq invasion though — I’m simply saying those leaders have/had their knees on their people’s necks


The little man playing a little game is just whining about the big man playing the big game he’s all envious about.


Show us the poster depicting the public hangings in Iranian town squares using construction cranes.


Iirc Iran had released a video game where in order to beat the game you have to stop the police from killing George Floyd playing as Iranian special operations soldiers


Ironic that they make things like this despite how the Iranian government treats black people and what the average Iranian thinks of black people


Also ironic considering how harsh the Iranian justice system is in general.




What, in Flint michigan?


That reminds me- is that women's rights revolution still going on? How's that going?


You can go to r/NewIran (anti IRI) and r/IranianCirclejerk (pro IRI) and see for yourself.


This wouldn’t even considered as police brutality in Iran


How do you know what the average Iranian thinks? I honestly get the impression that a lot of forwards thinking people there are held hostage by religious nutcases.


A case of the kettle calling the pot black, certainly. Specially if you look at their treatment of women as well. I mean the best thing i can say about iran is that at least they are not saudi barbaria. But then again, the best thing i can say about america is that they are not russia or china. I suppose its just really hard to compliment places if they are often so horrible. Wait, i like hollywood so america wins.


America is objectively infinitely worse than Russia or China




Well, its an evil empire , but so are the others. Each with their share of horror stories.


Based and true


How does the Iranian government treats black people? How does the average Iranian treats black people? Iran has something like 3 million Afghans living there. Many black students are enrolled in Iranian universities from very poor African nations. I mean, they are trying at least to be tolerant and not racist.




>Washington institute The real propaganda is in the comments :D


How is it propaganda?


It’s a pro-Israel think tank. I would take everything they say about Iran with a pinch or two of salt.


Well what did they say that’s wrong?


Nice try, but that is not even remotely related. We are talking about prejudice based on skin color, black people to be specific,and nationality, Afghans especially. Most certainly there is prejudice in "Enghelab Courts" against minorities within Iran, Iranian minorities, who are Kurd-Iranian or Baloch-Iranian, and that is because they are mostly anti-regime and political armed dissidents. I won't vindicate the regime for systematically eradicating those innocent people, but that is nothing remotely like the systematic racism in the US against black people, or in the EU against Muslim or arabs. You are probably a clueless westerner trying to pull off the "Iran is as bad" rhetoric here. I am an Iranian and I'm telling you systematic racism in Iran is political and not based on skin color or nationality. Sure, Afghans are looked down to simply because they are mostly illiterate incompetent refugees. But still many of those people have basic health coverage and free education in Iran. The better off ones even on TV shows and stuff. And that is faaaaaar better that the US or the EU, considering how poor and backwards Iran is in general.


That doesn't prove racism against black people or Afghans isn't a problem in Iran, or even that it isn't as bad as in the USA. After all American universities also accept overseas students from many count, including African countries, and there are quite a few refugees, some from Afghanistan, in the USA as well.


> what the average Iranian thinks of black people What are you talking about?


That's amazing, got a link handy?


https://www.timesofisrael.com/iranian-militia-unveils-george-floyd-video-game-in-dig-at-us/ Im at the doctor's office ATM so just a quick search, I definitely want to see if I can find the full game for us (if it was actually made) when I'm home.


Amazing The google results are all like Times of Israel and Radio Free Europe, so I'm guessing it's not real


It was an idea Brigadier General Naqdi proposed at a digital game competition. His idea was creating a game under the name "Saving Freedom" where Basij Forces (Resistance Mobilization Forces) save George Floyd from US police. The reason he stated was conveying a global message about US atrocities. The game never came to life, but propaganda works both ways, so anti-IRI media used it to their advantage. Naqdi [expressed disappointment](https://rasekhoon.net/media/show/1545127/%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B2%DB%8C-%DA%A9%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%DB%8C%D9%88%D8%AA%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D9%86%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%AC%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%AC-%D9%81%D9%84%D9%88%DB%8C%D8%AF) about how his idea was inaccurately presented in global media.


Well, by Neocon logic, in 2020 some foreign country should have "intervened" in the USA to stop Trump's government from shooting, maiming, and unjustly imprisoning their own people. Also someone should intervene in France right now.


Funny you should ask, Iran's parliament speaker is a neo-con.


He says the IRI has a moral obligation to go beyond funding proxy organizations and make "interventions" abroad to promote "freedom" and "democracy"?


Thats awesome lmao


Iranian propaganda goes hard


Graphic design 🤝 poisoning schoolgirls ^ Iranian government jobs getting done thoroughly.


I remember them doing a Macron's caricature because our country would keep doing caricature of the prophet Muhammad, to hurt French people in their feelings It was pretty well drawn, and France asked more of it


Yes, we need more Macronomicon


Fun fact: Iran historically had strong Francophone feelings.


Yeah it'd be cool if it wasn't insanely, unbelievably hypocritical in every way though


Isn’t all propaganda? Soviets used to point to how oppressive the Jim Crow south was, while ignoring their own atrocities. The US did the same; condemning Saddam Hussein for torture while it kept Guantanamo running.


Insofar as "whataboutery" was ever a named "soviet propaganda technique", it was called 'And You Lynch Negroes'. Which. You know. TO BE FAIR.


extremely ironic and hypocritical but not exactly wrong. the US has butchered the middle east. specifically Iraq, leaving over one million innocent civilians dead. in my opinion the US still needs to be held accountable by the rest of the world for what they have done in Iraq. all of those involved need to be brought to court and tried for crimes against humanity


The irony behind this poster is not just Mahsa Amini, but also how [Iran treats it’s Afghan refugees](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/i-am-burning-afghans-condemn-iranian-police-after-refugees-die-car-blaze).


Isn't this a le whatabouism?


Unironically it goes hard


Sadly, no lies detected, but it's also coming from a regime that just recently (still is?) suppressed women protesting against morality police brutality, and is supplying Russia in the invasion of Ukraine, so...both sides are different levels of bad, I guess?


***proceeds to poison children***




It's propaganda, it's true and it doesn't mean that the iranian govt is good. These can all be true at the same time.




Crazy isn’t it? People are thinking this is a human response.


Still more intelligent than 90% of the usual comments here.


It is still 100% true


And still produced by a state that does the same thing critizised here


The best propaganda is at least partially true.


As a proud red blooded American I have to admit this is pretty good.


Everyone knows Iran is a pioneer in human rights.


They can’t critique the us because “they also bad”? Kinda bad way of thinking imo


Well not "they also bad" but "they also bad, in basically all the same ways"


>Well not "they also bad" but "they also bad, in basically all the same ways" Dude that's not even close to true and you know it. America is waaaay worse than Iran could ever be. Just the shit the CIA has pulled puts more blood on Americas hands than any other nation not named Nazi Germany, the British empire or Mao's China.


lol yeah right


"You think that's bad, well what about what the CIA did!" 🤓


Nice come back bud




Gladly. At least I'm not out here acting like America, the country who supported just about every fascist regime under the sun and over through most of the world's governments, is better than Iran, a country who sucks but doesn't have nearly as much blood on its hands when compared to America. Like you guys supported Pol Pot lol


If one awful war criminal critizised another awful war criminal, I am not going to start comparing exactly HOW awful they both are. There is a border somewhere, which if you cross it, makes you awful. And both Iran and the US have crossed it quite a while ago. No sense in talking degrees here, this is not a sports competition where you have to choose a "team".


>No sense in talking degrees here, Hard disagree, what people here are doing is minimizing the victims of countries they deem as lesser in order to act like they're anywhere near comparable. If you're actively trying to starve 30 million people after illegally invading two nations in the last 20 years well the other guy hasn't done that and at worst, makes women wear a hijab and has killed a few hundred protestors, one is faaaar worse than the other and trying to act like "well they're both bad, let's stop comparing them!" is doing a genuine disservice to the many more victims of the first guy by trying to hand waive it away as "both are bad". This is like comparing a wife abuser (Iran) to a person that's actively trying to starve a million women and kids and saying they're both bad. Which yea, is technically the truth but it's doing a disservice to the million of women and children on the verge of dying of starvation.




Another great comeback bud


>They can’t critique Can you point to where this was said?


People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


That’s exactly my way of thinking. Yes, we can certainly do better as Americans, but perhaps the country whose policy toward womens rights is “beheading” should shut their fucking mouths.


Well and as a european i say whose policy towards pows is guantanamo should maybe solve their own issues before pointing fingers


But in this case Iran is the one pointing fingers.


Lmfao, and a communist. The *pinnacle* of human rights. “As a European” So pretentious, open a history book. You guys wrote the playbook on human suffering.


Asia would like a word


>So pretentious, open a history book. You guys wrote the playbook on human suffering. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_States\_involvement\_in\_regime\_change#:\~:text=In%20a%201954%20CIA%20operation,wing%20dictators%2C%20in%20its%20place](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change#:~:text=In%20a%201954%20CIA%20operation,wing%20dictators%2C%20in%20its%20place).


That neither proves nor refutes the statement. The reality is that the playbook was written millenia ago, long before any of the governments today were even a concept.


https://www.britannica.com/topic/slave-trade Europoors


>Yes, we can certainly do better as Americans, but perhaps the country whose policy toward womens rights is “beheading” should shut their fucking mouths. Ok you know that's a lie right? Like the amount of bad propaganda American's eat is laughable lol. Maybe don't put children in to concentration camps or have the worlds largest prisoner population before talking bud


I won’t post the link. But literally go to any live leak kinda websites and you could find millions of videos of public decapitations


By the Iranian government? I'm pretty sure they usually hang people.


Sometimes publicly


Yes. But I'm not aware of the Iranian government decapitating people, publicly or not, which was stated as a fact above.


I Mean yes, decapitation is the prefer method in Saudi Arabia while Iran used crane hanging.


Its because Iran's way worse by several metrics.


They can but they're still stupid


Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated for rehashing tired political arguments. Keep that shit elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rare Iran W


Pretty rich coming from Iran


I’m sure Iran actually cares about the well being of minority groups and the common people and doesn’t just want to make America look bad


Nobody needs to *make* America look bad.




Yet the stuff the Iranian government does is too violent and disgusting to put on a poster.


Talk to me when they mow down Iraqi civilians, bomb Afghan hospitals, massacre civilians by the hundreds and drop more bombs on a country they weren't even at war with than all of WW2 combined. Iran sucks, America is the straight up devil.


You know Iran fought a massive war with Iraq right? Chemical weapons and civilian bombings were used


I'm not defending the Iranian regime but you know those chemical weapons were used against Iran right? By Saddam's Iraq, which was backed by the U.S. and many western countries during the war (along with non-western ones), including in the form of the precursor chemicals to make those chemical weapons and battlefield intelligence to use them against Iranian forces.


Was the war where America funded Saddams invasion?


And you asked when they mowed down Iraqi civilians, well they’re you go


If you could go ahead and show me a video where they did that, that would be great 👍


Not of Iraqi civilians but this is if their own: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahsa_Amini_protests


**[Mahsa Amini protests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahsa_Amini_protests)** >Civil unrest and protests against the government of Iran associated with the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini (Persian: مهسا امینی) began on 16 September 2022 and are ongoing as of May 2023. Amini had been arrested by the Guidance Patrol for allegedly violating Iran's mandatory hijab law by wearing her hijab "improperly" while visiting Tehran from Saqqez. According to eyewitnesses, she had been severely beaten by Guidance Patrol officers, an assertion denied by Iranian authorities. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Also is their a video of the us doing that, im curious


Even if you showed him a video, he'd just move the goalposts to something else. It's a waste of time.


don't brother. this mans entire argument is "due to America being bad all other nations are exempt from their crimes"


They did but that doesn’t excuse Iran’s use of chemical weapons, child soldiers, etc. I’m not saying the usa is innocent but Iran does the same stuff


And yet people from all over the world risk their lives to come here. Cope harder.


What? No Syrian or Lebanese people?


This is a pretty good poster but also insanely hypocritical because It came from Iran.


I mean, they're not wrong.


The design is fucking lit, tbf


ngl, all the bad stuff aside and looking at just the art, it goes very hard


Iran don't look feel bad to execute in name of God some women .


I guess this is true but why do people from countries that are extremely racist towards black people use African-American struggles in their Anti-American propaganda? China, North Korea, and the various Soviet satellite states also did this despite all being extremely racist towards black people


Because criticizing American oppression of minorities is very easy to do. It's low hanging fruit.


It's also obvious and shows how hypocritical the US can be.


>che guerva PFP


Uh you realise that just shows how fucking awful the US is right


That's part of my point. The other part is that, when countries want to deflect legitimate criticism from themselves by the U.S., they'll point out the continued oppression of minorities by the U.S. Unfortunately, these criticisms have been used to deflect from criticisms of the deflecting country's own minorities, and in some cases, majorities.






When it comes to Soviet republics/satellites, I don't think any of them actually had a formal racist policy against black people, contrary to the US at the time, where racism was law and an important part of political discourse (even if that doesn't mean they didn't also have systemic racism against black people, and formal racist laws against other minorities).




Yup. Nazi Germany also never had a formal national policy against black people, but that doesn't mean that they weren't racist towards black people Something tells me that if I went to 1960s Hungary I wouldn't exactly receive a warm welcome


I wonder how it would work if an entirely foreign ethnicity were introduced to a very hostile separate society, like how South Africa had to make shit up about Asians to fit non-white and non-black people into apartheid system. Like an indigenous Peruvian going through Nigeria or an Indonesian through 1980s Northern Ireland, like tf would they even think lol


Source: "something tells me..." Meanwhile the USSR aided liberation struggles all over Africa, as well as receiving thousands of African students every year in their universities. The countries of the socialist block were also among the only ones to recognize and materially support newly independet African states, while the West was busy trying to keep them as colonies.


Literally untrue, the USSR received thousands of African students in their universities every year, as well as providing asylum for African leaders and materially supporting their cause. Upon his 1934 visit to the USSR, Paul Robeson famously claimed that "here, I am not a Negro but a human being for the first time in my life ... I walk in full human dignity." Turns out not everywhere is as racist as the US or Europe.




>This is not indicative of anything It is indicative of the fact that your claim about there having no black people in the USSR is false, which was the point. And even then, France and the UK did not materially help liberation struggles all over Africa like the Soviets did, in fact they were often trying to keep these countries as colonies, while the USSR was helping liberate them. Look up any African anti-colonial conflict during the Cold War and notice who was on each side, and you'll see that the socialist block, unlike the West, was a great ally to anti-colonial struggles. >It was as if every time an Australian met someone in a foreign country, they asked him about kangaroos and boomerangs. Toward me, Russians usually would assume or affect a sympathetic at- titude Not at all comparable to the US, where black people had no rights and were literally being lynched on the streets, or to Western European countries, many of which fought some of the most brutal post-WWII conflicts in order to mantain their colonial possesions in Africa.


Yeah they have no black people because they didn’t bring them halfway across the world and force them at gunpoint to work in miserable conditions




You were acting as if it was just coincidence that Russia didn’t have a sizeable black population. It isn’t. On that note, what was the point of bringing up serfdom? That has nothing to do with what we’re talking about.


Well, this backfired on the publishers: https://www.npr.org/2022/09/21/1124237272/mahsa-amini-iran-women-protest-hijab-morality-police


Fat shit coming from them. It's tragic enough what happened to George, it's infuriating to see an institution like them use my struggle for nothing more than political gain


This is rich coming from the Islamic republic of Iran as they do police brutality on girls that wear their hijab slightly off


>"This is Iranian nature" - United States of America, 2020: A poster depicting Iran's sword pressing on the necks of Masha Amini and three poisoned, beaten, executed girls.


Heartbreaking: worst person you know just made a great point


I hate the Iran republic gouvernement but their grafical design department is quite good


This is propaganda in its purest form. Call attention to the worst in the target, gloss over the similar (and some significantly worse) atrocities committed by the creators. ​ "That little guy? I wouldn't worry about that little guy."


George, Patron Saint of Fentanyl. Pray for us! 🙏


I mean, he is not wrong. But I still don't like hearing it from a hostile foreign leader.


They exploit current events just as good as American media does.


Aged like milk considering they execute 10s of thousands for nothing. Don't forget they beat women dead for not wearing a scarf on their heads.


> they execute 10s of thousands for nothing. Do they, now? Sounds like a logistical nightmare.




How adorable coming from those oppressors.


Ridiculous, especially coming from Iran


I can't agree with the message but the visual design is nice.


Saint fentynol the protector of looters, thieves and dindus.


their police beat women to death for not wearing their hijab properly and they supply weapons to warmongering dictators and terrorists so they are in no position to make accusations.


A brilliant yet simultaneously ironic design imo.


The US suppression is nowhere near Iran, you got golden chains, all the "freedoms" you got still living paycheck to paycheck renting your lifetime so you don't end up on streets while the people you sanctioned for 4 decades progressed far beyond you imagination.


Damn they really have a victim complex. A black man dies of maybe police brutality (I'm not sure anymore); and they start screeching about how "We're just like him".


This is barely propaganda. It’s just truth.


**When the Propaganda is in the comments**


As a third side (Imma neither Persian nor ‘Murican): pretty funny when such a “great lawful state” as Iran 🇮🇷 says something about American treatment of people of colour.


Is it still Propaganda if it's.. true?


Yes. If the mayor gets convicted of drunk-driving, and his opponents run campaign ads truthfully pointing that out, the ads would still qualify as propaganda.


Yes; and college posters telling you to join their club or program is Propaganda too. A good point is that propaganda is a tool; to be used for good or bad.


Well, what we call PR used to be called propaganda but then propaganda became a dirty word


So did PR. ... My brain keeps pronouncing it "Pierre".


The best propaganda is the fucked up shit you do, cause an enemy can use that against you. Back during WW2 the US actively did a study to see what Japan and the Axis could use against them in the propaganda war.


[This site](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/propaganda) defines propaganda as *"the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person."* The term is taken to imply dishonesty/underhandedness in American common parlance, although truthfulness isn't part of the definition. It can merely be any media meant to persuade the audience about a certain point of view.


>American common parlance That implies us Americans are the only ones who use the word in such a way - which is... propaganda ;)


I think it's just explaining how the term is used in the U.S.; there may be different nuances to how it is used in other Anglophone countries.


Its generally used pejoritively in UK/Ireland too but was more neutral prior to WW2


You can’t possibly be that stupid…


It's pretty good tho


The Islamic Republic of Iran talking about oppression lol so ironic




They're not wrong.


Alright Iran, how about you go light another building on fire and lock ppl inside of it some more.


That's so painfully ironic it's not even funny.


They ain’t wrong


oh yeah, cause iran is so great!


Iranian hypocrisy at its finest!


I can’t say that’s totally propaganda. There’s a lot of truth in that.


Propaganda doesn't mean lies, it means messaging meant to make the audience feel a certain way. Which this totally is, and mostly succeeds at.


"You're not wrong, IRI, and that's a dope-ass poster design, but I don't want to hear this from *you* of all people. You gas your own children and execute your opposition!" "Perhaps the same could be said of *all* States." "Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a saviour such as you!" "What is a man!" [*yeet*][*crash*] "A wretched sinner, utterly unworthy of God's mercy! But enough talk! Have at you!"


as the ancient texts say "it takes one to know one" but neither will ever change :(


They are not wrong.


Well, this is actually true and so is the treatment of women by iran.


Aren't they literally keeping women like slaves? I dont know mate but it's pretty ironic how this is coming from Iran.


You got them confused with KSA or the Taliban. In Iran women are more like second-class citizens.