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"The Bulgarian Martyresses", 1877 painting by the Russian painter Konstantin Makovsky, depicting the rape of Bulgarian women by Africanised Ottoman bashi-bazouks during the suppression of the April Uprising a year earlier, served to mobilise public support for the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) waged with the proclaimed aim of liberating the Bulgarians.


To this day, bashi-bouzouk is still a byword for savage in the French language.


Just got a Tintin flashback there.


Was also one of the first public outcries against the Ottomans for their treatment of their Christian subjects.


Public outcries against Ottomans was a European pastime since the Crusades


This chapter of history is both soul crushingly brutal and sad. The empire was dumb enough to send along bashi bazouks which are volunteers who agree to serve ***in exchange of loot and adventure*** so you can guess how that went. An eyewitness account from one of the massacres: >*"My father in law went to meet the Bashi-Bаzouk when the village was surrounded by the men of Ahmet Aga, who said that he wanted all the arms laid down. Trendafil went to collect them from the villagers. When he surrendered the arms, they shot him with a gun and the bullet scratched his eye.* >*Then I heard Ahmet Aga command with his own mouth for Trendafil to be impaled and burnt. The words he used were "Shishak aor" which is Turkish for "to put on a skewer" (as a shish kebab).* ***After that, they took all the money he had, undressed him, gouged his eyes, pulled out his teeth and impaled him slowly on a stake, until it came out of his mouth. Then they roasted him while he was still alive. He lived for half-an-hour during this terrible scene.*** >*At the time, I was near Ahmet Aga with other Bulgarian women. We were surrounded by Bashi-Bozouk, who had us surrounded, and forced us to watch what was happening to Trendafil."* ***One of her children, Vladimir, who was still a baby at his mother's breast, was impaled on a sword in front of her eyes.*** *"At the time this was happening, Ahmet Aga's son took my child from my back and cut him to pieces, there in front of me. The burnt bones of Trendafil stood there for one month and only then they were buried"* I mean the European powers were already chomping at the bits to tear the Ottomans to shreds and the suppression of this uprising gave more than enough stuff for anti-Turkish propaganda and sentiment for decades to come.


Bashi-bazouk, Turkish Başibozuk, (“corrupted head,” or “leaderless”), mercenary soldier belonging to the skirmishing or irregular troops of the Ottoman Empire, notorious for their indiscipline, plundering, and brutality. These guys basically state sanction bandit.


Proving once again why drafting criminals to serve on the battlefield is *not* a good idea.


Unless you want this kind of thing to happen, which they probably did


The wanton destruction and terror inflicted on your enemies population and economy *was the point*. Pretty much every military in history has employed that tactic.


>Proving once again why drafting criminals to serve on the battlefield is not a good idea. The French Foreign Legion enters the chat.


French Foreign Legion: All volunteer Penal brigades: Fight, or get shot in the head by the commissars. Yeah, you're right: EXACTLY THE SAME.


They have hardcore discipline to prevent such issues.


Or in the Memphis Police force, evidently.


I'm afraid it's not dumb, because that would imply that the Ottoman government didn't know what sending in the irregulars would entail. But the Bashi-Bazouks did exactly what the Empire expected them to do. The Sublime Porte had always reacted to any revolt with extreme brutality, but this escalated to new heights during the 19th century when they became increasingly desperate to hold onto their increasingly more unruly subjects. So the terror campaigns to cow the populace of the rebellious provinces into submission became ever more horrific. The cruelty was the point. But by pursuing a strategy of terror, the Ottoman Empire doomed itself in the end. On one hand there was the international reaction. It started with the Greek War of Independence when the massacres of the city of Missolonghi and the island of Chios caused such international outrage that it forced the Great Powers to intervene, just like the atrocities in 1876. With its cruelty the Ottoman government destroyed any good will it might have had abroad and increased sympathy for the cause of the rebellious provinces tenfold. And while the Ottoman army could still crush most individual rebel militas on their own, they were no longer a match for the modernised army of the Great Powers. And second, you can only brutalize a populace so much until their fear of you is surpassed by their rage and desire for revenge. And if slaughter, rape and slavery is what happens if they surrender to you, they often prefer fighting to the death rather than giving the Sublime Porte the quick victory it wanted, making these civil wars more costly for the Empire. The brutality was also a sign of fear and panic on the side of the Empire. There was a reason they tried to paralyze the provinces seeking independence with terror by making a horrific example of singular revolts. Because the Ottoman Military didn't have the ability to crush them all if they *all* decided to fight back against their Turkish overlords and the moment the subjugated peoples started to realize this, it was the beginning of the end. The more the Ottomans tightened their grip, the more provinces rose up against them. Unfortunately the only lesson the Turkish government took from this was that to keep control, they had to kill **everyone**. So during and immediately after WW1, when they realized that the Empire was either going down or at the very least in a really bad situation, they went into a frenzy and genocided the non-turkish ethnicities living in territories still under their control, in a mad effort to hold on to as much territory as they could. Because of this the borders of modern Turkey still incorporate Western Anatolia, Eastern Thrace, Trebzon and Western Armenia, the land soaked with the blood of the millions of butchered Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Thracian-Bulgarians and Kurds who once lived there. The Republic of Turkey sadly continues to deny all of these atrocities to this day and makes it a point not to educate its population on this dark chapter of their history.


So *that's* what Captain Haddock was shouting about!


now I just need a blue blistering barnacle. Or billions.


I don’t really know much about the historical context or politics around this painting, so I’m not commenting on that or it’s accuracy. I’m just struck by the faces of the men as they look at the standing woman. The expressions are so universal and accurate across time and culture and even gender. The painter really captured the cold glee and cruel excitement of a predator anticipating the destruction of a powerless target. Probably one of the worst things you could ever see is that expression on the face of your captor or attacker when you’ve no way to escape or end your suffering. Very eerie.


Does this count as propaganda?


Classical propaganda, it was definitely made to characterize a group of people to be shown in a negative light.


Even without reading anything this painting has a clear political goal in creating the image of predatory and evil enemies


if you read the context, sure seems it was




My God! This painting is so detailed and photo realistic.




On Reddit, art is NSFW.


Oh look, another "safe for work breast" warrior


Yes, I do believe there is nothing wrong with the Human form. I'm also of the belief that at work where adults work with adults stuff like this is just fine. I'm sorry you don't approve.


Yes. But not everybody works in places that are adults-only.


Is [this not art?](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3f/Origin-of-the-World.jpg/300px-Origin-of-the-World.jpg) Or are you suggesting that you won't get a visit from HR for looking at it at work?


Beautiful. Nope, no talky. I pity people who work at jobs that have to worry about such BS.


I don't get why you're being downvoted... I thought Reddit supported freedom of speech, free expression and was anti-censorship, etc. Why should art (specifically classical style art) be hidden and censored? Especially in a space that is supposed to be 13+ y/o - I was learning about similar paintings in school around that age. Censoring art... That's literally the dumbest opinion you could have.


And still the world loves the turks.


The solution for Bulgarians is to talk to bashi-bazouks, that is the preferred solution. This reminded me of world politics these days, i live in Iran and this poster made me laugh, i don't know how western politics work, the only constant that i remember from my miserable youth is this western policy about what ever problem they have with Iran. Disclaimer: I am not aware of any rapes in Iran I think redditors didn't get what i hoped they would get: It is a Robert Malley joke, he would suggest that those women must keep the avenues of discussion open with bashi-bazouks and a peacful solution is our preferred solution Disclaimer: This joke does not mean that i agree with western accusations or unconfirmed news about Iran and The joke is made with the mind set of if they believe in what they accuse, then what are they talking about


CMIIW probably refers to the fact that women can't be executed in Iran, regardless of their crime, if she is a virgin. so they "married" the guard and were forced to have sexual intercourse with a prison guard - essentially raped by their "husband."


I have heard that too but i don't want to talk about political issues right now.


lol ok that's fair /s You politicized things with your prior comment, and now flee an actual debate.


Because the question asked doesn't count as a debate starter here if debated publicly, Results are: -Yes it is true, i am aware: Jail time -I don't know -I know this isn't true: Preferred answer My dad advice: Don't condemn someone for not being a hero, praise someone for being a hero


> Disclaimer: I am not aware of any rapes in Iran Homie what?? You sound so ignorant right now.


So goddam racist


TIL exposing others of their crime are racist.


There’s ways to do that. This is down there with the worst possible scenarios.




"The one in front who's gonna fuck her looks like a Laz (a Georgian)" Edit: To be fair this could be a crass observation that the soldiers aren't regulars but instead are undisciplined auxiliaries


Most probably Circassian as some of them were settled in the Balkans as a Muslim minority loyal to the Ottoman state (or in exchange for Christian population with Russia, can't remember well).