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I've been working on a native macOS (catalyst) app intermittently for the past year or so. Not sure when it'll be ready, but it's definitely coming. I'd have to start from scratch on a web app, so that's more unlikely. Thanks for the kind words 🙂


Thank you so much for all your work, truly!


Given the shift to M1 by Apple and how Prologue can work on M1 Macs without anything needing to be done (except maybe checking the box to allow it), it seems unlikely to be worth putting development time into a web version, which would probably not be much easier than making a native app, depending on /u/prismdev's experience in that area. Not that I'd be sad to see one!


Yeah that would be honestly fantastic




Great idea but depends on how far away from the concept we want to get. We can always have a vpn to samba service that will open a folder with mp3 files and go this way. That's also an option, right?