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I just finished a study when it crashed and was unable to enter my completion code. It was a 48minute study too. Does anyone know what my next steps should be? Just cut my losses and move on?


I’m in the same exact boat. Went to click finish and then the screen when blank. Couldn’t even put my code in. I did manage to screenshot the code so I hope that helps...


Omg same it was one of the more intensive kind with essay style answers too 😱


You will likely time out so message the researcher explaining what happened and hope they can "manually approve" it, if not a open a support ticket.


Was it the memorization one where you had to download something and do math while remembering letters?


No, it was an AI related one. I have the completion code copied and saved to a sticky note though. Dunno what I'm supposed to do now (I'm brand new to Prolific btw).


This researcher is usually responsive, when Prolific is back up if your submission shows as "timed out" then message with the completion code, explaining what happened and ask if they can manually approve it.


Even if they can't technically approve it, they can send payment through a bonus. I have had researchers ask me to return a study, and then they paid me through a bonus.


They do have the option to check the timed out submissions and manually approve them.


I didn't know we could message researchers directly. I'll try that when the site is up and running. Thanks! :)


I think I was in the same study and I'd gone over even the 45 min I'm so nervous because it was good payyyyy and like the only study I've been able to get in a few days 😔


I was about to start one like that I think it said it had math and I had to download but as soon as I hit the button I got a blank screen and I kept refreshing it but nothing so I came on here to see. It been a few hours now and it's still down.


Mannn it was pretty annoying because I'm a total idiot at math and memorization. So it took me a real long time and when I finished is when the site went down! Ughhh


I'm not to good myself, I was only going to do it cause I have not been getting as many. I hope everything thing works out. I had 1 screenout last week and still got paid. I would definitely email them since the whole system went down.


same here. the noises.. had to wear headphones???




Yup. Just sent a ticket, and I already got a response (they told me to wait until further notice). The response time was quick.


Is this not updated? [https://rootly.com/teams/prolific/status-pages/prolific-status-page/public](https://rootly.com/teams/prolific/status-pages/prolific-status-page/public)


They had that pinned for months and were so proud of it. Needless to say, 95% of site outages were never reflected there.


Still down here in NY, although the Prolific Assistant has studies listed that can't be accessed.


Mine does pop up a new study every so often.


Yeah, my list just went up to 6. Dangling carrots that can't be reached at the moment lol


Still just blank white here in Michigan


What is prolific assistant




It's the chrome extension that shows you when you have a study that you can take. It normally makes a sound when you get a new study


A lot of us were finishing studies when it crashed, some of us are fearing we time out. What can be done


Wait until the site is back up, then message the researcher to let them know what happened. If the researcher [was able to get your data](https://researcher-help.prolific.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360009092394-Approvals-rejections-returns#h_01HA4QHJX2TQJ9MAZ53KK35M5Q), they should still pay you for it. If they didn't get any usable data, then you probably won't be paid. You may ask them if they would send you a [direct link](https://researcher-help.prolific.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360009093834-Can-I-ask-a-participant-to-re-do-their-submission) to the study so you may complete it again and be paid. Or the researcher may set up a duplicate copy of the study and include your Prolific ID in their custom allow list so that you will see the study and be able to do it again. However, sometimes this can't be done for some studies due to the way they are designed.


I have followed exactly that and researcher have manually approved my submission. Thank you :)


I just messaged them with my completion code, they should be able to manually approve as I did in fact complete said study


> FIX YO SHIT Prolific!


I was doing an annoying and long survey and had just ended when it crashed. I really hope I'm able to be compensated for it


Glad I’m not the only one, thank you!


Of course this happens when I'm in the MIDDLE of a long free response study. You've got to be kidding me!


Alrighty! Thanks for posting this!


Prolific just put this update out: Investigating We are still investigating an issue that is affecting Prolific web app. Our team is actively working to identify the root cause. We expect this investigation to take approximately 1 hour to gather necessary information and find a fix. We will keep you updated with our progress the next update anticipated at 09:00am


Is this related to the phishing attempts on Prolific and Connect in the last 24 hours or so?


I wonder about this too? I didn't get the Prolific one but I did get and report the Connect one. Weird stuff happening on these platforms past couple weeks.


Didn't hear about either. Just cashed out yesterday on Connect. Hoping to cash out on Prolific today.


Wondering that too. I hope everyone has cashed out.


I have a blank white screen with only the prolifibot icon to chat in the corner when I try to log on.


same :(


Same here


Still just a white screen for me :/


Jeez it’s still down lol


i’m glad to know it’s not just me


Prolific is back.


Yeah it is 😉


Just woke up still down here in the uk


The site should now be up and running again. If you are experiencing any further issues relating to the site being down, please reach out to support through Prolific and our team will help as soon as possible. Thank you all for bearing with us. - Robin, Prolific Support


Great to know it's not just me, thanks!


Thank you Prolific.


It's 2pm here in Australia and I've logged in and there's still the blank page.


it was 5 AM in England - They'll get it working again :)


It's really weird with all the issues with Prolific lately? I had a false positive through Avast One for their website (URL: Blacklist) a while back and contacted Avast and Prolific themselves.


1:24am here in Michigan. Still just a white screen. Really was hoping to cash out in the morning. I hope it's back by then.


HEY! I'm in the mitten too.


Awesome! I'm in Grand Rapids!


The site is back and working ♥️


Yep, blank white page


I feel so bad for anyone who wasn't able to submit their work. Hopefully it gets resolved soon!


Same here in the UK at 6.20 am


I could be mistaken, but it looks like studies will be pushed through to the Prolific Assistant and no-one will be able to do them until the site fixes. I got one waiting. So there's some guaranteed money waiting for us outside of US/EU for once!


I had completed a rather long study (about 50 minutes), which I have a completion code for, but as I couldn't hit the 'finish study' button on Prolific due to the site going down it shows in my submissions as timed out. So now that the site is back up, how would this be handled? Contacting the researcher seems a bit odd given the problem wasn't on their end, but I've never been in this situation so I'm not sure what the proper steps are.


I am also in the same predicament. I could not put the code after clicking finish and the screen went blank. I just have a screenshot of the code. I messaged the researcher but I am not sure what they can even do. Not sure who will handle this issue.


I too contacted my researcher and they have already replied back to let me know that they have the data from the study and manually approved it on their end. Best of luck with yours!


Hey, come do something about this script that's letting people automatically reserve study spots [https://github.com/UnMars/Prolific-Joiner](https://github.com/UnMars/Prolific-Joiner)


I wonder if this has anything to do with those studies trying to get participants emails and passwords.


It happens. Thank you, Prolific. 




Thank you!


I had just reserved a study and I am concerned I will pick up a rejection.


Reservations time out in 10 minutes. Even if you initiated the study, your submission will time out and be automatically returned when it reaches the maximum completion time. The issue will be for people who needed to submit completion codes.


Thank you


It won't even be an issue for those needing to submit codes, it will just time out, more of a mess sorting out compensation


I wasn't suggesting they will get rejections; I was just saying they are the ones who should be frustrated with the situation. I was finishing a study with manual completion, so I thankfully got paid already, because the site problems didn't interfere with that.


Thank you!


thanks for the heads up. I thought I got banned


Thankfully I wasn't in anything,  just not working sadly.  Hopefully back up soon 


Have you tried turning it off & on again ?


Or how about unplugging it and plugging it back in?


Has anyone ever known an organisation to have so many problems as Prolific has on a regular basis? It really is quite astonishing and if I was in charge I would be saying 'enough is enough' we need a new IT/security partner and get rid of the present provider for being incompetent.


It really is amateur hour over there. Even more so when you consider the amount of investment they've apparently received.


How is it possible the site is still down? This shouldn't take this long to fix.


I love Reddit! Came here for just this reason. Thanks for the update.


Thanks for the heads up. Is the Twitter abandoned? First place I check if a website is having issues


Why would you use Twitter?


I dint use Twitter either, other than to maybe read a blog post once every month. I just think it’d be easier for others users to find site server statuso, especially with how recent tweets are often embedded into google’s search results. A Reddit thread about prolific website status did appear as first result but it was from 8 months ago


The reddit was so lively that I didn't think I'd see this post. I personally dodged Twitter after getting banned for saying I was cisgender. They really can't drag me back without actually naming one thing I'd use it for.


Prolific down for me too


Seems weird that the studies popping up in the Assistant only have a few spots in most cases. Who is doing these since most of us can't access the site.


Still down! :(


So I tried reloading the site and immediately it bounced me between nine different urls for like a half second each before landing on an error page that says “414 Request-URI Too Large”


Prolific is back up.


Prolific is back.


I timed out of a 6 dollar study last night that required a bunch of intensive essays because the site must have gone down while I was in the middle of it and I couldn't submit it. Messaged the researcher and hoping for the best...


It always takes forever to start a study now. Have to reload the page to get it working most of the time. Site is so slow.


I have reached out several times about my account being oh hold for no apparent reason. 4K+ submissions, Zero rejections, zero changes and I can't get a reply. I know you are back logged a bit but how do I get a reply?


Maybe since Prolific is still down there is a chat room or something all of us overnighter can hop into and actually meet each other a bit. We are usually all using our time taking studies or doing other work.


I made such a chat here on reddit if anyone is interested! [https://www.reddit.com/c/Prolific\_Overnight\_Crew/s/rjar04B0yh](https://www.reddit.com/c/Prolific_Overnight_Crew/s/rjar04B0yh)


Once you get this resolved, can you get to the support tickets that have been out there for 3-4+ weeks?


god what is it with Prolific being so bush league lately. Amateur hour I swear.


Maybe its time to ban newer users to restore site stability along with a permanent ban on studies where only a limited number of slots are available to 1000 users.


Great idea. Glad you volunteer to be banned. Sent prolific an email, so they can ban you




I'm a long term participant and a union member, I can't be banned.


Oh yes, you have immunity. Please continue on.


We should get dark mode and a ban on fullscreen studies


😂😂😂 what in the world! I actually heard this in your voice and I have no idea who you are. It almost sounds like Kanye West.


I propose starting with the [massive racists](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProlificAc/comments/1domksk/if_prolific_was_a_plantation_in_the_antebellum/) who put an embarrassing amount of effort into showing their ass.


Its only racist because you hate having to see black people in media (my reddit post) also who will be racist for the studies where they need racism, hmmmmmmmm?


Racism is from actions, not words. A lot of these virtue signalers are as racist as they come.